You are currently viewing A Huge Merging of Timelines and Quantum Space Energy ~WE ARE ALL the CREATORS * The Fall of the Old Structures ~ ECLIPSE PASSAGEWAY
A new reality

A Huge Merging of Timelines and Quantum Space Energy ~WE ARE ALL the CREATORS * The Fall of the Old Structures ~ ECLIPSE PASSAGEWAY

A Huge Merging of Timelines and Quantum Space Energy ~WE ARE ALL the CREATORS * The Fall of the Old Structures ~ ECLIPSE PASSAGEWAY




Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Divine Dreamweavers of Pure Bliss Consciousness

As Venus Shifts into Scorpio today our Divine Feminine Goddess journeys deep into the underworld of darkness to recover all lost fragments of the multidimensional self that has lay hidden in the subconscious through pain, suffering and traumas, of the past, to be brought to the surface of the conscious mind to be revealed so they can be healed and integrated to make one whole and complete again.

To assist with this healing and ascension process Mother Earths Crystalline Core is resonating at a higher frequency of Pure Love and Compassion made evident through the higher pulses of light appearing on the Schumann charts today at amplitudes of 28 hz, 40 hz, 45 hz and a big blast of white light at 65 hz. Fifth through Seventh dimensional energetics fully anchored into the Grid and Dragon Lines of Gaia for our Great Shift and Quantum Leap into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.

Pachamama also received a massive activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Indonesia at 19:51 UTC vibrating very deep at a depth of 149 kms.

As the frequencies rise so too is the raising of the New Lemuria, like the phoenix rising from the ashes of the old false structures of control into the New Systems of Freedom and Prosperity.

Keep holding the light and your visions of our Pristine Earth as we continue our journey through this eclipse corridor and into our Dream Paradise made real…A’Ho!






Feeling another Level of Souls Awakening Today!✨🤍✨
Your angels
Your angels


You shall receive much more than expected before 30th of this month, you shall receive some expected gifts, but together with those gifts you are receiving additional divine gifts. The Universe is doing its best for you. Your angels are standing protecting you and telling you: We got your back! 🦋
Eclipse Corridor
Eclipse Corridor


Divine soul tribe. Embrace the Shift

This powerful energy influx has been preparing us for an important shift within. Expect significant changes in the physical realm, bringing equilibrium, inner balance, and harmony.
We need this shift to elevate our awareness in physical life. Since the 66 portal, we’ve evolved immensely. Now, more than ever, it’s time to speak our truth, view life from our soul’s perspective, and shine our light.
Remember, inward shifts can bring unexpected challenges that might seem negative to the ego. But don’t fear—everything is happening as it should. We’re transitioning into a new cycle. Each season, level, and cycle has its own magic if you look at life through the soul’s eyes.
Although the coming days and weeks might be tough due to the eclipse season, remember that ascension is a process. Trust your intuition; it will guide you.
It’s harvest time. You’ve done everything to get where you are today. Be aware that you’re planting seeds for the future in this present moment.

Master Lady Kira Raa

Releasing Victim BEing Creator

What I have learned to date in 2024 is that Happy Endings are ours to co-create! We are far from victims,


and! Freed from the constrictions of self-limiting beliefs, we

REMEMBER the magical truth of who we are… before that dream faded.

We call forward as IN-formed Awareeness, the MASTERY To command the fields that support us eternally.

We invite the Sea of Neutrality to sustain our field of creation and smile through the gentle rise that safely opens the doors that we may not have even known were there.

I AM as YOU ARE…and I AM HONORED to continue to expand with YOU! As the Post-Equinox world ignites…

The Post Equinox world is NOW!

Why not relax into the invitation of your-self?

To REMEMBER & RECEIVE as your waking, walking


Beyond the realms of Fear, Doubt and Hesitancy exists the world within the world.

The breath within the breath! Breath-less yet susatained. Suspended within the essence of the moment as your energy settles into the celebration!

The DIVINE SACRED FEMININE is standing in the field of equanimity!

This harmonization calls forward the BENEVOLENT Masculine.

The moment that ALL flourishes through balance beyond greed, jealousy or competition. Fully anchored as the living essence of Divine Mastery Presence.

What does that mean for Humanity?

What if Happy Endings are the Natural result of a challenging beginning?

What if every-thing that Brought you to THIS MOMENT wants to invite your BEST life to arise?



