WE Are NOW the FREQUENCY of the DIVINE NEW EARTH ~ Return of the Light ~ Krystic Alignment of Stargates! Galactic Citizenship for Monad Souls
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Solar Christos Sophia Dragon Kingdom of the New Lemuria
We have massive energies pulsing in from the most high preparing us for tomorrow’s intense Solstice Gateway.
Our local Solaris continues to send Gaia and all her Children of the Sun Higher Dimensional Frequencies of Adamantine Light by releasing 11 C Class Soalr FLares today. It was also reported today on spaceweather that the Sun is producing 144 Sunspots on the Solar Disk. Not a coincidence in this auspicious time of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the New Earth.
Our Pachamama also had a powerful activation today with a magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Peru, South America in the Andes Mountains, home of our Sacred Condors. Mother Earth’s Kundalini continues to rise into the Crown for her Divine Coronation as Galactic Mothership 33 of our Universal Alliance of Light.
Our Earth Energetics continue to flow through the space of Zero Point Quantum Field to allow all Consciousness to witness the Great Shift of the Ages into the New Golden Age of Enlightenment of our Awakening Rainbow Tribe of Terra Nova Gaia…A’Ho!
ABUNDANCE on ALL Levels Are COMING-IN Super-Fast Right HERE and Right NOW. . .
Let us Realize that our SUN is BEing the AMPLIFIER for ALL these DIVINE FREQUENCIES to Reach us and our Beloved Mother Earth!
What is COMING NEXT in 2024 is GOING to BE HUGE! Make Room. . .
The blue ray, the first ray of light is streaming the codes of creation. This brings truth, freedom, quantum healing and hopping. As the magnetic fields of the galactic center, the sun and planet align allows this light to be received. Archons poked holes and inverted and reversed these fields to lower the consciousness of humanity.
They are no longer successful as you have helped repair and realign due to the frequency of this planet rising due to humanity awakening and radiating love and harmony from your magnetic heart! It’s truly so beautiful how these fields interact and how much light angelic starseeds carry! Woohoo, victory of the light. Anchor and surge this light even more with your joy!
12/20/23: It’s easy to forget, as we navigate our days, that we are in an accelerated and complex evolutionary phase. Our minds, our feelings, and our senses are all expanding. More importantly, our energy, our very life force, is getting an upgrade. You cannot respond to situations and experiences as you have in the past. In fact, you’ll struggle if you try.
Aspects of yourself are being dismantled and rewired… and you know this because your world, and how you view your place in it, has changed. You have changed. Today you could feel some inner tinkering in some form. Maybe anxiety or edginess. But maybe exhilaration or anticipation or even peace. Don’t try to isolate or define it. Lean into it for what it can give you.
Galactic citizenship for the previous cycle re-established amongst the Monad Soul extensions, Karmic council & Galactic councils. With each Galactic cycle that closes out, if you’re part of the Christos realignment project, citizenship is established amongst the Monad extensions once those fractals are fully retrieved and reintegrated, as well as any karmic contracts with each member are complete. In turn, this ushers in trajectory shifts, role re-arrangements, endings and beginnings.
All relationships are completing a month long bifurcation process that focused on co-dependant patterning that was not shifting, ie- trauma bonds, lack of respect for free will ( non compliance with The Law of One) etc. All in preparation for entrance through the Solstice gateway. Anything not in alignment with upcoming projects, missions and creations is falling away..Vibrationally felt as a complete disconnect, while other dynamics are stronger than ever. So much shifting within and without.
So many trajectory/ reality shifting choice points daily to choose which parallels resonate and which feel out of alignment with where Soul is guiding. Exciting couple weeks ahead..letting go of all self imposed, self created plans and allowing Divine guidance to lead all through to this next cycle. Happy Quantum Love jumping Soul Fam!
“The more spiritual we become, the more achingly serious we become, and the more we think we know. We have to admit at a certain point, however, that we know nothing, absolutely nothing.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
Preparing for the return of the Light and a new Solar cycle: 2024
If you are feeling a bit “between worlds” right now, there is a matrix shift and timeline reorientation taking place as we prepare to close out the epic completions of 2023.
