The Rose Ray ~ COSMIC CONVERGENCE * The Galactic Alliance and the Source Creator ~ Incoming Divine Diamond Light Codes
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Great Bright Radiant Ones of our Blessed Wheel of Dharma
Happy Losar, Tibetan New Year of the Wood Snake begins today on February 28th.
To usher in this Tibetan New Year we have Mercury our Magical Planet of Communication and Alchemy joining our Parade of Planets as 7 of our planets come into alignment tonight in the Night Sky joining our Aurora Nation in Celestial Magnificence and Divine Intervention.
All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are prepared and on standby as our Ground Crew Team make our Quantum Shift of all Ages into the Satya Yuga of the New Golden Age of Peace, Joy, Prosperity, Abundance, Health and Liberation in the Light.
Our Rainbow Tribe along with our Galactics, Buddhas and Company of Heaven join forces to dissolve and resolve all impediments and obstacles along the Way of our Ascension Journey. In these final days of the false 3d matrix keep holding the light and our most benevolent timeline for the highest good of all involved.
Nothing and no one can stop us in our Divine Missions of full Planetary Liberation for this is the moment within all space time continuums that we break through and break free from all nefarious time loops and traps and open the cages of humanity to set free all of our Good People from all slavery systems of manipulation and control to become the Sovereign Conscious Co-creators of the Pure Land of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
A profound shift took place last night as the veil became thinner than ever. We are being bathed in the Pink Rose Ray energies of pure Divine Love, activating both the Higher Heart and the Third Eye, unlocking one of the most powerful ancient sacred gifts of true Divine Connection—the Eye to Eye and Heart to Heart—restoring Truth and deep remembrance, where nothing will remain hidden any longer.
“The Galactic Alliance and the Source Creator confirm that the time for liberation is now. The dark power parasites’ grip on humanity’s finances is being broken.
“We decree that all stolen wealth, resources, and energies are returned to their rightful owners – the people of Earth. This includes the release of all hidden funds, treasures, and technologies.
“The cosmic energies are aligning to support this manifestation. The Universe is responding to your call for freedom and restoration.”
Today is an extraordinary convergence of cosmic forces!
Planetary Alignment:
The rare alignment of seven planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. As these planets align, their energies will harmonise or mirror where we are blocked or in misalignment, and this event will not be seen again until 2040, encouraging us to reflect on the interconnectedness of all things.
Energetic Shifts from the Sun & Schumann Resonance Anomalies:
The sun is sending powerful energetic waves toward Earth, stirring changes within our energy fields. These solar energies, combined with the increasing Schumann resonance anomalies (which measure Earth’s electromagnetic frequency), create a heightened state of awareness and awakening. You may feel more sensitive to energy shifts and emotional surges as the Earth herself is resonating with these cosmic influences. These energetic pulses are guiding us toward higher states of consciousness and alignment with the divine.
New Moon in Pisces:
The New Moon in Pisces amplifies these energies, offering introspection, emotional healing, and the setting of new intentions. Pisces, the sign of dreams and intuition, will invite you to dive deep within and connect with your inner wisdom. This is a time to release old emotional patterns, trust your instincts, and plant seeds for spiritual growth, creativity, and healing. The New Moon in Pisces calls for quiet reflection, creative exploration, and embracing the mystical aspects of life.
That’s a lot of energy to deal with in one day. This will carry forward into the weekend. I hope it is a smooth time for you all.
2/28/25: Now that February’s energy has pulled back, today is the ember that sparks the shift. It only takes one match for an inferno, one stone for an avalanche, and one little insight for a transformation. Today has no allegiances or loyalties. Its purpose is to trigger change… without consideration of consequences or outcomes. It is the act that matters. What this ultimately means will unfold under the scrutiny of the emerging inscrutable Snake… and whatever you decide to do with March.
28.2.25 Mercury joins the planetary parade making an extremely rare alignment of 7 planets and bringing in a further major theme of Communication and Learning
Do not overlook this event as it has great messages for you in terms of understanding your whole life and for witnessing your part as a conduit for transformation.
In general we are all likely to witness a sense of death across 2025 at various points, as we loose our identities with the way things used to work and look to step into the way things are aligning. This may be a more difficult experience for those who are awakened to higher frequency source energy as we witness the resistance of those who do not possess six sense vision or higher dimensional sensory abilities.
