Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Celestial Spiritual Warriors of the 144
After yesterday’s powerful and intense New Super Moon in Pisces, our beloved Divine Goddess Planet Venus also makes her transition into the Water Sign of Pisces as the flow of our Cosmic Mother moves through our Sacred Lands to Return us to our Divine Inheritance.
As Mother Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun continue to rise through the Ascension Vortex all is coming into alignment for our Great Shift of the Ages into the Eternal New Golden Age of Timelessness. All protocols are in place and nothing has been left to chance for we have prepared over many timelines and lifetimes for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness out of the Maya of the Matrix and into our Pure Land of Bliss, never to fall from grace again.
In the Unborn Eternal Mind of Buddha we perfectly resolve all things for all Sentient beings of the Way. We release, heal and transform all interference patterns held over our 5D New Earth to bring all into the Harmony of the Music of the Spheres and merge Science, Religion, Technology and Philosophy into One Coherent and Congruent Field to Serve and Benefit Mother Earth and all Humanity for the Highest Good of All.
As warriors of Gods Kingdom on Earth we keep holding the Visions of our New Earth and with our Divine Will and Pure Intent we Shine our Bright Virtue into into the Field of Elysium to raise this realm into the Frequency of the New Lemuria, Our True Home of Peace, Joy, Love, Prosperity and Abundance for all our Good People of the New Avalon…A’Ho!
UPDATE. You are evolving fast at this time. There is some pressure in the air. Something can’t go back to what it was. The energy is asking you to physically take action in the name of your vision. Your purpose has great opportunities to become more and more manifest, real and embodied now.
Your vision, your dream even, can find its ground. You know what you need to devote more energy and life force to in order to feel more aligned. Nothing is too big, crazy or bold. You know what is becoming key for the soul. You are embarking fully on this new journey.
March 11-13 of linear time will see an advancement and further uplifting in the consciousness of the First, Second, and Third Waves. These are the Pioneer Waves that energetically are ahead of linear time to pave the Way and to Create the next higher level of vibration, for the rest of the world to begin to acclimatize with and to reside within. The realities for these Waves will change and produce more of the Divine and. Miraculous experiences which further solidifies the conviction of Their respective Divine Roles, Purposes, and Reasons. These First Waves set the stage and outer perimeters for the subsequent consciousness uplifting of the other Waves on and after April 8th of linear time.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers
Sri and Kira
KNOW YOU ARE READY for this unique intersection of Cosmic & Planetary shift!
As you rise into the depth of KNOWING your Alchemical Conscious awareness, bring a hand to your heart as you invite a nourishing Avesa breath and smile broadly! And… As we all navigate the March 2024 energy, it is BALANCE that will lead the way. In the energy of the EMERGING Waxing Moon…KNOW that this is the moment to EXPAND beyond that which would seek to limit.
To call forward Balance as the SEED OF CREATION is the effect of this intersection upon the physical form. This balance is being supported through a loving dose of universal affirmation as the infinite weaves with the foundation to ignite WISDOM.
Intricately intertwined with your truth,
this wisdom is ready to express as YOU.
Get clear on what YOU…ARE… calling forward. May your heart remember that YOU ARE the COMMANDER of your amazing physical vessel. Connect deeper with what it is sharing and KNOW that it is calling out for you to SOAR!
With all my heart and the honoring of your unique journey!
For the key holders and galactic guardians of Gaia.
Bringing movement towards the new earth Gaia pods.
There has been an opening in the codex.
Galactic levels and soul levels are dropping in the codes and keys ready now to be embodied. These codes pertain to the new earth communities the family land and cooperatives ready to be birthed.
Guardians both galactic and new earth levels are begging to gather to share codes person to person.
These are the key holders and wisdom keepers.
The New Earth Gaian architecture is being built with the foundation of
Ominversal codes of Unity and love.
Inner earth is opening as well with the removal of old timelines of kings with their kingdoms lusting for gold, ownership,and slavery.
Undoing the old to make way for the new.
Higher abundance codes coming in. Higher vibrational resources wealth protocols.
Sacred commerce coming back online.
Wealth being shared among the many, creating toroidal fields of abundance to flow.
Shasta as the root is stepping forward as the first to be anchored. The key to be turned, and the community doors are being opened
and land is returning again
to the tribes and the families of Gaia.
Other locations are coming online as well, all are being prepared energetically for the human land stewards to take their places.
