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Preparing for the New Dawn ~ The Galactic Federation is ready to give the green light to GESARA

Preparing for the New Dawn: Mobilizing Forces ~ The Galactic Federation is ready to give the green light to GESARA



Preparing for the New Dawn: Mobilizing Forces

The stage is set.  The Galactic Federation is ready to give the green light to GESARA.  The anticipation is palpable, the implications are enormous. We are on the cusp of a revolutionary transformation, one that promises to redefine justice and fairness.  Team Medbed  is mobilizing, preparing for the changes that lie ahead. These exchanges and healings are not mere formalities; they are the gateways to a new era.

In cities and towns around the globe, preparations are underway. Medical teams equipped with advanced healing technologies, known as Medbeds, are ready to provide unprecedented medical care.

Already, people suffering from chronic illnesses and serious injuries are experiencing miraculous recoveries. Reports from pilot programs indicate that  Medbeds are curing conditions previously thought untreatable,  from advanced cancers to neurodegenerative diseases.

These advanced devices, using revolutionary quantum technology, are being deployed in secret locations, and the results are astonishing. Treaties speak of a new lease on life, free from pain and disease, and the promise of widespread availability of  Medbeds is generating hope around the world.

Financial advisors and reformers are working tirelessly to ensure a smooth transition to the new economic system. The atmosphere is one of cautious optimism, with communities rallying in support of the impending change.

A Call to Action: Embrace the Future

This is more than a revelation; it is a call to action. By exposing the sinister machinations that have controlled our lives, we reclaim our destiny. The revelation of this truth is not a risk, but a necessity. The operation is complete, the enemies vanquished. What remains is the promise of fulfillment, a world reborn from the ashes of its clandestine chains. Be ready, for the days ahead are not just days of change, but of rebirth and recovery.

GESARA is not just a policy  —it is a beacon of hope, a harbinger of a just and equitable future. Embrace this transformation, for it heralds a new dawn for all humanity. As we stand on the precipice of this monumental change, we must remember that the power to shape our future lies within us. Let us move forward with resolve and determination, knowing that a brighter and more just world awaits us.

The ripple effect: global impact and individual empowerment

As GESARA takes effect,  its influence will spread across every facet of society. Economies will stabilize and opportunities for growth will abound. Education systems will be reformed to prioritize creativity and critical thinking. Health care will become universally accessible, and poverty will decline as resources are redistributed more equitably.

On an individual level, people will experience a new sense of empowerment. Freed from the shackles of financial oppression, they will have the means to pursue their passions and contribute to society in meaningful ways. This transformation will not only elevate the quality of life, but also foster a global community rooted in mutual respect and cooperation.

In conclusion,  the journey towards GESARA is a testament to humanity’s resilience  and unwavering desire for justice. As we navigate this transformative period, let us remain vigilant, united, and hopeful. The future we have long dreamed of is within our reach, and together, we will make it a reality.





New Dawn
New Dawn


How do we reconcile the 3D world and the 5D world?❓️

[How to reconcile the two dimensions❓️]

Wow, I want to go to the 5th dimension 😱

It’s true that daily life is three-dimensional 😵

Well, in the end it’s up to you! ️


Finally, ascension…

Things like mental preparation, three-dimensional things, etc.

What should I do about the fifth dimension?❓️

I think there are people who are having problems with this! ️


That’s right!! ️

Even if it is said that the new world will live with fifth-dimensional thinking,

Today’s life is completely three-dimensional,

How should I live?❓️

On the contrary, I end up in pain😱

In fact, this is the outside world.

Instead of changing your own mind and thoughts

The solution is to change 😍


Watashi is no exception to this,

I’ve always been worried about money,

I was in pain 😭


But when you really have no money and are going through hard times,

Unused items at home

I gave it all away!! ️


One person said: “If you sell on Mercari❓️”

“If you sell at a flea market❓️” and write the address.

However, they all took a long time,

Negotiations continue, then

Watashi decided to provide it for free.

I’ve decided!! ️


This is a Facebook group

In the group “I give, I want”

Carry what you want to give,

I used a place that makes it available for free to anyone who wants it!! ️


Just before the coronavirus outbreak

It was from January to March 2020✨️


Well, after providing everything for free,

What happened is that

Corona benefits, support funds and sustainability benefits

I did it and the money came in 😍


“Space Bank” Deposit 😍


From this, Watashi

Don’t chase money,

When we give to others, we say “thank you”

I knew this was coming!! ️


Only enter the necessary quantity,

Flows from right to left☺️


By changing my mind and thinking,

Even if you don’t have cash on hand,

I don’t worry anymore ✨


This is Watashi’s experience,

If you change yourself,

The world will change! ️


Learn how to do this on the Kokorononet blog.

Yoshii writes in an easy to understand way ✨️


Also in the live talk on August 31st,

I would like to talk in detail! ️


Get ready for the new world that will begin soon.

Let’s start now ✨️


If you do this, you will feel excited from the bottom of your heart.

You can have fun with fifth-dimensional thinking✨️


5th dimension
5th dimension




July 26th is a super hot day ❤️ I’m waiting calmly!! ️


[July 26th, a super hot day ❤️]

Wow, so many interesting things come together!! ️

Really boosts energy ✨

Wow, I can’t wait!! ️

Nantes, something special will happen on the 26th

It’s a super hot day! ️

Because day 26❓️

🔸The day Lions Gate opens

🔸Mayan New Year

🔸Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Day

*Maybe on the day of the GESARA announcement

*Maybe the day the trailer starts.

No, no, it is said that it might start.

It’s super hot😍

This is from a Japanese alliance officer.

This is information I have heard, but it is a possibility, so please understand that.


First of all, what is particularly interesting?❓️

Paris Olympics on the 26th (27th Japan time)

There may be an announcement about GESARA at the opening ceremony!

That’s the story.

In Watashi’s opinion, we have to hold the Olympics.

