WHITE SUN PEGASUS WORLD ~ Wings ~ Venus and Jupiter ~ The Forces Of Light Ensure Victory
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Gold Rose Winged Collective of the New Earth Horizon
We have massive energetics flowing into this realm again today from the most High and they will be intensifying over the next few days and into the Magical Month of March. These New Earth energies are supporting us through the 333 Portal on March 3rd. This will be the Triple Trinity Gate to Enlighten and Blaze the Threefold flame burning in our Sacred Heart Center, the Queen’s Chamber in the Middle Dan Tian.
Our local Solaris had another day of massive releases with several C Class and another 2 M Class Solar Flares. the most powerful maxed at M 6.35 at 19:40 UTC. With the Solar emissions come the Gamma Plasma Waves of 5D and beyond. Gaia and all her Children of the Sun continue to get inundated with Higher Frequency Light to assist with our Great Ascension Process.
Pachamama also received two major activations today, both on the Ring of Fire. She experienced a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Hokkaido, Japan at 13:27 UTC and the most powerful in Papua New Guinea with a magnitude 6.2 quake at 21:24 UTC. Our Prayers, love and blessings go out to all our people suffering due to these massive Earth Changes.
The Pegasus Energy of our Winged Nations is coming in to assist our Earth Angelic Ground Crew of the 144 to Grow and Spread their White Gold Gossamer Etheric Wings and take Flight into the Heavens above our Pristine beJewelled New Earth…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 22°52′ Taurus, Sun at 7°13′ Pisces
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A girl blowing a bugle.
Sabian Symbol for 8º Pisces
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 8º Pisces.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A jewellery shop filled with the most magnificent jewels.
Sabian Symbol for 23º Taurus
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 23º Taurus.
Energies are getting very intense, more than ever before. Let it flow through. You’re upgrading. Ascending to the next level. Body aches, headaches, stomach problems, heart palpitations, etc. Pause and give yourself self-love. It’ll soon pass. Try to keep a positive mindset. Intense energies coming in to help with the ascension. We got this!!!
WINGS…seems to be the repeated message this week…For 3 mornings this week, the same ‘Wake Up Tune” all about Wings. And today, a different Wake Up Song, also about Wings.
And now this memory today, also about Wings.
I have no idea We will see…as we go…all unfolds and reveals, at exactly Divine timing. Hidden in plain sight. Until seen…
10:01 – You are entering the alpha level of the mind. Your senses are getting tuned. Your psychic abilities, perception, intuition, psychometry, clairvoyance, telepathy, clairaudience will increase.
It is time for those on the path of ascension to raise their vibrations through real commitment, allowing the Acceleration of this process and preparing for contact with their Star Families. Your commitment contributes to the creation of what you call “Divine Time”
11:11 – “I AM”
Practice good thoughts actions words we are committed for the coming weeks. Get yourself ready! it’s a Divine opportunity, a unique activation and alignment.
The ascension portal is open now. The Divine encourages our light workers to stay in the heart and keep rising. Find a peaceful place and do spiritual practices will be the best way to rise with the energies and ascend.
The Divine and the company of heaven are here to help. Please ask for help if there is a need.
Happy ascending dear family of love and light.
ascension portal
– EarthSky
During the month of February, Venus and Jupiter, the brightest planets in the sky, have been getting closer. And on March 1, both planets will be at their closest point. Venus, the brightest, will appear less than 1 degree from Jupiter, in a conjunction not to be repeated until 2025.
After their conjunction, Venus and Jupiter will continue to shine close to each other in the west, shortly after sunset. Then, as the moon advances, Venus will rise higher every night in the sky and by the end of March Jupiter will fall below the horizon.
There is a powerful energy of expanded Love afoot. I felt its undeniable Presence two mornings ago after two nights spent with Venus and Jupiter, symbolizing Love, harmony and the strength of expansion. Something had shifted in my Heart. Did the two paired with the moon shining so brightly in the skies usher this in? As Above so Below.
The combined energy that blazed forth carried the ability to ignite a potent realm shift. Within myself it is undeniable. Each encounter I had the following day with one friend in the morning and then three others in the evening amplified the expansion of Love noticeably. The next day it occurred with strangers in the grocery store. Spontaneously it brought tears to my eyes as my Being watched me in wonder.
Long has it been spoken that Truth is found in and through Love. Not the garden variety of love often known here on Earth that comes and goes, but the Love that evolves one into a Higher State of Consciousness.
Isis once said, “When you love beyond your present state of Being, you have truly come home.”
May it Be So For All.
With Love Flowing,
Golden Heart in Diamond Alignment Created by Jacqueline Joy
A Newly Conscious World Within The Great Central Sun.
