RAINBOW LIGHTBODY ~ The Harmony of Divine Mastery Rises from Within ~ Golden Frequency Of Mother ~ Pangea and Lemuria
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Cosmic Earth Angelics of the New Lemuria
Our Starseed Ground Crew Team of the 144 are receiving massive energetic upgrades and activations from the most high Infinite Source Creator. Our Great Central Sun continues to fill this realm with the Creation Codes of our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
With the Holy Fire flowing in through the MahaShivratri, Night of Shiva, and the Holy Waters of New Supermoon in Pisces, the Yin merges with the Yang in Divine Union to bridge Heaven and Earth through our Sacred Hearts Centers.
In the Power of Silence we are Transformed by the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of all things, and realize our True Nature of Buddha Mind, to Transform our Self and the World into Sovereign Conscious Awakened Beings of the Christos Sophia, One True Light.
The Love of Source is pouring in through the Gold Ray of Manifestation to empower and inspire our Good People of the New Earth to live from our hearts and Walk a Path of Peace and Prosperity upon Terra Nova GaiaโฆAโHo!
Return of the solar dragons! The grid in Scotland is getting a massive ritual clearing now and this will align to Atlantian timelines too. Even the star logos of hydra too! This brings freedom codes, this brings healing and massive transformation into the light! It’s important to feel safe as rituals clear and the light activates.
It’s a major victory to clear these old timelines from all logos. We are electromagnetic connected to all fields in the universe and that’s why they use sacred locations of vortexes and their ley lines. They are magnetic and so are you! Remember your heart is the biggest field so this is how you shift from density to light ๐ค
Stabilize your pillar as Earth’s core is recalibrating plasma light from galactic suns. As this light comes up shaking can be felt as it charges the tectonics. You are an electrical current and your nervous system is also charging. Dizziness, loss of balance, headaches can be felt. Center, ground, breathe and hydrate. Allow cellular purification with the energy of peace ๐ค
Return of the solar dragons
Angels of love are here.They offer you a bouquet of multicolored roses to assist in further opening your heart center allowing your spirit to soar.Visualize the roses in the bouquet blossoming, filling the air w/sweet perfume. As the roses bloom they sing ๐ love notes within you
The angels of light are here raining heavenly golden white light onto earth preparing humanity for the full return of the Christ w/in the Self. The angels sing,โGloria in excelsis Deo for the sun has risen magnificently in the hearts of humanity bringing peace &good will to all.โ
A new cosmic cycle begins, a new world for humanity emerges. This is the great return to our sovereignty, masters of manifestation. All rights are restored to the children of the light as we venture forth into the cosmos painting the All with light, our spirits free one again.โจ
In this new cosmic cycle light is the predominant force and love returns in its infinite beauty and wisdom as the vibrational pattern in all things. For you see the light of the sun allows the cosmic tree of life DNA to blossom and grow, singing desert rose love notes in cells.
3/9/24: Like a lighthouse in a storm, today can lead you gently but truly to safe harbor where you can rest and renew. As always, however, as you follow its guidance you must steer yourself through the rough waters. Today is your intuition in action. It is the Light that always shines for you, but it canโt make you look. It canโt override Free Will. It can nudge, advise, and recommend. It can whisper and it can scream. But it canโt make you listen. March will help you to work on thatโฆ as the mirror that reflects your efforts. Your Right Action is to partner with the Light. It can not only cut through the stormโฆ it can harness its strength for you.
You are getting more into the new physics for your life and the new physics of Gaia. Stepping into this new physics reality, you will be paying more attention to the potential between the Divine Energies. The separation is happening now and the way you will see it will be by the gap between what is going away, the old energies and where you are going, how high you are raising your vibration.
This is your potential, this is your trampoline, your accumulation of energy to go further. The bigger the gap, the faster and easier you can go forward. This potential will spring you up from what is below. The lower energies do not have the key to hold or support their movement because these energies are melting by their own weight. They are slowly fading away. There is no energy there. The only way they exist is because they are still connected to what is happening on the planet, connected to the whole picture, connected to your conscious seeing and understanding of the planet. The further you go from here the faster and easier you will move. The sky is the limit.