Deep Feminine Healing ushers in the New Paradigm
Deep Feminine Healing ushers in the New Paradigm
9/23/24: Until the end of September, when October will wrap up this important chapter of 2024, you must remain invested in your own power. You’re on the edge of a karmic wheel right now and it’s time to get off. This means being mindful of, and engaging with, everything external that grabs your attention…. because your environment is showing you exactly what’s inside motivating you, compelling you, and helping to run your show with or without your awareness or permission. So there’s no room now for dodging or blaming or suppressing or resisting. Today will open your eyes to hidden programs and conditioning that remain in the shadows. Remember to shine your light on them as they arise. They are the key to October’s success.


This Equinox was not like any other!
A very special period is here, a deeply changing time for all.
From now until the days after the eclipse of the 2nd of October we will have turned the page of our previous state and the developments of the next weeks and months will only confirm this message via unprecedented events that are kept secret even from the initiated Ones.
This Equinox was the sealing of the end, the actual farewell but also the confirmation of the setting sail that we have been working on for so long.
A new state of Being has been invited in.
The Free Waters of Life are here, both the Waters above and the Waters below are to reveal the truth about Earth.
We are flying over the bridge of the great transition escorted by the great planets/teachers.
This is a blessed and sacred time that its true meaning, has not been openly revealed yet because this is how the planets/teachers have chosen the next chapter to take place.
The switching will come as a great surprise/shock/realisation that is beyond the human mind and the false ego masks will blow off the faces opening way for heart healing and spiritual restoration.
When the Divine is at work, it is better for the limited mind to be in silence.
The healing energies arriving via the new Vortex of the Mother are directly connected to health and its restoration!
The relief and the correction will be huge for those that will allow Her.
Natural Law is now inviting everyone willing to be an adult Soul to align to it and connect with all those who are already aligned to it that will show the way to those who are transitioning from the 3D law.
It is only through Natural Law that One can exit the old state of Being, enter the Free Waters of Life and enjoy who he/she truly is!
The call is great which means the old 3D law will become even more surpressing and suffocating now.
I always try to listen and follow my guidance and this time my guidance showed me that these upcoming days as deeply blessed and sacred!
Blessings of Freedom and Upgrade!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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Grandma Chandra

Fall 2024

This fall is not only the changing of seasons, but also the fall of the old structures. The old world as we know it is collapsing. Energies are shifting the new is coming forward.

All the properties of new life are already here. They have already started to show up with their advantages and benefits. Those who are involved and can visualize, already see that. It is happening in every family, community, country and every type of activity. You need to look more attentively and listen more closely to what people are talking about. People are sharing how they look at their own children, what they are doing with their children, what choices they are making and what steps they are taking.

It is all based on trust, not fear. It is based on heart choices, coming from the heart rather than the mind. It is coming from well being, not only for you and your family but, with every picture of your success stories, it is bringing forth the creative space of the new world, with the grid structure of this new world.

Allow your successes to expand, to give you the energy, support, and knowledge to know what is happening. I am inspiring you to work together on different tasks and projects and to be attentive to these very subtle changes that are already here.

With every heart beat, you are going further and further into the new world as well as with every thought, with every acknowledgment, with every appreciation, love, knowledge, and support, you are stepping more and more into the new world.

It is time to clean your house, meaning everything you are doing including to where you are living. Evaluate what to keep and what to let go of not only material things, but habits, the way you make money for instance. It is time for a change.

You are scientists right now. You are also the material that scientists are working on right now. You are the result of an experiment. You have to remember that everything starts from you. You are the creators of these new energies in the new world.

Pay attention to the changes in nature and around you. Take care of animals and other kingdoms. Pay attention to the quality of air, water and sunlight. The energy that is coming to you and to Gaia right now will be supported by Gaia and the energy from the central sun.

A lot of crystals are working with you, you are bombarded by these new frequencies. New energetic possibilities are coming to you from the fact that you are exposed to this new vibration.

