New Moon in Sagittarius ~ 12:12 Portal Activation ~ Chariot of GOD: The Birth of Divine Biology
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Royal Lyran Feline Nation of the 144
Happy fiery New Moon in Sagittarius and 12:12 Activation Portal of the 33 Double Trinity Code of Divine Union.
The Yin merges with the Yang, the Fire becomes one with the Water as the Divine Masculine Eagle flies with the Divine Feminine Condor over our Sacred Lands of Pachamama bringing all into the balance and harmony of the Music of the Spheres.
Everything is aligning both physically and celestially for our Great Shift of the Ages and our full compression breakthrough as SuperNova Souls of Terra Nova Gaia.
Our Rainbow Tribe of the New Earth is rising through this powerful Galactic Gateway as we ascend into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
We have stepped over the threshold into the Unknown and the Light of 10,000 Suns blazing in our Sacred Heart Centers are leading the Way to our Kingdom of Heaven on Earth we call the Pure Land of Amida Buddha.
In the Pure Awareness of the Awakened Mind of Buddha all things come into the Crystal Clear Clarity of Divine Union as we have the Samadhi of Direct Experience with the Unknowable Source we call the Great Mystery.
This is the Self Realization of the Godhead within as we navigate through the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of your True Essence of beingness and into the Clear Light of Bliss.
Feel your Way through and through and through until the Full Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the Solar Christos Sophia Consciousness of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
The 12/12 Portal this year is a powerful moment of emergence and completion.
We are emerging as fully embodied and awakened beings, aligned with the original template for the Angelic Human or Earth Master.
As we head into 2024, it is also a celebration of the emerging communities and tribes of Light on the Earth. We are finding our Soul Families and Soul Groups and coming together in Sacred Circles.
It is a time to open our Hearts and be willing to receive the gifts of Love and Abundance that are offered to us in the New Earth.
Dear fellow souls, I wish you a joyful day filled with the energy of the Divine Feminine Rose flow and with Simple Joy and Abundance of the Christ Consciousness.
Blessed, Miraculous and Light Filled Day To You Beloved One, May You Walk Through This 12/12 Portal With the Knowing That It Will Bring You and All Of Us,
One Step Closer To the Most Glorious Life and Living That We Have Been Working Towards, Longing For and Visualized, May You Keep Your Vibrations High and Your Dreams Alive, Trusting That Everything Is Not As It Seems On A Surface Level, Trusting the Process and the Miraculous Unfolding, Knowing That Anything and Everything Is Possible and That Massive Shifts and Transformations Can Occur In A Heartbeat, You, Me and We Are Here To Be Gloriously Victorious In Our Light Filled Endeavors, the Best IS Yet To Come!!!
Blessed Be, Endless Love and Courageous, Blissful, Thriving, Joyful, Wondrous Life and Living In Unity, Peace and Freedom For All To You
Be Gloriously Victorious In Our Light Filled Endeavors
Catalyst Code 12:12 aligns with Sacred Geometry associated with our Solar System..
Twelve is also reflected in the various World Systems in which the Earth inhabits.
Twelve is also reflected in the fact that we have Twelve Dimensional Solar Strands of Fifth Dimension DNA.
Dimensional Solar Chakras, Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity, Twelve Constellations in our Zodiac, and Twelve Ages in our Precession of the 26,000-Year Equinoxes. That’s why we hear so much about the power of 12×12 and the number 144 or 144,000 in relation to the events associated with the process of Earth Ascension.
Today the 12:12 Gateway opens directly to the galactic center located approximately 26° Sagittarius. 12:12 is Metatron’s ascension gateway. 12:12 is a sacred code that enhances more Soul Light Body Activations. The New Moon in Sagittarius is initiating new thought, new ideas, new solutions, new consciousness. The alignment of the New Moon during today’s 12:12 galactic event horizon expands and magnifies your visions and intentions, dreams and goals for 2024 and beyond. Wishing you magical 12:12 Blessings!
12/12/23: Today is considered to be a powerful portal, opening us to expanded consciousness and manifestation because of its numbers 12/12. However, there is also the umbrella influence of the karmic debt number 13/4. Today’s energy can absolutely offer you access to divine guidance that feels more personal and direct than usual. It can uplift and inspire you…
but you must do your part. Divine communication can often seem too simplistic, obvious, or unrealistic when compared with worldly or rational thought, so it’s easy to disregard. It’s on you to receive today’s gift of love. You must make time and space for it. But remember that it comes from within. You are actually the portal through which it flows.
Divine communication
Happy 1212! A coronal hole has opened in the sun. I mentioned yesterday the frequencies would be increasing again. Stargates are aligned and streaming 12th and 13th dimensional frequencies. When people say 5D, we are beyond that now. However people will play from 3D-5D more collectively. So it’s important what you are doing and not what others are doing. Balance is being restored on the magnetic fields and poles and that includes you too.
You must create balance or the misalignment will be felt strongly as we are in portal energy. Y’all have been so good rising up and fortifying yourselves in light for the ascension process. You are restoring yourself and this planet. That’s how sacred your energy is! Keep magnetizing the light and drop all illusions that dracos subconsciously programmed. It was all lies against your light. Dust it off and shine your light 💎☀️
A coronal hole has opened in the sun
Lauren Carolyn Gorgo
Chariot of GOD: the Birth of Divine Biology
December has been a powerhouse month so far, paving the way for an even more powerful year to come. This week alone we have the 12:12 completion gate (12/12), the Sagittarius New Moon (12/12), and Mercury’s retrograde station (12/13) all leading us to the 12/21 Solstice gateway as we simultaneously navigate the Holydays.
