Medbed Medical beds have been around for a long time 2024/07/21 Latest information
US Marshals are making major arrests right now.
Master C. Miller Remember what I said yesterday about a major arrest? Go on google and check which drug kingpin was just arrested. Enjoy the show!
Mexican Drug Lord Ismael ‘El Mayo’ Zambada Arrested in U.S.
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
2024/07/21 11:52
😻 QTeam states clearly: They are waging this world war legally and by the book, for the sake of the Earth and human freedom. #1226 #3968
This is not just military (Department of Defense Law of War), but also government, banking/finance, business, healthcare, etc.
In his speech to the Republican National Committee, Trump talked about curing cancer, Alzheimer’s, and every other disease.
How can this be?
Because he has already paved the way for medical beds and all sorts of incredible “space age” treatment technology to be legally available, ready, and available to everyone.
In May 2018, President Trump signed S.204 into law
“An Act authorizing the use of unapproved medical devices by patients diagnosed with a terminal illness…” [Right to Try]
Yesterday, Ariel @Prolotario1 pointed out that since the Chevron Principles were struck down by the Supreme Court, the legal tools to spread the wonders of healing to everyone have become clear. For free.
Med Beds and Quantum are all here and here 🎉
- President/CiC Trump, Republican National Committee 7/18/24
Cure Cancer and Everything Else, Washington Examiner 7/19/24 “We will unleash the power of American innovation. We will soon find a cure for this disease and many other diseases. We will get to the bottom of it,” Trump said. “Do you remember this gentleman I just wanted to mention once [Biden]? … This man said he would find a cure for cancer. ‘ ‘America is on the brink of a new golden age, but
we have the courage to seize it. ‘ ‘
He will make this a golden age unlike any we have ever seen before,’ he promised. “Just a few days ago, our journey with you nearly came to an end, and we all know it. Yet we gather here tonight to celebrate the promise of our future and the fullness of what we love so much.
We live in a world of miracles.
No one knows God’s plan or where life’s adventures will take us.
- ENERGY AND FREQUENCY HEALINGI told everyone to pay attention to Donald Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention, and from the beginning of his speech he talked about space age medicine (right to try) that he has been trying to get approved for over 50 years. I was surprised at how many people missed what Trump said after a minute. Folks, this is a technology that is going to change the way people are treated. Did you know that Donald Trump publicly said in that speech that he gave his approval to everything?Insurance companies didn’t want to do it.The institute didn’t want to do it.Doctors didn’t want to do it.Donald Trump said that no one has been prosecuted so far for using this new space age drug.How?Because the Chevron Doctrine has been overturned. Now you’re going to see this unfold very quickly. Because all the agreements for this have already been signed. Fast forward to 30 minutes. You underestimate how historic this speech was. You’re walking into a future that is still considered impossible.
Reference article
- (FYI) The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health classifies extraterrestrial energy therapies into a category called CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine). Med-Bed technology legally falls under this category.Therefore, those who run medical bed centers are no longer being pursued by the FDA without due process by the judiciary, which now has 100% authority over health policy and guidelines and no longer has overriding authority over Congressional agencies.Clarifying energy medicine is something we should all be focused on. Because this is part of Agenda 47 and the transition period that Donald Trump spoke of when he mentioned space-age materials that could be used in all industries, especially healthcare. Please take a look at this and bookmark it.
- Med-Beds fits into this “right to try” policy. It sounds simple, but it’s a highly innovative technology that we all have the right to use, free from bureaucracy and insurance companies. People should be very excited about the impact.
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
07/21/2024 10:59
Reply to ol_cowboy’s post💪 ol_cowboy, you said it perfectly.
After all the suffering these motherfuckers have caused to the Earth, her kingdoms, the animals, humanity and especially the Kennedy and Trump families.
The Deep State monsters are spiraling into chaos and panic, suffering blow after blow, defeat after defeat, until they all fall into eternal oblivion as the Ascension collapses their demonic matrix forever, this warms all the anonymous hearts they will continue to attack.
Congratulations to the QTeam, JFK, Q+, generals, soldiers, double agents and all our brave warriors.
And GHWB’s funeral was so amazing👊🤬🇺🇸🪖💥
- “They know everything. I’m sorry.” George
H.W. Obama CIA Mastermind <Bin Laden assassination hoax, Wuhan virus The Obama connection > From child sacrifice to organ trafficking to false flag color revolutions in major countries around the world > Files full of videos and evidence > Indictment sealed > Military intelligence identified every individual who received the envelope Was collecting all phone, computer, call, text and email data from the computer. 12-6-18 GHW Bush
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
2024/07/21 7:43
😻 On July 21, 1999, the “bodies” of JFK Jr., his wife Carolyn, and his sister Lauren were “discovered” in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard.
Anonymous knows different.
🇺🇸 Q Storm Rider
JFK Jr.] Rescue [Protect ///…
One of the reasons JFK was assassinated
was that he wanted to expose the CIA…
In 2017, Melania Trump wore Sky Blue [Tiffany Blue] I was wearing a dress.
Military communications…
After the (alleged) death of JFK Jr., his family placed his ashes in a sky blue (Tiffany blue) box…
Behind the scenes, JFK Jr.’s bodyguards and bodyguards were there. And they knew that the CIA and Rockefeller were trying to kill JFK Jr…
🇺🇸 Juan
O’Savingon Jr. died in this accident… So the story is…
He was in New York. He was going to run away. the Senate…
removing him was a way to ensure that Hillary would win that seat.
