THE QUANTUM FIELD IS SHIFTING ~ Chiron turns Direct * Calling all Light Workers ~ Archetypal Stories
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Beloved Light Keepers and Torch Bearers of our Arcturian Lineage of Light
We are truly ending this intense year of 2024 with a Big Bang of Soular Flashes of Indestructible Diamond Light with a Trinity of X Class Soular Flares. Since the X Class Solar Flare last night our local Soualris has gone absolutely ballistic releasing wave after wave of Higher Dimensional Soular Flashes of Light!
As all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being prepared for tomorrows final New Moon and most powerful and rare astrological phenomena of the “Black Moon” which is the 2nd new moon in the same month our local Soularis blasted Gaia and all of Humanity with a major X Class Soular Flare last night maxing at X 1.11 at 11:10 PST encoded with a Divine Union of a Trinity of 1’s of the triple 111 Gateway of Awakening.
Since the Sun’s powerful X Class Flare last night he has transmitted 19 M Class Flares and another 2 X Class Flares tonight with the most powerful maxing at X 1.59 at 4:14 UTC holding the Source Codes of our Divine 144.
In this powerful synchronicity and massive Soular Flash all our Ground Crew Team are being flooded and inundated with Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Adamantine light to carry us over the threshold into this New Year of 2025 of final endings and new beginnings.
With these massive energies flowing into the Quantum Field of this realm we had a white out light in the heartbeat of Gaia today on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 39 and 42 HZ. Fifth Dimensional Energetics pulsing in….
All our Good People of the New Earth and our Hierarchy of Light of the Heavenly Realms are bridging in and anchoring deep into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth our Supernatural Codes of Freedom and Redemption in the Light.
The Great White Brotherhood of the Holy Council of the Lodge of the Royal Grand Tetons are with us to join in this Sacred Day of our Greatest Shift of all Ages sending our Rainbow Tribe the Violet Flame of our Ascension Ray and the Holy Violet Fire of Transfiguration.
We are calling in our highest trajectory and most benevolent Ascension timelines into the Grids, Song lines and Dragon Lines of Pachamama to assist all Life in our Divine Missions of full and total Planetary Liberation.
Keep rising in the resonance of Eternal Bliss Consciousness, hold the line of Divinity and through it all be the Love and the Peace you wish to see in the World and in this Now in an instant, a blink of an eye we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
The physical is being dissolved into the spiritual, our flaws are being transmuted, the trauma of time is healing, more and more we are shining pure Source Universal Light, creating a NEW EARTH of harmony and peace…
Melissa Lyran
There’s still room for a HUGE MIRACLE. This year will end with fireworks. Creator does not disappoint. All that work is adding up. You did a Fabulous job. We just shifted another huge timeline upward and integrated/TRANSMUTED a GIANT SHADOW RESERVE. Nothing can stop the AWAKENING
The frequency of Earth continues to rise by the minute. Through the many portals activated on Earth, ancient vortexes’ points, and especially through the Starseeds, lightworkers, the energies of the higher realms are being anchored on Earth at this time. You are spiritual light in embodiment, and the cosmic forces are working with you, with all the ones who have chosen the path of love.
Divine energy works
The Unknown is the Quantum Field, through which New Possibilities are emerging. Current energies are a bridge, preparing us to step into 2025 with clarity, alignment, & deeper connection to our True Essence. You may experience moments of emotional release, triggers, waves of fatigue, as your body & energy field integrate these shifts. Time may feel fluid, with sensations of slowness & timelessness, as the New Timeline anchors into our reality
Trust that even if it feels like “nothing is happening,” this pause is where the deepest shifts occur. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be, and that your role in holding space for these shifts is vital. You are both a Witness to and an Anchor for these incredible Transformations.
These energies are working deeply with the Heart and Throat Chakras, releasing unspoken truths, suppressed emotions, and old wounds around Trust, Communication, and Vulnerability. We may feel drawn to express ourselves more Authentically and to revisit unresolved emotional patterns. As the graph reflects intense waves of Recalibration, we may notice heightened intuition, vivid dreams, and moments of deep inner knowing.
