THE ‘TIME’ is ….. NOW! New Super Moon in Pisces ~ THE RETURN OF THE SOLAR CHILD ~ The Earth Sings from Her Crystal Core
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Divine Multidimensional Angels of our New Earth Ascension
Bringing in the Powerful Portal of today’s New SuperMoon in the Water Sign of Pisces the fish, our local Solaris released a massive M Class Solar Flare maxing at M 7.43 at 12:13 UTC. This powerful release is encoded with our Heaven on Earth Code of the 73 into the 37. This Super Moon is the Moon’s Closest Approach to Earth in 2024. We enter the field of dreams through this Lunation, so be sure to dream big!
Today we are in the Sacred Space in between worlds. It is time to Call in your Highest Timeline and Manifestations with your Pure Imagination.
This major Celestial Event is also a bridge to flow with the Holy Waters of our Divine Feminine Cosmic Mother as she washes away all that has been trespassed against us and clears the Path ahead on our Ascension Journey and into our New Heaven upon the New Earth. The Water Path is the Quick Quick downward flow directly to Source Creator.
We also had some big spikes of white light appearing on the Schumann charts today at amplitudes of 26hz, 28 hz and a big blast at 32 hz, fifth dimensional energetics fully anchored in.
Keep rising in the Light of the Dawning of our New Golden Age of Enlightenment and Shine Bright into the Quantum Field for our Full Leap in Consciousness to homo-Luminous, Eternal Beings of Infinite Light…A’Ho!
Remember, Divine Timing isn’t the same as man made timing…
However, today I am being urged to bring you uplifting joyful news. BE READY. What is about to occur around you will happen regardless of your participation or not. The choice is yours of course because you have free will.
All you have been through has brought you to this moment, and YOUR SOUL KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT TO DO. Simply, GO WITHIN, and REMAIN FULLY FOCUSED on ONENESS with YOUR BEAUTIFUL HOLY PRESENCE, dear ones…
The Consciousness looping is being broken by a permeation of of higher consciousness integrated via ongoing Light Activity and Activations. The false narratives crumble setting many free of the limited false promises. of the last 5 years of linear time.
The “Ground Hog Day” scenario is broken for many and the realization trickles in of the codependent trickery. Many of the Light Community will be broken free of these limited programs and aligned with the one trajectory toward the overall planetary Ascension.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers
Gaia Earth shift frequencies
Plasma burst of light! Electromagnetic energy is a radiation of light just like your Aura. I mentioned yesterday the alignments from galactic suns to the core of our planet and the sun is the portal to do so. Hope you all have been stabilizing as the force can be felt. Gravitational alignments from magnetic field alignments is what Nikola Tesla was studying and you are a powerful vortex here to clear darkness with your magnetic signature of your DNA.
Your holographic angelic & galactic DNA activate through God source codes and the planet is recalibrating to its. Your frequency will give to your experience. Let nothing keep you from expressing joy, love and harmony. Step out of illusionary programs of the matrix and align to your soul. It’s the key to your psychic abilities as well!
You are the prophecy! To be a light in a world of darkness, you would be that beacon. A light to help others see, to bring freedom from deceptions, to be a love that brings healing. You in harmony allows a soul embodiment that magnetizes light to your reality, this planet and humanity bringing the magnetic fields back into alignment to this planet.
The distortions and inversions of these grids and poles is how this planet shifted into the dark age. We are shifting it back with the frequency of your soul. Dissipating darkness into light. You are the solution and you always have been. Allow yourself to feel the harmonics that are connecting to our grids. Allow yourself to feel your soul through your heart. It is the largest magnetic field in the body. Harmonize and thrive!
Plasma burst of light
Isabel Garcia Martinez
The Earth Sings from her Crystal Core
The crystal core of the Earth, like any crystal, emits its song, its vibration. This song gradually stretches, from the Earth’s core to the center, to the shallowest parts of the Earth’s crust, and manifested in the intensification of geophysical contractions.
It is the sound of the earth that will soon be echoed and echoed by the sound of Heaven. At that moment, our consciousness will clearly understand that something unique is happening inside us.
Gamma rays, cosmic radiation, strange particles in the unified universe, and UV rays felt by scientists are being measured and are completely new on this Earth.
