The Old Dissolves, Paradise is to Follow ~ Crystal Pyramids ~ GLITCHING WITH THE FALSE LIGHT MATRIX SYSTEM
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Cosmic Human Angels of our Pleiadean Kingdom of Light
Happy Independence day to our Angels of Brazil, South America!
Today is day 7 of 10 Galactic Activation Portals in a row with Kin 112 Yellow Galactic Human in the Red Serpent Wavespell. We have a 7:7 Gateway of Magic and Creation. The Schumann charts have been in blackout mode for the last 37 hours as we are resetting and recalibrating our Consciousness and in turn our Crystalline DNA. This is encoded with the 37 into the 73 Heaven on Earth through the Void and into the Clear Light of Bliss.
As our perceptions transform and are enhanced and recalibrated through Quantum Upgrades our reality shifts, as we raise our vibration our internal frequency the external reality also changes. As collective conscious co-creators we are guiding the light to manifest our true hearts delights. Through Divine Union we are receiving the Unity Codes and Activations for our total transformation into Sovereign Free beings of Eternal Life and Infinite Light.
In the ultimate realization of the Buddha we experience that we are one. One mind, one heart, one spirit. The I Am presence. We are the One Consciousness that split itself into the infinite points of light. This makes up the Quantum Field of Pure Awareness.
We are the Elohim of the Pleiades transforming our Avatars into the Earth Angelic Nation of the 144, the homo-Luminous Ones of Eternal Life. God is going to see you Through and through and through…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 14°48′ Aquarius, Sun at 15°30′ Virgo
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Children crowd around the orang-utang cage in a zoo.
Sabian Symbol for 16º Virgo
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 16º Virgo.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Two lovebirds sitting on a fence and singing happily.
Sabian Symbol for 15º Aquarius
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 15º Aquarius.
Our dormant DNA is being activated and our carbon-based bodies are moving into a crystal body. “Solar flares” and the spikes/anomalies of Schumann resonance are working together to bring this transition to every HUMAN BEING in the NOW. This is a must for elevation
Pay attention to how you feel. Unusual pains, nausea, insomnia, extra fatigue, distancing from others are part of this. Drink water, speak truth at all times and show love, compassion and forgiveness even when it’s really hard. It’s all we have left to overcome.
Trusting whatever you experience is assisting in your evolution and embracing experiences with childlike wonderment curiosity will lead to much discovery
Let your inner child out to play.
Allow yourself to begin aNew…. return to childlike innocence purity curiosity wonderment zest play
UPDATE. Focus on your goals. The grand vision. There may be set-backs, slow down energy and delays, but the greater picture is still moving forward efficiently. Don’t let the small twist and turns drift your energy away from the real things which matter the most to you now. You deserve love, inner peace, joy in your mission and abundance. All of it. Keep going one step after the next with your eyes on the prize. Also feeling a “back to the past” energy. More of what has been tormenting you is ready to be healed & transmuted to a deeper degree. Your spiritual initiation is brought, often times through circumstances, to its next layer. Trust.
The mix of solar flares, approaching mercury retrograde and full moon is bringing us magically annoying energy. Hang in there. Check if you are grounded and release the collective energy out of your system and you will feel much better. Sleep if you need to sleep and eat if your body craves for nourishment/energy. We are receiving a lot of downloads and upgrades from the solar system right now, which is why there are a lot of ascension symptoms to be felt, we are tired and need more sleep and we need food to feed our bodies. 🤍🧡❤️
You have to BE YOU Without “You” and all Noise Will Stop.
The Real YOU is the Formless Witness WITHIN.
The Person. . . the Noisy One. . . is ONLY imagined.
There is NO You to BE Aware of Awareness.
The separate You is illusion.
~ ~
Photo: This Stunning Landscape of Turkey captured by Aytek Cetin
Ra James
It’s my favorite time of year! The Harvest Moon is very much taking us into the Equinox.We have the 9:9 Portal Friday, the Pisces Full Moon/ Harvest Moon Saturday, and the 9:11 Portal Sunday.Expect huge energies from now through the Equinox.You may notice your daydreaming more.This is how we create.Make sure your thoughts are taking you to good places.This week we shift from a Retroshade into a full Retrograde.I look at Retrograde as very connected with the energies of your karmic past.It will bring back into your awareness anything left unresolved.