Remember: We are making our destiny up as we go moment to moment in every breathe. We create individually and collectively, this “pregnant pause” is asking us to consciously send our thoughts out ahead of us to pave the way into the pathways of the wondrous unknown. Stay focused on who you are becoming and allow all other Timelines to collapse.
On the 21st: The Solstice: This is the day of the ancients return of the LIGHT.
Light a white candle (tea light) in the morning when you awaken… Take 12 deeeep breaths… one for every month of the year… in your final breath, give thanks for all your blessings and challenges of 2023. Really release with gratitude for lessons and experiences that have schooled you well. Allow your candle to burn to completion.
On the 22nd: light a tea light… Then take one more 12 breaths for you new beginning. Really breathe deep and a long slow exhale… and allow your breathe and intentions to go our before you asking for the Highest and Most Benevolent path be given to you in 2024, as the Sun (Son) returns the Light to the world.
Allow you candle to burn to completion.
Sending you all so much love as we traverse the winds, waters and fires of life on amazing Planet earth.
Are you feeling the deeply spiritual energies of this powerful week? New frequencies are expanding Gaia’s crystalline core, opening the fields for a pure realm-shifting, consciousness-shifting experience for open hearts.
Heed the inner guidance for alignment and focus.
Solstice peak is on Thursday, December 21 at 7:27PM PST/10:27pm EST. Open as a pure conduit of Source LoveLight intelligence and meditate with us (offline in the unity field) during this auspicious alignment.
This mystic passage is a long-honored alignment for spiritual growth and deep insights. Cosmic alignments provide unity with the higher realms, cosmic forces, and organic Ascension gateways. Spiritually intense energies deliver pure LoveLight Intelligence during this passage.
Every Kryst path experiences death and rebirth. In our modern journey of the return of the Kryst, we experience this consistently as a collective. Unity Consciousness changes the field, and we collectively experience the Divine reunion with Source, and rebirth into a new realm, a new experience.
The unique alignment of Gaia’s Crystalline core, Solaris (the SUN) Galactic center, and the organic Stargates support magnetic core shifts. Magnetics change coherent hearts and DNA, opening the Gateways to higher realm experiences.
These magnetic shifts open Stargates during Sacred Season within and without, providing powerful activations, visions, insights. revelations, resolution of past distortions, and resurrection of the Infinite Kryst Presence.
Take advantage of this opportunity to upgrade. Create the conditions for Divine alignment, and open to receive.
To The Ascension LightWorker / Starseed Collective : The Upcoming Solstice Energies
As we approach the Solstice, the last energetic upgrade of the year on 22/12, our focus will greatly turn inward. The collective ascending consciousness has already begun receiving this energy, leading to higher realisations of individuals “true life choices” Meanwhile ongoing karmic cycles are shifting with the emergence of much higher truths.
The heart chakra may feel numb to some or activated as you receive your higher self truth You may experience strange sensations in the heart space if so take a pause and allow the truth to come to the surface ,
Much of this truth represents the internal remembrance , which is now ready to manifest in the physical realm. By staying grounded and attuning to your inner voice, you move beyond old cycles. Remembering that you are loved and greatly valued.
This Solstice period emphasises deeper levels of self-love, even if you are dealing with relationship challenges. Such experiences serve as higher opportunities to strengthen self-love in various ways. Recognise the immeasurable value of your inner light, as it has the potential to illuminate the lives of countless others.
Solstice Gateway Energies are upgrading the pituitary and pineal glands both are undergoing significant clearing and activations in the upcoming month, as we progress to the Christ Consciousness Activations .These processes are profound in preparing many for the major rebirth cycle the transformation into physical manifestations of the Christ in the New Earth energy of the Aquarius Age .
The Solstice holds profound spiritual significance and impacts on your Ascension journey in several ways:
Alignment with Cosmic Energies . The Solstice marks a powerful alignment of the Earth with cosmic energies. It acts as a gateway, allowing heightened spiritual energy to flow into our lives. This influx of energy will catalyse ascension growth and accelerate our journey towards
Reflection and Introspection , The Solstice signifies a shift in seasons and a transition from darkness to light (or vice versa, depending on the hemisphere). This transition provides an opportunity for introspection, self-reflection, and releasing what no longer serves us. We can examine our spiritual path, set intentions, and make conscious choices to align ourselves more fully with our higher purpose.
