New Moon “Ring of Fire” Annular Solar Eclipse ~ The Cocoon Phase is Over * Christess Rising: The Peaceful Transfer of Power ~ The Way of the Rose
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Galactic Earth Angelics of Mothership 33 of our Heavenly Fleet of Light
Happy New Moon and Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse in Libra the Scales!
After yesterday’s massive X Class Soular Flare our local soularis has been very active today through this eclipse and new moon portal sending a brigade of Higher Light Forces through multiple sunspots releasing 10 C Class Soular Flares and another 6 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 3.65 at 5:38 UTC.
Our Mother Gaia’s heartbeat has been having consistent higher pulses of resonance all day today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 12 hz, 36 hz, 40 hz, 41 hz , 42 hz and a big blast of white light at 55 hz. Fifth through Seventh Dimensional Energetics fully anchored in.
Synchronizing with todays powerful Events we have a very special Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Galactic Signature Kin 87 Blue Solar Hand which just happens to be one of the 13 clear signs of Prophecy engraved on the tomb lid of Mayan King Pacal Votan, left as a code for uncovering the Harmonic Matrix of the New Time.
As the Moon merges with the Sun, the Yin unites in oneness with the Yang, the Water entwines with the Fire, Shiva dances with Shakti and the Eagle Fly with the Condor holding the Divine Union Codes of the Masculine and the Feminine living in Unity and Harmony of the Cosmic Music of the Spheres.
With an open heart and an open mind we navigate through the unknown Quantum Field of Eternity and together we take our Courageous Leap of Faith into our New Heaven upon the New Earth leaving the past behind as we forge our Way through all obstacles and barriers in our Great Awakening and compression breakthrough into the Light.
We now remember our True Nature as perfectly Awakened Buddhas to call in our Highest Timeline of the Pure Land of Infinite Life, in this Now, to free all Sentient Beings from the cycles and time loops of suffering and fulfill our Divine Missions of total and complete Planetary Liberation… A’Ho!
Dear friends and community. We are now exiting the Eclipse portal. For many this moment in time feels heavy, dense and triggering. Many are extremely tired and showing physical symptoms. All need rest. Rest to recalibrate, rest to avoid running after what’s next, rest to allow the gentle and organic recalibration of things. For many, this year has been turbulent so far — breaking some hopes and connections, not giving what it was supposed to, taking pieces of our lives away.
We are being encouraged to feel gratitude for all we have accomplished so far, all that has shifted, all the path taken in recent years. Right now this month may start as strange for many as the focus is more on the parts of our lives that have been disentegrated, than the new and the possible upcoming rebirths. A cycle is closed it is true–yet it is like walking on eggshells still, constantly not knowing for real which are the new doors. Right now, observe.
What’s going in and out of your path, tangibly, but also through your intuition. What’s gaining importance, what’s losing some. Take your time as the observer. You will find your way to the golden steps you’re dreaming of. Trust that even if the vibration may be unsettling or heavy now, the fog will clear and you will clearly walk into your next steps. Take beautiful care of yourself as the planets do their dance. Much love to all!
This is going to be a massive change month and one you’ve trained for your whole life for so remember as weird as it gets as hard as it gets your stronger then it you can be the calm in the storm you can be the lighthouse for the lost you can make it through this!!! i love you all ::hugs::
2nd October : New Moon in Libra, Annular Solar Eclipse and the Way of the Rose
Today is the powerful New Moon in Libra and Annular Solar Eclipse. A ring of Fire that carries energies for change and a powerful new beginning. It closes out 2024 Eclipse season and all the powerful light shifts that have brought us to the moment.
You can feel the intensity. After the quiet moment of the Equinox, we are once again moving forward at an accelerated rate. Decisions must be made and new choices activated.
What will you choose?
Where will your soul lead you?
My choice is to follow the Way of the Rose with deep Love and Compassion in my Heart.
There may be chaos and aggression out there on the lower levels, but I will follow the Way of the Rose.
Galactic consciousness helps me to remember Who I Am and why I am here.
On this powerful Eclipse day I wish that All Humanity may remember who they Are and why they came to Earth.
Then there will be Peace and Joy!
PS I just noticed that yesterday there was an X Class solar flare that was the second most powerful of this cycle at X7.1. Yep we are humming along at high frequency!
“Wisdom lies between the words, behind the concepts. It’s older than the mind. It may be reached through the mind, like sunlight through a prism, but it doesn’t attach itself anywhere. It emerges spontaneously, right from the heart of creation. Wisdom is alive.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
As we move into and through these fields of energy, numerous ones at that, simultaneously waves of Supernal Divine Light Consciousness and continually flowing Adamantine Particles of High Frequency Potential abound. Through it all nonetheless, we find ourselves in a powerful moving forcefield of Light and of Love.
The Key Mother Mary has said “is our commitment every hour to UPHOLD LOVE, to allow the Heart and Mind of God to overlay any other…and Christed Consciousness to Prevail as yours.”
Speak these words during the day often: I AM that I AM and that is enough. Pure Light envelop me now.
Today, we experience the annular solar eclipse. While its visual effects may be limited to a few regions, its energetic influence will ripple across the globe. In our fast-paced modern lives, filled with distractions, we often lose the ability to truly sense the energies that reach our planet. Yet, if you can slow down, take a moment to breathe deeply, and clear your mind of illusions driven by ego, you might attune to the extraordinary, almost otherworldly energy this eclipse is generating.
This is a time to anticipate endings—some abrupt, perhaps reflected in the news or within your personal circles. Imagine the symbolism of the World and Death cards in the Tarot, working in harmony but with energies beyond earthly vibrations. As an aside, the sun just unleashed another medium CME hours ago, turbocharging and exacerbating anything the mirroring is bringing you in this reality. And so, for many reasons, the next 48 hours, but particularly today, could feel quite extraordinary for many. I, for one, awoke this morning to the energies and did not feel I was on earth as I knew it.
otherworldly energy
The Cocoon Phase is Over: Transforming into Beautiful Butterflies
As the new moon brings fresh beginnings, it symbolizes a time for setting intentions and starting anew. The solar eclipse, with its powerful energy, gives us the final push we need to complete our transformation. This celestial event is a reminder that even in moments of darkness, there is potential for profound change and growth.