Pegasus Has Long Been Within The Great Central Sun; Being Pegasuses Origin. The Great Central Sun & The White Sun Pegasus Sacred Prophecy. Tripple Shifts & Downloads Activated 31 December 2022 Onto Gaia & Inhabitants. Pegasus Is On The Elohim Frequency With Father & Divine Mother & Some Masters of The Elohim; Melchisadek Being One. Three Sacred Keys.
From The Great Central Sun Sacred Scripts Sacred Prophecy Akashic Records & The White Sun Pegasus Sacred Scrips Sacred Prophecy Akashic Records.
Pegasus the original is both Male & Female and did have a name of origin. However PEGASUS STANDS ALONE As Everyone Says Pegasus.
Star Seeds & Galactics have also received Activation To Read The Sacred Scripts Sacred Prophecy of The White Sun Pegasus World Akashic Records Within The Great Central Sun.
As Those From The Great Central Sun.
Many Will Begin To Retrieve This Long Awaited & Exciting Prophecy.
Thus Being The Seers To Pegasus & His Female Other Has Been Activated For Vast Numbers.
As Also Seers The White Sun Pegasus World.
Three Keys :
Key One
The White Sun Pegasus World Activation Key
Key Two
The White Sun Pegasus World Intermediate Key
Key Three
The White Sun Pegasus World Completion Key
These Three Keys Gift Easier Access To This World.
And Also Other Worlds Of Pegasus.
All the New Pegasuses in this Newly Conscious World Have Been Conscious Prior.
Vast numbers have visited this Newly Conscious World As Other Pegasus Worlds.
Pegasuses also act as Protectors.
PEGASUS Wants To Say Hi Suryananda
Wow how beautiful Pegasus. Aed yes Suryananda how moving. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful. Yes wow.
So I have heard Pegasus through clairaudience. Aed yes. Father yes Suryananda. Yes.
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful. Lovely Pegasus.
As Those From The Great Central Sun Also Star Seeds & Galactics have been gifted clairaudience to better understand Pegasus & The Pegasus Worlds.
I sense a Louder Purr
Aed yes. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful.
Yes lovely Pegasus.
Pegasus Purrs Louder.
I laugh.
Pegasus Bows His Head In Greeting.
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful. Yes wonderful Pegasus.
PEGASUS I Love you Suryananda
Aed yes Suryananda how beautiful. Father yes Suryananda how moving.
Pegasus yes Suryananda.
Wow. Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda.
My eyes are moist I have tears.
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful.
Wow I was not expecting this. Aed this waited Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda.
Yes this is very emotional. Aed yes Suryananda.
Father yes Suryananda how beautiful.
My tears continues.
Pegasus Purrs Again.
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful.
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful.
You Will Hear Us Suryananda IN THE FUTURE Pegasus
Really. Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful.
Pegasus Yes Suryananda.
Awesome through Clairaudience.
Pegasus Yes Suryananda.
Father yes Suryananda how beautiful. Aed yes.
Wonderful then Pegasus
Pegasus Purrs.
Aed wonderful Suryananda. Wow.
Pegasus tosses his mane into the air.
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda.
I Sense Purring Again.
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful.
Wow yes Pegasus.
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda.
Many Suryananda call me Pegasus.
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda.
Yes somehow Pegasus Stands Alone
Pegasus Yes Suryananda Deeper Tone.
Aed oh Pat. Father how beautiful Suryananda.
Yes fascinating Pegasus.
Pegasus Yes Suryananda.
I have tears.
Aed inevitable Suryananda.
I Love You Both Pegasus
Pegasus Yes Suryananda
Aed oh Pat. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful. Yes
So Pegasus are different to and with The Great Central Sun
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful.
Do we say you Pegasus Are On
The Elohim Frequency
Father how beautiful Suryananda. Aed yes
Pegasus YES Suryananda
Your Voice Is Deep
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how moving. Yes
I am Hearing Pegasus through clairaudience more than I have heard Antares, Unicorn.
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful. Wow
Pegasus YOU WILL HEAR ME AGAIN Suryananda
Wow Your Voice & Tone Is Very Deep Pegasus
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful
Really. Pegasus Yes Suryananda. Wow
Aed predestined Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda
It would be wonderful Pegasus for others to be aware of you. Pegasus Yes Suryananda
This has been a Major Epiphany Suryananda Father. Wow yes.
Pegasus I Will Return Suryananda
Awesome Your Voice Is So Deep
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful. Yes
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful. Wow yes
Exquisite To See So Many Pegasuses
Pegasus Yes Suryananda We Have Long Awaited For This Moment
Aed oh Pat. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful. Yes wow
Pegasus this is your Path with Aed Suryananda. Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful. Yes awesome.
