A MAJOR TIMELINE SHIFT IS HAPPENING ON EARTH! ~ Planetary ASCENSION & SHIFT * Queen of Heaven ~ Soul Team Awakenings
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sacred Soul Star Emissaries of our Ascension Light Tribe
The Middle Way is the Path of least resistance, the Water Path of the Divine Feminine Energy of Love, Kindness and Compassion. We heal the world by healing our Self for the external world is merely a reflection of our internal realm. As the collective of the Earth heals and transforms in turn the world also heals and transforms. The Mind is the mirror that reflects everything perfectly. The only hindrance to our Freedom is false beliefs, limiting perceptions and nefarious systems of control and manipulation.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are breaking free from all these constraints and mechanisms of illusion and as we do the veils between worlds becomes thinner and we are able to see with the Eyes of the Spirit and come to know all things. To live in the Tao is to live in harmony with nature and all life.
There is a delicate balance between the five elements and the cycles of Mother Earth and as we live from the heart of the Middle Path of Buddha Consciousness we bring this intricate balance to this realm and become the Wayshowers of the New Earth.
Try to keep your practice and art simple and be patient, for the fruits of your labor take time to ripen so you and your people may enjoy the harvest of your lifes work. In Gratitude we express our authenticity and allow Great Spirit to work through our Living Vessels of Light.
In mindfulness, take a deep breath, exhale and be here Now, for this is Eternity…A’Ho!
New creation codes in the field, especially for Divine Unions!
Divine Unions
Melissa Lyran
I heard RELAX. The false program is ending. Anything that wasn’t truly YOU is complete now. Nothing false comes with us now. Only TRUTH, LOVE, JUSTICE AND PURE HEARTS GO FORWARD. ASK AND RECEIVE THIS NOW. Give thanks and know what is truly yours cannot be taken from you
Whiet Gold Eagle
You hold the Universe within your DNA. The design, the light, portals, the past, present, and future potentials, is all stored within your DNA. It is at this time that you are gradually beginning to access all of this.
What you are experiencing now is the end of the dark timelines. As the light takes over, clears, and transmutes the lower energies, the dark fights, but it knows its entire dissolution is inevitable, and nearly complete now.
Connect yourself to the Universal frequency of love, and let go of the thought forms and behaviors which pull you back into the Third Dimensional game patterns that no longer serve your highest path. Breathe in light, breathe out the lower energies you may still be holding within.
The Divine Feminine Frequency is arriving into the world now like Venus delivered whole from the living waters.
Where she was invisible, she will now be seen and acknowledged in her full glory and power.
In preparation for her rise, she has walked through the initiations of the Feminine Christ, shedding the wounding of the pretenders, betrayers and any toxic masculine from her energetic field.
All old paradigm suffering and illusion programs are now over.
No more non-integrity imposters that use, abuse, harm, manipulate and berate the feminine will be tolerated in her field.
No more misuse of her life force and allowance of fumbling her magic, power and sacred fire.
The true Divine Masculine Frequency is now activated within her and fakers, beraters and vampires are disappearing from view.
The Divine Feminine knows who she is and cannot fall back into folly and draining codependency, disrespect or trickery.
She has passed her initiations and now shines with the radiance of the Queen of Heaven.
Only the TRUE Divine Masculine frequency will have access to her.
This timeline shift was noticed and experienced mainly by Earth star seeds whose 4th and 5th DNA strands are active, because this is the exact resonance of gamma light waves that impacted the planet at that time!
During 12.12am hours the earth’s LIGHT BEINGS underwent a VERY REAL DIMENSIONAL SHIFT and were COMPLETELY LIFTED out of spatial-time synchronization with 3D humanity and 3D Earth!