“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.” – Anonymous
The new moon is often associated with new beginnings and a chance to reset our intentions. It’s a time to reflect on our goals and dreams, and to plant the seeds for future growth. The solar eclipse, on the other hand, amplifies this energy, providing the necessary momentum to break free from our old patterns and emerge transformed.
Let’s embrace this energy, shed our old selves, and emerge as the beautiful butterflies we are meant to be.
10/2/24: This is the month when self can come into alignment with Self. We have entered sacred territory where the highest expression of ourselves is offered to us and the burden is on us to accept. In 2024, we’ve been tested on integrity, authenticity, personal power and its responsibilities, accountability, and motives.
Very important qualities. Divine Love wants to know how you think you did. Your answer will lie in how you feel about yourself today, how you treat others, and how you greet the day in general. October is when the wielding of personal power reveals the person behind it. Your inner light speaks for you. Make sure its message is crystal clear.
The New Moon Eclipse in Libra aligns with the long term transitioning work of recent weeks, including that of a clearance of toxic and negative energetic states, which provides for electrically charged magnetics to work magical wonders in moving us forward and in bringing sensational awareness to new inner states of the Self, following on from which should be a motivating period of reaching for new ideals. With this being the last eclipse of 2024 expect a period of transition to emerge within the days , weeks and months that follow, which could potentially reach profound levels of a manifested reality.
The message from my guide is…
“The spiritual community should hold their vison of the intention of Harmonious living, despite the growing presence of twisted reality states forming within the third dimensional reality space.”
This is a time for frequency holding to prioritise that of which physically demands attention and for heart felt living to take centre stage. Here we have the chance to manifest our dreams and to unite in our advance into an adventure of alternative realities. Meanwhile expect the rattlings of the old world dying to make the biggest noise.
New Moon Eclipse in Libra
Master Lady Kira Raa
Ring of Fire Eclipse What to know
AH, VE, SA and Smile!
Light your FIRE TODAY in ALL-ways!
2025 is the Whirlwind and the rising island of creation floating over the sea of neutrality is the foundation. TODAY we enter into the “VE”…the upward breath that gazes at the Divine in the RING OF FIRE as CREATION IT-SELF is calling out!
Have a fire ring? Light it tonight! Grab a can if needed.
Light a candle!
THIS IS THE MOMENT to invite the FIRE to speak!
TODAY! To invite yourself to honor the fire as you are called and to
FILL YOUR VISION with the field of the rising Island of Creation
as the support of your dreams…MANIFESTED!
Let the fire speak as YOU plant the seeds of what is
TO BE…WHILE IN-joying the well deserved harvest of that WHICH WAS.
Tomorrow we arrive into the SA moment. The exhale into the ETERNAL nature of your Divine Mastery Presence, unveiling in the re-cognition that your Post Equinox life of Equanimity has arrived! Who is here?
October, November and December are the expansion of the Ah, VE, Sa.
This opening ignition is the preparation for the whirlwind of 2025.
The energy of this moment is Power-full, MIRACULOUS and carries so much
mastery opportunity it is awe-inspiring! May you KNOW that Happy Endings are YOURS TO CLAIM NOW and we can HEAL IT ALL!
With all my heart and support for your unique journey of the Yoga of Self-Ascension,
There is a lot that has been said about all the endings that this Libra South Node Solar Eclipse of Oct 2 is bringing in (previous post), but another unique attribute of the last eclipse along a particular axis is also the “gifts” that it showers as long as one has incorporated its “lessons” over these past many months since July 2023 .
Venus, ruler of Libra, in the Transformational Scorpio at Sacral Chakra of her synodic cycle is the viewfinder of the gifts connected to this aspect, with the added assistance of The Lilith Lens.
On a 3D level This Libra Aries Axis is all about coming into right Balance with self/ others via healing the Inner Child (abandonment wounds / Mother Wounds) and bringing in greater Emotional independence and Sovereignty , healing past life and generational Traumas particularly associated with reclaiming Feminine S*xual Sovereignty and healing shadow aspects of Libra by reclaiming assertiveness and boundaries in interpersonal relationships.
Eclipses are doorways into an inter dimensional space that allow us to access timelines not otherwise available to us. And hence timelines can be eclipsed out of our lives or new timelines can be introduced into our life .
The “ Gifts “ at this time from a higher Spiritual perspective are related to Womb Wisdom of The Feminine Shaman via reclamation of her Dark Shadow Aspects of Sexual Awakening Liberation and Sovereignty.
This is the opportunity to release the intergenerational trauma and karmic baggage of S*xual repression to fully own and integrate with Pleasure, Desire and S*xual and Sensual Expression. And it is Super Scary!!!!…. because of the Soul Remembrance of the Trauma imprints still carried in the Womb/ sacral and Throat over lifetimes where these very expressions were vilified and forcefully relegated to the shadows via persecution leaving the feminine with either the choice of submission or defiance- both of which blocked the Sacral and Throat chakras .
Our Gifts are often born from our Greatest Fears . And at this time the Gift of S*xual Liberation and Sovereignty is being offered to us. The Gift of Womb Power that connects us to the Cosmic Womb and Gaia’s Womb . It is via Womb Power (irrespective of gender) we are connected to the sentient Life Force energy that flows and connects the entire Web of CoCreation. It is this Innate Power that brings us the Gift of Intuition and Oracular Prophecy , calls in synchronicities , channels our life force into action aligned with the Higher Blueprint of CoCreation and Manifestation aligned with the Principles of Ma’at (higher aspect of Libra)….The Path of The Feminine Shaman( irrespective of gender)!!