As this process is happening, you will see and know a lot of people whose choice is not to go forward and raise their vibration. Emotionally, it can be very hard to see this happening, to say good bye to this reality where we lived for so long. I am advising you to send as much love as possible to those you love who have not chosen to go forward. Know that they are with your love, handed to God, in the best hands they can be and whatever they chose the choice is theirs. This sadness, this emotional feeling of separation will eventually go away.
Hugs and love to all of you,
new physics of Gaia
Sri and Kira
With a deep bow before your Divine Mastery Presence…
WELCOME to this extra-ordinary moment!
The Harmony of Divine Mastery Rises from Within
The Re-cognition of Service as a Way of BEing is NOW.
The March Equinox and the Great Spiral are opening the depth of your Ancient Divine Mastery Presence to Flourish and BE.
2024 is an Ascension energy year of CHOICE and in this moment, that choice is the acceptance of cosmic eyes to clearly SEE BEYOND the self-imposed limitations of this worldly moment.
The rare opportunity to KNOW beyond all fear, doubt, & hesitancy that YOU ARE the MASTER in form. HERE NOW and READY to SERVE the world that is coming of age.
Fully rising into the harmonic frequency of Divine Mastery Presence is outside of the physical, mental and emotional. IT IS the inner wisdom that cannot ever be taken from you.
The deep knowing that you were BORN FOR THIS MOMENT.
The eternal smile that invites you to relax into the trust of your divine nature. The gift of abundant flow that is yours to harvest as
Today the field of potentially is reaching out its arms and inviting your conscious participation in this Alchemical transformation. My heart is honored to BE with you.
And.. in the essence of this New Moon, on MONDAY we expand beyond ALL perception into the fifth journey of Divine Mastery. A might journey as together we gather in the field of AWARENESS of the Active presence.
With all my heart and the honoring of your unique journey!
Dear friends, the energies of the upcoming new moon are already arriving. This super new moon in Pisces occurs on Sunday March 10. This new moon is a very important event energetically speaking. This lunation is a supermoon, meaning that the moon is in closer proximity to the earth. And even though we will not see the moon in the sky (itโs a new moon), the gravitational pull will be quite strong. We will be feeling the full effects of this upcoming astronomical event to the maximum since this is the closest super new moon of the year. The next major lunar events are the lunar eclipse on March 25 and the solar eclipse on April 8.
A New moon energy gives us a chance to plant the seeds that you can watch grow over the following two weeks, up until the next full moon, and the following six months. During this new moon lunation, the moon is invisible to the naked eye from Earth, symbolizing the opportunity to step into new unknown territory and embrace change and endless possibilities. Spiritually speaking, a new moon invites us to delve inward, connect with our inner selves, and align with our deepest desires.
This Pisces super new moon is a time of dreaminess, imagination, mystery, revelations, and hidden meanings. This new moon energy is wrapped in a cloud of mysticism, symbolizing our spiritual journey into unknown territories where we can explore our unconscious desires and deep memories. As the sun and moon unite in the mutable water sign, it can trigger an emotional storm and make us feel more sensitive to our emotions and the emotions of others. This weekend please be mindful about this issue as you interact with others who are also being affected by this emotional new moon.
Pisces is known as a compassionate sign, and this energy allows us to sense the energy of others, creating feelings of compassion and empathy. Try to be surrounded with like minded people as we swim through this lunation, to create a more peaceful and supportive emotional environment.
This super New moon will be pushing us emotionally into the deep waters of our mind. Be mindful about this issue, and try not to get lost down the rabbit hole of your subconscious. That said, allow your self to dream big and truly feel the desires of your heart and soul. This is the perfect time to tap into your subconscious and trust in the path that is unfolding before you, even if it seems uncertain and nebulous. This new moon in Pisces on Sunday is the lunar event before eclipse season starts, so itโs the perfect time to wish upon a star and send your manifestations out into the celestial ocean.
With the Astrological New Year and the beginning of eclipse season looming on the horizon, this weekendโs new moon in Pisces acts as a pivotal energetic preamble, pushing us to confront the depths of our subconscious and embrace the path and timelines ahead before the major eclipse shifts arrive.
