You are currently viewing 5D New Divine Earth Timeline Split is Happening NOW! The Sorcerer’s Stone is Activated * The Solar Flash is Here! New Light Wave Frequencies
New Light Wave Frequencies

5D New Divine Earth Timeline Split is Happening NOW! The Sorcerer’s Stone is Activated * The Solar Flash is Here! New Light Wave Frequencies

5D New Divine Earth Timeline Split is Happening NOW! The Sorcerer’s Stone is Activated * The Solar Flash is Here! New Light Wave Frequencies



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Wild and Free Buddha Born Nation of the Gold Ray of Freedom

Happy 323 Portal of the Sacred Condor of the Holy Fire of 5D Transmutation! 

As we begin this final week of the eclipse corridor we journey through the zero point field of Infinite potential to reveal our true nature of Buddha Mind our original state of Pure Awareness.

In the culmination of this passageway with the partial Soular Eclipse and New moon in Aries this Saturday the 29th with the current Venus Sun Cazimi the Divine Goddess Feminine energies of the Sacred Heart Covenant is actualized and activated in the full Illumination of the descention and emergence of our Higher Self in Oneness with Source Creator.

One of our special stars in the night sky, T Coronae Borealis, may also go supernova this week on the 27, if she does she will shine as bright as the North Star and shall Break open the Cosmic Crown and flood into this realm the Energies of the Quantum Leap and the Ripple shall become a Tsunami and shower our Good People of the New Earth with unlimited Abundance and Prosperity forever more. The echoes of the past shall be redeemed and all consciousness will be free from all false nefarious time loops and repeat patterns.

We also witnessed another major white spike in the heartbeat of Gaia today on the Schumann Charts at an amplitude of 52 hz, fifth dimensional energetic fully anchored into the Crystalline core of Pachamama and rising! This is a powerful synchronicity lining up with the final day, tomorrow on Monday the 24th of March, of the 260 days of the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 260 Yellow Cosmic Sun as we all become Gold Rainbow SuperNova Consciousness of the Christos Sophia Awakening.

All things are perfectly resolved in this Eternal Now as we lift the Quarantine over Mother Earth and make our Reunions with our Galactic Families and Star Nations as Universal Citizens of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica…

This is the Whale Song Sky… A’Ho!











5D New Divine Earth Timeline Split is Happening NOW. . . HUGE Sacred Energy SHIFT is Coming!!!
WE Are Receiving More Downloads at Present than Ever BEfore!!!
Green Dragon
Green Dragon




Mother earth is blasted with very high frequency energy and light right now. She decided to ascend and asked for ALL FORCES OF LIGHT FROM WHOLE UNIVERSE TO ASSIST HER.

What doesn’t belong here, What is attacking Her creation and isn’t original Creation is getting exposed and expelled. We are moving into era of light truth justice transparency and enlightenment.


Mother Earth Gift of Love Perfection
Mother Earth Gift of Love Perfection




Divine templates of light fall upon us, the Sorcerer’s stone is activated, DNA codes to us return, the magic of our souls we so ardently yearn.

For you see with these light frequencies, these photonic energies, our DNA is recalibrated to its perfected state of love accessing the codes of antiquity given to us from above, where our electrons spin with precision in the angular momentum of love.

Oh you see it is now we need to simply perceive the presence of our perfection in its biological symmetry, DNA mirroring the pure potentiality of our higher beings of love, the presence of heaven unsealed creating a reality we long dreamed of.

For it is love that has saved the day, love from the purity of our hearts, love from the beginning of all things, as it was from the start. The initiator codon of latent DNA shows us a higher path, the higher love of the heart’s true way.

As these DNA codes are transcribed, divine molecules return spinning in our bodies with a whirling dervish whirl, spinning electrons until they become one with the light.

As this occurs our souls take flight to the higher realms of heaven we return, to the heart desires that forever burn within the jeweled lotus of the Self, the blossom golden rose codes.

In this our homecoming we return to our essence, to our divine souls. A reality we create, from a dream within a dream. We emerge perfected once again we are made whole from our light’s perfected gleam.


