Complete Rainbow





Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Soul Star Creators of Ascended Mastery

On this final Portal of February the 28th we had a major explosion from the sun with a M 8.62 Solar Flare maxing at 17:50 UTC. All Ground Crew Earth Angelics of the 144 we anchor in this higher light through our Sacred Vessels and deep into the Crystalline Core of Pachamama. Our local Solaris released another M 1.03 Class flare at 1:00 UTC. Doubling up the incoming Gamma Plasma Waves of Transformation.

We also experienced a White Spike of Light on the Schumann Charts at an amplitude of 21 HZ. 5th dimensional energetics flowing in. With these massive waves of energies coming in we had a Huge Shift in Timelines and Dimensions.

All is compressing into the Magnetic Zero Point Still Center as Consciousness expands Electrically out into the ends of the Infinite multiverse activating all along the Way. This is the radiating light of Source Creator resonating through all Life on Mother Earth and the Cosmos.

The Key Whole is the Wormhole that is the Doorway through time and space into the New Age of Eternal Bliss Consciousness. Through the Heavens Gate we move to Shift this simulation into the Heaven of our True Hearts Delights.

The Yin Merges with the Yang. The White Gold Eagle of the North and  the Black Gold Condor of the South merge and fly as One under the Great Central Sun to usher in the New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all Sentient beings of the Light. Keep rising in the Ascension into the New Heaven upon the New Earth….A’Ho!





Right now: Moon at 0°24′ Cancer, Sun at 10°17′ Pisces

sabian symbols

Current Sabian Symbols

Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon

On a ship the sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one.
Sabian Symbol for 1º Cancer

The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 1º Cancer.

Right now: Moon at 0°25′ Cancer, Sun at 10°17′ Pisces

sabian symbols

Current Sabian Symbols

Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun

Men travelling a narrow path, seeking illumination.
Sabian Symbol for 11º Pisces

The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 11º Pisces.






Angelic DNA codes awakening from a deep slumber. Open to Receive ✨
Angelic DNA codes
Angelic DNA codes
Massive energy shift. Lack of breath due to increased spinning rate in your cells. Will adjust itself once you integrate.
Rainbow Bridge of Light
Rainbow Bridge of Light
This is a big time for big changes. Earth/Gaia is in its final stages of preparation.
Are you ready?
We are purging heavy, dense vibrations of fear.. the Earth/ GAIA frees and transmutes. These will become more frequent.
Feel the Accelerated Ascension now!! ❤️
Starry Gates Open ✨ Activate your bodies of Light and travel to other dimensional realities. As solar flashes wake up sleeping cells, this is causing sleep disorders. The master cell of our DNA is the pineal gland. Regulate sleep / vigil cycles.
That’s why we’re having vivid, lucid dreams, dreaming about people we don’t know, etc.
Allow the mind to calm with breath work to help with the ascension symptoms.
final stages of preparation
final stages of preparation
Beautiful blessings abound in these moments of profound change, and the messages are pouring into our HEARTS from all of nature and the sun… All from God’s unceasing LOVE.
May you enjoy the MAGIC and HEART messages of the rainbow (the promise), the grasshopper (quantum leaping), the butterfly (transformation), and the dragonfly (self-realization).
And may the warmth of the SUN caress your soul and enlighten your HEART.
I so love you!
Love Is. Love Is. Love Is. ✨🤍✨
God Is. God Is. God Is. ✨🙏✨
MAGIC and HEART messages of the rainbow
MAGIC and HEART messages of the rainbow
UPDATE… At the collective level, many have cleaned up in the corners… Purgation done for these souls… Now they begin to put on their LIGHTBODY… I am told that it had never been done so intense for 2 years (even in the setbacks of their own temple, allusion to the mental, physical body). yahoo!!!! This will lead to a chain of changes. PS IT should not be compared, it is rather necessary to analyze itself in this process and to be honest with SELF. No one is in the same place on this path and it will never be too late for the soul to make these changes. It is up to each of you to continue to work on yourself if necessary, because on this path it becomes necessary if the call of the soul is not respected. Need…. Born….the soul begs to be reborn …in these new cities…new mental, physical bodies New Temple….light body. First wave!!! It’s the return!!! yahoo!!!!!!!! May the light guide your steps! Love to you🙏🧚‍♀️🐬🦄🐉💜💚 Marie-Josée Soul Healing
Spirit Deer
Spirit Deer


The energy this past month has held great ebbs and flows. Many have been feeling this transition as a straddling of two timelines or as though they are floating within the void. As winter comes to a close this is felt as though we have one foot still within the energy of change/death and the shedding of the old, while the other is tiptoeing curiously now, towards the open door of Spring with the impending energies of rebirth, renewal, new beginnings and opportunity making their way in✨
There has been a heavy focus over these past few weeks on self care and preserving energy as we prepare our vessels to hold the immense light coding making its way in and I have been receiving message after message about the importance of harnessing the SoULaR ☀️ frequencies during this time to accelerate the repair and renewal of our cells as we integrate these mega magical and super powerful DNA upgrades✨
The heart chakra expansions have been felt greatly as well over the last week with this shift. Sometimes this can start out rough (intense release of grief, sadness, despair, etc) but we are asked to sit with our emotions without judgment and to feel into what medicine is being offered without trying to escape or ignore what we may be feeling or experiencing. Oftentimes these strong emotions may trigger anger or confusion, especially if they suddenly drudge up past traumas or situations that we thought we had previously dealt with or had already healed come ricocheting back to us for further innerstanding and release✨
Be patient and give yourself grace during these times and know that a heart that leads from love, integrity and compassion will always fine it’s way back to inner harmony and balance✨
As this heart expansion moved through me, I felt waves of grief so deeply at one point that all I could feel was an intense burning from my heart radiating down into my sacral that had been tied to the Sisterhood Wound (more on that later)
……but I knew this particular experience was only reflecting a wound that I had been ignoring instead of giving my loving attention to its healing.
I knew what I had to do to move this out.
I made cacao and sat in ceremony with my heart 🍯🍫
I put gentle music on, whispered my intentions over my sacred cup and breathed into this space while my heart and womb came together. As the sun came pouring in through my window and flooded the room in its warmth, I became overwhelmed with bliss. I was then guided to dance this grief away. As I allowed the So☀️Lar rays to permeate my entire being, I became infused with the radiance and love of Spirit. I honoured my grief and thanked it for showing me where I had loved so deeply….and then I said goodbye 💖
With each sweet release we are lovingly brought back to a deeper and more intimate knowing of our true essence that is Love. Forgive yourself, forgive others and make everyday a ritual dedicated to this Love and when shit gets tough, remember that sometimes all we need is a little cacao and a dance with the sun to bring things back into wholeness again ☀️💃☀️
Wishing you all a beautiful new week,
Christy Ashley 🌸🙏🏻