May this whimsical and imaginative super new moon in Pisces bring you in alignment with the dreams and desires you need to manifest for a more joyful, healthful, and enlightened soul journey. Much love, and have a great weekend
This is a time in which many of you are experiencing a profound reconnection, through the many light body activations that are now taking place, and solar emanations, and that leads you to a process of consicous realignment with your soul and monad. In this sacred process, with the assistance of your “karmic” council guides, the one in charge of your incarnation process, you will be balancing all your past, present, and future actions, for you are not only yourself, and we dwell in a simultaneous reality.
During this time my Guides share the importance for All who are guided, to work on energetic and spiritual clearing, which is totally different from a physical cleansing. When we are on the threshold of becoming sovereign beings, we become aware of all of our existence, and all the consicous and unconscious acts. It is then that we are allowed to revise our lives and clear all energetic blockages that are still causing feelings of blame or any other emotion that creates misalignment.
During this Piscean season, we have the opportunity for major cleansing and spiritual closure, so we can resurrect as the free sovereign beings that we came here to be.
Guides share that when this occurs we have finally balanced our “karma” and it is then when we can reunite with our personal “karmic” council team and examine all we need to remove from our subtle bodies and soul’s heritage, as there will be things we carry, through genetic inheritance, for example, that are not ours to bear, and we need higher assistance to be able to remove these patterns.
They will help us clear karmic imprints, which are seals that are often not ours, and that we inherit or carry through imprints, due to past trauma, the majority of the time.
If you are working with yourself, and DNA a this time – pivotal to support this process of energetic and spiritual “karmic” release – many old feelings and wounds can emerge as well, remember it is an organic process as we embody our authentic self and mission.
Call upon your personal incarnation council guides and ask them to help you heal your wounded self, removing all programs related to guilt and blame. They will reunite with you in your dream phase, even though you may not remember, or consciously if you are prepared to hold this etheric meeting, and they will help you heal, on a spiritual and energetic level, what we cannot, fully, in our earthly plane.
The activation may feel like a very warm feeling, inwardly and outwardly. You may too feel your body vibrating at a high speed, and other sensations that are natural when your guides heal you with the gold frequency, which is felt strongly and revitalizing.
Golden frequencies that you may see in the form of bright orbs descending upon your being, for gold is the frequency that removes karmic ties, blockages, and bonds that we have balanced, and need to be cleared now, or that are not ours to carry.
This is why is so important to be connected to our soul and monad, for us to be able to receive this etheric treatment, at this time of profound integration, and closure of an old personal cycle.
After this personal energetic and spiritual cleansing, you will hold more clarity about who you truly are and your unique soul path. You will remember that your life is yours as well as the story you wish to live on this plane.
Rewrite what no longer resonates, relive what does, and be prepared to live within divine love, authenticity, and divine alignment, for you have now rebirthed into your authentic and precious self, free of past burdens, and filled with love, wisdom, and power.
In times when intense energies are prevalent and heightened sensitivity is collectively apparent, turning inward for guidance offers profound and depthful insights. This planetary stage marks a profundity in significant opportunities to prepare self for the incoming changes to transition into higher timelines by setting new short term goals and higher purposeful intentions.
As life accelerates on this ascending planet and gains momentum, it becomes essential to release attachments to the past and connect into a deeper focus on the present moment. By letting go of the old narratives and welcoming in the now and the new , ascending individuals are empowering themselves to shape a brighter future through conscious awareness, living and taking mindful and inspired actions.
establishing clear boundaries with intention and purpose is highly beneficial to creating a solid foundation and structure to develop stability amidst life’s dynamics and uncertainties . By taking inventory of selfโs higher priorities and commitments, aligning them with their true purpose, individuals will harness their energy more effectively and avoid dispersing it among unfulfilling pursuits.
This introspective process also extends to decluttering the external environment, symbolising the release of stagnant energies and paving the way for new opportunities and internal growth.
developing genuine connections with self and others including the natural world is highlighted as a transformational practice during this phase of inner transformation . Recognising the interconnectedness of all beings and embracing the unity of the universe creates a profound shift in perspective and enables authentic relationships to expand .
By shedding the false masks and ego-driven perceptions, ascending individuals will engage in meaningful interactions that promote mutual understanding and collective well-being.
Starseeds In essence are navigating these energetic shifts and embracing sensitivity as a catalyst for personal evolution that requires a holistic approach one that integrates introspection, boundary-setting, and higher self connection-building.