Amplification of Energies , During the Solstice, the Earth’s energetic field is naturally amplified. This can enhance our own energy field, making it easier to connect with higher realms, receive guidance, and access deeper levels of consciousness. It is a time when our spiritual practices, such as meditation, prayers, or rituals can have a more potent effect.
Transformation and Renewal: The Solstice represents a powerful threshold for transformation and renewal. It symbolises the death and rebirth of energies, patterns, and aspects of ourselves that are ready to be released or transformed. By embracing this energetic portal, we embark on a journey of spiritual rebirth, shedding old layers and stepping into a higher level of awareness and consciousness.
Connection to Earth’s Rhythms ,The Solstice reminds us of our interconnectedness with nature and the Earth’s natural rhythms. By honouring and attuning ourselves to these cycles, we can deepen our spiritual connection and gain wisdom from the Earth’s intelligence.
Overall, the Solstice offers a unique opportunity for spiritual growth, alignment, and transformation. Embracing its energies and engaging in conscious practices can profoundly impact and enhance our spiritual journey.
Now is the opportune time to rely on the wisdom of your soul as a compass to navigate through any darkness. Trusting Always that you are divinely guided.
The essential truth is that darkness holds no power over Star-seeds on this planet . As you nurture your inner connection with the Divine creator you strengthen your divine relationship and open yourself to receive guidance and protection far more effortlessly.
The more you cultivate this higher connection, the stronger your intuitive connection becomes, allowing you to discern your next steps moving forward into new earth energy. This is an empowering realisation to move confidently on your Ascending path.
Solstice Blessings to all as we each celebrate the gift of the Sun.
The Winter Solstice is almost upon us and I felt inspired to connect and share with you dear friends at the time of the great midwinter festival of Solstice rapidly followed by the Christmas holiday.
This time of the year is typically associated with celebrations and spending time with loved ones, singing, dancing, and feasting as we celebrate the return of the light 3 days after the shortest day 22 December 2023.
Energetically and emotionally, you may have experienced our passage through the last couple of months as volatile with unexpected changes that have been sudden and dramatic and occurring in ways over which there seems to be no control particularly since the beginning of the eclipse season in mid-October 2023.
Many have had the very foundations of their security deeply challenged and many are reassessing the direction their life is taking. Some are questioning their relationships and others re-evaluating the work they are doing. Yet others like myself have been doing vision quests to bring forth the inspirations and manifestations for the upcoming year.
Wherever you are in your process, know that all of this is perfect and perfectly natural as the great awakening sweeps through the collective consciousness of our Blue Planet.
Although it may seem like our world is being rocked we can be sure that the great universal Spirit knows what it is about and guiding this process of mass transformation.
The lunar eclipses have given many the perfect opportunity to go deep within and do the inner work of recovering those lost pieces of the self still to be integrated. There has never been such support for transmutation, transformation and transfiguration as there is now in this current era and for many this will continue for several years and most definitely in 2024.
We are due for another huge energetic shift in energy and consciousness in 2024 the likes of which we will have never experienced in this physical incarnation.
The expected increase in the solar flares emanating from our Sun, the Central Sun, Alcyone and The Grand Central Sun, Sirius together with hi-grades of plasma surges from Sagittarius B from the Black Hole at the galaxy centre will ensure we are all in some way enlivened, electrified and enlightened, literally.
This is the way the universe communicates with us and our planet through the information contained in these great light packages.
The current astrology also confirms we are in for another rollercoaster of a year where the light codes will be pushing more and more people into an awakening state which is likely to result in some agitation if they have not done the preparatory work on their energy field and consciousness.
For those who have done their work, by this I mean have dealt with any fear, doubts, worries, anxiety, overthinking, stuck emotions, self -sabotage patterns, limiting beliefs, discrepancy stories, being too far into the future and being stuck in the past, it will be an incredible time for manifesting visions and dreams that are aligned to love, joy, peace, compassion, abundance, sovereignty, freedom and collaboration.
