Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Conscious Awakened Dreamers of the New Time of Freedom and Prosperity for ALL
We have massive Quantum Cosmic Energetics flowing in through this Eclipse Gateway to catalyze the manifestation of the New Jerusalem and usher in the New Golden Age of Gaia. This Friday through the 5:5 Portal, the Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse and Vesak Ceremony of Buddha Consciousness all Starseed Earth Angelic Light Workers and Grid Keepers will anchor in the Highest Light, Love and Codes of our New Heaven upon the New Earth of all timelines, realms and dimensions in this Now.
As we continue to Shift in Quantum Leaps and Bounds we are experiencing Timeline bleed throughs, merges and splits. Nothing new here but an acceleration of our Ascension into the Light. The illusion of the false matrix is being exposed and revealed to transmute and transcend all that no longer serves Gaia or Her Children of the Sun.
Lightworker of Infinite Light, You are the Conscious Co-Creator of your Life, the Creative Artist with a vast canvas and unlimited paint, what masterpiece do you choose to create today with your Spiritual abilities to manifest whatever you wish. Stay focused on your Visions of New Earth, hold the light and you will attract to you everything you need to make your dream a reality. Start with simple day to day things and expand from there. The sky is limitless, shoot for the stars and beyond. There is nothing holding you back other than doubt and fear, both of which can and will be overcome. The challenges and obstacles are merely stepping stones to your final destination. Our minds hold within them the Path of our Journey. Release and let go all that hinders your ability to create the Life of your dreams.
Breathe deep, hold the vision and let go into the stillness within and allow your Higher Self, your Pure Awareness to guide you to the Path of least resistance, and allow your energy to flow freely like the Holy Waters of the Divine Feminine Goddess of Mater. Together we assist in the raising of the New Lemuria with our Clear Intent and Divine Will.
Once you master the art of your passion’s play you never stop refining your skills to always expand and reach new heights of endless Bliss, Joy and Compassion…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 11°58′ Libra, Sun at 12°32′ Taurus
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A porter carrying heavy baggage.
Sabian Symbol for 13º Taurus
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 13º Taurus.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Miners are emerging from a deep coal mine.
Sabian Symbol for 12º Libra
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 12º Libra.
To attain the enlightened state of a buddha does not mean that we have to add something or create something that has never existed before. We also do not have to do something once it is attained. The moment that we remove all of the obscurations that cover our primordial nature, all of the enlightened qualities of a buddha just naturally, spontaneously and effortlessly arise.
The Earth’s Beloved has Arrived and all Will change on this Planet under His Protection and Provision
Angels of the Rose
Elizabeth Garcia
As it is described in the Revelation “This woman dressed with the Sun, with the Moon under her feet, with the Crown of 12 Stars. This woman is the triumphant Presence of our Divine Mother”.
The moon under her feet means that she has overcome all the control and limitation energies that mainly oppress the feminine energy in our world.
She brings the 12 Star Crown, comes with all its virtues, also representing the 12 new Frequency Keys, the 12 Archangels that sustain Creation beyond the 3rd dimension.
Mary comes to install in the Central Column her Pillar that gathers those that have been activated by MICHAEL the CHRIST.
Mary’s presence in our Heaven accompanied by the Marial Fleet is as close as possible to the surface of the earth.
Let us be on the lookout for signs that will come to us personally from our Heaven to Earth, calling us from now on to reunite with our membership, with our Star Family. This call will become more and more powerful so that all the Sons of One will receive the Honor and Joy of feeling the Presence with the entire Galactic Family.
Just like the New Jerusalem, this Vessel of Light is here to seal our Eternity. This Ship cyclically arrives to Earth this time to free it from its confinement permanently.
You have passed through many lifetimes to come to this important life. You have passed through different dimensions, and on the earth-plane various periods of history to be here. The planet is ascending. It is time to shed old identities and limitations to embrace the fullness of your multidimensional gifts, resources and talents.
Whatever you choose to be or do at this time I wish you a smooth day of high vibrational joy, harmony, peace, and love. Steve
Dear family of love and light, the Divine has been carrying out the Divine intervention and Divine operations to clear the planet and humanity. The Divine says that so far, the Divine and the company of heaven have made a lot of progress, and the planet is now much lighter. Gaia and the Divine are pleased with the result.