Through mindful intention and conscious living, you experience the interconnectedness of all life forms as self embarks on a journey of authentic self-discovery and empowerment, leading to transformational and fulfilling experiences in new earth energy .
Trusting in this process and remaining open to ascension changes paves the way for a future aligned with selfs deepest aspirations and highest potential .
Starseeds, spiritually aware individuals with a strong connection to the divine, are old and evolved souls reincarnated on Earth to facilitate its transformation. Equipped with spiritual abilities and gifts like mediumship , energy mastery, healers of all walks , mystics , remote viewers clairvoyance and clairsentients etc . etc Starseeds purpose is to help humanity ascend to higher dimensions and contribute to the planet’s spiritual evolution.
As Starseeds navigate their purpose on Earth, it will always be important to them to maintain alignment with their energy frequencies and boundaries, recognising that not all burdens are theirs to carry .
By staying true to themselves and allowing others to meet them at their energetic level, Starseeds will accomplish their purpose and contribute positively to the collective ascension process.
Finding your passion as you ascend involves uncovering your authentic self buried deep beneath societal expectations. Through healing and transformation , past wounds transform into inner core strengths and values , what once seemed disempowering becomes inner mastery and universal wisdom.
Accepting duality and contradictions is part of the ascension journey towards authenticity, wholeness and enlightenment.
Unity consciousness downloads are activating clearings and recalibration in the throat chakra , 3rd eye chakra and crown chakra enhancing alignment with the truth of infinite oneness. As these downloads resonate with the collective, Lightworker vibrations elevate towards love and light,
The alignment process culminates during Pisces Season it is urging inner exploration to heal and rise above denser energies and vibrations . This planetary time offers ideal opportunities for soul expansion and embodiment of unconditional love, with support available for this transformative journey towards self-healing and collective upliftment. The ascending collective hold the key to this profound process.
Trust in the universe’s cosmic intelligence to guide us on our journey of self-realisation and ascension. It involves surrendering to the divine timing, embracing challenges as opportunities for higher learning and growth, aligning us with a higher purpose beyond our limited perceptions.
This trust empowers the ascending to navigate setbacks with resilience and adaptability leading to inner peace and serenity. Ultimately Trust becomes a beacon of guiding light towards spiritual fulfillment, and vibrational alignment with the universal flow of Source light creation.
Are you feeling the Quantum Presence entering your world?
For 2024 brings through this heightened amplification, providing deep and expansive insights
Know your multidimensional view point is simply your personal reference tool to explore and co-create
For the deeper merging and amplification of your light field is bringing forth many points of light awareness
I am shown the Rainbow Light Evolution of Now and the great evolutionary steps we are taking, as we co-calibrate the light of our individual self, whilst assisting others and the consciousness of Humanity
Know many are juggling multiple light roles, as we are care givers, earth guardians, light holders, calibrators and amplifiers of light
The art of balancing the light synthesis of Now is the task before US
We are stepping Up and Up as the new light world reaches US
The Great Lightbody Assimilation Is Underway As We Callibrate the Light of Now.
So be, as you Are
Flow and Activate In Light
Be a Messenger of Light For Humanity
With Love With Light
Cosmic Light Alliance
Karen Lithika
source: KarenLithika.com
Ra James
Today Mars square Uranus. This is giving you a chance to shift your mindset, and clear anything blocking your success. Expect high energies that may be bringing some tension up. Itโs all about getting back on track with your path. Mercury shifts into Aries today where it will stay until May 15th. Expect to feel and to be way more magnetic. Your ability to charm is at an all time high. This alignment is all about aligning your words with your actions. Itโs one thing to talk and another to make things happen. Watch your words and make sure youโre not acting impulsively or saying things you donโt mean. Expect fresh energy of renewal and new beginnings.
This alignment will help you to see things through a new lens. This will help you to embrace new perceptions and perspectives, and act on your visions. This is a very productive time energetically. The next two months are all about laying out your plans and revising them. Expect a lot of change over the next couple of months. Itโs a great time to start a new venture, business, relationship, or even to set personal goals. Love is in the air. Expect these energies to be taking it to the mental level. Telepathy is at an all time high. Expect to connect on a deeper level within your relationships. Expect a deeper level of understanding within them. This alignment is great for dissolving communication blocksโฆ
This energy is supercharged, and further amplified by the occurrence of solar storms this weekend, and is expected to be felt intensely over the next 72 hours.
