Medbed: Quantum Healing Technology for Complete Healing ~ NAVARATRI: 9 Holy Nights of Creation
Medbed: Quantum Healing Technology for Complete Healing
Medbed is real and free for humanity
Imagine a future where hospitals are not places of fear, but centers of revolutionary healing.
Medbed is transforming healthcare in a way that uses free energy systems and quantum healing to destroy Big Pharma and end the suffering caused by countless diseases.
This future is closer than you think.
A new era of healing
We are on the verge of a quantum leap.
Medbeds and other advanced quantum devices will soon replace outdated medical practices.
No more cancer, no more Alzheimer’s, no more endless drugs.
Imagine a hospital equipped with technology to rejuvenate DNA, heal body and mind, and regenerate limbs.
The old system of dependence on hospitals, surgeries and medicines will be a thing of the past.
erase the past
Today, the third leading cause of death is hospital errors and unnecessary treatments.
With Medbed, you don’t have to worry about that.
These beds can reverse aging, heal life’s wounds, and regenerate organs and tissues.
All thanks to technology that has been used in secret space programs for over 80 years.
Now is the time to reveal these secrets to everyone.
True healing will soon be available to everyone, not just those in power.
presidential support
On June 14, 2020, President Trump announced that “in about a year, nearly every hospital procedure will be out of date.”

Cities will be filled with medical beds and Tesla chambers that can cure diseases and reverse aging by up to 30 years.
This is the beginning of a new era.
No more invasive surgery and no more suffering.
Using Medbed
Three types of medical beds will be available.
Regenerative beds that regrow lost limbs and organs, rejuvenation beds that reverse age and heal psychological trauma, and holographic beds that return the body to its ideal state without harmful surgery.
This is a fountain of youth, where healing powers are returned to people.
Vision of a healthier tomorrow
It’s not just about health, it’s about freedom.
Freedom from Big Pharma control, freedom from the manipulation of our health.
These techniques will be introduced worldwide, marking the beginning of the Aquarian Age of Healing.
We will no longer be slaves to the system, we will no longer sacrifice our health and wealth for survival.
Medbed is coming soon and it will change everything.
Prepare for a future where we take back our health, our bodies, and our lives from those who have held us back for so long.
NAVARATRI: 9 Holy Nights of Creation
What’s on the calendar? Below are the main changes
On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, the gold-backed Chinese Yen will replace the US fiat dollar to determine the price of oil on Forex for international trade, and thus the US fiat dollar will cease to exist as it has no value and cannot be used for international trade.
U.S. Inc. Corp.’s fiscal year ends on Tuesday, October 1; it has not received any funding from Congress for the upcoming fiscal year and will therefore be forced to close, putting an end to the fiat monetary system. On Tuesday, October 1, all banks around the world that are not Basel III compliant (i.e., have a currency backed by gold) will be closed.

The Quantum Financial System Global Currency Reset will be activated on Tuesday, October 1st, with at least 144 gold/asset-backed national currencies trading at a 1:1 ratio to each other, meaning NESARA/GESARA will also be activated worldwide on October 1st.
On Tuesday, October 1, LIBOR is expected to be replaced by SOFR, which backs the real value of money, marking a significant shift in financial benchmarks as it heralds the end of price manipulation worldwide. The new Republic of the United States of America will begin its new fiscal year on Tuesday, October 1, with a gold-backed U.S. note as part of the Global Currency Reset.
In the first week of October, the emergency broadcast system will be activated, while President Trump and the Global Military Alliance will conduct the largest covert operation in history and EBS will broadcast 24/7 documentaries on the status of these detentions. Congress will be suspended for 30 days on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 (Congress can only be arrested when it is not in session).
Workers at major ports on the East and West Coasts and in Canada will go on strike on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, severely disrupting the supply chain. Stock up on supplies. Tuesday, October 1, 2024 is the one-year anniversary of the US Debt Clock messages on Telegram. Wednesday, October 2 Mickey Mouse on the Clock Wednesday, 10 2 is the last day.”” Welcome to the big change!!
