We Have Entered a Totally Different PARADIGM ~ Time Synch ~ Quantum Love Jumping ~ CHILDREN OF THE NEW EARTH HAVE UNITED
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Benevolent Awakened Ones of our Universal Alliance of Light
Happy 8:4:8 Heavenly Portal of our Lion Kingdom of the New Lemuria.
We have a Trinity of Activations flowing in through today’s intense Gateway.
Our local Solaris has been very active again today releasing 11 more C Class Solar Flares and 2 M Class Flares, the most powerful maxing at M 2.25 at 2:48 UTC. We had more Pillars of Higher Light appearing on the Schumann Charts today at amplitudes of 40 hz, 56 hz and a big blast of White Light at 71 hz. Fifth Dimensional Energetics Anchoring in and Rising. Pachamama also received another massive activation today on the Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Uwajima, Japan at 14:14 UTC opening a 5:5 Portal of Pure Manifestation.
We are in the Process of the merging of all technologies of benevolence, the natural technology of Mother Nature Gaia, the positive technologies of humanity and the higher resonance technologies of our intergalactic and higher dimensional Star Nations to heal and free all Sentient Beings from all slavery and control systems.
Each day we move closer to our full Planetary Liberation as we have reached critical mass of our Great Awakening and Now merge and integrate all timelines into the One True Ascension timeline for the highest good of all. 5D New Earth Systems of Higher Intelligence and Understanding are fully “online” now and we are in the soft disclosure stage of full public release.
Nothing can stop this process of Freedom and Peace for Victory is of the Light. Everything the false ones project and throw at us merely slows down this Ascension Process but we have crossed the Event Horizon of our Transformation of the Light. We look to our Brighter Future in this Now as we call in our Highest Pure Consciousness to reveal our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
Each moment of mindfulness, each moment of Bliss and joy is like peeling back the layers of the onion, the lifting of the veils of separation to reveal our True Nature of Buddha Mind, our Eternal Awakened State of Pure Awareness in the Oneness of all Life….A’Ho!
Welcome to the Season Finale of every inverted, soul binding contract that ever existed in your human blueprint. .. Choice point culmination building towards conclusion.. proper alignment- partnership rather than karmic. 4/20 gateway cutoff. All aboard the ascension express.. Massive Galactivations dropped in Saturday.. 3-4 day integration, plus new instruction sets. Smackdown completing lol.
Strong astro placements today delivering key guidance for the months to come. Pay attention to what’s shifting within you. What no longer serves. A voice seems to be saying “the pain of staying where you are is worse than the pain of growth”. You now have the opportunity to start envisioning your new life territory. You are finding the courage to release what’s holding you back.
source: SophieGregoire.com
Life-force energy of the Creator
Kacie Clawson- Valerie Elster
Contracts of Completion
Coming forward within the Monads.
The unbinding of the souls that were previously interconnected lifetimes ago.
When contracts cannot be completed as designed, becoming contracts of distortion.
Through space and time the distance between souls becomes too great and the of the original light is lost.
The Valley of Completion
is drawing near.
No matter how ancient the connection,
the timeline or the bond.
If the soul contract and cannot be completed in this lifetime it must be dissolved.
Zero Point and
Completion reached.
The timelines are moving forward,
the human choice is now.
Forward momentum is happening
for those who are ready to step in.
The ancient Queens can no longer wait for the ancient Kings to Activate and remember.
No matter how ancient the bond.
The lack of love has not created the Valley that we are now in,
it was created in the forgetting.
The Queens have never forgotten their Kings.
It is the Kings who are lost unto themselves.
There is no pathway forward while anchored in the past.
New unions are created in the New.
The steps forward emerge from the Unity fields, and the
New Earth contracts are made in the Unified field of Love.
Channeled Co-Creation
Kacie Clawson- Valerie Elster
Contracts of Completion
The speed of light looks hypersonic now! Holographic DNA gets light refracted from photons. As the energy moves fast, it will make you sleepy. Time is not linear and light travels through space. Centering in the now and breathing in light so you can attune to the DNA upgrade. Euphoria can be felt if one meditates, centers in the now through heart and intention. Allow to feel the light you are made of.
