Positive Timeline 2025 ~ Birth of THE NORTH STAR * There’s a New Cycle Coming ~ Fast Track of Ascension
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Spiritual Soul Warriors of our Indestructible Legion of Light
As we call in our Highest Trajectory for the coming days our Ground Crew Team of the 144 are holding the line and the Light of our Grand Event our local Soularis continues to Quantum Soular Flash Codes of Freedom releasing 4 C Class Soular Flares and a Trinity of M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 4.57 at 11:21 UTC.
We also had major white spikes of light in the heartbeat of Gaia appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 2 Pillars of Light at 20 hz bridging in our 20:20 Codes of Clear Vision and a Peak at 23 hz, Fifth Dimensional Energetics fully anchored into the Core of Pachamama and rising!
There is a New Light, the First Light of New Earth, blazing into this realm from the most high Infinite Source Creator.
As the ripples of Awakening continue to flow through the Multiverse the Phoenix rises from the ashes of the old scorched 3d earth into the Pristine 5D New Crystalline Earth of the Paradise Found.
With Open Hearts and Open Minds of our Starseed Earth Angelics to navigate through the unknown waters of all future past Timelines to merge and unite all benevolent timelines into our one True Organic Ascension timelessness of the Tao. In the Mind of Buddha we resolve all things perfectly and step over the threshold into the Pure Land of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
or padas of this Nakshatra fall under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius.
Sagittarius 13.20′ to Sagittarius 26.40′
The word ‘Purva Ashada’ translates
into the ‘invincible one’ or ‘undefeated’
Ganesha & the Elephant tusk as a symbol of Purva Ashada Nakshatra signifies
strength & financial gains.
It also symbolizes removal of obstacles & natives born in this Nakshatra enjoy a good amount of wealth and luxury in their life. Hand held fan symbolizes fanning a fire, which indicates keeping passions alive or to keeping things going. It is also a symbol of luxury as it is used as a decorative
item in some cultures.
A winnowing basket signifies shedding or removing the unnecessary & natives born in this Nakshatra have the ability to
discern & prioritize things in life.
The Ruling Planet of Purva Ashada
Nakshatra (Graha Devta): Venus
Graha Devta is the one who gives the ability to understand the nature of the planet so that we can work based on that planet in our chart. Based on Vedic Astrology, the Graha Devta or Ruling Planet for the Purva Ashada Nakshatra is Venus which makes the natives of this Nakshatra polite, wealthy, easy-going & joyful. They are highly philosophical
& inclined towards charity.
If Venus is prominently placed in the birth chart, the native of this Nakshatra
shall be highly fond of luxury &
the finer things of life.
The stars relevant to this nakshatra
are Kaus Borealis & Kaus Australis,
which are part of ‘Archer’s Bow’.
This nakshatra is very direct & focused.
The deity is Apas which is cosmic water that spreads and gives life in the Creation.
The Shakti associated with this nakshatra is called ‘Varchagrahana Shakti,’
which means energising or invigorating.
The natives have transformative qualities as this nakshatra is all about water in terms of its deity, & water can change its shape & also has a cleansing effect.
Kaus Borealis, Lambda Sagittarii (λ Sgr),
is an orange giant or subgiant star located in the constellation Sagittarius.
With an apparent magnitude of 2.82, it is the fifth brightest star in Sagittarius,
after Kaus Australis, Nunki, Ascella,
& Kaus Media. Kaus Borealis lies at
a distance of 78.2 light years from Earth.
It marks the northern tip of the celestial Archer’s bow & is one of the bright
stars that form the Teapot, a conspicuous
asterism that dominates the constellation.
Ruling Goddess Deity of the
Planet Venus is Lakshmi
& also the deity Apah . She is the Goddess that rules over oceans streams & rivers.
She brings purification , nourishment & rejuvenation through her vet and moist nature. Goddess Apah is described
in Rig Veda as a Mother. Apah is
thus exclusively related to waters.
Rig Veda speaks of the creation of the Universe & it is understood from several hymns that before creation there was nothing but limitless water. These waters are said to be dark without light it is further said that the egg ‘BRAHMANDA’ from which everything else emanated had nothing else but water & comparing this too the normal life of us human beings, the womb where the embryo
As the veils of separation dissolve, the awareness in our mind rises to be in resonance with the higher vibrations of the heart where the deception can no longer function, and things are seen for what they are….our reality is becoming less distorted and more true and real….
The Starseeds and their progress on this awakening are often observed by the Galactic Federation.
This is done only to see if and where one may require assistance.