We have a lot of clearing work to do.This Retrograde is helping you to clear any karmic connections.It may be bringing back up past life connections.Our souls come to Earth to balance and to resolve certain matters.We tend to store a lot of our karma in our root chakra.Sometimes it can be hard to read different connections.Karmic connections start out burning strong.After any karma is resolved between souls the connection is gone.The connection is meant to be permanently cleared in most cases.A lot of you are clearing karmic connections.
If someone you dated has left your life.That means they are no longer with you.It’s time to let them go.A lot of you are currently chasing after karmic connections.Parenting tends to be a very karmic experience.This is why a lot of souls separate after completing those lessons.A lot of the time there is a lot of karma between families.We tend to experience our deepest karma between family members.A sign that karma is clearing, or ending, or you have completed a lesson is you no longer want to be near that person.A lot of connections are meant to end as they do.
When you can fully resolve your Earthly karma you will come into a Union with your Twin Flame.Karma and karmic connections are the biggest blocks to these type of connections.The 9:9 Portal and the 9:11 Portal will be huge for any Twin Flames.This Mercury Retrograde may be giving you a new perspective, or a fresh perspective on your past.
Boris in the UK, The green skies in South Dakota, the sky split in Sedona, cern starting again, portal openings… Earths magnetic field opening up for 14 hours, the Georgia Guidestones being destroyed)all of these things happened at the same time or within days of each other.
The intense flow of higher light codes that are incoming right now is gonna be extremely intense over the next few days & months as the veil is ripping open and the divine frequencies are flowing onto the earth.
The ancient prophecy of enlightenment is playing out right now and many souls are being jolted from their slumber, and shifted into action and illumination.
May you align to God source which is the very light in which you are made of.
Awaken to your divinity and arise in this magnificent time of the great shift.
FACE YOURSELF~ heal, correct your path, do shadow work, do emotional healing work, get healthy, so that your body and aura can accept this divine light and anchor it in . STAND IN YOUR TRUTH.
Remember that YOU are the change you want to see in this world
Not even the galactics will stop you from your own manifestations.
If you manifest from an unconscious perspective; you will have to deal with the consequences.
September is here and with it brings in a much more gentle energy than we previously experienced in Aug which is allowing us space to integrate the many powerful upgrades and downloads that have come in over the summer months
You may feel a sense of greater peace, clarity and calm when spending time in solitude and nature and our focus/creativity is heightened as we bring forth new and inspired ideas with the changing seasons
The Dreamtime has been especially active over the last few weeks and I have been seeing many timelines collapsing. If you find yourself having a vivid experience and come to with strong emotions attached that do not fit into your current waking experience, this could very well be a karmic connection/timeline showing itself for release
Oftentimes in pursuit of what we feel we may be lacking in our current reality we will go digging or escaping into the past stories/alternate realities and can find ourselves ensnared in false perceptions which ultimately serve to be another distraction along the path. Pay attention to what may be coming up in this space, especially if it’s repetitive. You are likely to be transmuting a great deal on the astral realm at this time
Place your hands on the trunk of a tree or energetically root into Mama Gaia’s soil and ask for her to transmute these timelines that no longer serve the Highest Good of All
Spirit message reminds us to hold only what is pure and true close to us and to live with integrity
Know that you are powerful multidimensional beings experiencing this incredible reset period with the ability to create the life you want here and NOW on this pure foundation
Every lesson from the past, every gift, every adventure, every love, every loss, every single experience has prepared us for this moment in “time” and we have all that is needed to build New Earth within each and everyone of us
Take the time you need to fully attune yourself and trust the Oracle of your Heart
Greetings friends, from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.
The information expressed here is to that of my perspective, my point of view for all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune in to the light within you.
There are major aspects of the old ways which are to be put to rest during this coming season of winter 2022, 2023.
This, understandably, will not be easy for many, as detachment is found very difficult for most humans. However, detachment is one of the main lessons you must learn while in the lower frequency realities.