That’s what I thought, so I’m surprised😳

However, the whole world is watching

This is why GESARA was announced at this time.

This must be quite shocking! ️

There is a possibility that the EBS will restart,

Apparently there are no power outages in Japan✨

This worldwide computer-related outage is

It looks like it was an EBS test,

It means I saw people’s movements! ️

As for RVs, the Iraqi Dinar rate is finally rising on FOREX.

The same goes for the Vietnamese dong.

Foreign currency exchange at FOREX and Mitsubishi UFJ in Japan

Fees at counters, etc., in stores, etc.

Please check.

It looks like the money will be redeemed after EBS ✨

And what makes me happier than anything is❓️

It’s been said before,

All bank accounts of all Japanese citizens are

It is connected to QFS and after EBS

It looks like it will be usable 😍

Anyway, suddenly in my bank account,

Approximately 600 million yen (on average) are included, especially among them

Insurance money that was placed on Ten◯ without permission

15 million yen per person will be returned👍

I also mentioned this at the meeting,

Income tax, car tax, fixed asset tax, etc.

All taxes (from about 50 years ago) are

You will be refunded! ️

This amount is paid in cash for those over 60 years of age.

I heard there are people in their 40s and 50s.

People under this age are

Maybe it’s divided into 10 years? apparently! ️

Those who don’t know will be disappointed

I believe that government officials will

Looks like I’ll let you know 👍

All of this is true even for people with TV brains.

Because they say that on TV,

I wonder if you will trust me😆

Well, if the average citizen has an average of 600 million yen,

There may be hyperinflation⁉️

In relation to this,

We’ll bring prices back to the 1950s.

It’s okay 👍

This information is for the following people ✨️


Anyway, Watashi and others

What I’ve been waiting for the last few days

It’s about to start!! ️

serious serious,

I’m really looking forward to it✨

My heart is excited and my heart is about to explode,

This may change depending on the world situation, so

Let’s wait calmly and look forward to it✨️

Believe that it will get better, that it will get better,

Let’s have a lot of fun✨

next stage
next stage




· The Emergency Broadcast System and Emergency Warning System will start on Wed. 24 July or Thurs. 25 July.

· The Global arrests finished up two days ago.

· The Redemption Center screens showed solid rates late Tues. afternoon.

· By Wed. 24 July at 9:30 EST the rates will be solid on the Redemption Center screens.

· Staff will be sent in at 10 and 2 pm to cover day on Wed. 24 July.

· Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) should get notified Wed. 24 July and start that same day.

· The Iraqi Dinar has a Contract Rate that will be offered to US citizens – very high

· ZIM Holders have precedent going in for appointments and for Med Bed appointments

· Bond Holders will be notified on Wed. 24 July and get access to their monies on Thurs. 25 July.



Iraq’s gold reserves are increasing!! ‼️I’m getting more and more prepared!! ️

[Iraq’s gold reserves rise]

Wow, Iraq and Qatar are rising!! ️

In fact, we are constantly preparing! ️

Wow, the international exchange rate will appear! ️

Nantes, Iraq, May 2024

Increase gold reserves by 2,644 tons,

It was 148,305 tons!! ️

The data also shows that Qatar

Gold holdings will be 3,112 tonnes in June 2024

Increased to 106,423 tons!! ️

In any case, as Iraq increases its gold reserves,

Increasing your financial strength means

Definitely when international RV approaches

That’s what I mean✨

Because inside Iraq,

RV has already started,

Looks like Level 5 will be starting soon!

After all, everything starts internally,

After the funds were distributed to the general public,

I think it will become an international movement ✨

In yesterday’s post, cash conversion will start after EBS

I wrote that it could be ✨️

In any case, Biden is definitely

It is important to be excluded,

We’ll keep an eye on this.

Now, don’t panic, don’t make noise and stay calm.

Let’s have fun and enjoy ourselves✨


THE END TIMES >>>>>>>>>>>>

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HOWEVER ///////
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/////// TIME OF REVELATIONS ///////
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/////// GARDEN OF EDEN ///////


continue reading….



We all feel like we’re at the finish line🥳
It wasn’t easy years, we all experienced ups and downs, with that in health, at home, at work, in society, years in which we learned more about ourselves than we knew before. The road was very challenging with many tests from the beginning to the present moment, we learned new things, connected with the whole world, talked to each other, encouraged each other. We supported each other, we learned to devote more time to our soul.
We will call it the great awakening, when we are all together shows that we have already won and nothing can defeat us.
We are currently in the last line, almost to the finish line.
All we have to do is cross the river and get to a safer place, a place where there is a lot of greenery, a lot of life, a lot of joy, and of course a lot of love, and mutual understanding towards the environment of all of us.
God does everything to protect what he has created. He alone determines what will be, what will be and where we go. He wakes us up in the morning, and puts us to sleep at night, makes us smile and makes us cry. He protects us from the mistakes we make in our lives, and He alone determines the future of us all.
We are his children, we are his warriors, we must do this together and we will surely win.
Mutual respect
Giving a helping hand to others
Always smile even when it’s hard
It will end very soon, the only thing left is that the movie ends on the best side.
Remember 🔥W W G 1 W G A🔥
We already won in a big way 💙
God bless you all 💙
Freedom 17
Gods Army
Gods Army

7/21: Following the Black Swan Event, Black Monday and Stock Market Turmoil, US Dollar Dysfunction and Rising Gold and Silver Prices Will Continue

Sunday Morning, July 21, 2024

“Black Swan” is underway! ?

We will continue to monitor the “financial markets” related to the “world currency reset”!

Well then

From Judy Notes on July 20

I will extract the parts that interest you!

Today’s message

Believe in the plan.
Trump will do it
Dear American people
, what you are about to go through must be very painful!

“The only people who get angry when they tell the truth are those who live a lie.”

It is a good idea to have at least a month’s worth of food, water, money, medicine, and supplies for your family.
For your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

Judy Notes

A worldwide power outage has continued since the end of the Republican National Convention.
The Republican National Convention concluded on Thursday night, July 18. The chaos began in Europe and is spreading to other parts of the world. It is
spreading across the earth.