Was there an understanding that this was being done? And knowing that there was going to be this assassination attempt, [QTeam] took advantage of that and participated in the council so that they could remove him and use him later. 😎 #Valhalla
- Setup <
enact RICO law against corrupt deep state organizations
(documenting this in Congressional Record, US Archives, and US Court documents is important in launching military operations)_Why did Trump in 2017 deny the existence of alien UFOs and extraterrestrial life in June 2019?
(When ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos asked Trump if he knew, Trump said he didn’t particularly believe in UFOs.) Behind the scenes>]: Congress/Senate/AG led by white hats and military operations and procedures to defeat the cabalupon which the Pentagon/CIA/[DS] military/military-industrial complex system is based, Laws of War Department of Defense Military Protocol_ _These highly important programs have stolen over $100 trillion. operations $$$$ … (This is one of the reasons why JFK was assassinated; he wanted to expose the CIA’s plans, dark projects and missing funds. JFK knew that Henry Kissinger and the CIA were behind the Rockefeller and Rothschild family’s population reduction plans. >>>>> This is why the JFK assassination files are still hidden. This is a big reason… but this will change at a very important moment when Donald J. Trump was elected in 2017 and held his inauguration ceremony in Washington, DC, his wife Melania Trump was elected. Trump wore a sky blue (Tiffany blue) dress…> The color of this dress was very important and it was also a military communication. This color was worn by JFK’s wife Jackie Kennedy and JFK. It is the same color that JR wore after the assassination of his father JFK… Also, after the (alleged) death of JFK JR, his family carried his ashes in a sky blue (Tiffany blue) box, his ashes were scattered at sea. (*note that when JFK Jr.’s body was discovered, it was discovered quickly). An autopsy was performed within an hour, the body was hidden and immediately cremated, and several funerals were held within hours and the ashes were scattered… Never before in history has the funeral of a descendant of a royal family, a famous family, or an elite family been given such urgency. We talked about how JFK Jr.’s security and staff knew that the CIA and the Rockefellers wanted to kill JFK JR…because [they] knew about the white hats that the military was preparing. About Operation STORM>>>> _Behind the scenes>]; the military operations were related to Q (including sources dating back to Biblical times Connecting to the Future _Events > Tesla > Military Technology > Super Advanced Technology > Faster Than Light Technology and Civilization) …. Blue Sky > Secret of Blue Sky). The activities are involved in the Deep State > The Devil’s Cabal > *The Real Devil They were fighting the forces of *this is what creates war. Human trafficking. Child sex, adrenochrome. Satanic rituals, mind control, human slavery and spirit control. This is why Trump publicly handed the Obamas a sky blue box on national television. >>> These were military communications. A sky blue event operation is underway against the deep state and the cabals >>> covert military operations and transfer of power plans +++ are happening a lot /// and the end of the deep state power will collapse, and the end of the world will be the Cabal//// >This is why the RETURN PLAN was activated by the military and why TRUMP was installed.
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
07/21/2024 4:44 AM
😹 Does anyone remember this video from July 3, 2024?
Two things: Barron is sitting next to Pops
and the President calls Kamala “that guy”. No accidents.
Our Chief Executive never says anything out of the blue 😉
👇 President accepts Biden’s resignation 💥
July 3 🦅🇺🇸🪖President /Chief Trump
What did you think of the recent debate Ta?
That old, tattered pile of garbage.
💥💥He just dropped out. He’s out of the race 💥💥
I took him out.
That means we have Kamala.
I think she’s going to get better. She’s really bad. It’s really pathetic. Can you imagine
that guy fighting with Putin or
the President of China?
He’s a really bad guy. He’s a really tough guy.
💥💥They just announced he’s probably resigning. 💥💥I’ll keep
knocking them out, okay?
🇺🇸 7-3-24 Q Stormrider
Jill Biden secretly removes belongings from the White House
and the family plans to vacate the White House soon…… 💥 🍿
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
2024/07/21 3:56
Biden to resign:
‘I believe it is in the best interest of our party and our country for me to resign and focus on serving as president for the remainder of my term…’
Biden endorses Kamala
: ‘I… I fully support and endorse Kamala to be the party’s nominee this year…’
Kamala is not qualified to be president.
Her parents were not US citizens when she was born.
She is an anchor baby.
how does Hillary Clinton become president? We know she will.
Keep in mind there are over 124 Clinton supporters and
if I were Kamala I would be scared to death for my life right now 🙀
From what I understand the QTeam is Biden/Harris/Clinton/Big Mike/Whoever
wants the stock market, banks, etc. to collapse.
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
2024/07/21 2:52
😻This is my favorite Med Bed video.
It’s a little cheesy, but it informs me, uplifts my spirit, and expands my vision of infinite possibilities.
✨🌟✨We are celestial beings with divine light and have been held captive by the light for billions of years.
We are on the brink of eternal freedom.
I like how VK said it.
“They used our light to make their dreams come true.
They will never do that again 💪✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟
🌷 Med Beds 12:43 .”
Kat IstheSea3@katisthesea3
2024/07/21 2:13
😻Medbed medical beds have been around for a long time.
Most recently, medical beds have been used by special forces since 2015, when the underground war began. Special forces enter the dam and rescue humans and animals who have been trafficked, caged, sacrificed, and experimented on by demons.
After the mission, everyone will be healed in the medical bed ❤️🐾🪖The
medical bed can erase traumas from memory, so that those who have been subjected to horrific torture do not have to remember that they were lucky to survive.
🇺🇸 Genetic decoding
Most children who have been severely chimerized
[half-human, half-machine, half-human, half-animal]
beg to be sent back to their parents.
