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The Heaven Event * Quantum Financial System (QFS) Unleashed: Every Citizen to Receive $100,000 Monthly Through NESARA Payment Plan!

Quantum Financial System (QFS) Unleashed: Every Citizen to Receive $100,000 Monthly Through NESARA Payment Plan!





Quantum Financial System (QFS) Unleashed: Every Citizen to Receive $100,000 Monthly Through NESARA Payment Plan!

Amid a world on the brink of economic collapse and moral decay, the  Quantum Financial System (QFS)  emerges not only as a beacon of hope, but as a revolutionary force destined to  overturn current financial paradigms  and reforge the global economy in the fire of truth and transparency.

This system is no ordinary financial tool;  it is the harbinger of an era of absolute justice,  where the distribution of wealth is controlled not by the corruptible hands of a select few, but by the inflexible and incorruptible algorithms of quantum technology.

Let’s delve into the treasure trove of facts that underscore this revolutionary shift. Consider the financial allocations provided to individuals based on age. An 18-year-old receives over $3 million, while a 65-year-old gets over $11 million in their QFS account.

These are not arbitrary numbers, but calculated payments designed to counteract decades, if not centuries, of financial oppression and inequality. With these resources at their disposal,  every citizen is empowered to contribute to the economy in unprecedented ways  , turning the tide against the old guard of financial elitists.

The narrative being spun by skeptics and pessimists is a desperate attempt to undermine this system, fearing its loss of control.  But the truth we understand is different.

Recalibrating these funds to 1955 prices is a strategic move, not to devalue current wealth, but to highlight the manipulation of inflation by central banks and corrupt financial institutions over decades.

By adjusting to 1955 prices,  the QFS is not only offering wealth  , but also making  a statement against historical financial exploitation by those in power.

The structure of  NESARA payments, a generous $100,000 a month for 11 years,  is another stroke of genius. This staggering sum, which totals over $13 million and scales to over a quarter of a billion in 1955 prices, is poised to completely eradicate poverty and welfare dependency.

The ingenious balance  that QFS maintains by injecting these funds directly into humanitarian projects  and essential economic activities, thus catalyzing productivity and sustainable growth.

Consider the business model in which properties are bought, repaired, and sold at a loss. To the untrained eye, this seems like financial madness. However, those who look deeper will see a clever strategy to stabilize real estate markets artificially inflated by speculative trading and predatory lending.

Selling properties at a loss at 1955 prices effectively functions as a market correction tool, a bold move to undermine speculative housing bubbles and  make housing affordable for everyone, not just the wealthy elite.

Furthermore, the directive to hire government experts to construct and inspect these properties is not about surveillance or control, but about accountability and quality assurance.

It ensures that every construction project meets the highest standards of safety and efficiency, paving the way for durable infrastructure that can stand the test of time, unlike the poorly constructed buildings of our current era that prioritize profit over people.

The QFS is not eliminating community support  , but redirecting it through safer, more transparent and efficient channels. This eradicates the potential for fraud and ensures that help reaches those who need it most, without the usual red tape or bureaucratic delays.

In conclusion, the  Quantum Financial System is a social revolution.  It is a bold and definitive step towards a world where economic power is returned to the people, where wealth is not hoarded but shared, where each person is an integral thread in the fabric of a more just and equitable society.

This is the dawn of a new era,  meticulously crafted and implemented by those who dare to imagine a better world. Embrace this truth and be a witness to the monumental transformation of our time, driven by none other than the QFS.



NESARA Payment Plan
NESARA Payment Plan



💥Chevron’s CEO, Dies at 87 Ken Derr
💥Idaho Republican senator Steve Symms dies at 86
💥Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki dies at 56
💥Music legend Maurice Williams dies at 86
💥Kevin Sullivan, Pro Wrestling’s ‘Prince of Darkness,’ Dies at 75
💥Mitzi McCall, Comedian, Actress and Sitcom Writer, Dies at 93
💥Chi Chi Rodriguez, the Golf World’s Swashbuckling Champion, Dies at 88
💥Howie Cohen, Dies at 81
💥Arthur Massey Welcome to Wrexham star dies at 100
💥Robert Logan, ‘77 Sunset Strip’ star and adventure film icon, dies at 82
💥J. Robin Warren, Who Proved That Bacteria Cause Ulcers, Dies at 87
💥Sean Piche The Founder Of Fur Affinity Dies at 44
💥Joss Naylor, the English King of Racing Up Mountains, dies at 88
💥Columbia Basin College planetarium director dies
💥East San Francisco Bay Regional Park District director Ellen Corbett dies

Q post 1933: Suicide Weekend dated Aug 26, 2018 > Exactly 71 months ago or 5 years 11 months ago (11.5)🔥

Remember Remember the fifth of November🎭🎭🎭

Q post 700: Suicide Weekend dated Feb 9, 2018 > Exactly 6 years 6 months, 6 days from Aug 15th the day The King Elvis died, & Queen of soul Aretha Franklin.👑

Checkmate Incoming♟️

💥Robert Brunsen died August 16 & I decoded Brunson is over turned next week which explains all the deaths☠️

Maybe we get two Suicide weekends. Time to wrap up story lines. Next 👀




Sources said delays were from making sure QFS system and all the test clients were done perfectly so they can see their funds in their accounts (or hold SKRs) but would not be able to use these funds until the shotgun start has started

Understand Swift system might still be in use until all old currency has been declared useless but those evil sources are still trying their best to keep it open or slow down the exchange.