Deer friends, the last New Moon of the year, occurring on Monday December 30, in the earthy and ambitious sign of Capricorn, carries a potent and transformative energy. As the final lunar cycle of 2024, this New Moon serves as a threshold between the old and the new, inviting us to reflect on our accomplishments, release what no longer serves us, and set intentions for the year to come. Our Sun is also contributing to this process of renewal and clearing today by generating a huge X1.1 solar flare.
As we stand at the cusp of this new lunar cycle, the energies of Capricorn ignite our inner spark, fueling our ambitions and drive. This is a time to tap into our passions and pursue our goals with determination and perseverance. The weighty presence of Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, reminds us of the importance of responsibility, accountability, and hard work.
As we reflect on the past year, we’re encouraged to acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses, and to hold ourselves accountable for our progress. This is a time to release emotional anchors, making space for new opportunities and growth. The energies of Capricorn invite us to be patient, disciplined, and responsible, reminding us that slow and steady progress often leads to lasting success.
But this New Moon is not just about reflection and release; it’s also a time for manifestation and creation. With the Sun and Moon in Capricorn, we’re invited to plant seeds for future success, setting intentions related to career, finances, and long-term goals. Jupiter’s harmonious aspect to the Sun and Moon adds an expansive and optimistic tone to this New Moon, inspiring us to think big, to dream boldly, and to have faith in our abilities.
In the stillness of this dark New Moon, we’re offered a rare gift: the chance to rebirth ourselves, to redefine our goals, and to recommit to our passions. As we step into the unknown of the year ahead, we’re reminded that the power to shape our destiny lies within us. This is a time to tap into our inner strength, to trust in our abilities, and to forge a new path forward, illuminated by the light of our highest divine potential.
As we navigate the energies of this final New Moon of the year, we’re also being prepared for the energy portal that awaits us on January 1, 2025, 1-1-9. This portal marks a significant threshold, as we cross into a new year and a new cycle of growth supported by the resonant energies of number 9. The intentions we set during this Capricorn New Moon will serve as a powerful foundation for the manifestations that await us in the coming year. As we step through the January 1 portal, we’ll be carrying the momentum of our reflections, releases, and new intentions, poised to embark on a journey of unprecedented growth, transformation, and realization. May this last lunation of 2024 become an energetic celestial canvas to catapult your soul driven dreams into the new new year.
Ascension Energy Update: The end of December marks a significant turning point for many ascending In earths new energy you can expect to attract completely different energies in 2025 , stronger vibrational alignments, clarity, love, and many unexpected blessings. Believing in the higher purpose and new earth blessings in disguise.
Big changes are on the cards for everyone. Expected and unexpected changes, both bring great blessings. If you feel afraid or stuck in anyway, call upon your own personal team of helpers from the light realms. Your Light team is a team of light beings, angels, master ascendants ancestors and guides devoted to help you achieve your soul purpose , and are guiding you every step of the way. However, because we live in a world where freewill reigns, they will not intervene without your permission. If you would like their assistance, it is time to ask them. They are willing and ready to step in.
Trusting the higher powers at bay , letting go of residual concerns and doubt. Surrendering to higher faith and observing the synchronistic events unfolding for you . No longer overthinking , accepting Everything is as it should be in this moment. Trusting divine timing and knowing that what you desire is always for you . Staying positive and in receiving mode. Knowing that you are seen, heard, loved, guided, and protected. Keep trusting, as life and consciousness continue to elevate.
To align yourself with the new Earth’s energy, you can choose to focus on self-care , self forgiveness , self love , self parenting , self partnering , self-reflection. Practicing mindfulness, meditations, and grounding techniques. Cognising and integrating the ascension experiences and changes taking place within .
Surrounding yourself with positive and higher vibrations , influences and engaging in activities that bring in joy , enjoyment, value, purpose , fulfilment, inner peace and vibrational alignment . Connecting with nature and setting strong intentions aligned with the highest and greatest good. Trusting your intuition and following your higher heart’s guidance.
