Energy Update March 2017 ~ Up-Leveling Your Frequency

Over the past week or so, I have intuitively sensed a palpable increase in crystalline light entering the energy fields of lightworkers worldwide. As I tune into this higher frequency, it feels like a time of energetic preparation for dramatic leaps forward in consciousness. It’s as if the external changes you’ve been dreaming to implement or act upon are being foreshadowed by the inner changes that must occur first. As a result, a variety of interesting symptoms are arising, as evidence of a global up-leveling in heart-centered frequency. Often times, the adverse symptoms are not signs of a lower vibrational reality, but indicative of how smooth or tumultuous of a time your energy field is having in synthesizing and integrating newer frequencies as outdated energies are purged.

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Every Moment NOW

Every moment is powerful now. Every moment is one of new higher consciousness, intentional focus and conscious choice. We are at "choice point" again... Each JUMP means that everything not in alignment with your highest vibrational reality must be reviewed, adjusted (tuned/tweaked), and opening up to NEW to come forth the moment we let go of anything that we've been holding onto that needs to be released to be free....

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Equinox Stargate ~ Shadow’s Last Stand

We are mid-way through March now, and the intensity can feel overpowering at times. Ramping up this week is the rare conjunction of Uranus and Eris on Friday, March 17th. It began last year with the first two meetings on June 8, 2016 and Sept. 25, 2016. This Friday we will experience the third and final Uranus-Eris conjunction. This rare transit has been the catalyst for so much chaos and destabilization in the world. It is breaking apart rigid limitations and dissolving the veils of illusion. It occurs just 2 days before the powerful Equinox Stargate on March 20th.

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The Blue Ray ~ Ascension Stargate 11:11 & 12:12 – Symptoms and DNA Restructuring

Light Bearer, Starseed and Blue Ray, the ascension New Earth shift has brought you to Gaia on your amazing spirit journey of many pathways, raising the frequency through karma, healing and transformation, living many lives in one. Together you have passed through certain gateways and stargates as the 11 11 and 12 12 for the ascension to occur. Many of you at different phases of this year 2017 are entering the Goddess ascension stargate 13 and will experience intense purging and detoxing of the physical body and DNA blueprint. This cleansing can feel deep within your bones of your human evolution as you transcend old constructs, time lines, paradigms, galactic history and structures.

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It Appears Partial Disclosure is Rolling Out

It has become obvious that the PizzaGate scandal isn’t going to die down as popular voices with large audiences like David Seaman continue to charge on with the might of Thor’s Hammer. I am finding that there are more technologies, that were described by David Wilcockrecently, being released and there is more attention being diverted to Antarctica lately. We already know what the Cabal’s plans are and we have the power of the alternative media to push back against this flagrant attempt to thwart justice and delay Full Disclosure/The Event.

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