Sources say Monday/Tuesday for release of emails/800#

INTERNATIONAL default rates
(Not Solverant/humanitarian)

Dinar will value at a “RI” rate from the time Iraq was invaded which would put it around $3.22 – $3.78
Zim are being offered at a default rate of first two 100T aa bond notes up to 30 T notes at 20Million each, 31 T notes and up would default to 15million decreasing the more notes you own.
HOWEVER the AA Zim are Bonds and we have been told they can NOT be renegotiated, ASK for the contract/solverant rate

These rates can be negotiated on your second visit with your projects and team members.
You will have 90days to exchange

Have all currency on a spreadsheet and a copy for your appointment personal.
Currency should be separated by countries and denominations
Have your projects ready with a copy for your appointment personal.
Have your amounts ready to take care of your immediate needs.
No cash will be given, but a account of 50,000 to 100,000 will be put in your account
You can bring accountants, lawyers, banker and or family members but all must sign a NDA


John F. Kennedy Jr.

If You Know You Know





Crypto Braces for Huge Surge After Forbes Predicts $60,000 XRP Price

Mathew Jacob

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, every piece of news, rumor, and projection carries significant weight. Recently, the XRP community buzzed with anticipation over a mysterious Forbes article projecting a jaw-dropping price surge for XRP, potentially reaching an astonishing $59,472. While wild predictions are not uncommon in the crypto world, the involvement of two prominent AI chatbots, Google Bard AI and Microsoft’s Bing, added an intriguing layer to this unfolding story.

Microsoft Bing’s Revelation

Microsoft’s Bing chatbot was the first to provide insights into the enigmatic Forbes article. According to Bing, Forbes published an article titled “The New Bitcoin Is XRP And It’s Headed To $59,472.” However, Bing claimed that Forbes promptly removed the article from its platform after its initial publication. This sudden removal sparked curiosity within the XRP community, leading to heated debates among crypto enthusiasts.

The reasons behind the removal of the article remain shrouded in mystery, fueling a wide range of speculations. Some suggest it might have been a routine editorial decision, while others entertain the notion of potential legal or regulatory concerns. Regardless of the cause, the article’s disappearance only added to the intrigue surrounding the XRP price projection.

Google Bard’s Perspective

Adding a chronological dimension to this evolving narrative, Google Bard AI provided its account of the story. Bard corroborated Bing’s assertion that Forbes did publish an article titled “The New Bitcoin Is XRP And It’s Headed To $59,472.” According to Bard, the article was dated September 21, 2023. However, some members of the XRP community remain skeptical about the publication date.

In terms of the article’s content, Bard’s description aligned with Bing’s account. Both chatbots emphasized that the article boldly predicted XRP’s ascent to the eye-popping price of $59,472. The factors cited to support this bullish forecast included the growing adoption of RippleNet, rising interest from institutional investors, and overall positive sentiment in the cryptocurrency market.

As for the reasons behind Forbes’ decision to remove the article, the crypto community’s opinions diverge widely. Some suggest it might have contained inaccurate or misleading information, while others propose that it failed to meet Forbes’ stringent editorial standards. Remarkably, Forbes has remained tight-lipped on the matter.

XRP’s Expanding Utility

In addition to the speculative price surge, XRP is seeing increased utility in the real world.



XRP's Expanding Utility
XRP’s Expanding Utility



Jack Straw


Summary of discussion with military intelligence source


BQQQM!!!  Discover the dramatic truth behind the WWG1WGA protocol, Tesla’s time machine and its connections to Cheyenne Mountain and the Philadelphia Experiment. Explore how time travel technology, hidden by military intelligence, could reshape our future in this eye-opening exposé.


Unlocking the Secrets of the WWG1WGA Protocol and Time Travel Technology

The Truth of the Time Warp Hidden in Plain Sight.  In a world where science fiction often mirrors reality, whispers of time travel and clandestine operations are no longer confined to the realms of novels and movies.

Hidden deep in the annals of military intelligence, a mysterious protocol known as  WWG1WGA emerges,  revealing connections to the enigmatic works of Nikola Tesla and the controversial  Philadelphia Experiment.

This article explores the extraordinary claims that link these secrets to time travel technology and a global conspiracy that could change the course of humanity. Buckle up as we delve into the dramatic and mind-bending world of Tesla’s time machine, White Hats, and the impending  Sky Event.

The Genesis of the WWG1WGA Protocol.  The term WWG1WGA, an acronym for  “Where We Go One, We Go All,”  has gained attention in recent years, particularly among certain groups that believe in hidden truths and global conspiracies.

However, few people know that this phrase is more than just a rallying cry; it is supposedly the codename for a military protocol that focuses on advanced time travel technology. The origins of this protocol can be traced back to one of the most brilliant minds in history:  Nikola Tesla.

Tesla, a pioneer in electricity and magnetism, was known for his groundbreaking inventions and theories. However, less is known about his work on time travel. According to unverified sources, Tesla developed a time machine that harnessed the energy of the universe — energy that could theoretically allow someone to travel not only through time, but across dimensions. This technology, it is alleged, was later developed and protected by military forces at  Cheyenne Mountain  , one of the most secure locations in the United States.

Cheyenne Mountain has long been rumored to be the epicenter of secret military operations, including those related to time travel. The WWG1WGA protocol, these sources claim, is a critical part of these operations, serving as the key to unlocking Tesla’s time machine, which has been under lock and key for decades.

The Tesla-Trump Connection: A Link Beyond Time.  The relationship between  Nikola Tesla and John G. Trump,  uncle of  President Donald Trump,  is one of the most intriguing aspects of this conspiracy. John G. Trump was a respected scientist and engineer, particularly known for his work on high-voltage radiation and particle acceleration at MIT. While his contributions to science are well documented, what is less well known is his connection to Tesla.