Event Horizon 🌀

You have crossed the event horizon
And there is no going back…
The self you thought you were is being pulled apart
and there is nothing you can do to save it
You chose this
And the power of your will
Activated the inescapable attraction of your Self
And there is no going back
At first the mind resists,
Tries to hold on
To what it has known
But it is futile
Because you chose this
You chose to leave this world of forgetfulness,
Of ignorance and ill.usion
You chose to remember
Drawn toward the singularity of your own will
The rules of a former world cease to exist
And the once implausible becomes the inevitable
Even Light cannot escape this destiny
So you surrender
You let yourself plummet toward the Dark Unknown,
Falling toward the truth of what You Are
Until *time itself falls away
And this Light,
Your Light
Flings itself out into a parallel universe
Where the only thing you Know
And the only thing you Are
Is Love 💎
Event Horizon
Event Horizon



‘’Energies will be reshuffling and reforming.
Those who have been integrating the waves of awakening, truth, inner healing and remembrance,
are now accessing new revelations on their true Being and are also
being gently pushed to take the next step.
From wherever they might have been standing
and whatever that they might have been experiencing, working on, creating or evolving in themselves and their lives,
they are now receiving the inner calling to move to the next higher ground and phase
in their evolution process in order to find their new and true place in the new world,
according to their own divine essence, origin, destiny, cause of incarnation
on earth, final destination and their true needs.
For this,
they are being encouraged to show more of their true Being both to themselves and others.
They all have been receiving messages and divine synchronicities on this guidance
and they are now in preparation to take action upon this change of upgrading
that is here for them
and embrace their talents and creative side in any way that is

appropriate for them,while being more open and acceptive

of that which their true essence carries and will be revealed to them in stages.

Many are to even be moving to a total new everyday reality in which they will

be able to express and use more of their true charisma and creativity

and enjoy more fulfillment in their lives.

Upon doing so,

they will experience a new kind of happiness.

A happiness that will be more holistic and involves the first embodied

aspects and qualities of the true self and identity in the physical reality,

while at the same time,

the old personality’s traits and characteristics will be fading away.

This is a soul calling for a new and a more free and open

field and playground for creation from their newly taken place in this world

that will also include other people

who are at the same stage in their process and have matching frequency

of values and dreams, in their missions for service for all.

It does not matter where one is at the moment,

what matters is that one says ‘YES’,

trust the guidance, follow the flow and the signs

and then take action accordingly, in order to physically

express what is necessary to support this change,

in the best and highest way possible!

All the rest will come into place in divine timing and magic

and the true memories of one’s true

origin, destiny, cause of incarnation on this earth and final destination,

will emerge from within, clearing any blind spots, amnesia or previous pending

doubts in one’s self and field.

This is a step closer to Self realization and completion.

Please note that

the right words, people, circumstances, opportunities, resources, tools, elements etc.,

will easily appear and be available to each one who will be able to align to this inner guidance.

Upon all the above,

the Awakened Living Beings having remembered who they truly are,

will turn on their Bright Light of true existence

and also they

will be pulled together to cooperate with other Awakened Living Beings.

As these Beings will be coming together,

their Bright Lights will be

creating even Greater and Brighter Lights in places/nodes on Earth’s grids

that will be the first ‘wombs’ of creation for the new Earth frequency and reality.

These new creative places/wombs will be eventually visible and recognisable by those who will be still

seeking a way out of the old system and who will still be in detoxification and rehabilitation processes,

providing hope, guidance, tools of healing and psychotherapy and all kinds of blessings for them.

So for the Awakened Bright Beings

the real physical manifestation of what they truly carry as great gifts for the world,

is only starting now.

This is such amazing news of happiness and fulfillment!

Blessings for all,

may you all find your new and true place in the world and bring your blessings forth.

So it is!”

