UNLOCK THE POWER OF THE 1:9:9 GATEWAY ~ PORTAL OF TRANSFORMATION * Kingdom of Heaven ~ Opening the Gates of Mintaka
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Awakened Conscious Co-Creators of Heaven on Earth
As we transition through these final days of the dark ages of the Kaliyuga and journey through the storm we step through the eye of the needle, zero point, and Shift of the Ages from dark to Light and usher in the New Golden Age of the Fifth Dimension on Earth.
We stand here together on the precipice of our Quantum Leap of Consciousness at this Convergence point of all space time continuums and merge all timelines into this One True Ascension timeline of Benevolence for all our Good People of Mother Earth.
No thing and no one can stop our Ground Crew Team of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 on our Divine Missions of full and total Planetary Liberation. for we have passed beyond the point of no return, past the Event Horizon and now hold the Sacred Space for the complete manifestation of our Pristine and Pure Land of the Pure Awareness of Buddha Mind.
Mother Earth and all Her Children of the Sun are moving through their final clearing, cleansing and purging of all false energies of darkness and ignorance. Keep anchoring in the Higher Light into the Crystalline Core of Pachamama as we rise together into the holiest of holies of Infinite Source Creator…
You have the Power, the Courage, the Peace and strength within you to make all of your greatest dreams come true.
Keep holding your visions of our Perfected Reality of Peace and Prosperity for all, within your Sacred Heart Center, amd with the Eyes of your Spirit fully open and your Hearts and Minds as one we call in our Highest most Bright future into this Now…Aho!
Faith Inspires. Faith moves mountains. Faith raised the dead.
That which Source wants to say always…faith is what leads us back Home , to It.
Faith Inspires
Isabel Garcia Martinez
We are going through the darkest moment before the Awakening. The lights of change into transformation are already seen. The Light shines so much brighter and the darkness is getting ever thicker. Everything is exposed.
Incoming energy does not break. You transform or you transform. There is no other choice, the way is towards Light, Truth, Love, Honesty, Unity in your Being.
No longer a saint outside and a thief inside. Duality dissolves, Unity is defined in concrete and visible action.
Supporting Light is imperative, fundamental and healthy for all humanity and the planet. This accelerates the transformation process and helps the resistance release the blocks that keep them bound in their own prison and realize that the fall is what happens if they don’t slow down their irregular march in time.
Our bodies hurt and will hurt even more because of the mutations we are supporting. DNA is very active these days and presses, as it is, presses non-stop in its original positioning.
What we call death, we are doing it continuously with the same lower bodies and without having made the interdimensional transition outside the physical body.
The Power of our Intentions is what Manifests our Desires and Shapes our Reality.
As the Frequencies Rise. . . this Dynamic Shifts Significantly. . . Leading to a Scenario where Negative Intentions Do NOT Manifest as they once did.
The Universe. . . in its Infinite Wisdom. . . Reflects Back to us the Essence of our True Intentions.
Furthermore. . . Perspective Also Shifts.
Those who Resonate with the LIGHT and Embody Higher Vibrations can NO Longer be Deceived by the illusions created by negativity and fear.
As We Rise into the HIGHER Vibrations of LOVE. . . We BEgin to Witness Truth Differently; We Start to Perceive it Through the Eyes of LOVE.
Many Ask What We Mean by One Truth.
The One Truth is that We Are DIVINE. . . Carrying within us the Essence of the Creative SOURCE. . . a Spark of the DIVINE Consciousness that Connects All BEings.
This Essence is our Consciousness. . . a Reflection of the Greater Whole!
As We Continue on our Journey. . . Remember that We Are Co-Creators of our Reality. . . and the Power Lies within us to Manifest a World Filled with LOVE. . . LIGHT. . . and HARMONY.
We Embrace the Shift. . . Honour the Changes. . . and Connect with the DIVINE Essence that Resides within us. . . for it is Through this Connection that We will Find our Way Home!