Will we reclaim our Gifts of S*xual Liberation , fully accept and Reclaim our Kundalini Lifeforce in all its unpredictability, Vulnerability and rawness, make space for the integration of the Seductress and The Siren to allow for greater embodiment of our Wholeness ,integrate it as a powerful means of Healing, Transformation, Empowerment and Transcendence ( both for the feminine and masculine) and allow ourselves to be initiated into the Ways of The Feminine Shaman- GateKeeper of Wisdom and Mysteries of Death and Rebirth, Creation and Destruction, Embodiment and Enlightenment.
It’s no Coincidence that this Eclipse on Oct 2nd is followed by the 9 days of The Goddess Durga – Navratri (Oct 3- 12) in India- 9 days dedicated to purification and recalibration of the Kundalini Shakti/ Goddess Energies making us clear channels / bridge between Heaven and Earth!!!
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Art Credits – AliceWhite DF
Goddess Durga
Lauren Gorgo
Today’s new moon solar eclipse which initiates the transfer of power to the hands of those who have done the feminine/inner work to reclaim the authority over their life’s creation.
This last Libra eclipse in the series is the linchpin that will set us free from the lower-lunar-false feminine forces for good which means we now have the means (plasmic Mother energies) to flip right-side-up out of the inverted matrix to begin the Creation of our new lives (as LOVE) ⇾ at the manifest level.These are trajectory-shifting energies that complete the Libra karmic/south node journey we began in July 2023 which means major changes in relationship dynamics⇾ beginning with the relationship to Self. As we finish up the Piscean Age (persecution) themes from the lunar eclipse, the Feminine is finally FREE to step into her power…to move beyond that which has been holding each of us back at the Soul level.
Christess Rising: the peaceful transfer of power
Before us is a new dawn. The Libra New Moon + annular (Ring of Fire) solar eclipse on October 2nd…which happens to coincide with Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year & Day of Judgement…officially opens the floodgates for the (physical) Heaven on Earth experience as those at the fore of New Humanity begin their cosmic journey at the manifest level.
This portends major changes for the planet and her people as those leading this New Earth parade are granted amnesty, complete release from the lower earth dynamics & structures that created a life & world of division. Moving forward, anyone who meets the requirements for the unified experience of life on Earth can also be pardoned as the path is now paved for all who choose the Way-Truth-Life as LOVE.
After decades of inner work to bring the Divine Feminine Christ back into balance with the Masculine, it is time to ground this equal partnership into life at large.
As we make our way into this new dynamic month of fast-moving change where the Cosmic Current is gently but firmly pushing us along, you may notice that what used to hold you back is loosening its grip, freeing you to step more boldly into your new life direction without the constant companion of emotional drag holding you back or weighing you down. This is the key takeaway this month as we enter into our New Earth contracts at the physical level which nullifies our old earth/human life contracts, releasing us from the prison of past suffering.
This means that many are beginning their new life journey as “free agents” now that the energies of 2025 are opening for us to begin assessing our next/new/first real-life steps as Cosmic Creators. What this foretells for those deepening into the Cosmic State is a new way of Creating that honors new/higher laws that are no longer subject to the lower earth laws & limitations.
This also means that what we are walking out of is not even in the same universe as what we are entering into for the new Creation System is in a completely different dimension of reality than the old earth system of separation. And so the rest of this (universal 8) year will be about strengthening our connection to this new system, opening ourselves up to birth brand new potentials…via the universal 9 year of 2025…and waving our rights to participate in the lower reality system.
For those who made the migration to the New Earth server and completed the merger of divine union (via the equinox), you now have the activated capacity to create above & beyond the discordant realms which puts you on the fast track of superconductivity, enabling you to bypass the resistance created by the lower (polarized) forces. This ensures that your personal creations are aligned with the Cosmic Current, allowing you to flow with the natural rhythm of life unobstructed.
If you’ve done the inner work, you now have the full support of Creation to back you which means you no longer need to force your way thru life but can be carried in a way that brings levity to your creations should you allow yourself to welcome your true carefree, childlike state. This state no longer needs to be a distant memory of a former time, for time is no longer part of the equation which means we now have access to this lightness of being in every moment now.
Should you permit yourself this birthright you may find that you now have the power to sustain it (joy) in ways previously impossible. This is the promise to the faithful, to those who have restored the unsullied state for we now hold the governing authority over our lives, and ultimately this planet, as she too returns to her resplendent, uncorrupted nature. This (Libra Season) is the fated moment of Divine Justice on Earth…when the scales tip in favor of the Feminine to replenish her long-lost Life Force so that we can regain full command over our emotions, intuition & gnostic wisdom to govern our lives as LOVE. 💗
Dear friends, the second strongest solar flare of the current solar cycle 25 was observed last night around Earth facing region AR 3842. The X7.1 flare took place less than 24 hours before the ring of fire eclipse.
It’s not unusual for our star to become more active on the hours prior to an eclipse. Solar flares of this high caliber send out energetic ripples across our solar system, affecting all elements on their path. As we humans continue journeying through the cosmos, these solar events continue triggering energetic shifts within our energy fields that facilitate our evolutionary process.
You may see this X flare as an alchemical catalyzer, igniting our fields so they can absorb the maximum amount of lightcodes during the eclipse event. As we have been discussing in the latest posts, the eclipse corridor is closing today, and this type of powerful time window of energetic transformation will not happen again until March 2025.
2024 has been quite an intense year of energetic events and individual and collective changes. The old 3D structures are dissolving, and low frequencies stored within our planet and our earthly collective civilizations are coming up to surface for clearing. And as we are witnessing, this clearing process can be quite explosive. It’s critical that each of us stays centered in our hearts and resonating with the high densities of 4D and 5D lightcodes that the Universe is sending our way.