John Trump and Tesla  were not just colleagues; they were reportedly close neighbors and collaborators, sharing not only a closeness but also a deep interest in the untapped potential of high-voltage phenomena. After Tesla’s death, John Trump was tasked by the U.S. government with reviewing Tesla’s papers and inventions. According to some reports, he discovered Tesla’s notes on time travel and worked on advancing these ideas in secret.

This connection between Tesla and Trump has fueled speculation that the former president’s family was involved in the development and control of time travel technology. Some have even suggested that Donald Trump himself may have had access to this technology, which allegedly influenced his decisions during his presidency. While these allegations remain unfounded, they add a dramatic layer to the narrative surrounding Tesla’s work and its potential implications for the future.

Brand New Message On The Debt Clock
Brand New Message On The Debt Clock




They have been informed that the GESARA law is being enforced by the different governments that are now famous, Russia, China, Mexico, BRICS, they are enforcing the GESARA law, not the United States, because NESARA belongs to the United States. States and GESARA It is global, but the United States no longer has power in the world so it will not be the United States that announces this law but the people who are implementing it, the countries that already have no elites, Russia, China, Mexico, India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, etc. it was all part of a light plan to end the financial system of the elite that manipulated everything and everyone with its currency, that is over and now the dollar is not is also the official currency of the world. Now countries will have their own currencies backed by gold and assets to trade and thus boost their economies, help each other, all countries will be sovereign now, there will be no more one country over another and no more one currency that governs everything, you understand This is what is really happening and they want to avoid it, that is why they invent everything for themselves, they want war and stay in power and they won’t be allowed to do that anymore, THEIR TIME OF POWER IS OVER, Now Russia is the military power The world still has China, the world’s economic powerhouse, everything has changed but the dark ones do not want to surrender or leave power, that is why we will carry out a financial reset globally whether they like it or not.

no, it’s the end of their system and it’s coming soon, but that’s not to alarm anyone, everything will happen without chaos, everything will change, value of currency, cash will also disappear and everything will be digital, but it’s a process, it won’t happen overnight, everything will take time so don’t worry, you don’t need to withdraw money goes out of banks because everything is controlled, whichever bank is going bankrupt will be the upper class people, because of the new quantum financial system, QFS cannot be hacked or corrupted, that’s why Why do they want to avoid change, because in this they no longer win and lose all, do you understand everything now?

The GESARA Law also covers the event of contact with beings from space and other planets, which is why the disclosure of UFOs is also important, but the darkness continues to prevent everything, invention false theories such as the supposed Blue Beam and the alien invasion theory. stop the progress of this planet and make contact with them, because if they come, the dark ones will leave, do you understand? Don’t fall into those traps, they are just traps to try to avoid the GESARA event and laws, but especially the First Contact.

But they will never be able to stop it, they can no longer avoid the inevitable as before, on September 11, they stopped the advance by lowering the vibration with events that distracts them from what is really about to happen, they are capable of anything even knocking down their own tower to manipulate things, killing many people.

That’s why stop empowering them and stop giving them attention, because with your attention you only give them more power.

Join now, while it’s not too late:

John F. Kennedy Jr.

If You Know You Know

God Bless America


Galactic Federation Special Envoy
Galactic Federation Special Envoy



Conversation between Dr. Sarah, Elena (Galactic Federation Special Envoy) and JP (active duty US military soldier)


☆Dr. Michael Sala: Space Political Scientist


☆Elena Danan: Envoy of the Galactic Federation Solar System


☆JP: Active duty US military soldier


This is an excerpt of key points from a conversation between three different people.


  Jewel of the Atlantic Ocean Ark



*About the mission to bring back a purple crystal-like jewel when you go to the Ark (spaceship) at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.


☆JP: When I held that jewel in my hands,  I felt the jewel’s emotion—the joy and sadness of the land that comes from the story Ark lived through.


There were times when we could see images, like when the Ark first came to Earth.


☆Elena: This Ark at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean is the remains of the capital of Atlas (Atlantean era).


Atlas had two capitals, one of which was the ancient city, located in the center of a large island and ruled by Enki (Ia).


Oia gave other small islands as colonies to the Alteans (Cedros/Intergalactic Confederation).


When the Alteans build a city, they anchor the Ark to land and build around it.


This is because Ark has all the basic daily necessities, technology, medical equipment, etc.


At the end of the Atlantean era, a great flood occurred and all surrounding structures were destroyed except the Ark, which sank to the bottom of the ocean and remained there.


The jewel JP refers to is the core consciousness of the spaceship, which is the Ark.


The ship is half organic and has consciousness (AI).


The spaceship is equipped with AI, has superintelligence and has the ability to think for itself.


Like the Galactic Federation’s ships, the Cedars possess technology 20,000 years more advanced than the Galactic Federation.


So it’s much more advanced than AI, and Ark itself has become a true sentient entity.


I believe this consciousness is embedded in the jewelry.



It’s a crystal, and crystals are the best thing to store consciousness.


Once the crystal is removed from the Ark, the Ark can no longer move.


☆Dr. Sarah: Will the gem be used for other purposes?


☆Elena: You can activate something using crystals.


This crystal is conscious and unless it agrees to activate something else, it will not happen.


☆Dr. Sarah: So what comes to mind now is the story of David Adair coming face to face with a large spaceship at Area 51 in 1971, and the consciousness of that ship entering his body.


☆Elena: Yes, consciousness can enter a crystal and it can also enter a human body, but it can only enter a person whose DNA has the same frequency.


☆Dr. Sarah: So, does this mean that David Adair had DNA with a frequency that matched that spacecraft?


