Big Shifts have Unfolded in the World! New Earth Portals * Language of Truth ~ Rain of Celestial Gifts
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Gold Winged Nation of Gods Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
With the Power of our I Am Presence and Higher Self we call in our most Brilliant and Blessed Ascension Timeline for all our Good People of the New Earth.
All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are holding the keys and codes for our Great Awakening and Shift of the Ages into our New Golden Age of Enlightenment forever more, never to fall from Grace again.
We are assisting in releasing all of humanity from all nefarious programs of ignorance through turning the Wheel of Dharma of Buddha Mind and resolve all things perfectly as Divine Conscious Co-Creators of our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
As Gaia emerges from her Chrysalis as a Galactic Crystalline Butterfly Mothership 33 of our Cosmic Alliance of Light all her Children of the Sun rise into the dawning of the Gold Ray Nation of our Lion Kingdom of the New Lemuria.
Keep walking your Pristine Path with Heart directly to Source as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Hue-man species of homo-Luminous, 5D Avatar Rainbow bodies of Light of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica…A’Ho!
Today is a day of powerful formations in the sky which bring great blessings, upgrades and establishment of the new energies for the Twin Flames! You have made it to this point so receive and enjoy the rain of celestial gifts! So it is!
The Sacred Rose Pattern Of Sophia’s Heart Is Our Beginning Point Of Magnetic Accountability
But Also The Launch Pad Of Infinite Spiral
But Also The Pattern Of Perpetual Regeneration
But Also The Beginning Of The World Without End
But First….
Language of Truth
MaryAnn Rada
Rays of light are beginning to break the shell of darkness. You can see with greater clarity the structure of reality. You can begin to rename what you had been told was the true name of things. You have the truth in your hand. Let it speak for those who cannot yet understand.
1/23/25: Release, detach, be grateful, be present, and be nice to yourself and others. These are 2025’s teachings and it will go well for those who pay attention and apply them. Release ingrained but confining beliefs and expectations about the world. Detach from anything outside of your control. Value and appreciate what it’s taken for you to come this far. Be present in your life and realistic about your situation. Gift yourself moments of freedom. Strive for a life that sustains you and that you can sustain.
And trust that Love will always find a way. This year will reward those who understand what we’re really here for… and it’s not prestige, possessions, or money. The true rewards are much more valuable.
Dear friends, as we approach the end of January, the energetic pressure is building, setting the stage for a transformative New Moon signaling the official start of the new year of the Snake. This shift is like a cosmic doorway, inviting us to step into the unknown and emerge renewed, reborn, and transformed.
The increased energetic pressure can be intense, causing feelings of frustration, irritability, and emotional intensity to rise to the surface. It’s essential to be patient and take time to breathe, allowing yourself to process these emotions and find calm within the storm.
As the energy builds, you may become more sensitive, both emotionally and intuitively. Your empathetic nature may become more pronounced, making you more aware of subtle energies and the emotions of those around you. Practice self-care, set healthy boundaries, and prioritize your own emotional well-being.
The approaching New Moon and Year of the Snake can also stir feelings of restlessness, prompting you to break free from stagnant patterns and explore new opportunities. This is a call to awaken, to shake off the old and embark on a journey of transformation and growth.
Physically, you may experience fatigue, insomnia, or other symptoms like headaches, tension, or digestive issues. These are signs that your body is adjusting to the increased energetic pressure. Engage in grounding techniques like meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature to alleviate these symptoms and find balance.
Despite the challenges, this energetic shift brings incredible opportunities for growth. The New Moon and Year of the Snake offer a chance for renewal, rebirth, and transformation. Set intentions for personal growth, spiritual evolution, and positive change. Allow yourself to be guided by your intuition, which may become more pronounced during this time.
As the Year of the Snake begins, you may feel a creative spark ignite within you. This is a time for innovation, artistic expression, and problem-solving. Embrace your creativity, and allow yourself to explore new passions and interests.
The incoming energies of the Snake are particularly significant in 2025, a year still adapting to the vibrations of the number 9. This humanitarian number is all about completion, global awareness, and spiritual awakening. As the Snake’s transformative energy merges with the number 9’s vibrational frequency, you may feel an intensified desire to let go of the old, release attachments, and rebirth yourself into a more authentic, compassionate, and awakened version. This alchemical process can be both exhilarating and challenging, but trust that it’s guiding you toward a higher purpose and a more profound connection to yourself and the world.
