You are currently viewing Transmission from the Pleiadian Sisters ~ Pivotal Moment of Awakening * It Is Done For Freedom ~ LIVING MOMENT WALKING IN FAITH
planet of freedom and liberation

Transmission from the Pleiadian Sisters ~ Pivotal Moment of Awakening * It Is Done For Freedom ~ LIVING MOMENT WALKING IN FAITH

Transmission from the Pleiadian Sisters ~ Pivotal Moment of Awakening * It Is Done For Freedom ~ LIVING MOMENT WALKING IN FAITH




Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Galactic Guardians of our Beloved Terra Nova Gaia

All our Sacred Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are receiving crystal clear clarity about their Higher Purpose and Divine Missions and roles in our Operation Freedom Earth.

Mother Earth and all her Children of the Sun are being enveloped in Gamma Liquid Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light as our local Soualris continues to pour forth Cosmic Rays of Pure Light sending out 6 C Class Soular Flares today and 3 more intense M Class Flares with the most powerful peaking at M 4.9 at 19:38 UTC.

We are still receiving the Fire Goddess Energies from yesterdays full supermoon in aries as we burn from the shamanic fire from within as all that no longer serves self and the collective purge from all systems and we rise like the Phoenix from the ashes and into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.

In the Power of Merlin and all our Galactic Wizards It is time to rise in the Honor and Glory as Kings and Queens of our Dragon Nation of the New Avalon Manifestation…A’Ho!








I’ve been seeing the transitioning of new earth for years ❤️ since 2012. when you realize you’re a multi-dimensional being, & you understand what this means, you are able to see things very differently than those who have not yet realized this.
Happy grandest risings Earth Angels.
Enjoy all of the brand new energies and don’t listen to any naysayers or fear mongering.
We are all exactly where we are supposed to be.
The Mother Drum Pounds Deep
Reverberating Freedom Through
The Densest Realm
Insisting Upon Release Of Everything
We Have Used To Stabilise And Strenghten
In Times Of Survival
These Foundations Are Impeding
The Rising Of Her World
Which Is Based On Love Alone
Earthquake Within The Body
Know This Pressure Will Allieviate
It Is Done For Freedom
It Is Done For Freedom
It Is Done For Freedom
We are living in a pivotal moment of awakening, where the light is expanding and higher frequencies are flooding the Earth. Every day, we are being called to step up, release old patterns, and align with our soul’s true purpose.
This journey is not always easy, but it’s necessary. The shifts you are experiencing—the moments of challenge, the bursts of clarity—are all part of the process of becoming who you truly are. As we release the old, we make space for the new, for the incredible light that is available to each of us.
Remember, you are never alone on this path. We are all moving through this ascension together, supported by the energies of the Earth, the cosmos, and the guides that walk with us. Trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should.
Take time today to ground yourself, call in your light, and feel the support of your Soul Tribe around you. The more we connect to our higher selves and to each other, the stronger we become.
We are the change!!

Channeled message and transmission from the Pleiadian Sisters:

“Hello Beloved, we greet you from the realms of light. We surround you now with our love…
(I have a visual sense of a blue-white radiant light that feels clarifying & uplifting. It’s as though I am in the centre of this light & my Pleiadian sisters are gathered around me & forming the perimeter of what appears as a rose light form).
Feel this light, like waves of clear, purifying water washing over you; like a bright light being switched on in your energy field; like a cosy feeling of simple loving presence, like family. All these things represent the quality of this light, as it unfolds in your awareness.
Your heart remembers this light: it is the light of home. Your mind recognises this light: it is the light of truth. Your body knows this light: it is the light of life – pure & bright.
Allow yourself to tune in ever more deeply, beginning to integrate this light into your being on all levels. Sense this. It is like an energy of refreshment & illumination. It feels like summer – full of hope & unfolding joy, freedom and clarity. It is both calming & energising, creating a beautifully awake, alive, flowing experience within the body & energy field. Enjoy this. Life is flowing. You are awake. Let it be simple. Let this energy ground into the here & now, into all the so-called ‘ordinary’ moments of your everyday life (yet beloved, there is nothing ‘ordinary’ about Earth plane living! We are filled with love & wonder for the Earth experience. Many of us have lived it. Treasure it, dear ones).
As this light integrates into your mind, sense a lightening within your energy – as though life somehow feels brighter now. There is a glow, a ‘shininess’ to it. Perhaps there is even a sense of gentle excitement about each step to come.
Please accept this gift from our hearts to yours. We have so much love for you & for the Earth Mother. And it is our deep joy to share & assist in this great journey. Blessings.”
Pleiadian Sisters
Pleiadian Sisters