The soul will bring itself into situations where detachment is practiced. This is done through simply losing little materialistic things, to losing your job, and to parting ways with loved ones. As this process unfolds, with the fifth dimensional energies being activated more and more in this realm, what is of the old construct is to dissolve, and soon be but a memory in the consciousness of the collective.
This is what the majority of the informed have failed to understand. What has been considered normal by the masses, one of the main aspects being “work” in order to provide for the family, it is to be dissolved entirely. The slave system, which is a design of the archons, is not supported by the higher light, and will be deconstructed in phases as the process accelerates.
Many will try to hold on to the old, and this will only make things more difficult. When resisting change, chaos comes into play. We do not speak of this to cause fear, we do it only to perhaps help you prepare.
The energies are in flux, things can go either way. By this we do not mean one of the ways being preserving the old. We speak in terms of releasing it gradually, instead of an over night collapse, which is what the dark ones desire. And based on the current energy of the collective, the current state of the world, the latter is quite possible. Which would mean the next few months are not going to be easy for many on Earth.
Humanity must do everything in its power to maintain the peace, to not seek conflict, particularly between each other. You must make time to go within, meditate, pray, and help the world rise into a higher frequency.
For those who are aware of the changes occurring, especially aware of Earth’s ascension, you must bring into use your wisdom for these times. Do not be afraid to speak, sharing your truth with as many as possible. Let the people know that whatever we may lose during this transformation, it will be replaced by something greater, more kind, and beneficial for all of humanity and the Earth.
You truly are in the final days of the old reality. And for this, you should not be mourning any aspects of the old, but instead celebrating, for what is to follow is paradise, of the fifth dimensional Earth.
I am being made aware tonight, of a huge shift in energy crystalline energy grids and the crystal pyramids, the sacred sites of the earth, as the Old Earth’s and the New Earth’s have become, as one.
With this, the spine of the Old Earth has fused with the New Earth’s and this has activated the tuning forks, (celestial sound) and the Lightning Rod (telluric energy field) in immensely powerful ways.
The original 7th dimensional frequency band is now fully activated, as we are now anchored into the 5th dimension.
Note that you will feel this intensely in your spine, and lower body, as all is disintegrating of the old you, and all you ever believed you were and are in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
All is disintegrating to be cleared away.
This includes all lifetimes and existences in the Old Earth.
The Great Cleansing has begun in earnest and the deepest purification process, such as never witnessed before.
As this happens the new Lightbody is making itself felt on all levels now.
We are in for huge transfiguration, as all escalates.
The portal is the heart center, as it connects heaven and earth plus Divinity.
Spirit has your back so you can launch ahead. You’re in a much better position to embark on this new adventure without interferences. Veils have lifted and reality is very transparent. You won’t fall pray to being lured away from your goals. Remain focused on the new world ahead, as you are safe, stable, confident, and committed.
You can trust yourself to make better choices. Release the lessons of the past knowing that you have overcome them, and recovered your power. In this new cycle, instead of responding with the ego, connect to Source for guidance and answers. Doing so will lead to the next step, then the next step, and the next step to your blessings.
The Pisces Full Moon is helping you clear the way attain this victory! Reality is spinning into an entirely new direction of independence. In this new time space continuum you can have it all, and continue building your family legacy and inheritances. Continue choosing love, and open your heart to receive all that is coming into sight.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Heads up! We are officially in Mercury retro territory, starting today. Mercury is at its degree of station before it turns retro. So, standard retro rules apply – double check communications, leave extra time for traveling, double check anything you sign or are committing to. Be prepared for do-overs after October 15.
And another thing this Mercury retro is good for, especially from now until September 15, is reviewing your own commitments – to yourself, to others, and where your energy is going.
Is your energy account overdrawn – as in you have been making more withdrawals than deposits?
Mercury is at 8 Libra, the sign of balance and Jupiter is at 8 Aries, the sign of action. There’s some important synergy happening here, which can compel us to get started on our spiritual pilgrimage, the dominant energy of September.
It’s a great day for some energetic housekeeping!
Shine on, go for the glow.