“Please kill me.” Because who wants to be like that? 💔The
devil will tell us what he is hiding
Medical beds have been appearing in science fiction, or DS TRUTH, for decades.
Star Trek, Star Wars, The Fifth Element, Elysium, Passengers…
🇺🇸 qthestormrider777
“Trump is going to save America with hidden technology and energy. This will shock the world 🎉
👇 The X-Files Medical Bed Video, 1:49 Season 7, Episode 15
Hollow Earth will reveal the ships the next day, regardless of the agreed completion date of the EBS with the alliance, if the alliance fails to complete it by the agreed date.
The date has been agreed upon with the Inner Earth Council. The exact date for everything (camping event, NESARA/GESARA announcements, EBS/EAS, Star Family self-revelation) is 11-5.
Therefore, the agreed EBS date should be earlier than the later date, as Star Family may need a few days at least for their self-disclosure. Everything should happen now and not come anywhere near that extreme date. //
The Star Family already has the green light to reveal themselves and take action whenever they want. They don’t want the sheep to worship them because the sheep might think the people on the ships are gods from the sky or some nonsense.
The Star Family is being very careful not to create any situation where the sheeple here think that the Star Family is the savior of all who came from heaven. This is the reason modifications (EOs or otherwise) have been made to push everything through the current legal systems for all of Earth.
And let the people of the earth do the work and take the credit for cleaning up the earth’s swamp. The earth was invaded thousands of years ago, for an invasion, the no-intervention policy is cancelled/null/nullified and no longer applies.
The Star Family is also analyzing when is the best time for them to reveal themselves and do their self-disclosure. And as I said, they already have the green light when they want to and have had it for over a year. Earth should get the credit for cleaning up the swamp, rather than the Star Family just showing up and fixing everything for the people of Earth.
As I said before, they would rather have the people of Earth do 51% of the clearing of the swamp and then the Star Family will step in at that time and give a hand for the last 49% of the clearing and get everything moving in the right direction here.

A new generation of children with old souls is being born, who will work to awaken humanity
In recent decades, a new generation of people has been born on Earth, exceptional for their special abilities and the color of their aura, which gave them the name – indigo children. These people have a special task in life, their goal is to support the spiritual awakening and evolution of humanity. Their arrival is not accidental, they are born at a time when the world needs them.
Indigo Children have been born on Earth in the last thirty or forty years, but at first they were not very many, and in their younger years they are increasing rapidly. The term “children” is therefore no longer entirely accurate, nowadays it can also be people in their thirties, although they are much more likely to be found among children.
Indigo children or Indigo people have special qualities, they are at a very advanced spiritual level, and now is the time when these souls can be realized on Earth, that is why so many are appearing. This is due to historical development and also to the fact that humanity as a whole is more spiritually awakened and open to new ideas.
Why “indigo” anyway? This word describes the typical color that appears in the aura of indigo children and people. The dark blue color refers to the sixth chakra, located in the area of the third eye. This indicates a great spiritual maturity of these souls and signifies the ability to see hidden connections and to work more easily towards spiritual knowledge.
On the other hand, being an Indigo child is far from being an advantage. These people have their own special mission, but it is even more difficult for them on Earth, in society. In a sense, they are “one step ahead” and sometimes have difficulty adapting to mainstream society because they see and feel things that are hidden from others.
How to recognize these children and how to deal with them?
If you have one of these children in your family, then you are very lucky. As early as two or three years old, you can see that, although they do not have the necessary vocabulary, they are extremely mature mentally, showing empathy and understanding. From an early age, they retain a special sense of uniqueness that they feel somewhere deep inside.
Their souls know exactly that they are here to achieve something great and they realize that they have a special mission, even if in childhood they do not yet know exactly what they are supposed to achieve in the world. These children are therefore a little stubborn, but at the same time they are very bright and intelligent. They realize their own difference and that they were born to achieve something important.
It is interesting that from an early age these children have no problem talking about how they feel about their uniqueness and their mission. At the same time, it cannot be said that they are overconfident; for example, they may not fit in with their school friends, but they will start talking to their parents about, for example, the meaning of life.
Indigo children often have difficulty accepting authority. The phrase, “Do it because I say so!” does not apply to them by chance and rather leads them to rebel. This is because they feel deeply the reasons and causes of what is happening on this Earth.
When you want something from them, it is best to talk to them like adults and explain why it is important for them to do this, then they will accept it much more easily. Natural authorities from which wisdom can be discerned are relied upon by these children, but commands and orders that they do not understand, they simply refuse to respect.
The educational methods known for generations simply do not apply to them and are best avoided. This is often the problem. Not all people are prepared to overcome their differences and try at all costs to raise these children as today’s society demands and as proven ancient practices tell us. Unfortunately, by doing so, you are depriving these souls of their exceptional abilities, which they will eventually lose.
It is very important to be able to listen to these children
As children grow, their language and communication skills develop. They are no different in this regard. But you have to pay attention to what they say. You have to pay attention to the individual signals they leave in their communication. What they say is very important, they should not be afraid of being forgotten just because they are children. They are our teachers who give us lessons, so we must listen to them.
It is important to realize that they are not exactly children. Spiritually, they are much more advanced than we are. They know exactly what they are saying, what they want, and what they are aware of. It may seem scary at times, but Indigo children actually perceive the reality around us from a different perspective. Most children born as Indigos are currently among the latest wave of souls coming to Earth to help us awaken and raise our spiritual consciousness.