To connect with nature on a deeper level, spend time outdoors regularly. Engage in activities like hiking, gardening, or simply taking walks in natural settings. Practice mindfulness while in nature, paying conscious attention to the sights, sounds, and sensations within and around you.
Taking time to observe and appreciate the beauty of the natural healing world. Feeling the oneness with the trees , plants, animals, oceans all bodies of water and ecosystems in your area to activate earths grid and ley lines. To heighten your awareness , develop deeper understanding and experience a higher self connection.
New higher vibrational sunlight energy from the Central Sun is upgrading our DNA, primarily affecting ascending beings resonating in the higher levels of 4th -5th dimensions and beyond. Lightworkers have a crucial role here in creating a new world of peace, freedom, health, love, and abundance.
Earth is approaching a transitional split as the cycle of 2024 concludes and leads into the major phase of the Great Ascension Shift in 2025. This energetic transfer will be the largest ever felt during our current collective transition.
As we enter 2025, a multidimensional energetic split will energetically shake the earth plane, those with the Heart Chakra in the Higher Heart center will enter the Higher Dimensional Light and connect with the Higher 5D Light Network.
Your Higher Heart becomes the center point for new alignments and connections, essential for familiarising and participating in the metamorphic process. Graduating to the Higher Heart is compulsory for entry and engagement with the Higher Dimensional Quantum Light Planes, this also explains the rapid heartbeats and palpitations experienced during the Ascension process.
Since July of this year, waves of Starseeds have been ascending into higher conscious levels intensifying with major portal activations. The upcoming date marks a clear division between 3D and 5D, setting the stage for the final splitting on December 31 2024 . New earth energy in 2025 brings in a brand new energetic planetary cycle .
Starseeds have been incarnated across the globe , in different races, colours, cultures, and creeds to prepare for this mass ascension of humanity and Earth. It is beneficial to connect with self’s true origins and highest potential as carriers of Cosmic Light, accelerating the ascension process.
Ascending individuals are venturing into unexplored territories in 2025 which will bring to many exciting new chapters and experiences. To stay aligned with the destined path, it’s wise to keep the moral compass focused on self’s innate and true values.
Trust that a much higher Ascension force and power is at play here , it is at work in your life, at different stages throughout you may temporarily feel lost , doubtful , battling internal struggles, feeling confused etc . Have strong faith and confidence in your inner guidance , higher self together with the collective ascension team, they will keep you on track and ensure that you never truly lose your way, even in what feels like the darkest of times.
2025 is all about consistency, vibrational alignment , Authenticity, Maintaining inner calm , equilibrium and balance, accelerated ascension , expressing true self , radiating light for humanity, joining forces with Starseeds and higher realm beings , we are being guided to create a truthful and loving future in the new age of Aquarius.
Ascending Souls Collectively embody the Divine template of God’s light with the innate power to create much needed change in this world.
AWAKEN to the Energetic call, Encoded in every Breath, Light Ray.
Take a Leap, follow your Internal Light Calling.
For Your Role Is Integral To The Light of Now.
As the Light Escalation continues, know your energetic role will unfold before you, as your vibrational frequency aligns to the greater good of humanity.
As an Activated Soul, you hold the vision of the future, the transformational Light Keys. Know you are an antenna of light, situated throughout your world.
Some choose to keep this awareness within their internal consciousness, while others are called forth to share and direct their energy to awaken others, creating a platform of change.
Many are truth seekers, impelled to spread the message of the current fracturing of our world.
Know your connection with all living beings is part of your transformation work. As we collectively work in a space of unity consciousness.
SEE Mother Gaia rapidly expanding into a global force of light.
Awakened you are, part of this upgrade, working together in unity and light.
Sending waves of cosmic love & guidance for your journey xo
December 29, 2024: Chiron turns Direct at Aries 19°00’, 4:13 pm EST.
Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer. In an astrological chart, the position of Chiron describes where and how we experienced our core wound. Transits to Chiron activate healing around that core wound. Stations of Chiron provide an opportunity to attend to a deeper level of healing around our personal and collective wounds.
The wounding is always around abandonment. In Greek myth, Chiron was abandoned at birth by his mother. In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Anubis – the Egyptian ally of Chiron – was also abandoned at birth. Chiron became a teacher and advisor to Zeus. Anubis was destined to be a psychopomp, one who guides the newly deceased into the afterworld. Rituals related to death and the transfer of the soul from this dimensional reality to another were very important to the ancient Egyptians, and Anubis played a key role in this process.
Chiron is currently in Aries – first sign of the Zodiac. Aries represents new beginnings and is associated with a powerful desire to experience life. On a personal level, the Chiron in Aries wound is to our sense of Self. On a collective level, this station of Aries addresses our definition of ourselves as a society. Chiron stays in a sign of the Zodiac for approximately 7 years. Chiron first entered Aries in 2019 and will complete its transit of this sign in 2027. During this time, we are given the opportunity to examine and heal the relationship between who we believe ourselves to be and what we have become.
There is a phrase often heard in healing circles: “the wound is the gift.” Healing from our core wound requires a willingness to dive deep into the truth of our past and understand how that past has defined us. It is only when we willingly release our attachment to our core wound that we can step fully into who it is we are meant to be – our Soul Purpose.
December 27, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
On Sunday, December 29th, Chiron, the Centaur and Wounded Healer, is turning back to Direct Motion at 19 degrees Aries. He is slow moving, so we have been feeling his energy magnify for at least the last couple of weeks. Have you experienced old wounds, traumas, subconscious patterns, or karmic challenges rising to the surface physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually?
This was most likely Chiron’s influence, as he wants you to bring healing to those areas of your life that are in need of it. We are at the end of a year……the end of a cycle……and this is one of the grand opportunities that we have to release, let go, transmute, transform, restore and heal areas in our life, and within ourselves, before moving into the new cycle of energy in 2025. Take advantage of it!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Chiron, the Centaur and Wounded Healer, is turning back to Direct Motion at 19 degrees Aries
Lunar aspects. Sun in Sagittarius semi-square Venus in Aquarius – The solar story pushes us to broaden our horizons, embrace other cultures, other ways of living to challenge our own perception of life. But the niggle with Venus means we’re too concerned with appearances, unsure if others will still see us in the same light. Maybe part of the problem is that we’re so invested in what we believe that it’s excluding the heart’s call for other kinds of experiences.
Something needs to change, and we know it, a feeling deep inside pushes us to step out of the comfort zone. But it’s scary to move into the unknown, especially as we don’t know how it might affect our financial and emotional security. Breathe deeply into your heart. Remember you are a traveller through the ages of humankind. You are an extraordinary being made of star stuff. Claim your power. Declare your intention to manifest. Clear the way. You’re ready for growth.
‘Rhythmic’ is the name for number six and its keywords are ‘Organize, Balance and Equality’. Day six of a wavespell is about addressing imbalances and organizing your life. Think practically today and get it all sorted out. It helps if you get into a rhythm and so, put on some music and strut your stuff. This will put you in the mood necessary to tackle things in a balanced way without the stress. Equality is another key characteristic and this represents the equilibrium we restore when we address imbalance. When we organize our space, our mind follows suit. Have you ever noticed how lighter you feel when you have finished tidying up? Energy flows better when your environment is organized and the same goes for your brain.
Today is Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity, Vision and Mind’. The Eagle sees things from a bird’s eye view which symbolizes stepping back and considering the bigger picture. This vision can help you make choices or inspire you creatively. As it is a Rhythmic day, organizing creativity would be a great idea and this can mean being creative with your organizing challenges or this can mean literally organizing some creativity such as booking an art class, or buying tickets online for a show etc.
The Guide today is also Blue Eagle and so a double helping of this perceptive energy. (The first, sixth and eleventh days are always guided by their own power doubled.)