The deep state conspiracy group CrowdStrike is responsible for the massive global power outage that has put the earth on hold.

CrowdStrike was the president and chief security officer of CrowdStrike Services.
He previously served as the executive assistant director of the FBI during the Obama-Biden administration.
It’s a strange coincidence that the global outage began right after President Trump’s acceptance speech.
Especially since it’s linked to the assassination attempt on Trump.

CrowdStrike’s so-called mass outage caused massive disruptions across the world, including banks, airlines, and businesses.
Banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, TV and radio stations, grocery stores, and more went offline.
Major U.S. airlines canceled flights. Problems were also reported in Australia, India, the United States, and New Zealand.

The issue appears to be affecting Windows PCs around the world.
CrowdStrike was mentioned directly 19 times in Q drops. All related to DNC servers.
It was linked to hacking, false accusations against Russia, ties to Ukraine, and ties to the Clinton and Obama Foundations.

CrowdStrike was largely owned by the BlackRock deep state cabal.
In other words, the deep state conspiracies deliberately engineered this global blackout to collapse world finances.

For the US dollar, which is a fiat currency. The deep state conspiracies planned to replace the world’s currencies with their own dead digital currency.

On the morning of Friday, July 19th, I got a call from a friend at the Amsterdam airport. She said:
All flights have been cancelled and he has been sitting there for 24 hours with his computer turned off. I can’t get in touch with you anymore.

Global military alliances were on high alert around the world.
They were making mass arrests of deep state conspiracies that worship Satan.

The alliance was working with the BRICS countries and Chinese leaders to push for a global currency reset.
Resetting 209 countries around the world to gold/asset backed currencies.
They were working with the leaders of the BRICS countries and China to announce a global currency reset.

Calendar of Events

17th Letter (JFK Jr.) Telegram Friday, July 19, 2024

 There will be a message on the EBS in the next 5 hours or so that everyone needs to go home and a
global lockdown will begin for 10-12 days.

NESARA is announced to the world, marking the beginning of Everything New.

During this lockdown, a documentary will be broadcast on all networks to show everyone that something new is beginning.

Apparently there will be 800 phone numbers at the end of the 12 days.
You will be given an appointment to open a Quantum bank account.
The date and time will be confirmed.

Apparently everyone in the world already has money in their Quantum accounts.
It is in the account. The reason we haven’t heard much from the QFS team in the last few weeks is because something major is happening.

Approximately 75 banks will have been seized and all Cabal assets and accounts closed.

These assets have been transferred to Quantum financial accounts to be returned to the people.

trust funds have been transferred to the QFS account. This means that it has already changed.
This is incredible!

In fact, over time, money will no longer matter. Money literally ceases to matter.
Because everyone has enough money to live a rich life.

 So try to move forward instead of staying still for too long. This is amazing news and
what we have been waiting for.

 It was also confirmed that all central banks were registered on the QFS.
QFS is a blockchain and there is nothing fraudulent about it.
Nothing fraudulent can happen because it is a blockchain and everything is traceable.

 You can see where all the money sent goes. Corruption can be avoided.

 We do not move money behind doors or in banks in remote locations abroad.

 This will not happen anymore.

 Remember, all money is traceable and is in an otherworldly computer.
This is next level stuff.

 Now we are in the final phase. And the stock market crashes.
This is because if stock prices crash, that will be the end.

 All personal bank accounts are reflected in quantum financial accounts.
There is nothing to worry about.

 The only things that are not reflected are investments and stocks in the stock market.
That is the stock market. It will all disappear! …So if you are investing in the stock market, get out…
Then when the QFS indicates that it is operational, NEW STOCK will be activated.

 So our bank accounts, savings accounts and retirement accounts are all safe.

”Breaking News: “Information technology failures are being reported all over the world. American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines and Turkish Airlines have already canceled flights. All airports in Spain will follow the cloud strategy. A “computer system incident” has occurred.
CrowdStrike failed.

This failure affected all Microsoft products and led to the following outages:
Banks, utilities, media, television, mobile communications, and the Internet were disrupted.

The global outage took banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, television and radio stations, supermarkets, and more offline. Major US airlines canceled flights. Problems were also reported in Australia, India, the United States, and New Zealand.
New Zealand. The outage appears to be affecting Windows PCs worldwide. (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Fri. July 19, 2024.

 It took a global power outage to enter NESARA/GESARA: MAJOR WARNING! There are rolling blackouts happening all over the world right now! Banks are closed!
All flights are canceled! The stock market crashes! Mass media will disappear! The Internet is cut off! Global Cyber ​​Outage Hits Airlines From America to Australia

 “Are you aware that world leaders are in trouble?” Some military operations have been placed on high alert. Starting July 18, an emergency broadcast system will be activated and the lights will be turned off at any moment. Let’s get ready.” …17th Letter (JFK Jr.) Telegram Friday, July 19, 2024

 Friday, July 19, 2024: Forensic analysis reveals three types of weapons used in Trump assassination.
Assassination attempt. FBI Deputy Director Involved in Trump Attack: New Report Reveals FBI Was Directly Involved in Donald Trump Assassination Attempt!!

 Friday, July 19, 2024: The Supreme Court did not adjourn for the rest of the year;
the session was extended until July and the decision has not yet been announced; As of July 19 (Friday), the exhibition is still ongoing and no end date has been announced.

 Friday, July 19, 2024: News Alert RVs and Military Operations Behind the Scenes
Signing of a Historic Treaty by 209 Countries Aims to Reset the World’s Currency! Trust the Plan – – American Media Group

 Friday, July 19, 2024 Trump sent a message to the deep state. Nessun Dolma is played at the end of the movie “The Sum of Fear”. He was executed. “The Sum of All Fears” is mentioned several times in Q Drops. Trump said of his song, there is a reason why he played it.