More Wednesday Updates PM Seeds of Wisdom RV/GCR 7/24/24
Seeds of Wisdom
XRP WHALES Go on $84M Buying Spree to Lock Up 140M Tokens
“XRP whales appear to have regained their confidence in the XRP token, with recent data showing an accumulation trend among these investors. This is significant as XRP targets the $1 mark and these XRP whales could play a role in facilitating such a price rally.”
“Cryptocurrency analyst Ali Martinez recently shared data from on-chain analytics platform Santiment, which shows that XRP whales purchased over 140 million XRP ($84 million) in the past week.”
“This increase in whale accumulation is also a factor that could contribute to such a rally, as these investors can use their market influence to push the price of XRP to new highs. Santiment recently noted that XRP’s impressive rally is supported by the increasing level of coins held by XRP whales and sharks with over 100,000 tokens. According to Santiment, this category of investors now holds over 51 billion XRP tokens, a new all-time high (ATH).
“In addition to this significant whale accumulation, network activity on the XRP (XRPL) ledger also paints a bullish picture for XRP. Santiment revealed that XRPL is witnessing a notable increase in new addresses created and total addresses interacting on the network. Both metrics are at their highest levels since March.
“Specifically, Santiment data shows that 1,721 new XRP wallets were created on July 18 and that 47,363 individual addresses interacted on the network that day. This is also a bullish sign as it suggests that retail investors are also flocking to the XRP ecosystem in anticipation of higher prices for the crypto token. XRP’s technical data also suggests that a significant price rally is on the horizon.”
@Newshounds News™
Read more: Bitcoinist
South African startup Neonomad to launch rand-backed STABLECOIN
“South African fintech startup Neonomad, a hybrid exchange platform, is set to launch Zarcoin (ZARC), a rand-backed stablecoin. Zarcoin aims to bridge the gap between traditional finance and crypto, while enabling seamless local and international transactions.”
“According to a report, STABLECOIN is poised to serve both banked and unbanked South Africans by utilizing Solana Pay for instant and low-cost transactions.”
“For his part, Devon Krantz, COO of Neonomad, stated that the company’s STABLECOIN and app aim to facilitate multiple offerings even in the decentralized finance (defi) space. He added that Neonomad’s platform is specifically designed to transition users from traditional banking platforms to the startup’s “secure STABLECOIN ecosystem.”
“Meanwhile, the report revealed that the hybrid exchange platform also plans to launch an educational program to boost cryptocurrency usage among South Africans. Neonomad aims to achieve this by launching a coworking space for crypto enthusiasts in Cape Town sometime during the last quarter of 2024.”
@Newshounds News™
Read more: Bitcoin
As the clock ticks down to this financial D-Day, one thing is clear: the world as we know it is about to change.
The question is: are you ready to be part of this revolution?
ﻯ In a world where truth is often stranger than fiction, a groundbreaking revelation is about to transform our very existence. This is not just another story; this is the untold narrative of NESARA, a plan so monumental that it redefines the global financial and political landscape.
ﻯ Imagine a world where financial abundance is not just a dream, but a tangible reality. A world where every human being could be a sterling millionaire, free from the shackles of debt. This is not a fantasy; it is a hidden truth, veiled from the public eye, but now it is time to lift the curtain.
ﻯ NESARA, a term that resonates with the promise of justice and equality, will revolutionize the distribution of our planet’s resources. It is not just monetary reform; it is a complete overhaul of the banking system, designed to extend its benevolent reach to every corner of the globe. The plan is so comprehensive, so far-reaching, that no individual or organization, no matter how powerful, can stop its momentum.
ﻯ The implications are staggering. Credit card debt, mortgages, and other financial burdens imposed by corrupt banking practices will be eliminated. The oppressive yoke of income tax will be lifted and replaced with a fair, flat tax on new non-essential items. This is not just a financial reset; it is a liberation of the common man from the clutches of taxation.
ﻯ But NESARA’s vision goes beyond mere economic reform. It is a political earthquake that will shake the very foundations of the U.S. government. The President, Vice President, and all officials complicit in this grand deception will be removed from office. In their place will emerge constitutionally acceptable leaders, possibly including figures like Joseph Francis Dunford, Ron Paul, or John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr., if he is still with us.
ﻯ This revolt is not limited to the US. The entire Congress, along with their Khazarian Zionist overlords, will be replaced. This is a purge of corruption, a cleansing of the political system, making way for leaders who truly represent the people.
ﻯ In this new era, Donald Trump could play a crucial role in exposing the sinister machinations of the Bush syndicate and the Clinton Foundation. He could be the key to unlocking the nexus of Satanic disinformation that has ensnared mainstream U.S. media and intelligence agencies.
ﻯ The promise of NESARA also extends to elections. Future presidential and congressional elections will be protected from fraud, hacking, and illicit activities by special interest groups or secret syndicates. This is democracy reborn, transparent and uncorrupted.
ﻯ The financial landscape will be revolutionized with the introduction of a new US Treasury rainbow currency backed by precious metals. The Federal Reserve System, a symbol of financial manipulation, will be dismantled. Personal financial privacy will be restored, and all legal professionals will be retrained in Constitutional Law.
ﻯ NESARA’s vision is not just national, but global. Aggressive U.S. military actions around the world will cease, ushering in an era of unprecedented global peace. Every American citizen over the age of 21 will receive $100,000 monthly for 11 years, but first, the Farmers’ grievances will be addressed, including $300,000 in debt relief for every farm family.
ﻯ This is not just about America; similar reforms will be reflected around the world. Huge funds will be allocated for humanitarian purposes. Suppressed technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleaning equipment and sonic healing machines will be unleashed for the benefit of all.