Earth’s voice is as real as the sound of Heaven. All of that is changing. Since the beginning of March, the quality of light on Earth has significantly changed.
The sound of the earth shows the birth of the earth and our state of being.
3/10/24: This is one of the trouble-making days in the sense that it wants change. It’s about addressing your feelings about your possessions and environment, but can also include old habits, routines, and beliefs. 2024 is much more interested in building something bigger than it is in maintaining what has become obsolete.
Today will show you through your feelings and motives where you’re stalled or stuck. If you’ve kept, or are perpetuating, something that doesn’t make you happy… that thing will no longer sing for you. When something makes you happy, however, you’ll hear all the right notes. It will just feel right… and it will be right.
The New Moon in Pisces is an incredibly potent celestial event, carrying heightened sensory energies and marking the beginning of a Rememberable journey leading to the upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25th. This New Moon is especially significant as it is a Super New Moon, intensifying the spiritual and illusive qualities associated with the sign of Pisces. This event is also amplified which further enhances its influence.
this powerful lunar phase is symbolically closing out past timelines, making ways for new beginnings, opportunities, and fresh energies to emerge as we approach the Aries Equinox and the Celestial New Year. This transition is emphasised as a pivotal point for transformation, forging a pathway towards growth and evolution.
During this time, the energies surrounding us all are urging us to step out of our comfort zones, embrace change, and seek completion, culminations, and closures in various aspects of our lives. By letting go of old cycles and outdated patterns, we can make space for the new frequencies and opportunities that are waiting to manifest in the physical realm.
One of the most remarkable aspects of this New Moon is the activation of the Divine Feminine Portal, which is bringing forth profound healing of our feminine energy, deep truths, heightened intuition, and a heightened awareness of our subconscious selves. These energies are infused with Lemurian and Atlantean influences, carrying ancient wisdom and light codes that are guiding us towards deeper self-discovery and healing.
As we navigate through this potent energetic portal, we may experience unexpected events, breakthroughs, and paradigm shifts that challenge our perceptions and push us towards higher conscious growth.
This time on this ascending planet serves as a reminder that while nothing is certain, everything is possible, and by embracing the transformative energies at play, we can pave the way for a new chapter filled with opportunities .
The current planetary energies activate dormant DNA strands, elevating individual consciousness levels with each active DNA strand. Expect significant upgrades in the coming weeks to enhance telepathic abilities and boost the immune system, aligning with the emergence of the Angelic Human Template.
Being mindful of current life manifestations, heightened emotions, and resurfacing old wounds attributed to the activation of higher frequencies. Many ascending are undergoing the closure of old cycles, including relationships, friendships, and roles no longer in resonance with the higher evolving self.
Embracing the activation of higher light strands entails completely letting go of outdated aspects that no longer serve the ascending self . despite potential resistance from the ego. Trust your heart’s guidance as you transition towards a new reality reflecting your heightened self-awareness.
This planetary stage signifies a collective energetic upgrade, symbolising the transition towards a new reality free from duality. The dismantling of the old paradigm has commenced and will accelerate immensely in 2024 as anticipated in this transformational era , many ascending have long prepared for this as advanced Starseed Souls. This higher purpose involves anchoring higher frequencies within the human form to support planetary ascension.
A new world is emerging where decisions originate from the unified heart and mind, transcending past ingrained separation programming. Your higher self guides your retreat to introspection for safety and growth amid ascension, leading to new habits, connections, and experiences.
Trusting the natural flow of your journey, as ascending brings with heightened attributes are often misunderstood as ego in the lower dimensions.
The shift to higher consciousness emphasises self-awareness and authentic expression, distancing from societal validations. Seek evolution and alignment with universal love, light, and truth, transcending collective illusions.
As a Starseed, accept your journey of multiple transformations, acknowledging the metaphysical self that includes the inner strength and wisdom gained through life’s challenges. Your ascension path towards truth and self-mastery contributes to co-creating a new world on this planet through collective consciousness and responsibility.
Energetic upgrades and integrations mark a new phase of the awakening self . The next phase has activated as Ancient truths resurface , unveiling more regarding your higher purpose and true identity. Past-life flashbacks, spiritual connections, and kundalini awakening may occur, signaling profound inner shifts.