Many of you receive energetical upgrades and different template downloads, especially during your sleep state.
This will begin to happen more in 2025 as you move closer to the timelines of the activation of the 144,000.
All in preparation for the moment of the shift.
Maryann Rada
New realities are in the making based on your collective response to the events that continue to unfold on the global stage. How you respond individually has more to do with the drama than you may yet know. If, in these messages, we have triggered a recognition of your own power to choose, a remembrance of your divinity, then we have done our part as renegades. If, in reading them, you discover some new understandings and abilities, then you have done your part as a renegade as well, and we greet you as brother, sister, friend. There is no greater joy we can imagine at this moment in time than to greet you thus. It is our intent to share a few secrets so you can uncover the ones that serve your people best now: your power as divinely created beings to choose your experience of life as a response to love, your power to creatively choose how to respond to Nemesis, your power to change your own experience and thus change not only the world but worlds beyond.
from “Remembrance: Pleiadian Messages in Preparation for Contact”
TODAY’S ORACLE. This space after the Holidays may feel still, as if things are on pause. You may feel reflective, less active, figuring out what’s key within first. It’s like a hangover period, from all the energy that may be swirling around you, where it’s hard to find your own center again. Rest, take your time. You’re being cleared of all the pieces of 2024 that are unnecessary to bring further. The liminal space will soon be over and you’ll be fresh and ready for the new year.
When all dissolves WITHIN you, all that remains is the True Essence of the Divine. There is no human character leap. It happens WITHIN THE STILLNESS. And your inner knowing (your OWN inner guidance system) to be IN continuous daily STILLNESS. More and more. For as long as it takes. Simply because it is your stage of Divine Union of God.
Devoted… BE there, stay there, to allow the beauty of God to consume and UNITE. It’s magnetic, and gets stronger and easier the more your character (human) chooses The Stillness. In order to, at your own unique beautiful timing, birth THE NORTH STAR. That is born within you. And in being born again within you, you will know simultanously, you were also never born.
The Cycle of deep heart relating, a fully Activated <Lemurian> Heart is anchoring.
There’s not even a hint of sense of superiority over.
We come to peace with our most protected wounds that have been serving up until now, and narcissistic reflective behaviors.
The practice of dissolving ego’s play of separating one with another is coming to an end.
We’re done with spiritual ego’s underlying currents of superiority or inferiority depending on the status or whatever rooted in the old ways of success.
The true power is being restored and Gold returned to those who resonate with the Law of One.
I’m Being Called to the land of Lemuria, New Zealand.
Dear friends, as we approach the end of this intense 2024, a few key celestial events will be energetically supporting our transition into the new 2025 frequencies. The new moon in Capricorn on Monday December 30 will be the main event, but starting today/tomorrow, a new player joins this energetic landscape: asteoid Chiron, the Wounded Healer Centaur, is moving forward again, and we can finally start our healing process and put the past to rest. We are entering the new year with a clean slate.
As Chiron embarks on its forward journey through the fiery realm of Aries, a profound transformation is set to unfold. This celestial event marks a pivotal moment in our collective evolution, as we transition into the uncharted territories of 2025.
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Chiron’s presence in Aries ignites a fierce passion for healing, self-discovery, and spiritual exploration. As we leave the remnants of 2024 behind, we’re invited to confront the wounds and vulnerabilities that have held us back for far too long. The warrior archetype, embodied by Aries, is being called upon to heal its deepest wounds, and in doing so, reclaim its inner strength and resilience.
This transit is not for the faint of heart. Chiron’s journey through Aries demands courage, determination, and a willingness to confront the shadows. As we navigate this transitional spacetime continuum, we’ll be forced to confront our deepest fears, insecurities, and limitations. But it’s precisely this confrontation that will ultimately set us free.
As we embark on this journey of self-discovery, we’ll begin to uncover our deepest passions, desires, and sense of purpose. The fires of Aries will ignite a sense of adventure, creativity, and innovation, urging us to take bold action and pursue our dreams with unrelenting passion.
But Chiron’s forward presence in Aries is not just about personal transformation; it’s also about spiritual awakening. As we heal our deepest wounds and reclaim our inner strength, we’ll begin to tap into a deeper sense of purpose and meaning. We’ll start to see the world through new eyes, recognizing the interconnectedness of all things and our place within the grand tapestry of existence.
As we transition into the new 2025 energies, Chiron’s journey through Aries serves as a powerful catalyst for our collective evolution. It’s a call to arms, urging us to rise up, take control of our lives, and forge a new path forward. The wounds of the past will no longer hold us back, as we emerge from the ashes of 2024, reborn, renewed, and ready to take on the challenges and opportunities of the new year.