 Thursday, July 18, 2024: Bombshell Report Judy Byington Emergency Broadcast Message from President Trump! The Final Battle Begins in 7 Days! “Operation Kraken Begins” – – American Media Group.

Possible Timing

 The timing of the Internet shutdown and suspension of communications for 10 to 12 days
The moment when the world will plunge into darkness will be determined by a quantum computer analysis of the entire international situation. Major media outlets will be shut down and
people will be asked to stay home and watch documentaries explaining what is happening.

In the meantime, military forces stationed around the world will arrest anyone who collaborates with the creation of the New World Order, viruses and vaccines.
This operation could begin any time this week.

 On Thursday, July 11, 2024, the world’s financial capitals in Zurich, London, Toronto and Reno activated the World Currency.
And in Reno, a global currency reset to gold/asset-backed currencies was triggered for 209 countries.

On the same Thursday, July 11, 2024, the Three Gorges Dam in China collapsed.
The Three Gorges Dam was the first of 34 demon sites to be destroyed. The Three Gorges Dam housed the headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party’s child sex trafficking ring and bioweapons research institute.

On Saturday, July 13, 2024, Reno began making GCR payments to the whales.
According to the VII Telegram, this day was also the start date of the terror event.
It turned out to be an insider assassination attempt on Trump.

On Monday, July 15, 2024, GCR payments to top executives began, coinciding with the start of the Republican National Convention.
The Republican National Convention has begun and the terror event is over.

 According to sources, on Monday, July 22, 2024, Tier4b may receive notification of redemption/exchange reservations.

 July 24, 2024 (Wednesday): Operation Kraken: The final battle begins…President JFK Jr. may come out of hiding;

 Thursday, July 25, 2024: End of lockdown. Christmas in July. …Q Codez VII on Telegram

that’s all

Black Swan Event
Black Swan Event

What a wonderful Friday, something is about to happen

What a wonderful Friday, something is about to happen 07/20/2024



American Patriot





  • Today’s Stock Market News: S&P 500, Nasdaq Post Biggest Weekly Decline Since April as Tech Stocks SlumpKaren Frier and Ines Ferré Saturday
    , July 20, 2024 7:10 AM GMT+9
    This article includes:
    -0.71%On global IT outages U.S. stocks fell on Friday as details gradually emerged and major stock indexes failed to recover from the selloff and the Dow halted its rally.The S&P 500 (^GSPC) fell 0.7%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite Index (^IXIC) fell 0.8%. Both the Nasdaq and S&P 500 had their worst weeks since April. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) fell nearly 1%.Stocks fell after a volatile few days of trading, with technology stocks tumbling. AI-focused semiconductor stocks took a hit. Investors are shifting money away from the tech giants that have driven the recent rally and into small-cap stocks. Small-cap stocks are expected to benefit from lower interest rates.In the early hours of the morning, investors were assessing the impact of an “unprecedented” outage on computer systems around the world, canceling flights and hitting banks, telecoms and media companies. However, concerns were allayed after CrowdStrike (CRWD) announced it had fixed an update failure bug affecting Microsoft (MSFT)-based systems.CrowdStrike’s share price plunged as much as 20% as the outage escalated, but has since fallen just 11%. Shares of Microsoft, which has been struggling with issues with its Azure cloud services, fell less than 1%.Meanwhile, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said in his nomination speech on Thursday that he would “end the electric vehicle mandate on day one.” His comments come as the market wakes up to the “Trump deal,” or the impact his policies could have on stocks if a former president takes over the White House.Investors will get another glimpse of the state of the consumer and the economy next week, with more financial results due, including quarterly results from beverage giant Coca-Cola (KO), delivery service UPS (UPS) and electric vehicle maker TSLA (TSLA).

[2024/07/20 0:40]

American patriot,


July 18 – SEC vs. Ripple

July 18 – WTO Meeting in Iraq

July 18 – Secret Service Records Deadline

July 18 – Donald Trump Security Briefing

July 18 – Siemens Transform 2024 Event

July 18 – Jean Ho’s Final Film Reel

//////>> > [███]>CodeXVII<[███]


[2024/07/20 1:33]

American Patriot,




😎🇺🇸🦅⭐️ US Debt Clock.
[2024/07/20 4:14]

American Patriot,



😎🇺🇸 🦅 Contradiction. Just a little more. This all depends on Biden.
[2024/07/20 4:40]

American patriot,

😎🇺🇸🦅 What a wonderful Friday. Enjoy this moment. Please wait. Something will happen soon. 💣
[2024/07/20 5:14]

American Patriot,

There are some absolute beasts in this movement, pumping out hardcore Red Pill non-stop all day long. He is a prime example of what Anon should be (no drama or conflict), just pure, raw truth, history, exposition, and is the newest OG that will be remembered by many.

His name is



[2024/07/20 6:15]

American Patriot,


Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber power] attack attempts on 11.4.



Day Saturday Night
New Earth
Ve Ri Tas

[2024/07/20 8:51]




American Patriot,


Elijah, who killed the prophets of Baal, is my favorite character in the Bible after Christ.

1 Kings 1:8
Elijah told them, “Capture the prophets of Baal and don’t let any of them escape.” They captured them, and Elijah took them to the Kishon River, where he killed them.

[2024/07/20 23:06]

XRPLion1 -ΑΩ- “Messenger of GOD’S REVELATION”
by Dave XRPLion,

30 Days After NESARA Announcement:
Gold Re-Indexed: $50/oz.
Silver Re-Indexed: $8/oz.
= 6.25x = 0.16
I’ve previously shown how 625 is tied to everything. More coming with my Whitepaper!

“IT IS” Deeper Than I Originally Imagined.

“So, the Math = the Numbers = the Money….!”
~ Dave XRPLion





🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



NESARA update
NESARA update

What they are basically saying is that NESARA will be announced to the world and everything will start over.



What they are basically saying is that NESARA will be announced to the world, marking a new beginning for everything.