Hugs and love to all of you,

A huge merging of Timelines and quantum space energy, for want of suitable words or phrases to describe what I am being shown, is now fully activating on a cosmic scale, the quantum unified energy fields.
It is basically now activating the full emergence of totally new life with the new root race of man.
Divine Will now supercedes our will – It becomes one and the same, as the Greater Cosmic Masterplan supercedes our own.
All the different personas, acting roles, soul experiences and lessons in mastery and free will and choices, are now merging as ONE. Free will is superceded by Divine Will for the greater whole and good.
We merge with Divine Will and become the Divine Masterplan fulfilling itself, in every single form and way.
Just like every star, constellation, galaxy is in its perfect universal place and fulfills its universal roles, uniquely yet AS ONE, within the greater cosmic whole, one single quantum energy field, which is conscious and holds Divine consciousness.
I am clearly told that our souls agreed to this, trillions of earth years ago when we were granted free will and choice, that this merger would happen exactly at this present moment.
With it comes the emergence now of the new Root Race of Hu-man in the New Earth and New Golden Age, which is already anchoring in.
As much as we had free will – it was always understood at soul and monadic levels, that we would eventually merge with DIvine Will and Divine Heart again, and reassume our true angelic nature, the truth of who and what we are, in truth, and always have been.
It is a merging with the heart, soul and consciousness of the Divine Source, the Prime Creator, with the heart flame of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within the Source. All souls, monads included, are heart-flames of the Divine.
We now return as ONE into merging with the Divine Heart-Flame! Unity! One!
The full emergence of the new Hu-man Root Race is now fully operational as we have been reunited with the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, the Suns beyond the Suns, and this is amplified by the full return of the Cosmic White Flame of Purity from Andromeda, and the reconnection with the Cosmic Heart from Andromeda, as well.
Quantum Space
Quantum Space


Dear friends, the lunar eclipse on September 17 officially opened the eclipse corridor energetic vortex. This special energetic period will last until October 2, 2024.
With the Equinox energies still being recalibrated within our fields, we are now moving deeper into the eclipse passageway. The energies may become more intense as we approach the pivotal solar eclipse on October 2. Planet Earth is now being showered by the end of the lightcodes of the first (lunar) eclipse and the beginning of the wave of lightcodes slowly arriving from the second (solar) eclipse.
The main objective of this intense combination of “past” and “future” eclipse information we are receiving these days is to trigger our personal and collective evolution. We are moving away from inflexible, outdated, limiting 3D structures into more fluid, lighter, and compassionate 5D ways of being. This is the reason why it may seem that certain aspects of your life seem to be dissolving and moving away from your timeline. You are moving into new ways of being that are no longer able to hold the old and outdated low frequency patterns. The physical and emotional symptoms you may be experiencing these days are related to this 3D to 5D shift. (There are other energies at play as well right now, solar wind related geomagnetic storms for example, but today we are focusing on the eclipse lightcodes). Remember to ground yourself all through the eclipse corridor.
As we walk through this eclipse corridor, take a step back and look at the bigger picture of your life. Step away from the limited vision and reactive frame of mind of ‘me against them.’ Try to change your perspective, shift your point of view and zoom out. We are but a speck of dust in the Universe yet we think everything revolves around us. We build fences and walls and create invisible borders. We become so lost in our individual experience that we do not realize that most of the things that keep us awake at night are actually distractions.
This moment is just a breath in the timeline of your life. This life is a fleeting moment in the tapestry of your soul’s experience. Your soul’s experience is a flash in the timeline of the known Universe. And the known Universe is a grain of sand in the unknown Divine Multiverse.
Today, please take a moment to see the bigger picture, and look at your life from a higher and more heart centered perspective. To find deep compassion in your heart, and to acknowledge how far you have come in the timeline of your soul’s journey. And even though our presence on this planet is just a flash in the universal timeline, please know that by being here on Earth during this evolutionary period you are assisting in creating a more loving and compassionate planet. What you focus on, you become. You are part of the team co-creating the 3D to 5D evolutionary jump.
The physical symptoms may continue these days, as many of us are purging and clearing deep and ancient layers of outdated limiting behavioral patterns. We are truly witnessing evolution as we speak. The head and digestive systems are the main targets at the moment, since these are the areas that require most of the energetic recalibration. Rest as much as needed and stay well hydrated to facilitate the flow of information around the body. Sea salt baths (or ocean swimming if you are fortunate!) can also be a wonderful way to assist the process of energy transmutation.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s eclipse corridor update. Have a wonderful day.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Powerful frequencies are entering the planet
Powerful frequencies are entering the planet




