A Simple and Beautiful Way to Help Support the Allied Light Forces at This Time
I found this on the 2012 portal blog and thought that this would be a great way to support the light forces.
I found this on the 2012 portal blog and thought that this would be a great way to support the light forces.
We live on a beautiful planet. There is so much love and beauty. But the powers that rule it, the governments and the elite, just don't seem to want to do what's right. Mother Earth produces enough to let at least 10 billion people live in peace and abundance, but all our rulers can think of is how to keep their power, create conflicts and war, and make us pay more and more.
The Event is coming soon. We can experience the shift now by going into the heart center and feeling one with all things.
Check out this video with James of ECETI Ranch and Michael discussing Trump and the coming Storm against the Globalist Cabal and Secret Technology and Ubuntu communities.
Yesterday, the marker point for completion that closed out a massive gateway and opened all new ones. By the afternoon and then today... wow, powerful upgrades began acceleration processes for all.
Well, that was a really weird Super Bowl Halftime for me. The post I made this morning manifested right before my eyes. The picture I posted of Prince, getting Resurrected from the dead, by the High Priest Justin Timberlake this morning is on the left and the actual Superbowl Halftime show with Justin Timberlake resurrecting Prince is on the right. Oddly, they are the same.
For all who've "been along with me" over the years, you know that I go offline during the most important/highest/strongest Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper times in order to honor anchoring the immensity of all of the new Light Codes in our physical here.
Isis Astara, my beloved soulmate, has left the physical plane. She was often brutally attacked with directed energy weapons and the attack on January 25th was one attack too many. We could not protect her, her heart could not make it. The Resistance could not intervene directly otherwise toplet bombs would be triggered.
We, the Arcturians, have come into your awareness within this NOW to remind you of your own Inner Power. We realize that your taking an earth vessel in order to assist with personal and planetary ascension has been a difficult situation for many of you. You have volunteered, mostly for the planet Earth, whose Soul is known as Gaia, to educate the humans who are still unaware that they, too, have a “Soul Essence” that is in total alignment with Gaia.