1/9/25: In this important time of closure and fulfillment much will change as we clear out the old to make way for new beginnings and opportunities. Some of us will let go willingly while others try to cling to the shadows of the past. All will feel the shift and, by choice or by circumstance, many will not see another year. There will be losses (releases) and there will be gains (freedom). But they are just two sides of the same idea…
the ending of a cycle of experience. Today takes you one more step toward the completion of a long journey. As you go, remember that nothing is ever lost as long as you carry its presence within you either in memory or wisdom. Right Action is to plow the field once the harvest has been gathered.
I find myself taking moments to reflect as our awareness continues to grow and deepen.
There are numerous misleading alternate realities that we are all experiencing, some of which are fading as we discover our own truths within them and begin to heal.
Alternate versions of ourselves, like mirror gateways of existence that need to be dismantled for the benefit of all life on this planet.
If we let our minds spiral into endless questioning, we become more perplexed and less engaged. This leads us to a place of solitude, where we feel the need to be alone to understand ourselves more profoundly as Spirit.
The Universe is awakening our senses, revealing more of the unknown, which in turn allows us to delve deeper into our true essences and embody a deeper love that is unconditional.
Loving what is dark in this world, including the darkness within ourselves, is not always straightforward. To overcome it, we must confront it, bringing Light to it and forgive those feelings that justice should be served against those who have wronged us, when in reality, we have betrayed ourselves by permitting ourselves to feel separate from the whole.
Rising above the veils is a challenging endeavor; it requires us to let go and empty ourselves of everything to rediscover our wholeness.
I want you all to know, dear ones, that we are not alone; billions are at this juncture, many of whom are not even fully conscious of this shift in Awareness.
We must remain steadfast in our love as we navigate the currents of these vibrant energies; even amidst this expansion we are all experiencing, Love always resides within our Hearts.
There are many unsettling events occurring around the globe that disturb the peace of many; always remember that everything is energy, and we all know where we are headed once we leave these physical forms our spirit occupies.
I know this doesn’t justify what is still being done to the sentient life forms on this planet, nor Mother Earth.
Yet Love always triumphs, and forgiveness always brings healing.
Stay grounded in your hearts and strive to maintain a sense of neutrality.
All will be revealed, and some of it may not be pleasant.
I love all you beautiful Souls out there; many blessings are on the way.
Dear friends, today’s 1:9:9 portal is a numeric resonance gateway that embodies the transformative energies of spiritual growth, humanitarian awakening, and global consciousness. As we journey through this portal in 2025, we’re immersed in a unique blend of energies that amplify our capacity for selflessness, compassion, and unity.
In 2025, the universal energies are dominated by the number 9, which holds a deeply sacred and symbolic meaning across various ancient cultures and world philosophies. The number 9 is considered a humanitarian number, associated with global awareness, compassion, and selflessness.
The 1:9:9 portal is particularly significant in the context of the first 11 days of 2025, which are considered a critical window for setting intentions and aligning with the energies of the new year. As we navigate this portal during this time, we’re invited to tap into the profound wisdom and symbolism of the number 9, and to cultivate compassion, empathy, and selflessness in our lives.
The combined energies of the 1:9:9 portal and the 2025 number 9 vibrations create a powerful synergy that amplifies our capacity for humanitarianism and global awareness. This synergy inspires us to contribute our unique gifts and talents to the greater good, using our skills and abilities to make a positive impact on the world. Today’s 1:9:9 portal will be mirrored and energetically connected with the 9:1:9 portal of September 1 later in the year.
As we journey through this portal, we’re encouraged to release outdated patterns, relationships, and limitations that no longer serve us. This process of release and transformation supports our spiritual growth, awakening, and evolution, allowing us to emerge stronger, wiser, and more compassionate. We are embodying higher frequencies of consciousness expansion, we are becoming less dense so more Light can be anchored within our cells.
In order to fully integrate the energies of the 1:9:9 portal, it’s essential that we detox our emotional life and release the past. This means letting go of old wounds, resentments, and fears that have been holding us back. As we release these emotional toxins, we create space for new, uplifting energies to enter our lives, allowing us to embody the compassion, empathy, and selflessness that are at the heart of the 1:9:9 portal.