Those of you who are energy sensitive may have felt an energetic intensity in the air since last night. The solar subatomic particles of the X flare are beaming down and riding on the pre-eclipse waves. We should expect the intensity of today’s eclipse to last longer than usual as this massive X flare is acting as a wave amplifier. Please stay well hydrated and rest as much as needed. You may also feel the need to be by yourself and away from crowds for a few days.
As the annular solar eclipse fades into memory, its transformative essence will linger, imbuing our lives with renewed promise. The eclipse’s radiant energy continues to stir our hearts, awakening inner strength, and illuminating the path to harmony and balance. Embrace the shifts that have unfolded, for they herald a brighter tomorrow. With each passing day, may the eclipse’s gifts of clarity, compassion, and self-awareness guide you, illuminating your unique journey and infusing your spirit with unshakeable optimism.
As the cosmos continues to unfold its mysteries, may you walk in the light of your highest potential, radiant with purpose and filled with joy. Much love
We are witnessing the end of old times, as my Guides called this passage we are traversing, as we move through the Solar Eclipse in Libra and these last three months of the year. Everything within Creation gradually leads us to renewal and a new phase of liberation and reconnection, helping us unplug from the 3D plane, and align with the soul dimensions, where many of you already dwell, holding a harmonic frequency.
Many of you are now clearing old timeliness, a process that is especially challenging as we need to cancel previous thoughts and feelings, by refocusing on the new timeline we wish to navigate. October is a month that energetically represents completion, and the transcendence of all we have previously experienced, keeping only the wisdom of the path we have walked.
The Solar eclipse in Libra helps us achieve completion and transformation through the process of removing inorganic influences, programs, and false light from our being and present timelines, for it is with Libra that we transform all that is impure, in ourselves and relationships, bringing Divine Order into our being and lives.
The Solar eclipse in Libra brings stabilization to the end of a cycle. We are moving towards a New Era of liberation and resurrection of our original Adamic Template. Libra’s essence is fundamental while we cross the threshold into the new for it seeds the balance required for us to prepare our bodies for the next year’s energies, a year of density emancipation as my Guides named this new phase we are stepping into.
At a physical level, the Solar eclipse in Libra is a great source of crystalline plasma that helps us purify our bodies of all lower influences and inorganic patterns. Libra rules our kidneys, ovaries, and adrenals. Many of you are experiencing physical symptoms in these areas. These are organs that are responsible for purification, creation, and regulation in our bodies. If you feel any physical sensations during this profound time of recalibration, your body is informing you of the need to let go, create, or bring more balance to yourself and life.
The seventh ray of Creation, the Violet one, is associated with Libra, for this sign is all about the transmutation and purification of the old. Call upon it to help you transform your body and release all that no longer serves you during this time of transfiguration, for we are on an ever-ending path to transform all that is impure into Divine Light.
Ask it to remove all no longer serves from your bodies, especially the ones related to the three main organs Libra rules. Ask the violet flame to transmute fleur de Lis reversals, associated with our creative second chakra, especially if you have Cathar implants related to it, ask it to remove impurities, and bring back everything into Divine Balance.
Ask it to help you bring equilibrium between your heart and mind, allowing the Divine to rule what we cannot, from our physical perspective.
Remove all cords, false soul contracts, and anything you feel is not authentic in yourself and your body. Retrieve faith, Libra is about faith, faith in your authentic soul plan, in the Divine acting, at all times, through you, and faith in humanity as species.
Bring forgiveness, peace, and gratitude into your heart and soul with the Pink and White Rays, anchoring them in your crystalline Heart, expanding, as a Lotus Flower, from Heart to All, Divine Love and Compassion, moving into a neutral and harmonic space.
Allow the Divine crystalline Light in and out of your Heart center, filling, restoring, and recalibrating all your being and sacred space.
When you feel yourself filled with the love that you are, ask to retrieve your mission, your unique divine assignment for this incarnation if you are not yet fully conscious, and continue holding faith in your path, preparing yourself, with every thought, and act to fill your divine destiny.
Thanks to your Unified Self, personal Guides assigned by the Divine and decree to only serve God’s Source.
Ground yourself in nature, eating some nuts, or in the way you are guided to bring yourself back to your body and your physical reality and know you are loved and recognized for your intention to become more healed and whole, for every time we ask to realign to who we truly are, All Creation celebrates, as Guides always share.
I wish you a loving, and healing eclipse Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
The Solar eclipse in Libra
Chellea (Channel & Mystic)
*SOLAR EVENT ALERT* ~ X 7.1 Solar Flare ~ MASSIVE IMPACT ~ The Galactic Federation
This is a Solar Event Alert for October 2nd 2024.
It is wonderful to be speaking with you again so soon. What an exciting time it is for Humanity.
In these moments, you are at the peak of your Solar Eclipse Portal. Which in itself is bringing intense changes to your Reality. To add to these already intense energies you are experiencing, The Divine Source has directed another massive Solar impact of Cosmic proportion.
These new Frequencies, of the 7th and 8th dimensional Vibrations, will intensely affect everything within your Reality. This will have a massive Impact on your Immediate timespace, transforming everything in its path.
One of the largest solar explosions Earth has ever experienced, has been unleashed by your Solar Logos, leading to a temporary radio blackout over certain areas of the U.S. and sending out a significant coronal mass ejection or CME, that is to impact Earth. This Impact will possibly result in vivid aurora displays later this week.
This X-class solar flare, erupted from sunspot AR3842 near the solar equator at approximately 6 p.m. ET Last Night, on Tuesday, October 1. With a magnitude of X 7.1. This particular flare ranks as the second most powerful solar explosion of your current solar cycle.
The stage is being prepared, preparations are being completed, and all the Forces of Light are coming together in beautiful harmony to drive the evolution of the Earth to new levels. The goal is to illuminate the path for the Grand event to take place.