The Storm Rider
Wolverine on the global currency reset:
“He is very ready to do this.
St. Germaine (Fund) prepares to release resources.
The Tier 1 platform is currently being prepared for launch and will initially pay all members a $10,000 advance until they begin releasing all funds.
Dubai 1 has just been launched and Dubai 2 is almost complete. October 17th, we should be ready to go.”
The money goes to us!!
Simple cleanup and updated QFS.
DOD, senior and continuing locked unlock codes.
Billions of sums are being released for humanitarian projects.
Payers will pay.
As Bond teams, you will be given some tasks. The remaining groups of each level are paid in full: levels 1,2,3,4.
Banks will finalize the remaining installments of payments overnight.
The release algorithms will be ready for Monday.
Those who try to intervene and delay will be arrested and replaced within a few hours.
All devices enhance security at multiple levels and dimensions.
There will be 20 days of disclosure.
New technologies are being installed.
All our partner banks eliminate several problems.
Get ready for the Shotgun Launch!!!
The celebrations during liberation will accompany us
Keep the faith.
God bless us.

The council of elders takes charge of political events inside and outside.
Each village, each city, each regional representative, mayors, representatives of the regiments. These are combined with the future Altestenret (with experts and the elected ministers who govern), discussing problems, deciding in advance, where in the end the people vote electronically on the topics worked out by means of eleven majorities.
There are already decent organizations in Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. In Austria, they are working very hard at the right time.
So, patriots, it is actually very easy to do politics with the people, we want a people’s parliament and a council of elders that should be directly elected. Specialized ministers who know what to do and have never been involved in politics because the risk of relying on people who come from behind the scenes is too great.
We want to achieve sovereignty and freedom and we are interested in implementing the ideas of GESARA in regions that are no longer border states. The transition phase is clear.
In practice, it means a lot of change, above all, pushing the EU back to its former areas of responsibility, which relate to industry, and not the other way around, and moving towards a true direct democracy based on freedom.
The existing Council of Europe, of which Russia is also a member, could have a more European effect. Peace is thus assured.
In this model, there is no need for parties, not even for a Federal Chancellor and Federal President. This is an old and outdated way of thinking. But only a council of elders that deals with all issues and communicates its ideas to the people – for and against, making it clear, communicating through the free network and media.
Media that understand and accept the system of responsible freedom and sovereignty and do not represent one-sided directions.
The goal should be to stay together, not to separate.
The QFS aims with its power directly at this new political line, to enable people to live (minimum income) and, due to clear and open guidelines, to enable people to live together ethically, with dignity, peacefully (golden cape).
The basic principle is as simple as that – I hope you have not forgotten anything important in advance!
Here is a possible direction of thought for those who are not ready to accept the important pillars and should make better suggestions.
In any case, the Allianz military in all countries will initially decide how to function in the transition and not as an old party or old/new movement.
I prefer a people’s parliament and would like to campaign for it with many of my members, but I am not interested in becoming a politician in the long term. For that, the right people have to be elected by the people, who probably do not want an old cracker with a cracker team like ours.
But ask me a DACH today. The family, which is run in regions, allows its people to have a direct and continuous say.
That would be futuristic and could last a few hundred years.
The GESARA world is a world where it is happier to “give” than to “receive”! – Towards a world where value and gratitude circulate
The large-scale implementation of GESARA will not only change the economic structure, but it will also fundamentally change the way we perceive money and value.
It is said that when the GESARA world arrives and the 5th dimensional way of life becomes dominant, you will be able to do whatever you want.
However, we have been imprinted with distorted values in the 3D world, even when it comes to what we want to do. This time I wrote about the changes in what we want to do due to GESARA.
The GESARA world will change to a world of “giving” instead of “receiving”! ?
This can be said to be a shift from a “taking” style to a “giving” style.