To navigate this energetic shift, remember to stay grounded and centered. Prioritize self-care, rest, and relaxation. Set clear intentions for personal growth and positive change. And, most importantly, be open to the transformative power of the universe.
By embracing this energetic shift, you can harness the transformative power of the universe and emerge stronger, wiser, and more aligned with your true potential.
Many will feel at this time when such powerful life- changing and enhancing energies are pouring in, as if they are standing on shifting sands, or treading water.
It is so important to go deeper within, and to connect deeply to the Divine within, your own Ascended Masters, and the higher realms.
The extremely high frequency light we are now absorbing into your new DNA and New Light bodies forming, (all twelve of them), means that we are losing density. But not only we, but all life and life forms as well as mother earth.
Become aware that some things simply will not work for you anymore. As you shift in consciousness, that which once was important to you, will lose its importance. You will need more time out to just be!
It is wise to just call in Archangels Chamuel, and Charity the Archangels of Heart center and Love, as well as the angels of love, and simply ask them to shower you with love, inside and out and enfold you in their wings. Then simply relax in them, and do this especially at night, before you go to sleep.
It will help enormously to calm your mind, and bring you into the highest state of Love, even as you then can have a peaceful sleep.
Note that many Lightworker souls are doing immense energy work and other work in their sleep state – and cosmically too. We are now able to connect with your true soul family and cosmic families, soul groups, and the Intergalactically far more easily, via our souls and as our consciousness rises, remember this, or even being able to bilocate in several forms at once, and be present in multiple ways elsewhere. This is a natural outcome of ascension.
Your soul is not limited by the physical and is simultaneously in multiple dimensions at once.
To me this is the new reality, where you exist on so many expanded frequencies and bandwidths of existence, and can easily switch from one to other.
You will even find that you often will be in the midst of people, and they cannot see you anymore, for you are in a higher dimensional state.
I have often experienced this when doing energy work, and it has taught me that all is energetic, and all is a matter of choosing in which consciousness frequency band you are wishing to operate, and it will happen increasingly.
I am very careful what I watch and what I listen to, and make time to listen to high frequency music, like the Solfeggio frequencies, for they assist enormously in clearing not only your energy fields but also fine tuning into the God frequency for instance, the 432 hertz etc.
Yet the greatest tuning happens through mother earth and cosmically now. The earth’s energy centers are all now tuned into the seventh dimension as well as the fifth and this is opening a whole new energetic field of existence and immensely powerful.
I see this as exploring all the new possibilities now, and finding at what frequency band and consciousness your soul now wishes to exist and operate in.
To embrace the Lightness of Being, and to simply choose to stay in the highest state of Love and Joy.
The mind is getting very clear and logical, uncovering different feelings to work through. This uncovering of your truth is answered prayers of peace and happiness. You are safe and protected to open your heart to this healing. To recover yourself from energy vampires. To regain your power though self love and focusing on your own spiritual gifts and communion with God.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Big Shifts have Unfolded in the World
Ra James
Mars Retrograde in Cancer is sextile Uranus in Taurus. They will make this alignment happen at 3:11 Pm GMT too! Mars is Retrograde in Cancer until Feb 23rd. Mars turns Retrograde approximately every two years, for around three months. However, due to its pre and post shadows, the complete duration of a Mars retrograde spans nearly seven months. This is a period that is meant to be used for deep healing. It’s all about healing any deeper emotional issues, and resolving any unfinished business. This can be a difficult transition. Cancer has a tie to past lives.
That means that past life connections and karmic entanglements can come up during this time. Uranus in Taurus has been an ongoing theme and influence. Uranus will leave Taurus on July 7th. Uranus will then return to Taurus for a short time in November. This can bring changes in money, possessions, resources, values, and self-esteem. You may be guided to make some changes, or to bring some healing to these areas. If Mars is action and desire, Uranus is awakenings and breakthroughs. These are energies of passionate creativity, joyful self-expression, and emotional grounding. It’s a great time for unexpected opportunities. Make sure that you’re embracing change, and taking bold actions. Mercury in Capricorn is also trine Uranus in Taurus.