Density does not shift density, light shifts density and changes your reality. Just as the hologram, you project every situation by a vibrational match in frequency. It’s why increasing your frequency allows to attune to the diamond sun lightbody and not the distorted pain shadow body. From dark to light, the light is only getting stronger!!!
4/17/24: While we’re still in Aries, power moves, brash action, contagious enthusiasm, and aggressive decisions are all still in play. April has been, and will remain, a month of movement, revelation, and progress, but once Taurus arrives you’ll sense a big shift toward more contemplation and less spontaneity.
It will slow you down even as Mercury goes direct. Today’s numbers 8 and 2 can really get into your deepest desires and compel you to act on them. This could open up whole new fields of interest and elevate both old and new relationships. For many of us “spring is in the air” and that means new growth and opportunity for all.
17th April : Time Synch and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction
I think everyone is feeling the intense electrical energy and the aggression and irritation that is ongoing “out there” at the moment.
This has been since the Total Solar Eclipse.
What is happening is that the Unity Consciousness energy on Earth is expanding (Jupiter) and becoming more powerful in its electrical field (Uranus).
At the same time, the old energy within our collective of mind and solar plexus is becoming increasingly “out of synch” as it struggles to understand and contain the present chaos and breakdown.
The energy within us of the Soul is flowing clearly through the Soul Chakra and the Crown Chakra to the Heart, but the flow from the Rational mind (Chakra 6 Left Brain) to the Throat and the Solar Plexus is feeling disruptive and out of synch.
Slowly the two flows will align within us and within the collective.
Please trust the process and remember to focus on the Heart and Breathe deeply.
I find Chamomile tea helps too. It helps to calm the system and allow the focus on beauty and harmony.
This is an amazing process and we will soon find our balance.
This is the HUGE shift of Consciousness and the balancing process.
Humanity jumped timelines overnight 17th April 2024…which was another 8/4/8 date in terms of numbers.
This SIMulation is run on numbers.
God speaks in numbers.
The stock market is about to sink. Interesting terminology there Guides. Thank you.
It’s all a numbers game.
As is sport.
Competition of any kind.
Ruled by numbers.
That’s why currency…energy…within a SIMulation ruled by fear and greed and more, more, more is the thing that needs to TRANSFORM. We are leaving the old “printing money out of thin air”…IMprinting into the Collective Consciousness the illusion of their own grandeur, towards a system backed by gold and precious metals…ASSETS…REAL…ending the illusion.
Think about when you buy a house or get a credit card. Suddenly the illusion is that you are WEALTHY…because you now OWN a house, or bought some nice STUFF…goods…on your credit card. But that is all illusion. The REALITY is you are now in DEBT.
See the distortion?
So this timeline humanity jumped to overnight is a direct correlation with Mother Earth…Gaia’s knowing and innerstanding of the VALUE of what she holds inside her…the GOODS. Notice the terminology… She holds…now being a direct REFLECTION of how humanity will do BUSINESS…TRANSACTIONS…of energy. Through GOOD.
The money SYSTEM being deployed is called the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and is a gift from intergalactic engineers…and is based on the HEART. Transactions will only be allowed due to one’s vibration, in terms of frequency. Again, it’s a numbers game. The higher your vibrational frequency, the more you will be able to access the system. If in lower vibrational frequency, fear, greed, wishing to do harm, you will NOT be allowed access.
So now you can see how YOU directly influence the Collective…your intentions, your actions, your desires.
And how all the work every single being on this Earthly Realm have been doing by loving and giving of themselves has changed the SHAPE and FORM of our way of life. Our existence. How the structure works.
Where you SPEND your energy and WHOM you give it to, is the very thing that gives it DEFINITION. DEFINES it.
So bravo to all of us. Big big shifts in consciousness and ways of doing things will become EVIDENT now.
Get away from the distractions of the news and the many masks and ways the dark agenda…the Archons…have of deceiving…and having us all thinking humanity has gone to the dogs. None of it is real in terms of the true way God intended for humans to live.
Which is to live in joy. Create beautiful things and beautiful lives, laugh, have fun, and be thankful and grateful of Mother Earth and all she provides.
Stay away from drama and those wishing to drag you into their plights. Help out where you feel guided but stay detached emotionally. Don’t allow it to interfere with your vibration.