Per Gaia’s request, the Divine intervention will continue. However, the Divine says that the Divine will carry out the intervention in places where Gaia’s remapping process needs to happen the most. The Divine says that Gaia has mapped out some places where she needs the Divine intervention so that the remapping process can be carried out smoothly. The Divine understands Gaia’s concerns and respects her request. So the Divine and the company of heaven, from this point on, will carry out the Divine intervention according to Gaia’s design. The Divine intervention will be very intense and effective so that Gaia’s remapping process can proceed smoothly.
Gaia is pleased with the design and Divine’s help.
So, in days to come, the Divine intervention will be carried out according to Gaia’s remapping design and remapping needs. The Divine encourages light workers to keep up the good work and know that Gaia’s remapping process is going to proceed. And the Divine plan is unfolding well. All is developing according to the Divine plan.
Thank you for your dedication and light work.
Divine love for you always.
Linda Li, Gaia, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.
Divine operations
Blue Rose Oracles
The first wavelength of energy accessible for May is focused upon the vibraton of acceleration.
Allowing yourself to flow with ease and grace into the highest timeline that is presenting for you within your awareness and heightened state of expanding consciousness.
We are blossoming and emerging through the fertile soil of creation, expanding the visions that we have been holding within our hearts into new opportunities & realities having nurturing the sacred seeds of our inner magic and cleared away the old roots of limitation and fear to create space for beautiful new experiences to arise & manifest during this powerful month of recalibration and rejuvenation.
We are also receiving the support of Mother Gaia as she moves into a faster octave of frequencies, creating new spirals of golden green light which flow into the ley lines and infuse all reflections of divine creation with optimism, joy and liberation codes.
Allow yourself to receive the flow of bliss as each cell reverberates in alignment with the heartbeat of Gaia as she weaves a new spiral upon the cosmic loom and infuses the land with golden green light illuminating the pathways of expansion and creation.
Affirmations for Today
“I am flowing into the energy of a new month
with ease and aligning with the highest timeline through holding the vibration of ease & grace within my field“
You are the artist of your reality. When the situation is challenging from the outside it depends on you yourself what colors you are using to paint your own reality. If you paint it with bright, shiny, joyful colors this is the picture you will get. If you pick dark, dull colors that is the picture you will get as well.
Don’t forget that you have your whole palette. Don’t forget you have bright colors no matter what is outside of your world. The world may influence you to do the dark stuff. You can always pick up the bright colors, the golden colors the yellows, oranges, and reds so that your life, your picture is painted the way you want it. At any moment, the information from outside could be coming to you with a lot of negativity, fear, or destruction. But you still have the whole pallet of colors.
My perception of the 3rd Dimensional reality is constantly shifting.
Nothing at this lower level resonates within me.
Being drawn into myself more deeply than ever.
In this space I wish to be in, there is no time, only the constant flow of colorful bright energies that surround us all.
When I go into meditation, I feel so many Souls with me now and it is quite warming to my senses.
This grand shift is propelling us to go deeper within, deeper and deeper until we are fully aware that there is much more to us than who we think we are.
Often I drift off looking up into the blue sky or even watching the birds, it is like a meditation within itself. Eyes are not Closed, just fully in the moment.
Nothing disturbs my presence I just keep flowing with it all, allowing, transcending it all as the Love we all share comes into One.
There are days I am totally zoned out with all this, just taking it in feeling the vibrancy of the Celestial Energies as the New Earth continues to merge within us.
We are truly creating this space as we continue moving up in dimensions.
It is all a State of Consciousness, as to where we want to be, how we want to feel and how we want to continue living on this planet of dreams.
Never a dull moment as our 7th Chakra continues flowering, the 7th Seal is open and blooming.
We are no longer under a spell as we continue shedding the last layers of our evolution of consciousness.
Have a Beautiful Tuesday, allow yourselves to be open to it all it is the only way to let it all in.
Like an Ancient Tree, you are assimilating a larger volume of Universal Light through your vessel and into the Crystalline Grid of Gaia.
Know all beings have this capacity, as your expansion is flowering in this Now moment.
See your role as a Pillar of Light. As you continually download and disseminate light throughout your construct.