In this sense, Chiron’s transit through Aries is not just a celestial event; it’s a rite of passage, marking our transition from the old to the new, from the wounded to the healed, and from the fearful to the fearless. As we embark on this journey, we’ll discover that the very wounds that once held us back now serve as the catalyst for our greatest triumphs.
The unification of the inner Trinity is the biggest achievement that we have reached up until now in our ascension path.
As this process is still unfolding I would like to mention some observations for those who are undergoing this monumental inner change.
This unification is a prerequisite for ascension to the 5D, this is why it is one of the most important developments in the ascension process.
The inner Trinity has entered a new field and orbit this is why it is undergoing a great purification, correction, repositioning and alignment!
We have never had any change/upgrade like this one taking place in the inner worlds!
The sensations, emotions and thoughts are different to those in the past in the sense that now as the inner Trinity is unifying, all aspects of the Self are coming back alive,
so One is to feel, sense or meet parts of the Self that were suppressed, lost, forgotten, disconnected or simply unaware and there were important reasons as to why these parts were unaware.
This new phase is bringing each One face to face with the whole spectrum of the light/shadow Self and its inner state and story.
This development will also lead more to wake up.
Many sleeping Phoenixes will awake now.
This phase can be felt like ascension process 10 times intensified and magnified, as unknown feelings, memories, codes and sensations are rising and One is to come in contact with both the great inner divine powers and skeletons in the closet of the shadow Self!
In One’s perception field the different eras of the program and their guidelines and programs will now begin being perceived for what they really were.
The game is being decoded and recognized by the senses and the neurological system.
The physical senses and neurological system are being stripped off of the last stitches to the veils and the fallen technology/equipment as the Self is rejecting whatever isn’t truly aligned to the his/her True Essence and new revelations and powerful waves of new energy are coming in!
These new waves that are already here are introducing to the system the real and Physical Antidote to the poison that the human system had received which was the poison of separation, deception and forgetfulness.
Remember that in each phase of Ascending/Descending, the poison is being introduced to the masses anew, this is the great test.
The same took place this time too!
Everyone in the ascension process are now receiving the antidote coming from the waters of Posidonia which are not really made of water as we know it but of plasma/eather, carrying Living information.
These waves are not humid but made of Living Light!
In the upcoming days and weeks the ascension process is probably getting trippier!
Unusual and unprecedented sensations and phenomena will be felt as the human system/DNA is being introduced to the new orbit and the galactic field while establishing connection to it.
This part of the splitting is greatly affecting the brain, opening inner supernatural and magical doors and pathways!
The Conscious Unification of the inner Trinity is the key to a smooth transition and transformation.
The human system needs rest and isolation in order to have the time, the space and the silence to cope with the vast amounts of plasma energy/information that are piercing through each cell.
Crisis, tiredness, illness etc., are possible during these developments.
Many will depart and choose a different route for their soul.
It is essential that each can keep a nurturing position towards the Self by slowing down and listening to the inner needs of the system and keeping contact with what is taking place within.
This will allow more time for reflection and reconnection.
Try to release control and embrace surrender.
This is not the time for One to neglect the inner instincts and intuition because such attitudes can have deeply challenging results.
Generally speaking, we will witness external disruptions, cancellations, departures and changes of course in the world as these energies will be reflected externally in a more chaotic manner.
Remember that whatever is being bypassed and not addressed within the safe and responsible frame of therapy and healing, is definitely being manifested in the external reality in order to be dealt with.
In the last group session we were told that humanity will witness unusual, weird and disruptive phenomena taking place and also demonic beings appearing as the inner worlds, are revealing their true nature to the external world.
Things might not make sense for a while or even get trippy but this is a necessary part of the overall process of awakening.
The changes in our Trinity are multileveled and the body which is facilitating the physical awakening and corresponds to the most dense part of it, knows how to naturally bring about this change as long as we allow it!
A relaxed body with active breathing can help all other parts adjust to their new positions more easily and smoothly.
Please give love, breath, nurture, acceptance and affection to your body because it really needs your conscious support now!
The great clock is changing!
We will soon feel the great blessing of the new alignment and orbit as we are re-emerging along with Magna Mater!
Blessings of slowing down and adjusting!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there https://www.instagram.com/crystal_indigo144000
For The path before US is infused with endless possibilities.
For the true intention of now is the light formulae we are seeking. A light balance of true manisfestation requires a deep connection to the light of gaia, coupled with your pure essence of light.