ﻯ The term “NESARA” may have been shrouded in secrecy, unable to be used publicly to describe this global package of prosperity and humanitarian aid. But the time for secrecy is over.
> White Hats: ☝️ It has begun… [Biden] is dead now!
:REPRISAL _ ( REVENGE) >Nessun Dorma
_]; Military operations killing the deep state actors. >>> RUSSIA. EU. U.S. Military Special Forces Operators are going after the GLOBAL ELITES after the assassination attempt ( yes the white hats staged a powerful event but many real CIA. FBI. [ DS] special forces were at the scene .. And they were in total confusion during the assassination event .. NOBODY KNEW WHO THE REAL ACTORS WERE AND WHO BLACKSHATS WEREAND WHO WHITE HATS WERE AND GRAYHATS WERE>>>> There was total MASS confusion among the deep state actors during the assassination plot and channels were mixed and a huge Stand down was paced 30 minutes before hand by the Deep state as they feared they were going to be arrested and Military intelligence intercepted all communications////…… IN THIS MOMENT WHITE HATS OPERATIONS TO OVER./>>>>>>>>>> >>>MILITARY GAME THEORY OPERATIONS<<<<<<<<<<///////
( do you really think now reported by several sources and agencies that there were 2 shooters..,>AND THEY BOTH MISSED??? . ….. Do you really think the CIA FBI. WORLD GLOBALIST ELITES depending their trillion dollar industry would miss killing Trump with 2 shooters that all missed their target Trump?………/// how did 2 shooters miss Trump? Even though they were given 26 minutes to execute the execution with no interference?…… They TRUTH they watched for 2 hours< .)
Here is the REAL TRUTH,..I have been telling you for a long time. Trump was placed by the military white hats alliance in 2016 . The White hats stole the election in 2016 with military intelligence and rigged the numbers and hacked all the systems 45 minutes before the election ended.. That’s why Hillary Clinton was in shock, she was guaranteed to win but didn’t expect white hats to swing a whole election in 45 minutes. ( for over 50 years the U.S. elections have been rigged by the deep state operations…. For the first time in history the white hats rigged the election..
_After Trump was elected, he immediately signed y Highly Classified Operations and Gave FULL POWER TO THE MILITARY TO CARRY OUT> THE STORM OPERATIONS<
and several other operations pertaining to
>In the winter of 2016 U.S. military forces carried GLOBAL operations and seized hundreds of trillions dollars in gold through Vatican and Switzerland (at the same time China captured most of the Gold Depot stations operations bunkers by the deep state that was working with the CIA and GLOBALIST., at the same moment Russian was finishing a ten year military operations capturing CIA operations in Russia)
That’s why the Carnegie endorsement CIA operations ( GLOBAList with Rockefellers, Rothschilds WEF ECT ED ETC ETC and deep dark opetations initiated the Plandemic operations > VIRUS. VACCINES. LOCKDOWNS . WAR WITH RUSSIA . NUCLEAR EVENTS ) < [ THEY] are trying desperately to Rob the world of money for world money laundering operations as they were going broke and used the plandemic to seize hundreds of billions through the world.
_In 2020 the white hats Military operations gave the election to Joe Biden [ deep state]
( The real Joe Biden was flipped back in 2018_19 and forced to play a part by the white hats. In 2020 the REAL BIDEN ESCAPED to under ground bunkers. Since then several fake Bidens in advanced CIA technology MASKS have been playing his part… the real Biden has been hiding in several underground bunkers near five fingers lake > that’s why his son has a tattoo of the lakes and adrenochrome operations take place there and under ground tunnels reach from there to Colorado to California to Mexico…)
> White Hats: >The 2020 election was given to the deep state these were GAME THEORY MILITARY OPERATIONS>> they knew the Deer State would Collapse the economy and create a chaos event and ripple effect through the world and the plandemic would cause a MASS GREAT AWAKENING MOVEMENT
> The Military Game Theory operations would lead to EXPOSURE of the deep state controlling wars. Creating death vaccines. Creation of the virus, world money laundering operations, human trafficking operations….. The white hats Military Alliance operations STING was tracing tracking all the deep state operations through the World and collecting all the evidence, data and full information on All deep state operations and industries.
_NOW with the REAL information gathered behind the scenes and military intelligence operations acquiring all The REAL evidence during the NATO GLOBALIST event in DC before the TRUMP Assassination attempt event confirmed a military COUP on Trump through assassination ( the CIA. Obama GLOBALIST NATO and UN leaders all helped planned the trump assassination).
(2 hours before hand at the Trump Rally several FBI. CIA and military contractors were arrested and Mass confusion set in among the deep state actors at the event and radio and their intelligence scrambled …
30 minutes before hand the deep state cancelled their operation to assassinate Trump … As the fake shooter ( real shooter was already dead) was crawling the building the white hats also captured the second real shooter on top of the water tower and traded a white hats sniper with him with fake rounds)………………..
_do you really think the deep state would miss there mark with 2 different shooters placed? … And they were given 26 minutes with no interruption?
Why wasn’t there no video shown from the stages behind Trump? Over A hundred people behind him that saw the bullet hit the ear ( as suggested) .. Several of them were filming the event.. What happen to their videos? Why didn’t they go viral? … Why didn’t MSM media who had cameras on both sides of Trump Release the Shooting of Trump’s ear? ……. How many people actually behind Trump filmed the shooting , including MSM and military, secret service operators who have hidden cameras saw from the angle of the side and behind Trump who could see his ear in full view and filmed the shooting? Why didn’t these videos go viral? Immediately? ….. Where are they?