We might feel pulled back by the darker energies of the fears that come with change and may even feel further separated from a connection with the local and global communities. Do not be troubled by sensing a false identification with the split in dimensions.
Those who feel more deeply may have the sense of the shift away from 5D and experience a false belief of being left behind in the 3D realm. This is a temporary experience caused by the huge shift in cosmic dynamics happening at this time, including the movement within the transition of death, by which many souls are reaching higher frequencies upon their immediate passing, due to the upgrades felt and undergone during their earthly life.
The Great Solar Flash is a unique event that will take place very shortly on our planet!
For many years, people have been looking for this event. It has been called a “phantom” event by some, but it is real. It has been recorded in history since at least AD 778.
The Flash would be a powerful burst of cosmic light that would leave you feeling as if you had been reborn, as every cell of your being was recharged with new energy. The Flash of light that will be seen for miles as it illuminates the sky.
It will cleanse your body and your consciousness of all negative energies.
The light of the solar Flash will eliminate most diseases and illnesses. It will have a positive effect on your DNA and on the evolution of mankind.
The Great Solar Flash is a potential future event that will be caused by the solar system entering a new state of higher consciousness.
The occurrence of this event will be triggered by the Sun entering into a new level of awareness, which will then trigger the Sun’s magnetic field to become aligned with Earth’s field and cause an energetic shift in our solar system. This can happen at any time.
The Solar Flash is a very rare and powerful event that occurs once every 1,500 years. It occurs when the Sun becomes so large that its gravity can no longer hold it in orbit around Earth. The Sun will then explode, greatly expanding its size and sending out lethal radiation throughout the solar system.
The light of the solar Flash will be like nothing you have experienced before—it will be an explosion of light that will fill every dimension of space-time with its healing power.
It’s the only way to avoid a collapse of civilization and the only way to save our planet from pollution and damage.
This solar Flash is an intense one that often brings physical, emotional, and mental changes to allow you to clear old patterns and let go of old beliefs that no longer resonate with you.
It’s a great time to take action on your goals and dreams, as well as to deepen your commitment to your spiritual practice.
This solar Flash can be a difficult time for you if you’ve been holding onto old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve you.
For example, if you have been in an abusive relationship for many years but now want out of it, it may be a challenging time for you to let go of the attachment and hurt that happened in that relationship.
This is just an example of how this solar Flash can affect your life depending on how much emotional energy it carries into your reality.
The Solar Flash is a powerful and sacred tool that has been used for thousands of years. It was originally designed to help people who were experiencing difficult times, but it can also help you in your ascension process.
The Great Solar Flash helps in our ascension process by helping us to become more aware of our connection with the Galactic Family and with Mother Earth.
This is also a time for us to remember where we came from, why we are here, and what our purpose is in this life experience on Earth.
The solar Flash can help you communicate with your higher self as well as guide you through the process of ascension.
It will also help you to identify what is blocking you from moving forward in your life so that you can clear these ideas out of your mind and move forward with confidence.
The solar Flash will give you a glimpse into what’s going on around the planet at this moment in time and how it relates to your own personal development. This will help to give you insight into what’s happening in the universe around us at large and also within our own lives.
The Solar Flash is the moment when your Lightbody and the Earth’s aura merge. This is an incredibly powerful moment in our ascension process, as you will be able to feel the Earth’s energy flowing through you.
You will feel how it connects with your own energy field and merges with it, making a complete whole.
At this point, we can safely say that you are truly one with the Earth, for you have become one with Source energy! You are now a walking embodiment of Love and Light, for you have merged with Mother Earth herself.
The Solar Flash is a powerful healing and ascension process. It is the final step of the solar cycle when the Sun reaches its highest point in our sky. This event occurs when the Earth passes through a large patch of plasma, which connects us with higher dimensions.
The Solar Flash is a gift that we can receive when we are ready to ascend and be with our true selves. The best way to prepare for this event is through meditation and by doing the work required for ascension on Earth.
This process helps us release old patterns, beliefs, and attachments that no longer serve us so that we can move forward with clarity and purpose. We will learn how to live from a place of love rather than fear or resistance. This is why the Solar Flash is such an integral part of our ascension process!