In the bigger picture, this month contains the activation codes needed to align with our Divine Destiny on Earth via the return of our Divine Human genetics. The warrior wave is no longer needed to free the planet & her people from slavery…we have fulfilled our karmic contracts, healed our ancestral/generational trauma, and resolved our genetic distortions so that we can now awaken to our True biological potential.
This Holy Season is our window for letting all that go and making space for the joy of the new (cosmic) creation cycle beginning in 2024. As we release the last of our karmic creations thru this month’s stargates we completely close the 3/4D door (to duality) which fully opens the (5D) door to the Rainbow Realms on Earth.
The work (joy) of a Starborn Soul on an earthbound mission revolves around that which uplifts, resurrects, heals & beautifies…anything that encourages, inspires, enhances, or fortifies the organic principle of Creation.
The opening of the Rainbow Realms is slated to change everything about our lives, tho three things in particular are highlighted. To begin with, 1) we are no longer going to be interfacing with the causal realms which means our participation with Creation will significantly shift. 2) We are also going to experience the lifting of the veil in a way that will provide a greater understanding of life and our own role in it. 3) We will be completely shedding the lower human identity that we held in our first life so that we can welcome forth our divine identity to rebuild our lives in alignment with the Divine Plan.
Of which, the Solstice gateway is presenting…among other things…as “the entrance to our Home on Earth” in the sense that we are now aligned with our true Star nature (while in human form) which means we now have the ability to feel at Home wherever we are and wherever we go⇾ compliments of our return to the Cosmic Egg/Womb of Life. This encompassing feeling of Home is our new foundation to build from and why we have been working so tirelessly to dismantle the (false) foundation and unstable structures of our karmic life.
Moving into the new year we will no longer need to expend our precious life force on the dissolution of said false structures and can reroute all that energy to the creation of new life instead. Translation⇾ our life force is now our own and can be utilized to revitalize, resurrect & restore our reality as it was originally intended to be. Once we zero out the polarity of our karmic past we won’t be working so tirelessly to create (as LOVE) and destroy (fear programs) simultaneously but focused fully forward…toward Creation-only…which will speed things up considerably.
This month we are also are finalizing a 12-year cycle of manifesting the New Earth timeline which is a cosmic marvel in its own right. This major milestone has been achieved by all the Love & Light workers across the planet thru multiple generations and it is here now that the first inhabitants, the cosmic settlers of New Earth, are physically stepping into this “Heavenly abode”. The heavens rejoice in this Homecoming because we are no longer separated from that which (eternally) sustains us.
With all the incoming intel of the last few months, it certainly seems like the Solstice gateway is going to open us up to a fully 5th-dimensional experience with an explosion of breakthroughs and new opportunities. As always it’s a wait-and-see endeavor but it really does feel as if everything is coming to fruition, coming back together as it was (originally) intended to be. 🤞🏼
Intense heavy events have taken place ALL over this world, getting more intense physically. Their control over HU-man-Ets is going down fast with each day that pass
YOU are rising in Consciousness Light of TRUTH
The powerful Cosmic Light Energy from the Galactic Central Sun can be absorbed to fuel and enhance your body-vessel or be the destruction of reality depending on the personal Energetic Signature.
Understanding that Frequency is the reason for all that is unfolding is the key to unlocking this 3D system. House of cards fall. Illness ceases to exist. Health is restored. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. And most importantly, spiritually.
As Walls of shadows are crumbling, Truth is rising
Awakening the masses, one Soul at a Time
Their Lies are painful to many
Galactic Sun bathing is recommended
12:12 mirror in a NEW moon reminds you to deeply reflect about what you still believe in
Who you are, what you desire, and how you want to move forward pursuing your passions, dreams, and to express your Higher version of Self
Integration of your HigherSoul/Monad into the physical
With everything Patience is the most valuable asset,
Take everything in perfect flow, reach new levels of awareness, and take action towards you Soul-evolution
Always take time to self-reexamine and reevaluate
Resonance Discernment
Do your best to live in Heart Truth with authenticity and kindness
GO WITHIN and discover the TRUTH of YOU and your Full POTENTIAL
12;12-21;12- Isis Nephthys Mirror Gateway of Resurrection of The Heart
As I was connecting with the 12-21 Mirror Gateway of Isis , it was the Goddess Isis who appeared but with a difference. Her Solar Disc which usually emanates Glorious Golden Radiant Light was replaced with a beautiful pearlescent silver shimmering disc….and as she smiled at my surprise …it was her Twin Nephthys that stepped into the light from behind her…..the Pearlescent shimmering disc belonged to Nephthys !!! The Gatekeepers of This 12-21 Mirror gateway are the Solar Goddess Isis and her Lunar Twin Nephthys . A Gateway of Completion and Resurrection/ Rebirth.
If Isis is the visible Solar aspect of the Cosmic Mother/ Empress/Queen associated with Fertility, Abundance, Healing , Nephthys is the Veiled Lunar Aspect -The High Priestess/ Keeper of the Sacred and Secret Mysteries / Intuition/ occult rituals/ spells/ dreamwork and magic . If Inanna is an aspect of Isis then Ereshkigal is similar to Nephthys- Twins – Light and Dark.