10/18/24: The fulfillment of emptiness…the release and relief, the freedom, the peace of expansive inner space. The sweet surrender. This is today’s offering. This is October’s dream for you. The world, the drama, the busyness, the stuff still happening but the inner sanctum is sacred. Today is the pinnacle and the point of power. Within your grasp, within you… inextricably connected with Divine Light and Love.
sweet surrender
sweet surrender


OCTOBER 18 2024


”The Twin Flame Pendulum is connected to One’s karmic liberation, inner syn-chronisation and completion in the Quantum.
All the clocks must be coordinated for it to do its magic!
For this the appropriate inner work must have been done.”
This is a great work and a very demanding one BUT when accomplished, all doors open.
The Twin Flames have arrived.
Now everything is a matter of syn-chronization via self knowing, love and honesty.
The Kundalini is undergoing a great transformation.
This is a very demanding and critical point!
All blind spots are going to be seen.
All karmic limitations and codes too.
Karmic balances must be met and neutralised.
The difficulties are tendencies of previous sufferings and internal conflicts.
Now is the time to deal with the past and carve out a new life.
Eyes on all the targets, the true ones, not those of refraction and inner deception.
Do not build on the old because you will see it coming down like a paper tower.
Let your spirit soul and body be aligned first.
Blessings of karmic liberation!
🙏🏼❤️🌟💎 ⚕️❇️
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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Aurora Ray

Unraveling Earth’s Ancient Origins: Our Cosmic Connection

Let’s go on a fascinating journey through time to explore the history of our planet and the incredible link it shares with Pleiadian ancestors.

Pleiadian ancestors were like special guides who helped create worlds and civilizations with their love and creativity. Remarkably, they are also part of our family tree, as they passed down their DNA to become our ancient relatives.

Acting like cosmic architects, these Pleiadian ancestors spread light and knowledge across the universe, and amazingly, their legacy lives on within us through our DNA.

Imagine Earth as a unique meeting place in the vastness of space. It’s like a bustling exchange center where different civilizations from galaxies near and far could connect and share their wisdom.

Earth’s strategic location, right on the edge of a galactic system, made it easily accessible for beings from distant galaxies to come and visit. The secret pathways known as way-portals allowed energies to travel swiftly through our space zone, forming cosmic highways that connect different parts of the universe.

In an extraordinary cosmic event, beings from distant galaxies hurriedly gathered on Earth. They wanted to leave their mark and look like us on this special planet. Leading this event were creator gods, skilled experts in genetics, and creating life.

They brought forth living beings and designed intricate patterns of existence. They were like master artists and scientists combined! They could weave together tiny molecules, giving them special codes and frequencies to bring new life forms into existence.

The creator gods designed various species, including humans and animals, using a magical blend of DNA. What made it even more fascinating was that sentient civilizations from different corners of the cosmos willingly contributed their DNA to become part of Earth’s incredible biodiversity.

Thanks to the expertise of these master geneticists, Earth became a melting pot of life and diversity.

As we travel further back in time, we discover the intriguing stories of ancient civilizations that once thrived on our planet. These highly advanced societies shared a strong connection with Pleiadians and their wisdom. They existed more than half a million years ago, leaving behind mysteries buried in the sands of time.

These ancient humans, much like us, were connected to the Pleiadian ancestors. Their DNA was intact, and they thrived on our planet, developing highly evolved ways of life. Imagine their magnificent cities and thriving communities, all existing in harmony with the natural world.

One of these remarkable civilizations is said to have existed in a far southern continent known as Antarctica. Buried beneath the icy surface, ancient ruins and remnants of a once-thriving civilization are believed to lie hidden. These remnants hold the key to understanding the sophisticated culture that once graced this ancient land.

Another enigmatic civilization is thought to be concealed beneath the layers of sand in the vast Gobi Desert of Mongolia. In this arid landscape, archaeologists and explorers have uncovered remnants of an advanced society that possessed knowledge and technologies beyond their time.