Dear friends, as we enter the Eclipse Season, a powerful cosmic convergence is unfolding. The New Moon in Pisces energies are combining with an ongoing solar moderate geomagnetic storm (G2) and solar winds, creating a synergistic effect that amplifies and intensifies the transformative potential of this period.
The New Moon in Pisces is a deeply spiritual and intuitive energy, calling us to connect with the collective unconscious, tap into our empathetic nature, and surrender to the mysteries of the universe. As we attune to this energy, we become more receptive to the subtle vibrations and energies surrounding us.
Meanwhile, the solar winds are bringing increased cosmic radiation and charged particles to our planet. This can stimulate our DNA, awakening dormant codes and promoting spiritual evolution. The interaction between the solar winds and the Earth’s magnetic field can also cause disturbances, leading to increased nervous system sensitivity and awareness.
Furthermore, the ongoing rare alignment of 7 planets – Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune – is adding an extra layer of complexity and depth to this cosmic convergence. This unique alignment that will not be happening again until the year 2492, is bringing a potent mix of energies, from the spiritual and philosophical (Saturn and Jupiter) to the passionate and transformative (Mars and Venus). The presence of Uranus and Neptune adds an unpredictable and mystical quality, while Mercury’s influence facilitates communication and mental clarity.
As these celestial energies converge, they activate the collective unconscious, allowing us to tap into the shared reservoir of archetypes and experiences. This facilitates a deeper sense of connection with others and the universe, fostering empathy, compassion, and understanding. At the same time, this powerful convergence is stirring deep wounds in the collective they need to be healed, leading to more emotional volatility worldwide.
As we embark on this Eclipse Season, this synergistic effect can turbocharge our transformation and renewal processes. The energies can facilitate a deeper release of old patterns, habits, and karma, making way for new insights, perspectives, and opportunities. It’s essential to stay grounded and centered, engaging in practices that promote emotional and intuitive balance, such as meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature.
By staying open to the universe and its guidance, we can harness the potential of this cosmic convergence. This is a powerful and intense energetic cocktail, so be gentle with yourself this weekend and allow the universe to guide you through this transformative process. You may feel some lethargy, and a need for more sleep to assimilate these light codes. Stay well hydrated as well.
As we begin the new month of March, a number three month, we can expect a shift in frequency, amplifying creativity, manifestation, and positive growth. This energetic upgrade will support us in integrating the insights and transformations from the previous month, and propel us forward into a new cycle of expansion and evolution as we witness the first eclipses of the year. The number three vibration is associated with the Trinity, representing the union of body, mind, and spirit. As we align with this frequency, we’ll be invited to embody our highest expression, cultivating greater harmony, balance, and unity within ourselves and the world around us.
To The Ascension LightWorker Collective: On February 28th a rare astrological event will shape earths fate, as the Cosmic Key undergoes a profound reboot and reset. The 7-star alignment, occurring once every 77 years will send the Earth’s magnetic energy soaring. This celestial phenomenon will create seven star paths that will traverse space and time, holding immense potential for accelerated transformation.
A time in planeatary astrology that corresponds to a certain part of the night known as the “high hour” a symbolic event in astrology representing a powerful connection In the cosmos, the planets will form a celestial chain, a map in the sky that shows the position of celestial bodies at a specific time, this has been long predicted in Astrology .
On the day when the seven stars cross the sky the threads of cause and effect will be revealed in the mirror of the Milky Way. This is when the energy of our galaxy universe will be at a peak and at its strongest.
Whenever a seven star alignment occurs in our planetary system it makes a profound shift in human destiny. A seven star alignment only happens once every 77 years and this time it is the most precise alignment in 300 years .
This also means it is the highest cosmic magnetic energy we have known as the planetary energy will be 7 times stronger than usual . This rare event will intensify and effect every individual and human collective as a whole , this planetary activity is realigning .
It is becoming evident that a significant global paradigm shift is imminent, creating a heightened sense of sensitivity among ascending individuals as we all navigate these radical transformative times.
The impact of these changes is being felt uniquely by each Starseed with some experiencing intense physical and psychological ascension symptoms as their internal bodies react to the potent energy surrounding around us all.
The Ascending may find it difficult during this planetary activation to remain grounded while navigating extensive energy changes . This powerful energetic influx may leave some feeling a bit disoriented, restless, and apprehensive about the impending shifts ahead .