Blessings of finding and taking your new and true place in the world!
«Οι ενέργειες θα ανακαταταχθούν και θα μεταρρυθμιστούν.
Αυτοί που έχουν ενσωματώσει τα κύματα της αφύπνισης, της αλήθειας, της εσωτερικής θεραπείας και της ενθύμησης,
έχουν τώρα πρόσβαση σε νέες αποκαλύψεις για το αληθινό τους Είναι καθώς επίσης
σπρώχνονται απαλά για να κάνουν το επόμενο βήμα.
Από όπου κι αν βρίσκονταν
και οτιδήποτε κι αν μπορεί να βιώναν, να εργάζονταν επάνω, να δημιουργούσαν ή να εξέλισσαν στον εαυτό τους και στη ζωή τους,
δέχονται τώρα το εσωτερικό κάλεσμα να προχωρήσουν στο επόμενο υψηλότερο έδαφος και φάση
στη διαδικασία εξέλιξης τους,
προκειμένου να βρουν τη νέα και αληθινή τους θέση στον νέο κόσμο,
σύμφωνα με τη δική τους θεϊκή ουσία, την καταγωγή, το πεπρωμένο, την αιτία της ενσάρκωσης τους
στη γη, τον τελικό προορισμό και τις πραγματικές τους ανάγκες.
Για αυτό,
ενθαρρύνονται να δείξουν περισσότερο από το αληθινό τους Είναι τόσο στον εαυτό τους, όσο και στους άλλους.
Όλοι έχουν λάβει μηνύματα και θεϊκές συγχρονικότητες σχετικά με αυτήν την καθοδήγηση
και τώρα ετοιμάζονται να αναλάβουν δράση για αυτήν την αλλαγή αναβάθμισης
που είναι εδώ για αυτούς
και να αγκαλιάσουν τα ταλέντα και τη δημιουργική τους πλευρά, με όποιον τρόπο είναι
κατάλληλος για αυτούς,
ενώ καλούνται να είναι πιο ανοιχτοί και δεκτικοί
σε αυτό που φέρει η αληθινή τους ουσία και θα τους αποκαλυφθεί σταδιακά.
Πολλοί πρόκειται να μετακινηθούν ακόμη και σε μια εντελώς νέα καθημερινή πραγματικότητα στην οποία
να είναι σε θέση να εκφράσουν και να χρησιμοποιήσουν περισσότερο τα αληθινά χαρίσματα και τη δημιουργικότητα τους
και να απολαμβάνουν περισσότερη πληρότητα στη ζωή τους.
Κάνοντας αυτό,
θα βιώσουν ένα νέο είδος ευτυχίας.
Μια ευτυχία που θα είναι πιο ολιστική και περιλαμβάνει τις πρώτες ενσαρκωμένες
πτυχές και ιδιότητες του αληθινού εαυτού και της ταυτότητας εδώ στη φυσική πραγματικότητα,
ενώ ταυτόχρονα,
τα χαρακτηριστικά της παλιάς προσωπικότητας τους θα εξαφανίζονται.
Αυτό είναι ένα κάλεσμα της ψυχής προς ένα νέο και ένα πιο ελεύθερο, ανοιχτό
και παιχνιδιάρικο πεδίο για δημιουργία από την καινούρια τους θέση
που θα περιλαμβάνει και άλλα άτομα
που βρίσκονται στο ίδιο στάδιο της διαδικασίας και έχουν αντίστοιχη συχνότητα
αξιών και ονείρων, στις αποστολές τους στην υπηρεσία όλων.
Δεν έχει σημασία πού βρίσκεται κάποιος αυτή τη στιγμή,
αυτό που έχει σημασία είναι να πει το «ΝΑΙ»,
να εμπιστευτεί την καθοδήγηση, να ακολουθήσει τη ροή και τα σημάδια
και στη συνέχεια να λάβει μέτρα ανάλογα, προκειμένου πρακτικά
να εκφράσει ό,τι είναι απαραίτητο για την υποστήριξη αυτής της αλλαγής,
με τον καλύτερο και υψηλότερο δυνατό τρόπο!
Όλα τα υπόλοιπα θα μπουν στη θέση τους με θεϊκό συγχρονισμό και μαγεία
και οι αληθινές αναμνήσεις του ατόμου, η αληθινή
προέλευση, το αληθινό πεπρωμένο, η αληθινή αιτία ενσάρκωσης σε αυτή τη γη και ο αληθινός τελικός προορισμός,
θα αναδυθούν εκ των έσω, καθαρίζοντας τυχόν τυφλά σημεία, αμνησία ή προηγούμενες εκκρεμείς
αμφιβολίες που υπήρχαν στον εαυτό και το πεδίο τους.
Αυτό είναι ένα βήμα πιο κοντά στην αυτοπραγμάτωση και την ολοκλήρωση.
Παρακαλούμε να σημειώσετε ότι
τις σωστές λέξεις, οι κατάλληλοι άνθρωποι, περιστάσεις, ευκαιρίες, πόροι, εργαλεία, στοιχεία κ.λπ.,
θα εμφανιστούν εύκολα και θα είναι διαθέσιμα σε κάθε έναν που θα μπορέσει
να ευθυγραμμιστεί με αυτήν την εσωτερική καθοδήγηση.
Με βάση όλα τα παραπάνω,
τα Αφυπνισμένα Ζώντα Όντα έχοντας θυμηθεί ποιοι είναι πραγματικά,
θα ανάψουν το Λαμπερό Φως της αληθινής τους ύπαρξης
και επίσης θα έρθουν μαζί για να συνεργαστούν με άλλα Αφυπνισμένα Ζώντα Όντα.
Καθώς αυτά τα Όντα θα ενωθούν,
τα ενωμένα Λαμπερά τους Φώτα,
θα δημιουργήσουν ακόμα μεγαλύτερα και πιο Λαμπερά Φώτα σε σημεία/κόμβους στα πλέγματα της Γης
που θα είναι οι πρώτες «μήτρες» δημιουργίας για τη νέα συχνότητα και πραγματικότητα της Γης.
Αυτά τα νέα δημιουργικά μέρη/μήτρες θα είναι τελικά ορατά και αναγνωρίσιμα από εκείνους
που θα αναζητούν ακόμα μια διέξοδο από το παλιό σύστημα
και οι οποίοι θα βρίσκονται ακόμα σε διαδικασίες αποτοξίνωσης και αποκατάστασης,
παρέχοντας τους ελπίδα, καθοδήγηση, εργαλεία θεραπείας και ψυχοθεραπείας και κάθε είδους ευλογίες.
Έτσι για τα Αφυπνισμένα Ζώντα Όντα
η πραγματική φυσική εκδήλωση αυτού που πραγματικά φέρουν ως μεγάλα δώρα για τον κόσμο,
μόλις τώρα ξεκινά.
Αυτά είναι τόσο εκπληκτικά νέα ευτυχίας και πληρότητας!
Ευλογίες για όλους,
Είθε όλοι να βρείτε τη νέα και αληθινή θέση σας στον κόσμο και να φέρετε τις ευλογίες σας.
Κι έτσι είναι!”
Ελάτε μαζί μας αυτό το ερχόμενο Σαββατοκύριακο για την
εσωτερική εργασία 2 συνεδριών για την αφαίρεση των εσωτερικών κόμβων περιορισμού:
Αυτοί που έχουν το εσωτερικό κάλεσμα να κάνουν αυτό το εσωτερικό έργο,
μπορούν να μου στείλουν μήνυμα για τις λεπτομέρειες της συμμετοχής.
Ευλογία να βρείτε και να πάρετε τη νέα και αληθινή θέση σας στον κόσμο!