These ancient civilizations were not merely primitive tribes but societies of great intellect and spiritual awareness. They had a profound connection with the stars, understanding the cosmic forces that shaped their existence.

Their wisdom was immense, and their teachings were passed down through generations, carrying the knowledge of the Pleiadian connection. These ancient ancestors held sacred the balance between the physical and spiritual realms, recognizing the interconnectedness of all life.

However, as time passed, their advanced civilizations faced challenges and changes that altered their destinies. We may never fully understand the reasons behind their decline, but the echoes of their existence still resonate in the depths of history.

Yet, the legacy of Pleiadian influence persisted. As civilizations rose and fell, their DNA remained intertwined with Earth’s ever-evolving tapestry of life. It’s as if a cosmic thread connects us to our ancestors and their ancient ways.

As we continue our cosmic exploration, we come to realize that the story of Earth is an interconnected tale, interwoven with the light and love of Pleiadian ancestors.

Their gifts of knowledge and creativity have shaped our world, leaving us with a profound sense of wonder about the vastness of the universe and our place within it.

We love you dearly,

We are here with you,

We are your family of light,

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


Cosmic Connection
Cosmic Connection


For The Uprising Of Light Is A Quantum Experience Now Birthed In The Hu-man Experience.
As We Step Up To Intercept And Align With The Grand Fractualization Of Light Now Before US.
This Is A New Light Synchronisation Phase, Aligned To The Great Re-synchronisations of all Beings.
We Ask You To Breathe Into This Present Moment, As We Collectively Now Align With The Great Transponder of Change Beyond Your Individual Needs.
It Is A Collective Advancement Now Uprising, As You Align With The Greater Good Of Light.
Know This Light Is Nurturing The Cellular Expression of You. For The Returning To The True Source Of Light Creation Is Now Birthed Within You.
Activated Light Code Initiation…
Like The Birthing Of A Child, The Natural Body Reaction To Contractions, Are Electrically Driven Impulses Aligned To The Birthing Of Light.
These Electrical Impulses Can Be Described Like Our Physical Light Body Exchanges Causing Many Symptoms We Feel In The Physical Form.
We Breathe In The Light Of Now
Cellular Light Assimilation
Together In Light 💫
Cosmic Light Alliance
Karen Lithika
Message from Sananda
Message from Sananda


Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Since the Equinox, envious entities have been purifying for your healing, so you may have new emotionally fulfilling experiences. Continue leaving them all behind and receive your darma for all that obstruction. This includes completion of your inner re-Union. Help from the Solar Flares will complete clearing the energy body for your freedom to rapidly ascend and receive remuneration.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn



Divine Union
Divine Union
On Friday, October 18th, the Sun, ruler of the lens through which we shine our Light, currently in the relationship sign of Libra is creating an inconjunct to Uranus, planet of freedom and liberation, in grounded Taurus. This is about making adjustments between our need for partnership and togetherness vs. independence and self-sufficiency.
Can we have both? I believe we can. We just need to shift our mind-set and alter our perspective. We can enjoy connection with others, and also our own autonomy as well! Awaken to the possibilities!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
planet of freedom and liberation
planet of freedom and liberation
Lunar aspects. Saturn retrograde in Pisces square Pallas in Sagittarius. Hygeia retrograde re-enters Aries – After the loud, brash, heated Full Moon, we’re back down to earth, here on the ground, cheeks cooled by the dew, the scent of soil and grass and flowers caressing nostrils. Steady now, you’re safe here, held, secure. Just breathe, hum a little tune, roll over and cloud watch for a while. Let Hygeia work quietly on your energy levels. Let her wash you clean from life’s scrapes and bruises. Let her shore up your defences, quell your burnout, rekindle your enthusiasm.
Sometimes, it’s about being rather than doing, appreciating what you already have rather than fighting for more. Sometimes we just need to anchor ourselves in soul work so that we can see the patterns at work in our lives. Yes, we might want to resist messages from our dreams right now but in the end, the truth comes tumbling in on waves, eroding rocks made of old conditioning. And somewhere as the walls fall, an epic story emerges, and we wonder why we ever thought to try to hold back the tide.
Degrees and Times
Hygeia 00°Ta00′ – 01:53 (BST)
Saturn 13°Pi21′ R, Pallas 13°Sg21′ – 13:44 (BST)
Moon 13°Ta21′, Saturn 13°Pi21′ R – 18:12 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – At the seashore by Volodymyr Orlovsky
At the seashore
At the seashore