The evolutionary impulse is urging us to work in collaboration and connection with one another while maintaining our sovereignty and freedom as we bring our unique gifts to any project.
So may I humbly suggest whatever you are inspired to create as a builder of the new earth, you take some time at the Solstice and the holidays to go deeply within and connect with the stillness there. Fully open your heart brain it is 5000 times more powerful than the processor in your head.
Do a vision quest, do any inner work that is coming up for you. This is what we came here to do. To support this planet and humanity make this great shift.
We cannot hold the frequency required to do this if we are still dealing with our own stuff particularly when the light begins its return after the Solstice and through 2024.
Do not take notice of news, media, naysayers, conspiracy theorists, etc stop all polarisation within.
It is imperative we stay out of judgement and condemnation no matter what shows up on the world stage at this time. And there is going to be plenty!
In any transformative process, as high frequency energy hits the system it will bring to the surface all that is unlike itself for transformation. This is a natural process that any energy/light worker can confirm.
In the meantime:
1.Presence, Ground and Centre
2. Keep your frequency high by staying out of judgement and condemnation of polarised situations
3.Use your loving compassion to bring forgiveness to any situation that is of a low frequency
4.Be aware of your thought, emotions, speech and actions, moment to moment.
5 Use your incredible gift as a powerful manifestor and live with masterful intentionality.
6. Know and experience yourself as the I AM Presence you are and re-affirm this with positive affirmation.
7. Live in Love, Peace, Bliss as your experienced reality.
8. Join with other like -minded beings online and in the physical realm to share, care and support one another.
May you be Blessed this Winter Solstice and hold the Return of the Light as it floods every cell of your physical body, DNA template and every particle of your multi -dimensional anatomy.
A day of independence and activity! The Aries Moon and the North Node are in harmony with Mars while Venus is opposed Uranus. This opposition may bring sudden changes in money, values, love, relationships, finances, stocks and agriculture. Our electric magnification is on fire today as long as we are in the flow of the present moment. Take the leap of faith!
12/21 With the Capricorn Solstice tomorrow, some tensions are building as we experience an uncomfortable quincunx between Mars (planet of passion & aggression) in fire sign Sagittarius and Uranus (planet of shock & awe) in earth sign Taurus.
Much like the Iceland volcano which erupted during this transit, sudden earth shake ups are likely. These sudden awakenings will offer the opportunities for more expansions to become seeded as the Moon enters earth sign Taurus and the Sun enters earth sign Capricorn solstice night, hand in hand in a glorious earth trine to Mercury rx. Making it solidified.
Winter solstice offers an excellent energy signature for the next three months with added opportunities for educational enrichment, travel voyages despite earth-shaking events like Iceland’s volcanic eruption during Venus opposite Uranus alignment.
12/22 Friday we get cosmic insights! A blast of downloads, massive epiphanies as Mercury Rx nestles inside the heart of the Sun just before re-entering Sagittarius to have us review our goals, ambitions and determinations to expand higher consciousness once again.
Mercury in the heart of the sun at 0° of Capricorn is cosmic messages seeded for determined success. If we don’t know the answer now, we most likely will by the weekend. Sit tight and be open to receive, not allowing any nuances of information to get past us. This is the determination and attention to detail of Capricorn.
The energy has shifted today. We can feel it. Action steps taken unescorted for the individual empowerment yield best results. It is a go it solo kind of energy today.
*This forecast is taken from the perspective of US Central time.
On Wednesday, December 20th, harmonious Venus, ruler of partnerships and personal resources, in passionate Scorpio is opposing Uranus, ruler of breakthrough and change, in steadfast Taurus. This energy will mostly be active in the areas of relationships and money, and will most likely play out with other people and external circumstances. Uranus is about liberation so we may desire more freedom in our relationships now. We want to break away from confining or suffocating energies that hold us back from our true and authentic expression. Uranus is also about expecting the unexpected, so there may be some surprising developments with our finances, or in our interactions with others.