Like a forest there are taller trees, older trees, twisted trees. Collectively, you are a community of light, assimilators of Light in your world. Know all beings are assisting with this role.
We ask you to align to the Tree of Life, your role as a Light Worker assimilating light for the greater good of all beings.
The wonderful Cosmic Light Energies of this week enables rapid Light Assimilation and Expansion. Be Awaken To The Light Expansion.
Going deep into the emotional abyss has lead to finding the crystalline core of your creation. The light body is upgrading the the chakras today, as everything that was holding this back has been cleansed.
Information, messages, and communication entering will help alleviate concerns, and recover your confidence. Suddenly life is flipping out of surviving into thriving. This will begin through the consciousness as you are accessing the oneness field of all. Here you understand that you’ve never been alone or abandoned as you are one with the all.
Pluto retrograde is taking you down this path to love, bliss, balance, and healthy relationships over the next 5 months. By the end you will know who you are, and your value and worth. This is already done Beloveds. We are finishing life’s lessons and moving on. Today we can continue forward into this unified field and birth an amazing life and lifestyle.
The Moon, ruler of our unconscious responses, has now shifted into Libra, sign of the Scales and getting closer to the Scorpio energies of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse event on Friday. For today she is connecting to Pluto, ruler of death and rebirth, Saturn, ruler of karmic lessons, Mercury, ruler of perceptions, and the Sun, ruler of our self-identity. We are trying to stay in a place of balance within ourselves, but there may be some challenges.
Pluto, who just turned retrograde yesterday, is dredging up emotions that have been hidden beneath the surface of our psyche. Saturn’s heavy energy is bringing up shadow fears and feelings of restriction that need to be released. Mercury retrograde is in his mode of reviewing fixed mindsets or perceptions, especially those regarding our sense of self-worth. And, the Sun’s influence with the Moon is struggling to stay grounded and rooted in self-confidence. This is an intense time as we are sandwiched in between these eclipses. This is a critical “moment” for our individual and collective evolution and growth. Do what you can to balance the “scales” of energy within yourself……you got this! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
May 1-8, 2023 – BLOOMING – SuperNova Astrology Update
Mercury is retrograding back through Taurus, coming up to the Sun. Mercury and the Sun will cross paths on May 2nd. We are trying to figure out who we are and where we are going. All of this Taurus energy is bringing us to a place of questioning our core values. What is the point of it all, anyway? What we thought we wanted, it may turn out, might be not at all resonant with the energy frequency of where where we really want to be.
Humanity is being given a huge opportunity for re-direction, with Pluto coming into square with the Nodes of the Moon over the next several months. Many people are feeling lost and disconnected from anything meaningful. This is where SuperNova Souls come in. We are the ambassadors of a whole new value system. As we uncover and express our precious spiritual gifts, we are a living example of what’s possible.
Mercury retrograde is just finishing his second of three squares with Black Moon Lilith in Leo. We have to face the darkest dark that has been keeping us from shining our light. We are learning to feel worthy of our own spiritual abundance.
The Sun will head right into this square with Black Moon Lilith on May 4th, with a T-square to the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse happening on May 5th. Pressure is building and we are facing the shadows of where we don’t feel worthy of our light and connection to Source. The Scorpio energy is pointing out, with a visceral longing, where we feel lonely and disconnected. There has been a greater agenda, over lifetimes, to keep SuperNova Souls from finding each other. But now it’s time to bust out of our quarantine so we can connect and reflect our magic back to each other.
The Sun will come up to Uranus on May 9th, which we will start to feel at the end of this week. It’s a higher frequency activation, an opportunity to land home and awaken into our true higher self.
Mars in Cancer has been in a tense square to Chiron in Aries. We want to re-connect, but we really need our freedom. SuperNova Souls often struggle with karmic relationships. We are trying to figure out how to own our energy which means we need to figure out healthy boundaries in relationships. We are owning our power and holding our frequency, no longer allowing outside energies to dictate our path. It’s scary to step out alone, and yet it’s the only way to claim back our sovereignty and make room for the real and deep and satisfying relationships that are coming.