Kin 103 ~ Blue Crystal Night

‘Crystal’ is the name for the number 12 and its keywords are ‘Dedication, Cooperation and Universalize’. The 12th day of a wavespell is all about getting together with others, working in teams and being dedicated to the work you do together. We meet up here on the 12th day for Crystal Court, and we talk about the wavespell that is coming to an end and we speculate the meaning of the next one. Why not hold your own Court? You can get together with your friends who follow the calendar, it’s fun and you can help each other learn. I’ve been following this calendar system since 1999. I’ve been holding Court since 2017. My own understanding has come on by leaps and bonds because I have regularly shared my experiences. Furthermore, when we cooperate in this way, we gain a deeper understanding of who we are and how we relate to each other.
Today is Blue Night and it represents ‘Dreaming, Abundance and Intuition’. These days are very dreamy, and it’s a great time to take your dreams off the back burner and give them some attention. The Blue Night also brings abundance and so expect some to come your way. Practice saying ‘Abundance’ out loud because it’s a sure way to attract more – by showing you appreciate the abundance you already have. Try to consider that your glass is half full and not half empty. As it is a ‘Crystal’ day this suggests that abundance can be found by getting together with other folks. Talking about your dreams and aspirations as airing your ideas to other people, will give you insights and ideas you may not have considered on your own.
The Guide today is the Blue Eagle, the visionary. The Eagle invites you to see things from a higher vantage point and with this view you will have a greater understanding of what to do about your dreams. The Eagle also represents ‘Creativity’ suggesting that your best course of action is to come up with creative solutions.
The Challenge is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. The Blue Night is challenged by Skywalker because the Night wants to dream and the Skywalker represents ‘Wakefulness’. This symbolizes that you have to wake up to make your dreams come true. Perhaps your dreams have no realistic chance to come true and you need to ‘wake up and smell the bacon’. If you are a Red Skywalker, you may find today difficult, you may get frustrated by all the day dreaming that’s going on…when you just want to go exploring and have adventures.
The Occult Power is the White Mirror which represents ‘reflecting truth’ and when in the position of Magic, the Mirror can show you truths about magic and how best to see it. If you remain truthful in pursuit of your dreams, you’ll have a greater chance of success.
The Ally is the Yellow Warrior and so if you need assistance, it’s their job today to be there for others. They possess intelligence and ask a lot of questions. Warriors can help you determine which dreams are worthy of pursuing.
Kin 103
Kin 103