How is your day going? Is anyone feeling a lightening of the energy? I am and it feels great. And the sun is out today, after days of rain and gloom. I appreciate the rain and am happy the sun is back.
One of the four Royal Stars, Regulus, rises into visibility (with the much brighter Venus just below Regulus) on the morning of September 7th. Regulus sits in the constellation of the Lion at 00°08’ Virgo and on the ecliptic (or the path of the Sun). Symbolizing the “Heart of the Lion”, this star has been invisible to the naked eye for over a month, but the morning of the 7th it rises briefly before the glare of the Sun overwhelms the light of Regulus.
The reason September 7th is the date of Regulus’ rise to visibility is that the Sun has now moved to 15° away from the star. Most visible planets and stars need at least a 15° orb away from the Sun to be seen due to the glare of the Sun. Some people may be able to see it a day or two earlier or days later depending upon their given horizon line or perhaps weather conditions.
The planet Venus will still also be visible at 3° Virgo, adding to the strong feminine frequency of this year’s heliacal rise of Regulus. Though, Venus is currently in its descent phase, meaning the symbolic goddess is nearing the underworld to die and be reborn, as the ancient Mesopotamians experienced it through their goddess Inanna/Ishtar.
It was on August 7th that Regulus disappeared in the evening sky when the Sun was 15° away. Over the course of the next weeks and months, it will become easier and easier to see Regulus.
Regulus’ position in the Lion constellation gives it a place of potency in humanity’s history. Regulus and form of the Lion constellation are a direct link to the “as above, so below” statement in the structure of the Egyptian Sphinx. The star has been associated with a variety of kings, monarchs and gods in ancient times.
The Lion constellation, where Regulus is located, is not the same as the sign of Leo. While a part of the Lion constellation overlays the sign of Leo, most of it overlays the sign of Virgo. Regulus moved into the sign of Virgo in 2011, heralding another symbol that we are entering the time of the Turning of the Ages.
The fascination with the Lion constellation has led to the emergence of what is known as the “Lion’s Gate” of August 8th (more popularly known as 8/8) and a misunderstanding of the association of Leo and the Lion constellation. But the Sun itself is not in the Lion constellation at that time. The Sun is between the constellations of the Lion and Crab, in what the Greeks saw as “unformed stars”, which is a place of infinite potentiality and creative expression.
About 2000 years ago, it was fully in the sign of Leo and many characteristics were blended of the constellation with the sign of Leo. But more and more the combination of the Lion and the sign of Virgo are being expressed. A person may begin to describe this combination as a “Queen-Priestess-Lion” of a sort with eye on the great patterning of the world and more dedicated to being of service while at the same time their voice becomes more noticeable.
In ancient times, Regulus was known as the “Watcher of the North” and marked one of the “4 corners” of the Earth, meaning one of the 4 seasonal points or directions (along with the stars Fomalhaut, Antares and Aldebaran). Regulus marked the June Solstice about 2345 BCE and will mark another seasonal point when it reaches the sign of Libra (Sept Equinox) in the year 4160. Due to the Precession of the Equinox, about every 6500 years, it will shift to the next seasonal marker.
We can all “tune into” this star by recognizing certain points when the star reaches a time of ceremony or of importance like the 7th of September. I would always encourage anyone to check out when an important star or planet has its heliacal rise or other significant aspect or moment. This is one of those times to see this first-hand.
Sun in Virgo opposite Juno retrograde in Pisces and trine the North Node in Taurus. Saturn retrograde in Aquarius opposite Ceres in Leo – ‘That’s quite enough of that’, says Saturn, whipping away the plate before we’ve even touched half of it. Stomachs grumble and hunger makes us grouchy. Ceres stuffs a bag of sweets into our pocket out of view from Saturn, but candy will only keep us going for so long. Right now, we need more to sustain us and somehow, deep inside, we know it too. For many of us, the imposition from work, responsibilities, deadlines and rules means we nurture ourselves with distractions, shiny things that make us feel seen and important or silly things that allow us to check out of adulting. And there’s nothing wrong with any of that until we realise that deep down, we’re hungry for something more. It isn’t Saturn that is starving us, we’re starving ourselves and Saturn would like to set us straight. Now is the time to explore, what are you really hungry for?