The first 11 days of 2025 offer a unique opportunity to harness the energies of the 1:9:9 portal and set a positive tone for the rest of the year. By focusing our intentions, releasing the past, and embracing the present moment, we can align with the transformative energies of this portal and co-create a brighter, more compassionate future for all.
As we navigate the 1:9:9 portal, we may experience a range of physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms. These can include feelings of fatigue, dizziness, or disorientation as our energy fields adapt to the new frequencies. We may also experience vivid dreams, increased sensitivity to our surroundings, or a heightened sense of intuition. Emotionally, we may feel a sense of restlessness, anxiety, or emotional release as we confront and clear outdated patterns and limitations. By acknowledging and working with these symptoms, we can facilitate a smoother transition and integrate the transformative energies of the 1:9:9 portal.
On this portal symbolizing global awareness and a wider humanitarian higher perspective, may those affected by the devastating California fires and other challenging events in other parts of the world be wrapped in love, comfort, and support during these challenging times. May they emerge stronger and more resilient as they rebuild, heal, and rebuild a lighter future.
Many of you are now realizing the profound impact of shifting personal, and planetary collective timelines. As we continue transcending our three-dimensional plane, and all the traumas we experienced in this realm, we can feel challenged beyond our human understanding, as moving into the fifth-dimensional soul levels can be testing and difficult, at this time.
Your bodies are shifting into a totally new frequency, moving into new dimensions never experienced before, getting accustomed to sounds, ways of being, and thinking that are new to you. Your body is being recalibrated, readjusted, and completely shifting, at a quantum level, even though we believe we are the same person, we are not.
Many of you will feel the tremendous effect it has on your emotional bodies, for you are still coexisting at times with unconscious acts and situations, while you retrieve higher levels of consciousness, love, and power.
Choosing to evolve at a soul, physical and quantum level, is not an easy task, as we are literally leaving behind everything we used to be, and know. We leave behind people, that even if living in the same city we will no longer cross paths with, for even though we have the physical illusion of living in the same place, we are not any longer, for many dimensions are coexisting within the same ones that are intertwined. We have left behind old layers of our egoic self, feeling the disconnection from who we used to be, for it used to be a big part of us.
We are not leaving behind anything that belonged to us, for we are not our egos but souls on a path of conscious remembrance and integration. As we continue balancing our ego, grief can surface as part of our inner work of leaving behind an old self, habits, relationships, and everything we consider to be a part of ourselves and our lives.
Understanding grief when we move into higher levels of consciousness, and supporting ourselves at a mental, emotional, and physical level is key not to fall into old patterns or escapism through addictions and other extreme feelings that may arise too.
In these stages of detachment from an old self, dissociation can occur. Dissociation and Divine Neutrality are close, but they are not the same, and we need to be careful not to fall into the first one, as it does not only involve looking at everything from an outer perspective but also dissociating from it. We need to remember that all we have been and experienced is, or was, a part of us, accepting, embracing, and surrendering to all that we are, and have ever been.
We need to understand that denial of the truth of what we are feeling and experiencing is another egoic trait we need to avoid, embracing our feelings, from a higher and compassionate perspective, for us not fall into dissociation or other patterns that deny what we are living, not to experience suffering, and therefore the mental transformation we are here to pass through, if we are willing to evolve.
Pain, when embraced, is our best teacher. Letting go is part of our nature and the only thing that can help us embrace who we are becoming, surrendering to our feelings, completely.
As our ego dies, so to speak, we will embody our Divinity, feeling at Home again and whole, in alignment with who we truly are and our purpose. It is then that all anger, denial, and resistance cease, moving into a more peaceful and loving state of being.
Learning mechanisms to focus on love, gratitude, and retrieval of joy is key to helping us move through these stages many are experiencing now, for it is part of the natural metamorphosis that we, as ascending souls, have to experience.
Soul retrieval is key to working on forgiveness, retrieval of wholeness, and peace. Nervous system correction, DNA rehabilitation, and other psychological tools to help your mind refocus and heal, as well as physical ones, such as sound, and acupuncture to release physical blockages or quantum healing, will help you to retrieve your well-being.
As we focus on love, joy, peace, and harmony, our frequency rises and we detach from lower feelings, thoughts, and non-benevolent influences these feelings attract.
