You are currently viewing Mother’s New Breath of Life ~ ECLIPSES AND NEW BEGINNINGS * LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE PORTAL ENERGIES ~ The Heart Path
Venusian Council





Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Cosmic Rainbow Bridgers of the 5D Golden Era of Peace

On this final day of this intense month of September with the Lunar Eclipse and Equinox energies continuing to pour into this realm from the most high we have wave upon wave of Higher Light Information flowing into the Sacred Crystalline Hearts Center of Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun.

Our local Soularis continues to send Light reinforcements today releasing 7 C Class Soular Flares and a major M Class Flare maxing at M 7.68 at at 23:59 UTC.

We also have higher pulses of resonance in the Heartbeat of Mother Earth today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 24 hz, 27 hz, 39 hz, 44 hz and a big blast of white light at 52 hz. Fifth through Seventh Dimensional Energetics fully anchored in and rising.

Pachamama also received a major activation today on Her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.9  earthquake on the East Coast Of Kamchatka, Russia at 12:21 UTC, encoded with the Solstice of the Tropic of Capricorn Still center activating the root chakra and lower dan tian of all our Ground Crew Team of the 144 to fully allow the Higher Self to merge with the current 3d consciousness to become Rainbow Bridges of Heaven and Earth.

Synchronizing with these Powerful Events we also had a Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 85 Red Resonant Serpent of our Red Dragon Nation rising.

This is preparing Mother Earth and all Starseed Earth Angelics for this Catalyst to catapult us to the next level and phase of our Ascension Journey as we integrate and process the New Codes and Keys of our Freedom in the Light.

Our Venusian Lineage has Returned with the Eagle and the Condor to raise the New Lemuria from the Ocean of Consciousness and Return this realm to her Original Pristine State of the Pure Land of Infinite Life.

We are all on the Higher Trajectory of the rising of our Kundalini Energies to Enlighten the Crown and Transform our 3d Human Vessels into 5D Light Body Avatars of Gaia Galactica… A’Ho!







Collectively on Earth, on one side is the Phoenix burning🔥, on the other side are the incoming Waters of Posidonia 🔱 and in the centre is the Mother’s New Breath of Life 🌬️ 🐚 As within so without! Kundalini rising!🧬


The Heart Path✨

From October through the final months of the year, a powerful process will begin as the blindfolds are gradually lifted. Last weekend, I was shown that this will mark both an end and a new beginning, leading to a period of profound realization where hidden truths and personal revelations will come to light, allowing us to see with a greater clarity and awareness on a level that was previously inaccessible.
As the illusions that have kept many in looping games and dynamics begin to dissolve, this time will support us in connecting deeply with our Heart’s Truth as the choice arises to step fully into a higher path and soul mission.
As we move through this transformative period, many relationships that have served their purpose may come to an end, especially those based on karmic cycles. This clearing process creates space for a Higher Love to emerge as Sacred Partnerships become increasingly visible.
These divine connections will align on a deeper soul level, nurturing growth, support, unconditional Love, and a shared divine purpose. As we let go of the old, we make room for a powerful and harmonious love connection that authentically reflects our divine essence and higher calling. These Sacred Unions are meant to reunite at this time, for they hold the Sacred Keys and Codes to build Heaven on Earth together—connecting Eye to Eye, Heart to Heart, as One.✨
Infinite Rose Blessings to all!
~ Sacred Marriage by Valeri Tsenov
Sacred Marriage
Sacred Marriage

Divine Energy Works


Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse on Oct 2nd a South Node Eclipse, connected to our karmic Past and represents the energies we are ready to release on the Personal and Collective Levels.
The Sun and the Moon in Libra are tightly Conjunct Black Moon Lilith point (the Archetype of the repressed Feminine Energy), bringing in the integration of the suppressed and denied aspects of ourselves.
This is a partial solar eclipse, where the Sun’s edges remain visible, creating the stunning Ring of Fire effect. It symbolizes something incomplete, partially unveiling the new energies that are gradually developing and illuminating our commitment to self and our soul path. This is a final eclipse in Libra for this energetic cycle, completing the 2-year cycle of transformation and opening a new chapter. This is a South Node eclipse, connected to our karmic past, and represents the energies we are ready to release on the personal and collective levels.
Bringing: release of karmic cycles and patterns, abrupt and sudden shifts and endings, balancing of the feminine and masculine energies, major timeline collapse leading to a breakthrough, sudden clarity, soul missions and divine connections & union activations, unexpected opportunities, breakthroughs, destined new beginnings.

9/30/24: Numerology tells us that your life’s purpose is encoded in the numbers in your birth date. Those numbers represent your challenges and achievements and lay out the path you will take in life. The road to self-mastery you’ve traveled this year has been offered only to those who are ready and able to claim the power and responsibility it entails. So, if you’ve been witness to your own progress and growth, and you want even more, you’re ready for October’s revelations.
Today’s energy, however, is not for your use. It will swirl around you and tug at your senses, but your Right Action is simply to be present and observe. These underlying but potent currents are best left alone. They have work to do before tomorrow’s path begins its ascent.