To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

September 22nd – 26th :transformational energy shifts autumn / spring equinox energies , solar storms, life-changing breakthroughs, fatigue, disturbed sleep, higher self communication , overcoming challenges , clearing out more of the past , Reaching higher intuitive levels , heightened clarity, alignment , experiencing closures of the previous 6 months , starting an exciting new chapter
The equinox is the representation of balance and harmony between light and darkness, It serves as a reminder for the ascending to strive for equilibrium in life , finding a middle ground between the extremes. This equinox energy will prompt most to reflect on the importance of balancing internal energies and emotions.
The Equinox represents balancing , harmony , restoration , activation , rebirth and integration The equinox Influx activation is bringing in extremely powerful energy shifts for the planet and for many ascending . From previous inner turmoil many are now shifting into their Inner balance , peace and harmony as they are imperative during this time of planetary transition.
Expanding in the changes that this sacred activation brings in trusting that everything is happening as it should at all given times . Remembering each season has its own purpose and catalytic action as we continue planting the ascension seeds here on this planet for the highest good of all .
Trusting in higher self and ascension team to know what is needed at all times , this occurs before conscious awareness .All will be in accordance with the divine will of Creator source energy and in precise , perfect and divine timing .
A time of significant change has arrived, and we are all being urged to take a leap of faith, even if it feels scary , vulnerable and unfamiliar at times , Embracing this unfolding with open arms, all that is coming in is vibrationally aligned with the soul’s evolution. Strong synchronicities and confirmations are activating within the ascending’s blueprint and auric fields , this will be affirming and validating .
During the Equinox, there is a process of clearing out old energies, which can feel heavy and dense prioritising rest and self-care, when needed avoiding pushing the self to extremes . Emotionally, mentally, and physically, the existing self is recalibrating , integrating rebalancing and releasing what the self has experienced in the past .
As the Ascending transition through the Equinox energies, individuals on their ascension journey may be experiencing specific ascension symptoms linked to the expansion of the Pineal gland geometries and the Vagus nerve system. The Pineal gland adjusts to conscious shifts to emit higher frequencies of light, activating the original Template while the Right Brain asserts leadership in our conscious evolution, uniting with the Left Brain in the higher Heart space.
Common ascension symptoms include feeling dizzy, disoriented, fatigued, anxious, restless, having trouble sleeping, or feeling an increased need for sleep. These symptoms arise from the release of erratic energy as the system balances itself in a new Conscious alignment. Digestive disturbances, changes in appetite, and heart chakra palpitations are also prevalent during this phase due to the Vagus nerve’s connection between the brain and digestive system.
Emotionally, past-life energies are clearing on deeper levels this may also surface, This is preparing self to align with new earths future timelines. When clearing lower conscious levels within , the ascending may experience intensified physical symptoms and temporary mental brain fog, with pressure on the crown chakra from previous blockages in the pineal gland. This stems From past Irritability, blame-shifting, and fear-based thinking , purifying and releasing past poor decision making in the 3D world , clearing and releasing scarcity thinking Ascension symptoms means that the physical is expressing , past thinking , false programming as outdated beliefs continue to internally collapse .
The subconscious aspects of the mind is releasing through Vivid dreaming, conscious dreaming , lucid dreaming intense emotional releases , bodily aches, and confusing insights are all part of this releasing energy. As the ascending individual releases density, more energetic space is created for personal expansion. This Equinox energy encourages us to focus on areas of life that need more harmony to manifest internal balance .
On September 22nd , 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th , Powerful frequencies are entering the planet, activating many into higher vibrational ascension energies. The focus is to ground the self during this time. This can be done with far more ease by spending some time with self in nature.
Equinox energies provide opportunities to release old patterns, belief systems, shadows, and stagnation debris . A time to take leaps of faith and welcome in the new. The equinox alignment amplifies the power of manifestation.
Cosmic energy is deeply woven into the planetary energy , We are on the brink of major changes and moving into a much higher functioning level of being. The past habits and negative loops many were once struggling in will continue to dissipate and dissolve from ascending reality .This planetary energy brings in powerful and significant opportunities for the new version of self manifestations.
Expect to experience higher levels of realisations , consciously ascending into true self energy , moving forward and making necessary adjustments as needed . Divine blessings begin to appear in disguise.
In loving and devoted Ascension service
by Ascension LightWorkers . ©️


Thank You For Your Contribution
As We Download Light, Activate Light
For The Fundamental Synthesis Of Who We Are Is The Opportunity Presented ❤
Deep Within The Caverns Of Gaia, Deep Within The Ancient Civilisations Of Light, The Fundamental Earthing And Integrations Of Light Provides A Grand Synthesis Of Integrations Beyond The Physical Reality We Reside In 🙏
Interconnected To Many Beings, Beyond The Surface Reality 💫🙏
So Thank You For Your Contributions
Mass Assimilations Of Light At Play ❤
Each Opportunity, Provides An Expanded Opportunity To Co-join In Light ❤
Sending Waves Of Cosmic Love 🙏
Thank You Arcturians For The Insights 💫
With Love,
Global Light Alliance
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika ❤
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