SINCE THIS MOMENT, many starseeds have experienced a strange feeling that they no longer exist in the same time or physical space as before this event, even though things still look the same around them! »
12/17/24: There is no better energy than today’s for enriching your personal myth (your version of yourself, your life, and the world you want to live in). You don’t need a program or a plan. You already have plenty. You don’t need others telling you how to do it. You’ve already been told (over and over). You do need to bypass your ego and give yourself permission to level up. Oh, and you need your imagination and authenticity… because you can’t copy from someone else’s page and call it your own. There are no limits. There is no expectation. There’s just you and the Universe together… creating as One.
The Fiery Abysses began to open about 2 days ago in linear time, upon Fathers request to release the command into this now.
In this great time and final battle with the remnants of darkness, the initial clearing of evil takes about 3 days to be more noticeable as more Awaken and Others prepare for the First Ascending Wave, and subsequent Waves thereafter. There is a delayed time difference between the energetic Creation Command becoming physically manifested and integrated into the main upper two timelines, therefore, patience and knowing are essential grounding states for Your applicable timeline.
There is a mixture of Our Ships and nefarious instruments designed for a mock invasion to spread fear, as We straddle the 4th and 5th dimensional timelines. Our Ships You can feel in the Heart as well as a magnetic attraction, hence the keeping Divine Mother in thought, Prayer, and Body. This action increases Your discernment features.
It is quite possible that “One will stay and One will go”, or 3 will stay while One goes in this first round/Wave of Ascension, and this does not matter if You have Children because time is different where You may go, and 1 minute for You could be 1 month for Your Children. All Souls are Ascending in Waves to the next new reality.
There are still some variable factors on an Individual Level and this allows for some unknowns yet.
We have 5 more days of density with this changing on December 22 Linear Time to become more favorable.
The Presence & Guidence of The Star Regulus yesterday & the number 23 that has been with me many years, through people in my life & also through Linda Goodman that was connected in my Dreams tonight
When I went to fb this morning a fb friend with surname Goodman was the first message I saw! Synchs ConfiramatiOns Guidence
Royal Star of the Lion
Guardian of Earth
The Royal Star of the Lion is one of the 4 Royal Stars of Earth, also called
the Four Guardians of Heaven.
The Royal Star of the Lion is
the Star Regulus which means King Star.
This Star is the Heart of the Lion in the constellation Leo.
Royal Star of the Lion is the
watcher of the North.
In Numberology terms, the Royal Star of the Lion’s numbers are 23/5.
People born with this life purpose number 23/5. “Number 23
~ The Royal Star of the Lion ~
This is a karmic reward number.
23 bestows, not only a promise of success in personal and career endeavors, it guarantees help from Above & Protection from those in High places.
It’s a most fortunate number, and greatly blesses with abundant grace the person represented by it.
The Royal Star of the Lion is present during difficult times. No number can challenge the Lion’s strength and win.”
Regulus is the Heart of the Lion, the zodiacal sign which for Esoteric Astrology transmits the 1st and 5th Rays at the systemic level, thus essentially the power to rule manifestation through the 5th solar Law of Fixation, or also the Solar Fire of Consciousness
(2nd aspect of Life) which uses the 5th mental principle (Manas) to impress Ideas and the planetary Plan in human minds.
Regulus/Leo, the Guardian of North
Regulus (Alpha Leonis) The Lion’s brightest star is the 21st brightest in the heavens, and is rated by astronomers as type B7V; type “B” stars are very hot, and Regulus shows this with a distinctly blue-white color (red stars are cooler, yellow medium). The temperature at the surface of Regulus is a toasty 13,000 degrees, compared to around 6,000 for our yellow sun. Regulus is a fairly nearby star, at 77.6 light years, and is far brighter than your average star, 197 times brighter than our sun.
In the telescope, a 8th magnitude companion star makes Regulus a triple, not a double; large telescopes reveal that it is itself a very close pair. The name Regulus was later adapted from the more proper Greek “Rex” – Regal – or Cor Leonis, the Heart of the Lion.
I wish to know about the Time Wave information I received in dream state.