As ascending souls our template is uniquely designed to assist planet Earth, in the way we chose and are divinely guided. As starseeded souls the majority of you came with an already activated sixth or seventh-dimensional template, to be able to fulfill your purpose on earth.
Depending on your lineage you have certain DNA strands already activated, to assist the earth raise its frequency, help the earth’s grids restoration project, and many other different roles that require your connection to other dimensions, through your DNA strands, as everything is connected as multidimensional beings.
At this time many of you are being assisted by etheric surgeons in the process of light body recalibration that is taking place in many of you. The template of a starseeded one is commonly activated between the fifth and seventh-dimensional strands. However, once we incarnate into a human body many are targeted and disconnected from the many dimensions they originated from. Our mission is to activate and reestablish these connections to descend the healing codes and assistance required to serve our earth plane.
At this time of accelerated evolution, when many are awakening to who they are and embodying their mission, they are requiring etheric surgery in their unique templates, for we, from our human perspective cannot work at that highly evolved level.
My Guides share today the importance of asking for etheric surgery to your benevolent guides, for we need it in specific ascension stages, to remove implants, imprints, and solar plexus programs related to our masculine essence, especially at this time of divine masculine retrieval and healing, and any other non-benevolent essences from our light bodies, to continue upgrading our template.
The Arcturians and evolved Orion beings are wonderful etheric surgeons who are helping many to remove the many distortions in their template, which together with our inner work, result in the total reconfiguration of our original template.
The Arcturians are usually helping those to recalibrate their seventh-dimensional body channels, as they dwell in this same dimension, and their light technology is incredibly evolved. Orion, are helping many to work with their masculine energies, solar plexus, and sixth-dimensional channels, helping them restore them to embody more plasma and heal the distorted masculine.
There are many other benevolent beings with whom you may have soul agreements, assisting you in your unique template and personal healing mission, for we all have a unique blueprint and way to assist our guides now, as many of them helped us in planning our current incarnation.
As you know, our nervous system is pivotal in terms of direct communication to our origin dimensions, Guides, and God Self. Starseed souls as well as many earthseeds fulfilling an equal mission to assist the earth, have been influenced by the many environmental, non-benevolent light technologies and many other manipulations that are meant to disturb and disconnect our nervous system, generating soul disconnection and blockages between or nerve system, brain and glands.
This results in what many feel as being uncommunicated from Home and their Guides, which is why it is so important to scan our bodies and find what is required to be treated, especially every time we detect some lower influence or simply ascend into a new stage of our evolutionary path.
If we are not yet able to achieve this stage, asking our Unified Self and etheric guides to remove what we are not yet able to see or do for ourselves, will lead to an immediate response, that can come while we are resting our bodies at night, especially because it is easier to work with our etheric bodies, auric field or where the wound, implant, or blockage is located.
Many ascending souls have implants in their sixth and seventh-dimensional channels, and shoulder portal blades, as a result of the non-benevolent influence exerted for eons upon them, and other programs destined to cut communication between our body channels, and original dimensions, as many indigos whose main plane is lined to the sixth-dimensions may feel.
However, not everything is an outer influence, and we too need to check for self-created programs, inherited ones, or epigenetic patterns, to help us see what we need to work with and find the right tool to address our specific issue.
As you heal and recalibrate your bodies, realigning with the dimensions of your origin and mission, you start witnessing the opening of your light body, opening your blades portal, and with them your sixth and seventh dimensional DNA strands, and with it the descension of the many light codes destined to be anchored on the earth plane, where we serve as divine messenger and emissaries.
You, now more than ever, are ready to confront your lineage, emerging from the shadows and becoming the lovelight being that you are. There is no challenge, no wound or program that you cannot heal, for there is no greater power than awakening to the truth of who you are, and when this occurs, healing is triggered, and you start freeing yourself from all the unlove, and disempowerment experienced, resurrecting into the divine sovereign being that you are, and always were.
May you see your beauty, wisdom, and power, Beloved Ones.
A pivotal shift in Ages is happening through this Eclipse Mercury Retrograde Portal. Difficulties that have kept you busy are neutralizing out to the zero point. It’s important to get back to you now, and remember what is your truth.