Despite the constraints imposed by the long-standing lower energies that have shaped your world for centuries, these new frequencies are releasing the bonds that have held you captive for so Long.
While the conflicts on Earth still linger, we assure you that the catastrophic scenarios will not come to fruition. We oversee unfolding events, ensuring that humanity and the planet are shielded from total destruction. These new Energies will impact those inflicting this Chaos, and will bring higher understanding to all those involved.
As Individuals, you possess great power through the energies you emit. By radiating love, peace, and unity, you become a source of positivity, contributing to the emergence of a new world where conflicts and war will be a thing of the Past. Those who persist in the vibrations of negativity will face the consequences of their actions. The Earth is ascending, and those resistant to this change, will eventually move on, to continue their journey elsewhere.
These new Frequencies are extreme, and may be hard to navigate if you are not balanced within the Higher Vibrations.
In these moments of intense frequencies, One must maintain balance by acknowledging your interconnected nature with the universe.
Just as your Star and your Earth, engage in a delicate cosmic dance, you too must align your energies and actions with the greater cosmic flow. Embrace the rhythms of life’s ebb and flow, understanding that every action has a reaction and every cause has an effect.
Finding your Balance on a cosmic scale involves tapping into the universal wisdom that permeates all existence. It entails tuning into these intense vibrations of the universe and aligning yourself with its harmonious frequencies. This is done by embracing the Vibrations of Love, Compassion, and Oneness with the All.
As you navigate these expansive cosmic Energies, remember that you are an integral part of the grand design. What is happening within the Cosmos, also happens within you.
Trust in the unfolding journey, and the destination it has in store for you. All is connected and All is in Divine order of The Infinite Creator.
We love you, and celebrate your Light within.
We are The Galactic Federation.
This has been a Solar Event Alert for October 2nd 2024.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at
For the uprising of the human spirit coupled with the collective lessons of light, is bringing forth many insights and wisdom for the greater collective of now.
Be Gentle in the energies for we are in such a slow but rapid incremental energetic light activation phase, leading us month by month into the cosmic presence of now.
I feel October will be presenting energies that will be transitional and fundamental to the collective shift and uprising. How this is presented, will be offered on many levels.
(1) The first will be your quantum self-shifting and awakening more and more into the present moment of light.
(2) The second will be your alignment to the greater wisdom of the humanitarian experience, and how this will play out with the grander narrative and nature of the cosmic alignment of light.
(3) The third alignment is your role in merging and blending your higher role mission, coupled with your earth physical life mission. Leading you to understand the great depths of your family of light and the true meaning of the presence of you in this matrix. I truly believe this is the biggest unfoldment for all of us, as we are in this alignment of constant awakening to the light of now.
I believe the energies of October will be in a flux of higher and higher vibrational light as we ebb and flow with the cosmic upgrades and the awareness of the information that is disseminated to the wider community from the matrix.
We must also acknowledge the light of the great sun, the cosmic planets now uprising to assist Gaia and all beings. I am shown this light is part of the light mechanics of many ET beings that visit our earth. The vocabulary of this light, is now turning on within us, enabling us to reach a higher point of attunement and understanding within the cosmic inference of now.
It is this cellular recognition that is leading us to have a wider viewpoint, a greater knowing of the cosmic awareness that is encoded within the night sky, this information is now becoming accessible in our light field, which in turn is opening the realities to the fundamental awakening of the cosmic communities that live on earth in the physical and dimensional planes of light
Divine intervention is here with the Libra New Moon Eclipse to release you from what no longer serves you. It may feel hard to let go, bringing up feelings of sadness and loss. The door is shut. Let what is collapsing go as it is not meant to repeat for another generation. Now is the time to learn a new way. The Most High is co-creating with you something better. A spark of inspiration and support is providing the motivation to create the beautiful life you love.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
original Adamic Template
~Molly Mccord
The Libra Solar Eclipse on October 2, 2024 at 10 degrees brings the Sun, Moon, and Mercury to a conjunction with the South Node in Libra, signaling a significant ending to old programming, choices, thought patterns, and Libra themes.
This is the last Libra eclipse in this cycle, bringing our attention to what we’ve been realizing since the first Libra eclipse a year ago.
Venus in Scorpio rules this eclipse, bringing in intensity, passion, fears, and the desire to transform the heart into a new space of love, acceptance, and peace. with Saturn and Mars in a Water Grand Trine, helping to process what you’re deeply feeling and trust your intuitive insights, as well.
October 2, 2024: New Moon Solar Eclipse at Libra 10°03’, 2:49 pm EDT.
This Solar Eclipse, visible in southern and central South America, is the exit point of a portal formed with the September 17 Lunar Eclipse. When we emerge from the Eclipse Portal – as we are now doing – we step into a new 5-month phase of experience.
This Eclipse falls on the 10th degree of Libra. The Sun/Moon conjunction is on the same degree as transiting Black Moon Lilith. Lilith is the instinctual, wild aspect of the feminine.
Lilith is reviled by many. This is the woman who will not submit to the cultural expectations of society. Libra is the sign of balance and harmony. Libra longs for relationship, and the rebellion of Lilith in Libra is expressed through relationship. In its shadow, Libra can people please – a deeply felt desire to maintain harmony at all costs. This is a misunderstanding of relationship. Relationships require honesty and being honest in relationships sometimes causes strife. Lilith did not people please, but she was honest!
In the Egyptian pantheon, Libra is allied with Ma’at, the goddess of balance, justice and truth. Like astrological Libra, Ma’at’s symbol is the scale. Ma’at represents the resolution of duality. This resolution is attained by accepting and valuing both ends of the spectrum. Good and evil, light and dark, birth and death – all have a place.