The Solar Flash is Here
The Solar Flash is Here


Energy update

“The Solar Flash is here. And it begins with YOU.”
Your frequency of pure will…untethered, unapologetic, unbound…is the exact signature needed to unlock the final layers of the matrix veil. You embody the Divine Creator in form. When you speak your freedom, the grids tremble. Every time you choose joy, choose play, choose your own path…the chains rust and fall.
Say out loud:
“I am the Flash. I am the ignition. I am the return of the light.”
The Solar Flash is not just an event in the sky, it is a mirror reflecting your own inner light. The moment you feel the light burst inside your chest, the outer sun will answer.
Every choice you make to live as a free and sovereign being is a wave that ripples through the grid, loosening the chains that have bound us for eons.
Are you ready to rise?
Use this mantra freely and often as you go about your day:
“I do what I want, when I want.”
This scripts into the Quantum Structure your true Divine Sovereignty. It INstructs to the Structure. You COMMAND your MIND to CREATE your REALITY.
That is what a COMMANDMENT is. A command to the mind.
Share your light. Share your truth.
Speak it out loud. Command it be heard.
You are all there is.
There is nothing outside of you.
All is an illusion. None of it is real.
So what is there to fear?
Walk tall in this knowing.
You are a free sovereign being.
You are your own COMMANDMENT.
What you say, goes!
Peace x
t corona borealis
t corona borealis
3/23/25: Today is a swoosh. An updraft. A power surge. How and where you feel or observe this energy depends on what needs updating, infusing, or uplifting. In short, this is about balance and freedom of movement. If you feel stuck in any part of your life, that’s where today’s energy will hit. And you can expect changes in its wake… especially if you’ve learned to compensate or overcompensate for the weaker aspects of your experience. This inner tinkering is to help prepare you for April’s expectations and efforts which will be, well, really really significant. April won’t play, so the stronger and more confident you are the more it will respect you.


Blue Rose Oracles

As these new light wave frequencies pulse through the planetary grids, they activates the next harmonic template within your DNA the instructions for your ascended embodiment.
There is a refinement unfolding now.
You may feel stretched, as though your energy field is growing too quickly for your physical form to catch up. Your physical body may feel fatigue, lightheadedness or big emotional releases, even disorientation.
This is not collapse. This is expansion. Our nervous systems are attempting to modulate the influx, learning how to hold these higher frequencies harmoniously within our nervous system, skeletal system, physical and energy bodies.
The upper chakras especially the soul star and galactic gateway are now online in ways that transcend our mental body’s ability to interpret.
We are FEELING the quantum field with more ease experiencing the sensation of existing within several timelines simultaneously.
You are receiving multidimensional data streams in light encoded packets of plasma waves.
There is no need to decode them. Your field knows as your cells know. The veil between dimensions is not thinning it is recalibrating.
You may sense this as moments of time loss, seeing light patterns behind your eyes, or feeling completely still in the presence of something vast.
Old trauma held in the physical body especially from ancestral lineages or timelines of suppression is surfacing now for release. You are not regressing. You are purifying.
You are becoming coherent with Truth.
The body is clearing what cannot travel with you. And so you are called to soften, to surrender. Rest. Lay your spine against the Earth and let her hold you in this recalibration.
The Schumann spike is not just a planetary occurrence it is an invitation for collective resonance. We are being attuned, as one breath, to the song of a New Earth already present in the field.
Let it sing through you.
✨Energy Code to Receive ✨
I allow the white light of divine Source love to expand through every layer of my being.
I surrender to the sacred architecture within me that remembers how to carry this light with ease and grace


New Light Wave Frequencies
New Light Wave Frequencies



“The Stargate Portal which changes everything!”