Above all, be compassionate with yourself on this journey to become who you are, for each stage brings a challenge, but also a blessing, a gift in disguise we need to uncover and embrace.
To all of you who are passing through these ego dissolution phases, and timelines shift, all my love and strength to continue shining your Light, while you too transcend an old reality.
May you always remain in your Higher Illumined Hearts, Beloveds.
Within me there is great peace, and the inner knowing that all is ok, and all will be ok.
No matter what is seemingly happening on and in the Old Earth, all is on track.
We have fully stepped into multi-dimensionality, and this means our souls are now operating on expanded levels, whether we are aware of this or not.
Our souls can be on many universal levels at once, and this means that we need to now become conscious of this, and choose to be on this earth, but not of it.
In truth all brings you back to Love. Love within, all abiding, as the Kingdom of Heaven is indeed there within you, and you are omniversally always atone.
Once we fully embrace Universal consciousness, we know for sure, that we can consciously choose every breathing moment whether we wish to expand into multidimensional seeing, or shrink ourselves back into the 3D, unconscious. Fear is unconscious and causes stress, closing the heart. The choice is yours.
Many of us are serving on intergalactic levels, and know this.
It puts things into perspective.
Yes we can feel empathy, yet always have the higher perspective, and be ever present in the highest state of Love. You need not be physically in a place, to project, send out love and light to others all over the world. Many of us are already bilocating and acting as earth angels there.
Nothing is ever missing.
All is perfect, whole and complete.
And nothing is impossible. That word does not exist in universal consciousness, for the seeming impossible is just something within you, you have not yet explored and expanded into.
Let us stay centered in love and lift humanity through this all, even as we cocreate the New Golden Age with Love and Joy!
Is Birthing Much Insights, As We Observe And Co-Exist Amongst The Natural Botanical Ecosystems Of Our Planet.
A Balance That Is Always Evolving And Changing As The Planetary Alignments Of Light Coexist In A Balance Of Many Influences. Of Light And Energetic Formations Uprising In The Present Moment.
An Evolutionary Display Of Co-Adapation, Evolution In This Now Moment Of Light
For The Planetary Momentum Of Gaia Is Uprising
As We Observe, Feel And Play In The Light Synergy Of Now
As We Adjust And Assist Others With The Light Changes Before US
I Send Infinite Love And Blessings To Everyone In LA Who Is Affected By The Fires
May Waves Of Peace And Healing Support The Journey Ahead.
Sending much love xoxo
Today’s image highlights the great diversity of light. The sheer magnificence of our planet and the complexities of light that is before us.
Have you forgotten who you are? The flame inside you that stems from the dawn of time is waking up the ancient powerful soul that you are. Blueprints of mastery are lighting up the love and wisdom you hold. The truth of who you are is being revealed. This is an evolution into a higher frequency where you are free from the timeline of energy vampires. Healing and peace are here. Connect with water and the crystalline body to assist with these upgrades. This is an opportunity of great blessings and answered prayers. Keep going.
On Thursday, January 9th, we start the day with the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, in earth sign Taurus. She will connect with Uranus, the Great Awakener, perhaps bringing some revelation regarding a stubborn pattern that we have been carrying around with us for some time. Also while still in the sign of the Bull, Luna will make positive sextile aspects to Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, and Mars, ruler of the physical realm. This provides an opportunity to step into the energy of the “Spiritual Warrior” if we so choose. At 8:07pm EST the Moon will transition into air sign Gemini.
From here she connects with Pluto, the Transformer. Powerful transmutation on an emotional and mental level are at work. And, finally, we end the day with Luna, still in the sign of the Twins, creating a difficult inconjunct connection to Mercury, the Messenger, who just entered practical Capricorn yesterday. This may cause challenge with our thoughts and perceptions, and for some of us may provoke interesting dreams. Do what you can to stay grounded, as we are moving closer to the Full Moon’s energies early next week!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, in earth sign Taurus
Sun in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries – The emphasis on Capricorn energy encourages us to focus on responsibilities and commitments, structure and accomplishment. But the strain is beginning to show. Sometimes it feels like there’s too much to handle or we’re not living up to what is expected of us. Chiron’s painful square pokes holes in our plans, fuels doubt, plays on perceived limitations, downplays strengths. Yet if we listen carefully, maybe what Chiron is really asking is, why are you pushing yourself so hard?