Staying grounded and sharing your experiences with like-minded individuals for conscious integration. Journaling, dream analysis, and remaining open to soul abilities and gifts, this is important during this transformational process.
Welcome in the call to be of service, as new ideas, truths, innovations and creations seek expression through you. Trust the signs guiding you toward birthing new creations or when you are making life-altering shifts. Focusing on the inner Work , Your Light Activation expands .
As a Wayshower, you are now guided to expand your mission to a Higher Level of Awakening.
SEE 2024 as the opportunity to EXPAND
Prioritise your Light Expansion
We ask you to have faith in every step – be a pioneer for your future.
Simply take the opportunity to reflect in the now moment. Feel into the energetic light expression of YOU.
The Light Opportunities that surround YOU.
Remember the expansive vortex of Light that is within you.
As true self expression is your birth right.
To Shine Your Light
Sending LOVE for your day dear one xo
As we collectively choose the Higher Light Path
Karen Lithika xox
Ra James
Happy Pisces New Moon! As we prepare for Eclipse Season you’re being guided to heal and clear the deeper issues you have going on. Expect new perspectives with Uranus in this mix. We have this New Moon touching Neptune. This is making it extra dreamy right now. Be mindful that you’re not slipping into old habits or patterns. There is a lot of breaking down of emotional barriers happening. There is a lot of positive energies right now. They are amazing for manifesting. It’s all about envisioning the future that you want.
There is a lot of letting go vibes with this one. Expect a lot of closure from the past. This is the last New Moon of the Winter Season. While the New Moon is today, we will be feeling these energies strongly over the next 3 days too. Expect to feel more sensitive. These energies amplify our intuition. Expect extra signs and serendipity today. There is a lot happening with relationships. Pisces is always a romantic sign. Expect positive shifts in your love life. It’s all about going deeper in love. Expect extra guidance and inspiration today. New Moons are a time for rejuvenation and new beginnings. March always brings next chapter vibes…
March 10, 2024: New Moon at Pisces 20°16’, 5:00 am EDT.
This is an interesting time. We are coming to the end of our current eclipse period, which began on October 28, 2023. This Moon cycle will initiate a new eclipse portal, beginning with the Libra Lunar Eclipse on March 25 and completing with a powerful Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8.
This New Moon chart is loaded with harmonious aspects. We have an encompassing Capricorn/Taurus trine holding several sextiles – all relationships of flow. All planetary objects remain direct; energy is moving quickly. This does not mean we like everything that is happening, but there is very little to oppose the general direction. Saturn, Sun, Moon, and Neptune all in Pisces. Jupiter has moved into a conjunction with Uranus and remains in a trine to nurturing Ceres. Mercury and Pluto are sextile, as are Jupiter and Saturn, and the Sun/Moon and Uranus. Chiron and the North Node in Aries are conjunct with Eris, and in a sextile with Mars.
The only truly challenging relationship in this New Moon chart is a square between Warrior Mars and Uranus. The Warrior is doing as he wishes. There is nothing to stop the tanks from rolling and the bombs from falling. And there is an element of unpredictability, something we will become progressively aware of as the lunar month unfolds.
Once war builds up steam it’s very hard to roll it back. This is Pisces season and Pisces is a very sensitive sign. The suffering of this world can be too much, too painful. It can hurt too much to look directly at what is going on.
Soon, things will begin to shift. Mercury will turn retrograde in Aries on April 1, while we are in the eclipse portal. The portal will provide an opportunity for the energy of the last five months to be stripped away. For now, just notice how much you are refusing to look and ask yourself – is this what you want for our world?
March 8, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
This weekend’s new moon joins the midpoint between Saturn and Neptune in Pisces while forming a sextile to Uranus in Taurus as Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus and as Mercury forms a conjunction to Neptune in Pisces before entering Aries and forming a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius.
What we are initiating now both personally and collectively has far more to do with the ‘bigger picture’ as we are laying the foundation upon which things will unfold over the next few years.
Since we cannot ‘see’ particularly clearly beyond our immediate circumstances, nourishing our intuition is important while it is our TRUST in our intuition that becomes even more powerful than our intuition itself…
We can take strong action towards change now but those actions will need to be based on what we intuitively KNOW needs to change for the sake of the future even if it doesn’t completely ‘make sense’ in the current moment and even if we are not clear on the future!
