POWER OF NOW ~ The Tree of Life Councils are Rising! * These are Sacred Hours ~ 10th Golden Ray
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sound and Light Bringers of the Sacred Geometries of Mother Earth
After yesterday’s powerful Full Supermoon in Taurus we have massive Divine Feminine Energetics of the Holy Waters continuing to flow into this realm from the most High Infinite Source Creator.
Over the next few days as Pluto enters Aquarius, on the 19th, we will be elevated and integrated into our Higher Dimensional Sacred Self and make our Transformations in the Gold Ray of Buddha Consciousness and Shift this world into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.
The Quickening of Consciousness and our perceptions are upon us to assist us in traversing the spacetime continuum of all false time loops and break free from all constraints and limitations as we tap into the genius within and become the conscious co-creators of the Beauty and Truth of Eternity!
As we complete these final days of the piscean age of the false 3d matrix and enter the New 5D Golden Age of Aquarius we clear and cleanse all still in conflict both internally and externally and end all karmic contracts to fulfill our God Given Divine Plan of full and complete Planetary Liberation for Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun.
It is our Divine birthrights to live in Freedom, Peace and Abundance as we rise together in united efforts to call in our Highest Timeline for the Highest Good of all. We are beginning to witness the fruits of our labors as we continue to hold and anchor our New Heaven upon the New Earth timeline forever more… A’Ho!
The Tree of Life Councils are Rising!

Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd – https://amzn.to/2KRJTTr
Gene Key 14 – Radiating Prosperity
November 16th – 21st 2024
Compromise – Competence – Bounteousness
“To live a life of genius, we have to start believing in ourselves again. We have to get in touch with our hearts and our dreams. We may also feel we’re trapped, if we’ve been living a very compromised life. But we’re never trapped.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
source: https://genekeys.com
Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd – https://amzn.to/2KRJTTr

NOVEMBER 16, 2024

Maria Lustig
THIS WEEKEND the intensity of the energies will continue to increase, it is a Sacred Window bringing with it Vibrations of the Highest Frequency we have ever Experienced on this Earth’s Plane.
The ASTRAL settings that are aligning right now are Exceptional.
The Convergence of Multiple Energy Currents is Creating a Vibrational Shift.
During this weekend, the Galactic frequencies intensify creating an Energy Bridge between the Higher Dimensions and the Earth’s Plane.
The Light Codes are descending at Golden Waterfalls bringing with them crucial information for our COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION.
Each breath is an Opportunity to Tune in to these Transformative frequencies.
The Interdimensional Portals are OPEN allowing the Oldest and Wise Star Light to penetrate our Energy Body.
The Universal Fountain, is emitting pulses of unconditional Love that Resonate with our CRYSTALINE DNA, Activating Ancestral Memories AND Capacities.
This weekend Marks a Turning Point in our Spiritual Evolution.
The energies that flow down to Earth are Coded to Awaken our HIGHER CENTERS of Consciousness.
* Chakras are receiving Energetic Upgrades that allow for Greater Expansion of our Multidimensional Perception.
It is an auspicious time for Deep HEALING and Transmutation of limiting patterns and ACTIVATION of our Higher Spiritual Women.
* The Earth’s Crystalline Matrix is vibrating in perfect synchrony with the New Frequencies, creating a Unified Consciousness field that facilitates our CONNECTION with Universal Wisdom.
* Each Soul receives what it needs for its Evolution and the Sacred Constellations have Aligned to CREATE a Corridor of Light that amplifies Our Intentions and Manifestations.
It’s a Unique Time to Align our Purpose with Divine Will and to TAKE A QUANTUM LEAP in our Spiritual Evolution.
The Ascended Masters remind us that each of us is Beacons of Divine Light, Capable of RADIATING these Ascended frequencies to All Corners of the Planet.
Our Collective Mission DURING THIS WEEKEND is to Maintain these Vibrations Elevated, allowing Transformative Light to FLOW through Our BEING and EXPAND to all of Humanity.
* It’s auspicious time,
– for deep meditation,
– Inner contemplation,
– Energy Work.
The Angels and Archangels are closer than ever, ready to support us in our Transmutation and Ascension Process.
TO RADIATE Unconditional Love and make Pure Channels for these Transformative energies.
* Sacred Geometries are ACTIVATING IN OUR AURIC BODY, creating patterns of Light that facilitate our Connection to the Higher Dimensions.
Starlight Codes are being Downloaded into our Energy System for our Collective Awakening and our Spiritual Evolution.
It’s a perfect time to Transmute everything that doesn’t serve and be transmuted in Pure Light.
* Maintain pure intentions and actions aligned with the GREATER GOOD.
– A Unified Conscious Field is being created that facilitates Collective Healing.
Express Decrees, Positive Affirmations, Acts of Love to Contribute to the ELEVATION OF THE VIBRATORY FREQUENCY of the Entire Planet.
* This weekend is conducive for deep healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level!
* Connection with the Higher Realms, these energies will be like a River of GOLDEN LIGHT that lifts us towards more Refined frequencies of Existence.
* Each moment of stillness connects us deeply to OUR Divine Essence, the Spiritual Guides are closer, whispering words of wisdom and Love to our Hearts.
* Practicing Conscious Gratitude multiplies expotentially to the ELEVATION of COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS.
It is conducive,
Meditate and Connect with our Divine Essence.
Every cell of our Being is covered in Divine Light!
* Every Atom of our Existence is being Raised to a Higher Frequency of Consciousness.
This message Resonates from the depths of the COSMOS to the very Core of your Being at this Transcendental moment.
* The Veils entered Dimensions are thinning allowing the Light of Universal Wisdom, to penetrate with Greater INTENSITY into the Energy Field of the Earth .
* The Teachers of Violet Fire remind us that Transmutation is an INTEGRAL PART of the Manifestation Process.
* The ASTRAL settings that began to Align from this 11/13 mark the BEGINNING of a TRANSFORMING CYCLE.
The Countdown has begun at these moments, which facilitate our Connection with the Higher Energies.
* The next 144 days will be determined for our Collective Evolution and each of us has a fundamental role in this process!!!.
* Dedicate 44 minutes each day to deep meditation, during the , Golden Hours, Sunrise and Sunset.
* Visualize a golden light descending from the Cosmos, penetrates your Crown and cleanses every cell of Your Being.
This practice increases your base frequency and connection with the Higher Energies.
* Energy Purification: Water exposes to solar or lunar light and consumes about 3 liters every day.
* Marine salt baths at sunset, enhance the cleansing of your energy field.
* High Frequency Conscious Food, fruits, cereals, bright colored vegetables, especially Purples and Golds. They contain frequencies that resonate With the Higher energies that we are RECEIVING.
* Connection with Nature to Establish a DEEP CONNECTION WITH GAIA. Walk barefoot on Earth for 21 minutes.
* Hug the trees and synchronize your breathing with the Pulse of the earth.
* Mantras and frequencies such as 432 Hz and 528 kHz are tuned into the New Vibrations we are receiving.
Incorporate these SOUNDS into your daily practice, when you meditate or before bed.
* KEEP the frequency Raised to Perceive and Receive your Messages.
A CLEAN and PROTECTED energy field every day of vibrational intensification is essential.
* Cleaning in your home, regularly with Sage or Palo Santo and maintain Protective Crystals such as Tourmaline black
* Connect with your Breath by tuning in to the Highest frequencies of the Universe.
Keep the Faith in the Divine Process.
* Working with Crystals and Natural Elements is important, the Minerals are vibrating at a higher frequency in this period, acting as Catalysts of Transformation.
These are Sacred Tools!
* Tibetan Bowls, Mantras are tools and act as a Key that opens dimensional portals.
* Listen to the Wisdom of Trees and Plants , Nature is our Greatest Teacher in these times!
We address you with this message of profound importance and divine urgency.
Every Conscious Breath Becomes a Bridge Between the Earthly and the Divine.
Remember, They are Multidimensional Beings experiencing a temporary reality.
Your possibilities are endless!
Gratitude Instantly Raises Your Vibration And Aligns You With The frequencies Of Universal Abundance.
Each Present Moment in a Sacred Opportunity to RAISE YOUR FREQUENCY and Contribute to the COLLECTIVE ELEVATION.
Go on, the Impulses of your Heart and allow the Divine light to flow through you.
Each pure intention adds up to the great Cosmic Symphony of EVOLUTION.
Share this message because every being that awakens accelerates the Collective Transformation and YOU are a fundamental part of this Great Cosmic Awakening,
Your Light Is Needed NOW MORE THAN EVER.
Thank you for being this light, may the Divine Grace guide and protect you always.
With Infinite Love and Everlasting Blessings.
We are the Acrturians.
What a great task we have for this weekend! Time to be precise and conscious with what we want to create.
Soy Maria Lustig144