This could be either shocking or exciting. Venus in Scorpio rules the empowerment of the Divine Feminine on a collective level, or within ourselves. We could experience upheaval, restlessness, or extreme behavior in situations on a global level, or personally. Uranus does not like to conform to the status quo and will redirect or even churn up a little chaos to shake things up if needed! So, as you can see, there are many possibilities with this combination of Venus and Uranus. We may just have to wait and see what unfolds. And, remember……”Expect the Unexpected!” Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Venus, ruler of partnerships and personal resources, in passionate Scorpio is opposing Uranus
Vesta retrograde re-enters Gemini – Vesta returns to mindful Gemini bringing with it a gentle but insistent instruction to listen. With Mercury, ruler of Gemini, now retrograde, we must create space for silence and reflection. As Vesta lifts her candle in the gloom, it illuminates where and how we make connections. Now we see where faulty wiring sputters sparks, and where unattached threads need to tie the knot.
Practically, this transit tells us that communication is sacred. But sometimes least said, soonest mended, as my Grandmother used to say. Right now, it’s the inner voice that needs space to express itself so we can hear where our own thoughts scatter nerves and lead us astray. Explore where you might be holding a candle to the past. Focus on the facts but keep an open mind. Question what lights you up from the inside out, what sparks ideas, what makes you sit up and pay attention. Devote some time to your mental health. Honour your teachers. Practice mindfulness.
The number 9 is called ‘Solar’ and its keywords are ‘Realizing, Intention and Pulse’. If you study the graphic which accompanies this forecast, you will see that the wavespell begins and ends on the same color. This happens in all wavespells. The 5th day and the 9th day are also the same color. This connection symbolizes gear shifts in the energy of the 13-day journey. Number nine is the shift into the highest gear before it completes on the last day. The number 9 is powerful in many cultures because it is 3 x 3, which is very sacred. Because of this power, today your ‘intention’ carries great strength.
Today is Red Dragon, the day that represents ‘Birth, Being and Nurture’. Dragon days are great for starting projects or a new job, moving house or starting your life over. Dragons live in caves which are symbols of Mother Earth’s womb. Springing from the womb is new life. As it is a number 9 day and that represents ‘Intention’, if it is your intention to start your life over, then today is a great day to do it. It’s a perfect combination of number and day if you want to launch a new project. There’s so much determination you can tap into that you are bound to succeed.
Today’s Guide is Red Earth which represents ‘Navigation, Synchronicity and Evolution’. This is a very helpful guide on such a day. You can change your life and evolve! Yes, all the elements of the day are combining beautifully to provide wonderful opportunities to make great strides forward. You can now blaze a trail in a direction that is life enhancing. Navigate with your Intention!
Remember too that this day is the highlight of the Red Skywalker wavespell…have you got out of your comfort zone yet?
The Challenge of the day is Blue Monkey and so if you were born on a Blue Monkey day you will find this day tough. Take good care and ‘Nurture’ yourself….. don’t monkey around but make it your intention to be your own mother. If you know a monkey, do be kind to them today and help them relax and heal.
The Occult power is the Yellow Sun suggesting that ‘Magic Enlightens’ and this will help with the re-birthing process. Expect revelations today about things previously hidden as the Sun shines so brightly in this position, nothing can hide in the shadows.
The Ally Power is the White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’. If you need help, people born on White Mirror days are invaluable. If you are one, expect to be called upon for one of your infamous reality checks. Mirrors do have a tendency to say it like it is, so try to prepare yourself for harsh words. Don’t forget that it’s good for you and a true ‘Ally’ is someone who won’t hold the truth back from you.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 61= 7 Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Solitude
Day 1 atop column 4 in the Tzolkin Calendar, as we start another 20 day cycle through the Solar seals. The 4th column is about Form, Structure and laying a new solid foundation.. It also denotes the EARTH element and is connected to the Angelic frequency and NEW EARTH...
The SOLAR DRAGON represents BIRTH and NEW BEGINNINGS and today we have a 3 HOLY TRINITY code. – From the cycle of DEATH and decay springs NEW HEAVENLY LIFE. Just
as rotting organic matter becomes compost in the soil, and fertilizes the new seed, the nutrients and elements are recycled into a new FORM – born again.