Venus in Gemini is coming into square with Neptune in Pisces, bringing up where our feminine is feeling trapped in the old stories. Karmic patterns are appearing that are trying to keep us in lower vibrations and on inappropriate timelines. But the shift is coming, and nothing can stop it. We are breaking free of the programming that has kept us in ‘groundhog day’ karmic loops. Now we rise, into the ideal, into the vibration that really fits, where the weather suits our clothes, so to speak.
The Full Moon Eclipse is happening at 15 degrees Scorpio, right in the middle of the sign, and directly across from where Mercury just turned retrograde in Taurus. This intense activation is showing us what might be blocking our deepest desires, and helping us to move towards a more appropriate life that better reflects who we are spiritually. This is the great twist of fate and massive redirection that is coming.
We are required to start living in connection, in deep connection with the Divine Feminine Great Mother Principle, and in gratitude and honor for this manifest in Earth. It’s who we really are, and it’s the only way this evolution gets to continue. There is an undeniable spiritual yearning for living a life of more meaning and purpose blooming within.
Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Taurus. Juno enters Gemini. Pallas enters Leo– This is a cosmic epiphany. The light and knowing of Source floods the mind. Now we understand. Now we see. Now the conversation occurs, or the information arrives. It’s the midpoint of Mercury’s retrograde, the moment when the Messenger God is elevated to sit on the throne of the Sun. Pay attention to your thoughts. Listen to your intuition.
Juno, moving into Mercury-ruled Gemini, understands that for people or situations to come together, it’s necessary to establish clear dialogue. Meanwhile Pallas, entering Sun-ruled Leo, knows that the best strategy for peace, inner and outer, is to use our creative powers, allow ourselves to be seen and heard. This is about living by design. There are patterns in everything – the pentagram at the core of an apple, the spiral of a snail’s shell, endless rhythmic waves on the shore. Create an intelligent plan that allows for some risk – and fun! Problems are solved when we step into our authentic role, play our part, live our purpose. Ascend to your throne.
‘Spectral’ is the name for the number 11 and its keywords are ‘Liberation, Release and Dissolve’. The 11th day is always in opposition to the wavespell energy. So, as we are in the Blue Storm wavespell and Red Moon is the challenge of the Blue Storm, in a sense we are liberated from that wavespell agenda for one day. The number 11 releases and frees us and liberation feels pretty good. (especially if you are a Red Moon!)
Today is the Red Moon which represents ‘Purify, Flow and Universal Water’. The Moon has a huge influence on the tides of the oceans and the tides of time. We are undeniably affected by the moon. It is foolish to try like King Canute, to stop the tide …no one has such power and so our only option is to surrender and ‘go with the flow’. This fits perfectly with the number 11 energy. In complete contrast to the crazy Blue Storm wavespell agenda, today is the calmness in the eye of the storm. Be still, chillax and let go. There is nothing you can do about it anyway.
Today’s Guide is Red Moon too and so a double dose of chilling out is the order of the day. There really isn’t any point in trying to change anything today or to try to control the outcome of any plans. A double dose of Moon energy is just too much Lunar influence and the tide is too strong.
The Challenge is the Blue Storm and so today is opposing or very different. This is a break if you like from the stormy weather for today but it’s not over yet! No big changes are expected today but a relief from the upheaval of late. If you’ve been struggling with all the disruption, you’ll be glad the Storm is weakened. Relax today and save your energy because the Storm has 2 more days to mess with you. If you are a Blue Storm, you too could do with letting go for one day.
The Occult is the Yellow Human which happens to be the next wavespell too and so everything seems very connected. The Human is the vessel, divinely designed to channel wisdom. They are the psychics of the Tzolkin and when in this magical position, the wisdom they channel can be quite magical. We all can do this today, especially if we succeed in releasing and relaxing…that opens up the third eye nicely.
The Ally is the White Dog and everyone knows how good dogs are at living in the moment and relaxing too. Find a Dog to chill out with today…they are buddies with the Red Moon clan for a reason, their laid-back attitude is very similar to the Moon’s energy. Go to a beach if you can, take the dog and watch the waves hit the shore. If you can’t physically do that, imagine it, this really sums up the energy of ‘Spectral Moon’. If you don’t know a Dog, tap into this Ally power and enjoy the playfulness.
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 89 = 17/8 Infinity/Abundance
A day of further cleansing and purifIcation in order to build a new solid foundation of PEACE, and ABUNDANCE!