☆Elena: That’s right.


☆Dr. Sarah: JP, you said you went on a mission to return the jewel to Ark with four soldiers and four Nords.


☆JP: Also, I was very emotional and Nordiques was crying too.


Nordix is ​​usually very calm and doesn’t show much emotion, so the fact that he’s crying is a very strong emotion.


The gem was beaming with joy as it returned to the Ark.


Nordix then went to several rooms in the Ark and activated several things.


I think gemstones play a similar role to the heart of the arch or the body of the auricle.


I think if a human receives a heart transplant, that heart could keep another person alive, so the jewel could also activate other arcs.


☆Elena: This Nordix is ​​Altean.


It’s our own Ark and it’s from the Atlantean era, so I’m sure there are a lot of memories there.


So it’s only natural that they would be emotional when they returned the jewelry.


Their Ark is in other parts of the Atlantic Ocean and other parts of the Earth, so I think they took it with them to activate it.


☆Dr. Sarah: There are 24 Cedars runs in total, and Altean is one of them.


The Intergalactic Federation, which is the Cedros race, also works with other federations.


☆Elena: Yes, that’s right.


  The Earth Alliance controls the Ark.



Dr. Sarah: JP, you said that the Ark was originally in the Bermuda Triangle, but was later moved a little deeper into the Atlantic Ocean.


This is because it needed to be managed more internationally than just by the US military.


☆JP: Yes, the military chose to share information.


I think it’s because Ark has been discovered in other countries and I want them to share their information.


So they moved it more towards the mid-Atlantic than into American waters.


I think it is the process of moving the bow to its correct original location and tuning it to the correct frequency.


I believe that such a decision was made with the consent of both the Nordics and the US military.


☆Elena: There is a system of international cooperation, and that is the Earth Alliance.


The Earth Alliance also administers the Ark.


  ET that changes face



☆Dr. Sarah: On another JP mission, he accompanied four people who were clearly ETs to a large US military base.


So when they entered a certain room and came out, it looked completely different.


His hair was short, he appeared in casual clothes like an Earthling, and he also had a passport and identity card.


☆JP: Yes, at that moment, when I left the room, I was surprised to find that I was completely indistinguishable from Earthlings.


Traditionally, Nordics have thick jaws and different eyes, so you can tell they are not Earthlings.


They learn languages ​​faster than us and are very open and friendly.


☆Dr. Sara: Elena, is the Galactic Federation doing this?


☆Elena: Yes, the Galactic Federation and the Earth Alliance are currently working together.


They are the Aher race (a race that is part of the Pleiades).


The Galactic Federation does something that changes its face.


It’s in the Earth Alliance and it’s hidden in Earth’s DS, so we need to show it to the Earthlings.


The Alpha Centauri race is exactly the same as Earthlings, so there is no need to change their appearance.


However, the Aher breed has very prominent cheekbones, so they need to be modified a little.


They can download the language so they can learn it quickly.


  Galactic Federation sends personnel to Earth



☆Dr. Sara: JP, tell me about a time in 2018 when you were living in Florida when a blimp landed and you met a guy wearing an Air Force uniform with a Nordique Special Forces armband on his arm.


☆JP: He asked me, “Would you like to go on an airship?” but I refused.


At that time, I had just joined the army and even seeing an aircraft right in front of me was surprising.


☆Elena: The people with badges on their uniforms are members of the Earth Alliance.


They have been on Earth since the 1950s, and the Galactic Federation taught the Earthlings airship technology so that they could protect Earth from invaders on their own.


The Galactic Federation sent personnel to Earth.


  Guardian of the Tree of Life: Ningishuzida




☆Dr. Sarah: JP, you’ve been to the Ant People’s underground kingdom four times.


When you first went there, you saw the giant, the king of the Ant Kingdom, sleeping in a box.


He was an Anunnaki scientist who was left underground, sleeping until the Intergalactic Confederation and Ia returned.


So now that they are back, they are waking up and teaching wisdom to the earthlings.


He was said to have wisdom about trees and plants and was an excellent alchemist.


When I went to the ant people’s kingdom recently, the king woke up and everyone in the kingdom moved to a different kingdom…?


☆JP: They said, “They wanted to take me,” but I said, “I don’t want to go,” because I had health problems from frequently going to unfamiliar areas.


They agreed and said, “Okay, let’s go next time.”


☆Elena: Going to an unknown world puts a huge strain on your body and mind.


As you progress underground, the density increases, which can make you feel dizzy and strange.


Also, when you go into space, the intensity of electromagnetic waves changes.


Our bodies are designed to adapt to the Earth’s environment.


It absorbs minerals from the earth, is made of water from the earth and its heart beats according to the Schumann Resonance.


So when you step out of the Earth’s electromagnetic range, your heart panics.


If you are inside a spaceship, you will have to tune it to resonate with the heartbeat of the ship.


So this puts a huge burden on the body and is very difficult.


☆JP: I joined the army, trained my body every day, and became mentally strong.


Because it places a heavy burden on both body and mind, many people become ill after leaving military service.


☆Dr. Sarah: The giant that was in the box woke up and became the new king, and the ant people traveled with him to a different density.


☆JP: Even if you go to a different density, there is still a part of you in the density you started with.



For example, you might see yourself looking in the mirror.


They are both me, but in different spaces.


There is a strange feeling when entering an area of ​​different density.


I didn’t go because I was worried about the tension in my body.


However, I was happy to know that the new king is awakening and has already started several works in different kingdoms.


Then I could feel that the King wanted to see me and I could also feel the King’s frequency.


☆Elena: I think different realms means we went to a higher density.