Emergency broadcast systems then go around the world, broadcasting literal documentaries of everything that has happened to wake up the masses.

But for this to happen, a message goes out on EBS that in the next 5 hours or so, everyone needs to go home and a global lockdown of 10 to 12 days will begin.

During this lockdown, a documentary will be broadcast on all broadcasters so that everyone can see everything that has happened.

Then, when the 12 days are up, you will apparently have to call an 800 number and from that point on, you will receive a quantum consultation and a confirmed date and time (we are referring to VR here).

Other things were also announced.

– Apparently, we already have a certain amount of money in quantum accounts around the world. The reason we haven’t heard much from the QFS team in the last few weeks is because important things have been happening.

One of them is that about 75 banks have been seized and all assets and accounts have been closed. These were all cabal accounts.

These assets were then transferred to quantum financial accounts and returned to the people.

All trust funds have also been transferred to the QFS account. This means that it has already been moved. This is great!

In fact, in time, money will no longer be an issue. Money will literally cease to matter because everyone will have enough money to live a rich life.

So try to move on instead of sitting around for too long.

This is amazing news and what we have been waiting for.

It has also confirmed that all central banks are registered with the QFS and comply with ISO 20022 standards. Also remember that this is a blockchain and everything is traceable, so there is no fraud.

You will know where all the money you send goes. Stop corruption.

We do not transfer your money behind doors or to banks in remote overseas locations.

None of that will happen.

Remember, all your money is trackable and it’s on a computer that’s out of this world… this is next level stuff.

Now we’re in the final phase. So the stock market crashes. If that happens, it’s over.

Oh, and one more thing, all your personal bank accounts, everything is reflected in your quantum financial account, so you don’t have to worry about that.

The only things that are not reflected are investments and stocks in the stock market. They’re all gone. …So if you invested in the stock market, withdraw…and when the QFS shows that it’s operational, new shares will be released.

So our bank accounts, savings accounts, and retirement accounts are all safe.

This is great news and exciting times ahead.

Note from Judy: 

Sporadic cyber attacks  by Crowdstrike (owned by the Cabal’s Blackrock) continued across the globe, as here and there, planes, trains and transportation in general were being grounded, businesses were shut down and electricity was being turned off in certain parts of the world — all of which were contributing to an impending global financial crisis, while our cognitively damaged US President — who is now believed to be dying — was making decisions about how to enter World War III.

Meanwhile, on Monday, July 22,  Joe Biden’s brother reported that the president was in the final stages of his life. However, no one really agreed on why. At first, they said Biden had Covid. Then, on  July 5   , the president reportedly had a medical emergency on Air Force One. This was after he hit his head in Las Vegas.  On Monday, July 22,  Biden’s meeting with Netanyahu was suddenly canceled while the Israeli prime minister was already on his flight to DC.

Having never heard Harris complete a sentence,  let alone a valid thought, the idea of ​​her/him being President of the United States and deciding whether or not the United States would enter World War III was quite disturbing and gave me the creeps.

While the Democrats were busy covering up their crimes with masks and look-alikes,  Trump took off his bandage and exposed his damaged ear – which showed two large holes where the bullet had entered and exited. Now it will be hard for the mainstream media to keep saying that the assassination attempt didn’t happen, or was a ploy by Trump to get attention.

To make matters even more confusing, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle  allegedly conspired with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and FBI Director Christopher Wray to assassinate Donald Trump on  Saturday, July 13, 2024  — all of which was allegedly funded by the Deep State Cabal’s Blackrock and Crowdstrike via the CIA — which presents a problem since the CIA was tasked with investigating the assassination attempt they may have created. It’s a great cover-up. At least it worked for the CIA when President Kennedy was killed.

Do you think we’re all in trouble?  Do you think it’s time we demand a formal military takeover across the globe until new elections can be held?

White Hats to the rescue  . It’s been reported that Trump and Putin met today, brainstormed a bit and formulated their next moves – which should be good. They’re both very good at Three D Chess.
  • The US has been under military occupation  controlled by a Law of War Manual since the  fraudulent 2020 election  .
  • Mon, July 22, 2024 Wolverine:  There is an FAA flight restriction that has just been lifted in Wilmington, Delaware, where @JoeBiden lives. The flight restriction is for “VIP” movement. This coincides with the presidential movement. Joe Biden’s health is rapidly declining and, as I reported earlier today, he is now in the terminal stages of his illness. Today, Chief of Staff Joe Biden held an emergency meeting with the entire White House staff. (Get ready for Biden’s deepfake death! Now! Kamel Toe next. All planned and scripted.)
  • Mon, July 22, 2024:  BQQQM!!! THE EVENT: Castle Rock – The impending catastrophe that will topple the Biden administration and change everything!
  • Mon, July 22, 2024:  ALERT!! Nationwide martial law declared, military deployed in over 300 U.S. cities, secret meetings exposed, and children rescued in Navy Seals operation!
  • On Friday, July 19, 2024,  the UN World Court ruled that Israel was illegally occupying Palestine and ordered that Israeli communities be abandoned.
  • Trump hired private security  after the CIA, FBI, Justice Department and Secret Service were accused of colluding and hiring three gunmen in the attempted assassination of Trump
  • Mon. July 22, 2024:  Emergency Exclusive: Top Special Ops Leaders Form Unified Consensus – Deep State Will Try to Kill Trump Again
  • Mon, July 22, 2024 Joe Biden’s brother  Frank said Biden’s failing health played a “significant role” in his decision to drop out, suggesting Biden was close to death.
  • Democrats caught committing a serious crime: Biden did not drop out of the race because his letter  withdrawing him from the 2024 presidential campaign was deemed a forgery. Biden was deemed too cognitively impaired to write a letter or be able to comprehend what was happening.
  • The biggest financial bubble  in human history was about to burst.
  • Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 Capitol Hill Trap Exposed  – Democrats Were Trying to Take Down Trump
  • There is only one month  of US oil reserves left.
  • Global Currency Reset Funds  are expected to settle on  Tuesday, July 23, 2024.
  • Trump discussed Med Beds  in a speech to the Republican National Committee. He said he recently signed paperwork to release all medical technology. (The Supreme Court recently approved Med Beds.)
  • Mon. 22 July 2024:  ALERT!!! Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Black Swan Events Imminent – ​​Cyberattacks Around the Globe: Planes, Trains Grounded, Lights Going Out – The Biggest Financial Bubble in Human History…