Today is a very special day – RED SPECTRAL MOON – KIN 89 marks the final passing and ASCENSION date of Jose’ Arguelles.
SPECTRAL days DISSOLVE – RELEASE and LIBERATE and indeed he was totally FREED and released from his human vessel on that destined day – on 23 March 2011. On this day of our PLANETARY LIBERATION we align with the celebration of Jose’s Ascension.
Jose was born on 24th January, 1939 on BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY -KIN 11 day. His purpose was to DISSOLVE, release and LIBERATE us on a PLANETARY level from illusions. Jose’ campaigned tirelessly for PLANETARY LIBERATION and release from the GREGORIAN calendar and the Artificial matrix we were all trapped in. Today we witness Jose’s MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
KIN 89 reduces to the number 17 which is the code of immortality and leaving a LEGACY, and fittingly Jose did just that. He orchestrated the FIRST GLOBAL synchronized meditations and activations for Planetary PEACE and Harmony through his organization of the GLOBAL HARMONIC CONVERGENCE in 1987, which paved the way for our LIBERATION today!
Jose’ left an incredible LEGACY on this PLANET – the DREAMSPELL CALENDAR and the RINRI PROJECT (the circumpolar rainbow bridge} which is a GALACTIC CODEX navigating our Ascension journey through the LIGHT encodements contained therein. An incredible MASTER who was subjected to disdain and ridicule (as most change agents are) and for the most part did not receive the honourable recognition he deserved as the true TIMELORD and GENIUS that he is!
Please take a moment to touch your HEART and give gratitude and LOVE, to this remarkable Divine soul. We are ALL truly blessed that he walked this Earth to guide us in this R-evolutionary time. Aho!
Day 11 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELLof purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. This is the day we CELEBRATE our PLANETARY LIBERATION, from the past.
All the energies collectively were built up and released in a wondrous EXPLOSION of LIGHT, self-generated by the STAR BLISS SUNS, anchoring, grounding and radiating this LIGHT in the HU-MAN global grid.
Today we can RELEASE the necessity to generate any more energy for transformation.
We can simply LET GO, and choose to GO WITH THE NEW FLOW.
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating! This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE the PAST and move forward FEARLESSLY FREE from obstructions.
The SPECTRAL action together with the 5.5. LIBERATION codes, will dissolve all impediments to you finally claiming your true POWER and abundance. Wiping the slate clean you can now build a new foundation of solid abundance! .
Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity, and together with the 11 day code we have a DOUBLE GATE – inviting you to step through into a NEW WORLD filled with joy and unlimited prosperity.
What are you waiting for? HOP TO IT!
Today’s question is “What do I need to DISSOLVE, in order to feel totally LIBERATED, and FLOW with the unconditional LOVE of THE GODDESS?”
Divine blessings for your final LIBERATION and finding your beautiful Goddess flow!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED SPECTRAL MOON – MULUC. Following on from yesterday’s Yellow Planetary Star, where GAIA was the RISING STAR, today La Luna continues to be in the SPOTLIGHT giving us a DOUBLE dose of RED MOON energy as we head into the LUNAR ECLIPSE on FRIDAY 5TH MAY!!
MULUC represents THE GODDESS, and now she is claiming her POWER and has now unleashed a DOUBLE dose of her energies, revealing to us that THE SPECTRAL GODDESS, means business! Add this to the annual code and we have TRIPLE GODDESS POWER!
The Spectral Goddess code is seeking to LIBERATE our deepest FEARS, and AWAKEN our psychic, intuitive, feeling abilities! The GODDESS of LOVE is activating our sensual feminine side, bringing in more PLEASURE and FUN..It is time to LIBERATE our SHAKTI!!
It is now TIME to be released and LIBERATED from the old Patriarchal control Matrix – BRING ON THE GODDESS! Our world definitely needs a HUGE dose of unconditional LOVE, compassion and nurturance. BIG GROUP HUG!!
The GODDESS brings forth greater intuition, psychic powers, sensitivity and gentle feminine flow through the action of her Universal waters. Bathe in her gentle waters today, and dissolve any remnants of the old energies, allow your feelings to FLOW and be purified with the currents of change and transformation.