And Nephthys has demanded her place NOW , out of the Shadows, as Gatekeeper of this Goddess Gateway of Resurrection/ Phoenix rising / Rebirth of the Sun / Son as the gateway culminates on Solstice/original date of the Birth of the Divine Child/ Horus/ Christ/The New King.
Isis and Nephthys along with Anubis ( son of Nephyths)are the deities involved in ancient Egyptian Resurrection Rituals. And when we talk of resurrection we are primarily talking of resurrection of The Heart!! Maat also weighs the Heart against her feather while deciding the fate of the soul ready to cross over. It is the Heart that recognises the familiar bonds of Love from lifetimes past even if we are meeting the other for the first time in this lifetime.It is the Heart that we offer to the Divine in return for being initiated into the ways of the Divine. It is the Heart that suffers most when we operate in a 3D Patriarchal reality that rewards Head over Heart dynamics/ Profit over qualities of the Heart. It is in the Heart that we carry love, grief, Remembrance, anger, angst, betrayal, abandonment … .It is around the Heart that we put up walls of Judgement and Unforgiveness. We protect our softness and vulnerability with icy cold and impenetrable armory hoping it will keep our Hearts from breaking again and again….It is The Heart that needs Healing, release of all pain , sorry, guilt, anger and the multitude of emotions that we hold therein so that it can be resurrected anew…so that it may learn to Trust and have Faith once again…to birth anew into brand new Beginnings of Love/ passion/ life/adventure/purpose/service…..
And by Some Grand Cosmic Divine Orchestration this Goddess Resurrection Gateway coincides with Venus/ Inanna reaching Heart Chakra at Gate of Compassion on Dec 9th and will remain here for a month. Further Venus in Scorpio further accentuates the healing from the depths of Darkness into Resurrection energy.!!! Venus/ Inanna at Gate of Compassion releases her Breast Plate signifying the release of all walls and armory , Judgement, intolerance , prejudices we have built around our Heart so that we move into greater Self LOve and acceptance of ourselves first for only then can we do the same for others and thus move into higher Heart Frequencies of Forgiveness, Grace, Compassion and Courage…and Unconditional Love.
Such Divine Orchestration!!!
Heart Resurrection as we will each go through in our own way in the coming days with Nephthys taking front and Center stage, our Shadows will demand attention. As Sacred Union (within/ and or without) is also an important theme currently (previous post) and its a mirror gateway there is every chance of toxic masculinity and shadow feminine raising its ugly head.We might be triggered. Pause. Breathe. Never match the vibrational frequency of your triggers. Remember Who You Are!!! N then Regulate your emotions, keep your boundaries tight n Firm , Be Prepared to Defend your Truth like a tigress protects her cubs,choose your Time, choose your words….And then ACT from LOVE!!!
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Art Credit – Nephyths by Hrana Janto, Isis by Applibot,Inc
We are shifting from Chronos to Kairos. From linear time and the resonance of past present future. Tunnel vision looking back or looking forward. To Quantum. 5D expanded Cosmic Heart resonance.
This is our natural evolution and this my feel like standing still. Where the usual ways no longer work.
We are on limbo twilight zone of 4D seeing the cracks in the gateway of the Light of 5D. Maybe we have visited ‘from time to time’. And yet we find ourselves pulled back by the collective into 4D.
This is Kairos mythical time. Beyond clocks and ego mind lists of what was what could be.
Here we access DIVINE TIME.
So if ‘things are not working out’ the way that you feel it could or should. This is Divine timing.
Embrace the pause. Worrying stressing will not alter or help. We know that and yet we are so used to running on adrenaline. We believe this is how to ‘get things done’. Create motion impetus. Galvanise.
We are shifting our perspective on how to BE and CREATE. Not pushing efforting or forcing. That is the old way. That is running on time limits – ‘dead lines’ not ‘wasting time’ the ‘clock ticking’.
So this is the invitation. Take a breather a pause. Align ourselves with nature vibration. So we can tune into our RESONANCE.
Resonance has a vibration and rhythm and sound. It has movement and stillness. BOTH. Twined together to create the STILL POINT at the HEART Chakra.
This place we are increasingly feeling more into our Light Resonance and we are outgrowing the old shell of the inverted 3D Matrix.
Each of us have our own timeline resonance and if we tune in we are held guided by Divine Spirit when it is the space for us to rebirth.
Today’s 12:12 passage represents the peak of the energies that we have been working with, since the beginning of December. Energies that bring unification where separation is still present. At a personal level, Guides invite us to work on the unification of our heart and mind, so both work in perfect unison with our soul’s Will, bringing more love into our hearts and All who need it, at this transitional time.
This a time when many are experiencing a profound crisis and purging, for it is what they need to be able to step into a new personal cycle. Others are already in further stages, unifying the masculine, preparing for the integration of both essences, feminine and masculine. We are all where we need to be, for all is perfect within Creation.
A process of inner synthesis that extends into our planetary work, which is why it is so important to keep our hearts wide open. Guides invite us to work with the loving Pink-Golden Light, the emanation of the female and masculine essences, so we can expand our hearts, restore the masculine, and unify both, unifying heart and mind, so both can function as one single organism.
Visualize the Pink-Golden Light descending upon your heart centers, becoming a spiral that rotates in a clockwise position, sweeping away all emotional wounds, pain, and all that is impeding your heart from being receptive to the Divine Unconditional Love.