For this is the true synthesis we are seeking. A wonderful light synergy to our home planet and all beings. For this is the truest connection to gaia, Interspersed with the physical reality of now.
For such a connection assists us in stabilising and anchoring our unique mission. As 2025 provides many pathways for accellerated light synthesis. Such a connection with Gaia will greatly assist your journey.
For The Expanded Crystalline Light of Gaia And All Beings Is Before US.
This Is The True Light Accelleration Path, Providing Many Light Gifts For Humanity To Explore
For our natural light signature is feeling this endless connection to all beings.
I Feel This Is The Endless and Powerful Stream Of Light We Are Seeking.
May We Ride The Pure Crystalline Light Waves To Assist The Humanitarian Connection With Gaia And All Beings.
The Matrix Of Our Light World Is Expanding
A wonderful evolvement of light now accellerating.
I feel and perceive the flourishing of my connection to nature. For the grand awakening is a limitless field of light.
May We Awaken, Prosper In A Universal Stream Of Light.
I Welcome The Light Of 2025
Cosmic Light Alliance
Karen Lithika
new moon – in Capricorn
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
Fast Track of Ascension
A massive collapse and clearing is happening this week, putting you on the fast track of ascension!
This is in preparation for the upcoming 111 Portal when the Lunar Nodes enter into Pisces and Virgo. It is a massive timeline shift for us all.
This week you are already jumping onto this new timeline. You can’t take the baggage, old stories, pain and suffering from previous timelines with you. They are not part of this new timeline.
We are starting at a zero point with new blueprints. These new blueprints include abundance, joy, happiness, and equality. Meaning no more sacrificing, over giving, and over doing. Your work is done.
It’s time to reap the rewards for your service. So step back and let God clear the Way for you. Trust that all the changes happening are for you to thrive.
This can simply be a change in perspective. Less stress, less worry, more peace. Creating your reality from your authentic truth instead of illusion.
However life plays out this week know that you are safe and it is taking you into your highest timeline ever.
Source: 144godcode.com
She sees the stars
In two days time we have a new moon – in Capricorn.
The sign of our individual empires.
What we want to build for our lives.
What we wish to put our efforts towards.
It’s pragmatic, grounded, & realistic too.
We begin to see the steps needed to be taken, in the real tangible world, for us to make ground work towards our dreams.
Speaking of dreams – we’re getting more serious with taking ours seriously. With Saturn (the ruling planet of this new moon) in dreamy, artistic & intuitive Pisces… we listen to the call of our souls desire, purpose, & start to feel inclined to take inspired action more than ever.
The timing of this Capricorn new moon is powerful.
On the second last day of the year, we get insight on our intentions. Our gut instincts will speak to us around what we wish to manifest for 2025.
On Saturday, December 28th, the Moon, ruler of emotional cycles, is in her waning phase and getting ready for a New Moon on December 30th, and a focus on new beginnings. For today she travels through Sagittarius, a sign of inspiration, aspirations and new horizons. It is time to expand into the bigger picture and vision of your dreams for 2025. She will oppose Jupiter, planet of abundance and prosperity, but then make a challenging connection to Saturn, ruler of restriction and limitation.
And, finally, she ends the day with a connection to Mercury, ruler of thoughts and perceptions. So, on this day, we may vacillate between hope and optimism, and then fear and doubt. Try to stay in a “glass half full” mentality, for your thoughts do play a role in creating your reality for the future.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Moon, ruler of emotional cycles, is in her waning phase and getting ready for a New Moon on December 30th
Mercury in Sagittarius semi-square Pluto in Aquarius. Venus in Aquarius square Uranus retrograde in Taurus – It may be hard to maintain a poker face. As the mind ranges over trust issues, the mask slips, the shadow shows. Don’t let your thoughts betray you. Play the hand that life has given you to the best of your ability. Have faith that future you found a way. Shift your belief if what you think isn’t working for you.
Meanwhile, Venus tests our relationships and money matters. Boredom and restlessness bring an unpredictable edge. Guard against change for change’s sake. Maybe all that is needed are new experiences, new interests, a break from routine. Give each other room to grow. Prize your space if you are single. Invest in your future. Sometimes happiness is found in the most unexpected ways. Awaken to the call of your heart.
‘Overtone’ is the name for the number five and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The fifth day of any wavespell shifts up a gear and brings with it intensity! The number five gives a great deal of power to whichever day it falls on. Also, the fifth day is the same color as the first day of the wavespell. This symbolizes a shift in direction and speed. The next day that is the same color will be the ninth, and the last day is also the same. These four days are the most important in the wavespell because of this connection.