The further you advance on Earth, the higher the frequency.


You can move your body along with you using the frequency portal, but you can also shift your consciousness alone to a being that is already in a higher frequency realm.


Thus, although he appears to be physically dead in one realm, he shifts to another realm and enters another body.


As for the giant, he is the Annunaki.


He may have traveled with the Ant People to a subterranean region of greater density, but since the surface is not yet ready, he may have returned to the Nibiru ship.


JP learned that he had met a giant, so he asked Sohan who it was.


Sohan was a scientist under the command of Ia of the Annunaki, one of the seven giants left on earth, and was Ningishuzida.


Ningishuzida means the protector of the Tree of Life and also protects the water under the Tree of Life.


☆Dr. Sarah: When JP went on a mission to the ancient city of Nipple (Mesopotamia), he said that another giant was sleeping there.


  Chief Airship Engineer: Aruna



This was Aruna, another Anunnaki scientist, who was the chief engineer of the Anunnaki spacecraft.


☆JP: For every giant, there is an army that protects that giant and protects the area where the giant is sleeping.


In Nipple, an army of giants also sleeps around the sleeping giant, and if something happens to disturb the sleeping giant, this army will also wake up.


The same is true in Ukraine, so Russia still guards the Oreshki Desert.


☆Dr. Sara: Did Elena hear from Sohan that the technology Aruna knows is far more advanced than the Secret Space Program and the Solar Guardians?


☆Elena: Aruna was the chief engineer of the Anunnaki warship and a member of Enlil’s side.


The Nibiru ship is very large, almost the size of the moon.


Among them, there are many reconnaissance ships, fleets and warships for combat.


Aruna managed the manufacturing and production of these warships.


He also controlled the port of Nippur, Enlil’s stronghold, through which warships came and went.


Aruna, a relative of Enlil, was initially an engineer on Enlil’s side, but eventually sided with Ia.


☆Dr. Sara: It is interesting that even in Anunnaki society, there are people who shift to the side of Enki and to the side of Enlil, and this is very fluid.


☆Elena: Yes, they are human too…


  A device that tells you where you’ve been in space



☆Dr. Sarah: JP, you left on a mission on Thursday, July 4th of this year to a US military medical base.


There were three other soldiers besides you, and at first they didn’t seem very nice to you, like, “Are you new?”


It was like, “We’re all specially trained, so why are these strangers here?”


☆JP: They just didn’t like me being there.


Then the four of us were taken into a room and asked to place our hands on a metal table.


When you place your hand, numbers and colors will appear on the table.


The soldier who looked down on me was surprised to see my color.


Apparently, depending on the color, you can tell how far away you are on a space mission.


The greenish color means it traveled beyond the solar system, and the mix of blue and purple seems to indicate it traveled as far as Jupiter.


As soon as they saw my color, their attitude changed and they began to respect me and apologize for looking down on me.


☆Elena: When you leave the electromagnetic realm of Earth, there is another electromagnetic realm.


Even inside an ET spacecraft, you will be exposed to certain electromagnetic waves inside that spacecraft.


However, in the case of ships manufactured by Earthlings, there is no protective shield like that of ET ships, therefore, when traveling through space, they are directly exposed to the electromagnetic field of the destination or region through which they pass, and their electromagnetism remains in the area of ​​the human light body.


Therefore, with the help of special equipment, we can find out where the animals have been.


I think that’s why it’s a device that lets you know by color.


Jean-Charles also got his hands on such a device, and it was said to be green and blue in color.


He said that by doing this you can tell how far he can go in space and what his abilities are.


  Mission to Saturn without memories




☆Dr. Sarah: So, regarding mission #35, when you went to test the device, you were informed that it was in preparation for the next mission to Saturn’s rings.


But I have no memory of that mission.


☆JP: It was said that the mission was to find other ETs and try to communicate with them, but when I asked my boss, he said, “Maybe he’s already gone.”


☆Dr. Sarah: There’s a technique the Dark Fleet uses called the anti-telephone effect, and they use it to go on missions and see if they come back.


When they come back, they actually go on a mission, but if they don’t come back, the mission is canceled.


☆JP: There may be missions whose memories have been erased.


There are some things that should be kept secret and I think this cannot be avoided for security reasons.


☆Elena: A few months ago, the Earth Alliance revealed that scientists, mainly surveyors, were taken to Saturn’s moon Titan.


He also talked about how the US military accompanied him on that occasion.


It was supposed to show the ancient floating city on Titan.


It is known that an extremely ancient race of builders existed on Saturn.


They were building cities out of floating materials, but this was kept secret for a long time.


Because until recently Saturn was the home of Enlil and Marduk, and not even the Galactic Federation could get close to it.


After her arrest and removal from this solar system in 2021, Ia also handed over the territory of Saturn to the Earth Alliance.


So now I can go to Saturn.


Thus, the Anunnaki Enki team guided the Titans to the Alliance on Earth.


The reason it floats is because the material itself is weightless.




Why Planet Earth is not a Member of the Galactic Federation – Part 1


Millions and millions of years ago in the Milky Way, the great retrograde and malevolent forces, mainly alpha draconians and reptilians, and forces of light were in combat due to the rebellion of negative forces, causing many, many problems in our galaxy.
These dark beings spread so widely throughout the galaxy that they successfully conquered thousands of star systems. So, to prevent these interdimensional retrograde forces from dominating and exploiting the Milky Way, a sort of Galactic Confederation was created about 4.5 million years ago.

The beings of light began to form an alliance and became increasingly more organized and developed this Confederation in a highly diversified way and in several dimensions and act as vigilantes, coordinating the defenses of the galaxy and also creating forums for cultural and governmental exchanges between the different civilizations.