The ascending recognise that these sensations are part of the evolutionary process we have all long been awaiting and preparing for. We are standing on the threshold of a momentous era characterised by radical and swift transformations. The stage is set for profound metamorphosis on all levels.
Star seeds have finally completed their karmic cycles here on earth and are breaking free from outdated karmic patterns and cycles of the death / rebirth human experiences.
This liberation represents a new chapter, unbound by past lower energy constraints, new earth energy activates a fresh beginning in earth for those ascending a conscious reality of truth , and conscious enlightenment is taking shape .
All Starseeds are activating the original blueprint in these unfolding changes with openness and readiness this leads the ascending collective towards a future where transformation, renewal, and liberation intertwine to shape the new earth reality.
Star seeds have historically incarnated on Earth to undergo their karmic lessons in human form. However the cosmic cycles governing star seed’s journey have now concluded. As they re-enter the planet they are transitioning into earth roles as ambassadors, teachers, intuitive healers, and metaphysical leaders and more.
These evolved beings no longer need to repeat the cycle of human experiences in planetary realms. Instead they are embracing their new identities as true examples of enlightenment, aligning with the Ascension Light team community. With these prominent shifts, everything falls into divine alignment and placement marking the dawn of a new chapter where star seeds confidently embody their higher self expression and engage in collaborative efforts towards collective ascension.
Collectively and individually the ascending are all transitioning into a new and expanded state of conscious being. As incredible as this transition is there are some uncomfortable aspects which can at times feel challenging to navigate.
Currently we are having to adjust to our energy field’s new configuration and as a result the physical body is taking strain as it integrates and attunes to the new earth’s frequencies of light energy that is flowing through our physical system.
These final days of February represent the end of a long cycle of inner healing and transformation. There may be a need for you to slow down and allow space and time to acclimatise and adjust to the inner changes that are occurring.
Our Planet is going through a Radical Metamorphosis as significant shifts take place in a short amount of time, in the next coming days , Cosmic Doors open into new earth timelines commencung 1-3-2025, Our Solar System aligns in preparation to receive profound surges of higher planetary frequencies.
These particular planetary Energies will activate many dormant Strands within the DNA’s structure. Strands of DNA Activation influences the higher levels of Consciousness.
Prepare for major system upgrades over the next few weeks .These Frequencies increase Telepathy abilities, heightens the sensory structures and strengthens the Immune System as the Angelic- Human Template begins its activation course within the human experience .
The number 9 universal year, will highlight and emphadise closure , this will be imminent in most areas where necessary. Ascending Starseeds may experience endings at this time of outdated cycles in life, releasing what no longer serves. Unhealthy friendships and relationships may begin to dissolve at this time causing shifts in resonance with friends, loved ones, family, as well as current work roles.
As energetic beings we are undergoing a profound upgrade from the inside out, reflecting the universal principle of ‘as within so without.’ Embracing this transformation releasing fear as the ascending self now leaves behind the outdated game of duality. The dismantling of the old paradigm is well under way and will only intensify at incredible speeds throughout 2025.
The time is Now, the time we have been waiting for preparing over many lifetimes collectively in preparation for the biggest transformation in human history. Light Workers / Starseed Souls incarnated here to anchor higher consciousness frequencies into the physical self co creating with the unfoldment of planetary ascension, one of the most important ascension tasks at hand.
The Ascending may be feeling emotionally, physically, mentally and or spiritually exhausted and will need some time out to recover . Doing what needs to be done to recharge and restore inner strength and balance, this now becomes a stronger focus. .
The Ascending are Creating a stable and secure foundation in new earth energy living, anything in this world that is out of earths vibrational alignment and balance, anything inauthentic, deceptive and inappropriate is coming to the surface .
The ascending are being called to take a deeper dive within to connect to higher source wisdom, knowing and guidance. A time to reflect on what this planet and expression in self was built on, dismantling the exisiting matrix paradigm of its negative influence,
The Ascending are in their final stages of closing out the previous Pisces era of deceptive illusions , the age of Aquarius activates this profound transformation of truthful awareness taking place on earth and in humans. Starseeds now prepare for accelerated transmissions .
A growth spurt is attracting new people that are more your vibe. These people are ready and welcoming you in. Emotions may come to the surface to create space. Ride the waves as an observer by focusing on inspired projects and ideas. Doing so will support being heart opened to receive these new relationships.