You are being called to regroup and re-discover who you are, what you want, and why you are truly here. Change that is outside of your comfort zone may be needed to receive the manifestations. Pray for help to give you the strength and boost of energy to help you continue moving forward and receive your heart’s desires.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
99 Portal
Ra James
North Node is Conjunct Venus today. This is a destined alignment. Expect your love life to be getting a major upgrade. Your North Node is all about clearing karma to more fully align with your destined path. Your North Node symbolizes where you’re going in this lifetime. It reveals the energy you need to harness in order to fulfill your soul’s mission. Today is all about destined partnerships. It’s a huge Twin Flame alignment. These energies are all about aligning your thoughts and feelings with your desires or intentions so that you can manifest Union.
You’re being guided to heal yourself and any issues in your love life. Make sure your following your intuition to navigate these type of spiritual connections. These energies are all about healing and moving forward. You’re being guided to focus on your own spiritual journey right now. You have your own destined path to walk. It’s important that you’re focusing on your own soul mission right now and doing the spiritual work that is required of you. It’s important that you’re staying optimistic about your love life right now. Expect destined encounters. If you have a destined lover, such as a Twin Flame expect them to be on your mind a little extra this week…
On Wednesday, April 17th, the Moon, ruler of our intuition and imagination, is in the colorful sign of Leo the Lion all day. She will connect with Saturn, ruler of challenges and karma, Mercury, planet that rules thoughts and ideas, Chiron, ruler of creative solutions and the bridge between the worlds, Mars, planet of restlessness and assertiveness, Jupiter, ruler of expansion and belief systems, and Uranus, planet of liberation and rebelliousness.
Some of these connections are harmonious and some are difficult. All in all, today is a day to let go of restrictions, be receptive to messages, open your heart and heal your soul, practice patience, shift your perspective and be your unique, independent and inspirational Self!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Moon, ruler of our intuition and imagination, is in the colorful sign of Leo the Lion all day
Venus conjunct the North Node in Aries. Mars in Pisces semi-sextile Chiron in Aries – Love is the way. When the heart opens energy rises, doors open, karma is fulfilled. When the heart opens, we understand what it is to be alive, what it is to thrive. Love in all its forms is what drives us to create, to burst into song, to dance, to chase all that we desire. Sink deep into your heart centre, feel the warmth building there, let it ripple out across the cosmos. I am love. You are love, We are love.
And alongside all this, Mars and Chiron show us that acts of kindness are healing. Be brave, says Mars, for your healing journey is our healing journey. Your wounds are our wounds. Gently address old stories that undermine assertion, independence, or courage. Release anger over failure or loss. Tread softly for we are all hurting in one way or another. Find compassion for your scars. Move towards oneness.
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce’. It’s day ten of the White Dog wavespell and this is the Perfect Storm. No running or hiding from this powerful energy, you will get blown away! The number ten represents manifesting and the Storm symbolizes changes and so they go together really well. In fact they are perfect. Think about what you set out to achieve on day one. Today is the day when you really can manifest results. Tomorrow is the eleventh day when we release and the wavespell energy begins to dissipate. So, if you don’t make it happen today, that ship is going to set sail and you’ll miss an opportunity. Remember, the Dog wavespell is about love and heart and tenacity. Use this tenacity today to succeed in your mission.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Self -Generation, Catalyst and Energy’. If you are brave and ride this perfect Storm and can harness its energy, you can achieve incredible – life changing things. Most folk can’t cope with the disruption and the craziness, and if you are one of these people all you can do is seek shelter and find comfort in knowing it will all blow away by tomorrow.
The Guide today is the Blue Hand, the healer. Yesterday the Blue Hand was in the challenge position and today it guides us. This means the need to heal will guide our actions, motivate us to seek treatment. Ironic for a perfect storm day. Seriously though, it’s the perfect day for healing and making huge changes with your healthcare. Also, when the Hand guides – instead of holding your hand and guiding you to the right direction, it can yank you along quite violently. This is where the ambitious side of the Blue Hand comes out because one of the keywords for the Blue Hand is ‘accomplishment’.
The Challenge is the Red Moon, the go with the flow energy. No one gets any rest or relaxation today. The Storm is too intense. If you are a Red Moon, my thoughts are with you today! If you know one, show them some kindness. For the rest of us, when the Moon is weakened we can find surrendering really hard.