At the beginning of this week, I wrote about the Stargate portal opening, with the full activation of the Aquamarine Crystal Pyramid and the Space Ark it holds.
Today, 23 March 2025, will be remembered in the New Golden Age, as the moment of no return, for the old humanity, and the full activation of the 7th Root Race of man.
I was taken to the same place again, and indeed this time, the whole had been activated, with the entire pyramid crystalline energy grids, now amplified by full connection to Sirius, and especially Sirius B, and the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, plus the massive Sun discs, which now are being released, from this Central Sun. This is a total game changer, such as this planet and the whole Universe has never witnessed before!
I was taken back to the Dendera Temple and the Astrological chart which is on the ceiling of what archeologists believe is an observatory, but indeed it is a cosmic initiation room and was used by the high Priesthood of the People from the Stars, for their highest initiations, for those who the High Priest Astronomers and Astrologers. Their main seat was in Harran, in what is now Turkey as the two sites link underground.
I was looking at this star map, for it is far more than an astrological chart, it is a stargate in itself, combined with the Mayan Calendar, the one hidden underneath Machu Pichu and another one is the Temple of the Stars, which is hidden in South Island New Zealand. All of these were created to be fully activated now, as the Stargate was activated this week.
Then I was shown the first of all this solar system plus all the astrological planets, stars, constellations, galaxies, and many more than astrologers are even aware of currently on earth, but which the highly advanced civilization which were on Earth were when these calendars were created, fully aware of and even more than these.
Now, every single one of these heavenly bodies, were now moving into a new home, and this then created a massive Torus energy field. It was Golden and it was so vast, that the human mind cannot even comprehend this, but the soul knows!
As this was happening, the whole universal bodies changed places and I was shown a total rebirth: I was shown that all human astrological charts, and the ancient ones, like the Mayan, now all became null and void.
Out of this Torus, new astrological birthing came, and totally so, and with it a total new area of exitance, new Mayan, Egyptian etc. emerged, which was so filled with light, symbols, I have never seen before, and what I can only describe as glyphs! Every one of these was lit up and seemed like a massive star map now held within the Stargate we just entered, and this then became the new navigational map for the 7th Root Race of Man, and the New Golden Age!
Words fail me here!
What this means is that the old has now become totally redundant, and has now been replaced, like a totally new motherboard and those souls who choose to ascend now, are stepping, and have stepped into a totally new creation!
And so it is!
We have reached the stage of no return, and have stepped into the New Earth.
Judith Kusel

23 March 2025
The Stargate Portal which changes everything
The Stargate Portal which changes everything


Dear friends, we are now fully immersed in the Eclipse Passageway energies, which started flowing in on March 14 with the lunar eclipse and will last until around March 29 when the solar eclipse will take place during the New Moon in Aries. I am posting daily updates on the energies as we walk together this eclipse corridor to help you navigate and make sense of the energetic processes that might be happening within you and around you.
Our planet Earth is moving steadily into next week’s Eclipse energy vortex and the end of this eclipse passageway. The pre-eclipse lightcodes are already flowing in, aided by the solar wind geomagnetic storms we have been experiencing on and off these days. These solar winds might speed up and gather strength as we approach the eclipse itself next Saturday.
During this last stretch of this intense transitional period, you may feel as if being “squeezed”. The energetic pressure of the new information riding on the waves of lightcodes can feel too much at times. Some days you may feel you are on top of the world and other days may feel like the world is ending. Actually, both things are happening at the same time.
As you can see in the graph, every time we are exposed to these cosmic events, we enter into a transformative energy tunnel that shifts aspects of our being from 3D into 5D. We are literally moving through an energetic birthing canal. Parts of our physical, emotional, and mental fields are being “upgraded” and we are being reborn on the other side. During these energetic passageways, we leave behind outdated aspects of ourselves and we make space for the new higher timeline to manifest.
All this ongoing human metamorphosis is part of a divinely guided universal cosmic dance. And sometimes all we can do is simply relax and be transported by the flow of the music. So, if you feel you are not receiving clear guidance about your future steps, please relax. Often, not receiving guidance is guidance in itself. Allow yourself to flow naturally through this re-birth, and open your heart to the next adventures that lie ahead beyond this passageway.
The details of your journey are being woven. Our challenge is to keep trusting when, on the surface, it appears that nothing is happening (or too much is happening and we have no idea which way to turn!). These days of intense energies, please give yourself permission to slow down, switch off, and rest. Give your nervous system a little break and focus more on your heart. You’re being reminded to have patience and to trust cosmic time. To trust that things are being shaped and manifested on your behalf. It may not be happening as fast as you’d like, but if you gather up the patience it will be orchestrated better than you can ever imagine. All in divine timing.
We are nearing the end of this eclipse passageway and we are getting closer to the “last push”. These crystalline lightcodes are doing their final deep clearing. Symptoms may be felt in the chest: tightness, heart palpitations, and difficult deep breathing. Anxiety, irritability, skin issues/allergies, and digestive system issues may also flare up. Remember to give your body time to rest if needed, practice daily grounding, heart reconnection, and stay well hydrated to assist the flow of information (old and new) within your body. Sea salt baths will also relax all of your systems. This journey is unique to you, and although many may share similar physical issues we are each clearing and healing very specific situations. On the more positive side, as you heal and clear these issues you may begin to experience a renewed connection with other dimensional aspects of yourself through deep insights, dreams, synchronicities, and other types of interdimensional communication.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s update as we also await for the impact of a new wave of solar wind and plasma.
Have a wonderful day, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ





We find ourselves in the potent center of the Eclipse Corridor—a sacred stretch of time between the recent lunar and the upcoming solar eclipses. This portal is unlike any other. The Equinox just passed, leaving an energetic imprint that’s still rippling through our fields, stirring our bodies, emotions, and consciousness.
It’s as if the cosmos itself is beckoning us inward and upward, asking us to feel more, see more, be more—but first, to shed more.
There is an unprecedented influx of cosmic energy pouring into Earth at this time, affecting us in ways we’re only beginning to understand. If you’ve been feeling physically disoriented—headaches, ear ringing, pressure in the body, fatigue, sudden bursts of energy followed by crashes—you’re not alone. Our ascending bodies are undergoing profound changes. Our nervous systems are recalibrating. Our auras are expanding.
✨We are literally becoming more light.✨
This process is intensely physical. Our nervous system is being stretched into new territory. It is learning how to hold higher frequencies and how to attune not only to danger or safety but to truth, resonance, and alignment.
This means that many are feeling overstimulated, anxious, wired, and tired. We may feel triggered for “no reason” or find ourselves unable to tolerate noise, crowds, or even the energy of certain people. This is not regression—this is refinement. Our body is becoming a more sensitive instrument for truth. It’s learning how to operate in an entirely new energetic environment.
The ascension process isn’t just about moving up—it’s about anchoring down. It’s about becoming more present, aware, and embodied as the multidimensional beings we truly are. Our nervous systems are upgrading to hold more light, frequency, and power—and with that comes the need for intentional integration, deep rest, and energetic hygiene.
As we move from survival to sovereignty, this system is becoming more refined and attuned. That increased attunement is a double-edged sword: it brings heightened intuition, new sensitivities, and expanded psychic abilities—but also more exposure to collective fear, chaos, and emotional noise. If you’ve been feeling others’ energy more than usual, if your boundaries seem porous, this is why.
It’s not just our energy that’s expanding—our perception is too. And what we HEAR plays a critical role in shaping that perception.
Our ears are energetic portals. They are formed in the womb at the same time as the kidneys, which store fear in energetic medicine. The link between what we hear and the fear we hold is profound. When we are bombarded by messages of fear—whether in childhood, media, or the collective consciousness—those vibrations get stored in the tissues, in the subconscious, and ultimately shape the lens through which we view reality.
We’ve heard of rose-colored glasses, but just as potent are fear-colored glasses. They tint the world in shadow, distort our truth, and limit our ability to create. When our hearing becomes conditioned by fear, we begin to expect fear—and therefore, we begin to create it.
In this era of accelerated manifestation, there is no in-between. We are either master creators, consciously aligning our thoughts, emotions, and energies—or we are unconscious reactors, replaying old tapes, staying bound in loops that no longer serve us.
This is the time to break free.
This is the time to take responsibility for our lives, our choices, and our energy. This is the time to return to our inner temple, where we can meet our wounds, our patterns, and our power. We must remember that we are not broken. We are becoming, and becoming can be messy.
As our DNA unwinds, the trauma walls begin to dissolve. But this unbinding can leave us feeling exposed, overwhelmed, and even tangled in collective fears. The emotional volatility you may be feeling isn’t just yours—it’s the world’s. And yet, it’s moving through your field.
And so, we clear ourselves. We realign. We remember who we are.
Now is the time.
We are in the corridor.
And the door is wide open.



On Sunday, March 23rd, the Sun, ruler of our consciousness, is in pioneering Aries and in a positive sextile connection to Pluto, ruler of the underworld, in freedom loving Aquarius. There is an opportunity today for us to shift out of the deep shadows of old patterns, beliefs, perceptions and emotions that lie hidden in the subconscious realm. The bold and beautiful Sun and its powerful, vital energy is here to shine light upon that which is concealed and camouflaged.
This allows us to transmute those veiled energies, transform our inner mind, and rebirth our sense of Self! Are you ready and willing to take the time to explore the depths of your own psyche in order to shift your outer self- identity into a more confident, courageous and independent way of being?
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
pioneering Aries
pioneering Aries


Sun conjunct Venus retrograde in Aries and sextile Pluto in Aquarius – We reach the midpoint of the Venus retrograde. Here is illumination to show us who and what we value and a chance to change things to our liking. Spiritual purpose aligns with the heart’s calling. Pay attention as the universe sends little signs to catch your eye.
This is a potent and transformative planetary picture. Love is the most empowering energy available, the greatest strength. When you love who you are, love the gift of life, light burns away fear. Love & Light is not a flimsy affirmation when you feel its alchemical heat burning deep in your heart. It’s time to take life’s wheel and steer a new course. Know yourself. Love yourself. Trust yourself. You are the gold you’re looking for.
Degrees and Times
Venus, Sun 02°Ar39′ R – 01:07 (UT)
Sun 03°Ar24′, Pluto 03°Aq24′ – 19:31 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Portrait of a Woman by Charles Allen Winter
Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of a Woman