Day 9 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL of AWAKENING to our true selves through exploration and EXPANSION. We have a 20- GREAT AWAKENING code operative today – during this WAKEFULNESS cycle – WAKEY WAKEY indeed!
Today we realise what it is to EXPLORE and AWAKEN through responding to signs and synchronicities from Pachamama.
NOW is the RIGHT TIME to WAKE UP and get moving on your Divine Mission..
Through this new b-Earth-ing we achieve SOUL-ar EXPANSION fuelled by the REAWAKENING of the Christ Consciousness codes.
SOLAR Tone 9 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm, ACTION – realizing, POWER – to pulse, ESSENCE – intention
The ninth day of RED SKYWALKER Wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation. The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our Will affects the reality we experience, so we begin pulsing, extending our intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to manifest and pulsing that intention from our heart. This assists us in making our dreams come true.
This is POTENT manifestation energy today!
What are you BIRTHING today, and what desires are you pulsing into reality?
We are GIFTED once again with a very divinely SPIRITUAL day – supporting us to RISE and SHINE BRIGHTLY as the precious STAR BLISS SUNS that we are, EXPANDING into pure consciousness!
Today we are BIRTHING a NEW WORLD filled with LIGHT – and a new way of being, as newly CHRISTED GOLDEN SOUL-AR HU-MANS!
Today’s question is “How can I BIRTH the SOPHIA/CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS energy in my Soul-ar being and pulse this forth with intention, into our beautiful NEW WORLD?
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 .
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED SOLAR DRAGON IMIX It is interesting that the energy of the DRAGON has been associated with both Darkness as well as the LIGHT. The DRAGONS were previously hunted to extinction in the 3D realm, and so they were banished to other dimensions, in order to escape the reach of man. Some of these DRAGONS worked for the nefarious agenda, but even more are our ALLIES assisting humanity in our Ascension process.
The DRAGON tribe are the great protectors, and guardians of ABUNDANCE. Call on your DRAGON allies to clear any malevolent energies around you today, to protect and safeguard your sacred space and OPEN your personal vault to ABUNDANCE.
The RED DRAGONS are tribe number 1 in the DREAMSPELL, and appropriately they are the MIDWIVES birthing the NEW EARTH.
Mother Dragon provides the beautiful nurturing and birthing energies, enabling us to have a FRESH START on this majikal 3.2.1 DIVINE NEW START day. We can transmute the abundant dense energy and RECYCLE it for creation purposes. Nothing is wasted in our energetic UNIVERSE. You are the ALCHEMIST.
In order to construct this new foundation we need to realize that we all respond to the positive life-enhancing energies of unconditional love and nurturance.. Caring for others and allowing others to care for us. Surrendering to TRUST in Divine Nurturance and protection.. being at ONE with all of Creation in our Universal Family.
As we accept responsibility for ourselves, our kin and our beloved planet, we begin to realize that we are all DIVINE BEINGS – soul fragments of our Divine Creator – birthed through our Heavenly Father/Mother God/Goddess.
IMIX is our Divine Mother Creatrix who births ALL of existence through the VOID of Creation.
The RED DRAGON tribe hold the Sophia Wisdom codes for our planet, sacredly guarding this reservoir of eternal wisdom in the akashic libraries. This wisdom provides the raw CREATION codes needed to birth our intentions into our physical reality.
The Sophia dragons hold the feminine CHRIST consciousness aspect of HU-MAN- kind, which has been hidden and overlooked by many spiritual initiates on their Ascension journey. The DIVINE FEMININE MUST be married with the DIVINE MASCULINE in the HIEROS GAMOS, to reach MASTERY level.
IMIX the Mother Dragon’s role is pivotal in BIRTHING the NEW EARTH, and BIRTHing the SOPHIA/CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS GOLDEN SOLAR GRID. It is fully anchored and EXPANDING in all it’s DIVINE GLORY TODAY!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE:RED SOLAR EARTH CABAN is our evolutionary compass, that shows us which path to take and how to navigate through our life’s journey. CABAN reminds us to respond to the signs and synchronicities that appear before us, in order to navigate our new path and new beginnings in our New World. The deeper we respond to MOTHER Earth the more awakened we become.
NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME for the STAR BLISS SUNS to advance with her, unimpeded by any darkness…
MOTHER is pushing us out of the nest and encouraging us to FLY HIGH now.. with GOLDEN WINGS.
Today we tune in and LISTEN to the HEART BEAT of our Mother – the Schumann resonance, and begin to fully connect and pulse as ONE being. As we hold the intention to synchronize with the natural rhythyms of Mother Earth, we become fully realized through the LIFE FORCE coursing through our bodies, flowing through us.
As we radiate and begin to PULSE this pure divine essence through our being, MIRACLES begin to HAPPEN in our world.
As RED EARTH is the higher guide we may have some strong SIGNS from Mother Gaia today, signalling the way forward for the New Time. Stay tuned!
RED EARTH opens the portals through TIME that links the cycles on our evolutionary journey. The portals through which our ancestors SPEAK, echoing the warnings and prophecies which have been broadcast, to guide us in choosing the best path to navigate, for the betterment of mankind.
Follow the signs that appear before you and they will lead you to wondrous gifts from Father/Mother God! Open your HEART to connect with the PULSE of Pachamama – Feel her life-force flowing through your body, providing for all your needs – safety, protection, anchoring and abundance.
PACHAMAMA speaks! Are you listening?
Mumma wants all her children to LIVE IN PEACE, and LIVE in HARMONY with her natural FLOW and cycles. Abandon the wasteful life and attune to a beautiful sustainable and Harmonic lifestyle.
SUPPORT: WHITE SOLAR MIRROR ETZNAB continues to reveal the untruths and false narratives in the Mirror World – the Artificial control Matrix. The HALL of MIRRORS will continue to open new doorways through our new found clarity, and willingness to realize the TRUTH of our reality, but only for those souls who have OPEN EYES to SEE clearly.
Which realm will you choose to EXPLORE today – the dark false illusory world, or the new BLISS filled rainbow world?
Self reflection and Self realization, are both needed to find the true EXIT from the Mirror world. The clue is to follow your HEART – the path of unconditional LOVE and nurturance.
ETZNAB enables us to realise unconditional love as our capacity for timeless receptivity, to the endless order of TRUTH, harnessed through pure REFLECTION. To be clear mirrors from the HEART, receptive, open and aligned in LOVE. PULSING forth this LOVE to all mankind.
GOD sent his SUN/son JESUS THE CHRIST to EARTH as an act of pure unconditional love, through his self sacrifice for us. He was a true MIRROR, modelling the Mastery that we can all attain through our ascension process, as pure Golden immortal sons and daughters of GOD/GODDESS.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW OVERTONE SUN AHAU perfectly brings forth today’s SUPERPOWER and hidden gifts, that of the SUN awakening and EN-LIGHT-ON-ing us all. The OVERTONE SUN has the POWER of a DOUBLE SUN as it COMMANDS RADIANCE – daring to SHINE as BRIGHT as our great CENTRAL SUN.
What a BRILLIANT gift this is shining the brightest LIGHT in the DARKNESS on this 20.20 AWAKENING DAY!
We have the power to walk in the shadows and not be diminished by the darkness. Shining our SPOTLIGHTS and radiating our luminosity to illuminate the darkest of places. Creating portals of LIGHT wherever we walk and pulse forth our consciousness.
The STAR BLISS SUNS are making our world a MUCH BRIGHTER place, and raising the frequency of our space. All it takes to remove darkness is to TURN ON THE LIGHT!
The YELLOW OVERTONE SUN radiantly empowers us, through claiming our Divine Sovereignty, as we realize that we are all GOD’S incarnate – pure SOURCE energy..
Command your Sovereignty as Divine Creators, and experience the joy of total Self realization as your pure soul essence. Reclaim your Soul-ar POWER – the power of fearlessly SHINING your LIGHT and allowing the harmony to radiate through and from you.
COMMAND your role on Earth, and your intention to step into your Divine mission – that which you came here to do! Aho, dear SHINING ONES – now is the time to start PULSING forth your BRILLIANCE.