The Occult power is the White Wind which is always the best part of a Blue Storm day because there is always a consolation prize of magical communication! Despite the chaos, magic still has potential to happen. Expect good news to blow you away.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. When the Storm is over the Sun will come out and help clear up the mess. If you are a Yellow Sun, you will be sorely needed today. If you don’t have one you can ask for help, then just try to be like one and that’s smile and be sunny.
KIN 179 = 8 – Abundance/Infinity/Flow/In breath-Out Breath
Another UBER significant day where we are manifesting majikal Planetary transformation, through PURIFICATION leading to greater LOVE on our PLANET .
Today’s PLANETARY STORM is another pivotal day for our PLANETARY EVOLUTION..Tremendous transformative POWER is being catalyzed, to accelerate our collective manifestation of BLISS ON EARTH through HARMONY, PEACE and UNIFICATION.
Day 10 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE!
Today we have very ACTIVE energies .. HUGE transformation is being catalyzed through this opportunity today. This energy provides for action packed MANIFESTATION. We are catalysing great change in our physical world, in order to PERFECT the production of unconditional LOVE.
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendor. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with our beloveds today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA. A powerful day to get PHYSICAL – using Divine Alchemy to manifest from the aethers into matter!
Today holds incredible codes for PURIFICATION, TRANSFORMATION and PLANETARY EVOLUTION so let us pray and hold the intention that GAIA fully catalyzes these cleansing energies to restore her PRISTINE LIFE SUSTAINING and ENHANCING blueprint.
TRUST in the power of GREAT SPIRIT today and the WINDS of great CHANGE to catalyze the tremendous PEACEFUL changes that our PLANET needs.
Today’s question is “How can I harness the POWER of the STORM, to catalyze great transformation, and manifest HEALING in my world?”
Divine blessings for UNLEASHING a GREAT DELUGE of positive, life-enhancing transformation.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE PLANETARY STORMCAUAC key themes are – transformation, change, self regeneration. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire, the lightning storm. The arrival of the thunder beings who bring the final transformation.
To the Maya, BLUE STORM represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the light body. BLUE STORM comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to Ascension. SOURCE: MAYAN ORACLE – Ariel Spilsbury
Today BLUE STORM purifies anything that is not in alignment with PURE unconditional LOVE.
This powerful PLANETARY STORM will clear away any flotsam and jetsam, debris from the past that got brought up in THE STORM. Keep eyes OPEN for more reveals today – as the mud is stirred up.
We are in a new harmonic cycle of the WHITE OVERTONE WIZARD – guided by SPIRIT through his HEART, so these OLD PARADIGM patriarchal energies cannot hold on any longer!.. We MUST keep moving towards PEACE and HARMONY – it is written in the codes!
In 3 months/moons time we arrive at a NEW GALACTIC YEAR – the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM.. so the STORM is returning in full force to catalyze POSITIVE transformation to bring our planet back to BALANCE.. HALLELUJAH!!
The intensity of today’s STORM depends upon how readily you have LET GO of the old attachments and your willingness to MOVE ON!! BRING IT ON!
After the STORM comes the RAINBOWS.
P.S. NOTE: There is a high probability that we will witness physical STORMS usually through THUNDER and lightning – on our planet today as evidence of this powerful catalytic STORM energy – particularly as it is a PHYSICAL tone day. .
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE PLANETARY HAND – MANIK Brings forth great HEALING today. BLUE HAND is catalyzing tremendous change through generating physical energy that is guided to accomplish and heal . What a BRILLIANT duo as MANIK enables the STORM to GET THE JOB DONE!
We have the power to CREATE whatever we choose to MANIFEST. This is one very powerful STORM – that means business!
As the PLANETARY tone is in the PHYSICAL realm, we can accomplish tremendous healing of our physical body and our lives.The PLANETARY tone facilitates great opportunities for healing our PLANET on a GLOBAL scale.
MANIK works synergistically with BLUE STORM to cleanse, purge, purify and transform dis-ease and dis-harmony into wellness. MANIK is the portal allowing both knowledge and healing energies to flow from Spirit to bring the much needed healing panacea.