Allow these Waves of Change to LIBERATE and FREE you, from the chains that bound you. THANK GODDESS, WE ARE NOW FREE!!! Allow your INNER GODDESS to surface and FLOW.
SUPPORT: WHITE DOG – OC -the SPECTRAL DOG is LIBERATING the FLOW of MORE LOVE! OC brings forth the energies of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, the favourite current-sea of the GODDESS! Huge LOVE codes today – beloved STAR BLISS SUNS!
The SPECTRAL DOG – dissolves our HEART WALLS and any impediments to the FLOW of more LOVE in our lives. The dissolution of all past hurts – through betrayal, abandonment, deceit and any form of harm, or lack in relationship with others, is possible today.. You just need to OPEN your HEART and be prepared to FORGIVE all. All water under the bridge!
OC releases a huge planetary wave of LOVE, for us all to ride home on, accessed through our pure, cleansed Hearts. Today we can SURRENDER to the power of LOVE, be that self-love, from our beloveds (or betrothed), our planet, and our CREATOR!
TAP into the Universal power of the endless LOVE flowing throughout the Cosmos!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW ELECTRIC HUMAN – EB enables us to look back from where we have come with greater wisdom, honouring our path and our experiences as part of our soul’s journey. Now older and much wiser, we are FREED from the karma and lessons. Now we can fearlessly choose to align with unconditional love, and the emotional wisdom of our prophetic ancestors.
The ELECTRIC HUMAN is beckoning us to release our Emotional wounding,and seek solace and soul fulfillment, through bonding together with our kin, in order to serve the GODDESS.
We are guided to ALIGN with DIVINE WILL, in order to LIBERATE the ABUNDANCE for all, that EB is providing.. Flowing ABUNDANCE and the gift of WISDOM – wonderful qualities for our New World communities.
The qualities of the DIVINE HU-MAN will be amplified over this coming WESAK Buddha FULL MOON ECLIPSE, Wesak Festival and the YELLOW HU-MAN WAVESPELL all ALIGNING on Friday 5th MAY 2023.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SPECTRAL STORM – CAUAC – The SPECTRAL STORM is catalyzing tremendous POWER today, amplifying the influence of the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL.. We really have reached a CRESCENDO today!
CAUAC provides more catalyzing transformational energies giving us a DOUBLE dose of the STORM. Together with TRIPLE RED MOON, we have a QUINELLA of cleansing energies
DOUBLE, BUBBLE, RELEASE the RUBBLE!!! Purifying our vessel through our thoughts and emotions in order to LIBERATE ourselves and become purer conduits, for the GODDESS to FLOW through us!
We are now FREE to be the MAGNIFICENT GALACTIC CHANGE AGENTS that we came here to be, FREE to assist others in their AWAKENING process, catalyzing greater Planetary transformation. AND SO MOTE IT BE! X3
Today’s question is “What do I need to DISSOLVE, in order to feel totally LIBERATED, and FLOW with the unconditional LOVE of THE GODDESS?”
Divine blessings for your final LIBERATION and finding your beautiful Goddess flow!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥
Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities
I cancel clear & dissolve ALL the old Masculine programming of fear, doubt & unworthiness across time, Space & dimensional Multiverses for the highest good of all of humanity. The old programs of the wounded Father Masculine to be cancelled cleared and dissolved and decoded in the Akashic Records and in all times and spaces and no time and space across the Multiverses as the Father Arcis being fully restored and the Divine Union of the Feminine and Masculine is fully restored. All The programs and mazes of mistrust, the angst, the lack of support, ridicule and lack of stability and confidence in the innate abilities, innocence & purity. I freeze and hold all the discord and war energies of the masculine running in the circuits and the blame, bring them all out completely out of the Multidimensional Matrix and Systems and dissolve them in Christed Ruby, Emerald and Golden rays. I release the pain, the enormous shame carried in Ancestral, the enormous and perpetuating disappointment in not meeting the Feminine fully , unment expectations, huge let down and hurt, unexpressed emotions and hurt, abuse and incoherence of patterns. I dive deeply in to bring out in my morphogenetic field and on the cellular level all the imprints of Energies of discord running in the curcuits that were leading the way for all humanity to be cancelled cleared and purified across time space and dimensions now. It’s done 333 4444 So it is. Thank you
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