The deals with third party energy have been broken. Energies that are not yours are being removed so you can complete Masculine and Feminine Union. It will be felt strongly in the throat chakra and having a clear vision on what your truth is and isn’t. Suddenly you are no longer a victim of life’s circumstances. That’s not your burden to carry any longer. The way out is here. A new reality with new experiences is grounding into your world. This is God’s commitment and covenant with you. Believe and trust in this spontaneous healing that is happening.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

A new reality
A new reality

Ra James

Venus has shifted into Scorpio until Oct 17th. Expect things to heat up in your love life. Expect things to get extra passionate in your love life. Things are about to get deep. This transit allows you to deepen intimacy and explore your desires. Expect fresh energies. Expect to feel things on a greater level. Scorpio is actually at her detriment in this sign. This may bring the shadow side of love up for some. Especially if in a surface level relationship. You’re looking for something deeper. This transit may make your emotions more intense. Expect a rebirth in your relationships. Scorpio is also symbolized by the phoenix.
This transit is great for healing and releasing traumas and heartbreaks from the past. This transit should improve your relationships. Commitment and Union are in the air. This may be one of the most important periods of the year for romance. Partnerships will flow with greater ease over the next three and a half weeks. Expect your love to grow stronger. Expect any romantic feelings to grow deeper. There is a destined vibe in the air right now. This transit may also be highlighting any relationship cracks though. It’s a time where we are facing old wounds and clearing out old conditioning. You may be healing things from the past right now. Don’t be surprised if past relationship baggage is coming to the surface to work through or to heal. This alignment will have you craving connection on a deeper level…
Venus has shifted into Scorpio
Venus has shifted into Scorpio
On Monday, September 23rd, the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, is in the curious sign of Gemini and connecting with Jupiter, planet that rules the big picture, also in the sign of the Twins. Although Gemini rules the details, it is possible that today we also expand into the larger vision that will assist us in manifesting various blessings in our lives.
We start with the thought (Gemini), then we add the positive emotion (Moon)……we visualize the details (Gemini) and allow it to expand into the blessings (Jupiter). Have fun with this!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, is in the curious sign of Gemini
the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, is in the curious sign of Gemini


Venus enters Scorpio – The Goddess of love moves into the slick, sultry waters of Scorpio. Now we’re deep diving into matters of the heart, following where it leads, no matter how scared. And sometimes, Venus here leads us to the most frightening thing of all, the place where you must reveal the truth of who you are, the place of absolute nakedness, mind, body and soul. Scorpio seeks no divide, no separation. What’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine. We belong together.
Except sometimes life isn’t like that. We obsess over what we want and don’t have; try to take control; keep secrets until they turn sour; play power games until dark. These are the shadows that peek out when we’re not looking. With awareness though, here is an opportunity to love from the depths of the soul – or simply to take control of your bank balance. You decide. Let your heart’s truth lead you on a journey of transformation. Trust is the key to all relationships. Dive deep for pearls.
Degrees and Times
Venus 00°Sc00′ – 03:36 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Study Of A Woman In Red by Jean-Jacques Henner
Study Of A Woman In Red
Study Of A Woman In Red

Kin 78 ~ White Cosmic Mirror

‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its key words are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence’. The 13th day of a wavespell wraps up the whole journey. On this day we arrive at the destination we set out for on day one. ‘Cosmic’ days can be enduring because we must transcend our experiences in order to be properly prepared for the next 13 day trip. I always emphasize that the Tzolkin is best lived one wavespell at a time. Although all the days in the wavespell have their own meaning, the overlying theme is set by day one. Furthermore, the order the wavespells follow one another is mystical. To get the most out of the next one you need to fully understand what you’ve learnt from this one.
Today is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflection, Order and Endlessness’. The Cosmic Mirror symbolizes the reflection of the cosmos here on Earth. We are stardust and more influenced by the Universe than we can ever fathom. The Mirror reflects the truth and on number 13 days, we ‘endure to reflect’ – meaning the truth can be difficult to grasp but it is so essential for transcending. If you want to confirm you are on the right path, the Cosmic Mirror will show you but you must be prepared to eat humble pie if you discover that you are wrong about your current situation. If that is the case, it’s much better to know the truth now rather than stumble blindly in the wrong direction.
The Guide today is the White Wind which represents ‘Communication’ but also ‘Spirit’. This suggests that communicating with Spirit is what will guide you in the right direction today. Stillness is the key to ‘hearing’ these messages. Normally, we are too busy & too noisy and so we miss vital information. It is available to you no doubt, but you can’t hear it – if it is being drowned out by busy minds, noisy places and distracting thoughts.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Star. People born on Yellow Star see the world through the eyes of a child sometimes….in awe of its beauty, dazzled by sparkly things but reluctant to accept the truth if it’s not pretty. Today will be tough on them but Yellow Stars need a reality check from time to time just like the rest of us.
The Occult power today is the Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’. When in this magical position dreams have the best chance of coming true. So, cross your fingers and make a wish. There is also much abundance to be enjoyed because the Blue Night has an incredible imagination and can dream up great things.
The Ally today is the Red Dragon, the nurturer of the Tzolkin. We all need a little nurturing today, so be kind to yourself and others. If you are a Red Dragon, be prepared to be depended upon for support. If the enduring aspect of today becomes too much, do what a Dragon would do and find a nice cozy cave.
Kin 78
Kin 78