This is great practical energy to harness for career success. It’s great to heal or clear any issues so you can move forward more organized. Today’s energy is all about turning your goals into reality. With Mercury trine Uranus you’re being guided to break free from old patterns, and to be open to new ways of doing things. Mercury in Capricorn helps you to ground your ideas into practical, long-term plans. This isn’t just about dreaming big, it’s about making things happen. These energies are helping you to lay the foundation for lasting success…
dreaming a New Earth
Molly McCord
Big shifts have unfolded in the world since the Sun conjunct Pluto at 1 deg 41 Aquarius on January 21 – including snow on the beaches of Florida! – and now we are in new realms of consciousness and expanded creation.
Aquarius season brings us into more of our multidimensional choices and directions, asking you to be clear in what you want and remain in alignment with the higher versions of yourself that are connecting to many potentials.
Mars RX, Mercury, and Venus all interact with Uranus RX in Taurus at 23 degrees this week, signaling what you are reframing in your experience that supports higher self-love and your new values.
The Aquarius New Moon at 10 deg on January 29 is especially zingy-zangy-exciting with Mercury conjunct Pluto the same day, and Uranus stationing direct the next day.
Shocks, revelations, and movements will be unfolding rapidly.
On Thursday, January 23rd, it is busier than usual, with Mars, planet of forward movement, who is currently traveling in retrograde motion in Cancer, sextile Uranus, ruler of change, in slow moving Taurus. Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in practical Capricorn, is opposing Mars, who is stealthily reworking old ground in matters that deal with home, family, security and emotions.
And, Mercury, planet of thoughts and perceptions, in cautious Capricorn, is opposing Uranus, ruler of lightning bolt revelations and insights, in deliberate Taurus. Plus, the Moon, ruler of our inner psyche, is in brooding, but perceptive Scorpio all day, making many connections of her own. We may be carefully considering what our next step is. Practicality and adhering to our comfort zones are on one side of this equation.
And, the other side is the potential of liberating and redirecting ourselves on our Path. The Scorpio Moon asks that we go deep into our feelings……what do you sense is the right choice for you? Open your mind to higher insights and “Aha” moments! This will help to guide you on your journey.
Mercury in Capricorn opposite Mars retrograde in Cancer and sextile Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Mars sextile Uranus – We have three planets dancing – and at times stepping on each other’s toes. The atmosphere is heated. One clumsy step too many and it’s easy to fly off the handle. Boiling frustration eats away at careful composure until, snap! The mouth is open, and a torrent of choice phrases let loose! Guard against using words as weapons. Stop haranguing yourself. Resist the urge to fight over territory, rules, rent, hours worked, who should do what and when.
Take a deep breath…
Because there is more than one way to resolve the tension, a way back to one another, a way back to yourself. Engage your inner revolutionary. Maybe there is another path, another option, another perspective, a different action. *If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got* Shake things up. Try a new method. Turn the problem on its head. See from the other side. Break with convention. Have the courage to be free.
‘Overtone’ is the name for the number five and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The fifth day of a wavespell adds tremendous power to whichever day it falls on. It’s an excellent combination of number and day which shall help enormously with whatever quest you began on day one. The number five commands respect and so don’t waste the empowerment it offers.
Today is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment, Universal Fire and Life’. When the Yellow Sun happens on an Overtone day we are empowered by enlightenment. This is one of the most profound days in the Tzolkin. Expect light bulbs to appear above your head. Revelations, insights and good ideas seem to pop out of nowhere. Make the most of it, these revelations will have long lasting effects. You may feel like you have some ‘fire in your belly’ which is useful when on a quest or mission. So, get er done! The Sun gives us life and with that life comes consciousness. The Yellow Sun offers you today a download of information that will empower you. You can march forth on your Quest and yield results with the knowledge that you have been gifted.
The Guide today is the Yellow Star which symbolizes ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. Enlightenment led by the beautiful shining star, it’s awe inspiring! Be dazzled by all the light today and may it illuminate your path to a wonderful place. May you feel inspired to beautify your outlook on the world. Consciousness is a beauty to behold. Discover yourself today and be empowered by your inner beauty.