The solar connection to the Nodes tells us that we are evolving, however slow it seems. Every tiny improvement we make is moving us towards a more secure future. Now it’s easier to see what must be released, easier to perceive what needs to be healed. If you feel stuck, stand still, hold out your hands and visualise light beaming down onto your head. Illumination comes when you commit to inner peace.
‘Galactic’ is the name for the number eight and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Modeling’. We are now on day 8 of the Red Serpent wavespell and the 7th Portal day in a row. Today, we get some respite from all that intensity we have been experiencing because of the calm and harmonious energy of the number 8. Things have been crazy lately because of so many Galactic Activation Portals and so today take it easy as things heat up again tomorrow!
Today is Yellow Human which represents ‘Free Will, Wisdom and Influence’. The Yellow Human is considered a psychic symbol because of its association with the chalice. We all have psychic abilities but it lies dormant in many of us. The human being is a great design, we are living chalices, enabled with all we need to receive communication from spirit. What we do with the information we receive is up to us hence the free will aspect. This wisdom which is there for all of us to tap into, has the potential to influence you and all you need to do – is be open to the experience. As it is a Galactic day this suggests that we can find wisdom through harmony.
The Guide today is the Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Questioning and Intelligence’. The Warrior is not always on the warpath but does wield a great deal of willpower. When leading us, the Warrior is inviting us to go on a quest. Considering the other aspects of the day, this quest is about restoring harmony in your life. The Warrior asks a lot of questions and has a naturally curious nature. He also encourages us to use the intelligence we have to deal with issues.
The Challenge is the White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin. It may be hard to express what you are feeling intuitively today as communicating is in this challenging position. If you open up to channel wisdom, the information you receive may be just for you and not for sharing but that’s OK.
The Occult power today is the Red Moon, the ‘go with the flow’ energy. When in this position the powerful influence of the moon affects the flow of magic. Having a laid-back attitude today will really help open your third eye and furthermore; this chilled out energy matches the harmonious aspect of the number eight.
The Ally the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin. If you are a Blue Hand, offer to help your friends today as your healing abilities can really help with restoring harmony. If you need help today and don’t know a Blue Hand personally, then be kind to yourself and be your own healer.
KIN 112 = 4 – Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic 4.4. – DOUBLE = 8 abundance for NEW EARTH!
Another SUPER MAJIKAL day when we can RISE up to become ANGELIC HU-MANS – Homo Luminous
9 months ago – KIN 112 occured on DECEMBER 21st, 2021 which was the SOLSTICE ASCENSION PORTAL
Today through this GALACTIC SPIN of the TZOLKIN, we are connected to that potent portal once again!! BOOM more potent ASCENSION codes.
Today we can UPGRADE our MINDS to focus on loving thoughts, words and deeds to bring greater HARMONY to our lives and our WORLD – To create the NEW TIME… energizing the BEST FUTURE for HUMANITY through this POTENT RED SERPENT RITE of PASSAGE.
We can LIBERATE the PASSION LIFE FORCE and vitality through the SERPENT’S kundalini intensity and the GAP DAY! The GODDESS is today’s occult SUPERPOWER, so she will be guiding us to be softer, more receptive and connect compassionately to others. This is the basis for our NEW ASCENDED PLANET.
Day 8 in the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin.
Today is the day we INTEGRATE our survival mechanism, through modeling wisdom, as we evolve past the instinctual survival complex. Today is the day for HUMANITY to SHED our old collective skin and unfurl our ANGELIC WINGS!
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity.
The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions. Are our intentions based on harmony through integrity of being? Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
This is the NEW MODEL we are choosing and ACTIVATING today on this SUPER 7 GATEWAY.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
Today we are modeling that when we CHOOSE DIVINE WILL over FREE WILL, we attain greater WISDOM and create more HARMONY in our lives and our world. The SEPTEMBER – 6-9 DIVINE CODES bring the frequency of DIVINE WILL and the DIVINE PLAN to be seeded through this majikal INITIATION and DNA Activation.