13 ETZNAB – KIN 78
🍥🔎 ✨💫🌈🍥🔎
I ENDURE in order to REFLECT
Transcending Order
I seal the matrix of Endlessness
With the Cosmic tone of Presence
I AM guided by the power of Spirit
🍥🔎 ✨💫🌈🍥🔎
23/9/2024 = 5/9/8=5/17 = 5/8=13=4
13/4 NEW EARTH code
23- Royal Star of the Lion 🦁/Protection/Grace
5- Freedom/Change/Movement/Liberation/Transformation
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 78 = 15 = 6 HEAVEN/CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS – Knock, knock, knocking on HEAVEN’S DOOR! 🚪🕍
KIN 78 marks the TRANSCENDANCE💃 over the power of DEATH!
Another extremely potent and POWERFUL day in our planetary evolution. 🍥✨
After the DEATH, comes RESURRECTION and REBIRTH!!!
Day 13 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER🌈🌉 WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges. Today we bring final CLOSURE to our old paradigm, ENDING the cycle of suffering and lack, as we cross the RAINBOW bridge to our new world that we have been glimpsing.
COSMIC 🍥is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time.
✨We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!.✨
This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC🍥✨CONSCIOUSNESS. 🎆
The COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence. After journeying for 13 days with CIMI -the White Worldbridger🌈🌉 we have faced our FEAR of DEATH, and found the courage to CLOSE the door on all the old patterns and cycles. We are now FREE to make new LIFE ENHANCING connections expanding throughout the Cosmos.🍥✨🍥✨
At the END of this cycle we discover that the NOW moment is all encompassing, as we focus on being fully present, that is where our ultimate POWER resides.
p.s. As it is a COSMIC day coupled with WHITE MIRROR today- keep your EYES 👁👁OPEN, as what was once HIDDEN can now be revealed in all directions of TIME and SPACE!
Today’s question is “Where is the GOLDEN DOOR ✨🚪✨ to COSMIC ABUNDANCE🍥🐝🌻 in my Hall of Mirrors?” Ask Spirit. Seek and ye shall be shown!
We bid adieu👋 to CIMI, our WHITE WORLDBRIDGER👋 who has guided us to LET GO of all that no longer serves us, and fully SURRENDERED our old way of being. Finally we can bring CLOSURE to the old paradigm and begin forming our new communities in preparation for our new Divine Missions.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell, with CAUAC the MAGNETIC BLUE STORM🌀🌪🌩 approaching – ready to “knock our socks off”.
Hold onto your hats planetary kin because an ASCENSION GALE is coming! 🌪☀🌪
The WINDS OF CHANGE🌀 are here!
Divine blessings for the SLAMMING of the old BRONZE doors and arrival at the new GOLDEN PEARLY GATES , opening to a Garden of infinite BEAUTY and ABUNDANCE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
🍥🔎 ✨💫🌈🍥🔎
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE COSMIC MIRROR 🍥🔎 ETZNAB represents the Hall of Mirrors, where you can face your own reflection, and dare to SEE the truth of what is! Standing in full integrity ETZNAB will reveal the endlessness of your soul throughout the echoes of time. ⏳✨🍥⏳✨🍥⏳✨🍥
Your reality is but an ILLUSION, a continual projection of our collective imaginations – ONE timeline in one dimension of INFINITY.🍥🍥🍥 Your soul has many aspects and fragments in multi-dimensions – so call them forth and integrate your soul essence for your next journey. 🍥✨
The Maya believed that the MIRROR contained the other side of the veil after death. Fittingly WHITE COSMIC MIRROR concludes the 13 day cycle of the WORLDBRIDGER. KIN 78 is said to mark the TRANSCENDANCE💃 over the power of DEATH!
Your journey through the WORLDBRIDGER cycle has led to a recognition of your immortality, through your access to multi-dimensional realms beyond the veil.
As it is a COSMIC MIRROR – the veils are lifting in all dimensions and you are FREE to SEE the TRUTH, revealed through all the OPEN DOORS.. WHITE WORLDBRIDGER brings new opportunities and new connections, coupled with the COSMIC MIRROR – the Halls of Time are fully accessible.
❓❓❓In which direction shall you choose to travel, and build your new bridges?