Gaia is moving forward we have to take a step as well. We have been held in this holding space ,but the foundation is anchored the time to gather is now.
Dear friends, with the dreamy, imaginative, and deeply emotional super new moon in Pisces leading the energy this week, we move into a period of deeper insights and revelations.
The Pisces energy reminds us that we are all One Heart, we are all swimming in the same energetic Divine ocean. This week the tangible and intangible, the shadow and light, the physical and the spiritual, the mental and emotional, all become one.
We are moving now into the week that precedes the arrival of the Equinox energies. This week is generally packed with revelations and insights about specific areas of our life that need balancing. It could be related to issues around family, work, relationships, your spiritual path, and even your physical and mental health. Expect this week to bring into your awareness new ways of understanding and new perspectives about your own Self.
All these revelations and insights are all meant to bring you into a deeper harmony with your true self and closer to the “middle way”, a more balanced timeline leading to serenity and prosperity. All this information may come to you in dreams, meditations, or during random and simple moments such as while showering, shopping, exercising, or cooking. Keep your mind open and allow this process of connecting with the celestial ocean become the new normal during these upcoming days. It’s a week that invites surrender and receptivity.
This week will feel like a little energetic and dreamy oasis before the big frequency shift on March 19/20 when the Equinox arrives. This moment marks the start of spring/fall and the start of Aries season and the start of a new astrological year and eclipse season. So… Now/this new week is actually the best time to set intentions for the year ahead.
Listen to your body and emotions, as big energetic clearings and recalibrations are taking place within our deep emotional layers and nervous system. New energetic circuits are being shaped and old ones are being updated by all this new incoming information. Stay well hydrated and rest as needed. Stay tuned for more updates as the energies continue to flow around us. Have a great week everyone, much love
**Blue Ray Transmissions: Restoring the Sacred Divine Feminine Codes of Humanity (The Feminine Empath} New Earth Ascension (Power of the Blue Ray)
The Sacred Divine Feminine is being revived to carry the ascension wave forward. The Blue Ray’s purpose is carried out as an empath sensitive following the path of the Sacred Divine Feminine, the Goddess with Mother Earth Gaia. The restoration of the Sacred Divine feminine essence is vital to the evolution of humanity.
As a feminine empath, you are able to embody the divine mother’s Goddess essence of compassion, intuitive energies, and unconditional Love. Where you can balance the field of polarities and differences into oneness. As the Blue Ray Starseed transformers are empath sensitives and use their bodies and energy fields as channels to transmute lower density energies and anchor higher frequencies for earth and humanity through the sacred divine feminine vibration.
At this time and more recently, an increased empathic sensory awareness for the Blue Ray Starseeds Empaths, Angelics. Earth Keepers, Earth Sensitives, Light Bearers and Planetary Gridworkers is organically occurring.
An up-leveling in your frequency, vibration, perceptions, and how you feel is shifting. This is also causing the release of old beliefs and patterns that are easier to let go through love and blessings.
Know there is a inner quiet majestic, Divine holy power of the Blue Ray of Creation template. This uprising through the Sacred Divine Feminine is occurring through you on the planet. You are resurrecting the Divine Feminine Christ consciousness.
In this new presence of being, your intuitive sensory feelings are coming on line in new ways of perception and understanding that are liberating and connecting you.
This is the difference between mental analysis/knowledge and actual pure energy!
The body will talk!
The body will show you!
The body knows!
Your only obligation now is to actively support your body with love and respect and everything will start falling into the right place.
This is your vessel, your physical version of spirit!
In order for One to arrive at 5D, One has to first become an adult being in the 3D!’’
When there exists a built in spiritual/mental/intellectual pride in one’s programming, then the inner work can find many obstacles and resistances.
Spiritual pride can be the most fertile soil for illusions, distortions and anhydrous projections that can leave one unprotected in times of difficulty or challenge.
The black can be easily turned to white and vice versa but when a situation reveals its true colour, then this creates a crisis for the spiritually proud.
Up until lately this could be covered or bypassed one way or another but there are no structures left anymore to support such attitudes and choices and this backfires.
Usually people who base their personality upon spiritual/intellectual/mental pride, have been greatly abused and supressed via strict upbringing and limiting commands from controlling parents.
Whatever the level of one’s spiritual pride might be, the current energies are here to reveal it to them and this is only for good!
Through the revelation the healing solution can be found and sanity can return in one’s field and mind.