Aurora Ray

Galactic Federation Transmission To Humanity

Dear ones,

Be awake! Be ready! Be focused! Feel it inside you, with conviction. You know that the moment of awakening is near. You are right on the threshold of a powerful new wave. So, now is the time to prepare yourself.

Are you ready to move on from your life as it has been and step into a new reality?

This is a wake-up call for people who are ready to see the light of truth, gain spiritual awareness, and have their lives transformed for the better.

Humanity’s slavery is coming to an end. Pleasure, joy, happiness will abound, but above all, it will be wonderful because it will be in contact with the Divine, in contact with God. God is waiting for your awakening. He is waiting for you to love him again.

When you’re feeling uncertain about the future, don’t forget that your thoughts are powerful. They are taken to the universe by the speed of light and affect everyone’s reality.

When we observe certain people’s thinking patterns, they seem to be extremely negative. They still wish to spend their lives in the third dimension without love, equality, or courage. They don’t realize that their thoughts create reality, which slows down the transformation process.

Your world is created by your thoughts. Avoid interference, by tuning your inner voice to the positive, the realistic, and the truth. It is the most important tool in creating happiness, success, and prosperity.

Think about how everyone would be clean and green. Imagine that there is peace; peace amongst all the living creatures; peace between humans, peace between animals, peace even with plants, because even plants have a right to live on this planet too. If you really want to help out on this perfect planet, hold this vision and send some love out into the universe.

Create a happier, more peaceful planet!

Think of a perfect planet. The perfect planet is a perfect civilization, beyond any religion, ideology, or culture. It is a philosophy for a peaceful, harmonious existence.

The soil does not belong to anyone. It belongs to Gaia; She is part of you and you are part of Her. The borders around the countries, the colonies, they are all artificial. The surface of the Earth belongs to no one. This is why anyone can live anywhere that they choose.

We see no borders in the future. With the borders open and no longer any need to cross, you can talk and work with anyone. Location simply becomes a matter of stillness and motionlessness. The entire world will be your homeland. Everything will exist everywhere, and everything will be at hand for everyone.

Everything will be shared; no ownership, no limits, no places for selfishness, greediness, and hoarding. No place for stealing; it’s all yours. There is no place for violence; everything belongs to everyone. The bullying mind hands itself over to higher consciousness where there is equality, harmony, and abundance for all.

The new era is here, the era of new people. The era in which everyone on this planet is on an equal footing. No more poverty, no more starvation, no more homelessness. All are brothers and sisters. All are friends. Let’s dance in the 5th dimension with love, joy, and laughter.

Everyone has a right to live without poverty. Everyone has a right to get out from under the yoke of unending debt that enslaves them, and gives them hope for the future. Everyone deserves a dignified death.

We know what would be ideal in the new world! A shared economy with no private ownership of land or businesses. An all-around abundance in which everyone has the basic necessities and wealth is not concentrated in the hands of a few. Everyone, without exception, should be guaranteed an equal number of resources.

Your life will be your own creation. You will know how to create, to love, and to perform your duties without the need for coercion from your superiors, from anyone. You will work because you want to, not because you have to. You will give of yourself freely and with love to all, knowing that you are a part of each and every one.

So we tell you, the Fifth Dimensional Light that is coming to the planet is your best friend. It’s everything you want and everything you can imagine. It’s a beautiful and kind best friend that wants you to be happy and free.

It is returning to the planet right now to take you back to the Garden of Eden. It is returning to make this a paradise world. This light force has only one agenda – only one – and it is to transform all of humanity into a completely loving being!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.





We are in the midst of a deep celestial stirring of our soul memory banks, as the deep water plasma keys and codes are activating the higher soul self as well as greater multi-dimensionality.
Our higher heart and mind and single eye is being stirred open as well, with liquid plasma light being radiated down from the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, illuminating our hearts and minds.
We are in process of remembering the truth of who and what we in truth are.
We are embracing our own Divinity, as true Sons and Daughters of Divine Source, as Divine Source is ever omnipresent within us.
We are remembering our sacredness, as we are being purified, and transfigured and it is our return to innocence.
Allow the old to disintegrate.
Simply observe the seeming chaos, the seeming destruction, the seeming desperation of some to hold onto the old with all they have. They fear losing their seeming power structures, but in truth all now has to go.
Do not allow yourself to be pulled off kilter.
Stay deeply centered within.
Let your inner knowing guide you and the company of heavens.
Your soul is soaring and lifting you ever upwards on the celestial wings it in truth has, as the Divine winds of change are lifting you ever higher into multi- dimensionality, as you stand in the truth of you and what you are in truth.
We are entering a new cosmic gateway.
Get ready.
Reclaim your immortality.
It is time to step up in mission, earth crew and get the job done, for which our souls have been prepared for over many lifetimes, existences and parallel lives and Universes.
Eliyeh Asher Eliyeh!
S’hema Yisrael!
deep water plasma keys and codes
deep water plasma keys and codes

Life is coming into balance with stability and security. As a Collective of Starseed LightWorkers, we are moving ahead into this New Earth lifestyle. Surrender resistance and receive the offer of partnership and commitment from Spirit.