Time is not linear, it is curvature and enters The Field in a wave like motion. As the scalar wave motion increases in your energy field this frequency pattern influences the speed in which rhythmic ebb and flow occurs and in which Oceanic Consciousness is disseminated.
As both conductor and receiver, generating and circulating, time waves and time factor shifts at a planetary level are best generated under the water, not on the surface of our planet.
This ensures fluidity in our bodies with anchoring in Organic Time through nature and the chronological cycles spiraling through our blood.
Time Waves manifest as time factor shifts that are read and recorded in nature.
This occurs when we have collectively, like magnets, generated and magnetized the matching cosine wave rhythm that creates cohesion.
This in turn manifests as a resonant wave motion and therefore wavelength, which then generates an ever-increasing tolerance to the light frequency waves downloaded into us as photonic light packages.
Time locks are released planetary through the oceans or specifically the Antediluvian Primary grid lying dormant within our oceans’ floor.
The waves of the ocean you saw, eight in number, are part of a sine codex that creates free flow with your ability to absorb time factor shifts, whilst ensuring momentum is sustained as a space-time-continuum.
Our emotional states like waves, influence the emotional stratum of the planet, so in this way Time Waves create a constant in our body clocks and with it nullify the need to gravitate towards frenetic time and being in a state of flux as a way of emotional release.
Time Waves offer tremendous stability whilst integrating dimensional shifts en masse.
Fractality, specifically fractal time, implies the property of self similarity to that of a constant, fractal mass defines a scale in this case the timeless cyclic universe, which inturn defines the ticking of a clock, any clock – Body clock or Cosmic clock
Photonic wavelengths allow more light to fill our cells and with it the ability to vibrate at the speed of light. This inturn increases our fractality and in turn Fractals allow us to increase our spin and invert and convert timelines beyond the speed of light, which cancels out linear time as being our central point of reference.
This enables propulsion to occur and ensures that Organic Time remains as our fixed constant.
Our loving thoughts, positive intentions and selfless deeds and decrees hold potent codes of Truth and Reconciliation.
Dear friends, the year 2025 marks a significant numerological resonance shift, entering a 9 Universal Year, which symbolizes completion, transformation, and renewal. This energy invites us to release the old, making way for major new beginnings later in 2026. As we navigate this upcoming transformative period, it’s essential to focus on completing unfinished businesses and tying loose ends, allowing us to move forward with clarity and purpose.
The 9 Universal Year energy encourages us to release outdated relationships, jobs, and habits that no longer serve us so we can be fully aligned with our highest potential. This process of letting go can be challenging, but it’s necessary for growth and renewal. As we simplify our lives and focus on the essentials, we create space for new experiences and opportunities to emerge.
As our bodies, emotions, and minds adapt to the incoming 9 Universal Year energies, we may experience various physical and emotional symptoms. Detoxification processes may intensify, leading to skin issues, digestive changes, or other cleansing reactions.
To navigate these energies and support our overall well-being, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care and hydration. Focusing on whole, nutrient-dense foods can help our bodies adapt to the changing energies, while gentle exercise and stress-reducing techniques like grounding meditation and mindfulness can calm the mind and body.
This energy transmission can assist in detoxifying and cleansing our bodies, emotions, and minds, strengthening our cellular energy and clearing emotional and physical toxins. By working with this activation, we can facilitate a smoother transition into the new energies and emerge stronger, more resilient, and more radiant as we navigate the next twelve months.
As we embrace the powerful clearing and regenerative energies of 2025 and navigate the transformative journey of the 9 Universal Year, let this period be a catalyst for growth and renewal. With each step, may you find strength in the lessons learned and the courage to release what no longer serves you. Trust that as you simplify your life and prioritize your well-being, you are opening doors to new possibilities and brighter horizons. Together, let’s enter this new chapter with hope and enthusiasm, knowing that the universe is conspiring to assist us in manifesting our highest multidimensional potential.