12 AKBAL- KIN 103
18 OCTOBER 2024
I DEDICATE in order to DREAM
Universalizing intuition
I seal the input of ABUNDANCE
With the Crystal tone of Cooperation
I AM guided by the power of VISION
18/10/2024 = 18/1/8 = 9/9 =18=9
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 103 = 4 Building a DIVINE Foundation
9.9.9. A DATE with DESTINY!
✨✨ Today heralds a CRYSTAL CLEAR VISION👁 of your Divine Service path to MANIFEST an infinite flow of ABUNDANCE!💰 💰💰
Day 12 in the YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance. Today we join with our kin to DREAM of a better way, through our WISER choices, guiding us to MANIFEST PLANETARY ABUNDANCE for HU-MAN-ITY!🌻💰🍥🎆
CRYSTAL 💎 Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. The CRYSTAL tone 12, is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm)
Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing any blocks to hearing and communicating DIVINE WILL, and today we are CLAIMING our collective DIVINE ABUNDANCE.
At the CRYSTAL 💎level of MIND we have the capacity to co-operate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. Focus on the CRYSTAL clarity of our minds today through the power of co-operation with others. We can create telepathic links in our communication grids allowing for cooperative thoughts, ideas and inspiration to flow. A day of greater CONNECT-I ON to each other and Mother Gaia!
Where is your MIND focused? Wherever your LENS is directed will AMPLIFY your manifestations.
BREAK THE CHAINS that have bound you to Scare-city, lack and suffering and fearlessly embrace the higher path.📈
Take the time today to focus on PROGRAMMING your MIND for infinite ABUNDANCE 💰💲💰💲💰 in our UNIFIED 👭👬👫 and PEACE🌼 filled Utopian World. 🌏🌎🌍
Today’s questions are “Am I READY to walk through the door to cocreate the GARDEN of EDEN with my kin?
Divine blessings for your SUCCESS and the rapid fruition of our PLANETARY DREAM!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
36 moons ago KIN 103 aligned with a POTENT 12/12 portal (on 12th December 2021)
9 moons ago we had a 31.13 MIRROR code activating our GENIUS to break out of the BOX and expand our influence out to the COSMOS! With the 4.4.4. code OPENING new doors to the DREAMTIME to walk into your NEW WORLD of plenty.
Today we have a TRIPLE 18 code and TRIPLE 9 Destiny code – more fuel for accelerated changes propelling us all forward on our Destiny path!
Your deepest desires and our PLANETARY DREAMING are accessible today through this gateway. A great day for UNEXPECTED funds to FLOW your way!
✨✨✨ It is also a VERY IMPORTANT DAY to DREAM OUR DREAMS INTO REAL-I-TY! Through this ARIES – Manifesting SUPERMOON gateway.
WOWEEE – what a DAY!! YEEEEE HAAAAA!!! 😄😃😅😍
HOLD THE VISION for HUMANITY to anchor our 5D DREAM through these potent gateways… every day our NEW WAY DREAMING is becoming more REAL in this realm!
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE CRYSTAL NIGHT 💎🌃💰 – AKBAL holds the codes for DREAMING, intuition and ABUNDANCE.💰💲
Today the DREAMS become CRYSTAL CLEAR – in our mind’s EYE.
The DREAMTIME is a dimension where we hold the VISION to create our current reality. The Australian indigenous people hold the dreaming codes for our entire planet. Their entire culture and storytelling is based on the DREAMTIME. They have existed continuously on our planet for over 65,000+ years and have been the original Custodians of Mother Earth and the DREAMTIME.
They speak of the great Rainbow Serpent 🌈🐍and through their Creation stories relate the history of mankind. If you have ever journeyed into aboriginal lore and experienced the Dreamtime, it is quite SURREAL! It feels like you have been drugged as you enter into a trance state 🙃😳 – without the need for any hallucinogens! The rhythm of dance/music – didgeridoo 🎶 coupled with the FIRE🔥 element, and tuning into the heartbeat❤ of Mother Gaia is the key to accessing this realm.
45 moons ago on KIN 103 ULURU was cleansed and ACTIVATED to release these DREAMING codes into creation. ULURU the Sacred Temple holding the codes for the 5D UTOPIAN DREAM 🐬🌴 was drenched with heavy rains🌧 activating our Planetary DREAM.
The numerous Waterfalls🚿 resulted in the waterholes at the base filling up providing a haven for the various life forms existing there – particularly the FROGS 🐸– that represent GOOD LUCK🍀 and prosperity. 🌻Their beautiful choir activated the song🎶 lines with this sudden burst of JOY from the HEAVENS! A very MAJIKAL sight indeed!