We can also use MANIK’s power of accomplishment to volunteer and attend to tasks today. A great day for using your HANDS as tools to accomplish whatever needs doing! Break it down step by step and attend to that TO DO LIST you have had on hold! Lend a hand to others that are ailing, or conversely REACH OUT and ask for HELP if you need it.
We are all connected and our HANDS are one of the best parts of our bodies to physically connect with our kin. Let us all hold each other’s hand as we walk together through these transformational gateways.
A very special day to give your beloveds a HUG and extend that to our PACHAMAMA. BIG PLANETARY HUGGIES
Here is a GIFT of beautifully powerful Solfeggio frequency medicine to heal your body, mind and soul.
SUPPORT: YELLOW PLANETARY SUN AHAU peeks through the STORM clouds as the radiant light codes streaming forth from our SUN activating our evolution through grounding greater LOVE, compassion, humility, grace and Wisdom , through our Planetary en-LIGHTEN -ment!
Yesterday’s SOLAR MIRROR reflected back to us much needed Solar Ascension Rays to heighten our illumination.
This BRIGHT SUNSHINE is highlighting any SHADOWS, so that the STORM can cleanse and purify any density, working in tandem with the SUN to LIGHTEN our day and our world. The PLANETARY SUN – magnifies our environment so we can clearly SEE what needs to change.
Today we are integrating these Solar rays, in so doing we are healing cell-ves and our beloved PLANET. Sun gazing and bathing in the glorious sun rays as we bask in the great outdoors in beautiful places that spark our creativity, imagination and our connection to the majesty of pure MAJIK!
Our physical bodies are the transducers, feeling and holding the changing frequencies of our PLANET’s electro-magnetic energies, as they are transformed strongly by solar flares. We are the Divine conduits through which these evolutionary energies flow.
We are learning to live as clear reflectors of the LIGHT, feeling into what it is to SHINE our LIGHT, as co-creators seeding the NEW TIME, and our collective planetary Dreaming code, being manifested into form. You are not the same person you were yesterday, last week, last month or last year! Tremendous soul growth through releasing, detaching and self generation has transformed you into a new wiser and brighter version of yourself. All that has passed has served the purpose of advancing our planetary evolution back to our natural state of unconditional love.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIND IK brings forth the energies of Spirit, through the whisperings of the wind. The STORM merges with WHITE WIND and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction for the purpose of bringing you to a place of greater LOVE within your soul. . Catalysing great change with the messages from Spirit guiding our healing journey back to wholeness.
LISTEN to the WIND, and allow the STORM to carry these encoded messages through our knowingness. Allowing all these powerful forces to channel through us as we align with Divine Will and allow Spirit to express itself through us as Divine conduits. Inviting the power of GREAT SPIRIT to clear all the SMOKE HAZE and illusions that have been both physically and metaphorically polluting our skies and our lives.
LISTEN for the messages to allow SPIRIT to help you in shaping your new reality.
The SELF-EXISTING WIND has the SUPERPOWER today to manifest DIVINE WILL into FORM!
SPIRIT is guiding spaceship EARTH to a beautiful new sacred space! TRUST IN THE DIVINE PLAN.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED PLANETARY MOON MULUC brings forth another layer of PURIFICATION power, working synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins you have been holding in your body, mind or life. Allow the flow and purification of your physical space, manifesting greater FLOW in your life.
Open your HEART more fully, to allow the love of the GODDESS to flow through your being, and your HANDS today.
To reap the gifts today, MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT, the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!
Open and ACTIVATE the FLOW of unlimited healing and accomplishment in your life today on this super Cosmic FLOW day!
The PLANETARY GODDESS will redirect our PLANETARY FLOW today – ensuring we are on a LOVING PATH of unification and HARMONY.
Today holds incredible codes for PURIFICATION, TRANSFORMATION and PLANETARY EVOLUTION so let us pray and hold the intention that GAIA fully catalyzes these cleansing energies to restore her PRISTINE LIFE SUSTAINING and ENHANCING blueprint.
TRUST in the power of GREAT SPIRIT today and the WINDS of great CHANGE to catalyze the tremendous PEACEFUL changes that our PLANET needs.
Today’s question is “How can I harness the POWER of the STORM, to catalyze great transformation, and manifest HEALING in my world?”
Divine blessings for UNLEASHING a GREAT DELUGE of positive, life-enhancing transformation.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
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