( Why is it only now a week later intelligence is doctoring a video to show what the people behind Trump in the stands saw ?)
Why did the World Wide IT outage immediately happen after the assassination event?
_did Microsoft wipe windows. iPhones and Android apps connected to Microsoft apps and servers that contained the real shootimg event and wiped the world wide uploads of the videos from the view behind TRUMP filmed by People in the stand
>>>>>How did Microsoft immediately try to secure all the videos and dig into people’s phones to get the videos and use IT shortages to erase, wipe the world Internet data that had the videos uploaded?
_you are highly unaware that Microsoft is digitally erasing people from videos and installing other people for several world events and occasions and deep state operations ( white hats are also doing this)
The CrowdStrike IT outage is connected to several operations including beta tests for the coming blackouts. Microsoft is testing several advanced A.i operations through the IT outage… Including shutting down the Internet > Internet [KILLSWITCH] OPERATIONS..///// [ THEY] are also trying to kill the USSF / STARLINK Grid operations through the IT outage using Quantum super computers, TRACKING military USSFops in the Internet<<<<<

Can the VND and IQD achieve 1-to-1 exchange rates in the BRICS gold-backed currency system? Yes, they can!
The new financial shift that could take the VND and IQD to new heights is coming. Here’s what you should know.
Several assumptions are made to calculate exchange rates within this system. These include using the price of gold per gram and considering the gold reserves of each BRICS country.
Variables such as the amount of gold each country holds are factored in, despite some uncertainty. For example, China’s gold purchases have continued through private channels despite official reports of a cessation.

The UNT formula is comprised of 40% gold and 60% basket of currencies. There are assumptions about the number and composition of currencies in this basket. The global currency reset (GCR) aims to be backed by gold, seeking to achieve greater transparency and valuation based on the gold holdings of each participating nation.
The composition of the currency basket was also based on limited information from the UNT monetary system white paper. In addition, assumptions were made about the capabilities of digital platforms for exchanging UNT-based currencies.
The results of the calculations were impressive, even with the assumptions. The numbers and formulations were derived from available data from BRICS and Russian government sources, resulting in fascinating insights.
In this segment, the discussion highlights the current members of the BRICS Plus alliance, which now includes ten countries: China, Russia, Brazil, India, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt and Ethiopia. Argentina, initially invited, has rescinded its invitation.
Additionally, Iraq and Vietnam were mentioned but not included in the main analysis. More details on the IQD and VND exchange rates against a pure fiat currency (such as USD, EUR, etc.) will be presented in a future episode of the Endgame GCR Podcast.
We present the latest gold reserves by country based on data from the International Gold Council and other sources. They acknowledge that China and Russia likely hold more gold than officially reported, as they are the largest gold producers globally.
For calculations, gold reserves are converted to grams. For example, China has 2.262 billion grams of gold in reserves. The price of gold per gram is also provided, with one gram of gold costing 561 yuan in China and 6,765 rubles in Russia.
A critical aspect discussed is the weighted average of each country’s gold share. The total gold reserves for the BRICS countries amount to approximately 7.5 billion grams. Due to lack of data, Ethiopia’s gold reserves are not included.
China contributes 30% of the total gold reserves, while Russia contributes 31%, making them the largest contributors, as can be seen in the chart below.

We then explain the formula for calculating the new value of gold-backed currency, or purchasing power, based on the UNT system. The formula involves a 40% gold component and a 60% currency component.
Using China as an example, with a 30% share of total gold reserves and a gold price of 561 yuan per gram, the calculation proceeds as follows:
- Calculate 40% of the gold component: 40% of 561 equals 224.4.
- Multiply the 30% share by the price of gold: 30% of 561 equals 168.3.
- Take 40% of that value: 40% of 168.3 equals 67.32.
For the monetary component, calculate 60% of the gold price:
- 60% of 561 equals 336.6.
Adding these components gives the value of one UNT in yuan:
- 67.32 plus 336.6 equals 403.92, approximately 404 yuan per UNT.
Furthermore, this translates to the value of gold, where one Yuan based on UNT equals the equivalent value of 0.72 grams of gold.
These calculations are applied to other BRICS countries, providing a comparative understanding of how the UNT system will work. This detailed explanation aims to ensure transparency and accuracy, using tangible data to the best of our ability.
In the final part of the discussion, we address the practical implications of the new gold-backed UNT system for international trade among the BRICS Plus countries. They focus on how these countries will engage in trade without relying on fiat currencies or converting to US dollars.
The BRICS Plus alliance includes China, Russia, Brazil, India, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt, and Ethiopia. As these countries transition to the gold-backed UNT system, they will no longer use fiat currencies for transactions.
For example, if China buys oil from Russia, it will use the UNT system instead of converting currencies to US dollars.
The new exchange rates under the UNT system are explained using specific examples. One UNT is equivalent to 404 yuan, and one UNT is equivalent to 4,900 rubles.
This establishes a new currency pair system for trading. The exchange rate between the yuan and the ruble under the gold-backed system indicates that one gold-backed yuan is slightly lower than one gold-backed ruble because Russia’s gold reserves are slightly larger than China’s.
The chart shows several currency pairs, highlighting near parity between them. For example, the ruble to yuan exchange rate is 1.005, while the yuan to Indian rupee exchange rate is 1.19.

This near parity between all participating currencies is significant as it means that countries can trade nearly one-to-one using the UNT system, which is in stark contrast to the current disparities in fiat currency values.
A striking comparison is made between the IQD (Iraqi dinar) and the yuan. Currently, the IQD is valued at 1.310 to one US dollar, and the yuan at 7.2 to one US dollar.