The question I want you to think about is, ” What would I do if I didn’t have to worry about money? ” The answer to this question would be very different between the old world and the world after the activation of GESARA.
The 3D world is where you “receive” rewards and entertainment.

First of all, in the 3D world so far, what you want to do is what you want to receive . Or it may be to save what we receive.
We need money to live, so we work and “receive” money in return. And in our leisure time, they enjoy (receive) entertainment.
We were taught that receiving something from outside is what makes us happy , but in reality that was a lie.
As shown in the diagram above, if you only “receive” money and entertainment, energy builds up within you, but as a result, your vibration decreases.
Energy is activated through a cycle of input and output, but one-sided accumulation of energy can actually lead to a decrease in energy.
And if the vibration decreases, the money will gradually slip away, and the result will be that the money you should have received will be gone before you know it.
Also, if you are constantly being given food, your cravings will become stronger. The desire for more becomes stronger and you end up feeling unsatisfied all the time.
In fact, this type of “receiving” economy is a system in which the receiver continues to be exploited and wealth is concentrated only among the rich who know how energy and money work.
The GESARA world is a “giving” world
“Being able to do what I want to do” is cited as a fifth-dimensional way of life, but instead of an input-type way of life, where you enjoy something, it becomes an outcome-type way of life, where you can demonstrate your own value. In a world where values are shared and gratitude circulates, the element of communicating what one can do to the outside world will become increasingly important.
The 5th dimensional world that comes with the activation of GESARA is said to be the fulfillment of human happiness and a world where we can achieve whatever

we want.
The true happiness of a human being is to truly be able to feel joy in giving.
If you give something away, you may feel like you are “lessening,” but energy has a cyclical law, so what you give will always come back to you in some form.
“Giving” means spending money, and if that’s something you want to do, it can mean demonstrating your value to someone else.
“Working” in the world until now was originally an act of giving to someone, but it became an act of “receiving” something in return and quickly became boring.
Until now, money was concentrated in a few areas and ordinary people had to compete for what little money they had, so it was no wonder that people felt discouraged when it came to work.
However, if you become the starting point for “giving,” a circulation of money and energy will be created there. As a result, your money and energy will come back to you, and you will always feel fulfilled.
The driving force that creates circulation is “giving,” and this is what is supposed to be true human happiness.
Summary – What is the essential understanding of GESARA?
I believe that the understanding that GESARA “takes money” misses the point. GESARA is intended to move you from a state where you have been hoarding money unjustly (low vibration) to a state where money is distributed to everyone and circulated (high vibration).
In this article, I wrote about how from the 3rd to the 5th dimension, after the activation of GESARA, the movement of money and energy changes from a “receiving” type to a “giving” type.
If you think about it from this point of view, you will see that the idea that GESARA is an event where you can “make money” is fundamentally wrong.
The idea of “making money” is an image of keeping money inside, and there is no perspective of what will happen in the future.
If you imagine the world after GESARA, imagine a cycle where money comes in and then goes out.
The role of GESARA is to return money from a state where it has been unfairly exploited by a few rich people (or the ruling class) to a state where it circulates naturally .
Therefore, we will live in a world where we can live in the circulation of money, rather than “receiving” it. Circulation is a state of high vibration, so in that sense it also means that the dimension increases.
And in the 5th dimension of life, it becomes increasingly important to practice results that can demonstrate your own value.
If you have always been receiving information and entertainment, consider transmitting something yourself. This will be the first step to enjoying the 5th dimensional world, the world after GESARA.
A Global Monetary Transition and China’s Elders, White Hat Global Alliance, BRICS:
The Chinese Elders consisted of several multi-generational Chinese families who lived in the Philippines and for centuries owned and were responsible for about 90% of the world’s gold and lent it to countries to build their financial systems.
There were five leading Chinese leaders responsible for the global monetary transition and the release of funds for VR.