May these number 9 frequencies carry you into the expression of your Divine Light and highest HU-man essence. Much love
For The Crystalline Pathway Of Light Is Alive And Well..
The Framework Of New Earth Awakenings Is A Constant State Of Light Manifestation. Activated Streams Of Light, Initiated, Activated, Expanding.
Feel Guided To See This Light Awakening Beyond The Peripherial Vision Of Your Eyes.
KNOW a Collective Group of Beings Aligned To The Greatest Good Of Humanity Sit By Your Side.
High in the Multidimensional planes, connected to your Light Mission, your Light Journey.
For They Collectively unite to reach your Multidimensional Heart Consciousnes And The Greater Awakening of Humanity. A Crystalline Framework Of Light Now Initiated, Expanded, Uniting Awakened Souls And All Beings
Feel the communication, as their vibrational Light Ripples reach YOU, a symbol or thought. As they guide and share, assist and support your journey.
SEE yourself as the Navigator in this
As we are all interconnected, part of the collective existence – your contribution is greatly appreciated.
As we Join to assist Gaia and every being.
The Grand Path Of Unity Is An Encoded Matrix Of Light Within The Crystalline Structure Of Our Reality
The confusion around love is clearing through upgrades into your Tree of Life Light Body. From within, you are reaching the answers to your questions. This consciousness is accessing what home, family, and unconditional love really feel like. The body is activating these messages into every cell. This is the gift of awakening that is freeing you from mental and emotional blocks. It will help you make the choices that will free yourself to be happy.
On Tuesday, December 17th, we start out the day with the Moon, ruler of the emotional realm, in sensitive, water sign Cancer making a difficult aspect to the Sun, ruler of how we shine our light, in Sagittarius, but then a positive connection to Neptune, ruler of unconditional love, in loving Pisces.
Whatever challenging emotions we may be experiencing early in the day should start to become more calm and tranquil. At 6:39pm EST Luna will shift into domineering, fire sign Leo and then oppose Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, in objective Aquarius. Creativity, confidence, courage, enthusiasm, determination and leadership will then overpower the peaceful waters of our emotional body.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Moon, ruler of the emotional realm, in sensitive, water sign Cancer
Lunar aspects. Venus in Aquarius semi-square Neptune in Pisces – There is a softness in the air. The Moon, nestling in Cancer, wanders back down memory lane, following a trail set by scent and sound. Little reminders here and there, a smell that reminds us of grandmother’s soup recipe, or a texture of an old wallpaper, or a breeze reminiscent of one summer on the veranda. We might find ourselves thinking of those who have travelled on before us, friends who passed through the veil, people in our social circle who passed on. It raises a smile, then a tear, bittersweet. Memory is both a gift and an ache.
Look after your heart and soul. Make memories for your tomorrows. Spend time with those you love. For some, extra sensitivity to collective vibrations may mean a need to retreat and revel in one’s own company. Take all the time you need. Cast off any thoughts that your best days are behind you. Choose to believe in a beautiful future, even if life didn’t turn out, exactly as you wished.
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number seven and its key words ‘Inspire, Attune and Channel’. The seventh day of a wavespell is all about fine tuning your intuition and listening to your inner voice. Be still and meditate if you like, fine tuning takes relaxation because we all have intuition but we tend not to be still enough to make good use of it. Spirit is always trying to speak to us but over the years we have become unaccustomed to receiving the messages.
Today is Blue Night and its key words are ‘Dreaming, Abundance and Intuition.’ The Blue Night has a wonderful imagination and always invites us to use ours too. Today is about dreaming and the abundance it can bring. As it is a ‘Resonant’ day, we can tune in to our dreams and bring them out of dark into our conscious minds. This means that today we can use our intuition to feel which dream is ripe for coming true and which dreams should be left alone.
The Guide today is the Blue Eagle which sees things from a bigger perspective and when in the guiding position, Eagle asks you to follow him and fly high. Have a vision and get creative is what Eagle is encouraging. This is a great guide for a dreamy day. May the vision you receive help you realize your dreams. Eagle is also very good at swooping down and taking what he wants. You too can be this effective if you follow Eagle’s lead.