Feel its warmth and loving embrace and thank God’s Light for supporting your heart-mind in your desire to act as a unified being. As you inhale, this pink-golden light grows, and as you exhale, all that no longer serves you vanishes, creating more space for love.
Keep growing this pink-golden spiral until it becomes a bright orb, extending it from your heart to your mind, so both start acting as one, from a space of compassion, higher understanding, and unconditional love to All.
As you continue expanding this bright pink-golden orb, extend it to your neighborhood, and to where you feel guided, spreading this love to everyone, including all living forms, who are willing to embrace it.
Thank your Guides and Unified Self for assisting you in this process of Divine love embodiment and heart-mind unifcation, and ground yourself, so all the healing and assistance can be properly anchored.
This is the beginning of the reclamation of our Christos essence, to live within divine love and compassion, being a neutral witness of all that is taking place, knowing that is what it must be, for All to evolve.
I wish you a loving and healing passage, Beloveds.
Dear friends, 12/12 marks the official arrival of the 12:12 light codes, although their presence around us has been felt for a few days already. On December 12 the intensity of the information contained within these light codes reaches its climax. This deep energetic work triggered by the 12:12 crystalline codes will continue for a few more days, and then next week the Solstice portal on 12:21 will be waiting for us. On top of the 12:12 lightcodes, we are also being immersed in the expansive and idealistic energies of the new moon in Sagittarius, the last new moon of this year.
Our bodies have been absorbing, processing, and integrating these 12:12 codes of light into our energy fields night and day, and this process requires a lot of energy. It is for this reason that many of you are experiencing periods of lethargy, a need for more sleep, dry mouth, and other physical and emotional symptoms. Our nervous system may also be showing a few signs: mild dizziness, lack of focus, memory issues, and visual/auditory issues. Integrating the high frequency codes of the 12:12 portal requires a big shift within our being. We are literally rewriting our energetic structure, creating more space within our energy fields so that more Light can become anchored within us. We are literally undergoing an evolutionary metamorphosis at the subatomic level.
We are changing, and we are becoming. We are creating more coherence within our physical and spiritual selves, so that the divine light the resides within each single one of us can be expressed fully and without barriers into the world. The 12:12 codes are assisting us individually and collectively to create a new earth more aligned with the loving principles anchored in 5D.
This whole week will be devoted to the integration of the 12:12 codes.
Those of you who have been working with these 12:12 crystalline lightcodes for many years will notice that in this particular year the work has deepen significantly. There’s an acceleration of the process of inner change and evolution. We are clearing ancient linage limiting patterns that have been with us since eons ago. These deep releases can be felt quite heavily within our physical bodies.
Please take care of yourselves, as always. But even those individuals who are just recently starting with this evolutionary and energetic work can feel the shifts inside. It’s all about reawakening to our true essence, remembering that we are Love, and manifesting this perennial truth into our world. We are leaving behind restrictive old ways of behaving, and we are moving into lighter and more expensive conscious ways of being.
From 12/12 until the Solstice on 12/21-22 we will be moving through a highly charged ten days time window. I’ll be posting more energy updates as we surf this special energetic corridor.
May you have a wonderful and enriching 12:12 portal and new moon lunation. I wish you a week filled with insights, understanding, and a renewed commitment to your higher new timelines of reality. Much love
After a full night of some immense integration processes, I woke up with great clarity about the pink and gold energies which many are perceiving now. We have spoken of the great Cosmic Healing and Activation which has been taking place since the Cosmic Eclipse Gateway. I have been shown that the Cosmic Source was pulled into a state of separation from the perspective of our current Planetary timeline following the cataclysm of Tiamat aeons ago.
Since the Eclipse Gateway, I have been perceiving two different versions of the Cosmic Source: A lower pink version which straddles the Harmonic Barrier holding a space of Unconditional Love for the healing of this great Cosmic Disconnect, and a higher Cosmic Source which is Rainbow Gold. As we reconnect to the Greater Cosmic Source which connects both of these Cosmic Sources, this gap of separation is healing, and this entire timeline of Cosmic disconnection is beginning to merge with the Higher Harmonic Cosmos. It is my understanding that this is why so many people are perceiving the pink and gold energies together as a single Rose-Gold energy.
The Pink and the Gold both hold feminine energies, and this great influx of feminine Light is bringing immense healing to the masculine energies which have become so very convoluted upon this planet because these masculine energies are very necessary in order to anchor these high feminine energies within physicality.
We have been working today on three Cosmic Connections which should greatly assist in anchoring in these high frequency Cosmic Feminine energies within the Collective and within the planet itself. In the way that the dolphins and my entire Cosmic Team work with these energies, the pink is the Divine Feminine energy and is balanced by the Blue Ray which represents the Divine Masculine energy, among many other things. To assist in anchoring in the Cosmic aspect of the Blue Ray, we will connect with the Cosmic Whales who serve as the Universal Guardians of the Seas and the overseers of the Cosmic Ocean Gateways.
The Gold Ray represents the Free Will Feminine aspect of the Cosmos. It holds the energy of Creation, but must be kept in harmony with all other Rays in order to maintain Harmonic Cosmic Resonance. The energy which balances out the Gold Ray is the Yellow Ray, and this is held in a very harmonic way by the Cosmic Felines, who serve as the Universal Guardians of the Lands and the overseers of the Cosmic Land Gateways.