It is a Confederation of the star systems of our galaxy with the purpose of allowing and facilitating the Light to continue to flow in this part of the Universe. Currently there are more than 100,000 star systems that are part of the Confederation and the primary basis of this creation of galactic light is LOVE.

The highest position within its divisions is that of the Main Federal Council, which is located in the Lyra star group in the Vega constellation. The second is composed of Regional Councils. There are currently fourteen of these, and the most important for us is the so-called Sirian Regional Council. In the near future, the Solar System will be part of this Council; for now, our system is an annex of the Sirian Council.

The Sirians were directed by the Earth Spiritual Hierarchy to change the scenario of contact with us to one that involved a mass ascension process. This policy began to take effect in the late 1980s. The Sirians were allowed to change the polarity of the Sun and to research methods for an emergency ascension process for Earth.

Practically all the planets in the Solar System are already effective members of the aforementioned Confederation, with the exception of our planet. The Earth, along with thirty-six other planets that exist in this galactic quadrant, are in a state similar to a quarantine, possessing rigid energy barriers due to the negative thought-forms emitted and that cannot be radiated to the Cosmos, as it would be a disaster if it reached other planets that are evolutionarily balanced.

In order for the thirty-seven planets, including Earth, to become permanent members of the Galactic Confederation, they must fulfill certain requirements in a complete and definitive manner, and thus be able to free themselves from their dense and coercive energies. Below we will list twelve items that should be prioritized by our planet if we want to join the aforementioned Confederation.

The twelve items will be written in brown letters and we will make comments below in black letters.


Galactic Federation of Planets
Galactic Federation of Planets


Why Planet Earth is not a Member of the Galactic Federation – Part 2

We must refrain from “waging war”, especially those that enrich international banking cartels and corporations.

In the history of humanity there have always been wars that had as objectives personal, family, oligarchic interests in the sense of conquering territories, wealth and power.

Wars have happened and continue to happen in which international banks finance the two opposing sides that are at war. This was the case, for example, during the Independence of the United States, and in the First and Second World Wars. They invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and then rebuilt them, through companies from the invading countries themselves. They first destroy and then build, and they still make money from it.

They sponsor them through secret governments that really control and manipulate the official governments in order to create false flag attacks in which they plan and execute large or small attacks, placing the responsibility on political enemies, using the media to spread all the war propaganda and mobilize the attention of the idiotic population that, without knowing anything, supports more war.

the attack of September 11, 2001, for example, was planned by the secret government and the two World Trade Center buildings were imploded, which is why they did not fall as a result of the planes falling; in fact, on that day another building, WTC 7, was also imploded without any plane having hit it and this building belonged to the Department of Homeland Security, where there was a large burning of files;
It was also a guided missile that hit the Pentagon and not a plane; the attacks that occurred in the Madrid metro and in London in the following years were also false flag attacks perpetrated by the so-called secret government.
They lie so much, through this same secret government, reporting, for example through the media that a torpedo from North Korea hit a submarine from South Korea, which was not true, but they spread widespread propaganda in the media, passing this lie off as the truth.
In other words, the cartels and oligopolies that make up part of the aforementioned secret government are not at all interested in ending wars or attacks and this is just the first item that must be satisfied to become part of the Galactic Confederation.


The Heaven Event

The Event in Heaven: A Prophetic Convergence of Time and Space

Central to the WWG1WGA protocol is a mysterious event called the Heaven Event. This event, shrouded in secrecy, is believed to be a significant moment in human history where time travel, dimensional travel, and the destiny of humanity converge.

The Heaven Event is described as the culmination of Tesla, Trump, and the White Hats’ efforts — a moment when humanity will transcend its current state and move into a new dimension.

The concept of the Heaven Event is linked to the idea of ​​collective ascension, where humanity as an entity will move to a higher state of being. This idea is not new; it has been part of various spiritual and philosophical traditions for centuries. However, in this context, it is presented as a real and imminent event, facilitated by advanced technology.

The exact nature of the  Heaven Event remains unclear,  but it is suggested that it will involve a dramatic change in the fabric of reality. Some speculate that it could be an event where time as we know it ceases to exist, or where humanity gains the ability to travel freely through time and space.

Others believe it could be a moment of global awakening, where hidden truths about time travel and Tesla’s technology are revealed to the world.

The Controversy and the Cover-up: A Battle for Control

The history of the WWG1WGA protocol, Tesla’s time machine, and the Sky Event is fraught with controversy. Critics argue that these claims are nothing more than elaborate conspiracy theories designed to distract and mislead.

Mainstream scientists and historians have largely dismissed the idea of ​​time travel and the connections between Tesla, Trump and the Philadelphia Experiment as unfounded.

However, those who believe these narratives argue that the widespread denial is part of a larger cover-up. They suggest that powerful forces are working to suppress the truth about Tesla’s technology and its implications for humanity. According to this view, the mainstream media, academia, and government agencies are all complicit in keeping these secrets hidden from the public.

The debate over the validity of these claims reflects a broader struggle over control of information and the interpretation of history. On one side are those who believe the official narratives presented by the mainstream; on the other are those who seek alternative explanations for historical events and scientific phenomena.

This battle for control over the narrative is at the heart of the controversy surrounding the WWG1WGA protocol and its associated allegations.

Conclusion: The intersection of fact, fiction and possibility

The narrative surrounding the WWG1WGA protocol and time travel technology is a fascinating mix of history, science, and speculation. Whether rooted in fact or fiction, it raises important questions about the nature of time, the potential for human advancement, and the power of hidden knowledge.