As you connect to the path of TRUTH and INTEGRITY the old bridges collapse and dissolve. The old illusory world has crumbled (it was all built on a LIE!), and you have no choice but to KEEP MOVING FORWARD… evolve or DIE – the quandary of the Worldbridger!!!
Keep connecting and constructing those bridges to the NEW!🌈🌉
NOTE: On a GLOBAL scale watch out for all the CLOAKS and daggers to be revealed – A huge circus of trying to disguise the TRUTH through “pulling the wool over our eyes” versus those who pull down the curtains to the majik show.
All ILLUSIONS will be revealed, but it will depend on your filter and perceptions to determine WHAT IS TRUTH?
🍥🔎 ✨💫🌈🍥🔎
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE COSMIC WIND 🍥 🌬🍃 IK brings forth the POWER of the WHITE WIND, steering our boat 🚣and filling our sails today. ⛵⛵⛵
What a WONDERFUL higher guide today,Spirit is guiding us through this evolutionary passage so that we are HEADED in the right direction. Listen for the clues.
The WHITE WIND allows us to fully channel messages from Spirit, through REFLECTING on the revelations, we access through the multitude of doorways, opening now into the multi-dimensional realms.
Our communication powers are heightened today, and we can access Universal truth, uncovering endless order and patterns woven throughout the Cosmos.🍥🍥🍥 The distortions and illusions of the false Artificial Matrix are clearly revealed and can actively be discarded. Tune in to Spirit and trust the DIVINE to lead you to the TRUTH. 👍👍👍
WHITE WIND brings forth the winds of change, gently whispering in our ear👂 and showing us which way to look in the Hall of Mirrors, before choosing which DOOR to open fully and WALK THROUGH.🚪🚶🚶🚶
✨TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN to reveal the best path.👍✨
🍥🔎 ✨💫🌈🍥🔎 ✨💫🌈🍥
SUPPORT: RED COSMIC DRAGON🍥🐉 IMIX the COSMIC DRAGON has birthed the COSMOS and all of CREATION. RED DRAGON holds the codes for the CREATION matrix of COSMIC consciousness, through the B-Earth canal of Mother Gaia. 🐣🌏💕
The LUNAR YEAR of the YANG WOOD 🌲🌳🀄 DRAGON 🐲🐉🐲🐉 is in its 7th majikal month and so the DRAGONS are well and truly prevalent at this time.
NOTE: In 3 days time on 26 September the ELECTRIC DRAGON will arrive to supercharge your CREATION POWER. Get ready for fantastic EARTH MAJIK through co creating with these magnificent beings.
The DRAGON🐉 kin are fearless PROTECTORS, GUARDIANS and manifesters. They have returned to the Earth plane after many eons to assist humanity in transcending the FEAR and oppression of the Patriarchal powers that WERE!
Our fearless protective Mother Dragons 🐉🐉🐉 can guide us through navigating the Cosmic Hall of Mirrors, and organically flowing through the portal, OPENING to the New Earth and New Time. B-EARTH-ed in a new Golden Era! ✨ 🐣✨
Many DRAGON kin have been appointed to each STAR🌟 BLISS 🐬SUPERNOVA SUN☀ to assist them in BIRTHING their new projects and MISSIONS now. Call on your DRAGONS for extra protection in this precious incubation time of NEW BIRTH and CREATION, your team awaits! .
🍥🔎 ✨💫🌈🍥🔎
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE MAGNETIC NIGHT 🌃💰 AKBAL is today’s SUPERPOWER and what a POWERFUL gift he bestows upon us. AKBAL is the Gatekeeper, who can use his GOLDEN KEY🔑 to OPEN the best DOORS in the Hall of Mirrors.
AKBAL gives us access to the realms of endless Abundance, held in the collective unconscious dreaming codes. As this BLUE NIGHT is the MAGNETIC tone, we can easily ATTRACT all that we need to UNITE us in our collective DREAMING – bringing forth the endless opportunities, people and resources from all corners of the COSMOS. 🍥✨
We are currently in the ECLIPSE CAULDRON between ECLIPSES and still basking in the EQUINOX energies.. so our senses are HEIGHTENED. All this stimulating energy coupled with the BLUE NIGHT may unlock a whole pandora’s box of insecurities and FEARS.. Make sure you delve in DEEP in order to CLEAR anything lurking in the shadows, so you can walk through these NEW DOORS to infinite ABUNDANCE unfettered by the ghosts from the past!
