New energy grid – New Atlantis

New Atlantis is the codename for the energy grid around the planetary surface that will support the Compression Breakthrough and also the codename for the New Society after the Event. In Old Atlantis, before the polar shift 75,000 years ago, the position of equator was different and thus the position of the whole planetary energy grid was different also. 75,000 years ago and earlier, the energy gird around the planet was complete, under full control of the Ascended beings and with many sacred temples positioned around the equator. You can see the old Atlantean equator on this picture as a red line crossing South America and Africa:

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One Who Serves ~ 2017, “The Event” Update, Pulse From Galactic Central Sun That Shifts Everything

All is being orchestrated, as we have said many times. As it is all being orchestrated around you, you are not sitting and letting the orchestration take place. Within an orchestra everyone has to be in tune. What happens when one is out of tune? (it sounds bad) Yes, it sounds bad, very bad. Everything is being orchestrated and you are in that orchestra. You are a part of it. Whether it is a string orchestra or piano or guitar or drums or whatever it might be. Whatever your part in the orchestra you play it the best that you can. If you can do the best you can every given moment what beautiful sound you are going to make, what wonderful vibrations are going to come from this.

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Our God-Self ~ Beyond The New Energy Waves

It is true! Beautiful and powerful energy waves are arriving on your planet, raising the consciousness of those who can with devotion surrender to them. Therefore consciousness has potentially risen to a new level on which you easily can transcend your old world because the new light-vibration is empty of the disturbing information of your old world. It vibrates in a divine beauty and brilliance that is completely unattainable and unrecognizable by those missing still unconditional love and the willingness to receive the expanding light of higher divine intelligence.

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Massive Wave of Body Pains, Physical Purging and Release

Of all we have shifted through in bringing through our new earth light bodies. As the last 'place' we feel and release a 'shift' is through our physical bodies - Spirit, Soul, Mental, Emotional and then Physical release. And as we are linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions, it makes 'sense' that with the New Years and 2017 energy wave that came through, we are now releasing so much through our physical bodies with a very large wave being felt physically as well. And remember many of us are not only feeling and releasing for ourselves but for and with those close to us as well. Cleaning out the old 'junk' energy that has been residing in our cells and our light bodies from 2016and previous years...which is more than the physical releasing and symptoms of spiritual ascension...this is a whole 'other' rung of releasing.

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Energy Update ~ The Final Release, New Ascended Terra

The incredible anchoring of this Christmas/Solstice/Moon/2016 Completion Source Energies -(plus others I have no idea WHAT they are lol)– into the new sacred geometry grids has reached such high levels, it has truly amazed gridworkers and our assisting Light Families. ***(I am scattered in the winds of change and I am so happy to be able to write something down to share with you guys without also blowing up my computer, please bear with me if I am all over the place…but, well..I am. lol!)*** I was called in service to be in Sedona, Arizona, with many others, to anchor into the Sedona Vortex the highest possible Source Energies at the Blessed 11/11 Portal.

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Archons, Dominions and Thoughts that Run Wild

There is a simple premise in esoteric literature: thoughts have power. Even modern science accepts that behind the structure we know as the material world is a web of energy, and the interactions between different types of energy create the semblance of solidity we call matter. Thought, then, as a form of energy, has the same power. This is why in so many traditions there are admonitions about controlling the thought process, while thinking and doing are still different things, thinking does have its effects.

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The Final Wave of Souls is Here & It's Going to Change Everything

The Wave of the Future: The long awaited Third Wave of virgin Souls is now finally incarnating on Earth. In fact, most Souls incarnating today are Third Wavers or their forerunners, to help accommodate for the next step in the evolution and expansion of the human consciousness. The First few forerunners started to arrive roughly 100 years ago as scouts to make preparations for the Third Wave. Their talents were many and varied and appropriate for the task. From about 1940 onward, these Souls with their special talents became known as the Indigo Childrenand began to arrive in larger numbers.

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Neuroscientists Discover a Song That Reduces Anxiety By 65 Percent (Listen)

Anxiety — that feeling of dread, fear, worry and panic — is certainly nothing new. Hippocrates wrote about it in the fourth century BCE. As did Søren Kierkegaard in the 1860s. And Sigmund Freud addressed the disorder in 1926. However, jump to the present and we’re seeing a significant uptick — especially with youth. Pharmaceutical drugs tend to be the classic treatment for treating anxiety (as well as the biggest money maker). Cognitive therapy is a common approach as well. Those with a holistic bent often turn to meditation, yoga, massage and other relaxation techniques. Music therapy has also been used with some success. But now neuroscientists in the U.K. have zeroed in on a single song that results in a dramatic 65 percent reduction in overall anxiety…

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