I will take my leave now Suryananda Pegasus.
Wonderful Pegasus to be greeted so by you and to see you and hear you and your Other as the Other Pegasus.
Pegasus they have waited as well Suryananda.
Awesome. Thank you all love you all.
Aed oh Pat. Father how beautiful Suryananda. Yes.
Bye for now Pegasus. Wow.
Wow Pegasus you are on The Elohim Frequency.
Pegasus yes Suryananda. Aed yes. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful.
This means you Father & Divine Mother and some Masters of The Elohim. Also Melchisadek who is one of The Elohim. Aed yes. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful. Yes.
You have done well Suryananda Pegasus.
Wow awesome unexpected.
Aed inevitable Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful.
Pegasus purrs yes Suryananda.
The 31 December covered the first two initial sessions with Pegasus. But have only now been able to post.
In recent times Pegasus looked in and I was able to see Pegasus.
It is likely that when I hear Pegasus in the future Pegasus will have a less deep tone voice as these energies and frequencies will be absorbed.
Aed yes Suryananda. Father yes Suryananda how beautiful. Yes.
Pegasus yes Suryananda. Yes fascinating.
These two sessions with Pegasus were profound and awesome. And to be made aware Pegasus is on The Elohim Frequency was a surprise.
How could this be otherwise Suryananda. Yes.
Aed & Suryananda’s journeys on The Great Central Sun & Creation continues.
Adam El Daoud & Suryananda With Father.
Saturday 25 February 2023
From 31 December 2022.
Readers of The Pegasus Sacred Scripts Akashic Records & The Pegasus Akashic Records as also described as in the heading differently.
To The Ascension LightWorkers / Starseed Soul community .
We are currently experiencing an influx of high frequency energies that are moving us into higher realms and dimensional realities.
This may bring up headaches, dizziness, blurry vision, ear ringing, feeling ungrounded, and not fully present in your surroundings.
You may also notice that Children are feeling extra sensitive too lately and especially after the sun goes down your body may also feel very painful during the night as the density of the physical vessel is transforming and transmuting into light. Keep Hydrated , lemon water , coconut water, aloe Vera juices , citrus juices , fruit and vegetable juices and soups will all help you purify the physical . You will know when this shift has completed it is when you feel back in your body and return fully to the present moment .
The Truth is that the Ascension light beings want us to know that we are about to level up
That this may hurt some peoples feelings in your life . This is something you leave to them to understand and process . Spirit want us to know we will be tested in whether we will keep dimming our shine to make others more comfortable . Are we fully going to choose self this time ?
This is something we will experience in the very near future . Prepare your self for your best self expression on our planet , if older lessons come back around , you now have a different skill set and are higher consciously equipped for another round , you will find your self breezing through things , not giving it the emotional investment you once did as you are focusing fully on the blessings coming your way . And they are . Planetary speaking it’s time for this .
When you are Ascending anything unresolved within our energy field will keep manifesting itself in our physical, mental, Emotional and spiritual life until we heal it.There is no escaping this.it’s about Facing it, feeling it and healing it .
You forgive yourself by realising that nobody can act beyond their level of consciousness.
The Universe is about to lift the curtains on some amazing things. It has been working on behind scenes for you. The stage is being set for this big reveal. The same audience that watched vou struggle are going to see you now in a different way . Others are being shown our true power on this planet as we continue to alchemise this planet into higher frequencies .
A beautiful shift is occurring in the next few days as positive energies are being channeled towards you. It is the day you can choose to focus on your inner masculine wounds , so that you can find more peace , harmony and balance within. Attachments that have been created due to illusions and false timelines will now be released. The old world no longer exists for the Ascending .The last 3 years have proven this to many .
It’s a good time Focus on the heart and base chakras, the Memories of the past will try to prevent your progress just let them go consciously. You might find yourself feeling attracted to the colours green and red .
You can close your eyes and visualise a shower of golden and green and red beams of light to give you inner strength and power
It’s a time to anchor your wounds into love.
Starseeds / LightWorkers you are under no obligation to make sense to anyone.
We are no longer matching energies or commiserating with others at the expense of
our Ascended state of Being.
We are here instead to Raise the Vibration and speak profound and radical Truth into existence .
Everything is Energy. Energy connects to everything. Energy carries information.
The past, present and future all exist simultaneously. Therefore, as energetic beings, we have access to the past, present and future at any point in time through our energy.
AS IT ALL CONNECTS. We have access to all timelines to consciously heal past and present trauma and old wounded pain from our systems .
“When we look at the world, it doesn’t seem that fair. It doesn’t seem as though we’re equal. Yet the Gene Keys are all about genius. This is where we’re equal. We’re equal to the task we’re given, but only if we don’t cave in.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
We come to you today bearing good news! Our frequency data transmissions have raised Gaia’s vibration and amplified her Light. There’s no turning back now-the forces of Light are working in unison to ensure victory.