This is a real opportunity to restructure our minds in a way that allows our future selves and society to ‘call the shots’ in the present as we serve as conduits for actions toward change in the present that will lead us to that future…
Dear friends, the super new moon of Sunday March 10 is almost here, and its intense gravitational pull is being felt deeply within our energy fields. This super new moon is a very special energetic event, we are exactly one month away from the total solar eclipse in the first week of April.
A New moon energy gives us a chance to plant the seeds that you can watch grow over the following two weeks, up until the next full moon. Energetically speaking, this super lunation in Pisces is all about our dreams and goals, expanding our consciousness into new territories, and moving deeper into our spiritual quest.
However, these days will be extremely emotional for those of you who are energy and moon sensitives. The depths of our subconscious is being tested by these new moon energies, and deeply buried fears may be coming up for healing and transmutation. And when I speak of profound fears I refer to not only our own personal fears, but also those emotional blockages that have been with us from distant past generations. The energies of this super new moon right before the eclipse season are stirring and awakening fears deeply stored within our genetic memories. These fears could be connected to several past ancestral generations or simply a few recent ones. Most likely, these fears are related to scarcity, survival, abandonment, victimhood, and fears of speaking our truth.
As we move though this weekend and lunation, please be mindful of any strong emotions that may come into your awareness. They can be manifested as headaches, moments of anxiety, vivid dreams, extreme fatigue, unexpected worries about finances and the future, and many others. Try to go within your mind and body as you experience these episodes and ask yourself: is this feeling mine? Is it coming up for healing? What’s the source behind it? You may realize that these are deep layers of emotional blockages that this super new moon in Pisces is bringing up to surface so you can clear them for good. As you let these feeling go and focus on the Divine support around you, you will be able to continue dreaming big and moving forward smoothly in your earthly journey.
Our energetic and physical bodies are undergoing deep shifts during this pre-eclipse weeks. Please take care of yourself and try to keep a calm mind as we move through this process. Our emotional fields are extremely sensitive at this time, make sure you are surrounded by a supportive and loving environment, but also allow yourself to find some alone time if needed. The nervous system, the heart center, and the lower chakras related to fears of survival are undergoing clearing and recalibrations at the moment. Breath deeply, relax, and allow those deep layers of memories to be washed away into the vast celestial ocean for transmutation.
Stay tuned for more energy updates as the energies roll in. Have a wonderful day, much love
3/10 M7.43 Solar Flare early this morning! Mercury is now in Aries (thank the Gods!)The moon will enter Aries and conjoin to mercury later tonight. This is the day that I have marked on my calendar and have written: The dragons burn it all down; the portal gate lock has been incinerated! Welcome to the solar eclipse!
New Moon in Pisces
Star Sister Astrology
You’re deep in the most mysterious part of the creation fields – the dark moon. Every month, Luna takes you to this space between realities. It’s where the possible turns into the actual, deep beneath the surface of your thoughts.
Every dark moon is potent, but none more than one in Pisces. In the Fishes’ realm, the zodiac’s final sign, the line between the actual and the possible is fluid and porous. Like everything else about this year – itself a space between – this one is extra.
Not only is this the pivotal second of the only three Pisces New Moons in a thousand years when Saturn and Neptune are both present in the dream fields where the fishes swim. When these two are together, dream and reality are simultaneously co-activated. And in just two years, they’re going to make their first exact alignment in 0’ Aries – the zodiac’s first and most dynamic degree – in over two thousand years.
It’s already beginning, right here, in these dark moon dream fields. They’re infused with the transmissions pouring through our Messenger Planet after his conjunction yesterday with the Great Blue Dreamer Neptune, our pipeline to the invisible reality – and the cosmic disruption of today’s tense, edgy square between the Red Planet Mars and the Cosmic Maverick, Uranus.
For her part, Luna’s been talking to the Edge since she arrived in Pisces. The Edge Goddesses Chaos, Salacia, and Haumea, the Edge Dragon Gonggong, and also the asteroids Pallas, the Great Wisdom Goddess, and the Earth Goddess Ceres. Within and around you, the dream fields are alive with intelligence and magic.