Today is White Wizard which represents ‘Enchantment, Timelessness and Receptivity’. The empowered Wizard is a dude to be reckoned with for sure. His spells are at their peak and we all fall under his enchantment. You can be a Wizard today if you choose, use your charm and cast spells. It’s a case of being spell bound or doing the spell bounding. This is a very empowering opportunity, so make good use of it. As always, remember the Wizard is a good guy, so don’t misuse your charms to get one over someone else! Use this power only for good and not evil. The Wizard is the Jaguar, the Shaman. He has the ability to take you to other worldly realms.
The Guide is the White Wind which symbolizes ‘Communication, Spirit and Breath’. Allow your words to guide your actions today. Walk your Talk and don’t be all talk and no action. Words have a lot of effect today because it is White Overtone Wizard. Spells said out loud have more power, and so be careful what you say.
The Challenge is the Yellow Seed which symbolizes sowing awareness. If you are a Yellow Seed, then today just isn’t your day. Everyone is so completely under a spell that they don’t listen to the wisdom you are trying to impart. No one seems to be able to pay attention, you can blame Wizard for that. Today is so surreal because the day’s energy is strengthened by the number five.
The Occult power is the Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing, Accomplishment and Inner Knowing’. When in this position Blue Hand can facilitate magical healing. As I have said before, always look to the Occult power of a day to find strength and opportunity. We can consider all aspects of today but Blue Hand in the Occult position is the one to focus on. Profound progress can be made, it’s an empowering day after all! If you are a Blue Hand you’ll enjoy this much power and the Wizard doesn’t mesmerize you, because you are so strongly aspected.
The Ally is the Red Serpent and so if you are one, expect all your friends to turn to you today for support. Your sensitive nature makes you a great friend all the time anyway but when in the Ally position, you excel in helpfulness. If you are not lucky enough to have one in your life, you can still benefit from the Serpent’s message. And that entails using your instincts, and being sensitive to all that is going on. The Serpent also offers you a chance to release any poison that you may be holding onto. Which is very friendly advice.
MANTRA I EMPOWER in order to ENCHANT Commanding receptivity I seal the output of timelessness With the Overtone tone of RADIANCE I AM guided by the power of SPIRIT
28/12/2024 = 10/3/8 = 10/11 = 1/11 = 1/2=3
1.2.3 – Steady progress – moving FORWARD!
28- Planning for Future success 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power 1- New beginnings/Original/Unique/Independent/Leader 3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity MONTH/YEAR codes
KIN 174 the WHITE OVERTONE WIZARD was the kin of the previous DREAMSPELL GALACTIC YEAR that we completed on 24 July 2024. We are currently 5 moons into the YEAR of the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM.
Today we revisit the radiant OVERTONE WIZARD codes to check on our progress.
And HOW are we doing beloveds? It is TIME to take stock and review how well we have assimilated our WIZARDRY powers. Are we happy with our progress? Have you COMMANDED back your POWER? Are you RADIATING your LIGHT through your HEART?
5-IX is supporting you today to reclaim your RADIANCE and your innate MAJIK.
Today is a SUPER EXCEPTIONAL – divinely guided, MAJIKAL day of pure RADIANT LOVE!
We have very HOLY codes – with a 3.3. code, a 1.11 new beginnings code and a 1.2.3 progression code.. These codes are ACTIVATING our DIVINE WHITE MAJIK flowing through our enchanting HEARTS to move FORWARD now!
We can tap into these energies flowing through the portalS OPENED through KIN 174 LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL – abundance, pleasure, love and blessings from our HEAVENLY FATHER/MOTHER GOD/DESS…
NOW is the TIME to CLAIM IT!!!
Day 5 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE!
Today we are EMPOWERING others through the power of ENCHANTMENT to radiate LOVE, loyalty and devotion to each other through our precious Hearts. A very beautiful code!
We are SUPREMELY BLESSED to have the OVERTONE WIZARD taking the reins again today… this supremely enhances our POWER and ABUNDANT blessings. Open your HEART and your arms to RECEIVE the MAJIK pouring forth from SOURCE today!
Be very FOCUSED and intentional with your thoughts, words and actions because
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards.
Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their POWER radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.
The OVERTONE TONE gives the RAINBOW WARRIORS the power of SOVEREIGNTY, to RISE UP as KINGS and QUEENS of NEW EARTH.. COMMANDING their POWER and enchanting their legions of followers with their RADIANCE..
The OVERTONE power combined with the WIZARD and WHITE WIND, make for an incredibly beautiful and enchanting energy – akin to the POWER of true love. This is a very special code today…
What an exquisite combo!!