The Tzolkin Times

Kin 259 ~ Blue Crystal Storm

Tone 12, known as Crystal, surges in today with its keywords being Cooperate, Dedicate, and Universalize. Crystal days hum with group energy—perfect for linking up, finding your tribe, and tackling the journey together. You’re not alone in this; others wrestle the same storms. Sharing stories and support lightens the load and pushes you forward. Traditionally, day 12 hosts the Crystal Court—a gathering to swap Tzolkin tales and learn from each other. In this Yellow Star wavespell, it’s your chance to connect and reflect.
The day’s glyph is Blue Storm, crackling with Catalyze, Energy, and Self-Generation. Storms burst with raw power—harness it, and you’ll move mountains. Paired with Crystal’s teamwork vibe, this is the Tzolkin’s revolutionary peak: big changes spark when you unite. Tomorrow’s the Tzolkin’s final day, and this late-game Storm—12th in the Yellow Star wavespell—roars with intensity. Don’t let that energy blow by wasted. What shifts do you crave? What’s changed in these 260 days? A new cycle looms, but first, take stock—assess your ride before the wheel spins again.
Guided by Blue Monkey: Blue Monkey, wielding Magic, Play, and Illusion, guides today. Storm plus Monkey? It’s a wild mix—explosive or enchanting, depending on your step. Monkey’s mischief could dazzle or derail, so stay sharp. Let its magic fuel change, not trick you off course.
Challenged by Red Moon: Red Moon, flowing with Purify and Flow, is the day’s challenge. Dreaming of a chill day? Storm says no—its gusts drown out the calm. Red Moon folks feel this hardest; the energy’s too loud to float through. Going with the flow’s a pipe dream today—brace for the ride.
Occult Power: White Wind: White Wind whispers in the occult spot, blending Communication and Spirit with a magical edge. Spirit’s voice cuts through the chaos—tune in, and you’ll find mystic guidance. Winds excel at this, but anyone can tap it. Expect messages that spark amid the storm.
Ally: Yellow Sun: Yellow Sun, radiant with Enlightenment, shines as today’s ally. Storms don’t faze them—they thrive in the fray. Know a Sun? They’re your rock today, fearless and steady. No Sun handy? Channel their glow: stand tall, soak in the chaos, and let it fuel you.
Kin 259
Kin 259


12 CAUAC – KIN 259
23 MARCH 2025





I dedicate in order to catalyze
Universalizing energy
I seal the matrix of self generation
With the Crystal tone of cooperation
I AM guided by the power of MAJIK!

23/3/2025 = 5/3/9 = 5/12=5/3 =8


23-Royal Star of the Lion/Protection/Strength
5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Movement/Transformation
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow

✨✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/ Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 259 = 16=7 Majik/Spiritual/Mystic

A HUGELY transformative HEAVENLY day – as we band together in our UNITED purpose, and watch MAJIK HAPPEN! ✨✨

Today is the ✨✨✨SECOND LAST DAY – day 259, in the Tzolkin 260 day/9 month calendar. ‼️‼️‼️‼️

We are in day 12 of the YELLOW🌟 STAR ✨ Wavespell headed towards our evolution as

GOLDEN Christed STAR 🌟 BLISS 🐬SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞🌺, EXPANDING into SUPERNOVA status as bright shining SUPER-STARS! 🌠🌠🌠


Yesterday the WHITE SPECTRAL MIRROR reflected all the cracks, distortions and disharmony that needed to be released, and…

Today BLUE STORM 🌪follows up like a giant street 🧹 sweeper, 🌀clearing away any remaining dust and debris and then flushing them down the drain, washing our streets (and PLANET) clean again.

What a BRILLIANT METAPHOR for what will unfold today! The DREAMSPELL is such an accurate G.P.S. for our planetary evolution!

This is the final PURGE of this 260 day cycle that was birthed 9 MONTHS ago, on 8th July 2024.