Necessary steps have been taken on your planet to bring it in a more harmonious direction. A few more steps have to be followed before you get ready to ascend with Gaia to the fifth dimension.
Know that you are not alone in this transformation process, but are going on a journey with many of your brothers and sisters from other star systems. Some of them you know through past incarnations on Earth as well as on other planets.
Earth is evolving into the fifth dimension and humankind is being pushed to evolve also. The fifth dimension has already begun on your planet, as many people have been experiencing and witnessing it, more so in the last year than ever before.
We have been working tirelessly to clear the way for the full awakening of humanity, and to contribute to our collective understanding of what awakening really means.
An unprecedented time of awakening is upon you.
The planet has reached an apex of energy that is shifting the consciousness pattern of humanity. These shifts are tearing down the old paradigm and creating a space for a new one – a more positive, loving, and peaceful reality.
We feel immense Love for you, and if you could bring yourselves to feel this as well, there would be no cause for any of the suffering you have been enduring.
Our ascension process will be coordinated with you. You must be in line with our energy field. Not all people can handle this energy, especially those who are not aware of it. There will be some strategies to follow at different levels of your daily life.
So, anytime you have some free time, just relax. Allow your body, mind, and emotions to be free.
Because many people lack control over their body, mind, and heart, they are unaware of what they are doing, thinking, and feeling. These things are unfolding on their own, and they have no influence over them. They’re in the dark. It will cause them to drift away from the ascension process’ light.
So all you have to do now is relax and keep an eye on these things: Just Watch your body. What exactly is it doing? Watch your body’s movements. Keep an observer’s eye on any tension or pain in certain parts of the body. Don’t get involved. Just watch. Then you’ll be surprised to discover that your pain has disappeared. The tension is no longer present.
Watch your thoughts. Keep an eye on what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling right now. When you pay close attention to them, you’ll see that their activities gradually slow down and lose their intensity. Then you’ll feel a profound sense of calm flow over you. You’re heading towards your inner core. You’re adjusting your frequency to that of the fifth dimension.
Only then can you understand what relaxing really means. You’ll find yourself in a really calm state of mind.
We are not suggesting that you relax for 24 hours. It isn’t needed. You may go about your regular routine. However, perform this relaxing mindfulness procedure for one hour each day while being fully awake.
The terms “relaxation” and “laziness” are not equivalent. Actually, a lazy person is not a relaxed person. Despite the fact that he/she is not physically active, his mind continues to produce more and more thoughts than a person who is actively engaged in activities.
You can carry this awareness with you for 24 hours if you practice for only one hour each day. You’ll be more active, creative, and loving as a result. Because you are no longer divided, you will not make any errors in your actions. Everything you do stems from your core as a whole.
For some people, it will be tough at first. It’s due to their previous conditioning. You will achieve balance, rhythm, and harmony if you practice for a few days.
Once you get connected with the harmony of the universe, you will be filled with it. Then, wherever you go, the grace that has filled you will radiate and people will recognize that.
Now you’ve done it. We can guarantee you that your Higher Self has guided you to this important step. You have evolved and emerged into a new reality, beginning your journey through the new frontier that is the birthing of the fifth dimension!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
~Jupiter conjunct Venus in Aries, from the 25th Feb to 8th March 2023. Lighting up your life!~
Jupiter and Venus in the fire sign of Aries are lighting up our lives, as they meet for a spectacular conjunction, two of the brightest planets in the sky, together they are reigniting our passion within.
Over the next two weeks, Jupiter and Venus bring the possibility of lucky breaks, good luck out of the blue, success, optimism, romance and love.
Fall back in love with life, love and yourself once again.
This is one of the best astrological alignments that happens only once a year. It’s an exciting two week period that peaks on the 2nd of March when Jupiter and Venus align together exactly at 12 degrees.
Jupiter in the warrior sign of Aries is our cosmic hero and expands our optimism, faith and belief in ourselves.
The time is now to have faith in yourself, initiate with courageous, new beginnings and put your plans and projects into action, as there was never a better time to see them crowned with success.
Material, spiritual, creative abundance or taking steps to procure it is available to us. The Universe is supporting you in every way. We can now put ideas and plans into motion with confidence.
We will find support for our ventures and a wealth of hidden resources, with the potential to attract good luck and promising opportunities to expand our projects, gaining more power and influence.
This period can reawaken your faith in the best that life and you have to offer.
This is a powerful time to initiate a new and successful cycle, especially since all planets are direct until the 20th of April culminating in a positive Solar eclipse in Aries on this day.