BRICS was an alliance of the states of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, founded in 2008 after the so-called “mortgage crisis” in the USA.
In reality, the crisis occurred when the cabal continued to print fiat US dollars while bankrupt and unable to pay interest on the gold loaned to the Chinese elders, which was the basis of these US dollars for international trade.
In the subsequent years since the creation of the BRICS, they have been assessing the gold and resources of 209 nations in preparation for a global monetary adjustment.
After the GCR, instead of relying on the US fiat dollar for international trade, all countries’ currencies would be at a 1:1 ratio.
Charlie Ward has worked with and been friends with Chinese seniors for over 16 years. He is the head of the Global Currency Reset Team and leads the banks for the Global Currency Reset.
He enjoyed widespread trust in the financial world and moved money around the world for private clients ranging from the super-rich to several global governments.
His team transported 650 shipments of gold from the Vatican tunnels and delivered them to their rightful owners in the US Treasury and the treasuries of other countries around the world.
It is currently moving funds, gold and valuables to countries and individuals as part of the global monetary transition.
Much of Ward’s information came from the so-called “Four Walls of Power,” which included the Chinese Elders, the Alliance, the Trump White House, and the Trump Redemption Team.
He has been under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for several months and has shared what he can and cannot reveal.
New on Patreon ~ Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation with the Sacred Condor 
Embark on a journey of profound healing with our “Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation.” Let the calming energy of the blue ray wash over you, soothing your mind, healing your heart, and restoring balance to your entire being. This meditation is designed to provide deep relaxation, stress relief, and a rejuvenating experience that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.
What You’ll Experience:
Guided Visualization: Immerse yourself in a serene landscape where the blue ray, symbolizing purity, protection, and healing, envelops you in its comforting light.
During this meditation, you will connect with the blue healing light, allowing it to envelop your entire being, bringing clarity to the mind, peace to the heart, and rejuvenation to the body. This guided experience will help you release emotional blockages, soothe physical discomforts, and realign your chakras with higher vibrations.
Relaxing Atmosphere: Accompanied by gentle ambient music or the soothing sounds of nature, making your meditation experience deeply immersive.
Why Choose This Meditation?
Perfect for beginners and seasoned meditators alike.
Ideal for those seeking relief from anxiety, stress, or looking to enhance their healing journey.
Can be used as part of your daily wellness routine or as a special treat for self-care.
Join us in this tranquil voyage towards inner peace and healing. Hit play, take a deep breath, and let the blue ray transform your day.
CLICK HERE to enjoy the Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation
Behind the Scenes: QFS Q-Phones and StarLink HQ
– The ultimate game changer in communications, finance, GESARA and universal basic income distribution
… Rumor Mill News
- Unseen to most, the revolutionary Q-Phones are about to turn the world upside down. Brought to life by QFS and StarLink QG, these devices will transform not only communication, but the entire financial system as we know it. Integrated with GESARA apps, these phones hold the key to distributing Universal Basic Income (UBI) — ushering in a new era of freedom.
- As the world teeters on the brink of collapse, the Quantum Financial System (QFS) emerges as a beacon of hope. These Quantum Phones are not just a communication device—they are a weapon in the war against the outdated systems that enslave us. Powered by StarLink HQ and inspired by the innovation of Steve Jobs, these phones promise seamless communication and financial freedom. The future is no longer a question; it is here.
- Quantum Credit Cards integrated into these devices enable instant and effortless transactions. No more reliance on paper money. No more control by centralized financial powers. The old world is burning, and Quantum Phones will rise from the ashes, giving those ready to embrace it unprecedented financial control.
- The impending “GREAT RESET” is a threat to everything we hold dear. Clinging to traditional assets, physical currency, or the broken systems of the deep state will leave you behind as the tide of GESARA and NESARA sweeps the globe. These laws promise not just economic equality, but global prosperity. The key? Quantum phones.