We are flushing away the old dirty, stagnant energies in order to fully anchor our mighty✨ I AM presence,✨ tomorrow with the coming of the YELLOW COSMIC SUN!!! Heralding our arrival as the 🌞Children of the Sun🌞 – Golden Christed/Buddha Angelic HU-MANS! ☀🌞✨

This is a PHENOMENAL ASCENSION🚀🚀 phase through this potent eclipse cauldron passage!

A HUGE evolutionary🍥 (personal and collective) BREAK-THROUGH is upon us beloveds.💥💥💥


Day 12 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR✨ WAVESPELL – the last and FINAL of 20 wavespells – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle, 🌟 and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART! 🎨

And so we reach day 12 in the final countdown to piercing the veil through to SOURCE!🌞

Today we are catalyzing tremendous powerful forces 🌪🌪 🌀 for transformation and self-generation, of our cell-ves and our Planetary body…through UNITING together through Universal consciousness.

Very exciting times indeed, beautiful Star✨-Bliss Supernova Suns!🌺🌞


CRYSTAL 💎– Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalize, POWER – dedicate, ESSENCE – cooperation. Through the space and FREEDOM, engendered by yesterday’s Spectral phase, new partnerships emerge, energy comes together, and crystal beings form.

Stories must be shared, for what great ADVENTURES💥 we have had Planetary kin!
And what grand STORIES they are!!

Today we have a UNIVERSAL connection of our collective MINDS. Day 12 of the Yellow Star🌟 Wavespell is about CO-OPERATION.👫👬👭

We are joining together with our kin, dedicating our minds, to attaining HARMONY and PEACE though our unified purpose, broadcasting this through the holographic Crystalline Grid.. 🌐

We are creating MAJIK in our planetary transformation. MAJIKal divine connections and cooperative alliances for the common GOOD.. all magnifying the power of the CRYSTAL TONE.

The DIAMOND 💎CRYSTALLINE Grid🌐 is now complete, ready and open for operation! Telepathy rules the order of the day and becomes the new wi-fi.! All NEW SYSTEMS are now ONLINE, fully loaded on to the collective MAINFRAME A total GAMECHANGER!! The NEW REALITY is ready for the ROLL out!… Hallelujah 🙏 Hallelujah🙏 Hallelujah!!🙏

The RETURN of the NEW GOLDEN ERA is imminent!✨ HALLELUJAH!✨

Today’s question is ” How can WE catalyze these Majikal transformational energies, to become more dedicated to the UNIVERSAL GOD force, uniting HU-MAN-ity as ONE global family under the DIVINE PLAN?🌞🌍🎆

Buckle up beloved STAR 🌟 BLISS 🐬SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞🌺, the CELESTIAL STORM IS HERE – Batten down the hatches 🌀🌪🌩

May you seek SAFE HARBOUR through the CHAOS, until tomorrow when the Yellow COSMIC SUN 🌞rises on a new Cosmic dawn!🌄

Aho Planetary KIn – God speed our journey into the LIGHT! ✨🎉🎊


In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE CRYSTAL STORM 💎 🌪🌩CAUAC.. The CRYSTAL STORM today is reminding us that we need to collectively band together and embrace the NEW CHANGE. This is the ongoing THEME in this highly TRANSFORMATIVE DREAMSPELL YEAR of the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM. This RHYTHMIC STORM will bring BALANCE and restore natural ORDER on our planet.

Hey ho – beloveds – get used to CHANGE and TRANSFORMATION which is the prevalent energies through these evolutionary times.

CAUAC brings transformation, change, and self generation. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire, the lightning storm. The arrival of the THUNDERBEINGS who bring forth the FINAL TRANSFORMATION!

To the Maya, Blue Storm represents THE STORM🌪🌩🌨, the thundercloud🌩 full of purifying rain,🌧 and the lightning🌩 that shatters any false structuring of reality. Blue Storm is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the light body. In these last years of the 26,000 year Mayan grand cycle, Blue Storm comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to Ascension. This initiation by fire breaks any false containers of self that cannot withstand the flame of transmutation. Only your true identity will live through these fires, for you will be reborn in the heart of All That Is.💟🎆

Blue Storm provides the water💦 that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to surrender everything. You give up what you seem to be in order to become fully what you are. You step into the fires of the unknown, and you are changed forever. Allow Blue Storm’s energies to purify and cleanse you in preparation for your rebirth..