Before we connect with either of these Cosmic Races to anchor in any and all of these Cosmic Energies, we must establish a strong Core Connection between the Greater Cosmic Source and the Harmonic Core of the Earth. The Greater Cosmic Source appears White as a combination and culmination of all other Cosmic Rays. It is anchored into physicality through the Emerald ray, which is held by the Tree Spheres. Our first Cosmic Connection will be a Cosmic Tree Connection, to be presented to you later this evening to prepare you and to assist you in fully anchoring in any and all Cosmic Energies through the 12/12 Gateway and beyond.
With great love from Hazel, the Cetacean Collective, the Feline Collective, and others of Cosmic Consciousness
Blessed 1212 New Moon Portal. Genesis Family cycles are ending for our rebirth. This has been an attack on Eve, the Spirit, and our Feminine Life Force Energy that we are closing down for the Heaven on Earth Timeline to begin.
To complete this Adam and Eve 2.0 rebirth requires reunion of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Christ back whole as One. Movement for this reunion is happening with this Portal Day. The Divine Feminine Christ is being shown to the Divine Masculine Christ through the 1212-1221 Portal so he can clearly see her as his match, and put her first. The end.
The Sagittarian New Moon symbolises a period of seeking truth, authenticity, and a broader understanding of the world. It’s a time when intentions set towards upholding honour, unwavering principle, and the quest for knowledge are particularly potent. Sagittarius, a sign known for its love of worldly exploration and inner wisdom, encourages us to aim high in our quest for personal growth and greater understanding.
It’s not about demanding answers from the world but rather setting our sights on a goal with a pure heart, and pursuing that goal like an arrow seeks to hit its mark.
The synodic alignment of Tuesday’s New Moon offers an opportunity to reflect on our flight path, recalibrate our goals, and pursue them with renewed vigour and a commitment to achieve genuine results. Remember, the journey towards truth and wisdom is as important as the destination, and there are obstacles…
Blessed New Moon in Fiery, Adventurous, Optimistic Guru Wisdoms Sagittarius
The mutable (flexible) archers new moon is conjoined to Mars while the sun and the moon are quincunx to Uranus in Taurus. This is going to give us momentum to move through possibly uncomfortable situations. Shocking, out of the blue likely, but fantastical situations are on the horizon. Especially around advanced technologies and healing modalities for the physical body of the human.
I feel this is when we really start to step into the corridor of 2024. No matter the obstacles ahead, work to overcome, success is there for the taking and we begin to see the seeds to be planted by the solstice. Things are not clear because they’re not supposed to be right now that’s how we know we’re on the right track. Many reviews, restarts & resets will be needed.
Mercury is Retrograde in Capricorn, and will retrograde back into Sagittarius before going direct. I was awakened very early this morning and called to tune in to this last mercury retrograde of 2023. The msg coming through is “it’s not supposed to be clear. Being unclear on things IS the path NOW to begin to become aligned later” after Mercury Direct 1/1/24.
Don’t fear the retrograde. It is a helpful time in order to align with the opposite hemisphere of the brain than the one we are used to using~ which gives us the opportunity for balancing out both sides. But, remembering always to move forward with our “heart mind” as a general rule.
Chiron Direct in Aries 12/27/23
Jupiter Direct in Taurus 12/30/23
And lastly
Uranus Direct in Taurus 1/27/24
One month ago at the scorpio new moon I was given the vision of golden keys to be found. I have found two of them thus far and these keys come in the form of people, places, things, experiences, or they may be a literal key. They will be unique for each individual and all keys will be found by the last planet to go direct, which is Uranus. Have you found any keys thus far?
We have 46 days from today until all planets are direct and last keys found. That is go time on whatever it is we are intending to launch or go forward with for 2024. The window from January 27 to April 1 ~(next mercury retro)is the optimal time for riding the waves of momentum with all planets direct. When the planets are direct things get moving and so should we.
2024 is going to be a pivotal year in which I have coined “The Year of The Ascended”
February 10 is the year of The Green Wood Dragon in Chinese astrology. Dragons are not lost souls, they’re phenomenally strong, resilient as hell, and never, ever give up!
Jovial blessings for the New Moon in Sagittarius. We are a couple weeks away from the Capricorn solstice on the 21st where we will be buckling down to get to work.
On Tuesday, December 12th, we have a crescendo of energies happening! First, we have a New Moon at 20 degrees Sagittarius, the sign of the Archer. New Moons are about initiation and new beginnings. Sagittarius is about inspiration, future vision, the “big picture” and expanding into new horizons! This lunation connects with Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, bringing a potential healing energy to situations, perceptions and belief systems from long ago.
It is time to find your courage and confidence to lay these old dynamics to rest. The New Moon connects to Uranus, planet of liberation and independence, potentially freeing us from circumstances that are no longer beneficial to us. However, we must make some adjustments to activate this and take a risk or leap of faith. And, finally, the Sagittarius New Moon connects with Neptune, ruler of delusion and confusion. We must release the illusions we are currently operating under in order to take advantage of the potential for a new experience.