This is actually connected to the recalibration of the masculine energy that is now collectively taking place in all.
All chakras are undergoing this recalibration but most importantly the solar plexus which is the portal of the Inner Sun and it is connected to self worth, power etc. and as a result, this ignites a huge transformation in one’s mental perception, ideas, behaviours, beliefs etc. Life can now be seen under a totally different scope.
So those who have connected to the Inner Sun, the Merciful One, have also accepted its blessing of illumination!
This illumination can now reveal hidden distortion and avoidance, giving the opportunity for correction and restoration back to the natural healthy and balanced state for the masculine energy.
Observe closely what has been playing out in your life lately and you will detect what your inner masculine is being shown that you need to heal or change.
Allow space and breath so that you can confess your fears, pain and worries to yourself and please make room for inner humbleness so that you can be able to ask for practical support from people who have the tools and knowledge to help you, so that you can find new ways, solutions and gain a new perception!
Source will help you find them!
Our shadow is equally important as our Light and as for men it is more challenging to recognise their feminine shadow, the same it is for women to recognise their masculine shadow.
In the past three days I have repeatedly witnessed the number 6666.
When I asked what does this represent, I received that we have now reached the point of actual physical transformation at a nuclear level and that we should expect this transformation to be experienced faster, deeper and wider! Yay!
For the current Light Frequencies are paving the way for quantum Light Assimilation for all species
We speak today of the Light Accelleration Phase of DNA in your world and the Starseed Amplification brought forth to assist the transmutation of light.
For deep in your indidividual and collective Mission, lies the energetic awakening point, the vibrational frequency, now activating in 2024.
For the Natural Quantum Healers, this aligns to the Great Turning Up or reaching the next level of light attunement, stabilisation and activation of your DNA in yourself, to assist the expansion of others.
Know, this is a great formula of light that is required to align with many cosmic and planetary alignments, coupled with the collective mission of Gaia and Hu-man project to reach the conscious acceleration point for this alignment to take place.
Be Open to the light skills that are now appearing
Know it is part of the grand plan as you accellerate in light
The Quantum expansion of the Human Collective is now reaching a new light program of mass assimilation
Thank you for your service to reach the energetic calling to perceive this message visually and vibrationally
We ask you to continue the light passage of now
As the narrative of your world adjusts to the new upcoming timeline of light
The rise of the Divine Feminine Christ is pushing unseen patterns to the surface of awareness. Clearing these things are breaking the system, and will not be able to stop your Feminine Leadership any longer. Ancient power is returning, overriding the emotions that once kept you stuck. Independence is yours.
This may mean the end of 3D relationships. You’ve actually reached the end of many lifetimes of soul based contracts connected to these people. The Feminine is ready to accept these things are over, and not re-contract back into to a position of destruction to your Feminine Power any longer. This decision to take control and say no more should bring a sense of relief and hope.
A new story is available in this New Earth Timeline. The Third Eye Chakra is stimulating some deeper intuitive insights of what these choices can be. You can decide who you want your new life to be.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen
God bless you Love Carolyn
Transformational Shift
Ra James
Today Venus enters Pisces! When Venus is in Pisces anything is possible. This alignment is all about love at first sight, cosmic connections, fairytale endings, and synchronicities. Venus will stay in Pisces until April 5th. During this time it’s all about the magic of love. This alignment is all about a deeper spiritual kind of love, that transcends the boundaries of time and space. Also make sure you refilling your own cup. Taking care of your energy is very important during these times as we navigate the changes happening to the Planetary energies.
If you’re in a relationship going all in. If you’re single you may not want to be so fast to jump into another relationship. Really follow your heart right now when it comes to love. Venus is putting a spotlight on your relationships. Your relationships can blossom nicely during this time. You may be feeling ready to go all in on love for the right person. These are romantic energies. These energies are amazing for healing existing connections. Venus in Pisces will be bringing such a cleansing energy for you over the next few weeks. The energies are also amazing for manifesting the rest of Pisces Season. It’s all about reconnecting with your inner world and your own dreams…
Fairy Queen
Adrienne Elise
March 11-18, 2024 – REVIVAL – SuperNova Astrology Update
Wow what a powerful Pisces New Moon! We have been experiencing a huge bloom of leftover trauma and drama energy, which is helping us to release the baggage we have been carrying from the past age. Mars has been in square to Uranus bringing forward tension and frustration at not being able to move forward. We are realizing that we have been lied to about our own power in order to keep us small and imprisoned. Mars our warrior is ready to stand up and claim back what is rightfully ours.