These cosmic events bring heightened levels of energy that will continue to impact us for at least the next two weeks, likely resulting in change and transformation in various aspects of our lives.
This weekโs energy carries a potent sense of transformation, as weโre encouraged to clear away old energies to make space for new connections and fresh beginnings. Outdated and obsolete patterns are coming to an end, as we move toward emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical alignment. At times this can feel like life is turning upside down, shaking up the familiar and challenging us to welcome radical change. We may feel drawn towards closure, particularly in unhealthy relationships, as we seek stability, safety, and a solid foundation for the future.
The astrological influences of the week may bring about a heightened sense of emotional awareness and self-understanding, and itโs possible that weโll encounter long-standing issues or intense emotions that have been lingering beneath the surface. This presents a valuable opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth as we delve into our emotions. By acknowledging and working through these feelings, we can set the stage for healing and transformation, emerging from the experience with greater strength and self-awareness.
March 9: Discipline and Tension: Today, the alignment of the Moon conjunct Saturn highlights the importance of discipline and responsibility. This emphasizes the need for structure and commitment in our daily lives. However, the aspect of Mars square Uranus creates tension and may lead to impulsive actions. Itโs essential to exercise caution and avoid reckless behavior. This day calls for finding a balance between our desire for freedom and the necessity of stability in our actions and decisions.
March 10: Communication Boost and Spiritual Growth: On March 10, Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into Aries, a fiery and assertive zodiac sign. This means that our way of speaking and expressing ourselves might become more direct and confident. Itโs like a burst of energy that encourages us to be more assertive in our conversations and decisions. It ignites our drive to take action and pursue our goals and dreams with confidence, encouraging us to move forward fearlessly. The New Moon in Pisces, a watery and intuitive sign, is a time for reflection and setting intentions. This is a blank canvas where you can visualize your dreams and goals, especially those related to spirituality, creativity, and empathy.
When the Moon and Neptune come together, it merges the emotional and dreamy energies, enhancing our sensitivity and intuition, and making us more attuned to our inner feelings and the subtle energies around us. Itโs a time for listening to our instincts and paying attention to our dreams, as they may hold important messages or insights. When the Moon aligns with Mercury, the planet of communication, it amplifies our ability to express ourselves clearly and thoughtfully. This alignment enhances our mental agility and makes it easier for us to articulate our thoughts and feelings. Itโs a favorable time for having meaningful conversations, writing, or even brainstorming new ideas.
This weekend provides an excellent opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. Trust in your ability to overcome challenges with resilience, and stay open to the lessons and experiences that come your way. By remaining true to yourself and seeking personal growth, you can effortlessly create a life that is meaningful, abundant, and fulfilling.
On Saturday, March 9th, Mercury, the Messenger, shifts into creative, fire sign Aries, where he will be until May 15th. This is an extra long stay in the sign of the Ram as he is preparing to go into a retrograde motion on April 1st. This gives us extra time to put new ideas into motion.
Mercury is assisting us in initiating a new plan. Perhaps something we thought was unfolding or happening in our lives has been met with a stall or does not seem to be what will manifest at all. This planet that rules the mental realm of thoughts, ideas, perceptions and communications, will support us in a new aim or objective if need be. This will ignite our passion and desires, which will then merge with the energy of fertility towards manifesting a new beginning!
Mars, planet of energy and action, in electrical Aquarius is in a challenging square aspect to Uranus, planet of the strange and unexpected, in focused Taurus. There can be a sudden redirection in our circumstances today. Unusual situations and occurrences can unfold, perhaps in bizarre ways that you didn’t see coming.
Our physical vitality may be prone to ups and downs now……bursts of energy and then burnout and fatigue. Attempting to follow a particular course of direction may be followed by twists, turns and changes that are unforeseen and unanticipated. Technology may also be effected in odd or peculiar ways. Other people’s behavior may be erratic or astonishing. This is a day to expect the unexpected, and allow for diversions, loops and meanders off the beaten path.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
Mercury, the Messenger, shifts into creative, fire sign Aries
Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus โ The skies are wired, re-routed onto a wild ride, a roller coaster, up and down, in and out. This is fast shooters, thrill seekers, devil-may-care, chancer energy. Some may seize the day and win, for others, impatience is a downfall. The challenge is that under this electric influence, itโs easy to jump the gun. Unpredictable reactions all round make this a surprising, sometimes shocking influence. The more we feel boxed in, the more we fight for freedom. Our inner warrior is charged and ready, but we need to know who and what weโre fighting for.