The HIGHER LIGHT – of illumination aligned with DIVINE WILL ensuring THY WILL BE DONE! and HUMANITY shall RISE – VICTORIOUS!
Ancestral Wisdom is available to us today through the voice of GREAT SPIRIT, to follow fearlessly, the Divine Path, set out before us. To make the BEST choices, modeling integrity, for greater harmony with our kin.
May the Divine Love of the Goddess IGNITE the deep PASSION and stir our SHAKTI to be a palpable POWER of transformational influence in our wonderful LOVE FILLED WORLD!
Aho New GALACTIC Planetary kin!
Today’s questions are “How can I model integrity and utilize my WISDOM to influence others, in creating more HARMONY in our world?”
“Can humanity align with the DIVINE DIRECTIVE to model more WISDOM, compassion and integrity in our Collective Consciousness?”
GO FORTH and MODEL your luminosity on this SUPREME Divinely blessed MAJIKAL day!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW GALACTIC HUMAN– EB relates to wisdom, intelligence, free will and abundance. We have just completed the Yellow Human wavespell 8 days ago, so we are much wiser HU-MANS now! Honouring our free will, and making better choices through integrating with fearless intelligence to allow wisdom to be the walk!
Today we are focused on how we can utilize this greater WISDOM, and use it to influence and unite others in harmony. EB asks us to honour our ancestors, and the wisdom that came before us, all the wisdom we have accumulated from our ancestral Earth walking!.
Making wiser choices and decisions, focused on our survival and the continuity of our species. Choices that create better outcomes for humanity and our planet.
We must recognize that our FREE WILL can assist us in becoming wise elders that can influence future generations. The choices we make NOW, MUST benefit our children and future generations. This is MANDATORY!
We are becoming GALACTIC CITIZENS and as such must seriously EVOLVE past the petty human differences, prejudices, and rivalry that leads to separation..
In order to be accepted into the GALACTIC COMMUNITY we must model our behaviour as Earth Ambassadors to be peace loving, uniting and accepting of all beings. We must display compassion, empathy and truly walk our talk – this is a HUGE WAKE-UP CALL for HU-MAN-KIND… no more playing at life in kindergarten –
It is time to graduate from EARTH SCHOOL and join the rest of our Galactic family!
Today our little humans can RISE UP and become DIVINE HU-MANS – GOD MAN! In full remembrance of our SOURCE.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW GALACTIC WARRIOR – CIB How divinely PERFECTO that the GALACTIC RAINBOW WARRIORS are leading the charge into the NEW TIME as the Higher Guide today through this evolutionary portal,
CIB is the courageous and fearless Rainbow Warrior that QUEST-I -ONS what IS, in order to create WHAT SHOULD BE!
The GALACTIC WARRIOR holds the highest honours and always models his behaviour on the highest code of conduct and valor, honouring the Sovereign, in FULL service to GOD/GODDESS. At all times his agenda must be to restore PEACE and HARMONY amongst the warring tribes, upholding JUSTICE and being a VALIANT LEADER – influencing others to model his behaviour and principles.
CIB beckons us to walk the path of fearless wisdom that serves the future generations, being guided by our ability to trust that we can create a better, more harmonious and peace filled world together. Demonstrated through our choices and actions taken TODAY.
The GALACTIC WARRIORS of NEW EARTH will successfully ACCOMPLISH our QUEST in manifesting this New Golden Era of PEACE, HARMONY and ABUNDANCE for ALL! HIP HIP HOO-RAY!
SUPPORT: BLUE GALACTIC HAND – MANIK assists us in gaining the knowledge needed to heal our past, to avoid the past mistakes through our experience. We CAN heal all that has resulted from unwise choices, with that knowing, making new choices based on healing the collective unconscious. What a wonderful supporting energy to affect permanent HEALING, clearing our ancestral lines and familial patterns, as well as curses and generational obstacles.
Collectively we are making PEACE with our PAST, ready to start AFRESH with renewed PASSION and vigor. .