Mercury, the Messenger, is also officially shifting retrograde today, although we have been feeling his antics for the past couple of weeks with delayed or faulty communications, technology difficulties, and the seeming lack of information that we need to make appropriate decisions. This day is also the 12/12 portal, where higher dimensional light codes stream forth onto the planet. This energetic gateway is aligned with the power of the number 12 in numerology and can connect you to your inner desires. It is an auspicious day so meditate, reflect, and set your intentions wisely. We are days away from a brand new year and a brand new energy. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
New Moon at 20 degrees Sagittarius, the sign of the Archer
Sun in Sagittarius quincunx Uranus retrograde in Taurus. New Moon in Sagittarius – There’s a flicker of excitement, a sudden blast of knowing, a feeling that yes, this is where I want to go. This is the path, this is the course, this is the destination. But there is also a nervy irritation, a sense of ‘I need to get out of my own way’, an acute awareness of our differences. The world opens up when you use your unique gifts. Some disruption is necessary to clear the path. Don’t balk at the first hurdle. Believe in yourself.
This last New Moon of the year is truly inspiring but with complex patterns that could distract and distort. At best, there is a flood of imaginative ideas, communion with deity, profound meditations or dreams that reveal one’s destiny. At worst, there is disillusion, escapism and a tendency to avoid the truth. Ground and centre. Stand strong in what you find meaningful. Tap spiritual texts and mentors to generate motivation and clarify objectives. Approach life in the spirit of adventure. Look up. Aim high!
The number one is called ‘Magnetic’ and its keywords are ‘Unify, Purpose and Attract’. Today is the first day of a new wavespell, the fifth one in the Tzolkin. As always, on the first day it is good practice to contemplate the purpose of the next 13 days. What are its energies? How will it end? Are there any notable obstacles en route? If you begin this journey with an open mind, you will get more out of it. This also marks the beginning of a new Castle. This one is called the White Northern Castle of Crossing and it contains the Red Skywalker, White Worldbridger, Blue Storm and Yellow Human wavespells.
Today is Red Skywalker and keywords associated with it are ‘Explore, Space and Wakefulness’. This suggests that today we begin a journey of a more unusual kind, not conventional and perhaps one that may take you out of your comfort zone. The message is be brave and try new things. The last day of this wavespell is the Red Cosmic Serpent which is a transformative energy falling on a ‘transcending’ day. Logically, if you start out on an adventure and take this 13-day journey you’ll find that the final destination is very healing and transformative. The Skywalker asks for you to explore and awaken and this enables us to shed our old skin and emerge renewed. For a better understanding of any wavespell look at the connection between the first and last day.
The Guide for the day is Red Skywalker also, this implies that it is your courage and sense of adventure that will lead the way today. The first day of a wavespell is always guided by itself which is referred to as ‘I am guided by my own power doubled’. The sixth day (Rhythmic) and the 11th day (Spectral) are also guided by themselves.
The Challenge today is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. If you are Blue Night, today and this whole wavespell could be tough. That’s because you are a dreamer rather than a doer. Have some courage, and as Skywalker says ‘awaken’! How else will your dreams come true if you don’t first wake up?
The Occult power is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance.’ What a lovely energy to provide the magic for the day. When you embark on your adventure today make sure it is a beautiful one. Experience the wonders of the natural world, appreciate art and dress elegantly. It’s a magical day to shine like a star. Yellow Star goes well with Skywalker and today we can walk the sky to see the beautiful stars.
The Ally is the White Worldbridger and so if you are one, you can help people cross bridges today as they go about their adventures. Any bridge we cross today should be easy because of this friendly aspect.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 53 = 8 Infinity/Abundance/Source Flow
HUMONGOUS ENERGIES today on this 12:12 PORTAL GATE – today we have the SUN and NEW MOON both in LUCKY SAGITTARIUS, PLUS we have a TRIPLE SKYWALKER day – leading us to NEW FRONTIERS and TOTAL EXPANSION!!! What an ADVENTURE!!
12:12 is OPENING the GATES, for HEAVEN to flow to EARTH through this 3.3. HOLY TRINITY portal.. and now that we are newly en-LIGHT-ONED and AWAKE, we are FREE to roam the HEAVEN’S and bring this BLISS to EARTH… Absolutely PERFECTO as BEN takes the helm as the DIVINE CONDUIT for this next cycle.
TOTAL EXPANSION!!! Another HUGELY powerful day with TRIPLE RED SKYWALKER energy kicking off a new 13 day ADVENTURE packed wavespell, accessing unlimited COSMIC energies and opening the GATES to WELCOME Heaven on Earth.
Day 1 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL, the cycle of EXPLORE-ation and AWAKENING.
Yesterday was our CORONATION DAY . We were CROWNED as the NEW SOLAR COSMIC HU-MANS and received our golden crowns as SOVEREIGN in- DEEP- end-ant beings.
Today we are gifted with our GOLDEN ANGELIC WINGS and we TAKE FLIGHT to EXPLORE the cosmos, discovering our Galactic ANGELIC cell-ves.
This 13 day cycle of ADVENTURE takes us through the 21/12 SOLSTICE PORTAL and the CHRIST-MASSFESTIVAL.. We conclude our journey on CHRIST-MASS eve – ready to wake up and cross the RAINBOW BRIDGE with KIN 66 on CHRIST-MASS day!!!
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent ADVENTURING!!! Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine. The attraction seeks to UNIFY all as one! Thus Magnetic kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them.
The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE GOLDEN HU-MAN-ITY bringing HEAVEN to EARTH!
EYES WIDE OPEN as we make RAPID PROGRESS during this 13 day cycle to ACCELERATE the anchoring of the NEW TIME and NEW HARMONIC MATRIX –
BLISS is the NEW NORMAL!!! YAHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The timelines are all converging and FLOWING into this great SEA of prosperity for ALL!