On Friday, February 28th, we are still immersed in the energies of the New Moon in Pisces from yesterday. This has opened up a portal of heightened healing, evolution and the idea that “anything is possible” as we get ready to enter March with two powerful Eclipses. Today the Moon in Pisces connects with Mars, the Activator, Saturn, the Manifestor, Uranus, the Awakener, and Mercury, the Messenger.
There is still time to do your meditation, reflections, intentions, ceremony and rituals. Visualize your dreams, hopes and aspirations. We are in the field of potential. Make it count!
‘Lunar’ is the name for the number 2 and it’s key words are ‘Challenge, Polarize and Stabilize.’ To proceed through this wavespell we must first identify the challenges that lay ahead. Before we can turn a challenge around and solve the problem we must first identify the issue. Take a look today at what is holding you back and make a plan to do something about it.
Today is Yellow Warrior and the key words associated with it are ‘Intelligence, Fearlessness and Questioning’. Yellow Warrior invites us to go on a mission, to accept a quest. Contemplate today what you could achieve using your willpower and by thinking like the warrior. Wield a sword and don’t be shy about marching forth. Yellow Warrior days are all about wielding your will power, using your intelligence and asking the questions. When you combine the meaning of both the number and day the result is ‘facing challenges with fearlessness’. It’s a great combo today because who better to deal with challenges then the warrior? The Yellow Warrior loves missions and quests, so today try to be a warrior and you will find dealing with problems will be easy-peasy.
The Guide today is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance.’ Follow the guiding star today and it will lead to beautiful experiences. May your quest be about discovering art and appreciating the beautiful world that’s around you.
The Challenge of the day is White Worldbridger, so if you were born on Worldbridger day, you will find it tough going, like everyone else, you must use your will power and be a warrior. The Worldbridger teaches diplomacy and eith today being a number 2 day there’s a good chance you’ll need some diplomacy as you may find yourself in an argument if you’re not careful.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent which invites you to shed your old skin and emerge feeling like a new person. In this magical position the Serpent is powerful and can really help you transmute any poison within you. This symbolizes letting go of pain or fear or anything that does you no good.
The Ally is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. Consult one if you need help today, their dreams can inspire you. If you are a Blue Night, you can be very helpful to others today influencing people with your great imagination.
MANTRA I polarize in order to Question Stabilizing Fearlessness I seal the output of Intelligence With the Lunar tone of Challenge I AM guided by the power of Elegance.
28/2/2025 = 10/2/9= 10/11 = 1/11 =1/2=3
111 new beginnings portal 1.2.3 – Forward progress
28- Planning for the future/manifestation 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power 1- New beginnings/Leader/Original/Independent/Unique 3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication MONTH/YEAR codes
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 236 =11 = 2 LUNAR TONE CHALLENGE = TONE #2 2.2.
A beautiful line up of DIVINE codes today for manifestation and NEW BEGINNINGS.. – it is TIME for Heavenly PEACE, UNION and CO-OPERATION!!!
WARNING!! KIN 236 can be one of the most argumentative, combative and challenging codes in the DREAMSPELL to master.
Today’s code – the Yellow WARRIOR, PLUS Lunar tone of CHALLENGE – questioning authority and reality – can be very combustible with the volatility to cause ARGUMENTS, conflict, uprisings and rebellion… Watch out for more dissension to erupt!
Be AWARE and intelligently choose to be the PEACEFUL SPIRITUAL WARRIOR!!
NOTE: The GOOD NEWS is that with LAMAT as the higher guide – the RAINBOW WARRIORS of NEW EARTH, focused on PEACE and HARMONY, will be EMPOWERED and find their VOICE.
GRAND PLANETARY ALIGNMENT! Today 28 FEB 2025 – all 7 planets will appear to be ALIGNED through our VISION on EARTH.. As such this potent event will act to BRING US INTO ALIGNMENT and BALANCE.. Working with the LUNAR TONE of CHALLENGE – these STRONG celestial forces will be working in OUR FAVOUR to SMASH through all obstacles and CHALLENGES.
Summon these benefic forces to support your upward thrust for accelerated FORWARD MOMENTUM on this 1.2.3 progressive day
Day 2 in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE – the DIVINE PLAN for humanity – so that we can CREATE IT!….
Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED!
Today we are fearlessly QUESTIONing the duality conflicts of the old paradigm, in order to ENVISION and CREATE a more harmonious world of UNITY, LOVE, PEACE and ABUNDANCE!
LUNAR– Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing. Today we are focused on the PHYSICAL plane and how we can anchor the collective VISION of PEACE, HARMONY & ABUNDANCE in our PHYSICAL reality.
A day filled with uncovering how you can transcend the see saw challenges to infinite abundance and JOY … examining and questioning the separation between the “HAVES” and the “HAVE NOTS” – It is time to BALANCE and HARMONIZE this discrepancy.
NOW is THE TIME to step out of the duality game, and all its possible challenges in order to move into more constant FLOW.
DISENGAGE – and choose NOT to play the MATRIX game!
Polarity reveals your conflicts, struggles, and the apparent separation created by your belief in duality. Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliances. In cooperation, all polarities serve as backgrounds for full appreciation of one another and the whole. Examine the opposites and polarity to giving and receiving JOY and abundance… allow yourself to RECEIVE and rise ABOVE any lack or illusion.
NOTE: Be mindful of any conflicts/relationship challenges that arise today, revealing what needs to be addressed in order to reach equilibrium and harmony in your life.
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW LUNAR WARRIOR CIB is the FEARLESS and driven RAINBOW WARRIOR, who QUEST-I-ON-s our physical reality, and the nature of our existence. The Warrior uses his intelligence to cut through the ignorance of the illusory world, by challenging the status quo.
His fearless spirit cuts through obstacles along the way, so that others may follow paths of increasing intelligence. The YELLOW WARRIOR banishes FEAR, so that you can see your true face bright and clear.
BLUE EAGLE is also FEARLESS, so he imbues the WARRIOR with bottomless courage, borne of wisdom and foresight. The EAGLE provides the clarity to SEE SOLUTIONS – which enables the WARRIOR to become a mediator and instrument of PEACE rather than a war monger! A very potent partnership!
The LUNAR WARRIOR is the most FEARLESS of all the WARRIOR kin, on the FRONTLINE of change.which is BRILLIANT as they VALIANTLY lead us into this next ASCENSION phase of this potent WOOD SNAKE – shedding year. YELLOW WARRIORS are the change agents and catalysts STORMING THE BASTILLE and breaking down any barriers standing in the way of the DREAM that they are anchoring and manifesting.
YELLOW WARRIOR examines, scrutinizes and dissects the polarized energies that create the challenges we face, in order to get a bigger picture of what works for humanity. How can we do this better? What are the roots of your FEAR?
Allow the YELLOW WARRIOR to give you COURAGE today, to step up without the burden of heavy armour, to protect you from perceived danger. De-robe and hang up your heavy restrictive armour and let your radiant strong heart illuminate your path, knowing that you are STRONG and courageous.
You have endured much terror and frightening scenarios, which have served to make you stronger and more resilient. NOW it is SAFE to return home to a place of love and comfort.
The Yellow Warrior also carries the staff of wisdom (that looks like a Question mark) in his star glyph… CIB is known as the Ferryman who fearlessly guides your boat to your desired destination and back to safe waters…
He is the wayshower – CREATING the path, where no path ever existed!
He then turns back to personally escort his tribe, to the promised land of milk and honey…
TRUST in the Fearless Warrior to reveal what needs to be QUEST-I-ON-ed and CHALLENGED today – in order to BREAK THE MOLD and LIBERATE us from that old confining box!
The LUNAR WARRIOR holds a CLEAR VISION of our New Paradise ahead – thanks to his trusty BLUE EAGLE companion – so follow his LEAD to find your way HOME.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW LUNAR STAR LAMAT. The YELLOW WARRIOR can attract battles and divisiveness through his constant questioning, and challenging of what is. Whatever stands in his way – WILL BE DISMANTLED! This can often lead to arguments and disagreements if not delivered in an objective and diplomatic manner.
YELLOW STAR seeks PEACE and HARMONY in relationships, thus smoothing over the friction and challenges through harmonization. It also adds grace, beauty and elegance, thus cooling any heated arguments and emotions. The 3 day code brings the element of JOY, creativity and smoother communication. This facilitates the building of HEAVENLY relationships, healing and harmonizing any separation and conflict as the energy dissipates.