The Challenge is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. Skywalkers find the Blue Night energy frustrating, always dreaming – seldom doing, Skywalkers prefer to ‘wake up’ and explore but the dreamy Blue Night just wants to dream. If you are a Skywalker you may find today challenging.
The Occult power is the White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’ and when in the Occult position, the Mirror offers glimpses of the truth concerning things magical. Have a look yourself today and who knows what magic you might see.
The Ally is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on missions and who also loves to play the role of Ally. Always willing to help out and offer friendship, if you need assistance today find a Warrior.
KIN 163 = 10 – Manifestation/Perfection/Power = 1 New beginnings/Leader
A day for attuning to the BEST path for Manifesting your Dreams.
Day 7 in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythms and cycles of Nova Gaia.
We are currently in the RED EARTH wavespell – so all matters pertaining to the EARTH- GAIA – are highlighted as our PACHAMAMA forges ahead on her ASCENSION path.
Today is a day of inspired DREAMING. We are guided by our far-reaching visions, following our intuition and listening to the synchronicities, leading to the manifestation of our GREAT DREAMS.
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone very powerfully IGNITES the potential for great ALCHEMY today. It provides the ability to fine tune and channel the Divine forces available to us, to walk through the doorways, offering new pathways and opportunities.
Today we are super sensitive, as we are attuned through our senses, – the emotional “feeling” body. So tune in and FEEL what your body is sensing about your inherent ABUNDANCE and MANIFESTING your DREAM LIFE.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment. Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician giving you the MAJIK to manifest your DREAMS.
What are you ATTUNED to today?
Today’s question is “How can I attune to the VISION of collective ABUNDANCE to live a truly INSPIRED LIFE?”
Collectively “Am I willing to RELEASE the PAST, RESET and attune to a higher timeline and BLISS filled reality?”
Divine blessings for FINDING your Golden Key to unlock your pros-per-ity!
Make a WISH at 8.38 and SET yourself FREE!
Great DREAMS really DO come true!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE RESONANT NIGHT AKBAL THE DREAMER carries the DREAMING codes, and brings forth the keys to prosperity and abundance, accessed through intuitive knowing.
Today we have an 8.3.8 code OPENING the DOORS to a DIVINE ABUNDANCE GATE! All that you require is flowing forth from SOURCE today.
Today AKBAL leads us deep into the ABYSS of our subconscious realm. KIN 163 occurred 45 moons ago – 5 GALACTIC SPINS, during the SUPERMOON LUNAR ECLIPSE on 26 May 2021. AKBAL links us back to that portal and super amplifies the healing powers of our deep diving today.
27 moons ago – 3 GALACTIC SPINS – KIN 163 was also in another ECLIPSE window..
9 moons ago – we were also in the middle of an ECLIPSE cauldron – with the SOLAR ECLIPSE in Aries.
TRIPLE ECLIPSE portals flowing through KIN 163 today.. Very POTENT eclipse energies for releasing and resetting – ALL divinely PERFECTO through this RED EARTH navigation passage.
Today we explore the realms of our collective unconscious, uncovering the dark pit of trauma, suffering and tyranny that humanity has suffered. These patterns are being released and cleared as we reformat our Planetary mind and old Matrix programs. A beautiful opportunity to START AFRESH and CHOOSE ABUNDANCE over FEAR.
As we look into the darkness we can uncover the patterns that limit our ABUNDANCE and restrict us from living INSPIRED lives, and living our greatest Dreams. Attuning to the emotional body to uncover and RELEASE these blocks that have been deeply hidden for so long in our cellular memory.
Dare to look
down into the dungeon of your past
and you will find the KEY
to set your prisoners FREE!