She brings us Wisdom to heal from worries, negativity, and energy vampires. We can move into the Golden Age with the Holy Spirit, and she will ensure we are safe, protected, guided, and loved, as our Divine Mother. She wants her children to thrive with healthy loving relationships, families, and our life force energy of Creation fully restored.

Prepare for these changes and open up to receive the perfect conditions for this divine reunion.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Silliman University Church Dumaguete City
Silliman University Church Dumaguete City


Photo by Jayson Fernandez

2-28-23 whoa the month flew by! Today we have a Venus in Aires ( heart) in a bridge with Vesta ( Fire of devotion) in Libra . What are you passionate about? What lights you up? What makes you sing? What are you devoted to? All of this from a soul level.
The huge stellium in Aires is really asking you to self realize, spark, ignite and enjoy personal responsibility for your own heart and choices.
We also have a great eliminator with Saturn ( in Capricorn) ( structures, contracts, definitions, identities foundations, authority) and the Black Moon ( in Cancer) with forward emotional power.
What are you ready to shift, change, own, reinvent or break out of? What new you is waiting and ready to release what no longer is you? What wound, drama, story ,pattern , anything that has been worn out and no longer is you? It’s time for new parameters ,a breakout and breakthrough and you are gently supported.
Key Whole
Key Whole
Lunar aspects – The Moon skips through airy Gemini, mind jiggling at a hundred miles an hour. Thoughts fly, ideas push and shove their way into consciousness. We trip over words in haste to get them out and sometimes tread on toes when we choose words sharper than required. Information speeds up – emails, letters, phone calls, texts, so much requires our attention. But as the Moon is essentially activating the incoming Mars-Neptune square, there’s a danger of overwhelm. The instinct is to fight through it, get projects and conversations out of the way, but perhaps a moment’s retreat might be more helpful.
Our modern world advocates go-getting, chasing dreams, leadership, initiative. However, we need to stay in touch with why we do, what we do. Allow time in your day for meditation, prayer, doodling, reflection. Create a quiet bubble to protect from a world of noise. From inside this warm and soothing space comes another voice, clear and calm, where intuition and intellectual reasoning meet. Return to the source.
Degrees and Times
Moon 18°Ge47′, Mars 18°Ge47′ – 04:20 (UT)
Moon 24°Ge32′, Neptune 24°Pi32′ – 15:45 (UT)
Moon 26°Ge23′, Mercury 26°Aq23′ – 19:27 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Painting – Une Beauté À La Source by Guillaume Seignac
Une Beauté À La Source
Une Beauté À La Source

Kin 26 ~ White Cosmic Worldbridger

The number 13 is called ‘Cosmic’ and its keywords are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence’. Thirteen is very sacred symbolizing the 13 moons we have each year, it is powerful and transformative. The last day of a wavespell is time to reflect on the past 13 days, so think carefully about the journey as there is always a poetic connection between the first day and last. We began with the ‘Enchanting Wizard’ and now we transcend with the Shamanic Worldbridger. This number is not easy and demands of us that we endure to transcend.
The key words associated with White Worldbridger are ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality.’ The Worldbridger is always providing opportunities to cross a bridge but as today is a number 13 day, it may be ‘enduring’ to try. If you want to proceed you have to pay the toll, symbolically speaking. ‘Death’ is associated with the Worldbridger and this represents the Shaman’s death of letting go. To make it to the next level on your path you must release what hinders you…usually that’s the ego, sometimes it’s fear. Whatever it is, you will feel a whole lot lighter once you reach the other side. Each time we cross a bridge we must sacrifice something and this is where old tales come from about the troll under the bridge. This means we don’t go up a level, or be rewarded with progress without first earning it. Why should you be allowed to cross if you don’t deserve it?
Today’s Guide is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. Today is a great day to put one hundred percent into whatever you do. Like a dog with a bone, use that determination to guide your actions. Also naturally, let your decisions today be guided by love. This helps with the ‘enduring’ aspect of the day. Imagine you are crossing a bridge but with a dog on a leash and he is pulling you. We can get dragged over the bridge when the Dog is guiding. This symbolizes his tenacity.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘questing’. Yellow Warriors are soldiers with great willpower who love to take on missions. Today however, these missions may seem insurmountable. For the rest of us, plans may fail or take a twist. Until that troll is paid there is no moving forward. Yellow Warriors ask a lot of questions and today they may not get answers. Putting down your weapons is the best course of action.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity and Vision.’ This suggests that we can benefit from a little magical boost today if we use our creativity and try to see things from a higher perspective. Look at the bigger picture before deciding which bridge to cross and what toll to pay.
The Ally is Red Skywalker, they make excellent traveling companions for today’s bridge crossing if you are lucky enough to know one. If you are a Red Skywalker you’ll be a great help to others with your courage and sense of adventure. Your enthusiasm for exploring goes well with Worldbridgers desire to go places.
Kin 26
Kin 26