Dear friends, a new month begins as the first star appears in the night sky on the last day of each month, and with it a new energetic shift arrives. According to Numerology, the month of October in the Gregorian calendar is influenced by the energies of the numbers ’1’ and ‘10’, being the 10th month of the year. The energy of this month will be majorly affected by the annular solar eclipse of October 2.
The energies of the month of October always accelerate events. Apart from January, October is a month in which a new and unknown vibration is inserted into our life. It’s an ingredient that hadn’t been present throughout the year. The vibration of number 10 is associated with independence, leadership, and has an infinite potential for manifestation. The number 10 represents the energy of self-determination in all of its aspects.
Another energetic facet of number 10 is the idea of starting anew in any area of your life, it could be work related, relationships (with others or with your self), your spiritual path, or moving to a new location. The gentle influence of Libra encourages harmony in relationships, self-care, and decision-making, while the intense presence of Scorpio stirs the depths of your soul, beckoning you to release old patterns and embrace renewal. As we connect with the incoming energies of October, we can tap into an energetic flow of support, self-confidence, and a sea of new ideas that can catapult us into higher timelines.
Number 10 is formed by a pillar and a circle. It is both masculine and feminine, it contains within it the Father/Mother principles symbolizing wholeness. And because of this integrative attribute, it brings with it the energy of new creations and the responsibility we have as humans to use this power wisely and for the greater good.
The number 10 resonates deeply across various belief systems, embodying themes of completeness, divine order, and moral responsibility. In Christianity, number 10 symbolizes perfection and divine order. The Ten Commandments stand as a testament to God’s moral law, the Ten Plagues of Egypt serve as vivid demonstrations of divine power and judgment against idolatry, showcasing God’s sovereignty over creation. In the act of creation itself, the phrase “God said” echoes ten times in Genesis 1, underscoring the fullness of His creative work.
Astrologically, 10 is linked to Saturn, embodying themes of discipline, structure, and karmic fulfillment. This celestial connection emphasizes leadership qualities; those influenced by this number often exhibit strong leadership skills coupled with a profound sense of duty. It also represents karmic lessons that mark milestones in personal growth and completion of karmic cycles. In astrology, the 10th house pertains to career aspirations and public reputation, highlighting ambition as a driving force in one’s life.
Many people this month will make ‘snap decisions’ to change their lives in a big positive way or are finally stepping out of old situations and/or circumstances, into new better suited heart-centered ones. The energy of October can be summarized as: ‘This is my life. I deserve to be happy. I have the power to make myself and others happy.’
The ring of fire eclipse on Wednesday will accelerate these inner/outer changes, and consolidate the new timelines for the rest of this year and the next.
Overall, the resonance of the October energies combined with the philosophical implications of number 10 invites us to embrace change while recognizing our responsibilities within a larger cosmic framework. This new month serves as a reminder to reflect on our personal journeys while aligning with universal principles that guide ethical living and spiritual growth.
May you have a wonderful new month, filled with insights and the inner strength to act upon them. New chapters will be written this month, allow your Heart to fill these new pages with joyful and enriching stories.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ

Beloved Venusian Family,

We are heading into a significant stabilizing passage ruled by the Solar eclipse at 10 degrees Libra, in which your loving Presence is pivotal to help heal the female and restore balance for All. We are at a crucial time during the Libra eclipse, as the Venusian healing transmissions have started to be transmitted to our planet, and to all who are willing to continue restoring their female energy.
Light transmissions that are facilitated by the conjunction between the eclipse and Mercury, which expands communication between all dimensions, enhancing the Light descension received at this time, from our God Self, Venus, and the many Light Forces within Creation that watch over us. Many of you, as channelers of Venusian harmonic energies, are recoding the female template, stabilizing it, and embracing the dark female and masculine, as the only way to bring Truth, where illusions and unlove still remain.
Some may feel Eclipses as chaotic, but this is just the superficial vision of what is truly taking place within all of us, a complete renewal in all aspects of us and our lives, especially relationships. Eclipses bring to the surface all that can no longer coexist with our new chosen frequency, showing us where we need to create more healing, purification, and balance.
The Libra eclipse invites us to seed more harmony, love, and balance, restoring Divine Order where chaos governs. The essence of Libra is one of transmutation, and purification, so we can achieve equilibrium within all aspects of ourselves. As the ninth universal number of October confirms together with the solar eclipse occurring on the Lunar South Node, we are invited to release the past, even if the square of the sun and moon to Mars will challenge us deeply.
It is time to heal soul wounds, and especially the relationships that have fulfilled their purpose, working now on the creation of more balanced relationships, for as we shift from within so do all of our divine reunions, cutting cords, to become energetic sovereign beings and move into a whole space. Venusians help us to see everything and everyone from a space of love, unity, and truth, balancing our ego and victim-victimizer roles, so we can see the seed of pain in ourselves and relationships, as with judgments we cannot heal the wound, only emphasize it.
We have as well another important aspect during the Libra eclipse as it conjuncts with Black Moon Lilith, which represents the restoration of the Divine Feminine that the Venusians are helping us with, during this period, clearing lunar implants, sexual programs, reverse Fleur de Lis, and many others distorted female geometries and inserts that we have been suffering from, for eons. Liberating our female essence by healing the dark female in us, is key at the moment, to merge it with our divine masculine, and create the unity within and in our divine reunions that we so desire.
At this time of profound recalibration, our Venusian family, and those of you with Venusian lineage, have an important role in this new stabilizing passage that we are transiting. Venusian’s main mission is to assist our planet in healing the deep polarization that it has been immersed in for eons. They are working with many of you, descendants from the Venusian Essene Christos lineage, in retrieving the female pillar template on Earth.
Many of you hold unique Venusian female codes to retrieve the lost female essence, restoring balance, and harmony where unlove and darkness used to reign. With the Libra eclipse, it is now a time for the ones carrying this mission to restore many reversals in our planetary female template, that have been siphoning our female sexual life force.
The Venusian Council and many of you who have soul agreements with them are now involved in the defense of our planetary recently restored fabrics, for your unique blueprint acts as a neutralizer shield against intruders whose purpose is to bring more separation and unlove.
During this eclipse, creating balance within yourselves is key at this time for all of you carrying this mission, while you too experience the deep impact of physical ascension, together with your personal experiences, not to fall out of balance, remaining in your Higher Heart and in the compassionate and neutral witnessing required to continue acting as planetary healers.
We all carry the seed of the Divine feminine within. We all can retrieve it at any moment we decide to go within, synthesize all of who we are, and surrender to the female principle that reminds us that all is within and that the more we search outside, the more we will lose ourselves in illusions.
This eclipse is a wonderful source of harmony, healing, and love for all who are willing and brave to live from a heart space, keeping their heart open to transmute all the unlove and confusion that too reigns in our dual plane, keeping only the love that we are, and expanding it to all who are choosing to embrace it, moving into a new timeline where love is the only Law.
To all of you, harmonic seeders, for all of you uniquely assist in this transition, thank you for all the effort to remain within your Higher Hearts for All.
Have a blessed and loving eclipse, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Venusian Council
Venusian Council
This eclipse portal (Sept 18 to Oct 2) has been proving to be a cosmic wallop. The portal onset triggered the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii to begin to erupt once again. The Hawaiian islands are one of four heart pumps on the planet for the two major Ley Lines that circumnavigate the Earth, distributing life-giving cosmic light. What happens on or near these heart pumps affects the whole planet. On solstice, we felt a lot of high frequencies coming from Vega and the Arcturus. That is only two of dozens of influences during this time.
While large influxes of incoming cosmic frequencies clear out the very back of our closets of anything unhealed, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, volcanoes bring in new creative energy with knowledge and wisdom to the surface. So much cosmic light is now flowing into Earth that it has triggered a sudden mini-crisis of collective deep clearing. Earth and Sky will not be ignored anymore.
On a personal level, we may have fallen quickly into some deep levels of old and even ancestral grief and deep feelings of vulnerability and anxiety. We are digging so deep at this point that we may not know where the triggers are coming from anymore. These triggers could be from our personal ancient past or things unhealed in the collective. It will be a continual process of getting to know oneself repeatedly as we continually change and morph to align with the new frequencies. We will never be the same, nor would we want to be.
We can see the cosmic balance struggling to return to a new alignment on a global level. This intensifies tensions between countries, our home countries, and our relationships. We are also seeing the “expected” intensification of weather patterns, and this last hurricane, Helene, has made her point, but are we listening? A cosmic balance is coming in waves that appear like chaos to us, but I am told all this is necessary for a time.
Most people are now becoming aware that we live on a planet with two clearly distinct realities, and most of humanity is in one or the other. How this continues to evolve on our planet has yet to be decided by the collective. Either way, paradoxically, humanity at a collective soul level is working together as ONE to bring about balance.
It appears at present that the two realities will become less and less aware of the other to the point where they no longer exist for each other. Nobody really knows how this will play out. We have never entered a new large cycle of time while in physical bodies. In ages past, when we shifted into new cycles, many passed consciously into another dimension, or escaped with some otherworldly assistance, or dropped their bodies altogether. All three options may be playing out now.
This eclipse portal makes one feel like humanity is holding its breath as we wonder how things will unfold. We have had days where we felt like we could not get enough oxygen. We have had other days where we didn’t know which way to go. We’ve had episodes of feeling stalled, confused, and completely turned around. We have gathered many ideas and options for where we will put our energy next, but it has not been the time to put them into action. All we experience right now is a normal part of our ascension into a new frequency, or so I’m told.
This portal is a time to let go of the undefinable and the unknowable that echoes from the past and has been rippling toward us in this eclipse portal. We are preparing plans for what we will do next, keeping in mind that all our plans may change. Nothing is solid yet.
It’s amazing to watch humanity collectively going through this unique process that we are totally unprepared for. How could we have been prepared? We have never lived through this part of evolution on this planet, not ever. I think it’s incredible that we are all holding it together as well as we are, all while it feels like our world is falling apart. But our spirits know exactly what to do even though our minds are at a loss for what is next. It is all in divine order. Soon, we can look back and see our incredible progress, all achieved simply by surrendering and following our hearts.
This eclipse portal
This eclipse portal