Once you have finally freed these last lingering remnants of SCARE-city, you can now energize and attune to PROSPERITY.. Use your golden key to access this higher realm through the DREAMTIME!
The DREAMTIME is a dimension where we hold the VISION to create our current reality. The Australian original people hold the dreaming codes for our entire planet. The rhythm of dance/trance music and ATTUNING to the heartbeat of Mother Gaia is the key to accessing this realm.
The RED EARTH wavespell is providing a potent access point, to synchronize to the rhythm of GAIA’s heartbeat and manifest true NATURAL ABUNDANCE.
The DREAMTIME is very REAL and holds incredible POWER, accessing infinite opportunities. It is a field where all potential, past and future are held in the same matrix as the present moment.
In this space we can DREAM a different reality into being. Enter into the mystery of AKBAL where our reality is actually created.
In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger COLLECTIVE and PLANETARY dream that is emerging. By focusing on this creation, your thoughts and intentions are projected at superliminal speeds across the crystal grid network that encompasses universes. This energetic field seeds, supports, and empowers the creation of an unfolding reality.
When a critical threshold of energy has been focused on a clear intent such as collective ABUNDANCE or world peace, the underlying constructs of reality begin to SHIFT and a new reality begins filtering into human experience. Make no mistake: great change is seeded by conscious dreamers who understand and KNOW that they are co-creating the larger DREAM.
SOURCE: Ariel Spilsbury The Mayan Oracle
What an ABSOLUTE GIFT to have the keys to the DREAMTIME during this evolutionary passage where we can select a NEW TIMELINE and steer our Planet to our desired Utopian destination.
Pay extra attention to your DREAMS today/tonight as they may reveal CLUES to your future destiny and abundance.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE RESONANT EAGLE MEN provides the superpower of NIGHT VISION (hee hee hee pun intended!). We can SEE into the darkest pit to discover the deep dark secrets of our past lurking there. Another Divine gift as the higher power today, guiding us as we delve into the past, present and future (as well into parallel dimensions of space time) through the POWER of the EAGLE’s all seeing EYE!
BLUE EAGLE holds the codes for Planetary MIND, so we have DIRECT ACCESS to our GPS system today. The RED EARTH GPS recalibration energies, aligning with the EAGLE MIND, provide supreme opportunities for a PLANETARY MIND – erasure and RESET to a higher octave – This is rocket fuel boosting our evolutionary process!
The EAGLE will continue to AWAKEN many sleepy souls to the BIG PICTURE, thus we HAVE surpassed the critical mass needed, to FLY humanity into our BEST possible future.
The SPOTLIGHT shines on the DARKNESS and all is dissolved in the LIGHT of DAY!
A new day is dawning
and indeed a new Golden Era of plenty is on its way!
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Today I saw a huge billboard on the freeway that read –
So I will take that as CONFIRMATION that our NEW WORLD is rising now!!
Very exciting beloved STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS!
BLUE EAGLE provides the PERFECT VISION for us to SEE the whole panorama – the BIG PICTURE.
DREAM BIG, and HOLD THE DREAM for our WHOLE PLANET today, especially at 10.10 am/pm MANIFESTATION GATES, 4.44, 7.07 or 8.08 – DIVINE MANIFESTATION -TINGLE TIME!
Step outside your bedroom and unite with your kin in our COLLECTIVE DREAMTIME , attune to and energize the GREAT DREAM for MAN-KIND!
Total FREE-DOM, LIBERTY and unlimited CREATION abilities through our UNITED VISION!
SUPPORT: YELLOW RESONANT WARRIOR– CIB… How PERFECT that the RAINBOW WARRIOR tribe are today’s supporting energy, as they hold the DREAM of our perfected New World.. That is our MISSION and that is why we are here on EARTH…
Today is a pivotal day in our collective QUEST to assist in realizing our Planetary DREAM.
CIB the courageous and brave warrior provides the support today for us all to FEARLESSLY claim our collective birthright for Collective Abundance and a peaceful Utopian world that we all desire.