The EBS – What to expect:

  • There will be a message from the EBS sent out by phone, TV and radio around the world  informing that in the next five hours or so, everyone will need to be at home for a global lockdown that will last 10 to 12 days.
  • NESARA will be announced to the world,  which will show that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.
  • So through EBS  , they will show documentaries of everything that happened to wake up the masses.
  • At the end of the 12 days,  they will provide an 800 number for people to call to schedule an appointment to set up their Quantum Money account on the new Starlink Satellite System.

Global Currency Reset:

Wed. July 24, 2024 Operation Kraken: The Final Battle Underway  … President Trump on Telegram. (Possibly JFK Jr. will come out of hiding.) Operation Kraken is the military computer called Kraken that tabulated the 2020 watermarked ballots and found that Trump had won by over 80% in all but two states. It was possible that the Supreme Court would make an announcement on the two 2020 voter fraud cases before the Court. A positive decision would dissolve the Biden Administration and the entire Congress — and probably end in a few arrests.

Mon, July 22, 2024:  ALERT: Imminent Great Reset Exposed – Bank Crash and Rise of XLM, XRP, ALGO and XDC in the New Quantum Financial System (QFS)


Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Activation Imminent:
US prepares for military takeover,
GESARA released,
the revolutionary impact of NESARA reshaping the nation!
…The 17th  Letter  (JFK Jr.) on Telegram  Mon Jul 22, 2024
Operation Kraken
Operation Kraken

7/23: When is the “RV Activated” “Biden Resignation” flag?! What is “Operation Kraken” that starts on the 25th

Tuesday morning, July 23, 2024

“Black Swan” is underway! ?

We will continue to check the “financial markets” related to the “world currency reset”!

Well then

From Judy Notes on July 22

I will extract the parts that interest you!

Today’s message

Secret Service agent Kimberly Cheatle, who believes in the plan , is conspiring with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and FBI Director Christopher Wray to assassinate Donald Trump on Saturday, July 13, 2024. Rumor has it.

Black Swan phenomenon:
Cyberattacks around the world: Planes, trains land, lights go out

The biggest financial bubble in human history bursts: Stocks lose value

World War III begins: Israeli jets attack Yemen after Houthi drone strike in Tel Aviv

We are in this together.
There is no fame.
It is about reclaiming our freedom and saving our children/people from the evils that have plagued our country and our world for so long.

It is advisable to have at least a month’s worth of food, water, money, medicine and supplies for your family.

Judy notes

Joe Biden has dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed the unpopular Kamala Harris.
After a disappointing press conference with a poorly written text, Democratic donors were talking about pushing Hillary Clinton over Biden. Clinton was tried and executed for treason at GITMO several years ago.

But then Biden was also executed for treason at GITMO before the so-called inauguration.
But that hasn’t stopped the Democratic Party from using his surrogate to ruin the country for the past four years.

However, as JFK Jr. said on the Telegram on Sunday, July 21, 2024, there are no more Biden surrogates.
Biden probably had no choice but to decline the candidacy.

Cackle Harris or Dead Hillary?
It will be interesting to see how the Democratic Party handles this issue.

More importantly, cyberattacks are happening all over the world, devastating businesses, grounding planes, and generally wreaking havoc.

In other developments, a World War III scenario was underway.
These black swan phenomena began to emerge after it became clear that the deep state, Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle, may have been colluding with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The facts became clearer.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and FBI Director Christopher Wray conspired
to nearly assassinate Donald Trump on Saturday, July 13, 2024.

It was all about money. Before he was assassinated, President Kennedy was trying to destroy the deep state’s Federal Reserve.
Trump supported a global currency reset.

They wanted us to believe that the CIA was legitimately investigating the attempted assassination of Trump.
So was President Kennedy.

On the other hand, cyberattacks, whether perpetrated by white hats or black hats, began all over the world.
Planes and trains crashed, lights went out.
This problem is unlikely to be solved any time soon. At least, not until the stock market crashed due to all this mess.

The biggest financial bubble in human history was about to burst: stock prices would fall by more than 50%.
Stocks would lose more than 50% of their value, leading to a global financial collapse.
This is what both the black hat and the white hat wanted.

With the collapse of the global financial system, the deep state black hats will introduce digital currencies that are not backed by assets.

The White Hats seemed to be one step ahead of the Cabal, as they had already ensnared over 50% of the world’s population in their global currency.

Israeli jets struck Yemen after the Houthis launched a drone strike on Tel Aviv.
By instigating the planes to attack Yemen, the conspirators sought to profit from the ongoing World War III, just like any other war. On the other hand, the pursuit of power and wealth was exactly why they started the war.

What we think we know as of Monday, July 22, 2024

 Sunday, July 21, 2024 Kentucky, West Virginia, Ontario, Canada, Arkansas, Killeen, Texas,
Ohio, Missouri County, Charleston County, and Jackson County, Kansas City declare states of emergency.

 Sunday, July 21, 2024 Donald Trump’s attorney Alina Haba exposes Judge Lewis Kaplan on her Telegram channel.
He received a $5 million bribe from Joe Biden to convict Donald Trump. Alina posted the proof!

 July 20, 2024 (Saturday) US Military Arrests
Attempted Assassination of State Traitor in Connection with Trump;

 US Taxpayers Funded an International Child Sex Trafficking Ring Through the CIA’s Dark Budget.
He funded an international child sex trafficking ring based in the Vatican that used pedophilia to blackmail politicians and capture traumatized children. Blackmail politicians and extract adrenochrome and organs from traumatized children for the benefit of the elite.