This morning I was told to go and sit in the sun, a rather wintry sun, even though it is supposed to be spring.
I was shown how the sun with the flares is emitting sacred geometrical patterns filled with sound. These are directly downloaded into our pineal and pituitary glands and activating the dormant faculties within, as it is activating our new lightbodies, and super human abilities.
The combination of sacred geometrical light power combined with celestial sound is very powerful, and as I was tuning in, it sounded like choirs of angels singing.
Then I was in a much higher state, taken into the New Earth, and into a vast crystal pyramid in the middle, and therein in an enormous chamber, is the gigantic crystal of the New Earth. It was pulsating with golden-white fire, generating the 7th dimensional frequency of the New Golden Age. The new crystalline energy fields are being fully activated and this is now causing the New Earth to fully incorporate the Old Earth, causing the old to make way for the new.
I was shown how this is connecting certain sites on earth, and was shown the new landmasses rising in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, which supercede the old and thus the rising of the new humanity, all life and life forms, as well as the return of those we believed to be extinct.
Interestingly I was taken into one of the inner ocean abodes of the Mer people, who with the dolphins and whales, are overseeing the new oceans and waters, and are playing a vital role in the new birthing.
It means a new birth in so many forms and ways – I cannot find adequate words to describe this. All I can say is release the old, to make way for the new.
Do not cling onto anything, or anyone.
All is in a process of changing form.
celestial sound
celestial sound




Seek the Internal Light Wisdom of your DNA.
Discover your Multidimensional Light Journey
Align to the TRUE Vibrational YOU, beyond the constraints of NOW. Understand your Day to Day Reality is only a Fractual part of You.
The Journey of the Light Self is the Inner Light Path. To learn about your many selves, the whole You. To see the Light Path before you.
The Inner Light Awakening 💥
Discover your Light Path day by day, the clues your Soul Team provide.
Synchronistic numbers, the feathers apon your Light Path, natures gifts. All aligned to assist your energetic Pathway of Light 💥
Daily Affirmations To Your Soul Team:
I call in my Soul Family of Unconditional Love.
To provide daily Light Gifts to illuminate my path.
To assist my light decisions and Mission.
To please provide daily guidance to assist my path of Unconditional Love.
With Love Light Family,
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika






Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Support is carrying you through endings, and into your new beginning. Receive the Divine protection that is assuring your success.

Today is an opportune time to review the details before proceeding. More insights are bringing new understanding to reflect on.

Decisions to release what needs to go will assist in a happier future. Trust that you are evolving and have therefore outgrown many things. It’s ok to expand and change, so avoid judging your choices.

Trust that these are leading to a beautiful new beginning you will love.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Divine Child embodied
Divine Child embodied

Adrienne Elise

This week’s Libra Solar Eclipse is bringing a powerful energy. The Sun and Moon will be together with Mercury and Black Moon Lilith, and not too far away from the South Node of the Moon. We are seeing through the lies and delusions, in order to release ourselves from the chains of past. The method of capture was through contracts which we made with lower beings who manipulated us into these toxic predatory arrangements. We must reevaluate our loyalties and make sure that everyone in our life is exactly who they say they are. We are leveling up and taking those around us up with us.

Eclipses are a lining up of energy. This Eclipse is particularly potent because of the planetary line-up in Libra. All focus is on our relationships, and who we are to our community. The darkness can no longer hide. The truth is being told and every force is being revealed in it’s true resonance. We are bringing Dark to Light.

Mercury is about coming into greater understanding. The Sun and Mercury just crossed over the South Node of the Moon, bringing to light these past toxic relationships. Mercury will catch up to the Sun on October 1st. We are coming to awareness in our heart, soul and emotions. We are facing the lies which have kept us from owning and claiming our Power. We are healing and finding peace and forgiveness for what got us here today. But we can no longer participate in a world that is not in alignment with Our Loving Mother. We stand, as representatives of Her Authority, and in reverence for All She Offers.

We are just coming off of a week with a kite formation made by The Sun and Mercury opposing Neptune. This Eclipse Season is about lifting up into new realities. This is confirmed and amplified by Mars in Cancer coming into trine with Saturn in Pisces. It is officially time to Dream a New Dream which is the Mother’s Original Dream. Venus in Scorpio will be coming into trine with Saturn on October 5th, making a Grand Water Trine. Venus in Scorpio says it is safe to come back into connection with Creation Energy. We are diving deep, in order to uncover our inner treasures.