We are entering into a very fertile and fortuitous season in 2025 which will accelerate our natural COSMIC ABUNDANCE flowing to the well deserving STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS!
2025 heralds a NEW TIME of unimaginable ABUNDANCE for all.. DREAM IT and BELIEVE IT.
Looking from the top view down at the WHITE MIRROR glyph you can decipher a MAYAN PYRAMID. This can be used to MAGNIFY and MAGNETIZE any manifestation.
The COSMIC MIRROR magnetizes our dreaming for collective abundance, and reveals that endless infinite Abundance exists in all realms of Creation. Scarcity is an ILLUSION!
LOOK for the DOORS✨🚪✨🚪✨ that lead to REAL sustainable prosperity and happiness. Afterall natural ABUNDANCE is just a state of BEE-ING🐝.
✨ You have all the wonders of Creation within you, by simply connecting to the SOURCE☀ OF ALL THAT IS!✨
🍥🔎 ✨💫🌈🍥🔎
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW COSMIC STAR🍥 🌟 LAMAT challenges us today, to SEE the distortions and disharmony of the false Matrix, and to recognize the REAL precious BEAUTY🌹 that exists within CREATION, beyond the MAYA of ILLUSION.
Humanity has been programmed to value FALSE idols, and superficial desires, that can never TRULY satisfy an immortal longing. Conflict and Competition arise from vying for what we believed was scarce, which created division and separation from our natural ABUNDANCE.
✨🌹✨When in fact the natural world and our beautiful Earth Mother🌏 always provides for her children, with abundant resources to satisfy our soul.
LAMAT🌟 challenges you today, to look for the BEAUTY🌹 by simply being PRESENT, and flowing as ONE consciousness.. Connecting through the portal of LAMAT✨ to all of CREATION. Realizing the TRUTH that all Creation exists in Divine Harmonic order, all kept in perfect balance in accordance with Natural Lore.
Look for the YELLOW/GOLDEN DOOR✨🚪✨ in the Hall of Mirrors, and walk through to the SUNSHINE,🌅 reflecting on the INFINITE beauty🌻🌻🌻 that surrounds and enfolds you.
Beyond the YELLOW DOOR✨🚪✨ is a YELLOW BRICK road that leads to untold treasures, and Cosmic Abundance, in a beautiful, brave New World, reflecting the Divine Harmony of our Cosmos! 🍥
Today’s question is “Where is the GOLDEN DOOR ✨🚪✨ to COSMIC ABUNDANCE🍥🐝🌻 in my Hall of Mirrors?” Ask Spirit. Seek and ye shall be shown!
We bid adieu👋 to CIMI, our WHITE WORLDBRIDGER👋 who has guided us to LET GO of all that no longer serves us, and fully SURRENDERED our old way of being. Finally we can bring CLOSURE to the old paradigm and begin forming our new communities in preparation for our new Divine Missions.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell, with CAUAC the MAGNETIC BLUE STORM🌀🌪🌩 approaching – ready to “knock our socks off”.
Hold onto your hats planetary kin because an ASCENSION GALE is coming! 🌪☀🌪
The WINDS OF CHANGE🌀 are here!
Divine blessings for the SLAMMING of the old BRONZE doors and arrival at the new GOLDEN PEARLY GATES , opening to a Garden of infinite BEAUTY and ABUNDANCE!
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESSS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of September 22nd through September 28th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 22nd through September 28th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Autumn Equinox Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation (Libra Season).

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste





How was Equinox for you?

Waves of plasma flow in the Kryst Field ~ truly Divine to feel our realities shifting to wave form. These heart-opening, realm-shifting waves of Mother Plasma grow stronger each moment.
We FEEL our hearts pulsing with New Light, new magnetics, new plasma, and a new way of co-creating realities.
This is the ultimate clearing of old illusion. Our unified Hearts grow in strength ~ call forth the Supreme Intelligence to neutralize all distortions.
Because #Ascension
Kryst Field
Kryst Field

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