When Jupiter in Aries meets up with Venus the goddess of love, we can expect good luck in love, passionate new encounters, reigniting the flame in present relationships and a time of more fun, joy and excitement in our lives.
Since Venus also rules over finance and creativity we can expect opportunities and expansion in those areas or even sudden “windfalls” and lucky big breaks and breakthroughs.
Jupiter in Aries inspires us to find our hidden talents, our hidden potentials, and our hidden purpose. Manifesting our talents to benefit ourselves and others. There is nothing more rewarding and fulfilling when you start walking in the gifts and talents you have been given.
It’s a time to loose our fear and make more room in our lives and our hearts for more love, abundance and joy. And to set the bar higher and step up to the next level in our development.
“I felt lit up, as if someone had reached into my heart and flipped an inner switch, turning me on, brighter.”–Aspen Matis.
In the sign of Aries, we will be more focused on our own needs and how to get them met. We will feel a need to speak our truth and have a greater desire for more excitement, freedom, independence and adventure.
Since Venus feels very independent in Aries many will be enjoying and valuing their single life to the full. Its a great time to fall in love with ourselves.
At the same time Jupiter will be close to Chiron the wounded healer in effect most of March and exact on the 14th of March at 14 degrees, making this a time of great healing especially around themes of lack of self-love and self-identity.
Our inner warrior spirit is being ignited now and for the next two years when the North Node of fate changes into the sign of Aries, the first time since 19 years, from July 18th until until January 11th 2025, bringing on a positive, dynamic new cycle.
Aries teaches us how a healthy ego and self-love must be at the core of all things, as this is the Hero’s journey.
If you’re not loving yourself properly then how can you recognize when others aren’t loving you properly?
Our true nature is one of love, we can tap into the the abundance of cosmic love and heal our hearts.
We are starved of our own love when we think we have to “win” Love from others.
“Love isn’t an emotion it is your very existence “-Rumi
Stay open to whatever adventures and opportunities that may come your way and go with it. Go with everything that excites your soul, even throwing caution to the wind. It could be the beginning of something wonderful. There is so much potential for magical, wonderful surprises.
This is heart-opening energy.
“Open your heart, ignite the flame in your being and awaken the natural flow of life energy in your heart. When your heart opens, the world around you changes.” – Mington
Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Sun in Pisces opposite asteroid Persephone in Virgo and square asteroid Truth in Sagittarius – An uncomfortable T-Square forms in the skies. In the midst of soul-searching, we stumble into deeper territory. What we find here challenges a truth we lived by – a belief so sure, so certain, so right, that we never questioned it. But now Life presents us with a quandary. Do we accept that there are other truths, or do we close our eyes, sleep, pretend it was a dream, ‘only this and nothing more’.
But the raven keeps on rapping. Uranus, parked on the magical cross quarter degree, shows us that times are changing. What was once rock solid is now on shaky, uneven ground. What was once truth is now simply one side of a glorious multifaceted sparkling diamond. Take the message. Let feelings settle into a new reality. Nevermore shall there be just one path, one way of seeing, one way of being. You too are multifaceted, glorious, with many faces, many possible paths of expression. You are an artist, weaving many threads into a whole. Trust the pattern as it emerges.
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number 10 and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Produce and Manifest’. The 10th day of a wavespell is great for manifesting things. In fact, it’s the perfect opportunity. It is also a very tenacious number which helps us succeed in our missions. Whatever day this number combines with… it adds a special something, like the cherry on top of the cake. It has a magical quality too as good things seem to manifest out of thin air.
Today is Blue Night, which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’. Today is Kin 23, a special number! The Blue Night is always dreamy with lovely energy, full of ideas and sometimes fantasies. If you have dreams, today is a great day for them to come true. It’s the Perfect day! Combine the meaning of number and day and the result is ‘manifest dreams or produce abundance’. The Blue Night symbolizes that all abundance comes from dreaming. It is our human imagination that sparks creation and so today dream away, it is your human nature. There’s a lot of power today with that perfect number ten and so we can get lost in our imaginations and dream the day away!
Today’s Guide is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Play and Illusion’. Don’t monkey around with your dreams, manifest them with a little magic! All that monkey asks as he guides you is that you are certain you know the difference between illusion and magic. No use dreaming of winning the lottery or becoming famous instead focus on the dreams in your heart, they are the ones that matter and the ones most likely to come true.
The Challenge of the day is Red Skywalker and so if you were born on a Red Skywalker day, you will find it hard to manifest your dreams, so do what you do best, be brave and think outside the box…you may have to try harder than everyone else but you too can enjoy a perfect day. It’s interesting that Skywalker challenges Night and vice versa. It does take courage to pursue your dreams but it’s not easy.