The Sun makes a move to dissipate the tension. Come back to the light. Come back to your purpose, your sense of self, your why. Awaken the inner hero and all will become clear. Learn life-hacks. Dare to take a novel approach. Be a rebel with a cause. Messages from the upper realms are incoming โ stay alert.
โPlanetaryโ is the name for the number ten and its keywords are โPerfect, Manifest and Produceโ. By the time we get to the tenth day of a wavespell, we have already climbed up a big hill, and now we have finally reached a plateau. Yesterday was the peak, tomorrow we release, but today we can sit back and just enjoy this perfect day. It really is a great day for manifesting what you need, can you produce the desired results? Remember that we are still in the Blue Monkey wavespell and the agenda is all about magic. Today is perfect for that.
Today is Yellow Sun and it represents โEnlightenment, Universal Fire and Lifeโ. Today is the kind of day when you can expect light bulb moments to occur frequently. You’ll be full of good ideas and many insights will be glimpsed. As it is a Planetary day, it’s a perfect day to manifest the enlightenment you need. If you need some light to shine on a problem, the timing is perfect. The solutions you need will become apparent.
The Guide today is the Yellow Star which represents โBeauty and Artโ. As always when the Shining Star guides us, we are encouraged to follow it. There’s so much light today and the Star adds to the brilliance. Wearing sunglasses is recommended! This means that we shall learn today what we really need to know. Our path is brightly lit and so there’s no confusion about which direction to go in. The Yellow Star is also best buddies with the Blue Monkey and since we are in the Blue Monkey wavespell, this has to be a good thing.
The Challenge is the White Dog who symbolizes โLove, Loyalty and Heartโ. Dogs should stay indoors today or they will get sunburnt. There is so much sunshine that it’s blinding. Everyone is so concerned with all this illumination and all the revelations they are having that matters of the heart get ignored. The Dog wants to play today but he can’t because he is tied up. If you know a Dog, throw the poor thing a bone. His tail will be tucked in between his legs and he could do with some kindness today.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon, the nurturer of the Tzolkin. When in this position, we all have an opportunity to be nurtured in a very magical way. This process can lead to rebirth and renewal. The Dragon always wants to take care of us, and when in this powerful Occult position the Dragon has tremendous healing abilities. The Dragon invites us to crawl into a comfy cave and be taken care of. This cave however, is full of treasure and magical things.
The Ally is the Blue Storm which represents changes. If you need help finding enlightenment today, ask a Blue Storm to help you. They are the appointed Ally of the day and it’s their turn to be everyone’s friend and adviser. The Storm is friendlier and less disruptive when in this position and so, expect any changes today to come to you in a friendly, helpful way.
Today we conclude our journey down the Mystical 7th CORE column – the SPINE of the Tzolkin Calendar..where we have been discovering our very TRUE diamond essence for the past 20 days.
Tomorrow we arrive at the top of the 8th column, and in 4 days time on WEDNESDAY 13 MARCH 2024 we commence the Yellow Seed Wavespell. Here we will embark upon another successive 10 G.A.P. – Galactic Activation Portal – days… so take a deep breath in, and absorb the radiant Solar Rays today to prepare for the next chapter!
36 months ago KIN 140 happened on Monday 3rd May, 2021 which was EASTER MONDAY on the ORTHODOX calendar….. The previous day was EASTER SUNDAY which – celebrated the RESURRECTION of CHRIST – the SON/SUN of GOD..
9 MONTHS ago KIN 140 occured on the JUNE SOLSTICE portal
Today a STARGATE is opened linking these two points in TIME on the TZOLKIN evolutionary spin cycle….
……..and indeed the CHRISTOS energy is rising fast upon our Planet. This was a very befitting code on the day of the BLUE SOLAR STORM – that brings forth THE SUN – to herald a tremendous GOLDEN ASCENSION INITIATION and TRANSFORMATION for HUMANITY.
Jesus is the son/SUN of GOD, and we are all CHILDREN OF THE SUN, so AHAU’s codes are very potent in activating and illuminating the Planetary Christ Consciousness Grid today!