The Sun and Moon in Pisces came into sextile with Uranus in Taurus for the New Moon. We will continue to feel the Sun in this sextile for the next few days. Yes we are facing the old dark patterns, but we are also seeing creative ways to re-write our reality. We are letting go of the pain of the past. We are no longer allowing it to define us, it was just something we experienced. Forgiveness and release is opening us up to new and beautiful spiritual energies. This is the energy of Mercury in conjunction to Neptune in Pisces. The past is coming up, but we are finding interesting ways of dealing with it.
Mercury moves over into the sign of Aries today, our first planet to go over the Aries point of Astrological Spring. ReBirth is in the air, we are ready for a revival. Venus is moving signs too, heading into Pisces on March 12th. This will bring a big shift of energy. Without any major tension transits, Venus is ready to settle in and Dream of a New Abundant world. Venus will come into sextile with Jupiter and Uranus at the end of the month, just in time for the Libra Lunar Eclipse which happens on March 25th.
The Sun in Pisces will come into conjunction with Neptune next week on March 18th. With Venus also in Pisces, this is giving us more time to wrestle ourselves out of the nightmare of the past, and Dream a New Dream of the Future. The Sun will move into Aries, marking the Equinox, on March 19th. Mars will transit into Pisces on March 23rd, activating co-creative potentials for making Dreams Come True. Venus will be conjunct Saturn in Pisces for the Equinox, marking the beginning of Her World Again. It’s a sweet Equinox, as we bathe ourselves in the Pisces magic, and entertain the energy of New Possibilities.
3/11 Sparkles AstroBite Destined lunar and mercurial energies fuse in pioneering, fiery Aries, while Venus slips into empathetic Pisces, making us all feel better! Navigate this weeks astrological alignments by embracing hope, clarity, and an incoming grounding force of stabilization midweek with the Taurus moon, helping us weather any storm caused by hasty words or exterior pressures. When the youthful and adaptable Gemini moon faces off against all celestial bodies in Pisces, be ready to unlock your mind with fantastical dreams, visionary experiences, and moments of insight—a balm indeed for turbulent times due to all the awakening half squares throughout the week. The big warning is to watch our words and thoughts. They will be the “make or break.”
As of today, March 11, 2024, Venus transitions into the ethereal realm of Pisces, where it will remain until April 4, 2024. Venus is the planet of love and beauty in astrology, so your Venus sign on your birth chart reveals how you like to give and receive love. Venus in Pisces means you’re a romantic at heart—empathetic, gentle, and determined to find true love. Whether you’re a hopeless romantic or can’t think of anything worse than watching a rom-com, Venus in Pisces might be about to shoot you with Cupid’s arrow if you’re single. In Pisces, the perspective is never confined to black-and-white; instead, it embraces the kaleidoscope of hues present in the world. With the goddess of love dwelling in Pisces, our affection knows no bounds; we become capable of forgiveness, understanding, and allure, as well as recipients of compassion from our partners.
Venus in Pisces exudes tenderness and warmth, albeit with an elusive quality, as a yearning for something ineffable pervades. Boundaries blur under this celestial influence, and while it fosters a capacity for profound connection, it also opens the door to deception born of a desire to believe. Thus, vigilance against idealized perceptions and evasive tendencies is warranted. Pisces, being the exalted abode of Venus, facilitates a devotion marked by compassion, generosity, and the willingness to make sacrifices. During this period, intuition becomes a guiding force in matters of both finance and romance. We are drawn to the unconventional, the poetic, and the neglected, finding resonance in experiences and individuals that stir our souls.
On Monday, March 11th, Venus, ruler of love and personal resources, shifts into Pisces, sign of the Fish, at 5:50pm EDT. She will stay in these ethereal waters until April 5th, bringing with her feelings of unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and service to all she connects with. In relationships there is more kindness, warmth, affection, devotion, caring, concern, understanding and empathy shown. Although, we must also create better boundaries and be aware to not wear rose-colored glasses in certain situations.