The Challenge is Red Serpent which is the symbol of the base chakra, whereas the Eagle is the symbol for the crown chakra. These two powerful totems can be linked through mediation techniques and when these two chakras connect, enlightenment is said to be reached. Symbolically, when the serpent is challenged, raising energy up from the base chakra to connect to Eagle’s crown chakra is very difficult. When too much energy stirs in the Serpent but it has nowhere to go, this can lead to sexual frustration or too much grounding. As today is a number six day and that represents balancing, this is a great opportunity to focus on balancing those chakras.
The Occult power is the White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. When in this position, Worldbridger offers opportunities to cross bridges to magical realms. We stumble upon open doors and we find ourselves in unexpected places. The Eagle and the Worldbridger have this magical connection. The Eagle flies ahead and locates the Bridges, and in turn the Worldbridger offers a chance to cross over to a place where visions occur. Do you wish to fly high to a new level of understanding?
The Ally is Yellow Seed which symbolizes sowing awareness. If you need a friend today, the knowledgeable Yellow Seed is great to have around. If you are one, expect to be asked for advice. For those poor folk who are not lucky enough to have a clever Yellow Seed in their lives – do what they would do and research, research, research!
MANTRA I ORGANIZE in order to CREATE Balancing MIND I seal the output of VISION With the Rhythmic tone of EQUALITY I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
KIN 175 = 13 = 4 – Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
4.4. NEW EARTH PORTAL A powerfully PROPHETIC day of SEEING the BIG PICTURE for humanity.
Day 6 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering all that has been denied and unloved. Healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE!
Today we are diving deep in order to discover the BIGGER PICTURE of WHAT is really in our HEARTS and even more particularly WHO is in our HEART.
Organizing and balancing our physical reality to create our innermost Heart’s desires and that of the collective.
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today and every 13 days we have DOUBLE the RHYTHMIC tone – as we are currently in the 6th moon of the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM YEAR – the GALACTIC YEAR which is restoring BALANCE to our world!
Today is a great day to find BALANCE in your life, using your VISION to uncover where LOVE is NOT FLOWING in your life. Finding compassion for all beings in order to ENVISION equality for all beings. Reflecting on your DREAMS and desires to organize for greater balance. It is time to allow your DREAMS to surface and FLOW through you, bringing them forth into your PHYSICAL REALITY!
It WILL bring all your DREAMS ALIVE
Today’s question is “How can I organize my life to create more balance and BLISS, as revealed through the greater VISION?”
Can we collectively CREATE this NEW WORLD we are DREAMING?
Divine blessings for organizing and seeding our wondrous, beautiful, MAGNIFICENT rainbow VISIONS today.
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
KIN 175 occurred 36 moons ago on 22 FEBRUARY 2022 which was the 22222 PORTAL!! This day also marked a very significant astrological EVENT as described below, – the USA PLUTO RETURN !!
27 moons ago – we had an ECLIPSE PORTAL with the USA Election -SNAP CRACKLE POP.
How divinely PERFECTO that our GLOBAL evolution follows such synchronic cycles… – NOTHING is BY CHANCE!!!
Here is a RECAP of my post, 4 spins ago for KIN 175.
USA PLUTO RETURN Pluto will reach 27 degrees Capricorn on February 22, 2022. And that’s the degree and sign it was in during the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776, which many people consider the birth of the modern-day United States.
Astrologers are considering this the U.S.’s personal Pluto return, and because Pluto is known for shaking up current dynamics and pushing them to crumble — all to allow them to be put back together in a restorative way that aligns with the status quo — they are predicting that the country may undergo some major changes, hopefully for the better.
Thus on 22 FEB 2022 the USA experienced its PLUTO return.. and synchronistically the MOON that day was in the zodiac sign of SCORPIO which is ruled by PLUTO. PLUTO is the great transformer taking us into the underworld to face our SHADOW in order to shine a LIGHT in the darkness. The shadow side of SCORPIO relates to POWER, control, greed, lust, addictions, secrets and mystery. This combination is potent in exposing and transforming the corruption and abuse of power that has risen in the USA (and our world) this alignment of codes today – is MIRACULOUS bringing the panacea that humanity needs to finally dissolve this shadow world that has kept humanity enslaved.