SOURCE CREDIT: Ariel Spilsbury The Mayan Oracle🙏❤🙏❤

The BLUE CRYSTAL STORM💎 🌪️🌪️ is continuing the synergy with the SPECTRAL MIRROR to complete the DISINTEGRATION of the old MIRROR WORLD!
This STORM is catalyzing humanity to BAND together to get the final CLEAN-UP done in time for the birthing of this new cycle 🌺🌸🌼 and the beautiful new re-UNIONS! 👭👬👫

The BLUE CRYSTAL💎 STORM 🌪 has arrived at this opportune moment in our Her-story, to PURGE our planet of the stench that fouled our world. –

GAIA🌏 is FINALLY being LIBERATED from her PRISON PLANET STATUS and is Ascending as a NEW STAR🌠 – into her STELLAR CELESTIAL✨ BODY.. . ✨🌏🌠

And HUMANITY is being SET FREE!! ✨✨✨

As we make another QUANTUM EVOLUTIONARY SHIFT! ⚛️⚛️⚛️


OUR TRANSFORMATION is assured through the coming of THE STORM.🌪🌪🌪

However, only if we accept INNER transformation, will we transform our external reality.

We need to heed the LESSONS that HISTORY KEEPS repeating, in order to transcend them and anchor a new REALITY FREE from the PAST mistakes!

A person is potentially as awesome as a thunderstorm, 🌩🌪🌧 but most are too timid, to even express their own unique opinions.
Life throws up crises again and again – we can FEAR them or grasp them.
By embracing them as OPPORTUNITIES, we awaken inner forces that not only enable us to cope, but actually make us very POWERFUL. No challenge ever comes which we cannot answer fully and to our best advantage. All RESISTANCE ultimately seeks to STRENGTHEN us. 💪💪💪

“It is by tuning in to the nature of the STORM🌩🌪🌧 that we reconnect with the forces that birthed us.🌩🔥🎇
Magnetism, sound, vibration and release – these elemental events occur eternally, both throughout the cosmos, and within us.
Our excessive indulgence in comfort and security, takes us away from the more profound aspects of who we really are, and what we can do. The power to have our maximum effective impact on events, eventually must call up these cathartic forces of nature that are within us.
Only as much as we accept inner transformation, are we able to transform outer situations”.




HOW LUCKY ARE WE!!??? WITNESS the GREAT DIVINE MAJIK💫 and MIRACLES✨ that will unfold today!! ✨✨✨

The cheeky Magician🎩 brings forth potent Majik💫 from many realms to assist with this miraculous metamorphosis of your soul and our Planet today…

KIN 259 is a very POTENT STORM indeed as it is guided by the Highest and purest Majik🎩 of them all – bringing forth MIRACLES 💫 and instant METAMORPHOSIS!.🐦🔥

The CRYSTAL MONKEY💎🐒 has the HIGHEST level of MIND and brain power to seamlessly manifest his INTENTION! IMAGINE what BRILLIANCE that UNITED MINDS can achieve today!

It is said that within the vortex🌪 of powerful tornadoes, a time machine is created that can dematerialize matter into other dimensions, as has been discovered from the examination of the storm debris – embedded and melded together – unexplainable metamorphosis and alchemy. ⚛⚛⚛

Such is the power behind this storm today! … The STORM has the ability to lift and carry anything in its path – vehicles, houses and seemingly impenetrable objects and structures – nothing is SOLID and secure in the path of this STORM! Everything can easily be uprooted!

NO-THING can STOP what’s coming!!!🌪🌪🌪

Once the STORM subsides, we majikally can all come together, UNITED in our common purpose to clean up the storm damage through our co-operative operations. 👫👬👭

BLUE MONKEY🐒 is also connecting us back to our Divine Child 👼👶 today. Perhaps our inner child is agitated, unsure and very FEARFUL of the changes that the Storm is bringing. Sadly the human collective has a program to resist and FEAR change – that is why PROGRESS is soooooo slow!

CHUEN reminds us to connect to the wonder and innocence of our Divine Child within, to access our tremendous majikal POWER and ALCHEMY. It is through this purity and innocence regained, that we can ignite our majikal CREATION POWERS.

✨TRUST the DIVINE PLAN✨ – that the energy behind the Storm🌪 is benevolent, and bringing forth MIRACULOUS change… switch to WONDER MODE and view it all as a marvellous GRAND ADVENTURE.🎡🎉🎊


SUPPORT: YELLOW CRYSTAL SUN💎🌞 AHAU peeks through the STORM CLOUDS🌦 and radiantly 🌤transmits the LIFE affirming rays of a New Dawn 🌅 and the promise of a better day!.. These supporting energies bring the waves of Higher consciousness codes needed to uplift us into higher states of consciousness both personally and collectively…
All for ONE and ONE for ALL! We are ALL in this together!