The place lies within us. If we do not have the ability to recognize both the light and the dark within us – if we recognize only one end of the spectrum – we are polarizing. We will have a hidden agenda – a desire to control so we feel safe in our projections of who the other is. This is not real relationship. Relationships are messy, particularly when Lilith is present. In all things, consider the opposite.
October 2, 2024, by Ruby Falconer
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
This week’s Lunar Eclipse joins Mercury in Libra while forming a square to Mars in Cancer as Venus (ruler of Libra) in Scorpio forms a ‘grand trine’ to Mars in Cancer and retrograde Saturn in Pisces. In addition, Jupiter in Gemini slows to a near halt while initiating a 1° orb sextile to Chiron in Aries that will last through May 2025.
Habitual perceptions of self-worth and the relationship patterns that result from them are coming up now in response to external circumstances which is creating an opportunity to CLEANSE the old patterns and to MOVE our emotional responses along a more appropriate path of processing and integration.
This all sounds ‘fancy’ and well and good but if we are not currently willing to detach ourselves and release ourselves from patterns that we have always employed to ‘protect’ us when we feel vulnerable, this process can be VERY uncomfortable…
And this will be a very gradual experience over the coming months as multiple ’rounds’ of situations arise in our lives that challenge us to ‘wash away’ the old habits and to consciously choose new actions and responses that reflect our authentic sovereignty and what we have been learning about our unique potentials since the spring!
The personal growth potential over the next 6-7 months is enormous but it will require a willingness to prioritize our sovereign boundaries and intentions as we actively engage in the process of releasing codependent habits and people pleasing tendencies that have cut us of from our own sovereign path in life.
On Wednesday, October 2nd, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees of Libra. This is the follow-up eclipse to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse we had in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac….a sign of completion. These energies are about endings and new beginnings….death and rebirth! The unfolding energies, situations and circumstances of the eclipses last for several weeks, and even months!
This particular Solar Eclipse conjuncts Mercury, ruler of thoughts, perceptions and communications, conjuncts the South Node, ruler of past life patterns, lessons and hindrances, inconjuncts Saturn, planet of karma, delays and restrictions, and squares Mars, planet of anger, aggression and impatience. I mention here some of the shadow qualities of Saturn and Mars as the aspects to the Solar Eclipse from these two are challenging today.
However, the positive side of Saturn is about restructuring and the positive side of Mars is about taking action. Perhaps we are being guided to restructure our lives and take action towards something new, but it feels difficult and arduous. We are being called to release and let go of what we no longer need to hold onto, and open ourselves to the possibilities of the new opportunities and potential that lies before us!
Solar eclipse in Libra – An important new start comes on the heels of a powerful ending. The tail of the dragon whips away all that is no longer needed for our karmic journey (and uncovers treasures to aid us on our new path). These are liminal times, standing at the centre of the see-saw, the slightest step to the side takes us off balance. Now we are at the tipping point. No more waiting or hedging our bets. No more over-compromising, agreeing to the disagreeable, settling for what is unfair, unwanted, unworthy. Lilith calls out our name, sets the spirit alight, reminds us of our raw creative power. No is the magic word, she reminds us. Only say yes if your soul sings it.
The Sabian symbol of this eclipse is A Professor Peering Over His Glasses At His Students. It tells us that it’s time for us to check the lens through which we look at life and each other. We filter through opinion, mindset, teachings, reasoning, conditioning. Look with your heart to see the truth.
‘Solar’ is the name for the number nine and its keywords are ‘Intention, Pulse and Realize’. The ninth day is a powerful shift in the energy of a wavespell and oh what a wavespell we are having! The 9th day of the wavespell of the Blue Storm has the potential to be explosive or implosive depending on how you deal with it. It’s the number of intentions and the Storm has gained strength and is peaking. You can harness this energy and ride the Storm like a cowboy on a bucking bronco or you can get blown away. It is all about your intention and how much power you can raise. Consider how much do you really want what you desire? You must up your game to achieve your goals, luckily today is perfect for doing exactly that.
Today is Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing, Accomplishment and Knowing’. The Blue Hand is about accomplishing things and on this day of intention, we have a lot of power in our hands. This is all within the Blue Storm wavespell, and so if you put your hands to good use today the results will be very healing. You might find yourself feeling more ambitious than usual! It is one of the best combinations of day and number in the Tzolkin because they are so similar in energy.
The Guide today is the Blue Night which represents ‘Dreaming and Abundance’. This suggests that our dreams guide our intentions today which can lead to abundance! Dream big, add your willpower and intention, that’s an awesome combination. Whenever the Blue Night leads we are being reminded not to neglect our dreams. He also encourages us to use our imaginations when trying to figure out how to make them come true.
The Challenge today is the Red Earth which is the symbol of Evolution. This provokes us and motivates us to make progress in our life but it is in a challenging position and so not easy. But sometimes it’s a galvanizing energy that fuels our fire and makes us more determined to succeed. So have a tantrum, get annoyed and get mad but get going! Have you ever had someone tell you that you can’t do something and instead of putting you off, you try even harder to prove them wrong?
The Occult power is the White Wizard! A magically strong energy in this Occult position means that we can be Wizards and that will help immensely with this powerful day. If you use your charms, you too can enchant your way through the day. Whenever this charming Shamanic Wizard is occupying this position, he spells work exceedingly well. Don’t be surprised if you feel a little surreal today.
The Ally is the Yellow Human, the channel of the Tzolkin. Their great intuitive powers come in very handy today and they can have useful insights to help navigate your way. If you don’t know a Yellow Human that can help you, take a leaf out of their book and channel what you need to know in order to accomplish what you want.
A very special HEAVENLY HEALING PORTAL day today on this SOLAR ECLIPSE in LIBRA!! .
Today is a PACAL VOTAN day. KIN 87 Blue Solar Hand appears as one of the 13 clear signs on the tomb lid of Mayan King Pacal Votan. These 13 signs were left as a code for uncovering the Harmonic Matrix of the New Time. PV days are very significant milestones in our Planetary evolution. Aho!