You can be strong without being strong all the time. You can be weak without weakness being a fault. You can be wrong without it damaging your credibility or authority – own your mistakes. You can be suffering yet still manage life effectively. You can be both courageous and scared at the same time. You can lose yet still come out on top. Contradiction is part of being human. Listen to your body. Make time for relaxation. Be open to instruction from Spirit.
‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its keywords are ‘Define, Measure and Form’. We are on the fourth day of the Blue Night wavespell of dreaming and so, today we must take a closer look at these dreams. Pay attention to the details. Modify if necessary but don’t forget to be honest in your appraisal. Because today’s number four energy entails the inspection of details, we may find ourselves at the center of the scrutiny. This is because we can direct the measuring inwardly. It’s perfectly OK to allow yourself to have this inner dialogue. You may learn something new, but just don’t be too critical.
Today is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Equality and Opportunity’. The Worldbridger provides opportunities to cross bridges and when you think about it each night as we dream, we are indeed crossing over to a different state of consciousness. How then do we bridge the gap between dreaming and reality? We must build bridges not burn bridges, if we want our dreams to come true. As it is a ‘Self Existing’ day, the way we do this is by paying attention to the details and following the clues. As it is such a detailed oriented theme today, we may find ourselves looking closer to issues like death and our own mortality. These deeper introspections are totally normal and Worldbridger encourages such reflection. After all, death is just the other side of the last bridge we cross.
The Guide today is White Wind, the communicator. Our words guide us today and so speak before you act. Conversations can yield vital information which will greatly help today’s detailed analysis. When the Windy Wind guides, you can expect to be blown around or blown away. Words have the power to change your life and on a day such as this, the words that change – should be read very carefully.
The Challenge today is Yellow Warrior. Going on a quest today and wielding your willpower may be difficult, so being patient is your only option. In other words, don’t be pushy as that method won’t work well today. If you are a Yellow Warrior, using your intelligence or asking questions is pointless. Put down your sword and wait it out until tomorrow.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Vision and Creativity’. When in the magical position, the Eagle offers insights into how to use magic in a creative way. The visions available to us today reveal secrets of the Occult which will help us cross over the bridge.
The Ally is the Red Skywalker who symbolizes thinking outside of the box. If you need a completely different perspective today – ask a Skywalker. Their viewpoint is often refreshing and can help you see things in a different light! If you can’t locate the bridge that you want to cross, Skywalker recommends you take an entirely different approach.
MANTRA I DEFINE in order to EQUALIZE Measuring opportunity I seal the store of Death With the Self-existing tone of form I AM guided by the power of Spirit
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority 2-Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 186 = 15 = 6 – Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony
A DIVINELY MAJIKAL day of endings and new beginnings, leaving the PAST behind as we step through the doorway into the New time. Today we are DEFINING the New Dream.
Today’s code is important as we are stepping on the RAINBOW BRIDGE to the NEW WORLD we are constructing and walking through the STARGATES to 5D NEW EARTH.
9 moons ago – Last Galactic spin – KIN 186 occured on a SCORPIO FULL MOON when we were thrust into the underworld and then rose again as the PHOENIX.
These themes apply today through the worldbridger – DEATH and endings!
Day 4 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE. Where we are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality!
Today we are defining the DREAM in order to build a solid foundation for PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE!
SELF-EXISTING – Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form and we have ourselves a square shape.Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.
Tone 4 is the tone of NIKOLA TESLA who was a BLUE SELF-EXISTING NIGHT. Today we have a 9.9. Destiny code which activates the TESLA manifesting majik… Tone 4 gives you the superpower to VISUALIZE and IMAGINE your creations in your MIND’S VISION and IMAGINE it into existence. Very potent CREATION power.
Today we are using our MINDS to anchor our Dreams. We are defining how we can access and manifest this new world with greater Abundance in our lives. Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of DIVINE ALCHEMY and majikal manifestations by building your rainbow bridge to new realms.