Carolyn 144 GODCODE
Your Union’s ReGenesis
The energies this week are moving Union’s forward with clarity and purpose. The understanding of the sacredness of your Union is helping align the priorities towards each other. To return back together as One. Doing so is reinforcing your unstoppable power as a couple. This power was why you were attacked and separated. A fresh start is here to become solidified and committed to each other and your Union.
source: 144godcode.com

Ra James
Venus is in Capricorn until Dec 7th. This may be making things a little serious in your love life. We are now in the final weeks of 2024. It’s all about having clear vision for the long term. Today Venus is square the nodes of fate and destiny. The focus right now is on your personal desires for love and connection and the larger path your soul is meant to follow in life. You may be at a crossroads right now in your love life. Right now certain relationship or commitments in your life may feel destined in some way. You’re being guided to let go of any relationships that no longer align with your life purpose. Any karmic connections must go.
This means that past relationship patterns or karmic connections may be resurfacing. Expect karmic issues and past traumas to be coming up. This is to help you to heal any unresolved issues to move forward. You’re being guided to release more of your karmic past. Past life connections may be coming up for you during this time. You may be guided to clear some, and you may be guided to keep some. Make sure you’re trusting your own intuition for making any decisions about your love life and future direction. Make sure that you’re prioritizing more self love and self care right now. Old emotions may be surfacing. It’s important that you’re taking a little extra care of yourself as we navigate these Full Moon Hangover energies. That Super Moon was powerful and we will be still feeling it over the rest of the weekend…
art by Debbie Edwards

Kin 132 ~ Yellow Lunar Human


New! on Patreon
New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of November 17th through 23rd 2024 with my Sacred Condor 
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of November 17th through 23rd 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a powerful Guided Meditation for Pluto in Aquarius and the New Golden Age of New Earth Activation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste
CLICK HERE for the Goddess Transmissions
Decree of the 10th Golden Ray
“I am the Divine Presence that illuminates and guides every step of my journey.I invoke the Power of the 10th Golden Ray, the energy of Critical Consciousness, which awakens in me the wisdom and abundance of Source.Master Kuthumi, wrap me in your golden light and reveal to me the divine purpose of my soul.I Am the fullness and power of fulfilment, manifesting the divine in every area of my life.That’s how it is and that’s how it shall be. “To strengthen the energy, you can repeat the decree three times, visualizing yourself enveloped in golden light that brings clarity, harmony, and a deep sense of spiritual abundance.
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