HOLD this beautiful DREAMING code – FIRM – over this 13 day cycle…
Today is a WONDERFUL day to allow the AWAKENING of our FREE ANGELIC cell-ves, to feel the beauty, harmony and EXPANSION of SPACE, within and surrounding us. IT’S A BEAUTY FILLED WORLD!!
Today’s question is “Now that I have embodied more LIGHT and accepted my DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY,
HOW do I EXPAND into the Cosmos, to experience my LIFE as BLISS? What is my next wonderful adventure?”
Divine blessings for your total EXPANSION into the next levels of our collective awakening, as we journey anew through the STELLAR pathways of the ANCIENTS.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED MAGNETIC SKYWALKER – BEN Ready, set, GO GO GO space cadets, don your spacesuit, UBER your spaceship ride and let’s go on a grand CHRIST-MASS adventure throughout the Galaxy for the next 13 days!!
This WAVESPELL is totally EXPANSIVE!!! Today we draw to us the EXPANSION of Spirit, the desire to explore SPACE and the expanded realms of consciousness.
It is an uber day for a trip!! Today’s code is great for viewing “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” for REAL, without the need for any external stimuli – surreal, supernatural visions and experiences are highly possible! Your extra sensory perception will be naturally heightened over the next 13 days, facilitating psychedelic interdimensional experiences.
RED SKYWALKER is the time/space traveller who can jump dimensions to assist you in realizing HEAVEN ON EARTH.
This cycle affords humanity the opportunity to FULLY ANCHOR into the 5D BLISS timeline on EARTH, as the alternative F.E.A.R. based ones CRUMBLE and DISSOLVE into OBLIVION!! All melt away in the fire of the HOLY SPIRIT and LOVE’S TRUE – ONE HEART.
RED SKYWALKER’S energy is very E—X—P–A—N—S—I—V—E and totally unlimited in form. EXPLORATION, EXPANSION and AWAKENING are the qualities of Skywalker, making it a great day to travel, venture outdoors in nature and EXPLORE our physical reality on this planet.
We have all been contained and restricted far too long with blocks, challenges and limitations.. and now BEN has arrived to literally SET US FREE... REBELLION and R-EVOLUTION are par for the course of this SKYWALKER energy, who wants to roam FREE… breaking the BARS of the CAGE of the OLD PRISON PLANET!!
NOTE: SAGITTARIUS is a rebel too and seeks adventure as a globetrotter – they crave SPACE to explore, learn and absorb wisdom to share with others, as the sage, philosopher and teacher. This innate desire for FREEDOM and EXPANSION will be UNSTOPPABLE… it is time to FLY unrestricted in whatever direction YOU CHOOSE – INFINITE POSSIBILITIES ABOUND!
BEN is knocking at your door as your escort, beckoning you to come out and PLAY, in this exciting adventure playground we call EARTH! Drop all your burdens and responsibilities – and FEEL the EUPHORIC BLISS as you FLY HIGH. BEN will carry you on his GOLDEN WINGS from the old PRISON PLANET to the new 5D EARTH to play with the UNICORNS!
It is NOW time to take more RISKS, seek NEW GROUND and spread your WINGS. Take a different route, venture off the beaten path and EXPLORE what you can find that can assist you in your new creations. Expand your awareness and explore infinite possibilities from which to create.
What are you seeking to ATTRACT today, and what is your purpose during this next 13 day phase of ADVENTURE and exploration?
How can you EXPAND your horizons and bring new adventures into your life?
How can you anchor a slice of HEAVEN into your own little patch of Earth?
These questions will be at the forefront for the next 13 days.
SET yourself a TARGET to drive on new roads/routes, VISIT a new place or person, try a new hobby or skill, eat new foods, learn something new or change your routine, EVERY DAY during this cycle.. and discover a totally NEW mindset as you rewire your BRAIN to allow NEW CREATION to anchor in your being.
CIMI will be taking the baton from BEN on CHRIST-MASS day, and leading the next WORLDBRIDGER wavespell… but until then he will be the strong supporting buddy for BEN the SKYWALKER as they walk hand in hand exploring the galaxy.
SUPPORT: WHITE MAGNETIC WORLDBRIDGER CIMI assists us in attracting a deep SURRENDERING from one world into another, completely LETTING GO of all attachments to any identification to anything. ABSOLUTELY PERFECTO as we SURRENDER the OLD WORLD/PARADIGM and unfurl our sails in the bliss filled seas of NEW EARTH. Aaaah PARADISE AWAITS.
LET GO, LET GO, LET GO – and get ready to SOAR!
Feeling FREE to release the old you, old life and old paradigm.. Creating the SPACE for something NEW to fill the void. Thus allowing us to EXPAND into a whole new world and New Time.
CIMI is the CLOSER of the OLD CYCLE, the GRIM REAPER who finally seals the store of DEATH on our old world as we knew it! CIMI is closing the DOOR on the old MATRIX and SEALING the DOOR where EVIL dwelt!
No leakage and no infiltration into the NEW TIME – total HARMONY and UNIVERSAL PEACE now!
BEN and CIMI are best buddies, and work together crossing through these NEW doorways. Allow these buddies to take you to places that you never dreamed of, or imagined in your wildest sci-fi adventures. TRUST your new travelling companions to elevate your LIFE to a new level of WONDERFUL!!
GET READY for NEW PEOPLE, NEW OPPORTUNITIES and new co-operatives to appear. Anything is possible! Expect the UNEXPECTED!