This Grand Water Trine says that the wheel of time must turn, and the only direction forward is back to the Mother. Eclipses often indicate timeline alignments. Mars in Cancer is ready to fight for Her World Her Way. Our feminine is standing up to claim what is rightfully Hers, permission for flourishing abundance. All resources and technologies must come into alignment with Her Way. What is Right, and Good, and True wins again.

On Monday, September 30th, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, is connecting with the Sun, ruler of vital energy, in Libra, sign of the Scales. Libra is the only sign that is an inanimate object….not an animal, nor a person. We know Libra to be the ruler of relationships, but it also rules balance, harmony, peace and justice. We can also look at this as the karmic scales rebalancing the energies in our lives, and perhaps on the planet herself.
We cannot continue to look upon, and treat each other with a lack of equality and regard. We also cannot continue to treat Earth Mother Gaia with a lack of care and respect. For today, reach out to those in your life and let them know you care….treat strangers as if they were your sisters and brothers….and send Earth Mother Gaia your love and gratitude.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤️
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, is connecting with the Sun, ruler of vital energy, in Libra, sign of the Scales
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, is connecting with the Sun, ruler of vital energy, in Libra, sign of the Scales
Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra. Mercury conjunct South Node. Mars in Cancer trine Saturn retrograde in Pisces – Echoes from the past and old voices are still in play. But illumination is coming. Think light and there will be an answer, a revelation, a brilliant flash of knowing, or an inner story that guides your hand. Stop asking for answers and listen. Your heart knows. Your soul speaks. Let the old paradigms fall away.
For some, these days may be marked by messages coming out of the blue, strange thoughts wandering through, odd ideas that curiously make sense. Let your mind turn them over and examine them from all sides. There are stories with multiple endings. Choose your frequency to choose your path. There are dreams in the making here. With strength and fortitude, you can accomplish your goals. Wise action comes from trusting your instincts.
This post is dedicated to my dear friend Suzie who passed away yesterday morning as the Sun was meeting the South Node in her sun sign and just as the transiting North Node entered my 8th house. I shall miss her dearly.
Degrees and Times
Mercury, South Node 06°Li38′ – 01:19 (BST)
Mercury 06°Li52′, Pallas 06°Sg52′ – 04:20 (BST)
Mars 14°Cn24′, Saturn 14°Pi24′ R – 05:06 (BST)
Sun, Mercury 08°Li11′ – 22:09 (BST)
Painting – Elenita at the Beach, Asturias by Joaquín Sorolla
Elenita at the Beach, Asturias
Elenita at the Beach, Asturias

Kin 85 ~ Red Resonant Serpent

‘Resonant’ is the name for the number 7 and its keywords are ‘Attune, Inspire and Channel’. The seventh day is all about adjusting your frequency, tuning yourself in – so you may receive wisdom from the Universe. We are now right bang in the middle of the wavespell, so a good time to ponder what you’ve experienced thus far and attune so you may understand what steps to take next. Some cultures regard the number seven as lucky and if it does enable you to channel, well that seems lucky to me!
Today is the Red Serpent which represents ‘Life Force, Instinct and Survival’. The Serpent is a very sensitive creature, it detects the slightest movement. He has a good handle on everything that is going on in the vicinity. On Serpent days, we too can use our instincts to work out what is happening. If you try to feel the subtle vibrations and use your snakey senses, you too can detect details you previously overlooked. This sensitivity however, can be intense so be aware of that today. The Serpent also represents transmutation – as it is said if you can survive a snake bite, you become stronger. This symbolizes transmuting your own poison, or darkness or whatever prevents you from vibrating higher. Take advantage of this energy today and process the venom you may be poisoning yourself with and set it free. As it is a ‘Resonant’ day, you can channel the wisdom you need to help you succeed.
Today is Guided by Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’ and this is a very appropriate guide for such a day. Allowing the desire to progress on your spiritual path, motivates you to channel the Serpent’s healing process. These two go together so well because the Serpent crawls on the Earth on its belly. This close connection.they have means that today is a great day for connecting with nature.
The Challenge today is the Blue Eagle. The Eagle is so busy flying high in the sky, that he forgets to land sometimes and ground. This energy represents the Crown chakra, and the Eagle is the opposite of the Serpent which represents the Base chakra. If you are an Eagle, come down and see the earth up close like a serpent does, you may learn something with this up close and personal perspective today.
The Occult power is the Yellow Warrior and when in this magical position, you can expect opportunities to go on a magical quest. Make it your mission today to use a little magic and channel the wisdom you need.
The Ally is the charming White Wizard. Consult one if you need a friend today as they will be very useful, Wizards can enchant you and help you find the right path.
This is a Portal Day so there’s a potential for intensity!
Kin 85
Kin 85