 Speaking of the CIA, from 1957 to 1972, during the Vietnam War, this corrupt organization funded and operated chemical weather phenomena.
Funded and operated a chemical weather modification program called Operation Popeye.
This secret project is said to have been sponsored by Henry Kissinger and the CIA.
It was not approved by then Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, much less by the US Congress.

 Speaking of wars funded by the US, America did not invade Iraq because of the false flag of 9/11, it did not invade Iraq
to liberate the Iraqi people, it did not invade Iraq to confiscate its gold and oil, it did not invade Iraq to seize the Stargate It was to place it.

 Today, the United States is not governed by the concept of the original constitution, but is under the dictatorship of international maritime law and admiral’s law.
After the War of Independence, in which the British Crown financed both sides, the “United States” never declared independence from Great Britain and is considered a British colony to this day.

 Friday, July 19, 2024: Former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Republican Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio, were the victims of assassination threats. It wasn’t long before an attempt was made on the former president’s life. Police in Jupiter, Florida, announced the arrest of 68-year-old Michael M. Wiseman. Fox News reported.

 Sunday, July 21, 2024 Status Update: ALERT! Bombshell Report Judy Bynton US Operating
Under Martial Law Even Before 2020 Election – Bavaria, Germany EBS
Right Now – Planes and Trains Have Landed – Lights Out.. – – American Media Group

 Sunday, July 21, 2024 Status Update: Judy Byington: Not Reprinted: Owner of White Hat
Blackrock Blackrock owns Crowdstrike.
CrowdStrike has created the latest global cyber attack. Intel Special Report 7/21/24 |Before it makes the news

EBS messages are broadcast on phones, televisions and radios around the world.
For the next five hours, everyone will be forced to stay home due to a global lockdown that will last 10 to 12 days.
It will last 10 to 12 days.

 NESARA is announced to the world.

 Then, through EBS, they will air a documentary of everything that happened to wake up the masses.

 At the end of the 12 days, 800 phone numbers will be distributed.
Provide an 800 number for individuals to call to make an appointment to open a Quantum Money account on the new Starlink satellite system.

 There were 75 deep state banks that were seized and had all their assets and accounts closed.
All cabal central banks have been taken over and assets placed into the Quantum Financial System (QFS).

 The QFS operates on a blockchain and everything is traceable, so nothing fraudulent can happen.
Because it is traceable. The QFS operates on a blockchain, which allows you to see where all your funds are going, which helps prevent corruption.

 Everyone apparently has a fixed amount of money in a separate quantum financial account.

 The assets seized from the Cabal have been transferred to their Quantum Financial Account.
All the money in the trust fund has been transferred to individual QFS accounts. All bank accounts, savings accounts, and retirement accounts are now safe with the new quantum system.

 The only money not reflected in the individual quantum accounts were investments and stocks in the stock market.
That’s the stock market. It’s all gone! We recommend that you get out of the stock market immediately.
We recommend that you get out of the stock market immediately.

that’s all


BREAKING NEWS! Financial elites sent to Guantanamo after stopping GESARA

In the labyrinthine corridors of global power, a thrilling saga is unfolding, one that promises to redefine our world in unprecedented ways.

At the center of this narrative is the monumental  GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act)  .

This is the dawn of a new era, rising to dismantle the entrenched financial oligarchy and restore economic justice to the masses.

A summit of 1,200 financial giants, gathered in what was supposed to be a landmark event for humanity. The goal was clear:  to initiate GESARA,  a radical overhaul of the global economic system designed to redistribute wealth and usher in a new era of prosperity and justice. Yet as this historic moment approached, a nefarious conspiracy emerged, one that threatened to derail our collective future.

As the summit began, anticipation and tension filled the air. Delegates from every corner of the globe gathered in a vast conference hall, their discussions and debates underpinned by the collective hope of billions.

GESARA was not merely a financial reform; it was a beacon of hope for those long oppressed by economic disparity. Yet in the shadows, powerful elites conspired to undermine this historic change.

GESARA, the beacon of hope for justice and transparency,  was on the verge of implementation. But financial elites, terrified of losing their iron grip on power, conspired to sabotage this crucial reform. Their machinations, however, have been exposed, revealing a web of deceit so deep that it challenges the very core of our understanding.

Unmasking the Traitors: The Big Leak

The delay in  implementing GESARA was no accident.  It was the result of calculated leaks—deliberate acts of betrayal by those trusted to protect critical information. These insiders, secretaries, and aides sold their integrity, funneling sensitive data to shadowy figures intent on maintaining the status quo.

Inside sources revealed that encrypted communications, which were supposed to be secure, were intercepted and decrypted by these rogue elements. Secret meetings were exposed and sensitive strategies were exposed. Panic set in among the financial elites as the network of treachery was unraveled. The depth of the infiltration was staggering, with senior officials implicated.

But hope is not lost. Enter the Galactic Federation and the Quantum Defense Initiative. These guardians, equipped with cutting-edge quantum technology, have been vigilantly monitoring every digital footprint. Their presence has ensured that every move of the financial elites is tracked, every device scrutinized.

The Galactic Federation’s intervention is a game-changer. In this new paradigm, the intent to disrupt is as reprehensible as the act itself. Justice has evolved—preventive, decisive, and absolute. Suspicion is sufficient for action, and potential threats are neutralized without hesitation. This radical shift ensures that sabotage and subversion will no longer be tolerated.

Justice Served: GITMO and the Cleansing of Corruption

As a result, GITMO now houses those who dared to obstruct the advancement of humanity. This is a necessary cleansing, excising the malignant tumors of greed and corruption from our society. With the saboteurs kidnapped,  the way is clear for GESARA to proceed.

The once untouchable financial elites now face justice in its most uncompromising form. Their detention at GITMO symbolizes a turning point—a shift away from the old world order toward a future where accountability and transparency reign supreme. The message is clear: the few will no longer control the many through deception and manipulation.