This beautiful harmonic energy is DIVINE to bring REUNION of any warring couples – bringing the offering of PEACE and reconciliation to forge the new stronger romantic unions and partnerships of the NEW TIME .
The YELLOW STAR as the HIgher guide ensures the LUNAR WARRIOR is ultimately focused on attaining HARMONY – despite appearances otherwise. Often the path to PEACE may be a turbulent one, stirring up the mud in the swamp – but the end result is beautiful CLEAR DRINKING WATER
YELLOW STAR encourages the RAINBOW WARRIOR to focus on a beautiful outcome, as the final result of his questioning. The LUNAR WARRIOR always has his EYES on the BIG PICTURE – anchoring the new HARMONIC TIME!
SUPPORT: BLUE LUNAR NIGHT AKBAL enables the WARRIOR to connect with his intuitive promptings. If something does not sit right in his gut then his instincts are guiding him to challenge what is presenting – to follow his hunches! .
BLUE NIGHT also encourages the WARRIOR to pursue his dreams, in his knowingness that there is a better path in which to tread. The WARRIOR will slash through the illusion, and follow the yellow brick road, to the treasures he intuitively knows lay up ahead. Namely the INNER TREASURES that lie within us all.
Treasures abound as the Warrior returns home to claim his reward. – the GOLDEN CHALICE of the HOLY GRAIL
Dare to DREAM of a better world as we collectively CREATE our Planetary Rainbow Dreaming!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED CRYSTAL SERPENT CHICCHAN represents our basic motivations, instincts, desires, and innate movement toward wholeness. RED SERPENT beckons us to release our FEARS, shed the skin of our past, and step into the fires of alchemical transmutation. In this, rebirth is revealed. This desire is an innate response encoded in the depths of your being.
Allow CHICCHAN to endow you with discretionary wisdom, and the vigor to pursue your PASSION and desires in creating your DREAM.
The CRYSTAL SERPENT SUPERPOWER will give you DIRECT access to the POWER in GAIA’s crystalline grid.. The energetic network connecting all souls with our Pachamama… this can be the fuel forged through CONNECTION and cooperation with our Planetary kin..
Connecting through PASSION of anchoring the Collective Dreaming for our Planet. The more kin that UNITE in this common cause the quicker we achieve this Utopian DREAM.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE LUNAR WORLDBRIDGER CIMI The shadow challenges of WHITE WORLDBRIDGER include the FEAR of DEATH, endings and change. Reluctance or inability to LET GO and move forward, clinging to the old way of being.
Death is a natural part of transformation. Sometimes we are brought to experience symbolic deaths such as loss, divorce, illness, or separation from others. Embrace these seemingly dark or difficult experiences; they will release you from attachments and expectations, clearing you to more fully receive the LIGHT on the new path that is OPENING now.
The GIFT of transformation and renewal offered by White World-Bridger is found in SURRENDER, release and forgiveness. Through awareness and clear intention, old patterns can magically shift, offering you a loving hand that shows a new way.
What are you afraid of that has impeded you from taking the next step?
Once you decide to take the plunge into the new cycle, CIMI will bring forth all the connections you need to start your new LIFE chapter, building the bridge to your New harmonious joy filled world!
The LUNAR WORLDBRIDGER through the DEATH of duality challenges, brings you a wondrous GIFT – the opportunity to travel over the RAINBOW BRIDGE to the NEW UNIFIED HARMONIOUS WORLD.
NOTE: Joe#.Bi-den is a LUNAR WORLDBRIDGER – his role on this Planet was to play the “bad guy”, creating conflict and discordance through the SHADOW (particularly adept as a Scorpio!). This seeks to REVEAL where we needed to focus more LIGHT, making better choices so that we can STABILIZE HARMONY on our Planet. This is how the LUNAR tone operates to bring HARMONY.
Overall a day filled with QUESTIONING the STATUS QUO, revealing challenges, in order to resolve any limiting FEARS, leading you back to wholeness.
May you rise above the challenges, may the past serve as the ashes for your rebirth, and may you fly higher into the night sky, towards a bright future of hope.
Today’s question is “What challenges on my QUEST-I-ON need to be stabilized, in order to rein in a new HARMONIOUS era of PEACE, LOVE and JOY through UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS?