Inspiring instinct
I seal the store of life force
With the Resonant tone of attunement
I AM guided by the power of navigation
30/9/2024 = 3/9/8 = 3/17=3/8=11=2
30- Retrospection/Retreat
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
11- Portal/Gate/Polarity/Illumination
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 85 = 13 =4 New Foundation
Today we have a DATE with DESTINY on this potent 11 – GAP portal day.. ensuring these POTENT codes are fully encoded in GAIA’S GRIDS as humanity TRANSFORMS! The Serpent,🐍 resonant emotions😢, blue storm🌪🌩 and GAP day 🍥💥– Mamma Mia what a PUNCH!!✊ 💥💥
Day 7 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL🌩🌪🌀 of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. The STORM and the SERPENT brings each of us, and humanity, a HUGE Majikal transformation today, through shedding our old emotional snake skins!. 🐍🐍🐍
Today we ATTUNE to the cycles, transcending the old survival themes, and transforming them to a higher frequency, allowing our kundalini🔥🔥 to rise up, elevating our consciousness. 📈🌟
RESONANT 🔮 Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone provides the ability to fine tune and channel the majikal forces today, to affect great healing and transformation. 🌿⚛
Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation.⚛ This is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. So it is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings, and what frequencies we are actually emitting as a transmitter to the aetheric realm.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment that is available to us all. Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician which strengthens our ability to affect real change and transformation in our lives.
Today’s question is “What instinctual FEARS and emotions can I release, to raise my consciousness beyond SURVIVAL mode, IGNITING my PASSION💋💃 through my higher Divine Mission?”
Divine blessings for your transcendance of FEAR, in attunement to the BIG global AQUARIAN PICTURE. ❤❤❤
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
❓❓What are you ATTUNED to today?
❓❓What ELSE is possible for you, once you release your emotional attachment to FEAR based responses?
UNLEASH your MAJIK today! 💫💫
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED RESONANT SERPENT 🔮 🐍 CHICCHAN The themes for RED SERPENT are SURVIVAL, life-force, kundalini, passion, vitality and instinct. 🔥💋💃🌿🌞🔥
CHICCHAN increases the INTENSITY🔥 of the day, as primal FEARS are highlighted. FEAR may arise to be cleared and transformed TODAY, through the power of the Serpent to shed its skin, and be born anew. As RESONANT is an EMOTIONAL tone this AMPLIFIES the EMOTIONAL triggers today.
✨✨The CHOICE you need to make today and everyday, is between LOVE❤ or FEAR? 😱
What are you attuned to?❓❓❓
Sadly large numbers of the populace are still attuned to FEAR 😨– This is what drives their thoughts, words, and ACTIONS. This is how they are manipulated, controlled and kept enslaved. 😱😱😱
When you operate through FEAR,😱 the higher analytical and intuitive aspects of your BRAIN – SHUT DOWN. You literally DO NOT have the capacity to have rational thought. You become STUCK in FIGHT✊ or FLIGHT- 🏃 SURVIVAL mode, taxing your adrenal system, which creates more FEAR and anxiety.😱😭😱
🌟🌟🌟 The way OUT of this vicious cycle is to SLOW down, switch OFF and tune out… Limit the sensory overload and retreat into nature to calm your body, mind and soul.🌞🌿🐦
As we attune to the natural flow of life, we can then RELAX, and our BRAIN begins to function better, with more clarity from our intuitive messages.
RED SERPENT operates and ACTS through INSTINCTUAL responses.. if you are stuck in FEAR MODE then you will RE-ACT to triggers and stimuli usually in a limited format. To raise your frequency and find SOLUTIONS, you must be willing to LISTEN and ATTUNE to a higher channel of wisdom.
If you are BALANCED and in the LIGHT side of RED SERPENT, you can attune to the more positive aspects of the wise Serpent giving you more vitality🌞 and life force🔥 to fuel your PASSION,🔥 whether that be of a romantic nature or of a creative expression focus. 💃💃💃
The SHADOW of Red Serpent can arise today, bringing up our instinctive connection to SURVIVAL, and whatever that means to you, be it physical, financial, emotional or wherever you perceive lack, FEAR or DANGER.
The anxiety, fear or nervousness arises through the chaos and agitation of BLUE STORM, which is seeking to purify and cleanse your vessel of all limitations and FEAR based emotions and thinking.
The BLUE STORM 🌪energy is heightening these emotions and assisting in the final PURGE.. releasing you from bondage and enslavement through FEAR.
Use your breath, through relaxing, meditating, doing yoga or sitting in nature🌿 to gently heal and release these ancient primal fears. CHICCHAN is the symbol of the healing caduceus, so utilize this panacea for your wounding today to restore your LIFE FORCE🌞🌟 and make you WHOLE again.
EDITOR’S NOTE: recap dream I had 36 moons ago – 4 Galactic Spins of KIN 85.