In finances she may be a bit more uncertain as the Pisces energy can bring illusion and confusion. Money can be spent, on things that have a resonance of sparkle and glitter, like water that runs through our hands. However, extra income can magically appear from out of nowhere as miracles are more abundant. The trick here is to visualize it, and then trust and have faith that what you need will show up at exactly the right time! So, this can be a time filled with enchantment on may levels, especially if you believe!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of love and personal resources, shifts into Pisces
Venus enters Pisces – Now four celestial bodies are in this oceanic sign. You’re in good company if you feel all at sea. Creativity can help direct overflowing feelings. Tap into this inspirational energy through art and music. Let yourself be lifted by beautiful objects, places or people. Donate money to a favourite cause or do a favour for another. Make someone smile. Make a connection.
Romanticism is increased under this influence. Show partners affection and let yourself be loved. Take care however that boundaries don’t become blurred. Resist the urge to place others on a pedestal. We are all gloriously human. Roll with the natural flow of give and take, be flexible and compassionate, kind and attentive. If you are single, shower in the healing waters of self-love.
Love comes in many forms – love of a child, a pet, friends, fellow humans, deity, love for the world. Drink from the depths of unconditional love. These are life-renewing waters.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number twelve and its keywords are ‘Cooperate, Dedicate and Universalize’. The 12th day of a wavespell is all about getting together in groups, working in teams, engaging with other humans rather than being on your own. Cooperation is what it is all about and together we can achieve much more than we can individually. Try to find some like-minded folk today to hang out with and remember that no man (or woman) is an island.
Today is White Wind and it represents ‘Communication, Breath and Spirit’. As it is a Crystal Wind, this suggests that we should be communicating in groups. So, public debating/speaking or performing music or theater, or marching for justice – are all Cooperate to Communicate activities. What I like most about Windy days, is that the winds of change can blow in and make a significant difference and this is because the Storm is the Occult power and these two are so perfectly matched. I like Blue Storm days for the same reason, because White Wind is in the Occult position. If you want to make big changes in your life, your best bet is to do it on either a Windy day or a Stormy one!
The Guide today is White Wizard, the enchanting charmer of the Tzolkin. When in the guiding position the Wizard invites you to follow the path to enchantment. This is great energy to have if you are communicating as the Wizard can add charm to your words. Communication guided by a Wizard can mean you are able to spell bound people by just talking. (Terence McKenna was a White Wind guided by Wizard)
The Challenge is the Yellow Human which symbolizes channeling amongst other things. When in opposition, the Yellow Human struggles to tune in to psychic powers and therefore it becomes difficult to feel what is the right thing to say. This means we must think before we speak or we will say the wrong thing. If you are a Yellow Human, you will not feel like talking and may be quieter than usual.
The Occult power is the Blue Storm which represents disruption and change. Expect change to occur today. You may be surprised what comes your way, something out of the blue and possibly a game changer. If you are a Blue Storm, you’ll have a wonderful day. You just never know what the windy day blows your way. There’s a chance of chaos today but often it’s chaos that brings about changes.
The Ally is the Red Earth which represents Evolution. If you need help communicating today, find a Red Earth to help you. If you are a Red Earth, expect the phone to ring often with friends requesting your advice and wisdom. If you do not know one personally, then you can still benefit from the Earth in this friendly aspect. If you communicate effectively today, you will navigate your way through and make the right choices.
KIN 142 = 7 – Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Solitude MAGICIAN CODE
36 MONTHS ago KIN 142 occurred on 5 MAY, 2021 – the 5.5.5 – LIBERATION PORTAL – LIBERATING DIVINE WILL
Today’s 11.11 code – is opening a DOORWAY to access the guidance of SPIRIT!
Day 12 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment,Spontaneity and a return to Innocence.
After the release of yesterday, today we are ready to come together without agenda and co-operate, ready for more Majik, Fun and play – LISTENING to the guidance from Spirit.
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation.
The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing our CORE FEARS and emotional blocks to reclaiming our FREEDOM and LIBERATING the B-earth of more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS.
At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to cooperate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. Focus on the CRYSTAL clarity of our minds today through the power of cooperation with others. Thus we create telepathic links in our communication grids allowing for cooperative thoughts, ideas and inspiration to flow.
Today we have an 11.11 code AWAKENING and ILLUMINATING our higher mind, and a 2.2. code activating our unification with others
A DIVINE day of greater CONNECT-I ON to each other and Mother Gaia through the CRYSTALLINE GRID!
Today’s questions are “What messages am I receiving from SPIRIT that I need to communicate and share with others?”