The Occult power is the White Mirror which reflects truth. This energy is in the powerful position of magic and so, if you really do want to manifest dreams and abundance, the truth has power today. This suggests that the right dream is the one you know to be truthfully within grasp. Don’t put all your focus on a fantasy and waste this perfect day. You’ll be more likely to succeed if you have a reality check.
The Ally is Yellow Warrior which represents taking on a quest or mission. People born on Yellow Warrior days love nothing more than to be asked to help out. If you are lucky enough to have one in your life, they can assist you with your dream quest. If you don’t know a Warrior personally, you can be like the warrior and wield your willpower! Your dreams have a better chance of going true if you are determined. Make it your mission today to make dreams come true and of course naturally, abundance follows.
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 23 =5 Freedom/Change/Revolution
Calling all PLANETARY KIN – today is a PHENOMENAL day for personal, collective and planetary Manifestation.
We have an incredible alignment of codes and frequencies to tap into for the manifestation of prosperity, happiness and success.
We have a 6x MAJIKal ABUNDANCE code to MANIFEST MIRACLES today!
The TONE of creation is PLANETARY tone 10 of MANIFESTATION, and we have a triple 7 MAJIKAL POWER! Add the WIZARD’S MAJIK and the MONKEY MAJIK and we have SIX times the power to CREATE our DREAMS!
But that’s not all!!!
NOTE: Tomorrow – Sunday- 26 FEBRUARY 2023 – 8/8 ABUNDANCE MANIFESTATION day, is the YELLOW SPECTRAL SEED – when we can LIBERATE our DREAM SEEDS so they can GERMINATE!
We also have a beautiful synchronic alignment of STELLAR celestial codes with VENUS planet of BEAUTY and ABUNDANCE aligning with JUPITER/ZEUS the planet of good luck and good fortune!
It is TIME to claim our FREEDOM and DIVINE REWARDS!
Today’s codes are providing great impetus to fuel our PLANETARY DREAM for manifesting the NEW WAY DREAMING anchored through the expression of LIBERATION.
In order to anchor this New Harmonic Matrix we must FIRST claim our SOVEREIGNTY through LIBERATION. This requires full disclosure of the TRUTH of the lie that we have been believing that has kept humanity enslaved in the dark hypnotic dreamspell/nightmare!. First we need to SEE before we can set ourselves FREE!
Day 10 of White Wizard Wavespell is the day our majik MANIFESTS into our reality… Our Wizard is finally done gathering all his majikal tools and potions and today he is READY to cast his new DREAMSPELL
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The PLANETARY tone operates in the physical reality, and so will have a very strong influence on our Global reality today.
The 10th stage of the WHITE WIZARD Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the HARVEST stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the GREAT DREAMS that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong, healthy relationships with ourselves and others today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the Planetary heart of Gaia. As we are all ONE HEART. Go forth WHITE DIVINE Magicians and perfect your Manifestations with 7x the spiritual POWER!
Today’s question is “How can I use my MAJIKAL SUPERPOWERS to produce the manifestation of my most beautiful DREAMS, and our collective DREAM of PLANETARY PEACE, PROSPERITY and HARMONY?”
As it is such a majikal and powerful Planetary Manifestation day I recommend you utilize these energies to MANIFEST your DREAMS, and also assist in permanently anchoring our 5D timelines for Nova Gaia.
You may wish to light a candle, create an altar and/or crystal grid, dedicate a crystal, meditate, visualize or sit out in nature connecting with the sun. Whatever you INTUIT is divinely perfect.
Always give GRATITUDE for your manifestation and add “With HARM to none! – this or something BETTER UNIVERSE”
10:10 , 11:11 am or pm is a brilliant portal time to do this, or you may choose a 7 combo… such as 7.07 or 7.47 for MAJIK or 5.55 for LIBERATION and moving forward, or 8.08 for ABUNDANCE and infinite flow.
What’s good for GAIA is fantastic for us!
Divine blessings to MANIFEST your perfected DREAMS, and our beautiful new world filled with peace, love, joy and abundance!. Hoo-RAY!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger
We have a BRILLIANT lineup for today’s MAJIKAL performance…….
drum roll please……….
Today’s cast in our MAJIK SHOW includes all the “boys” –
and last but not least IX, our legendary White Wizard!
Lot’s of yang masculine MANIFESTING musclell! What a force!!
On with the SHOW…. this is it!
The STAR of today’s show is AKBAL the BLUE NIGHT – THE DREAMER! He carries the dreaming codes, and brings forth the keys to prosperity and ABUN-DANCE, accessed through intuitive knowing.
Imagine AKBAL as a giant BLUE GENIE! He is ready, willing and able, to PERFECT your command… Whatever Majik you wish to MANIFEST – AKBAL’S your MAN!