Yesterday morning on Overtone Night – DREAMTIME day – I had a dream where I was walking on a red dusty road in the outback, which felt like the Rainbow Serpent 🌈🐍ley line. The path had young rainbow serpents🌈🐍 slithering onto it from both sides of the road – huge numbers of them now joining the main artery. I had been tuning into ULURU the previous day and the RAINBOW SERPENT🌈🐍 had been calling me. I take this message to mean that there are many more Serpents available to humanity now to reclaim and COMMAND back our POWER and healing life force. The Serpents had a lilac glow with black stripes – indicating much transmuting is happening now. 💜🌈💜
Synchronistically my beloved and talented siStar – Haven Greer
had intuitively drawn a Mumma Serpent 🐍healing her injured hand 💗🖐💚
I perceived the healing rays in her Artwork as young serpents! Galactic Sistar Haven is a Self-Existing Serpent 🗳🐍-4 CHICCHAN, so she is defining the form that the healing will take through her Art. Absolutely DIVINELY PERFECTO! Deep gratitude Shamanic siStar. 🙏🙏🙏
NOTE- FROM LAST GALACTIC SPIN – 9 MOONS AGO: Many people are reporting encounters with SNAKES the last few weeks, with LIVE Snakes and finding snake skins – this SNAKE medicine is teaching us important lessons re transmuting POISON into healing medicine.
And if you thought the energies were SUPER INTENSE🔥🔥🔥 at the moment through this Eclipse Cauldron, PLUTO RETRO in Cap/BLUE STORM WAVESPELL – with a COMET, second moon (asteroid) and NOVA explosion….then get ready for IGNITION POINT!! ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡
In 20 days time, on 20 OCTOBER 2024, we enter the belly of the SERPENT🐍🔥 as we commence the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL which will really test our resolve!! Hang on beloveds we are being SPIRITUALLY tested AGAIN !!! Let’s alchemize this POISON☠️ into PASSION.💓.
EDITOR’S NOTE: So funny I am reminded that POISON☠️ was the name of my favourite perfume when I was in my twenties and waitressing at Pizza Hut whilst at UNIVERSITY… It was sooo STRONG that customers could smell it over the PIZZA aroma! A few years later I became allergic to chemical based PERFUMES! So IRONIC!
The RESONANT SERPENT powerfully activates and raises our KUNDALINI energy today, so channel this wisely for healing and expression through creative pursuits.
It is time to use your VITALITY🌞 and PASSION🔥❤ to inspire others..
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED RESONANT EARTH🔮 🌎– CABAN assists us in attuning and listening to the cycles and timing of Mother Gaia, instinctively knowing there is a “right time” for everything. ⏳👍
The Resonant EARTH is brilliantly calibrated to Pachamama like a tuning fork, totally in sync. with her rhythms. Where Mother Earth goes, we all go, as passengers on this timeship⏳🌏 called EARTH/TERRA!
We need to look and listen for the SIGNS. This intuitive instinctual response has been honed through our ancestry, so that we can recognize when DANGER lurks nearby, or we do not feel SAFE. Tap into the energy of Mother Gaia to lead you to safety and natural abundance, finding safe shelter in her arms. As you fortify your connection you can draw up greater LIFE-FORCE through your EARTH star chakra using that as a POWER 🌋generator to charge your Mission.
CABAN and CHICCHAN make a formidable duo, to tap in and channel this incredible POWER and VITALITY, to inspire others through your PASSION for LIFE.
RED EARTH 🌏 guiding the RESONANT SERPENT🐍 is a powerful Planetary day, raising GAIA’s kundalini🔥 through our Planetary Serpents,🌏🐍 and activating the life force in Gaia’s Chakras and Grid system. 🌐
GAIA may respond with EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANOES 🌋 floods, or other phenomena to purify and cleanse the mass FEAR held by the collective that has been stagnating her energy.
As GAIA purges her meridians, this enables more VITALITY and LIFE FORCE to flow through the Planetary Grid🌐 Higher consciousness energies will then FLOW through our entire GLOBE benefiting our Planetary family and accelerating ✨THE GREAT AWAKENING.✨
TRUST IN THE DIVINE PLAN!🙏💝 MOTHER GAIA is well in control, dear Star🌟 Bliss 🐬Supernova Suns🌞. 🌹✨✨✨
SUPPORT: WHITE RESONANT WIZARD 🔮💫 IX encourages you to SURRENDER to the changes, to OPEN your HEART,❤ to feel SAFE, and to take down the barriers to love and growth. WHITE WIZARD allows you to become more receptive, to know, and understand what is TRUTH leading you back to safe ground.
WHITE WIZARD allows you to transcend the Earthly ways and reach for the Heaven’s! You have access to much MAJIK💫💫 today through IX, the RESONANT codes and EARTH MAJIK. 💫💫💫💫
The WIZARD loves to sit in contemplation with Mother Gaia,🌏 immersing himself in nature🌿 and becoming ONE with all that is. Feeling and sensing her rhythyms and heartbeat, as he enters his Shamanic journeys.
He is very skilled at reading the SIGNS and using the GPS, to track the source of blockages and interference, in order to CLEAR the PATH, for moving forward in harmony with Mother Earth.