- These are not just gadgets. They are the foundation of the new GESARA financial era. No more slavery to the crumbling financial structures of the elites. We are at the forefront of a global transformation, and Quantum Phones will be the tool that sets us all free.
- As the old guard struggles to maintain its power, we, the awakened, must seize this opportunity. The choice is clear: remain trapped in their dying systems or embrace Quantum Phones and join the revolution. The time to act is now — future generations will remember this moment.
- The Quantum Phone is more than a tool . It is the bridge to a just and equitable world, where the Quantum Financial System replaces the corrupt. It is a lifeline in this battle for freedom. Fall behind and you will fall with the old world. Move forward and you will be part of the greatest triumph in history.
- Get ready. The storm is here . Embrace Quantum Phones, embrace GESARA, and join the movement that will shape the world for the better.
RUMORS: 10/04/2024
Information related to GCR/RV
Japan is the first to celebrate October 1st. Although it is still September in the Julian calendar, we believe that this month (October) will be an important month on the main stage.
In particular, on “October 1, US time”, there are “three elements” that are important events that will be brought to light.
I have written the specific content and opinions in the article below, so I hope it will be useful to you.
The key point is that starting October 1, US time, there is a possibility that upcoming visible changes and reforms in financial institutions will start to take center stage.
*Exchange Rates* We are focusing on the possibility of changes in
operating conditions of banks around the world (new bankruptcies, etc.).
Trust the plan: why the combination
QFS/NESARA is changing the game
What makes the combination of NESARA and QFS so powerful is their complementary nature. While the QFS provides the infrastructure for secure, instant, and transparent transactions, NESARA focuses on the social and economic policies that will ensure the new system is fair and beneficial to all.
Confidence in this plan comes from its ability to root out corruption, eliminate the control of centralized financial institutions, and provide a decentralized, secure, and equitable way to manage wealth and assets. It is more than just a financial restructuring; it is a move toward a world where access to resources, wealth, and opportunities are evenly distributed and where personal freedom is respected.
Get ready for anything, because the wait is over. We are not just witnesses to history; we are about to become part of the greatest revolution the world has ever seen. The storm is here, and we will rise.
Mountain Goat, I’m telling you that I know with 1000% certainty that we will NOT see the RV until after the November 5th vote…
In a conversation with my CBI contact on Saturday, I was told that if all goes well in the US and UK, we can expect to see preparations for the reinstatement of the project to remove zeros and the exchange of larger notes for smaller denominations.
I’m told this is now planned to begin shortly after voting ends and the winners are announced. I’m told we may have to wait until the inauguration ceremony is over to see the reinstatement take place.
On Tuesday, October 1, 2024, NESARA GESARA begins as countries around the world activate the gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System and the Global Currency Reset. BRICS nations will lead the largest wealth transfer in history.
Wolverine: “Guys, Iraq has not floated the dinar on Forex yet.
Bond payments have definitely started, or are about to start. Hearing all the good news about the bondholders, but nothing concrete about the RV. There are whales who have flown to Zurich to go to their appointments and receive their blessings.
The RV is very complicated as they are dealing with all the currencies in the world and they are all backed by gold. The Pentecostal group is about to release the funds to their members who will be attending the event this weekend.
They will be given the codes and PIN number to access their funds. They will be paid first before they go to the gala night. I think about 300 people or more will be attending the event from various countries around the world. Contracts are starting to be paid out.”
MarkZ: “The Historic Bond contact I was hoping could give me an update said they are now under an NDA.
I’m confident they got something on the table or they wouldn’t have signed. A few other people at bond have told me they’ve received the final paperwork, but the plan is not to pay until early next week.
So the paperwork is final… the process has been started but they won’t get the full release of their funds until next week. I wonder if it’s more of an international clearing process to get their spendable funds. In other words, two of my contacts were in a group so the funds were given to the payer.
So the payer has to clear those billions in funds internationally and then distribute those funds to all the people in the group. If those billions were to move from Europe to the US, there would be security checks and balances. That takes time. I think and I am very confident that money has been moving in securities, but not as fast as we want it to be moving.”