AKBAL dives deep into the subconscious realms and scuba dives into the depths of your unconscious desires..
What DREAMS have you had lurking in there that you have not realized, or are even AWARE of?
If you have held insecurities deep within this dungeon, then you may not even know WHAT your soul desires to manifest!!! Perhaps you have not believed you were worthy of manifesting Majik and Miracles in your life.
You are a DIVINE CREATOR, incarnate in a physical vessel, with all the POWER of GOD/GODDESS to manifest your MAGNIFICENT REALITY..
Accept the challenge and UNITE with all the Planetary Earth Wizards, as conscious creators in manifesting our collective DREAM of Planetary ABUNDANCE, PEACE, JOY and HARMONY.
At a certain point, when a critical threshold of energy has been focused on a clear intent such as world peace/unity/food for all people, the underlying constructs of reality shift and a NEW REALITY begins filtering into human experience.
These POTENT Solar Ascension codes are accelerating our evolution and our ability to CREATE in the QUANTUM FIELD.
We now have heightened POWERS to exponentially ACTIVATE the GLOBAL DREAM. Our UNIFIED intent is propelling our Planetary Dream for Harmony, Peace and ABUNDANCE to reign.
Make no mistake: great change is seeded by conscious dreamers who understand and KNOW that they are co-creating the larger dream.
What DREAMS will you energize today?
Hold the collective PLANETARY dream of a FREE, UNIFIED and PROSPEROUS WORLD, and our new 5D Ascended Gaia in your manifestations today.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE PLANETARY MONKEY CHUEN the cheeky, mischievous, child like monkey is the Higher guide today bringing forth IMMENSE MAJIKal power, AMPLIFYING the Wizard’s enchanting SPELLS.
This majik coupled with the 10 Planetary Manifestation tone, will IGNITE Miracles today! BLUE MONKEY is the Magician, the illusionist, the trickster and the time traveller, so he has many TRICKS up his sleeve.
Chuen is very clever and a Master strategist. He has FULL control of the Majik Show – so sit back and be entertained as the Majik unfolds!
CHUEN perfectly brings forth this DOUBLE dose of MAJIK today, with the WIZARD providing extra super charged POWER to energize your DREAMS. Extraordinary Alchemical powers available to draw upon.
CHUEN is also reminding us that we are all FAR TOO SERIOUS with our Planetary Ascension Service…
and PLAY” he says….
Frivolity and spontaneity are a great combo to boost our manifesting powers. Do not worry or overthink. Do not fall into the abyss – but rather dance, skip and partake in the FUN and festivities. Remember that this is all a GAME, and we are the actors on this EARTH stage – so enjoy the “PLAY”.
CHUEN is the DIVINE CHILD who carries the 5D BLISS CODES of the dolphin which is his symbol… When we align with our Divine Child and the pure innocence in our HEART we can unlock the greatest Majikal powers in existence.. the power of BLISS!
Keep perfecting your HIGH 5D VIBE beloveds, through lots of play and merriment. Keep it LIGHT and know your DREAMS are really being manifested.
SUPPORT: YELLOW PLANETARY WARRIOR CIB… and now here come the big guns!! The courageous RAINBOW PLANETARY WARRIORs – What a SHOW of STRENGTH –
We WILL FEARLESSLY defend the Planetary Dream… making it our LIFE’S QUEST to realize this Dreaming code for humanity..
Of course we need CIB on our side.. Through applying his wisdom, from past experience in his many battles, CIB knows how to forge a peaceful and sustainable path forward. That begins with laying down your sword and combat weapons, and connecting to your enchanted HEART...
The greatest weapon against darkness is your pure loving, compassionate HEART, so ensure you fearlessly LOVE everything into DIVINE perfection. .
Allow CIB to guide you in the choices you make today. Choose wisely as there is VERY potent supernatural, manifestation energy in vast supply. Use this wondrous opportunity to SUPERCHARGE your DREAMS today with the RAINBOW energy of our friend and protector -CIB. .
OCCULT/HIDDEN ENERGY: WHITE SELF-EXISTING MIRROR ETZNAB aligns with CIB today, to allow you to see what is TRUTH and what is falsity. What a PERFECT hidden SUPERPOWER today!
All ILLUSIONS fall, as the pure DIVINE TRUTH is revealed for the masses to SEE. No cloaks, no daggers just pure TRUTH – seen through the clarity of new eyes!
The MIRROR will also reveal the TRUE path to follow – the new way forward, leading to the realization of our Planetary DREAM. Sift through the infinite choices and possibilities reflected today, and energize those that are in full vibrational alignment with your BIGGEST DREAMS.