13 CIMI – KIN 26
28 FEBRUARY 2023
✨SURRENDER to the MAJIK 🍥 of the COSMOS! ✨
I endure in order to equalize
Transcending opportunity
I seal the store of death
With the Cosmic tone of presence
I AM guided by the power of heart.
28/2/2023 = 10/2/7 = 1/9 =10=1
✨10.10✨ manifestation portal
✨1.9✨– ALPHA to OMEGA
28 -Plan for the FUTURE/Manifesting
10- Manifestation/Power/Authority
1- New beginnings/Leader/Original/Independent/Unique
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
2 – Twins/Partners/Alliances/Cooperation/Duality
7- Spiritual Test/Initiation/Solitude/Majik/Mystic/Magician
9- Completion/Endings/Mission/Destiny/Service/Humanitarian/Grace
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 26 = 8 Infinity/Abundance/Source Flow
A very powerful COSMIC 🍥day for expanding our consciousness🍥✨ through the Art of SURRENDERING🏳 to the power of LOVE! 💗💗💗
TODAY is one of the 13 clear signs (Galactic signatures) that were revealed inscribed on the lid of the tomb of the Mayan King👑 – Pacal Votan, indicating the potency of this day. It is the 13th sign shown, and today is the 13th day of this 13 day Wavespell cycle, of anchoring the timeless receptivity of the White Wizard/Galactic shaman!
Today is the final day of the month of FEBRUARY and CIMI the WORLDBRIDGER is bringing CLOSURE… Closing the OLD CYCLE in order to build the bridge for the NEW to enter.. very fittingly we have a 1/9 ALPHA to OMEGA code and a 1.1. NEW BEGINNINGS code… with every DEATH there is the promise of NEW LIFE.. we have shed our old skin, to expose the new pristine cells to absorb more LIGHT…
The Worldbridger 🌈🌉– tribe 6 with the Wizard 🔮– tribe 14, together make tribe 20 – AHAU the SUN🌞.. the penultimate embodiment of the 20 tribes.
It is interesting that this span of time from KIN 26 – WHITE COSMIC WORLDBRIDGER🍥🌉🌈 through to KIN 40 the YELLOW MAGNETIC SUN 🌞(occuring on 14 MARCH 2023.) refers to
According to MAYAN COSMOLOGY🍥 we have just stepped onto the RAINBOW BRIDGE! 🌈🌈🌈
1 AHUA – KIN 40 kicks off the 13 day Wavespell journey of ENLIGHTENMENT. 🌞🌞🌞
VERY EXCITING TIMES dear Planetary Wizards. 💫💫💫
LET’S GO COSMIC! The transcendent dynamic that runs the whole show! The all encompassing everything that is the Cosmic 13 perfectly transcends taking MAJIK FLIGHT, and returning to the ONE once again!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation in every 13 day Wavespell. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence .
Today at our conclusion of the WHITE WIZARD WAVESPELL💫 we are transcending into PURE PRESENCE through our ENCHANTED HEARTS.💖🍥💖.
We commenced the Wavespell opening our Heart💗 to the White Majik from Spirit, by learning to be still and receptive.. Now our HEART expands💓 into PURE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS ✨🍥💗– realizing that LOVE💗 is the FORCE that binds the Universe together, through our united HEARTS.. as we float in the field of ONENESS… eternally PRESENT in the NOW moment of existence.
We have arrived – ✨ADSUM I AM HERE!✨. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. 🍥🍥🍥
Take the LEAP of faith and SURRENDER the battles of the past, trusting in Divine Will to take you to a new Cosmic Adventure. Be brave, take off your armour, and take down your HEART WALLS.
❤❤❤Fearlessly CHOOSE to LOVE ALL💖 through the Power of COSMIC LOVE.✨🍥💖
The COSMIC 🍥RAINBOW🌈 WARRIORS are fearlessly charging 🐎🐎🐎 across this new Cosmic 🍥Rainbow🌈 Bridge🌉 on this Majikal day of ✨RESURRECTING THE NEW TIME.. ✨
As we SURRENDER through DEATH, a new Golden healing cycle begins….💥
Today’s question is “Are you ready to totally SURRENDER, LET GO, and forgive your past, in order to float in the endless sea of Cosmic Presence?”🍥✨💖✨
In doing so you reach a state of TRANSCENDENCE, finally closing that chapter of your life, now able to move across the RAINBOW BRIDGE🌈🌉🌈 towards realizing Cosmic consciousness in the NEW TIME.
Wow PLANETARY KIN – it is really HAPPENING!!! 🎉🎈🎊
Today we close the cycle of IX the Majikal shamanic WHITE WIZARD, who has enabled us to attune to TRUTH through our precious HEARTS❤ reclaiming our White Majikal POWERS. IX gifted us with the power of ENCHANTMENT and endlessness, expanding our ability to receive and reflect infinite LOVE💖 available through SOURCE. ✨☀✨
Now that we have forged a strong heart❤ connection with Spirit🕊 we can effortlessly access the knowledge needed to accomplish great HEALING,💚🌿 as we embark on a new adventure with MANIK the BLUE HAND 🖐– known as the HEALER archetype.🙌
and so our journey through the Dreamspell continues…….
Divine blessings for TRANSCENDING the DEATH of the old time, and Resurrecting the bridge to endless COSMIC LOVE ❤ 🍥❤
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌈🌏
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE COSMIC WORLDBRIDGER 🍥 🌈🌉 CIMI seals the store of Death, having the power to bring closure to the old cycle and build a bridge to the new. This involves the process of SURRENDER and LETTING GO.. You must be willing to LET GO of your heavy old baggage🛍 – cut the ties and release your burdens.
After the old bridge has been burnt and destroyed, WORLDBRIDGER’s focus is to create a new one, forging links, networks and communication channels with others in the community.
The COSMIC Worldbridger 🍥🌈🌉 is able to make EXPANSIVE connections through our HEART 💖portal and the COSMIC HEART of Creation.💖.. Together with IX the White Wizard, these white kin mates of Spirit, can reach the far corners of the Universe throughout all dimensions and realms.
WORLDBRIDGER has the capacity to span dimensions to forge these connections, thus equalizing the existence of all who follow across the rainbow bridge. 🌈🌉 WHITE WORLDBRIDGER seeks union, harmony and cooperation, as many beings are needed to build a sturdy bridge, to support all who choose to cross into the new realm, now and in the future.
COSMIC CIMI can OPEN endless doors, to New opportunities and wondrous new realms, enabling you and our Collective Common-Unity to BLAST 💥through the tunnel into a beautiful new reality. 💞🌈
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE COSMIC DOG 🍥 🐕 OC 💟 is the perfect companion for IX our White Wizard 💫who operates his Majik through the POWER of his pure HEART.💗
Today we have DOUBLE the power of enchanted sweet HEARTS today. ❤❤ Throw in an extra dash of majik💫 with the 7 year code, and we have a beautiful recipe for MAJIKAL HEART EXPANSION. ❤💖💗