Today’s question is “How can I totally SURRENDER and LET GO of the old world, allowing Spirit to guide me in FORMing our brilliant New ABUNDANT world together?”
It is time to BOLT over that Rainbow Bridge
Divine blessings for BUILDING the foundation of our new RAINBOW bridge to BLISS!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WORLDBRIDGER– CIMI Seals the store of Death! The DEATH of the old paradigm!! CIMI asks you to LET GO and SURRENDER your old world of poverty, scarce-city and suffering. Defining Death and honouring the death of the old. Recognizing and honouring the suffering that we have all experienced in order to bring us to this point.
The scorpionic – themes govern DEATH, REBIRTH and RESURRECTION as we rise like the PHOENIX from the ashes – ready to take FLIGHT. We have a double 9 gateway today bringing COMPLETION and ENDINGS – leaving the PAST BEHIND US.
These energies will bring up our SHADOW and illuminate what we need to FORGIVE and integrate in order to RISE up LIGHTER and BRIGHTER to make the new CONNECTIONS.
Today we are releasing all energies attached to the negative thoughtforms in the MIND, that may seek to limit the ABUNDANCE in our lives. This FREES us to build the Rainbow bridge to the new world. Laying the foundation for unlimited happiness and prosperity, allowing our wonderful Dreams to take FORM in our present reality.
WORLDBRIDGER brings new opportunities today through connection and networking with others. Exchanging knowledge, ideas and resources to create something NEW and exciting. Build the BRIDGE to the world you WANT to LIVE in! Keep your focus on where you WANT to be!
Tap into the TESLA MAJIK – to MANIFEST your DREAMS today!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIND IK the WHITE WIND communicates messages from Spirit. Self-Existing defines form, as we use our minds to define the process of in-tuition. Through our Spirit we quietly construct, define and design the coming world. In this world is our freedom.
When our minds are OPEN and hollow, freed from the old constructs and paradigm, free from judgement, criticism and bias, we make space for new thoughts and ideas. We become pure unadulterated channels of divine energy, the Angelic messengers of Spirit. Divine HU-mans constructing our Earthly experience.
Spirit is the higher guide today, and the supporting energy for the WHOLE of this GALACTIC YEAR, bringing forth the DIVINE PLAN for humanity through the collective consciousness. Each day the presence of Spirit in each soul, is growing greater, as the LIGHT spreads throughout the HEART and MINDS of men.
The SELF-EXISTING wind enables us to have DIVINE POWER to construct our DREAM life and DREAM WORLD as cocreators with Spirit. The 9.9 double DESTINY code will enable more CLARITY regarding your DIVINE MISSION – tune in and ASK to be shown how you may SERVE in a greater capacity.
Today is a brilliant day to LISTEN to the whispering of the WINDS of change. Allowing Spirit to take over the reins and guide you to new undiscovered lands of plenty. TRUST that Spirit is the higher power supporting your new bridge and providing for all your needs to manifest your Dreams.
Channel, pray, meditate, sing, and dance as you follow the Yellow Brick Road to the riches of the Emerald city. Open your EARS, your MIND and HEART and SURRENDER to the voice of Spirit.
SUPPORT: RED SELF-EXISTING SKYWALKER– BEN the GALACTIC EXPLORER leads us into new realms, new possibilities and new opportunities today. Accessing the collective unconscious DREAMING that we are all involved in, to provide greater SPACE for endless BLISS to flow in. The process of not landing anywhere, or attaching opinions to what we see in the passageway between worlds, but to merely be the witness to all that passes through us.
Today we are SURRENDERING to the total expansion of the Heavens within you, in order to build a divine foundation for your wonderful new life to take form. SURRENDER to the NEW.
BEN beckons us to be the human conduits, the pillars joining Heaven and Earth and manifesting EDEN in our lives.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE PLANETARY EAGLE– MEN gives us the power to SEE with great clarity today, in all directions of time. Allowing the most enlightening VISION of PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE for all beings, to define our planetary Dream.