The greatest MAJIK in all of CREATION is the POWER of LOVE radiated through our pure Magnetized HEARTS.
Make no mistake this is DIVINE SOURCE ALCHEMY.
Today’s questions are
“Can I RADIATE Divine SPIRIT through my HEART, through claiming my DIVINE POWER to walk my TRUE PATH of DESTINY”.
“Am I RECEPTIVE to the guidance of SPIRIT, to fulfill my DREAMS?”
“As I COMMAND my TRUE DIVINE POWER – am I willing to RADIATE my LIGHT and enchant others?”
Divine blessings for RADIATING the most pure Divine spiritual energy in pursuit of your DREAMS today.
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
27 moons/months ago – KIN 174 arrived on the MAJIKAL FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE IN TAURUS!!
These were the codes on that day – We had an 8.8. ABUNDANCE code bringing forth INFINITE blessings from Spirit.. AMPLIFYING the abundant blessings of TAURUS and VENUS. This grand celestial lunation, aligning with the MAJIKAL OVERTONE WIZARD, with a 7 MAJIK day code, and a 16 code of sudden changes and unexpected events, which was a truly SPECTACULAR line-up...
KIN 174 occurred 45 moons ago on 6th June which was a 6/6 HEAVEN’S GATE portal – linking through the portals to all these HEAVENLY blessings. WHITE WIND – is the HIGHER GUIDE on this MAJIKAL day so SPIRIT really DOES want us ALL to PROSPER!
KIN 174 aligning with the eclipse – 27 MOONS/months ago on the TAURUS/SCORPIO AXIS – ACTIVATED our DIVINE POWER to OVERRIDE all DARK MAGIC (Scorpionic patriarchal control patterns) and empowered the WHITE MAJIK we all hold inside our TRUE HEARTS – to flower through the VENUSIAN/TAUREAN 5D Bliss energies.
The OVERTONE WIZARD with his sword of TRUTH will uncover any dark lurking energies, but make no mistake – WHITE WIND is the Higher force today and the occult energy for the WHOLE YEAR – so SPIRIT WINS.. DIVINE WHITE MAJIK rules this year.. the battle of DARK over LIGHT finally ENDS!!
“Dear GOD before the courts of HEAVEN, I invoke the Law of Encroachment. I call upon the Holy Angels to remove these evil creatures and dark entities, and to break this operation over me and my loved ones. In Jesus name we pray.” AMEN KODOISH KODOISH KODOISH ADONAI T’SEBAYOTH
REPEAT 3X to BREAK the dark dream-SPELL!
Divine Gratitude to beloved siSTAR @ Fran SAGE for sharing this powerful prayer..
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE OVERTONE WIZARD– IX is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the HEART. Today we can access potent energies through being in a hyper receptive mode of anchoring with a deep receptivity to many dimensions. This requires stillness and attunement in order to conduct and flow these energies through our vessel.
We are seeking to OPEN our HEARTS to greater LOVE and RADIATE this outwardly.
This beautiful OVERTONE energy is true spiritual POWER. The POWER that emanates from our inner core being, our TRUE- pure DIVINE essence, radiating pure conscious energy. The spiritual power that weaves the beautiful shamanic web of creation, connecting all our kin in one beautiful glistening web of LOVE.
You can connect to this WHITE MAGNETIC WIZARDRY PLANETARY GRID which was formed in 2019, and is available at your disposal. We are currently completing the 5th Year of our 13 Year WHITE WIZARD cycle. Much MAJIK awaits us in our journey to COSMIC ENCHANTMENT in 2031 – the Year of the COSMIC WIZARD! Woot woot – Planetary party – dear STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS
And so we have a 13 year cycle to MASTER our spell casting beautiful Alchemists! Hone those majik wands!
The power of enchantment can be utilized in your desires and creations through shamanic, ritual, ceremony and spell casting today. Make sure you say “This or something better, with harm to none through the POWER of LOVE.” And so mote, it be!
Perfecto energy for SPELL-casting a new DREAM-spell through this wondrous, EMPOWERING coding.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE OVERTONE WIND – IK represents the voice or breath of Spirit. Such an UBER powerful code to have the WIZARD guided by Spirit, particularly the Divinely RADIANT – Overtone Wind – high White Majik codes indeed. This WIZARD is DIVINELY PURE!
WHITE WIZARD is a tool of the LIGHT, a conduit for the work of SPIRIT and totally devoted in his Divine Mission to the Divine Plan, through the WILL of SPIRIT. The OVERTONE WIND is the HIGHER POWER today, bringing forth the WILL of Father God. This combination of truth bringers – IX and IK – WIZARD and WIND – is activating CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.. which is assessed from SPIRIT through a PURE HEART.