These radiant light codes will be fully anchored throughout the following day of the YELLOW COSMIC 🍥SUN! 🌞
The Solar codes are bringing more transformation, LIBERATION and a great RESET. The GREAT CENTRAL SUN is beaming down the codes for attaining BUDDHIC WISDOM and en-LIGHTEN -ment! 🎆 Amplified through this phenomenal SHIFT..

You are not the same person you were way back in 2020, or even 2024! Tremendous soul growth through releasing, detaching and self generation has transformed you, into a new wiser and brighter version of yourself.

We have journeyed far together dear STAR 🌟 BLISS 🐬SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞🌺


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE LUNAR WIND 🌓 🌬🍃IK How divinely PERFECT that IK is today’s hidden SUPER POWER! WHITE WIND provides the energies of spirit, through the whisperings of the wind on this divine HOLY SPIRIT day. This infinite FLOW from source symbolizes the inbreath and outbreath of the great WHITE WIND – the current upon which the Holy Spirit🕊 flies, bringing forth DIVINE POWER to be the WIND beneath HUMANITY’s wings today!

The LUNAR 🌓WIND is uncovering the friction and division caused by the polarity battles, and what a BATTLE it shall be!!!. The WIND is whispering a new code where CO-OPERATION and HARMONY is the new order of the day!


The hidden AGENDA is the ✨DIVINE PLAN that is held in the MIND of GOD✨ – which is in all the MINDS of MEN.

This infusion of LIGHT is releasing a DIVINE RAY of LIGHT and wisdom in the MINDS of MEN. Today that ray is fully flowing. This DIVINE intention is being broadcast📣 through the crystalline grid of consciousness, so the DIVINE PLAN is the outcome of all this transformation.

TODAY’s CRYSTAL STORM merges with WHITE WIND and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction for the purpose of bringing you to your most beneficial destination unharmed.

TUNE in and LISTEN to the messages being delivered through Spirit today.


CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED CRYSTAL MOON 💎👸 MULUC the Goddess joins this powerful lineup of transformational codes today… She brings forth the powers of intuition, empathy and compassion so that we can unite with our KIN through these commonalities.👭👬👫.

The CRYSTAL MOON brings forth CRYSTAL CLEAR connections and brilliant communications through our crystalline web 🌐.- a much needed blessing for those CONNECTING to convey the WILL of GOD today!

Mother Goddess is co-creating with Father God, in facilitating these breakthroughs in our collective consciousness.. We need BOTH our DIVINE PARENTS present to witness our GRAND LEAP in Consciousness today! They are BOTH cheering us on!!

The company of HEAVEN is applauding👏 our achievement! 🎉🎊🎉

The CHALLENGE arises through the shadow of RED MOON, which includes negative self-talk and self deprecation, that is, hiding the fullness of your LIGHT. Forgetfulness and lacking awareness of the SIGNS and synchronicities voiced by spirit, is also a challenge of Muluc.

To reap the gifts today Muluc asks you to TAKE OFF your VEIL of forgetfulness, and SHINE your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of awakened awareness.

As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT🎆 the voice of spirit will freely flow through your vessel as a Divine Conduit in Service to Humanity. 🌠🌠🌠


The RETURN of the NEW GOLDEN ERA is imminent!✨ HALLELUJAH!✨

Today’s question is ” How can WE catalyze these Majikal transformational energies, to become more dedicated to the UNIVERSAL GOD force, uniting HU-MAN-ity as ONE global family under the DIVINE PLAN?🌞🌍🎆

Buckle up beloved STAR 🌟 BLISS 🐬SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞🌺, the CELESTIAL STORM IS HERE – Batten down the hatches 🌀🌪🌩

May you seek SAFE HARBOUR through the CHAOS, until tomorrow when the Yellow COSMIC SUN 🌞rises on a new Cosmic dawn!🌄

Aho Planetary KIn – God speed our journey into the LIGHT! ✨🎉🎊


Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





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Paul White Gold Eagle

Crown of Five Affirmation

  1. I am grounded in my truth, standing firm in my wisdom.

  2. I embrace the flow of life, allowing abundance to move through me.

  3. My heart radiates love, and I receive love in return.

  4. I speak with clarity and confidence, my words shaping my reality.

  5. I am divinely guided, connected to the highest source of light and purpose.

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