Day 10 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence.
Today is the day of MANIFESTATION on the physical plane. The accumulation of energies over the last 10 days of this Wavespell allows us to harvest this energy through manifestation.
Today we are manifesting great illumination, MAJIK, JOY and BLISS through our Soul-ar En-LIGHT ON-ment!
As we are now reaching the boundary of the ZERO point field, on the rainbow bridge this is potent MANIFESTATION power to end our visit in the CORE of the TZOLKIN.
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation.
The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendor. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit today. We have the power to PERFECT and accomplish great HEALING in our physical bodies through our MANIFESTATION process today. Perfecting transformation in all aspects of our being, on a personal and PLANETARY level through our en-LIGHTON-ing Ascension journey. .
NOTE: The PLANETARY manifestation tone coupled with the SUN and MONKEY MAJIK today is very powerful YANG energy to utilize for your creative expression. The moon is in PISCES so take note and use this POWER wisely for the benefit of ALL !
Today we can harvest this FUEL to boost our PERSONAL and PLANETARY ASCENSION
Today’s question is “How can I independently PERFECT my CREATIONS, in order to Manifest great MAJIK, JOY and BLISS in my physical reality?”
Divine blessings for a giant PLANETARY leap, in the transformation of our physical reality, BEAUTIFULLY made MANIFEST today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW PLANETARY SUN– AHAU prompts us to STEP UP today and become independent Sovereign beings, who are complete and WHOLE.
This enables us to perfect the ILLUMINATION of our own PURE essence, away from the influence or reflective distortions of others. Accessing the Universal fires that AHAU provides, and using this energy to nurture and restore our cells, our organs and our bodies. Storing this chi energy deep within our core.
We can then draw upon this reserve as fuel for our passion and drive, to manifest our own independent and unique creativity, as the PLANETARY LIGHTHOUSES that we are. RADIATING our LIGHT throughout the globe.
The PLANETARY SUN provides the SPARK of ignition, through the flame of the Universal Fires to AWAKEN and ILLUMINATE our being. This affords a great opportunity for PLANETARY AWAKENING today through our perfected Divine self.
Spirit provides the flame, but we need to CHOOSE to keep it alight, within our Hearts and Minds, in order to manifest great PLANETARY AWAKENING, and the creation of our Planetary Paradise.
AHAU gives you great power to bring your dreams to LIFE in the physical plane. Much Majik can be alchemized into manifest form, by great EN-LIGHTON-ed Masters.
Follow in the footsteps of Yeshua/Jesus and turn water into wine, producing food to feed the masses from 3 fish and 3 loaves of bread! Such is the SUPER power that EN-LIGHTON-ed MASTERS wield. The power to walk on water and solve the problems of our PLANET with one wave of their MAJIK wand.
It is time for us to claim our MASTERY, but in so doing we must WALK OUR TALK, and truly LIVE our DAILY LIVES through the lens of Spirit and the Enlightened Masters, that we are becoming!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW PLANETARY STAR– LAMAT Today is the shiny manifestation of creative Majik and PLAY. LAMAT illuminates and activates our solar plexus chakra, spinning harmonically so that this energy takes form, and manifests through into the physical realm, as happiness, JOY and BLISS. Our Divine child’s exuberance.
As you independently SHINE your LIGHT by perfecting the creation of your Art . Reflecting the JOY, beauty and elegance that surrounds you, into your creations made manifest. We are all Artisans crafting and shaping our beautiful new world, we just need the eyes to see and appreciate this beauty that exists all around us.
The more we LIGHTEN up and BE like a child, the faster our BEAUTIFUL manifestations take form.
Today, be the extension of this joy and beauty made manifest in the physical form, as the beautiful and grace filled STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS shine happily with new found creative confidence.
The PLANETARY STAR as the higher guiding energy today is activating the New Harmonic Time template within our Planetary kin today. Especially with the 9/11 and 11.11 ILLUMINATION codes – causing RAPID AWAKENING!
The PLANETARY STAR is creating a PORTAL for our whole PLANET to ascend through into a higher timeline for NEW EARTH… Yippee!!!
The higher timeline of PEACE, HARMONY, BEAUTY and ABUNDANCE for ALL, where our lives become a living work of Art.