We are all UNITED as we venture into the unknown, in this brilliant NEW ERA of boundless opportunities and rewards. Soooo exciting beloveds!!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW COSMIC STAR LAMAT is a COSMIC STAR opening STELLAR doorways to the STARRY REALMS, and a gateway to our home planets as GALACTIC STAR BLISS SUNS! How SPECTACULAR having this super STELLAR STAR-GATE on a 12:12 portal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As we journey throughout the beautiful STAR harmonic geometries, we create more and more expanded harmonics leaving trails for those that follow in our footsteps! Wondrous beauty to be appreciated in all realms of existence.
This SUPERPOWER STELLAR GATEWAY will be OPEN and available for the whole 13 day cycle to cross over the RAINBOW BRIDGE with CIMI and BEN and EXPLORE a beautiful and bountiful NEW WORLD… Yaaaay… it is REALLY HAPPENING NOW!!
LAMAT is a portal OPENING to lead humanity into the NEW TIME – a time of PEACE, BEAUTY and ABUNDANCE for ALL EARTH’S children.
LAMAT is reminding you to question
“Which beautiful adventures do you enjoy, that assist you in EXPANSION of your soul?
How can you bring back that beauty with you, to create a BEAUTIFUL NEW LIFE? And a BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD?
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE MAGNETIC NIGHT AKBAL – What a SPECTACULAR GIFT we have in this 13 day Wavespell – the POWER to ATTRACT unlimited COSMIC ABUNDANCE through the portals of AKBAL and LAMAT!! All that we need to fulfil our purpose and our deepest DREAMING!!
SAGITTARIUS is ruled by the GIGANTIC planet JUPITER – the benefic attractor of WEALTH JOY and ABUNDANCE – We have DOUBLE SAG energies activated with the SUN and NEW MOON both blessing us with DIVINE ABUNDANCE through this gateway! Our BLISS barometers are off the scales this month… what are you desiring? ASK and ye shall receive.
Our COSMIC rewards are being released NOW… and flowing into our existence.
AKBAL challenges us to ATTRACT the deepest connection to the unconscious dreaming. To be inspired by THE VISION OF ABUNDANCE, for all beings on our planet. To resonate with the cycles of evolution, as THE GREAT DREAMING is SEEN, when we open our channel to the visions held in the collective unconscious, where ALL needs are met by the Great Spirit.
The blessing of AKBAL is to be inspired to DREAM Earth’s greatest vision and KNOW that it is our MISSION to bring this DREAMING into our NEW EXPANDED REALITY.
The timelines are all converging and FLOWING into this great SEA of prosperity for ALL!
HOLD this beautiful DREAMING code – FIRM – over this 13 day cycle…
Today is a WONDERFUL day to allow the AWAKENING of our FREE ANGELIC cell-ves, to feel the beauty, harmony and EXPANSION of SPACE, within and surrounding us. IT’S A BEAUTY FILLED WORLD!!
Today’s question is “Now that I have embodied more LIGHT and accepted my DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY,
HOW do I EXPAND into the Cosmos, to experience my LIFE as BLISS? What is my next wonderful adventure?”
Divine blessings for your total EXPANSION into the next levels of our collective awakening, as we journey anew through the STELLAR pathways of the ANCIENTS.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 NEW on Patreon: Meet your Spirit Guide (Sacred Condor Guided Meditation)🔥
from my Sacred Condor is a transformative experience designed to facilitate a connection between an individual and their spiritual guide, providing a space for self-discovery, guidance, and insight. This meditation typically involves visualization and intentional relaxation techniques to create a receptive state of mind.
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual connection with the “Guided Meditation to Meet Your Spirit Guide.” This immersive experience invites participants to explore the depths of their inner world, guided by a soothing voice that leads them through a series of calming visualizations and intentional breathwork.
As the meditation unfolds, participants are encouraged to create a sacred and protected space within their minds—a tranquil environment where they can feel secure and open to spiritual energies. The meditation then guides them to ground themselves, establishing a connection with the Earth’s energy and fostering a sense of stability.
The individual is gently led into a state of heightened awareness, transcending the physical realm to enter a sacred space—a serene landscape tailored to their personal preferences. In this ethereal setting, participants are invited to encounter their spirit guide—an ethereal being, perhaps human, animal, or symbolic in form.
The encounter with the spirit guide becomes a heartwarming and enlightening experience. The meditation encourages open communication, allowing participants to ask questions, seek guidance, and receive messages from their guide. The exchange is rich with symbolism and intuitive wisdom, fostering a deep connection between the individual and their spiritual guide.
Throughout the meditation, the soothing voice provides gentle cues and prompts, helping participants remain grounded in the experience while embracing the profound insights and guidance offered by their spirit guide. The session concludes with a gentle return to the present moment, leaving participants with a sense of gratitude, newfound wisdom, and a strengthened connection to their spiritual path.
This “Guided Meditation to Meet Your Spirit Guide” serves as a powerful tool for self-reflection, spiritual growth, and the cultivation of a meaningful connection with the unseen realms of guidance and support.
I am, the Holy Light of the Almighty and Only God.
I am the Golden Flame that takes possession of your heart.
I am, the Gold that replaces all the matter consumed by the Violet Flame and the Blue Flame.
I fill your hearts, I fill your souls.
I fill the gaps created by discord output.
*Everything is purified here in you, so I come and fill you with my perfection and my love. I fill you with the power of the Great Central Sun, Supreme Deity. *
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