This reveals that today has an EXTRA EXTRA SUPER SPECIAL ENERGY, so tune in and be PULSED by this SOUL-AR LIGHT for accomplishing the DREAM. Pull in and anchor as MUCH LIGHT as your physical vessel can contain, then PULSE this out to your kin and the planet!
Day 9 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. Today we REALIZE THE CHANGE, PULSING through us, as we are guided by our intuition to allow strong DIVINE HEALING to occur, returning us to WHOLENESS.
How DIVINELY PERFECTO on this phenomenal RING of FIRE SOLAR ECLIPSE that reaches TOTALITY at the PEAK of the ECLIPSE above mystical EASTER ISLAND – RAPA NUI..
And of course RAPA NUI is in the SOUTH PACIFIC and was an outpost of ancient LEMURIAN the MOTHER LAND of MU. RAPA NUI forms a triangle with the landmass of HAWAII and NEW ZEALAND. which were all part of LEMURIA.
Check out the PLANETARY SIGNIFICANCE that this ECLIPSE is achieving – absolute TINGLES for this QUANTUM SHIFT through this pivotal point in our Ascension journey.
The Greatest Synchronicity for ALL Humanity
A Direct Message from Above
Both the SUN and new MOON are in the sign of LIBRA during this Eclipse. LIBRA is the sign of BALANCE and achieving PEACE and HARMONY. A beautiful intention for a RESET during this majikal eclipse.
2 OCT – UT/GMT – maximum eclipse will occur at 18.45 GMT / EDT – 2.45 p.m. USA
3 OCT – Aus/NZ – AEST- 4.45 AM NZST – 6.45 AM
On Oct. 2, an annular solar eclipse will be visible from parts of the Southern Hemisphere – Easter Island/Rapa Nui, southern Chile and Argentina.. Although much of South America will see a partial solar eclipse, some observers will witness a “ring of fire” around the moon from within a narrow path of annularity.
SOLAR – Tone 9 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm ACTION – realizing, POWER – pulse, ESSENCE – intention The 9th day of BLUE STORM Wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation. The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our Will affects the reality we experience, so we begin pulsing, extending our intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to manifest and pulsing that intention from our heart. This assists us in making our DREAMS come true. This is POTENT manifestation energy today!
What HEALING are you intending today, and what DREAMS are you pulsing into reality?
Place this INTENTION into the Solar Eclipse energy for rapid healing and manifestation.
Today’s question is “How can I accomplish HEALING on the deepest levels of my being, enabling me to PULSE out LIGHT as pure consciousness, to all humanity and our PACHAMAMA?”
Thus we are GIFTED once again with a very divinely SPIRITUAL day supporting us to HEAL our bodies, and realize our greatest DREAMS as we reAWAKEN our remembrance of who we are,
Divine blessings for miraculous HEALING on every imaginable (and unimaginable) level of our being, precious hearts.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE SOLAR HAND MANIK Brings forth great HEALING today, providing the opportunity to close the cycle of dis-ease and discordant states of being. As the SOLAR tone is in the SPIRITUAL realm, the healing can occur on all levels and not just the physical, emotional or mental, but wholly on a soul level.
Together with BLUE STORM this affects very deep core SOUL HEALING today.
An opportunity to permanently seal those old core wounds and heal the battle scars, moving forward with a fresh skin suit! In particular catching some SOLAR rays today, and absorbing the light codes and nutrients from the SUN, can be tremendously healing on our body and soul today.
The SOLAR tone of realizing our INTENTION is very potent, combined with MANIK’s healing POWER of accomplishment. Hold the INTENT of whatever needs HEALING today, on any plane of existence and PULSE that intention out to the Universe to accomplish your desires.
The alignment of this RAPA NUI – CREATOR GODS Solar Eclipse with this PV day with a SOLAR HAND healing day – is truly phenomenal!!!!!!!!!!!!!. You are assured that Spirit has your back and there is DIVINE PROVIDENCE behind today’s HEALING CODES – bringing forth Miracles and Majik!
As today is also a PV day take some time to PULSE forth your intent for PLANETARY healing for MAN-KIND and Pachamama too!
All our collective Planetary wounds have been coming to the surface NOW and our Mother is tired of weeping for her wounded and troubled children. Pachamama calls on us TODAY to send LOVE and HEALING through her troubled veins so that she can be FREE of this anguish.
As the path of totality passes over the waters of our Mother Land – the region of LEMURIA – this eclipse will effect tremendous planetary healing for our Mother, our collective and humanity at large. A huge cleansing of our collective unconscious TRAUMA .. HALLELUJAH!!!
Be still today – preferably in Nature – and reflect on the current tragedies – wars in Ukraine/Russia and Israel – Hurricane Helene victims (and all the tragedies where mass populations perished) – deeply connect to GAIA through your pure HEART connected to her
VISUALIZE the energy being cleared from the land, the waters, the ley lines and our entire PLANET – then
PULSE beautiful RAINBOW LIGHT through her body.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE SOLAR NIGHT AKBAL is our guide today, so we can trust our intuition to reveal where strong HEALING is needed. The deep, deep, core wounding in our cell-ves and our Planetary body. Akbal dives deep into the depths of our collective soul, the unconscious and our global psyche. Allow the codes to penetrate deeply, clearing the depths of the darkness and flushing with this SOLAR FIRE LIGHT.
TRUST that DEEP HEALING is accomplished today!
What a POWERFUL GIFT to have AKBAL guiding the HEALING energy today aligning with the RING of FIRE SOLAR ECLIPSE.. A very powerful synergy of energies reaching deep into the depths of our collective psyche. Potent HEALING POWER through this monumental 11/2 PV portal day!