That was THEN – this is NOW – 36 moon cycles have passed since then and NOW it is TIME TO CRUSH those THEMES!!!!
The EAGLE is the symbol for the USA and interesting enough each GALACTIC SPIN we have had a marker referencing a connection to the USA on RHYTHMIC EAGLE DAY... absolutely fascinating.
Coincidence????? Me thinks NOT! All is DIVINELY ORDAINED and in synchronic alignment with the DREAMSPELL codes and Galactic calendar.
What DE-LIGHTS will the DOUBLE EAGLE in-SIGHT bring to LIGHT today??????
Keep an EYE on the USA for more REVELATIONS!
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE RHYTHMIC EAGLE MEN Today we are blessed with DOUBLE the EAGLE VISION!! This MAGNIFICENT EAGLE enables us to GET ORGANIZED so that we can PERFECT our VISION and CREATE a BALANCED world where all MEN are EQUAL! (Note MEN is the MAYAN word for EAGLE!)
Get out your crystal ball and scrying tools as you have DIRECT access to solutions and revelations today.
BLUE EAGLE holds the power of VISION, his vision sees far beyond the MIND of humanity. BLUE EAGLE is the SEER who has the ability to translate the Planetary Mind and holds the perfected blueprint for humanity.
Today is a DIVINE GIFT for the Planetary Mind to AWAKEN and discover a Higher path, especially as we approach the NEW YEAR of 2025! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
Our collective GLOBAL MIND is being transformed and SWITCHED to one of empathy and compassion for our global COMMUNITY.
“BLUE EAGLE is the compassion of all hearts linked as ONE.
BLUE EAGLE is the essence of the NEW dawn – clear, fresh, and newly charged to fulfill your most cherished dreams.
With unconditional love, BLUE EAGLE pierces the depths of collective hopelessness and LIFTS MASS CONSCIOUSNESS.
It urges the alliance of the faithful of the stars to serve through their remembrance of the LIGHT. “ SOURCE: The Mayan Oracle – Ariel Spilsbury
Today we have tremendous energies to examine the PAST, the present and look far into the future for problem solving and future planning.
The harmonic wisdom of BLUE EAGLE is FREEDOM and flow, representing smooth, uninterrupted movement. BLUE EAGLE is the flow of planetary consciousness. In this evolutionary development, whatever serves the larger pattern also serves you. In this, there is a model of flowing wholeness, of how to move gracefully with yourself and the greater whole.
BLUE EAGLE gives the cosmic dancer wings. It asks you to FLY, riding the magical currents of your life with the VISION and grace of a soaring eagle. BLUE EAGLE gives you a greater perspective to see on both sides of the coin, revealing the bigger picture, patterns, resources needed, and solutions to your problems, in order to come back to balance and wholeness.
The energy of BLUE EAGLE gives you the ability to flow in every moment, without preconceived ideas, plans, or belief systems, creating the crest of the wave on which you surf to new heights of joy and delight!
YOU have the VISION of the Eagle. BELIEVE in your DREAMS. You are the HOPE and the VISION revealed.
This is an opportune day to expand your psychic powers of clairvision, remote viewing and manifesting through VISUALIZATION – especially with an 11.11 ILLUMINATION portal code today! Clearing, opening and upgrading your 3rd eye/pineal chakra.. It is important that you hold the DREAM in your mind’s eye, in order to bring it forth into your reality.
Today humanity is ORGANIZING to CREATE a world of EQUALITY and BALANCE for all global citizens. What a VISION!
SUPPORT: YELLOW RHYTHMIC SEED KAN – Get ready to AWAKEN and GROW, it is time to get out of your comfort zone. Be willing to break open the constraining shells of past patterns, the shackles of belief structures. This involvement frees and awakens the powerful energy of the life force, shifting your perceptions and experience, catalyzing the manifestation of your dreams.