Mercury’s fingerprints are all over this new moon. By the time Sol and Luna align tomorrow morning, the Messenger will be in 0’ Aries, the degree so potent it’s known as the World Axis.
How you’re seeing, the Messenger is saying, can change the world.
So open your eyes, and your mind, and your heart, star peeps. Let them reconnect, in the ways you know and the ones, too, that the Cosmos is telling you, right here in the creation fields. Can’t you feel how deeply life is speaking to you now?
She’s speaking through the stars and planets, the Sun and the Moon – and through your own heart. She’s talking to the space on which your atoms float.
Here in the creation fields, great cycles are dissolving, and new ones are beginning to form. They’re forming as dreams — in the heart of the Universe, the heart of the world, and your heart too, star peeps. Because you’re part of the Universe. Don’t forget that for a minute.
You’re the dream, and the dreamer too. It’s a lot to hold. You may need more time — to be alone, to stare at the sky, to listen to music, read poetry aloud, sleep long and late. Take it — and give it to yourself, generously.
Let yourself receive all that’s streaming into your awareness. Receive the gifts of grace and mercy being showered over you. Let them enter you, all the way to that space where your atoms are spinning and whirling like the stars and galaxies where they were born. They’re the gifts you’re given because you, too, are woven ot of the Great Mystery, and right into its beating heart. ~
On Sunday, March 10th, it is the New Moon at 20 degrees Pisces, sign of the Fish. New Moons are about planting new seeds, however, this one is in the last sign of the zodiac and so is also about the completion of a cycle. Endings and new beginnings all rolled up into one! This is getting us ready for the Spring Equinox and the Sun moving into the first sign of the zodiac on March 19th……Aries, a time that signifies new life. In order to experience something new, we have to release the old.
This New Moon in Pisces asks us to hold the vision for new life in our hearts, while at the same time letting go of what we no longer need to carry within us into the new cycle that is approaching. This lunation connects with Uranus, the Great Awakener, providing revelations about what needs to change or where we need to liberate ourselves so we can soon plant the new seeds of our goals and dreams. It also connects with Neptune, the Transcender, which assists us in listening to Divine Guidance that may be coming to us from the Higher Realms, and to trust and have faith in the process and Divine Timing unfolding for it all. Take time today to meditate, reflect and heal. Commune with your angels, guides and the heavens. And, surrender to the Divine Plan!
New Moon in Pisces. Mercury enters Aries and sextile Pluto in Aquarius – What a strange mix of energies. Here we are at the beginning of a new lunar cycle, soft wings emerging, the flitter-flutter of an idea. It’s a dream half-remembered, a thought barely formed, a sensing on the skin of some ethereal message. The mind is impatient, wants the answer NOW, but some things we must feel our way through. Sleep, rest, meditate, journal, paint. Ask your intuition for guidance. Stare into the void with wonder and delight for all things begin here.
With Mercury on the Aries point and connecting with Pluto, we have the ability to shape our dreams into definite goals, future objectives. The power of the mind is the fuel we have at our disposal to change everything. Name your passion. Tell the Gods (and your community) of your longing, your inspiration, your dream. When we give something a name, it brings it to life, a new entity evolving out of the ether. Dare to free your voice. Dream yourself alive.
‘Spectral’ is the name for the number eleven and its keywords are ‘Liberate, Release and Dissolve’. The 11th day of the Blue Monkey wavespell is found at the top of a new column. We have finally passed the central column now which was very powerful but intense. I personally really enjoy the last few days of the Monkey wavespell and soon we shall be enjoying the Yellow Seed wavespell, another one of my favorites because it is full of abundance. As for this ‘Spectral’ day, we can simply let go and feel free. There is respite today from all the Monkey business we’ve endured of late, because the number 11 releases us from the wavespell’s agenda
Today is Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing, Being and Birth’. The letting go process which the 11th day facilitates naturally results in nurturing! Letting go is the best way to be kind to yourself. We are always our own worst enemies and we too often hold on to things that weigh us down. This means that if you slow down, take care of yourself and insist on getting the rest and nurturing you need, you will be ready to start again. Liberation is the key here and we must remember that taking time out to heal and replenish our energy is never a waste of time but an investment in our future energy. The Dragon invites us to leave the cave renewed and ready for new beginnings but first we must be rested accordingly.