Under the UNT system, these currencies achieve near parity, with the exchange rate of the IQD and the yuan at around 0.84 to 1.16. This parity provides a more balanced and equitable cross-border trade environment.
The discussion also addresses the potential implications for global trade if BRICS countries engage with fiat-based economies such as the US or Europe.
The cost of using US dollars for trade would be significantly higher compared to using the UNT system. This highlights the competitive advantage and cost-effectiveness of the gold-backed system for international transactions.
We emphasize that the UNT system will create purchasing power parity (PPP) between countries, leading to a more level playing field. This system could potentially reduce the wage gap between workers in different countries by establishing more equal currency values.
In the conclusion of this podcast episode, we reflect on the broader implications of the UNT system for global finance. We discuss the potential for increased purchasing power and liquidity within the system, driven by inherent arbitrage opportunities.
The transition to a decentralized, blockchain-based financial system is expected to improve the efficiency and fairness of international trade, aligning with the goals of the Global Monetary Reset (GCR).
The podcast highlights the profoundly transformative potential of the gold-backed UNT system, highlighting its ability to establish a more equitable and balanced global economic landscape.
Read the official BRICS UNIT (UNT) Q&A here:
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What is GESARA?
The difference between currencies and securities in GCR
A straightforward explanation of how currencies and gold-backed securities differ and how they will trade in the Global Currency Reset (GCR)
In this article
- General definitions and functions of currencies and securities
- Main differences between bearer securities and registered securities
- How transactions will work in GCR
The Global Currency Reset (GCR) represents a significant shift. This reset involves the revaluation of currencies and gold-backed securities. Understanding the distinctions between currencies and gold-backed securities, particularly in the context of the GCR, can be helpful in the bigger picture.
This article aims to provide a clear and simple explanation of these differences, including the unique characteristics of Bearer Securities and Registered Securities, and how transactions will be handled.
General definitions and functions of currencies and securities
Coins are considered legal tender issued by a country’s central bank or government, with their value tied to a specific weight of gold.
These currencies function as a medium of exchange, facilitating everyday transactions.
Bonds are financial instruments that represent a loan made by a person or entity to a borrower, which may be a government, municipality or entity.
Bonds are used to raise capital and provide periodic interest payments to bondholders. Unlike currencies, bonds return the principal amount at maturity.
Main differences between bearer securities and registered securities
As far as I know, all GCR bonds are perpetual bearer bonds, which have distinct characteristics compared to registered bonds:
Bearer Bonds : Bearer bonds are unregistered, meaning that ownership is transferred simply by delivering the physical title certificate. They offer anonymity to the bondholder, but carry a higher risk of theft or loss, since possession equates to ownership. Perpetual bonds do not have specified maturity dates.
However, as far as I know, all GCR titles require proper provenance (ownership history) that shows the titles were not implicated in any criminal activity.
Registered Titles : Registered titles are registered in the name of the title holder. Ownership is transferred through a formal registration process. They provide greater security against theft or loss, but do not offer the same level of anonymity.
Key differences between currencies and gold-backed securities
While both coins and bonds are pegged to various gold weights in the GCR, their purposes, issuers, and returns differ significantly:
Purpose : Currencies are used for everyday transactions, while securities are investment vehicles that appreciate in value over time.
Issuer : Currencies are issued by governments or central banks. Bonds can be issued by governments, municipalities and other entities.
Return : Currencies do not provide a return in the form of interest unless they are held in interest-bearing accounts. Bonds, however, generally provide interest income over time.
How transactions will work in GCR
In the GCR, gold-backed currencies will be exchanged in a similar way to traditional currencies, except that there will likely be a digital (blockchain) component and/or process involved. [More on the decentralized ledger and payment system in future articles.]
On the other hand, bonds will be redeemed rather than exchanged. This means that bondholders will receive appreciated rates and the principal amount at maturity, rather than using bonds for everyday transactions.
In the case of ZIM perpetual bonds, the principal value will come from their gold-backed component, along with the underlying accumulated interest appreciation. No one really knows what this appreciation factor is.
Since most GCR securities are perpetual bearer securities, the transaction process involves physical delivery of the notes to transfer ownership at the time of the transaction.
DISCLAIMER : This article is for educational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. I am not a certified financial or investment advisor. Always seek professional advice before making financial decisions.
This is going to be an interesting week for us. There is a lot going on around. Politically, wow… we have had quite a week. It won’t get any easier. Don’t be surprised if EBS/EAS and EWS come in tomorrow or Thursday. There is so much going on globally.
Arrests have been completed worldwide, but still some in Canada. This is a time when things are coming together for us…..yesterday, talking to the redemption center and the bank people. the bank screens were not showing the rates, but the redemption center screens were showing the rates flashing, but today…it was the opposite.
Later today, the rescue centers will show solid rates, but in grayscale: you can’t tell what the rates are. But by 9:30 a.m. EST, we’ll have solid rates on the screens at 9:30 a.m. The team will be dispatched as early as 10 a.m.
Am and also 2:00 PM to cover the day. We could be notified tomorrow and start the exchanges tomorrow. It starts Wednesday and goes through Saturday. We should be getting the emails from the 800 number. If not tomorrow, then Thursday, but we should start tomorrow.
This is great news for us. This is what we’ve all been waiting for. When you get EAS and EWS, they’re designed to cover us. So I’m excited about what’s about to happen. You’ve seen policy changes, and you’ll see more soon. I’m looking forward to starting to get notifications.