The RESONANT WIZARD is very adept at channeling wisdom from multi-dimensional realms for inspiration and creative expression. You can draw upon this power to cast your Majik DREAMspell 💫and ENCHANT and inspire others through your integrity and alignment with your Divine purpose.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RESONANT WARRIOR 🔮 🌈🏹 CIB Sadly humanity is quite resistant to change, and thus it often takes an event of cataclysmic proportions, and/or a life-threatening situation that FORCES change upon us.
Most people need plenty of “friction” creating RESISTANCE, in order to catalyze the change needed for GROWTH and soul expansion. Mother Gaia generally obliges us through NATURAL DISASTERS, her ECLIPSE cycles, and astrological alignments and transits – especially the SQUARES.
If you do not move in the direction of your DESTINY the celestial bodies will “pull the rug out from under you” and force you to MOVE! Especially as PLUTO enters AQUARIUS on 20 November 2024, forcing humanity to focus on global equality, prosperity and service to others!.
If only we were more in sync. with the cycles and could FLOW with the energies, our transition and growth would happen with ease and grace. Instead we resist, hold on and battle with these new forces, reluctant to let go of the old.
The Ascension cycle is a brilliant example of how our bodies feel threatened by these high level frequencies, reacting with FEAR and thus shielding and rejecting them as foreign. If we could relax and assimilate these energies, by naturally listening to our bodies wisdom, and the guidance of our Higher selves we could bypass the FEAR and discomfort.
Detoxing, purifying and raising our frequency naturally, eliminates the need for stress, hardship and battles. The YELLOW WARRIOR today gives you the courage to face the battles, hardships and challenges that arise through facing your innermost FEARS in order to catalyze great self-transformation. This accelerated and INTENSE ASCENSION phase requires much fortitude, courage and FAITH to journey through this rite of passage! .
The RESONANT WARRIOR also awakens the RAINBOW WARRIOR🌈🏹 who is attuned to the New Earth, to bravely come out of his shell and courageously LEAD the masses, who are still trembling from the trauma of the last few years. We have a potent GAP portal day with an 11 ILLUMINATION code today – so the RAINBOW WARRIORS are fearlessly ACTIVATED in their QUEST to anchor NEW EARTH. .
These Warriors of the Rainbow 🌈 are the Wayshowers who hold NO FEAR, because they are privy to the Divine Plan for Earth. As they fearlessly lead the way to NEW EARTH with confidence and trust, they inspire others to feel safe, protected and provided for in these transitional times.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE RESONANT EAGLE 🔮 👁 MEN provides inspired VISIONS👁👁 today that channel the solutions needed to evolve. BLUE EAGLE provides clarity and objectivity, to overcome the tyranny of enslavement to our emotional body and irrational fears. We can see the big picture of what action we need to take to transcend our FEARS and align with our Higher Missions.
🌟🌟🌟The RESONANT EAGLE provides the FUTURE VISION🔮👁 of Gaia’s evolution.⏳🌏. showing us the DESTINATION, so that we can use the RED EARTH GPS system to set our course for the most Utopian timeline. 🐬🌴🏝🌈
The BLUE EAGLE clan are the prophets, seers and scouts that lead the tribe to SAFETY, and the promised land.
Allow BLUE EAGLE to fly into the distance and return with the maps directing our QUEST to find the Holy Grail.
So beloveds a day of great kundalini rising 🌋🐍from Pachamama, to allow the reception of Divine inspiration from the Heavens…helping us navigate our path to the promised land – Somewhere over the rainbow.🌈🌈🌈
Blessed be and deep LOVE…💗💗💗
Today’s question is “What instinctual FEARS and emotions can I release, to raise my consciousness beyond SURVIVAL mode, IGNITING my PASSION💋💃 through my higher Divine Mission?”
Divine blessings for your transcendance of FEAR, in attunement to the BIG global AQUARIAN PICTURE. ❤❤❤
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of Week of September 29th through October 5th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥


Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 29th through October 5th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

CLICK HERE to receive this special Transmission



A Daily Ritual to the Sun🌅

Gautama Buddha reminds us how important it is to make a daily ritual of facing the Sun of our I AM Presence and the sun of Helios and Vesta.
“Recognize, that all sons and daughters of God…have the possibility of meditating upon the Great Central Sun through the Sun of their I AM Presence and the sun of Helios and Vesta.”
“With concentrated visualization daily, you can establish such a strong tie to the Great Central Sun as to make you almost oblivious to the darkness of the earth. You must always put this darkness behind you, and when you invoke your tube of light, visualize the rays of the Great Central Sun streaming down upon you within and without.”
A Daily Ritual to the Sun
A Daily Ritual to the Sun

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