The Challenge today is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. The Dog is concerned with matters of the heart which is opposite to the Sun which is concerned with deep thinking and gray matter. Dogs will have to think with their heads today for a change and if they do, the day won’t be so challenging. If you are one, don’t despair. You too can be gifted with enlightenment today. It’s just that you have to strive for it and put in the effort.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon which is the symbol of rebirth and when in this magical position it offers a real opportunity to renew yourself. This all ties in nicely with the Empowering and Enlightening that’s on offer today. The Dragon represents birth because the Dragon lives in a cave and that is a symbol for our Mother Earth’s womb. All life springs from her. Today is ideal for starting something new, it has a magical boost to help it along.
The Ally is the Blue Storm which symbolizes changes. If you need help today, consult a Blue Storm. They are in a friendly mood today as they are in the Ally position. If you don’t have access to a Stormy person, be like one and that entails summoning up energy to catalyze a big change. In fact, making any changes today is a good idea because of this friendly aspect.
MANTRA I EMPOWER in order to ENLIGHTEN Commanding LIFE I seal the Matrix of Universal Fire With the Overtone tone of Radiance I AM guided by the power of Elegance
23/1/2025 = 5/1/9 = 5/10=5/1=6
DAY CODES 23- Royal Star of the Lion/Strength/Protection/Grace 5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Transformation/Movement 6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Romance/Love/Happiness/Fertility
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority 2-Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 200 = 2 – Partnership/Cooperation/Polarity 0 – Source/Power
An absolutely DIVINELY GLORIOUS, BEAUTY filled day!! Today is a very potent ASCENSION gateway!! A day to SHINE as BRIGHTLY as the DOUBLE SUN!
23/5 – LIBERATION code today with the Royal Star of the Lion’s protection! The codes are aligning to set us FREE from scarcity and limitation!! NEW LIFE and NEW START.. 6 opens the frequency of the DIVINE support flowing forth endlessly from SOURCE..
Day 5 in the YELLOW WARRIOR WAVESPELL of fearlessly QUEST-I-ONing everything in our path with a profound intelligence, disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World.
Today we find the courage to FEARLESSLY SHINE our LIGHT creatively, allowing it to RADIATE as we emPOWER our independant Missions.
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards.
Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their POWER radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power. Today we are EMPOWERING our Divine Missions through claiming our Sovereignty.
We have great SOLAR power to radiate our LIGHT as DIVINE SOVEREIGN ALCHEMISTS with the BLISSING of the HEAVENLY HOST!
AHAU prompts us to STEP UP and become independent Sovereign beings, who are complete and WHOLE-some. This enables us to perfect the ILLUMINATION of our own PURE essence, away from the influence or reflective distortions of others.
Accessing the Universal fires that AHAU provides, and using this energy to nurture and restore our cells, our organs and our bodies. Storing this chi energy deep within our core. We can then draw upon this reserve as fuel for our passion and drive, to manifest our own independent and unique creativity.
The YELLOW WARRIOR gives us the much needed COURAGE and tremendous will power to FEARLESSLY choose to step into our FULL GLORIOUS RADIANCE today. Questioning the old FEAR PARADIGM and rejecting it unequivocally! The 23 LION code is DOUBLING our confidence and POWER today.
We use our intelligence to gain revelations and bring fearless illumination into our lives and those we influence. Consciously choosing to fearlessly create the most ENLIGHTENED and harmonious culture that we can imagine! That is our collective mission and no-thing can get in our way of realizing this Divine plan.
IT IS TIME for us to claim our MASTERY, but in so doing we must WALK our TALK, and LIVE our DAILY LIVES through the lens of SPIRIT and the Enlightened Masters that we are becoming! .
The sparkles that we receive, as we honour ourselves as sovereign light beings, fills us with the grace, now that we have the courage to SHINE. The harmony of the DIVINE SOURCE that we are. The Sun shines upon us the utmost beauty, elegantly on the mission radiated to us by SOURCE…
Aho, Children of the SUN how BRILLIANTLY we all SHINE ON!
And we all SHINE ON, like the MOON, and the STARS and the SUN!
27 moons ago on KIN 200 – I had a REVELATION – which the BLUE EAGLE showed me..