The Guide today is also Red Dragon. And so, a double helping of that nurturing energy. On number 11 days, the day is always guided by itself. We are liberated by the number 11 and there is no external guide to complicate the message.
The Challenge is the Blue Monkey which is also the wavespell we are in. This always happens on the 11th day. What this means is that we are liberated from the agenda of the wavespell, we can let it all go. No monkeying around today. This is tough if you’re a Blue Monkey because you find it hard to stop playing around and take your health seriously. You need nurturing but are bad at giving it to yourself.
The Occult power is the Yellow Sun which symbolizes enlightenment and when in this magical position, the Yellow Sun shines light on all things magical. Expect Eureka moments that create spontaneous magic! If there is anything concerning Occult matters that you have been struggling to understand lately, then today is perfect for getting to grips with them. Today is ideal for taking a course or studying metaphysical topics.
The Ally is the White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’. If you need help and support today, consult a Mirror. If you do not know one, let truth be your friend today and that will do you good as well. Any truth you do hear today will be gentle and friendly to you. Also try to be friendly when speaking your truth today. Sometimes, the Mirror can be harsh but not when in this position.
Very potent DIVINE creation codes today. A DIVINE HEAVENLY PORTAL OPENS TODAY – as we EXIT the central Mystic column of the Tzolkin. We are commencing a new journey at the top of column 8 – preparing for another 10 day GAP journey in 4 days time!
The 8th column denotes SOURCE FLOW – the inbreath and outbreath of infinite Source energy bringing forth Abundance and eternal blessings. Today’s code assures us we have HEAVEN’S BLESSING Anything impeding this FLOW will be revealed.
Day 11 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence.
Today is a day of RELEASE!!! Releasing all energies built up over the last 10 days, and manifested yesterday. Today we are seeking to LIBERATE the Divine Majik, Joy and Bliss within us, through self-nurturance and B-EARTHing a new way of compassionate being.
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating! Today is all about emotional release – allow that energy in motion – to be expressed and dissolved , allow the tears, the laughter, the joy to be expressed, no holding back, connect with that inner laughter and bliss of your Divine child and give it legs to run FREE and PLAY, totally liberated.
This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE CORE WOUNDING regarding our MOTHER wounding, Divine nurturance, and separation from SOURCE!
These are very powerful energies at work to create final CLOSURE, dissolving all impediments to you finally claiming your true MAJIK and Divine innocence. Our Divine child is very LOVED by both parents – in the Heavenly and Earthly realms!
Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity, inviting you to step through into a NEW more DIVINE, REALITY. KIN 141 symbolizes walking through to NEW EARTH through the 11 doorway.
Today’s questions are “What emotional blocks to Self/Divine nurturance do I need to DISSOLVE, in order to BIRTH and LIBERATE more COMPASSION, MAJIK, JOY and BLISS in my life?”
“Can we as a collective family accept total responsibility for the CARE of every citizen on EARTH?”
RED SPECTRAL DRAGON is the PERFECT DAY for the dissolution of the “old” you, and the release of the old Matrix, LIBERATING HUMANITY from oppression.
Mother Dragon allows the NEW paradigm to be B-EARTHED into being, through our combined hearts united as ONE, for our people and our planet.
Divine blessings for the total LIBERATION of DIVINE BLISS and nurturance in your life.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED SPECTRAL DRAGON – IMIX A DOUBLE dose of RED DRAGON today makes for a very loving, nurturing and supportive energy. Today we take time to NOURISH and look after our cell-ves and attend to all the details that our own beings are calling out for. All those little response-abilities that we did not attend to in the Majik of the past cycle.
IMIX also represents the MOTHER and the GODDESS, the feminine aspect of GOD. Mother Goddess treats us all EQUALLY as her beloved children, and it is time to CHERISH and nurture each other as our own self, as we are all ONE HU-MAN family..
The darkness in this world has operated to segregate and divide us into warring factions – and people easily fall into this illusion. This lack of humanity is deeply disturbing and is felt at the deepest level of our being – particularly where OUR CHILDREN are concerned.. . for they belong to our whole EARTH family… It is our collective response-ability and duty to KEEP them SAFE – and care for their welfare. As our indigenous people say – it takes a whole tribe to raise a child.