GALACTIC MANIK beckons us to volunteer as the PEACEKEEPERS and the diplomats, healing all that is discordant in order to manifest and create the New World. MANIK combines with CIB to give us the courage to make a difference and accomplish our higher desires and mission.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:RED RHYTHMIC MOON – MULUC the GODDESS is today’s SUPERPOWER. She assists us in expanding our MINDS, as a result of LISTENING to and following the synchronicities and multiple opportunities, through attunement to Mother Gaia/s natural cycles. Respecting the natural world by allowing ourselves to FLOW with the changes, accepting and honouring them as the wisdom from Great Spirit.
The RHYTHMIC GODDESS will assist us in organizing our physical environment to create more balance and harmony, with a greater flow of prosperity for all. How wonderful that THE GODDESS is steering our EarthShip, in the NEW DIRECTION of compassionate and LOVING FLOW.
The WAXING gibbous moon in AQUARIUS today. is harmonizing with this GALACTIC GODDESS encoding waves of Divine nurturance and heightened sensitivity and care for our kin and Planetary family. More layers of DIVINE frequencies upgrading the DNA and consciousness of the NEW softer and more psychic, community minded HU-MAN.
MULUC asks us to become much softer, and flowing today. Allow your intuition and feelings to guide your MIND and wise choices today. Open, listen and become more receptive to the NEW FLOW that is connecting us all.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE GALACTIC WIND – IK challenges us today to balance our free-will with the Will of Spirit. Becoming a hollow pure vessel, receiving the whisperings of the wind to guide our path. The GALACTIC WIND is the force that brings us back to harmony and equilibrium, revealing the best choices to make which guide our sails back home to safety with the least resistance and harm.
DIVINE WILL is the GIFT of this MAJIKAL 7.7. PORTAL DAY.. The AGENDA is the DIVINE PLAN for HUMANITY which is being woven through the tapestry of this phenomenal day. Attune to the DIVINE PLAN to find your new flow.
Become the MIND and VOICE of Spirit, sharing your wisdom to guide others back to harmony too. We thus become co creators, acting in unison with the Will of Spirit, in order to effect greater influence, and become the wayshowers and leaders of our new communities. Drawing together to manifest Divine Will for the betterment of ALL as ONE.
Ancestral Wisdom is available to us today through the voice of GREAT SPIRIT, to follow fearlessly, the Divine Path, set out before us. To make the BEST choices, modeling integrity, for greater harmony with our kin.
May the Divine Love of the Goddess IGNITE the deep PASSION and stir our SHAKTI to be a palpable POWER of transformational influence in our wonderful LOVE FILLED WORLD!
Aho New GALACTIC Planetary kin!
Today’s questions are “How can I model integrity and utilize my WISDOM to influence others, in creating more HARMONY in our world?”
“Can humanity align with the DIVINE DIRECTIVE to model more WISDOM, compassion and integrity in our Collective Consciousness?”
GO FORTH and MODEL your luminosity on this SUPREME Divinely blessed MAJIKAL day!
A guided meditation from my Sacred Condor encoded with Healing Universal Life Force Energy and Divine Feminine Pranic Goddess Energy of the Magdalene. CLICK HERE
Energy Abilities ‘Force’ Grounding And Balance At This Momentum!
Quantum Multiply The Bases!
Martial Arts is approving the siege!
Real Authorities Step Forward!
Destabilization Of All Control Systems Is Happening At 64% Non-Regressive At This Moment! {Immediate Replacement IS! }{ Rotation Of Light Bearers IS! }
Beacons Are Custom Made!
Block Off Areas Are Expanded In The Divine Light!
HuMan’s Elevate Elevated Activities At This Momentum!
Specific Seekers Hit The Way!
Attention Earthlings! The Old World Is No More !
Accelerators Are Regulated And Urantia Is Now Literally Flying At Immensely High Speeds!
Holographic Images Are Static!
Divine Outpour Of Love Continues, In Ways Mankind Has Never Been Able To Receive Before! {GOD IS GOD } }
DNA Chains Are Expanded Right Now!
Soul Families Gather At The Fountain!
Disconnections From Karmic Timelines, Effects Everyone! {God’s Love Is Infinite! }
Portals Of New Potential Are Expanded To All!
Links Call for Change Unfolding! { God Is Love ! }
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