AKBAL holds the dreaming code and the keys to ABUNDANCE, so as the HIGHER POWER today, this is Genie Majik – granting your wishes into realization.
Today we have the opportunity to allow HEALING to permeate into all areas of our being, setting the intention to ACCOMPLISH our personal DREAMS, and those DREAMS that are held in the collective unconscious, as Abundance and happiness for all beings.
The NEW WAY DREAMING codes are being fully activated by Divine Spirit and are flowing into our Reality NOW!
What DREAMS do you desire to ACCOMPLISH today?
SUPPORT: YELLOW SOLAR HUMAN EB provides the Divine wisdom in assisting us to evolve past those old wounds, patterns and the old paradigm. Being open and willing to push past the old boundaries, so that we can co-create and seed the NEW TIME, free to influence others in a positive way, towards wholeness and harmony.
The SOLAR HUMAN is totally embodying the Divine Solar codes and the intention of Spirit to manifest the New Dream.
The higher aspect of the HU-MAN is that of the DIVINE HU-MAN which intends the DIVINE PLAN into REALIZATION. In 5 days time on 7 October 2024 – we commence the 13 day cycle of becoming DIVINE HU-MANS.. Today’s SOLAR HUMAN is preparing us for this!
EB also holds the keys to ABUNDANCE and attaining the Holy Grail – so we have DOUBLE ABUNDANCE realization POWER today!
The DIVINE INTENTION is that collective ABUNDANCE is the birthright of all HU-MANS and WILL BE REALIZED on our PLANET! Aho!
TODAY is a very potent day for purifying and HEALING your scare-city blocks, and poverty consciousness, transforming them into realizing new streams of ABUNDANCE!
Open your arms and your MIND to RECEIVE from the DIVINE today, allow your GOLDEN CHALICE to overflow with Cosmic SOLAR energies, providing for all your needs.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE OVERTONE WIZARD IX allows us to be receptive to the TRUTH of what presents today. Honestly facing our demons in order to cast them out forever, and transform them into BLISS-INGS.
The OVERTONE WIZARD was the solar seal of the previous Dreamspell year – and so we are very familiar with this RADIANT empowering energy. OVERTONE IX is giving us an extra strong dose of MAJIK to wield through this eclipse portal to COMMAND a better DREAM-SPELL for our lives and our world!!
WHITE WIZARD provides great MAJIK as today’s SUPERPOWER giving you the POWER to transcend the OLD TIME, becoming RECEPTIVE to all the new Majik flowing your way.
Allow White Wizard to uplift you into a HIGHER LIGHT through connecting and PULSING the Solar codes through your pure HEART.
The OVERTONE WIZARD has the power of COMMAND, so he can empower you to claim your MAJIK, and command your intent into FULL realization.
Aho beloved EARTH WIZARDS – Draw on the POWER and confidence of this Shamanic, enchanting Wizard to cast a DIVINE and Holy Dream-Spell for PACHAMAMA and humanity today, as we weave the web of our beautiful New Reality together.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SOLAR EARTH CABAN It is absolutely PERFECT that the SOLAR EARTH is the blessing and gift of KIN 87 today. We are being challenged to LISTEN and connect DEEPLY with our PACHAMAMA today. Hear her PAIN and RESPOND with great respect and LOVE, honouring her cries for HEALING.
CABAN challenges us to surrender fearlessly, by anchoring deeply into the Earth and flowing with her cycles and the synchronicities that occur when we listen deeply to Mother Earth and flow with her messages.
SOLAR CABAN beckons you to receive these Solar codes through your Heart and connect to Mother Gaia’s Heart and the Galactic Heart – PULSING the LOVE and Solar codes through your Magnetized toroidal field, creating one huge Unified field of infinite Creation power.
CABAN also connects us to our Ancestors – the WISE ONES of yesteryear.
Today is an UBER FANTASTIC day to heal our DNA and purify our ancestral bloodlines, finally freeing our families and human family, from repeating patterns and cycles.
Allow the pure flow of consciousness to PULSE through your being, connecting you to GAIA and the cosmos, through these evolutionary times.
Today’s question is “How can I accomplish HEALING on the deepest levels of my being, enabling me to PULSE out LIGHT as pure consciousness, to all humanity and our PACHAMAMA?”
Thus we are GIFTED once again with a very divinely SPIRITUAL day supporting us to HEAL our bodies, and realize our greatest DREAMS as we reAWAKEN our remembrance of who we are,
Divine blessings for miraculous HEALING on every imaginable (and unimaginable) level of our being, precious hearts.
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 29th through October 5th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Sacred Prayer for the New Moon & Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse in Libra
Divine Source of Balance and Harmony,
On this sacred New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra, we come before you with open hearts and humble spirits. Under the celestial Ring of Fire, we embrace the transformative energies of this powerful moment.
As the Moon obscures the Sun and the shadows dance with the light, may we too find balance in our lives—between the seen and unseen, between giving and receiving, between the self and the other.
Great Spirit of the Cosmos,
Guide us in our pursuit of inner peace and harmony with the world around us. Help us release all that no longer serves us, dissolving past patterns and fears into the flames of this eclipse. May the shadows that are revealed in this time of alignment lead us to greater self-awareness and truth.
Under this Libra Moon, we call forth the energies of love, justice, and balance.
May we honor the partnerships in our lives, seeing those who walk with us as divine reflections of our own journey. Help us build bridges where there have been walls, and nurture peace where there has been discord.
We ask for the grace to make wise and compassionate decisions, to uphold fairness and equality in all we do, and to see the beauty and potential in every situation.
As the Sun and Moon align in this cosmic dance, may we too align with our highest purpose and soul’s truth.
With gratitude and reverence, we welcome this new beginning.
May the seeds we plant under this New Moon grow into beautiful expressions of love, balance, and harmony in the months to come.
Sacred Prayer for the New Moon & Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse in Libra
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