As we continue to explore these themes, it is essential to approach the subject with curiosity and critical thinking, recognizing that the line between reality and fantasy is often blurred.

In the end, the story of  Tesla’s time machine and the WWG1WGA protocol  serves as a reminder of the enduring fascination of the unknown.

It challenges us to consider possibilities that lie beyond our current understanding and to remain open to the idea that the future may hold secrets far more extraordinary than we can imagine.

Preparing for the New Dawn: Mobilizing Forces


The stage is set.  The Galactic Federation is ready to give the green light to GESARA.  The anticipation is palpable, the implications are enormous. We are on the cusp of a revolutionary transformation, one that promises to redefine justice and fairness.  Team Medbed  is mobilizing, preparing for the changes that lie ahead. These exchanges and healings are not mere formalities; they are the gateways to a new era.

In cities and towns around the globe, preparations are underway. Medical teams equipped with advanced healing technologies, known as Medbeds, are ready to provide unprecedented medical care.

Already, people suffering from chronic illnesses and serious injuries are experiencing miraculous recoveries. Reports from pilot programs indicate that  Medbeds are curing conditions previously thought untreatable,  from advanced cancers to neurodegenerative diseases.

These advanced devices, using revolutionary quantum technology, are being deployed in secret locations, and the results are astonishing. Treaties speak of a new lease on life, free from pain and disease, and the promise of widespread availability of  Medbeds is generating hope around the world.

Financial advisors and reformers are working tirelessly to ensure a smooth transition to the new economic system. The atmosphere is one of cautious optimism, with communities rallying in support of the impending change.

A Call to Action: Embrace the Future

This is more than a revelation; it is a call to action. By exposing the sinister machinations that have controlled our lives, we reclaim our destiny. The revelation of this truth is not a risk, but a necessity. The operation is complete, the enemies vanquished. What remains is the promise of fulfillment, a world reborn from the ashes of its clandestine chains. Be ready, for the days ahead are not just days of change, but of rebirth and recovery.

GESARA is not just a policy  —it is a beacon of hope, a harbinger of a just and equitable future. Embrace this transformation, for it heralds a new dawn for all humanity. As we stand on the precipice of this monumental change, we must remember that the power to shape our future lies within us. Let us move forward with resolve and determination, knowing that a brighter and more just world awaits us.

The ripple effect: global impact and individual empowerment

As GESARA takes effect,  its influence will spread across every facet of society. Economies will stabilize and opportunities for growth will abound. Education systems will be reformed to prioritize creativity and critical thinking. Health care will become universally accessible, and poverty will decline as resources are redistributed more equitably.

On an individual level, people will experience a new sense of empowerment. Freed from the shackles of financial oppression, they will have the means to pursue their passions and contribute to society in meaningful ways. This transformation will not only elevate the quality of life, but also foster a global community rooted in mutual respect and cooperation.

In conclusion , the journey towards GESARA is a testament to humanity’s resilience and unwavering desire for justice. As we navigate this transformative period, let us remain vigilant, united, and hopeful. The future we have long dreamed of is within our reach, and together, we will make it a reality.



Mon. 12 August 2024: Black Swan Event 1, 2? Blackout Necessary. “Meet me at the Party. I will expose the Satanic Pedophile Cabal of Hollywood”. …Michael Jackson, The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram


Trust the Plan

It’s Showtime

You have so much more than you know.

Future proves past.

News unlocks map.


Square profile picture

Testing, testing…RLUSD! We’re excited to share that Ripple USD (RLUSD) is now in private beta on XRP Ledger and Ethereum mainnet. RLUSD has not yet received regulatory approval and therefore is not available for purchase or trading – please be cautious of scammers who claim they have or can distribute Ripple USD.

Brett Hill
 BREAKING: #XRP Officially Declared the New Global Reserve Currency! In a shocking turn of events, world leaders have unanimously agreed to replace the US Dollar with XRP as the new global reserve currency.
The decision was made after a top-secret meeting at an undisclosed location, where delegates from over 150 countries discussed the future of global finance. According to insiders, the decision was unanimous, with many leaders citing XRP’s superior technology, speed, and scalability as key factors in their decision. The move is expected to have a profound impact on the global economy, with experts predicting a surge in XRP’s value and widespread adoption of the cryptocurrency.
In a statement, a spokesperson for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said: “We believe that XRP is the future of global finance. Its advanced technology and decentralized nature make it the perfect choice for the new reserve currency.”
As news of the decision spreads, XRP holders around the world are celebrating, with many predicting a bright future for the cryptocurrency. So, what do you think? Is XRP the new global reserve currency? 
Let us know in the comments below! 

In in-depth discussions with Mil. INTEL sources,  David Wilcock

  • “WWG1WGA” is a military protocol  concerning Cheyenne Mountain (where Tesla created a Time Travel Machine connected to the Internal Energy of Ground Zero).
  • The Mirror  is only looking into the future, past and present, but the Real Tesla machine is traveling through time and connected to Ground Zero Energy, which connects to the stratosphere and universal energy.
  • The Tesla and Trump Connection:  John G. Trump: John G. Trump’s connection to TESLA runs deeper than reported and he worked in the same area and was just a few minutes away (same neighborhood), living and working in the same area.
  • According to MIT  , Prof. Trump focused on high-voltage phenomena, electron acceleration, and the interaction of radiation with living and non-living matter. He also designed X-ray generators.
  • Philadelphia experiment connects Tesla/Trump  in creation of time travel program – not revealed by mainstream media.
  • Military Protocol WWG1WGA  will activate TESLA Time Machines under Cheyenne Mountain, which has been locked down since  2016  under TRUMP’s order.
  • Switzerland’s particle accelerator machine at (CERN)  was a failure. It could not produce enough energy to create the wormholes.
  • TESLA’s work was stolen by the Deep State  after his death. They tried to create the Time Machine from his stolen blueprints of the machine. The Time Machine was created but failed. The failure was due to White Hats placed inside who deliberately sabotaged the CERN Project.
  • In 2017, control of CERN  came under the control of the US Army’s White Hats.
  • Now the WWG1WGA Protocol  has been initiated at CERN in Cheyenne Mountain.
  • The WWG1WGA Protocol  refers to humans on Earth traveling to the next Dimension as one – a Celestial Event. …Q
XRP - Ripple
XRP – Ripple


