Earth Lightworkers Bring Peace on Earth

Here in the higher realms we are spilling over with excitement. It is working! Thanks to you we come within a whisper of fulfilling our shared destiny. That destiny can only be everlasting peace on Earth, accompanied by prosperity, abundance, harmony, unity and joy. I want to illuminate what has been happening recently. Whether alone or in groups, Lightworkers across the Earth have been pouring themselves into their personal ascension, their ascension projects and missions like never before. Many of these Lightworkers are quite aware of their role, yet some Lightworkers may be fully succeeding at their projects and assignments even without comprehending exactly what those are. Know this - if you are reading this, you are a Lightworker. We, your Ascended Family, thank you for your dedicated service.

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Grounding Higher Cosmic Light

Fear, shame and worry are the predominant atmosphere across the planet, in every village, every house, not matter what the social or economic status of the people involved. Everyone is afflicted by the feelings that begin with fear of not having enough, not accomplishing enough, not being strong enough or steady enough or resourceful enough to get ahead, stay even, prevent disaster, stay ahead of the impending suffering that is just around the corner, lurking.

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October Waves Arriving, Embodying 5th Dimensional Consciousness

The last few nights the Waves have been coming in fiercely. Last night we experienced 3 waves back to back. They are coming in one right after the next. They are coming in late, 2 to 3 am EST. These waves differ from the waves of the past and especially going all the way back to 2011 when the frequency jumped to a new level. These waves are much smoother. As these waves hit, it can sometimes feel like we are about to fall over from the impact. If we are sitting down there is a verifiable pushing sensation that takes place. Dizziness can accompany them as we are building our light body from the inside out. We are also experiencing less sleep and intense dreams in astral. The waves hit and my whole body feels them as they hit not only physically but also in my consciousness. They are waves of LIGHT to upgrade us all. The more light we hold, the more we are connected to light, the more sensitive we will be to the waves. Doing the inner work and removing 3D programming is paramount to being able to feel the waves in the ascension process.

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Native American Tribal Leaders speak out for the first time about their secret knowledge of The Star People, knowledge that has been passed down for thousands of years. It was revealed in a dream among Tribal Elders that now was the time for the Tribes to break their silence and share their hidden knowledge of The Star People: the visitors from other worlds. In this film you will meet people with first-hand experience with ETs, and hear amazing stories of the unknown, and witness for yourself, a mysterious event which occurred in the skies: for some, a visible sign from the Star People that we are not alone

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Trees are Living Libraries

The Tree People are very Lighted Beings, and you can see how their auras fill the sky in towers of light waves radiating from their inner essences. They are tubes of light, carrying vast amounts of information and folklore to disseminate to humans on Earth, if only humans would tune into their frequency and connect with them on their wavelength. This is easy to do. You just call on the Trees and invoke their presence, and ask them to transfer their library to your vast vault inside yourself. Your vault is practically empty, so you have much storage room inside, just waiting to be filled with documents containing the mysteries of life - all the mysteries you haven’t as yet been able to unravel in your closed states of existence.

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Beyond the Wave X Peak! What Next?

Yes, dear ones, this is indeed an auspicious time to give you an idea of what is to come. In the past, before this gamma wave peaked, we felt it was necessary to concentrate on cleaning up where you were so you could maximize the potential of this new energy but now you have turned the corner so it only seems fair that you receive a beyond the peak game plan. Let us explain! Although all of you were instructed to do deep personal work before this peak, so many of you did not only the personal work but the planetary work as well, that you are now ahead of schedule and have succeeded in raising the vibration beyond what was necessary, yet, this does not mean that you get to sit back and relax. Yes, you did put forth an extraordinary effort and you have made great strides but you haven’t won the game yet. Think of this as a football game and you’re at half-time, you have a commanding lead and you’d like to take it easy in the second half but your coach is telling you that’s not the way this is going to be played. Sure, you’d like to rest, slow down the pace and relax in what you’ve already achieved but if you do that now you’ll be leaving the game at half time when your team still needs you. Yes, you’ve been an enormous amount of help and yes much good has been accomplished but if you stop now the settling in period will feel very unsettling.

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The Pyramid over the Inca Ruins of Machu Pichu

There is a pyramid in frequency over the Inca ruins of Machu Pichu. It is linked to the Nazca Lines creating a pattern of evolution in design. The soul who creates through this pyramid goes by the frequency, Lubileah. Her consciousness speaks to the people of Earth about a time long ago when ancient travellers from the stars descended to the surface creating a landscape in which souls would descend from above to experience, later to return to her consciousness, through Her temple. It is within this pyramid that emotions are experienced ranging from lowest frequency to those of pure Light frequency.

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Alien Human Hybrids

Uncovering disconcerting reports about aliens' plans for the future of Earth. He reported that a "change" is coming; a future when very human-like hybrids would intermingle with humans in everyday life. "Soon we will all be together," the aliens said. "Soon everyone will be happy and everyone will know his place." Examines a disturbing phenomenon that Jacobs began noticing in 2003. The alien integration action plan has kicked into high gear.The incidents of alien abductions have accelerated as have occurrences of alien involvement in everyday human life. A silent and insidious invasion has begun. Alien hybrids have moved into your neighborhood and into your workplace. They have been trained by human abductees to "pass," to blend in to society, to appear as normal as your next door neighbor.

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Adventures into Reality

It's invaluable to learn what the best practice for scared living is. We all have an idea but do we really know how to best implement it, how to best live it. Either way if your curious, if something inside you asks "Is there more?" Go to to receive Andrew's video teaching on sacred living "Essential Knowningness", his weekly Insights, updates on shows, and much more. Allow the sacred into your life and become a better steward of your own reality.

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Seeing the Potentials

Weekly LightBlast with Jamye Price - Seeing the Potentials Read it here: Jamye Price is an energy healer, channel, teacher and student of life. She channels healing energies…

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