YESHUA/JESUS THE CHRIST – epitomized this energy signature as he told us “through the Father all things are possible” YESHUA incarnated on EARTH to teach us that our GOD is not OUTSIDE of us, in HEAVEN or some other “higher place”, but exists WITHIN US all – and can be directly accessed through our HEART.
A wise Magician is spontaneous and transparent, allowing MAJIK to come in, rather than trying to control it or make it happen. A true Magician dances the dance of love, through offering gifts of FREEDOM to others. This is real MAJIK. The WIZARD of old, who appears out of nowhere, to FREE our HERO’S from the dastardly villains and SAVE their lives.
Freed from the need to use power to manipulate or control, a magician uses WISDOM to manifest LIBERATION and LOVE. And the OVERTONE WIZARD uses DIVINE WISDOM to LIBERATE others.
Today SPIRIT is seeking to LIBERATE HUMANITY from the DARK MAGIC control agenda..
Allow the breath of Spirit to flow through your vessel guiding your enchantment today and LIBERATING you from darkness. . OPEN your receptivity to the Divine, in order to receive the guidance on the direction in which you need to move forwards. If you are still wondering WHERE you are headed, BE STILL, receptive, and ALLOW the messages of Spirit to come through loud and clear.
The WHITE KIN are the refiners, they wield the sword of TRUTH and are Divine Messengers spreading these TRUTHS.
Today we have 3 WHITE KIN – Wizard, Wind and White Dog all charging through these portals ensuring we AWAKEN to the Divine TRUTH and Divine plan for planet EARTH.. A beautiful GIFT for humanity. Hi Ho Silver!
WHITE WIND/SPIRIT is the HIGHER POWER today seeking to GUIDE us into this new GOLDEN ERA using the POWER of WHITE MAJIK.. This message came through soooo STRONG. I heard the words “You have to believe we are magic. Nothin’ can stand in our way” – and I recognized these lyrics from the song MAGIC, sung by the beautiful ANGELIC Olivia Newton John (R.I.P. ) in the 80s musical XANADU movie … more info. at this link…
The song kept reverberating in my mind so I checked the lyrics – which absolutely BLEW ME AWAY!! It felt like these words were being DIRECTLY SPOKEN to me by SPIRIT – and so I MUST share them with you – TINGLES
Come take my hand You should know me I’ve always been in your mind You know I will be kind I’ll be GUIDING YOU
Building your dream has to start NOW There’s no other road to take You won’t make a mistake I’ll be guiding you
You have to believe we are magic NOTHING CAN STAND IN OUR WAY You have to believe we are magic Don’t let your aim ever stray
And if all your hopes survive DESTINY WILL ARRIVE
I’ll bring all your DREAMS ALIVE For you I’ll bring all your dreams alive For you
Through every turn I’ll be near you I’ll come anytime you call I’ll catch you when you fall I’ll be guiding you
You have to believe we are magic Nothin’ can stand in our way You have to believe we are magic Don’t let your aim ever stray
And if all your hopes survive DESTINY WILL ARRIVE I’ll bring all your dreams alive For you I’ll bring all your dreams alive For you
You have to believe we are magic Nothin’ can stand in our way You have to believe we are magic Don’t let your aim ever stray
And if all your hopes survive Destiny will arrive I’ll bring all your dreams alive For you I’ll bring all your dreams alive For you
Absolute FULL BODY TINGLES – keep these lyrics in MIND today as you give GRATITUDE to SPIRIT for GUIDING you, in allowing your DREAMS to unfold – DESTINY is calling.
NOTE: Spirit EMPHASIZED the word “ABOUND” so I had to look up the bible meaning – According to W.E. Vine, the Greek word rendered “abounding” in this passage (1 Corinthians 15.58) is defined as “to be abundantly furnished, to abound in a thing…the work of the Lord.” Likewise, Strong defined this word as From G4053; “to super-abound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; To abound literally means to go over the bounds. To abound is to OVERFLOW; to be plentiful; to exist in large amounts.
Today’s beautiful 3.3. code activates support from HEAVEN through your compassionate SERVICE to others – what a BLESSING that will continue to GIVE for the entire YEAR..
NOW is the TIME to fortify your union with Spirit/God/Goddess/Source to EXPERIENCE DIVINE MAJIK in your life… hand it over to Spirit.