Today the SPECTRAL DRAGON is powerfully exposing where this cruelty, apathy and man’s inhumanity to man exists. Through the great reveal we can bring it into the LIGHT and choose differently..
Choosing to be INCLUSIVE – LOVING, KIND, COMPASSIONATE, RESPECTFUL and deeply considerate of each other.
Many people in our world are needing a BIG HUG, a warm SMILE, a kind word, an Ear for their problems and some form of CONNECTION, and acknowledgement that they MATTER.. –
Please REACH out in any way you can today, to make another person’s day much BRIGHTER .
Any wounding regarding these themes can be dissolved today. IMIX asks you to TRUST in Divine nurturance and know that you are a Divine child of God/Goddess..
Primal trust means making choices with no guarantees, knowing that divine nurturance will provide what is needed for your journey. Making choices moment by moment, implicitly trusting your innate steering mechanism of heart-knowing.
Primal trust implies SURRENDERING to the WILL of the DIVINE SELF, letting go of what your ego deems to control the outcomes in your life. It means deeply trusting the processes that are at work within your present spiral of evolution.
LET GO and allow Mother Dragon to BIRTH all those brilliant DREAMS in your creation vortex.
The SPECTRAL DRAGON guards the womb of CREATION and births everything into existence… pure ALCHEMY... Call on the DRAGONs to help your BIRTH your new ideas, projects and new MISSION.
The DRAGON tribe are tribe number 1 – birthing all of creation and so on this very potent day we can build the PEACE filled foundation for the NEW EARTH we are powerfully b-Earthing.
DOUBLE DRAGON day also activates our Planetary Dragons/Serpents through the ley lines – making potent life force available to us Earth dwellers. As it is the YEAR of the YANG WOOD DRAGON – the force of our DRAGONS is super strong today! Make sure you invoke and connect your own personal DRAGON guardians.
Today we are also reminded of our own response-ability to our Earth Mother GAIA, so today we honour her and give gratitude for all the loving care she has provided for us, supporting us in every moment of every day.
The country of INDIA holds the RED DRAGON as its solar seal on our Planetary Holon.
INDIA is our MOTHER country – representing the Planetary base for developing the qualities of COMPASSION and DIVINE nurturance.
The people of INDIA were amongst the first nations to be hit hard when the plandemic hit. With their huge population – 1.4 billion people (the 2nd largest after CHINA – nearly 1.5 billion) The suffering and death rates were frightening. .
There are many stories as to how these beautiful souls cared for each other and their neighbors through compassionate and selfless acts, accepting responsibility for each other – which is a lesson of the DRAGON tribe. Their leaders took swift action and implemented effective remedies to halt the dis-ease and end the mortality, through providing FREE wellness resource kits to all citizens who needed them… A powerful model of compassionate care and nurturance by their government and medical fraternity. The WELFARE and HEALTH of the people was their number 1 concern.
INDIA holds many temples dedicated to the GODDESS, and has many holy and sacred sites on her ancient land, so the people are well connected to this energy. In the past INDIA karmically modeled a divisive nation with tiers and different classes of people based on wealth and living standards. Now they have come together in UNITY as a nation – transcending their collective lesson.
Through adversity is born much courage, deeper connection and human resilience. Mother’s are incredibly strong and adept at protecting and raising their children. Our Mother GAIA needs our help, in energetically supporting her, to birth this new frequency from this old decaying paradigm.
Today we have a DOUBLE DRAGON code so we can PRAY and send blessings for the two DRAGONS to release and LIBERATE all EARTH’S people from this pain and suffering. FREEing her children from the old narrative – allowing them to B-EArth the new compassionate time.
Please VISUALIZE all GAIA’s citizens – particularly OUR CHILDREN – HAPPY, HEALTHY and FREE.
Tsebayoth ADONAI
SUPPORT: WHITE SPECTRAL MIRROR– ETZNAB reveals all that is obstructive to achieving Joy and Bliss. The SPECTRAL MIRROR is a very potent tool of the LIGHT – revealing all that needs dissolving and releasing in order to claim our BLISS. DOUBLE SMASH – of the MIRROR WORLD today through this code liberating us from oppression!