What’s up with the number 17?
1 – The 17th Letter
2 – Inauguration of POTUS Trump in 2017
3 – 100 years earlier, 1917
Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima (Miracle of the Sun)
Bolshevik Revolution
4 – 200 years earlier, 1717 The Grand Lodge of London and Westminster was founded to unify the Freemasons
5 – 200 years earlier, 1517 The advent of Protestantism
The ripple effect: how the QFS will impact society
Empowering Individuals and Communities. While the QFS is in place, the distribution of wealth will not exceed a select few. Communities will be empowered to make decisions that benefit their members, free from the constraints of division, economic manipulation or scarcity. I expect this empowerment to have a devastating effect on all aspects of life, from education and health, to business and governance.
As society transitions into this new era, we expect to see a surge of innovation and creativity, as people are no longer burdened by the need to “meet the challenges.” With the financial burdens of the past behind them, individuals will be able to move forward with their countries, build sustainable communities, and participate in a global society where justice and prosperity are based on new norms.
A New Earth and a New Life: A Vision of a Transformed World
Life After the Great Reset: Or What Will Change? So what will life be like when the QFS is fully operational and NESARA is implemented? The short answer is: dramatically different. This new world, often called the “New Earth,” will be a world of transparency, justice, and abundance.
With the dismantling of current financial structures, the grip of division, poverty and financial manipulation will disappear. A greater distribution of wealth will ensure that everyone has what they need to thrive, leading to a more balanced and prosperous society.
Access to quantum technologies will also revolutionize life in many unexpected ways. Not only will financial transactions be safer and faster, but quantum computing will also unlock new advances in healthcare, communication, education, and governance. Imagine a world where the best of every city is not just a priority, but a reality.
Trust is not flat: why the combination
QFS/NESARA is in motion or in play
What makes the combination of NESARA and QFS so powerful and complementary in nature. While the QFS provides infrastructure for secure, instant and transparent transactions, NESARA focuses on social and economic policies that will ensure the new system is fair and beneficial to all.
We are confident that this plan will eradicate corruption, eliminate or control centralized financial institutions, and provide a decentralized, secure, and equitable way to manage wealth and assets. It is more than just a financial restructuring; it is a move toward a world where access to resources, wealth, and opportunities is evenly distributed and where personal freedom is respected.
How banks are transitioning to QFS
Global Banks on the Move: The Traditional Quantum Year. As the world transitions to the QFS, banks around the world are quietly making their preparations. The current banking system, often referred to as the Central Bank System, is based on outdated technology and processes that lead to inefficiencies, high transaction costs and security vulnerabilities. Under the QFS, these shortcomings have been addressed, making the banking sector more efficient, transparent and equitable.
The transition to QFS is more than just a software upgrade; it is a complete overhaul of how financial institutions operate. All banks are required to migrate their infrastructures to this advanced network, ensuring they are prepared for a world where traditional intermediaries are replaced by direct, transparent connections between individuals, businesses and governments.
QFS: The Quantum Financial System – The New Kid on the Block
Or what is QFS and why does it matter? The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is set to revolutionize banking, finance, and the global distribution of wealth. In contrast to traditional banking systems that rely on centralized databases, servers, and third-party intermediaries, the QFS operates on a decentralized and secure quantum computing network. This network uses quantum cryptography to ensure that all transactions are secure, transparent, and efficient.
Attention: The Greatest Scandal in Human History! Christ Consciousness Code: The 18 “Lost Years” of Jesus Revelation: How You Can Use Your God-Given “Abundance Antenna”…
The QFS also eliminates the need for traditional banking processes that often lead to delays, taxes and lack of transparency. In essence, it is designed to remove corruption, fraud and financial manipulations from the global banking structure. Once fully operational, the QFS will provide instant settlements for all transactions, whether domestic or international, and will promote an environment of economic fairness and prosperity.
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