The true name of JESUS is – YESHUA -YES – HU-A meaning YES HU ARE!
As HU means GOD… YESHUA’s name literally means YES- GOD YOU ARE!!
JESUS THE CHRISTOS came to EARTH to teach us that WE ARE GOD, and that everyone of us – has GOD INSIDE US… Within EVERY CELL of our being, in our DNA (as revealed by GREGG BRADEN in the GOD CODE)
We do not need to go to CHURCH or any EXTERNAL place to find GOD – all we need to do is LOOK within.. This IN-SIGHT reveals the path to GOD through LOVE and forgiveness.. OPENING your HEART is the key to your ASCENSION to become ONE with ALL THAT IS.
This EPIPHANY is very timely, as today the OVERTONE SUN is COMMANDING us to CLAIM OUR GODLY POWERS!!!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW OVERTONE STAR – LAMAT and AHAU are shining brightly upon us today and revealing the utmost beauty, elegance and harmony that is amplified by the STAR, as we radiate our LIGHT illuminated through our Divine purpose. This divine alignment of the 6 HEAVENLY code marries well with the LAMAT STAR energy providing a beautiful synergy of energies. Enhanced opportunities to RADIATE our soul LIGHT
The OVERTONE STAR opens a PORTAL to the NEW TIME. The TIME of HARMONY, PEACE and beauty. This SHINES a LIGHT on the current LAMAT 20 day passage – from 11 JAN – 31 JAN 2025. In 8 more days we pass through the 2nd STARGATE – YELLOW COSMIC STAR -through the COSMIC portal to the NEW TIME!!!
NOTE: We have passed the half-way mark this week, on RED LUNAR EARTH day and we are well on our way through this journey, to reconnect and RISE into our DIVINE SOPHIA/CHRISTOS I AM presence.
These LAMAT gateways are enabling us to access this NEW TIME. A world of exquisite ART- istry where we can express our lives through creativity, imagination and JOY. The OVERTONE STAR is calling us forth to COMMAND this NEW TIME into our lives, and our world IMMEDIATELY.
LAMAT illuminates and activates our solar plexus chakra, our POWER center, spinning harmonically so that this energy takes form and manifests through into your reality. As you independently SHINE your LIGHT by perfecting the creation of your Art . Reflecting the beauty and elegance that surrounds you, as you fearlessly focus on your creations, made manifest.
We are all Artisans crafting and shaping our beautiful new world, we just need the eyes to see and appreciate this beauty that exists all around us.
Today, BE the extensions of this beauty, made manifest in the physical form, as the beautiful and grace filled STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUN shining with new found creative confidence.
The OVERTONE STAR is em-POWER-ing you to SHINE your LIGHT even brighter!
Step up onto centre stage and be the RADIANT STAR of the show!
SUPPORT:BLUE OVERTONE STORM– CAUAC continues to SHAKE the old pot today, ensuring the old stagnant energies are dispersed and transmuted. The OVERTONE STORM is so powerful, it stirs up the core of your being. You can catalyze the tremendous POWER of the forces available, in order to RADIATE at your full potential today. Renewal through self generation, catalyzing this STORM power!
It is time to COMMAND your sovereignty, and fearlessly step up into a greater Mission.
How can you reach a wider audience and empower others as you do so?
Are you READY for this?
BLUE STORM supports us in making this collective shift, to a more JOY filled and creative reality for all. Make the decision to set your intention to fully embrace your LIGHT and be the MASTER that you came to EARTH to be!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SOLAR DRAGON -IMIX is the Mother Dragon who enables us to BIRTH our creations into reality. IMIX also gives us the Dragon’s courage, and determination, to protect our unique Missions from corruption and fully empower them into manifestation. An EXTRA dose of COURAGE – tripling our power today – through the Dragon, Lion and Warrior energies!
The SOLAR DRAGON embodies the wisdom of the SOPHIA DRAGON tribe. The Divine Feminine wisdom keepers, who guard the keys to the COSMOS.. That key of course is to pulse out LOVE and COMPASSION that is radiated from within your SACRED HEART. This is the SOURCE of TRUE POWER!