SUPPORT: RED OVERTONE SERPENT– CHICCHAN fully energizes the capacity of our life force to fuel our passionate heart’s desires, connecting with our kin, as we RADIATE this unconditional LOVE. Empowering the LIGHT, sovereignty and raw expression of our instincts.
How DIVINE that our KUNDALINI is rising to empower us through this wonderful code, to make the changes to improve our lives and RADIATE our LIGHT.
Our RADIANCE is initiated by pure primal expression as our kundalini rises through our body. As we become clear vessels and align with our HEART, we become a vibrational match for that which we are creating. Our instinctual pulses will guide us through survival responses to create our greater mission and express our greatest passion.
The OVERTONE SERPENT is a very sensual and radiant snake who can fuel the BLISS barometer today especially linking back through the portals to the VENESIAN/TAUREAN energies!! Be aware of your adoring admirers – great PASSION is unleashed!
Beautiful energies fuelling romance, partnership and joint ventures.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SOLAR HAND – MANIK governs healing, attaining knowledge, intuition and has the power of ACCOMPLISHMENT – to achieve your DREAMS. As the SUPERPOWER today MANIK assists us to receive our deepest knowledge through our intuition, and guidance from Spirit. We then PULSE that forth into being through our loving hands and devoted HEART.
We have tremendous Solar Flares and Ascension energies flowing through these Gateways, bringing huge upgrades of our DNA and LIGHTBODIES – The SOLAR HAND will assist us in accomplishing the embodiment of all this added SOLAR POWER today anchoring the new DIVINE majikal energies in our cellular memory.
The BLUE HAND brings us the POWER to ACCOMPLISH great healing on our journey to ONENESS!
As we become more receptive to the voice of Spirit, the solutions become clearer. We are all connected to HUMANITY’S great dream, that of collective Abundance for all beings and our PLANET.
“And if all your HOPES survive DESTINY WILL ARRIVE I’ll bring all your DREAMS ALIVE For you”
We each can accomplish GREAT THINGS, individually and collectively if we are operating with our PURE HEART’S loving intent, through the Collective dreaming for our PLANET!
How PERFECTO that the blessing today is to BURST OPEN our inherent SEED PACKETS as the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS that we are – FLOWERING to our full potential.. what a brilliant super BURST of blissings.
The OVERTONE SEED is a BRILLIANT TEACHER who truly SHINES – RADIATING pure INNER DIVINE LIGHT – fuelled by his innate DIVINE gifts. .
The SEED needs to GROW and EVOLVE in order to FLOWER! This OVERTONE SEED is bursting to RADIATE it’s full blooming potential! Filling the world with the most exquisite perfume and beauty!
Now is the TIME to get moving, ARISE from the darkness and move toward the LIGHT.
Set forth your intentions to take root where we are being nudged by Spirit to step up and start doing! RADIATE more LIGHT through your day and your actions. Gather with others to co-create the NEW EARTH guided by the Divine Will of Spirit.
KAN gifts us, with the capacity to MANIFEST and cocreate our Highest Divine Missions Yahoooo!!!
Go forth and SEED the highest LIGHT and LOVE through Divine Service on our planet!
Today’s questions are
“Can I RADIATE Divine SPIRIT through my HEART, through claiming my DIVINE POWER to walk my TRUE PATH of DESTINY”.
“Am I RECEPTIVE to the guidance of SPIRIT, to fulfill my DREAMS?”
“As I COMMAND my TRUE DIVINE POWER – am I willing to RADIATE my LIGHT and enchant others?”
Divine blessings for RADIATING the most pure Divine spiritual energy in pursuit of your DREAMS today.
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 22nd through 28th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation: Awakening the Christ Consciousness Within & Ascending to 5D New Earth.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
**”Oh Radiant Source of Light and Life,
Great Central Sun, divine nucleus of all creation,
I honor your infinite brilliance and eternal power.
You who illuminate the vast cosmos,
Guide my soul with your radiant wisdom.
Shine your golden rays upon my path,
Dispelling darkness and igniting clarity within.
I open my heart to your healing warmth,
Allowing your energy to cleanse and renew my being.
May your light awaken the dormant spark within me,
Filling me with strength, love, and divine purpose.
Great Central Sun, the heartbeat of the Universe,
I align my energy with your celestial rhythm.
May your abundance flow through me,
Empowering my intentions and manifesting my highest potential.
I offer gratitude for your constant presence,
For nurturing all that exists in perfect harmony.
Bless me, guide me, and protect me,
As I walk in alignment with your eternal light.
In your radiant name, I shine as a beacon of your truth.
So it is, and so it shall be.”**
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