Keep FEARLESSLY QUESTIONING what IS and accept nothing less than the highest DREAM for our planetary kin. We have battled for too long and now we are claiming our VICTORY!
Only what is good for the Collective will hold. In this age of transparency, ALL DARKNESS SHALL FALL, and the wall of mirrors shall transform into a wall of CLEAR windows from which we can SEE the landscape beyond the horizon in all directions.
The RESONANT MIRROR gives us the choice of which reality we wish to illuminate. We have the opportunity to REJECT THE FALSE MATRIX with all its flaws and discordance. We can CHOOSE DIFFERENTLY TODAY!
The VEIL has dissolved and the path is clear.
Which road shall you choose, dear LIGHT holder?
Choose the path that leads to LOVE, UNITY and SOURCE!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED RESONANT SKYWALKER – BEN challenges us to be the Divine HU-MAN conduits that fully anchor and connect the pillars of Heaven and Earth!
We can EXPLORE and EXPAND in new directions, and travel through untold dimensions and spaces, in search of the highest BLISS. BEN the ANGELIC MESSENGER will safely guide you to your ultimate joy, if you TRUST in the journey and focus on JOY and LOVE. Otherwise you may be challenged by what is BLOCKING your highest BLISS. Observe and examine carefully and CHOOSE wisely.
BEN offers a very special GIFT and blessing for humanity today. We have all held the DREAM of creating Heaven on Earth deep in our DNA encoding, and now is the TIME to believe and KNOW that by joining together through GAIA/s Crystalline Diamond Grid we can finally ACHIEVE that DREAM!
Today’s question is “How can I attune to the VISION of collective ABUNDANCE to live a truly INSPIRED LIFE?”
Collectively “Am I willing to RELEASE the PAST, RESET and attune to a higher timeline and BLISS filled reality?”
Divine blessings for FINDING your Golden Key to unlock your pros-per-ity!
Hunab Ku is a Mayan divinity, recognized within this culture as “The Only God”. His name, in Mayan, is Hunab Ku, which translates “solitary god”; his roots are “hunab”, which means solo, and Ku, which means plumage. Hunab Ku in the Mayan religion was very important because they considered it the heart that coordinated the entire universe, it was the source of energy that connected all living beings and who transmitted the information of everything.
The Mayans believed that this god manifested through waves which could be light, sound, energy, thought and love.
“The only living and true god and he was the greatest of the gods of Yucatan, and he had no figure, because they said that he could not figure himself out because he was incorporeal, the only god, he is also known by the name of kolop u wich k’in, which suggests a rain deity, one of the names by which Itzamná is also known, the Mayan god of creation, considered the most important of all ”.
As Hunab Ku was a deity that was in full growth and unfolding everywhere, it is said that he caused the formation of planets, suns, stars, to all living beings capable of feeling and thinking, for this reason men, women and children are born who in the future would be the next stars.
🌞 Solstice Guided Meditation: Align with the Light & Embrace Renewal 🌙
Celebrate the sacred energy of the Solstice with this peaceful and transformative guided meditation. Whether you’re honoring the Winter Solstice (the return of the light) or the Summer Solstice (the peak of illumination), this meditation will help you connect deeply with nature’s cycles, release the old, and embrace the new.
✨ In this meditation, you will:
🌟 Ground yourself with the Earth’s energy
🌟 Reflect on the light and shadow within you
🌟 Release what no longer serves you
🌟 Set intentions for renewal, growth, and alignment
🌟 Align with the Solstice energy of transformation and balance
This practice is perfect for all levels and can be done at sunrise, sunset, or anytime you wish to connect with the magic of the Solstice. 🕯️💫
🌿 What You’ll Need:
A quiet space free from distractions
A candle or symbol of light (optional)
An open heart ready to connect with the cycles of nature
Embrace the shifting seasons and allow this meditation to bring clarity, harmony, and renewal into your life. 🌎✨
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