The SOPHIA energies perfectly partner with the CHRISTOS masculine SOLAR energies today, completing their DIVINE RE-UNION in order to attain WHOLE-NESS, that is ONENESS. All perfectly entwined in our ASCENDED state.
We are bestowed with confidence, to BELIEVE in our QUEST, ourselves and our unique contributions, in this New world we are birthing. We become fully empowered to accept full responsibility for our role, PULSING our radiant confidence to those of our kin. Sharing our LIGHT through the spark that ignites passion and creativity. Bonding with our kin to FLOW with the collective evolution of Earth and all beings.
Realizing the power of our sovereignty, we can step up and place our unique puzzle piece in the Giant jigsaw of Divine Creator. The way forward is through RADIANT compassion and empowerment of ourselves and our Planetary family.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE OVERTONE DOG -OC challenges us to express PURE unconditional love, compassion and acceptance towards ourselves and others. Through loyalty, devotion and compassion we allow others to become empowered too. Rather than subjugating, manipulating and dominating through the use of conditional love.
LOVE is the key to our ASCENSION.. this was the main teaching of YESHUA – that LOVE is the most powerful force in the UNIVERSE, and leads the way back home to our SOURCE. Without an OPEN HEART one cannot ascend.
The OVERTONE DOG challenges us today to HEAL any old wounds of betrayal, jealousy, deceit, mistrust and abuse. Release any barriers to expressing LOVE, through dissolving the walls in your HEART. OPEN your HEART fully and embody the DIVINE LOVE that you ARE. Once you REALIZE this, you can RADIATE this LOVE out endlessly.
We need to recognize the full magnificence of EVERY SOUL, as an aspect of DIVINE SOURCE – our CREATOR, and afford them FORGIVENESS, respect and honour. We are all walking embodiments of the ONE SOURCE!
As we do this we become illuminated into the full expression of our divinity, surrendering to our truth. Magnifying our full presence.
As you move toward your core of SOURCE LIGHT, you will find a clear-light awareness that is innately innocent. Clarity and freedom become expressions of being, and BLISS becomes the body. A new reality is born. From the union of our cell-ves with our SOURCE we birth cosmic consciousness.
Open your HEART as a flower to the Sun, and become the same LOVE that holds the COSMOS together!
You are the dawning of the new Soul-ar age, beautiful innocent Children of the SUN.
Today’s question is “AM I READY to fearlessly ILLUMINATE my true core essence as I EMPOWER my Divine Mission?”
What a GLORY FILLED day to be A-LIVE on planet EARTH.
NOW is the TIME to fully ALIGN with what we are here for!! To SERVE the Divine, and truly step up and give our gifts to b-Earth the New Earth, and the New Time!
We are once again GIFTED with a very divinely SPIRITUAL day, supporting us to IGNITE OUR LIGHT, step up and truly SHINE very, very, very BRIGHTLY
TODAY we can AWAKEN to our full remembrance of who we truly are, GOLDEN SOUL-AR SOPHIA CHRISTED HU-MANS!!
Divine blessings for a RADIANTLY EMPOWERING day! Enjoy the RADIANT SUNSHINE!
In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 19th through 25th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation for Aquarius Season and the New Golden Age of Aquarius.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Divine Decree for the Violet Flame of St. Germain and the New Earth
In the name of the Great I AM,
And under the guidance of beloved St. Germain,
I call forth the sacred Violet Flame—
The eternal fire of transmutation, freedom, and divine alchemy.
Blaze, blaze, blaze the Violet Flame!
Through every cell of my being,
Through every thought, word, and action.
Purify all that is less than divine,
And transmute all shadows into radiant light.
I decree the anchoring of the New Earth:
A realm of unity, love, and harmony.
Let the Violet Flame cleanse all discord,
And prepare the way for the Golden Age of Enlightenment.
By the power of the Violet Flame,
I release the past and embrace the present.
I am a beacon of transformation,
Aligning with the highest frequencies of truth and grace.
I AM the Violet Flame in action.
I AM the light of freedom, blazing bright.
I AM the creation of the New Earth,
Held in the divine perfection of God’s will.
Beloved St. Germain, guide my path,
As I walk in service to the light.
Together, let us birth the New Earth,
In the eternal glory of love and peace.
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