“Am I dedicating my life’s purpose to fulfilling the DIVINE PLAN on EARTH?
Divine blessings for the flow of crystal clear, majikal messages from spirit today!.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE CRYSTAL WIND IK communicates Spirit, the essence of which is the mandala of original cosmic order. Stop, be still and LISTEN to the whisperings of the Great White Wind.
Today we have a DIRECT crystal clear connection to the MIND OF GOD! THE UNIVERSAL MIND.
Great SPIRIT is communicating LOUD and CLEAR through the crystalline grid of consciousness, and he has a lot to say – in a very authoritative voice! Spirit is ROARING today ensuring all ears HEAR the DIVINE PLAN. .
Each person is a hollow vessel to channel and universalize this FORCE, through their being. There is a DIVINE PLAN for each soul on Earth and for all of humanity..This is being BROADCAST throughout the new Universal bandwidth for those who have raised their frequency and aligned with this new vibration.
Spirit is calling you into greater Service – have you heard the call???
It is a brilliant day for Planetary kin to come together, to network, to communicate the TRUTH, to create, to laugh, dance, sing, channel and meditate. Open your EARS, your MIND and HEART to the Voice of Spirit.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE CRYSTAL WIZARD – IX as we are anchoring Spirit today, we are allowing ourselves to be receptive to the multidimensional nature of consciousness, through the Crystal/Mental plane.
The CRYSTAL WIZARD as the Higher Self today, brings forth DIAMOND CLARITY through his connection to Spirit and the higher planes of consciousness. IX enables us to channel and receive DIVINE TRUTH – Universal wisdom through the breath of Spirit.
WHITE WIZARD teaches us to CONNECT our HEARTS and our MINDS – using our PURE HEARTS as a filter to understand the messages from Spirit. Connecting to all HEARTS together through the 5D DIAMOND CRYSTALLINE GRID of consciousness, which is now streaming forth great WHITE MAJIK from Spirit.
The grid of WHITE MAjik which was anchored and created during the Magnetic Wizard Year, is being fully utilized with today’s White Crystal Wizard taking charge of this UBER light optical technology. We are currently in the last 4 moons/months of the radiant OVERTONE WIZARD year- empowered MAJIK. 5 IX is the fifth year of the current 13 year cycle of the WHITE WIZARD..
Lots of high DIVINE MAJIK to come beloveds, the likes of which we have never experienced before on the Earth plane!.
Woot woot – it is time to walk on water and heal the sick! MIRACLES ABOUND!
We are in the last days of the Majik Monkey Wavespell, which is amping up the MAJIK today. We have spun a brilliant majikal Dreamspell that will spiral through our crystalline consciousness, weaving a beautiful luminous crystalline web throughout the cosmos.
GREAT MAJIK is afoot dear STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS, and Divine Spirit is about to en-LIGHTON us!
Be STILL and connect through your PURE HEART allowing the messages to FLOW through your vessel. .
How will you use your MAJIKAL POWER today?????
SUPPORT: RED CRYSTAL EARTH– CABAN works in unison with WHITE WIND, to facilitate greater connection to Pachamama and this grand Ascension cycle, that Spirit is guiding us through. Connecting to our Earth Mother and all her kingdoms, the animals, plants, minerals and the elementals. Becoming ONE with the Natural world so we can FEEL and SENSE her heartbeat.. receiving the animating force from Divine Creator.
As we channel Spirit’s messages, we need to communicate these ideas to others, in order to facilitate the much needed change, and anchor the new social systems upon our planet.
WE must also COMMUNICATE and SEED these messages in those souls who are stirring from their deep hypnotic trance…The more TRUTH they hear, the higher the likelihood that ONE of those TRUTH arrows will pierce through the evil spell!
The WIZARD’s powers to influence AWAKENING through this crystalline GRID, are very potent through this 11.11. portal. BAM BAM – double clarity!
First we must LISTEN to the MESSAGES, then LOOK for the SIGNS, to implement the right ACTION, in accordance with Divine TIMING.
Observe the synchronicities which will assist us in navigating our way forward to our BRILLIANT new FUN filled and BLISSful future. Discerning the cycles and awakening to Gaia’s rumblings in our collective r-evolution.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE LUNAR STORM CAUAC – Whoa hold on to your umbrella’s Storm troopers!! STORM TURBO POWER is today’s DRIVING FORCE!!