With a clean sweep of WHITE MIRROR’s sword of reflection, we can FREE ourselves from any illusions, and reclaim our purity, through our unadulterated soul essence. Loving and sending appreciation to that beautiful reflection of our cell-ves in the Mirror.
Today the Hall of Mirrors will illuminate all the untruths of the false Matrix in order to OPEN the DOORS to the New Reality we are choosing to b-Earth.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW ELECTRIC SUN AHAU activates our capacity to have our very own feelings, activating our independent connection with TRUTH and what is right and real for us in this moment.
The ELECTRIC, highly emotional, tone will charge our wounds, and tears may roll as we release the pent up hurt, trauma and frustration.. All darkness shall be dissolved as we become illumined.
The ELECTRIC sun as today’s SUPERPOWER will enable those AWAKENED ones – the wayshowers – to bond together to serve their fellow Planetary kin, with compassion and LOVE, expressing Divine Nurturance as conduits for the Divine Plan. The 1/11 code will ACTIVATE our NEW EARTH LEADERS and enable them to walk through the new doors opening now.
AHAU ILLUMINATES our path today, guiding us to set our sights on our highest potential in our journey to EN-LIGHT-enment, releasing all else.
It is TIME to PLAY and let your inner LIGHT shine, as you express your inner joy and BLISS!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY CHUEN works strongly in unison with IMIX and ETZNAB- the white Mirror, in exposing any de-lusions, trickery, deceit and dark emotions through this DOUBLE MONKEY MAJIK energy.
As the SHADOW of the black Magic is revealed, CHUEN can transform it using his adept powers, to reveal the white rabbit up his sleeve. All darkness can be transformed through the power of White Majik. The Majik born from the purity of your PURE HEART connection to DIVINE SOURCE.
LOVE is the great transformer and has the power to dissolve all DARKNESS, hurt and separation.
CHUEN challenges us today to go out and SHARE OUR MAJIK with others!
Bringing our duties into a sequence of flow, that creates joy and fun, allowing more MAJIK in our life. Effortless flow and joy, begotten from being fully present in the now and not being overwhelmed by the future “burdens”. Responding to your spontaneous Heart’s desires which leads you to make the best choices.
Trust in the MAJIK of the larger pattern to provide what you need.
Open your precious heart to RECEIVE!
Communicate your feelings, desires, wishes and dreams like the starry eyed innocent child, knowing that one day they will all be delivered with a beautiful bow on top in the most glorious package imaginable!
Today’s questions are “What emotional blocks to Self/Divine nurturance do I need to DISSOLVE, in order to BIRTH and LIBERATE more COMPASSION, MAJIK, JOY and BLISS in my life?”
“Can we as a collective family accept total responsibility for the CARE of every citizen on EARTH?”
RED SPECTRAL DRAGON is the PERFECT DAY for the dissolution of the “old” you, and the release of the old Matrix, LIBERATING HUMANITY from oppression.
Mother Dragon allows the NEW paradigm to be B-EARTHED into being, through our combined hearts united as ONE, for our people and our planet.
Divine blessings for the total LIBERATION of DIVINE BLISS and nurturance in your life.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology reading for the week of March 10th through March 16th 2024 from my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from March 10th through March 16th 2024, reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Super Moon in Pisces Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation!”.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
As we gather under the Celestial Power of the New Super Moon in Pisces, we open our hearts and souls to the infinite wisdom and boundless love of the universe.
In this sacred moment, we surrender all that no longer serves us, releasing any doubts, fears, and limitations that weigh heavy on our spirits. With each breath, we let go of the past and embrace the present moment with open arms.
Grant us the courage to dive deep into the depths of our souls, to explore the hidden realms of our subconscious minds, and to uncover the divine truths that reside within us.
May the Gentle Energies of the New Super Moon reveal our Sacred Path, guiding us toward our highest purpose and Divine Missions. May it cleanse and purify our beings, washing away any impurities and restoring us to a state of wholeness and harmony.
With hearts full of gratitude and reverence, we offer our prayers to the cosmos, trusting that our intentions will be heard and our wishes granted. May the blessings of this New Super Moon infuse our lives with love, joy, and abundance, now and always.
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