The PLANETARY EAGLE elevates our focus to that of our entire global family and planet, with the added SUPERPOWER of MANIFESTATION, granting us the ability to MANIFEST the bigger picture for our world.
Today we have the PLANETARY EAGLE, the 4 tone of FORM a 10.10 manifesting code and the BLUE NIGHT GENIE/Abundance power
What do you desire to MANIFEST into FORM????
Whatever we can SEE and IMAGINE with our MINDS we can CREATE! What a SUPERPOWER
Our collective MIND is being upgraded to CREATOR mode! Yippee MASS MANIFESTATION of our collective DREAMING.
BLUE EAGLE asks us to TRUST in the HIGHEST VISION, that has always guided our Ancestors, to LEAD their people into a New World foretold by their prophecies. Knowing that the future cycles have already been “written” in our Planetary Akashic records.
Allow BLUE EAGLE to reveal the elevated VISION possible for you today.
SEE THE BIG PICTURE of your Divine Destiny plan.
Broaden your Horizons and allow Spirit to be the wind beneath your wings!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING WARRIOR– CIB gifts us today, with the ability to fearlessly QUEST-I-ON all that is disharmonious, and ONLY accept what is for our HIGHEST good. Questioning what transpired throughout history, that defined our collective Dreaming. Questioning the illusion broadcasting through mass media, and seeking to SEE the undercurrent of TRUTH at the core of the issue. Rejecting what is false, chaotic and discordant, and not in alignment with our new Divine Harmonic Matrix.
Our RAINBOW WARRIORS have the GIFT of FUTURE VISION supported by the PLANETARY EAGLE, revealing the path ahead.
We are allowing our intelligence to explore OUTSIDE of the BOX, in order to fashion and use our own free will, to co-create the most divine future possible. Staying fearlessly focused on the highest potentials, of co-creating the NEW TIME with our tribes. Showing up, being READY and totally committed to accomplishing the NEW.
Our free will is guiding us all, on our QUEST back to the elegant design of the Harmonic Matrix.
The higher intelligence of CIB aligns with BLUE EAGLE today. This brings much wisdom, to rise above the old ways and close the door to the old world, fearlessly moving forward. HALLELUJAH it is TIME!
So precious Soul-ar StarBliss Supernova Suns, today we LET GO and LET GOD. SURRENDER your old definition of your life, and our world, as Gaia terraforms our planet, to redesign a new more spacious and joyous existence for us all!
Today’s question is “How can I totally SURRENDER and LET GO of the old world, allowing Spirit to guide me in FORMing our brilliant New ABUNDANT world together?”
It is time to BOLT over that Rainbow Bridge
Divine blessings for BUILDING the foundation of our new RAINBOW bridge to BLISS!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 5th through 11th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation for the January 11th Ascension Gateway
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Find a quiet space where you can focus without distractions. Sit comfortably with your spine straight and feet grounded. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and center yourself in the present moment.
*”Beloved Source of All That Is,
I call upon the Infinite Light of the Divine to flow through me now.
I invite the presence of my Higher Self,
The Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Galactic Guides of Light,
To assist in the full activation of my Lightbody.
Through this sacred invocation, I open my heart,
To receive the highest frequencies of love, truth, and ascension.
I ask that all lower energies, distortions, and blockages be transmuted
By the Violet Flame and replaced with divine clarity and pure light.
Beloved Light of the Cosmos,
Awaken the crystalline codes within me.
Activate every cell of my being to vibrate in harmony
With the 5D and higher dimensions of unconditional love and unity.
I call upon the golden rays of Christ Consciousness,
The diamond rays of purity,
And the rainbow frequencies of transformation
To illuminate my energy field, anchoring my Lightbody fully in this now moment.
With gratitude and reverence, I affirm:
I am a radiant being of light.
I am aligned with my highest timeline.
I embody my divine essence and walk my path in service to the collective ascension.
So it is, and so it shall be.”*
After the Invocation
Spend a few minutes in stillness, breathing deeply and visualizing your entire body surrounded by a luminous, crystalline light. Feel your vibration rising as the light integrates fully into your being.
You may choose to repeat this invocation regularly to deepen your connection to your Lightbody and accelerate your ascension process. 🌟
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