May your SUPREME intelligence lead you to unified and harmonious, divine alliances today.
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Embark on a powerful journey with the Sacred Condor to meet your spirit animal in this guided meditation. Your spirit animal is a wise and sacred guide, offering you deep insights, protection, and a connection to your true essence. Through relaxation, visualization, and sacred intention, you will open the doorway to the unseen realms and receive the messages your spirit animal has for you.
Whether you seek clarity, healing, or a deeper connection with nature, this meditation will help you align with the wisdom and power of your animal guide. Surrender to the journey and allow your spirit animal to reveal itself to you.
🌿 What to Expect:
✨ Deep relaxation and grounding
🦉 Spirit animal connection and messages
🔥 Energy alignment and guidance for your path
Get comfortable, open your heart, and let your sacred animal ally come forth. 🐺🦅🐍
Divine Invocation for the Seven-Planet Alignment and the New 5D Golden Age
O Eternal Source of All That Is, Creator of the stars and weaver of cosmic tides, We stand in reverence beneath the sacred canopy of the heavens, As the seven planets align in divine symphony— Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Mercury, Saturn and Venus A celestial chorus heralding the dawn of the New 5D Golden Age.
We Invoke: The radiant light of the Sun, igniting our spirits with vitality and purpose, The gentle grace of the Moon, guiding our intuition toward unity and peace, The swift wisdom of Mercury, opening the channels of divine communication, The loving embrace of Venus, awakening our hearts to compassion and harmony, The fierce strength of Mars, empowering our will to rise in courage, The boundless expansion of Jupiter, blessing us with abundance and truth, And the steadfast discipline of Saturn, grounding us in the lessons of eternity.
By the power of this alignment, We call forth the frequencies of the fifth dimension, A realm of crystalline light, unity consciousness, and sovereign love. Let the veils of illusion dissolve, Let the chains of the old age release, As we step boldly into the Golden Age of Ascension.
We Decree: That this cosmic convergence sanctifies the Earth, Infusing her waters, her lands, and her children With the golden rays of divine renewal. May every soul awaken to their sacred essence, Aligned with the heartbeat of the Universe, Co-creating a world of justice, beauty, and oneness.
We Summon: The Archangels of the Seven Rays, The Galactic Councils of Light, And the Ancestors of the Stars, To anchor this invocation across all timelines and dimensions. Bless this moment with your presence, And seal this shift with the eternal flame of transformation.
In the name of the Divine, We proclaim the New 5D Golden Age now manifest, A paradise of peace where all beings thrive as one, Under the watchful gaze of the aligned seven, A testament to the power of unity and the promise of the cosmos.
So it is spoken, so it is willed, so it is done. With gratitude and faith, we seal this invocation, On this day, [February 28, 2025, or as you choose], In the light of the Infinite.
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Divine Invocation for the 7-Planet Alignment and the New 5D Golden Age
Oh Radiant Source of All Creation, As the celestial bodies align in sacred harmony, I call forth the divine light of the cosmos to awaken within me, Opening the gateways to the New Earth and the 5D Golden Age.
From the heart of the Great Central Sun, Let the golden rays of illumination pour forth, Activating the crystalline codes of ascension, Awakening the remembrance of my highest truth and purpose.
I call upon the Seven Sacred Planets, Luminous beings of wisdom and cosmic design, Guide us through this grand transformation, Unveiling the divine blueprint of unity, peace, and love.
Mercury, Messenger of Light, grant us clarity and divine communication. Venus, Goddess of Love, infuse our hearts with compassion and harmony. Mars, Sacred Warrior, ignite the fire of courage and sacred action. Jupiter, Expander of Truth, bless us with wisdom and boundless abundance. Saturn, Keeper of Time, dissolve old karmic ties and usher in divine order. Uranus, Bringer of Change, open the portals of new possibilities and liberation. Neptune, Mystic Dreamer, awaken our souls to divine consciousness and oneness.
May this grand cosmic alignment unlock the celestial gateways, Infusing Gaia with the highest frequencies of light and renewal. May all beings rise into the vibration of love, peace, and ascended grace. May the Golden Age of Miracles unfold now, with ease, joy, and divine perfection.
I AM the Light. I AM the New Earth. I AM the Golden Age manifest, here and now.
And so it is. Aho, Namaste, and Infinite Blessings.