How BRILLIANT that the supporting energy today is organizing for this GREAT AWAKENING on this momentous day! GRAND RISING dear STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS as we AWAKEN in the DAWN of a NEW GREGORIAN CALENDAR YEAR.
We gather with our kin to focus and organize the cocreation of the bigger picture, the NEW TIME. Move forward into the LIGHT of new possibilities, to realize your Highest potential and tap into greater opportunities.
YELLOW SEED provides the ripening power for our VISIONS to be planted and blossom. The VISIONS that come forth, need to be ACTIONED, creating the new beginnings for our new projects, career and creations. Offer your dream-seeds to the universe.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE GALACTIC WORLDBRIDGER CIMI beckons us to be DEVOTED to the transformation to the NEW TIME and new World we are cocreating. Surrendering our MIND into the power of our Heart’s calling. Allowing our new thoughts to connect us through the new Crystalline web of consciousness.
WORLDBRIDGER seals the store of DEATH – marking the closure of the old world – in tandem with PLUTO the Masters of DEATH. Completion and ENDINGS – heralding the transformation of the old energy into the LIGHT of a NEW DAY – A new beginning.
CIMI is the bridge taking us from the old, into the NEW 5D timeline and realm. Absolutely PERFECTO codes today!
GALACTIC CIMI beckons us to ensure the Bigger Picture we are focusing on is for the HIGHEST GOOD– that our VISION is aligned with integrity and truth!
In the NEW TIME we are motivated by humanitarianism, rather than selfish egoic fulfillment.
We choose to treat all beings as EQUALS, honouring and respecting them.
CIMI allows for teams and communities in our GLOBAL AVIARY to come together, grounding our sense of family and sharing our VISION. Collectively we can all hold the global vision for our new world, new systems, innovative technologies and ideas and better ways of living.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED RHYTHMIC SERPENT CHICCHAN represents the reptilian brain. This part of the brain thrives on routine, pattern and predictability. If you are in the shadow of RED SERPENT, you may be living your life on “automatic pilot,” appearing to be separated from choices motivated by your SOUL.
The SERPENT highlights the base chakra issues of survival, fear and basic primal responses. However the DOUBLE EAGLE is illuminating the darkness, bringing your FEARS to LIGHT!
EAGLES feed on snakes, so our powerful PROPHETIC VISION brings solace to our soul, negating our irrational FEARS. Any issues that ARISE do so in order to be cleared and balanced. Cancel, Clear, Delete and RESET to a higher vibration.
The RHYTHMIC SERPENT is a powerful tool to implement the powerful solutions that the BLUE EAGLE reveals. Discovering how you can better organize your resources to restore balance and equilibrium in your life.
Utilize the GIFT of the RED SERPENT to create spontaneity and novelty, freeing the predictability of the routine, habitual and survival responses. . Escape the mundane and seek new horizons bringing your life into greater balance, organizing for more joy and prosperity to flow into your life.
Tap into the gift of PASSION that Chicchan brings today, utilizing this life force to enhance your vitality and fuel your desires.
A powerful chakra and kundalini balancer, both personally and for our PLANET. The RHYTHMIC SERPENT will ensure GAIA’s grids and meridians are flowing at optimum levels to reflect this new balance and equilibrium.
NOTE: KIN 45 – 6 CHICCHAN – RED RHYTHMIC SERPENT is also the 5D UNIFIED KIN* today! AS we are quantum jumping to 5D today – it is perfect that our NEW EARTH is balanced and flowing with PASSION and life force to fuel the mission of the new earth common-unities.
KIN 130 – 13 OC – WHITE COSMIC DOG is the classical MAYAN signature for today (as it was on the 222222 portal) – – which reveals the ACTION we need to take to achieve our COLLECTIVE VISION of NEW EARTH.. The tools we need to utilize are unconditional love, loyalty and devotion to all..through COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS..