Today’s SUPERPOWER revisits the Yearly kin of 2020/21 – the BLUE LUNAR STORM YEAR.. which was the 2ND Year in this 13 year Wizardry cycle – and how TURBULENT was THAT YEAR!!! A real mud raker!! We are reminded that our troubles have PASSED and now we are well on our way to claiming our POWER and RADIATING our HEART MAJIK in this MAJIKAL Dreamspell Galactic Year.
This LUNAR STORM is the final street sweeper – paving the way for the NEW HARMONIC systems to arrive.
Today we can receive R-EVOLUTION-ary ideas from Spirit that serve to ACTIVATE this sweeping CHANGE!
As the STORM generates tremendous energy, we can catalyze this in order to surge forwards, purified and cleansed, partaking in great merriment. Together through the STARGATE of the 11.11 illumination portal we can access both LUNAR STORMS driving us forward through HURRICANE winds!!
This HURRICANE will forcefully reveal opposing and discordant energies in order to achieve harmony… so get ready for the mud slinging! Grab your galoshes and stomp through those puddles with your friends, dancing in the rain!
We are now accepting our roles in these transformational times as the ‘Agents of Change” – leading the way as the wayshowers, for others to follow, trusting in the Divine Plan and the process of transformation.
Today’s GREAT WINDS OF CHANGE will have TSUNAMI POWER – forcible momentum, carrying us to our new destination… another day for a QUANTUM LEAP in HUMANITY’S evolution!!!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW CRYSTAL HUMAN EB beckons us today to ALIGN WITH DIVINE WILL, releasing any lower human egoic desires.
Trying to plan and force a path with your limited MIND is not a desirable choice. Not knowing the greater picture that Spirit has in store for us all, means that we have a limited perspective which hinders our creative process. It is okay to NOT KNOW, and thus we need to LET GO of trying to CONTROL outcomes, TRUSTING that Spirit KNOWS where we are heading.
and feel the Majikal Flow of CREATION leading humanity back into the ocean of ONENESS.
YELLOW HUMAN enables us to look to the wisdom of the Ancient ones, the wise ones and the prophets, who knew the best ways to SEED a beautiful new consciousness based on cooperative living in our Common-unities, respecting our homeland.
When we UNITE with the best interests of HU-MAN-KIND as our focus, the BEST MAJIK HAPPENS!
So beloved Planetary kin, a brilliantly ILLUMINATING.majikal day to TUNE in and LISTEN to the ROAR of the GREAT WHITE WIND! UNITING our MINDS as ONE CRYSTALLINE MIND, all cooperating together and rejoicing in the Majik and Miracles of Divine Spirit.
It is also a BRILLIANT DAY to unfurl your GOLDEN WINGS and FLY on the gusts of the WIND join together at 11.11, 2.02, 2.22, 22.22 or 7.07 am/pm today (your LOCAL time) through the DIAMOND CRYSTALLINE GRID of consciousness and BROADCAST your intention to MANIFEST the DIVINE PLAN on EARTH
Today’s questions are “What messages am I receiving from SPIRIT that I need to communicate and share with others?”
“Am I dedicating my life’s purpose to fulfilling the DIVINE PLAN on EARTH?
Divine blessings for the flow of crystal clear, majikal messages from spirit today!.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology reading for the week of March 10th through March 16th 2024 from my Sacred Condor
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from March 10th through March 16th 2024, reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Super Moon in Pisces Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation!”.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
I am God in action and am currently engaged in the luminous energies of the Universe.
My whole body absorbs this light and it creates a shield of protection around me.
I feel strong, protected and loved and I know no harm can touch me
I’m in the world but I don’t mix with the world and it’s unqualified energies.
I am God in action and I refuse to be polluted by negative energy. No form of jealousy or curse can shake me.
No sad, negative, hateful, or guilty thought can invade my field. No type of physical or spiritual entity can affect me negatively at this point.
I am God in action and I don’t give strength to evil x3
My mind is my home, my body is my temple, my spirit is the divine spark and my aura is the sacred ground where nothing can touch me.
My auric field is only connected to good, beautiful, love and light.
I walk safely through the world, without fear, and sure that this field of mine never fails and that the divine forces always guard and protect me wherever I go, in front of whoever I come across.
I am light ! X3
I am God in action x3
I am Free x3,
Gratitude for all the protection and liberation of my Divine Being, because we are one with the Father/ Mother, Source, Creator, God now and forever.
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