Hold this perfected vision until it is made manifest in our reality.
GODSPEED our journey into the higher 5D LIGHT!
SUPPORT: BLUE PLANETARY STORM – CAUAC continues to catalyze tremendous change today, as we allow the transformation of our physical bodies back to a state of complete wholeness, releasing and purging any remaining density or dis-EASE..
The PLANETARY STORM has a vast global reach, catalyzing great transformation today. Manifesting great Planetary change that perfects and heals all who dwell on her lands, catalyzing our capacity to be connected to all, in Universal Love. through the perfected state of Unified presence.
We are becoming the beacons in the STORM as our LIGHTS are switched ON and the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS are collectively illuminating the Planetary grid of Nova Gaia.
Be alert for PHYSICAL STORMS today – particular from our SUN as CME’S and coronal flares continually to PULSE OUT!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SELF-EXISTING DRAGON– IMIX connects us to the POWER of BIRTH and all CREATION. Upscaling our ability to make MANIFEST our wondrous majikal creations through Divine creative expression.
The Self-Existing tone enables us to bring into form, from the VOID of CREATION, all that we hold in our imaginings. The perfection of our dreams, made manifest into the physical realm.
B-EARTH-ing the beautiful NEW EARTH together, through accepting responsibility for her care and nurturance, through our daily existence and actions.
B-Earth-ing a caring and compassionate mind, sensitive to the needs of our communities, and our Planetary body. Ensuring we leave positive footprints in the sands of our Earth Mother. Ensuring our manifestations are in HARMONY with Mother Gaia and for the good of all her children.
The DRAGON tribe are very active in bringing us through this momentous EVOLUTIONARY day to b-Earth our BRIGHTER BLISS SUPERNOVA SUN selves and our NEW EARTH in the NEW TIME.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE PLANETARY DOG – OC… what an exceptional GIFT and BLESSING we have today on this BRILLIANT ASCENSION DAY culminating our journey through the MYSTIC COLUMN….
The PLANETARY DOG is blessing us all with a GLOBAL KISS from our CREATOR, before we exit the cradle of the SOURCE FIELD.
Congratulations on our graduation, from our journey to the very CORE of our being, and CORE of existence – rediscovering our SOURCE… that ALL IS endless LOVE and we are the strands that weave that GRID OF LOVE.
OC is the trusted loyal servant of the Divine, who operates from a PURE and loving HEART. Allow all the SHADOW energies to be felt and lovingly released in order to feel the endless order of the Harmonic Matrix of Creation. Becoming receptive to feeling the unconditional love that pervades all of Creation, through nature and life itself.
We are MANIFESTING our true SOUL family in the physical plane, by our capacity to feel as ONE with our physical realities. Perfecting our capacity to nurture our spiritual reality, by being clear mirrors from our hearts, in order to truly LOVE and adore one another, and our PLANET too!
Our challenge today is to TRUST.
The WHITE DOG always TRUSTS, that ALL is well. ALL is in Divine Order, and perfectly ordained, as life unfolds PERFECTLY according to the Divine Plan.
TRUST in your Destiny, trust in your BEAUTY, trust in your LIGHT and TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN for our planet and HU-MAN-ITY!
Blessed be, pure hearts! Make sure you catch some GOLDEN SUN rays today! Enjoy this BEAUTIFUL SUN SHINY day, absorbing all that nurturance and Universal Fire.
KEEP SHINING your LIGHT and PLAYING as we MANIFEST Majik together, co creating our BLISS-ful New World!
A fantastic MANIFESTING DAY, and brilliant day for PLANETARY work/healing/manifesting on a grand scale!
Paint the PERFECT PICTURE for your life and our Planet.
Today’s question is “How can I independently PERFECT my CREATIONS, in order to Manifest great MAJIK, JOY and BLISS in my physical reality?”
Divine blessings for a giant PLANETARY leap, in the transformation of our physical reality, BEAUTIFULLY made MANIFEST today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
๐ฅ New Earth Ascension report and Astrology Reading ๐
March 3rd through March 9th 2024 from my Sacred Condor ๐ฅ
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from March 3rd through March 9th 2024, reads two powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Guided Meditation “3-3 Portal Energy Activation – A powerful time of Transition and Transformation!”.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste ๐
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