KIN 130 lies at the EXACT CENTRE of the TZOLKIN aligning to HUNAB KU, GALACTIC CENTRE and SOURCE.. This is the zero QUANTUM FIELD where everything is possible. A majikal vortex from which to CREATE this RHYTHMIC EAGLE’s GRANDE VISION today!!!
Woweeeeee!! What a phenomenal day!!!
*To calculate 5D UNIFIED kin we add KIN 175 RHYTHMIC EAGLE (Dreamspell feminine code) to KIN 130 – 13 OC – COSMIC DOG (Mayan Classical Masculine code) 175 + 130 = 305
There are only 260 kin so we deduct 260 from 305. 305-260 = KIN 45 – 6 CHICCHAN – RED RHYTHMIC SERPENT is the unification of the feminine and masculine codes. Our 5D DESTINY on this day is to create a BALANCED EARTH where all HU-mans are EQUAL.
“That’s one small step for man... One GIANT LEAP for MANKIND” Neil Armstrong
NOTE: You can discover the MAYAN CLASSICAL KIN at this link – look at the glyphs under the heading MAYAN TZOLKIN which says 13 OK for today’s kin.. CLASSICAL SIGNATURE
DETACH from the mundane today dear StarBliss SUPERNOVA SUNS. If you can find a high lofty viewing point or a body of water, do so to take advantage of this Looking Glass coding today.
EXPAND your VISION and see the bigger picture of your life, and our world, in order to CREATE our BRILLIANT UTOPIAN NEW WORLD..
What do you SEE? Is your path clear?
Do you have uninterrupted views and space to FLY and spread your wings?
Today’s question is “How can I organize my life to create more balance and BLISS, as revealed through the greater VISION?”
Can we collectively CREATE this NEW WORLD we are DREAMING?
Divine blessings for organizing and seeding our wondrous, beautiful, MAGNIFICENT rainbow VISIONS today.
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Join my Sacred Condor for her Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the New Black Moon in Capricorn with celestial background music and her Divine Feminine voice to calm your nervous system and bring you into the Sacred Space for Healing and Meditation.
Have a most beautiful, blessed and Sacred New “Black” Moon in Capricorn and an amazing New Year ahead!!
✨ In this meditation, you will:
🌟 Ground yourself with the Earth’s energy
🌟 Release what no longer serves you
🌟 Set intentions for renewal, growth, new beginnings and alignment
🌟 Align with the “Black Moon” energy of transformation and balance
This practice is perfect for all levels and can be done at sunrise, sunset, or anytime you wish to connect with the magic of the Solstice. 🕯️💫
🌿 What You’ll Need:
A quiet space free from distractions
A candle or symbol of light (optional)
An open heart ready to connect with the cycles of nature
Embrace the shifting seasons and allow this meditation to bring clarity, harmony, and renewal into your life. 🌎✨
Prayer to the Great White Brotherhood of the Retreat of the Royal Grand Tetons
**”Oh luminous beings of the Great White Brotherhood,
Guardians of wisdom, truth, and divine service,
I call upon your presence from the sacred retreat of the Royal Grand Tetons.
In your celestial sanctuary of light,
You hold the eternal flame of enlightenment and transformation.
I seek your guidance as I walk the path of ascension,
May your wisdom illuminate my journey and inspire my heart.
Masters of divine will and universal law,
Infuse me with the strength to act with courage and integrity.
Teach me to align with the higher plan,
To live in harmony with the divine blueprint of creation.
I humbly ask for your blessings and protection,
That I may embody the principles of love, service, and unity.
Grant me the clarity to fulfill my soul’s purpose,
And the resilience to rise above challenges with grace.
As I connect to your sacred energies,
May I become a beacon of light for others,
Sharing the truths of the higher realms and spreading peace upon the Earth.
I offer my gratitude for your tireless service,
For holding the vision of a world in balance and divine harmony.
In humility and devotion, I open myself to your guidance,
And pledge to walk in the light of your sacred teachings.
So it is, and so it shall be.”**
This prayer can be used during meditation or spiritual practice to connect with the Great White Brotherhood and the transformative energies of the Royal Grand Tetons. 🌟⛰️
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