ETZNAB also provides the power of the PYRAMID, to exponentially MAGNIFY and supercharge your DREAMS with the FIRE energy from the pyre!
The self-existing tone is the one that creates form.. so this MIRROR will majikally MANIFEST your desires into FORM.. but first you will need to define the parameters of that form.. be precise, to PERFECTLY produce your manifestations into the physical reality.
You may wish to WRITE OUT YOUR DESIRES and place them under a pyramid, to fully utilize ETZNAB’s powers (alternatively you can place them on a mirror or mirror tile to DOUBLE the power!). A quartz crystal or manifesting crystal is also a brilliant addition.
Amongst the chaos and shattered glass in the Hall of Mirrors – BEN is reminding us to focus on our DREAMS!! Leave the PAST behind and do not survey the wreckage! Throw it in the rubbish bin and surge FORWARD in leaps and bounds!
BEN is the Galactic Shaman and Angelic Messenger who brings HEAVEN to EARTH. His challenge to you today is to ensure that you do just that!
What do you choose to MANIFEST, in order to make your life on this planet more BLISSFUL and heavenly???.
The moon is currently in the SIGN of the bull, sensual TAURUS, as we are still basking in the MOONLIGHT of the PISCES new moon . The energies are RIPE for attracting LOVE, romance and Divine Partnership..
Tonight is a PERFECT night for a Majikal Carpet Ride with your beloved in the DREAMSTATE – tasting the pleasures of an enchanted and majikal life together.
Soak up the MOONBEAMS and cast your desires out into the QUANTUM FIELD to manifest your deepest soul longings for HIGHER LOVE.
All these POWER packed MAJIKAL codes are supercharging the BLISS factor today- so start MAGNETIZING those beautiful DREAMS.
YOU are the RAINBOW BRIDGE and you have the MAJIKAL POWER to do this for yourself personally, and also collectively, as a valuable member of our PLANETARY tribe of RAINBOW WARRIORS!
Aho Planetary Kin – to our SUCCESS..
What a MAJIKAL story! What a cast of SUPER characters! What a MARVELLOUS DAY!! Zippity doo dah!
Today’s question is “How can I use my MAJIKAL SUPERPOWERS to produce the manifestation of my most beautiful DREAMS, and our collective DREAM of PLANETARY PEACE, PROSPERITY and HARMONY?”
As it is such a majikal and powerful Planetary Manifestation day I recommend you utilize these energies to MANIFEST your DREAMS, and also assist in permanently anchoring our 5D timelines for Nova Gaia.
You may wish to light a candle, create an altar and/or crystal grid, dedicate a crystal, meditate, visualize or sit out in nature connecting with the sun. Whatever you INTUIT is divinely perfect.
Always give GRATITUDE for your manifestation and add “With HARM to none! – this or something BETTER UNIVERSE”
10:10 , 11:11 am or pm is a brilliant portal time to do this, or you may choose a 7 combo… such as 7.07 or 7.47 for MAJIK or 5.55 for LIBERATION and moving forward, or 8.08 for ABUNDANCE and infinite flow.
What’s good for GAIA is fantastic for us!
Divine blessings to MANIFEST your perfected DREAMS, and our beautiful new world filled with peace, love, joy and abundance!. Hoo-RAY!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger
🔥 NEW!! HATHA YOGA: for beginners 🔥
This is the first in our series of Yoga Training. This is a Hatha Yoga Practice for beginners. This session runs about 20 minutes and is a light and gentle Yin Flow Yoga for all ages. Enjoy your Practice! Namaste 🙏 CLICK HERE to sign up for training
Prayer for Illumination-
Beloved I AM Presence, Light of my Soul, I call for the full power of the sacred fire from the Temples of Illumination for a full release of Illumination Flame through my entire consciousness, being and world.
I ask for the Flame of Illumination to blaze and transform all that would hinder the manifestation of Love, Wisdom and Power within and without my lifestream and my Ascension in the Light.
I ask the Masters of Light to resurrect the memory of my true identity in God and the blueprint of my divine plan.
By the Flame of Illumination, I call for the restoration of my full Christ consciousness as it was ordained by God in the beginning of my descent into manifest form.
I call for the Flame of Illumination to descend and blaze Divine Wisdom into every cell of my being, into my crown chakra and all of my other chakras.
I ask the Flame of Illumination to re- connect me once again to the forever present Pure Knowledge of the Universal Mind of God.
Flood the Earth with Illumination Flame each moment of each day to show mankind their way back Home.
Beautiful and precious Golden Flame, let Thy Light bring the end of separation in the consciousness of mankind for the manifestation of God’s Holy Purposes and the return of a Golden Age of Love and Enlightenment .
And so be it, beloved I AM!
From Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia.
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