The dinar has a contractual rate. They have to offer this here in the US to US citizens. I can tell you it is very high. ZIM holders have priority. You have priority for Medbeds as they want those of us who will be around to carry out our projects for many years to have the chance to live longer than normal.
You must be eager to gain longevity to see your projects into the future.
Now he talks about the Gold Package to Sue.
I’ll tell you, we’ve been waiting a long time for this, and this information I’ve received is very positive, and I believe we’re at the point where we can start.
We don’t know when the emails will arrive, but we do know that bondholders will be notified tomorrow and will have access to the funds by Thursday. I believe we will start tomorrow for the exchange, and perhaps we will start on Wednesday or Thursday. Look for your emails.
Judy Note:
- Wed. July 24, 2024 Military sources have revealed that Project ODIN was synonymous with the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). This powerful operation aimed to dismantle the Mossad-controlled media satellite, plunging the world into a communications blackout. In its place, a revolutionary Quantum System would emerge, overseen by Project ODIN. URGENT! MILITARY INTELLIGENCE: PROJECT ODIN = EBS! INTERNET BLACKOUT – GESARA MILITARY ACT – THE BEGINNING OF THE END: PROJECT ODIN!
- Wed. July 24, 2024 As the Deep State’s intricate web of deception unravels, this wasn’t just another election cycle – it was the Deep State’s End Game. There Will Be No Another Election. It Was All a Set-Up: BIG WARNING: THERE WILL BE NO ANOTHER ELECTION… IT WAS ALL A TRAP!!! TRUMP’S RESTORATION: NASARA AND GESARA!
- The U.S. Congress begins its summer recess on Thursday, July 25 , and won’t return until Monday, September 9. What’s going to happen in the meantime?
- The US has been in a “Continuity of Government” since Biden’s inauguration. “Continuity of Government” is a set of procedures put in place to allow the Government to conduct essential services during a time of national emergency, catastrophic event, or nuclear war.
- Wed. July 24, 2024: There was evidence that the FBI communicated with Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks before and during the shooting incident.
- Wed. July 24, 2024: Hackers are taking advantage of the chaos of Friday’s CrowdStrike outage. Cybercriminals are already capitalizing on the chaos of Friday’s massive global technology outage by promoting fake websites filled with malicious software designed to compromise unsuspecting victims, according to warnings from the U.S. government and several cybersecurity professionals. Hackers have been creating fake websites that purport to lure people seeking information or solutions to the global IT meltdown, but are actually designed to collect visitors’ information or compromise their devices, security experts said.
- Wed. July 24, 2024 Leaked FBI and military files reveal a CIA and Globalist Deep State conspiracy to stage a real assassination attempt on Trump and blame it on Iran , with the aim of inciting war with Iran. This scheme is a cover-up for Deep State operations, including activities related to Epstein and the creation of the virus, ensuring these secrets remain buried under a new administration.
- Wed. July 24, 2024 (video): Judy Byington: Unredacted: Global communications blackout, global military law enforced. While mass arrests of bad guys happen! Nesara/Gesara release. Special Intelligence Report 7/24/24 (video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Kamala Harris’s father was a Marxist professor.
- Wed. Jul 24, 2024 Is Biden Dead?, Ben Fulford:
- There will be a message from the EBS sent out by phone , TV and radio around the world informing that in the next five hours or so, everyone will need to be at home for a global lockdown that will last 10 to 12 days.
- NESARA will be announced to the world, which will show that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.
- So through EBS , they will show documentaries of everything that happened to wake up the masses.
- At the end of the 12 days, they will provide an 800 number for people to call to schedule an appointment to open their quantum money account on the new Star Link Satellite System.
Global Currency Reset:
- Wed. July 24, 2024 Ginger’s Liberty Lounge: German bondholders of Happy Camper were being sued in Europe. This fits with what we are experiencing here! A friend of mine who lives in Germany is very close to what is happening in Zurich! She told me two weeks ago that everything was being processed and settled, and I asked her how far along they were, how long it would take, and she sent me pictures of a boat party that took place on a large lake, so apparently she is not allowed to talk about it, that was answer enough for me.
- Tue Jul 23, 2024 Wolverine : The millions of people on the Precatorios Platform were liquidated on Tue 23. Private contractors are also being paid. More have been called to Zurich. My Asian contact said their platform starts on Wed Jul 24. I was told Monday night that a certain country in Asia was about to launch on Tue Jul 23. China as well. A committee member in London confirmed that funds will be released on Tue afternoon in Reno and payments on Wed Jul 24. Reno has liquid funds. They have been instructed to pay on Wed Jul 24. On Thurs D-1-D-2 will be released. The platforms will receive their funds on Wed Jul 24, but should expect D1 and D2 to go live on Thurs. Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 provide all the money for the exchange. Right now there is a start in Brazil , for the beneficiaries of this process.
- Tue. 23 July 2024 Bruce: While the global lockdowns ended two days ago, the Emergency Broadcast System was scheduled to begin on Thursday, July 25th. Tier4b (we, the Internet Group) may be notified at any time. Bondholders have been informed that they will be notified on Wednesday, July 24th , and will have access to their money on Thursday, July 25th.
- Tue. 23 July 2024 MarkZ: The historical Bond paperwork – especially on the Asian Bonds – has been sent to The Hague. I heard that the only reason the RV didn’t go over the weekend was the arguments over the value of some old German bonds. But things are now “untangled”.
- Mon Jul 22, 2024 Texas Snake: “The banker is traveling back to Texas on Wednesday and is hopeful for an announcement on Thursday with appointments scheduled to follow over the weekend . We’ll see.”
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