Fun Facts: The Sources of Wealth for Paying Off Their Bonds That Must and Will Be Distributed Back to ‘We the People’ – Part 4

✅ As regards the role and responsibilities of Redemption, the Trust does not hold any funds and does not sell securities or create money. Redemption ‘s role  is twofold:

– Create a global database of Bonds and Bondholders.

– Manage the RV/GCR through the Bond redemption process.

✅  Redemption therefore does all the administrative tasks and the registration of each Title for readiness for RV activation. Once you are in the global database, it is time to get started when the RV is activated!

✅ Now you have a good idea of ​​where the bond redemption money will come from.

✅ To be frank, there are plenty of funds available and a serious shortage of bondholders!

✅ To make an impact on the RV/GCR, a large number of registered Bondholders with maximum Bondholding are needed to trigger a shockwave across the global Forex currency network when the RV begins. Thus, you are a crucial part of this RV/GCR process.

✅ Never underestimate the role you play here, and the more Bonds you own, the greater the impact!!

✅We are standing at the door beloved Bondholders!!


Jack Straw


It is Tuesday afternoon and very cold. I inform you that the Precatórios started today at 3 o’clock and will in fact premiere their opera. They sent a note that said: “Tomorrow we will have a wonderful full opera concert.

“They will send me their opera so that their people can celebrate. Finally, a huge platform will release funds to many people with billions of dollars involved. Many people will be blessed astronomically.

Rhine and Zurich are moving. Some whales fly to Zurich, a huge whale is now buying his plane ticket to fly there.

We are waiting for more news from bondholders. Hoping to get the miracle call this week.

Nothing for group 4B: This is a disappointment. I’m told some groups 4A have received payments, but no liquid cash yet. It’s a start. Hopefully those accounts will become liquid this week.

That’s it, the good news is that the Precatórios have already started. I spoke to the owner and he said: “Wolvie, I’m at the bank now.” They have the green light and will be released tomorrow.

I’m waiting for the call to fly. When that happens, Carpathia and Shelby will take over the channel. I hope to have better news for you all tomorrow.

Story of a couple I just received: This couple was about to give up their home because they couldn’t pay the mortgage and on the same day they saw the mortgage amount and had a zero balance, their account was effectively paid off.

So maybe NESARA is working and people are getting their bills settled. That was the same day they were going to lose their house and this miracle happened.


Dear God: We pray that your life-giving spirit will move all human hearts, especially the hearts of those on this earth who work to create barriers that divide us.

May these barriers crumble, may all suspicions disappear and all hatred cease, may we learn to be patient and kind to one another, and may we teach others to learn from our example of kindness. Let our divisions be healed.

Let us also remain here, in the Room of the Chosen and in the room of Wolverine’s Lair, in this humble prayer. Let our country be healed and, through your divine providence, protect President Trump so that he may lead not only the United States, but the world, to be a people of heart, a people of justice and freedom, and a people of peace, harmony and love for others.


BRICS will compete with the World Bank
BRICS will compete with the World Bank

BRICS will compete with the World Bank

The world of global economic governance is on the cusp of significant change, with the growing economic and political influence of the BRICS nations challenging the long-standing dominance of Western-led institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

This perspective was recently articulated by Roman Marshavin, World Bank Executive Director representing Russia, who believes that the shift of control over these institutions from Western nations to the BRICS is all but inevitable.

With the expansion of BRICS to include more countries and the formation of the BRICS+ group, the economic power of these nations is growing rapidly. Together, the BRICS+ nations account for about 40 percent of crude oil production and exports, a quarter of global GDP, two-fifths of global trade in goods, and nearly half of the world’s population. The potential influence of this group is further amplified by the applications of 12 additional nations, including Thailand, Vietnam, and Bangladesh.

As emerging markets align on global economic issues, there is a significant opportunity to challenge the dominance of Western-led institutions. The Global South has long voiced complaints about the World Bank’s policies and practices, arguing that they disproportionately favor wealthier nations and neglect the needs of developing countries.

The World Bank’s decision-making process is heavily influenced by Western powers, with the United States exerting significant influence over its operations. This power imbalance often results in policies and lending conditions that prioritize economic reforms that benefit Western interests over the development needs of poorer nations.

Furthermore, the World Bank’s stringent loan conditions, such as austerity measures and structural adjustments, have been criticized for exacerbating poverty and inequality rather than alleviating them. The Global South also argues that the World Bank’s approach lacks cultural sensitivity and fails to consider the unique social, economic and political contexts of recipient countries.

These grievances have led to calls for a more inclusive and equitable governance structure within the World Bank, one that better represents the interests and voices of developing nations. The expansion of BRICS and the formation of BRICS+ offer a promising platform for emerging markets to align on global economic issues and advocate for change within these institutions.

The potential shift of power from Western nations to BRICS has the opportunity to create a more balanced and equitable global economic governance structure, one that truly addresses the needs and concerns of the Global South.

The growing influence of BRICS nations in global economic governance is not only a matter of fairness and representation, but also of practicality. As emerging markets continue to represent a more significant proportion of the global economy, it is essential that international financial institutions evolve to reflect the changing economic landscape.

By adopting a more inclusive and equitable governance structure, the World Bank and the IMF can ensure their continued relevance and effectiveness in promoting global economic development and prosperity.

In conclusion , the inevitability of a power shift from Western nations to the BRICS in global economic governance is grounded in the growing economic and political influence of the BRICS nations. The expansion of the BRICS to include more countries and the formation of the BRICS+ grouping represents a significant opportunity for emerging markets to align on global economic issues and advocate for change within international financial institutions.

A more inclusive and equitable governance structure within the World Bank and the IMF would better serve the needs and interests of the Global South and ensure the continued relevance and effectiveness of these institutions in promoting global economic development.

Watch the video below from Fastepo for more information.


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