NOTE: With this OCCULT SUPERPOWER today – many souls will have the courage to COMMAND their Sovereignty and to step up and BE HEARD. Use your VOICE to speak for Pachamama and stand UNITED in your conviction to herald in the NEW TIME and NEW WORLD.
It is TIME to reject the darkness and all ILLUSIONS of false LIGHT.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SOLAR MONKEY CHUEN is the Magician helping us to realise the majikal codes of the day. CHUEN loves to PLAY and relishes the opportunity to TRICK or TREAT!
BLUE MONKEY is very cheeky and mischievous – so BEWARE the TRICKS and ILLUSIONS today which can lead to DECEPTION. Look closely at what is REVEALED as your EYES may deceive you. Take everything through the filter of your HEART to discern the TRUTH.
BLUE MONKEY represents the DIVINE CHILD so we are reminded to KEEP IT LIGHT. CHUEN’s totem is the DOLPHIN which embodies the 5D BLISS frequencies.
We have the CHOICE of what to focus on today, the darkness, death and decay of the old world , or the BLISS, new life and new GROWTH. Choose well!
What will you ENERGIZE???
The more we focus on BLISS and our new PARADISE – the quicker we manifest it.. especially during the bleak and challenging times. In order to PULSE our radiant codes and intentions into creating our Brilliant New Reality, we must fully connect with our Divine Child and return to INNOCENCE – our SOURCE.
Through the Majik of our Hearts we can pulse through Creation codes to ignite our new creations. Our projects, our creativity, our new common-unities – all through the element of JOY and spontaneity. Follow the promptings of the HEART – where our most JOY exists. That is the true path for our soul to follow.
Allow the cheeky monkey to lead the way, and make PLAY the new order of your day.. As you PLAY, remember to hold your intention to uplift and nurture your playmates, through your compassionate heart and pure innocence.
As you realize that your Divine Child is in fact your GOD SOURCE – as a child of God/Goddess – just as Jesus is. This realization allows you to rebirth the flame of the SOPHIA CHRISTOS CONSCIOUSNESS that lies within you and in each one of us. The Divine gift and blessing, hidden inside each of us, to discover and unwrap like a precious diamond.
This SOUL-AR Sophia/Christos energy is the Golden egg waiting to HATCH, through your intention to allow for this Sacred birth within you, if you wish to accept it. Just open your HEARTS and begin PULSING!
Today’s question is “How can I BIRTH the SOPHIA/CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS energy in my Soul-ar being and pulse this forth with intention, into our beautiful NEW WORLD?
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 .
🔥 New Earth Ascension Energy Report and Astrology reading for the week of December 17th – 23rd 2023 from the Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth report my Goddess covers the astrology for the coming week from December 17th – 23rd 2023, guides a very special beautiful meditation and a ceremony for this Thursday’s Winter/ Summer Solstice Portal of the 21st of Dec. a couple of our New Earth scribe messages and she pulls a Tarot card from the Mother Peace deck.Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine voice and transmission.
Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence, by Your Love, Power and Authority I invoke, Beloved
Saint Germain, Angels of the Violet Flame, and ALL those that Minister to
the Violet Ray to permanently establish a Freedom Flame in ALL NATIONS
THE WORLD, and Ascended Master Friends in ALL positions of Power to SET
Make all things RIGHT! The Hearts Delight!
More intensely, set all now Free! Do it TODAY and ever with us STAY!
(Feel deeply) THANK YOU!
Violet Flame this is our request, through Earth and all her evolutions,
sweeping and expanding Violet Fire, Daily to fulfil Divine Desire!
“I AM”! “I AM”! “I AM”!
Filling my world with Violet Fire! Filling my world with Divine Desire! Setting
me and ALL Earth FREE! VIOLET FIRE our Love and Thanks to Thee!
*“I AM” a Force of VIOLET FIRE stronger than any HUMAN CONDITION! (3x)
Setting all life FREE from that which was never meant to be!
(Sit, visualise and FEEL the Violet Flame until the music finishes – Feel Love and Gratitude for
the Violet Flame)
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