💖The COSMIC DOG🍥🐕 holds the HIGHEST frequency of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE💖 of all 260 DREAMSPELL KIN – this is PURE ECSTATIC BLISS 💖❤💗– codes available today. .
LOVE is endless – unlimited and INFINITE, formless and expansive.
LOVE is the PRIMA FACIE force in the UNIVERSE.
Today’s code – returns us to LOVE through the Art of SURRENDER.
The WHITE DOG 🐕amplifies the final day of WHITE WIZARD, showing us how to finally TRANSCEND our HEART wounds, and SURRENDER to the healing power of unconditional LOVE, throughout the COSMOS. ❤🌿💚 We have endured much heart pain and suffering on our life journey, but now we are rediscovering the TRUE path of LOVE through our endless connection to Spirit. ✨🕊✨
Being receptive to and radiating LOVE.💖 Self love, forgiveness of ourselves and ALL others involved, OPENS the GOLDEN doors to the COSMOS. Walk freely and unencumbered through these GATES TO HEAVEN. ✨💖✨
Today we are discovering the ✨GREATEST MAJIK in the UNIVERSE ✨ – the POWER of LOVE! 💞💥
❤ I LOVE YOU 💞– remember to say these words frequently to all and sundry!
💖 LOVE is the greatest HEALER 💚🌿 in all of CREATION.💖
✨Enchanting song of Ho’oponopono🌺✨ for FORGIVENESS🙏🙏🙏
The COSMIC DOG🍥🐕 teaches us to allow our plans, and future direction, to be ruled and guided by our HEART.❤
Let this be our new G.P.S. 🗺
In order to create more harmony in our lives and those of our communities, we must embrace the principles of trust, compassion, equality, loyalty and integrity. Being totally inclusive of all sentient beings on this planet, to become ONE with all things, building bridges to each other’s HEARTS💖 through the purity of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE..💞
We MUST EMBODY unconditional LOVE ❤ and reflect this in our total beingness.
GOD 💟 is DOG 🐕spelled backwards, and GOD IS LOVE! 💞
The COSMIC DOG🍥🐕 teaches us that we can access everything we need in the Universe, through the power of LOVE!💟🐕💞
SUPPORT: RED COSMIC SKYWALKER☁🚶BEN the agent of BLISS ❤❤❤– joins our INFINITE LOVE code today! 🍥❤
BEN is our Angelic Messenger and Galactic Shaman who accompanies Worldbridger, leading the way into the alternate dimensions and realities. BEN the Galactic explorer will be your guide, keeping you safe and protected along your path, whilst you relish in exploring new worlds in the Cosmic field of infinite possibility. ✨🍥✨
The GATEWAY to these new realms is through your enchanted Heart Portal💖.. floating effortlessly in the streams of pure Cosmic Consciousness.🍥✨. experiencing the BLISS💞 of floating in this sea of pure presence..
To anchor this BLISS on EARTH💞🌏.. IX reminds us to be still and receptive, and then we can transcend the barriers of SPACE-TIME where anything is possible! ✨💫✨
SKYWALKER reminds us that there is a huge, expansive multi-Universe of potentialities “out there” (inside us all) – waiting to be explored, navigated and chartered.
❓❓Where to next?
❓❓Where are you headed?
❓❓Which way to the greatest BLISS?❤💞❤
Contemplate these questions in your daydreams today.🍥💫🎆
NOTE: If the star glyph for BEN/RED SKYWALKER🚶 appears in your own personal Galactic signature, in ANY position, then today your SKYWALKING powers THROUGH BLISS❤ will be EXPANDED exponentially! ❤💞❤
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE MAGNETIC EAGLE 👁 MEN Today is day 13 of WHITE WIZARD Wavespell coming to completion, so we are ready to take our MAJIK FLIGHT into the unknown!
BLUE EAGLE’s power of VISION is magnified through the WIZARD’S shamanic powers, giving you great wisdom and the capacity to SEE throughout many dimensions and realms. The LOOKING GLASS🔮 is accessible to all who dare to look with a PURE HEART. 💖
This EAGLE is MAGNETIC and shows us that our INNER VISION👁 is our greatest access point, to connect to the multi-dimensional cosmic realms, revealed through CIMI, BEN and IX..
Go within, through your precious HEART❤ and the Mysteries of the Universe🍥🔮will be revealed to you. You can attract all that you desire through the power of your MAGNETIC HEART💓 aligned with your supernatural VISION. 👁❤🔮✨
Magnetize your greatest VISION 👁🔮 and expand your potential to FLY HIGH and soar through sunny skies. The EAGLE is lifting you to even Higher states of BLISS into HEAVENLY REALMS.✨💓✨
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW COSMIC WARRIOR 🍥🌈🏹 CIB gives you the courage today to follow your HEART❤ and trust your higher mind, through by-passing your forever questioning EGOIC MIND.
Be ADVENTUROUS and enjoy the journey. If a door opens or a new path appears, then be brave and follow it! Do not question, analyze and get caught up in your mind, possibly missing opportunities that present for you.
Do not FEAR, the brave YELLOW COSMIC WARRIOR is here. 🍥🏹🗡
Take the LEAP of faith and SURRENDER the battles of the past, trusting in Divine Will to take you to a new Cosmic Adventure. Be brave, take off your armour, and take down your HEART WALLS.
❤❤❤Fearlessly CHOOSE to LOVE ALL💖 through the Power of COSMIC LOVE.✨🍥💖
The COSMIC 🍥RAINBOW🌈 WARRIORS are fearlessly charging 🐎🐎🐎 across this new Cosmic 🍥Rainbow🌈 Bridge🌉 on this Majikal day of ✨RESURRECTING THE NEW TIME.. ✨
As we SURRENDER through DEATH, a new Golden healing cycle begins….💥
Today’s question is “Are you ready to totally SURRENDER, LET GO, and forgive your past, in order to float in the endless sea of Cosmic Presence?”🍥✨💖✨
In doing so you reach a state of TRANSCENDENCE, finally closing that chapter of your life, now able to move across the RAINBOW BRIDGE🌈🌉🌈 towards realizing Cosmic consciousness in the NEW TIME.
Wow PLANETARY KIN – it is really HAPPENING!!! 🎉🎈🎊
Today we close the cycle of IX the Majikal shamanic WHITE WIZARD, who has enabled us to attune to TRUTH through our precious HEARTS❤ reclaiming our White Majikal POWERS. IX gifted us with the power of ENCHANTMENT and endlessness, expanding our ability to receive and reflect infinite LOVE💖 available through SOURCE. ✨☀✨
Now that we have forged a strong heart❤ connection with Spirit🕊 we can effortlessly access the knowledge needed to accomplish great HEALING,💚🌿 as we embark on a new adventure with MANIK the BLUE HAND 🖐– known as the HEALER archetype.🙌
and so our journey through the Dreamspell continues…….
Divine blessings for TRANSCENDING the DEATH of the old time, and Resurrecting the bridge to endless COSMIC LOVE ❤ 🍥❤
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌈🌏




🔥 NEW!! HATHA YOGA: for beginners 🔥


This is the first in our series of Yoga Training. This is a Hatha Yoga Practice for beginners. This session runs about 20 minutes and is a light and gentle Yin Flow Yoga for all ages. Enjoy your Practice! Namaste 🙏 CLICK HERE to sign up for training





The Pale Pink and Sapphire Blue Flame

The Pale Pink Flame and Sapphire Blue Flame came today with the Lyran/Azurite guardians together joining forces to bring harmony. They come as the lion and lioness or even as the TRIUNE goddess herself. The flames come as polarity and as unity. The colors are needed for today, a day of peace, love, and divinity.
The Lyran, Azurite Guardians as well as the Andromedan Archangels including Chamuel, Michael and their partners bring these flames to us. Also present are Shakti, Shiva, Hecate, Persephone, Brigid, Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, St. Germain, Kuan Yin, Hathor, Serapis Bey, Sanada Kumara, Guatam Buddha and the list goes on.
Every ascended master working on Gaia in this NOW presents here with these flames today. They are flames of unity and love.
They show us a goddess with three incarnations, the triune. They show us the polarity male-female sitting heart in heart. They show us the father, mother and child in one being. The representation of divine love in all of these.

Invocation of the Pale Pink and Sapphire Blue Flame

I invoke the Pale Pink flame from the highest dimensions. I bring the flame through the Stellar Gateway, through the Galactic Chakra, the higher mind, through the higher heart. I ground the Pale Pink Flame through the Earth Star and into Mother Gaia. I visualize the pale pink flame in my upturned palms.
I invoke the Sapphire Blue Flame from the highest dimensions. I bring it through the Stellar Gateway, Through the Galactic Chakra, the higher mind, through the higher heart. I ground the Sapphire Blue Flame through the Earth Star and into Mother Gaia. I visualize the sapphire blue flame in my upturned palms.
I feel the energy of the Pale Pink Flame and Sapphire Flame surrounding my etheric body, emotional body and causal body of my aura.
I feel immersed in light pink and sapphire blue waters. I cut any cords or attachments that are of NAA or other negative entities.
I invoke the pink and sapphire blue flame over my home, my neighborhood, my country, my continent and Mother Gaia in her entirety.
I invoke the pink and sapphire blue flame over Albion (Avalon) and visualize it passing through Avebury and into Gaia’s heart.
St. Germain’s I AM Statements for the Light Pink and Sapphire Blue Flames
I AM Love
I AM Harmony
I AM Powerful
I AM Original Sound
Emily Kate, Ashnia- Ala
Lyran Nation
Lyran Nation

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Join Us! 3.3.23 for a Global focus, for even 5-10 minutes, seeing and Feeling yourself in Heaven on Earth, the 5th Dimensional New Earth.
This is a Global activity that going Quantum! Take part! Let others know. Let’s make this go viral (old word) – let’s use a new word – Go Quantum!
Look around in your moments of focus at Your Heaven on Earth, feel it all, and anchor it through your feet with your great Love, Light, and Joy!
Let us continue to CREATE New Earth, together!
Everything is consciousness and We Are CREATORS!~
New Earth is emerging from the inside-out.
Heaven on Earth
Heaven on Earth
MARCH 3/3/23
A profound Gateway.. Merging Heaven & EARTH
We are joining TOGETHER
to Visualize
“AS ONE” in
listen below:
Thank you Ismael Perez for your
4.5 min FERVANT CALL to Humanity🙏🏻🙏🏻
🌹Cmdr. Victoria Liljenquist

Jewels Maloney


Join Us! 3.3.23 for a Global focus, for even 5-10 minutes, seeing and Feeling yourself in Heaven on Earth, the 5th Dimensional New Earth.

This is a Global activity that going Quantum! Take part! Let others know. Let’s make this go viral (old word) – let’s use a new word – Go Quantum!

Look around in your moments of focus at Your Heaven on Earth, feel it all, and anchor it through your feet with your great Love, Light, and Joy!

Let us continue to CREATE New Earth, together!

Everything is consciousness and We Are CREATORS!~

New Earth is emerging from the inside-out.


Victoria Liljenquist

MARCH 3/3/23

A profound Gateway.. Merging Heaven & EARTH

We are joining TOGETHER


to Visualize

“AS ONE” in




Cmdr. Victoria Liljenquist