This MAJIKAL activation through the WATERS breaking at ULURU happened AGAIN 40 days AFTER this event!! On the 2ND NOVEMBER 2021 ULURU was again drenched with rain and her waterfalls were flowing once more. The waterholes contained these life enhancing waters, creating a haven for the Frogs🐸 to sing their song of ABUNDANCE once again.
And what do you think the DREAMSPELL code was on November 2nd 2021???? 🤔🤔🤔
Of course it was the day of AKBAL – the BLUE NIGHT! But this time it was the BLUE SPECTRAL NIGHT – KIN 63 – we had a DOUBLE BLUE NIGHT🌃🌃 energy LIBERATING💥💥 the planetary DREAM of ABUNDANCE.💰💰
Each BLUE NIGHT code every 20 days further unlocks our Planetary Abundance, drawing it closer into full realization. When the BLUE NIGHT synchronizes with ULURU’s waters breaking – not once but TWICE in 9 months – that is a profound SIGN that Mother Gaia 🌏 is b-Earth-ing our DREAM.
Let’s see if ULURU is activated AGAIN today through her cleansing waters.
NOTE: In 20 days time the BLUE RHYTHMIC NIGHT – KIN 123 (READY, SET, GO!) arrives on 7th November 2024. KIN 123 was the first AKBAL day that kicked off the YEAR of the DRAGON🌳🐉 in 2024 to BALANCE our ABUNDANCE.. so get ready to KICKSTART your DREAMS.. It is TIME to unlock the vault to the TREASURY.
NOTE: Australia holds the Solar Seal of the BLUE NIGHT on the Planetary Holon – and ULURU stores the codes to the DREAMTIME – Within this magnificent MAGNETIC MONOLITH is a doorway that leads to the Garden of EDEN.🍇🍉🍎🍒🍑🍐🍓 OUR 5D UTOPIAN DREAM has been kept safe for millions of years within Uluru’s Akashic records, waiting for this moment when humanity is READY to access this DREAM..
Today is a SUPERB DAY to CLAIM IT!!
What a WONDERFUL OMEN representing an outpouring of our imminent ABUNDANCE flowing. The DREAMSPELL GALACTIC Codex is a prophetic Calendar that reveals our Planetary G.P.S., not only does it reveal the path ahead, but it also divinely links to the past codes through portals and G.A.P. days – this is the power of this Harmonic tapestry weaving through spacetime!
The POWER of KIN 103 is accessed through UNITY and intuition. When we LINK the DREAMTIME 🌃 with the Crystal communication Grid 💎🌐 the messages are AMPLIFIED and ECHO, reverberating through the unconscious realms where Majik and Miracles exist.✨💫✨
The CRYSTAL tone brilliantly connects us all as ONE PLANETARY MIND into this Crystalline Grid🌐 so that we can each connect our jigsaw piece in the Dream puzzle that we are co-creating.. A HUGE transmitter is switched ON! Group meditations and connections are extra potent with these codes so the MANIFESTING POWER is exponential💥💥💥 especially in the moonLIGHT of an ARIES SUPERMOON. ..
The DREAMTIME is very REAL and holds incredible POWER, accessing infinite opportunities. It is a field where potential, past, and future are held in the same matrix as the present moment. In this space you can help to DREAM a different reality into being. ⚛✨⚛✨⚛✨⚛
Enter into the mystery of AKBAL where reality is actually created. In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger COLLECTIVE and PLANETARY dream that is emerging. By focusing on this creation, your thoughts and intentions are projected at superliminal speeds across the crystal grid network💎🌐 that encompasses universes.
This energetic field seeds, supports, and empowers the creation of an unfolding reality. When a critical threshold of energy has been focused on a clear intent such as collective ABUNDANCE🌻💰 or world peace,🕊 the underlying constructs of reality begin to SHIFT and a new reality begins filtering into human experience.
Excerpt from The Mayan Oracle – Ariel Spilsbury – Divine Gratitude 🙏❤🙏
✨✨✨GREAT CHANGE is seeded by conscious dreamers who understand and KNOW that they are co-creating the larger DREAM. Pay extra attention to your DREAMS today, and spend some time DAY-DREAMING😴💤 and LUCID DREAMING to energize your own personal DREAM and that of our united collective DREAM 🌈🌈🌈
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE CRYSTAL EAGLE 💎🦅👁– MEN What a BRILLIANT higher guide we have today! The CRYSTAL EAGLE has the most focused CLARITY than any of the other EAGLE kin.
The CRYSTAL💎 lens enables the acute vision of the EAGLE🦅 to be refined and MAGNIFIED, so you can access all realms, dimensions and states of MIND.
✨✨✨The CRYSTAL tone deftly guides you through the DREAMTIME realms – so your sleep state will be very potent in these 24 hours! ✨✨✨
MEN provides the PERFECT VISION to SEE the whole panorama. 🏔
✨✨✨To DREAM BIG, and DREAM for our WHOLE PLANET! ✨🌍🌎🌏✨
Step outside your bedroom and unite with your kin in our COLLECTIVE DREAMTIME to energize the GREAT DREAM for MAN-KIND! Total FREE-DOM, LIBERTY and unlimited CREATION abilities through our UNIFIED VISION!
✨ASK to see the clear path for your own personal success and abundance…what does that look like?🤔
The CRYSTAL EAGLE EYE will reveal ALL today. The power of FUTURE VISION is yours – where will you CHOOSE to focus your viewing lens?🔎
SUPPORT: YELLOW CRYSTAL WARRIOR 💎🌈 🏹– CIB the courageous and brave RAINBOW WARRIOR🌈 provides the support today for us all to FEARLESSLY claim our collective birthright for Collective Abundance and a peaceful Utopian world that we all desire.
The CRYSTAL NIGHT💎💰💲 will reveal the deep subconscious thoughts, FEARS and programs that have impeded the flow of our Personal and Planetary Abundance. The unworthiness, disbelief, disconnection from source, and scare-city, the shared collective program of LACK.
MYSTICAL WATER CAVES ✧ 417Hz ✧ Wipe Out Negative Energy from Inside & Out
The WARRIORS will band together to slash these FEARS out of our subconscious MIND, removing the need for unhealthy competitiveness and fighting over resources.
The RAINBOW WARRIORS 🌈🏹✨ will instill the necessity to WORK TOGETHER, to SHARE our resources, ideas and dreams. The more we UNITE – the more powerfully we collectively manifest the prosperity and happiness that is our BIRTHRIGHT.
Accept nothing less than this highest DREAM for our planetary kin. We have battled for too long and now we are claiming our VICTORY! A NEW WORLD AWAITS!💞🌏🌍🌎
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE LUNAR MIRROR 🌗🛡 – ETZNAB illuminates our VISION so that we can see TRUTH and have CLARITY in our DREAMTIME! The LUNAR MIRROR will reveal all that has been opposing the unfolding of our DREAM – both personally and collectively. The constant push-pull polarized dynamic, keeping us in poverty, lack and struggle will be revealed in order to be stabilized. It is time for the pendulum to swing to the other polarity so that Wealth, happiness and success will be the new order.
Only what is good for the Collective will hold. In this age of transparency,
and the wall of mirrors shall transform into a wall of CLEAR windows from which we can SEE the landscape beyond the horizon in all directions.
The VEIL has dissolved and the path is clear. Which road shall you choose, dear LIGHT holder? Choose the DIVINE path leading to LOVE, UNITY and SOURCE!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED CRYSTAL SKYWALKER 💎 ☁🚶 – BEN challenges us to be the Divine HU-MAN conduits that fully anchor and connect the pillars of Heaven💒 and Earth! 🌏🌎🌍
The CRYSTAL💎 tone enables BEN to have a CRYSTAL CLEAR connection to the pillars of HEAVEN💒 in order to bring forth this BLISS💞 we are collectively DREAMING into REAL-it-y.
BEN offers a very special GIFT and blessing for humanity today. We have all held the DREAM of creating Heaven on Earth💒🌎 deep in our DNA encoding and now is the TIME to believe and KNOW that by joining together through GAIA/s Crystalline Diamond Grid💎🌐 we can finally ACHIEVE that DREAM!
🎼Whenever I want you, all I have to do is Dream, dream, dream, dream. Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam. All I have to do is DREAM🎶
Blessed be beloveds,
BREAK THE CHAINS that have bound you to Scare-city, lack and suffering and fearlessly embrace the higher path.📈
Take the time today to focus on PROGRAMMING your MIND for infinite ABUNDANCE 💰💲💰💲💰 in our UNIFIED 👭👬👫 and PEACE🌼 filled Utopian World. 🌏🌎🌍
Today’s questions are “Am I READY to walk through the door to cocreate the GARDEN of EDEN with my kin?
Divine blessings for your SUCCESS and the rapid fruition of our PLANETARY DREAM!
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



🌕🌈 Prayer of Universal Love and Unity 🌈🌏

“Great Spirit, Creator of all that is,
Under the sacred arch of the prophetic Moonbow,
We gather as one, embracing both light and darkness.
We call upon the Blue Star Fire,
A celestial flame igniting love within every heart.
Awaken the love that sleeps within us,
Uniting the Star Family across the heavens.
Let us see all living beings as relations,
Interconnected in the web of life.
May the light and the darkness merge as one,
Teaching us that all is love, all is one.
Guide us to understand the unity of existence,
That in the harmony of opposites, we find peace.
Let love awaken in every soul,
Bridging divides and healing ancient wounds.
We honor the balance of all things,
The sun and the moon, the day and the night.
Help us to walk the path of harmony,
Embracing every part of creation with open hearts.
Great Spirit, let our hearts be vessels of your love,
Let us remember that we are all one family.
May our prayers rise like smoke to the sky,
Bringing peace and understanding to all.
Star Family
Star Family

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