Gold Payment Systems: What You Should Know – Part 1


There are “Cryptocurrencies” that are gold that you should know about…

There are several cryptocurrencies backed by real gold reserves, including,

– Tether Gold,

– DigixGlobal,

– Paxos Gold,

– Goldcoin,

– Perth Mint Gold and

– Meth Gold.

Several states like,

– Russia,

– Zimbabwe,

– Malaysia and

– Iran

are exploring ways to issue gold-backed CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies). These are sovereign kosher decentralized CBDCs to liberate the people, not the Cabal’s fiat centralized CBDCs designed to enslave the people.

XRP – Ripple

The integration of gold backing into XRP, a versatile bridge currency, is a promising concept of the BRICS Dual Cross-Border Payment System.

XRP already excels at facilitating seamless currency exchanges, and with the addition of gold backing in the ISO20022 ecosystem, it gains an extra layer of stability and value.

This innovation not only increases XRP’s credibility and investor confidence, but also makes it a more potent player in the global digital currency market, offering the benefits of fast cross-border transactions while being firmly anchored by the time-tested value of gold.

On June 9, 2024, Meld Gold partnered with Ripple, a leading US fintech company, to launch two new stablecoins on the XRP Ledger (XRPL). These tokens, backed by gold and silver, will each represent 1g of the respective precious metal. The metals are held by leading custodians MKS Pamp and Imperial Vaults. The tokens are expected to launch in Q3 2024. More (

Perth Mint Gold (PMGT) is a cryptographic token built on the Ethereum blockchain using the ERC20 standard. It is backed by government-backed gold from The Perth Mint. The total gold represented by PMGT tokens can be validated at any time. See (,be%20validated%20at%20any%20time.)

Back to XRP…

Within the digital asset market, one of the most important aspects of cryptocurrencies is the reserve status and backing of these assets. The value of this new wave of currencies is only as solid as the foundation on which it is built.

There is no doubt that gold remains one of the most important investment assets in the market. In 2024, the metal has reached historic highs throughout the year, while settling at a new all-time high above $2,400 in April ( Therefore, it is closely tied with digital assets as some of the most popular investment opportunities for traders.

On the other hand, Ripple (XRP) is a cryptocurrency that has skyrocketed in popularity over the past few years. Although it is currently trading at less than $0.50 according to CoinMarketCap (, it has tremendous value, as seen in its market cap of $27 billion, which is good for the seventh largest in the industry.

The question remains as to what backs XRP. Furthermore, this question has led to some common myths about its backing and reserve status. In this guide, we will answer this question and explore the possibility of XRP being backed by gold.

Before we dive deeper into XRP being backed by gold, let’s explore a bit about how the digital asset works. The issuer of the asset, Ripple, is a global payment solutions platform. They facilitate international money transfers.

Subsequently, XRP is used to facilitate these transfers of any type of asset.

In fact, XRP is used for the transfer of commodities such as digital assets or fiat currencies. Its presence is planned to simplify the process of transferring assets through Ripple Labs’ ongoing cross-border developments.

Unlike other digital assets, there is no minting with XRPO. There is a supply cap of 100 billion tokens that is finite. Furthermore, it operates within a proof-of-work (PoW) system. Specifically, this indicates that it works on a consensus algorithm that uses less energy and can confirm transactions within seconds.

Gold Payment Systems: What You Should Know – Part 3

✅ We now understand that ZiG will be the golden financial instrument to pay off your Zim Bonds.

✅ We also understand that there are two groups of bondholders who desperately want to redeem their bonds,

1) the members of the cabal and

2) humanitarians.

✅ We also understand that there must be a policing system in place to prevent Cabal members from carrying out ransoms.

✅ The pre-screening/policing system will allow you to enter to redeem your Titles, this is Redenção’s due diligence process when submitting your registration.

✅ Only this process will allow access to the “funfair”, that is, the Redemption rescue meetings .

✅ Off-ledger gold donated by Elders will be brought onto the ledger with the BRICS Cross-border Payment System (BCBPS) so that there are enough Stablecoin Digital Certificates to pay for their Bonds.

✅So what are we waiting for?  Redemption  gives the answer, we are waiting for “one last thing that can be completed quickly”, before the activation of the GCR/RV and the bond payments, and clearly approaching it with acceleration!

✅ “The moment the RV is paid, control of all banks worldwide will be taken over so that banks will be safe to receive anyone’s money.” How will this be made safe? By activating this Dual BRICS cross-border payment system

✅  “A last opportunity and great investment for those who want to increase their asset portfolio… contact Redemption Project and find out how to participate in the largest humanitarian event on Earth



Wolverine: INTEL

  • Good Intel from Bruce today  is what I told you yesterday. It’s started. Tier 4B should start any day now.
  • I expect to get the green light tomorrow, Friday, August 9th,  and I’ll know when I have to fly. When that happens, you’ll never hear from me again until Get Together. My job will be done.
  • OBTW regarding MarkZ  it was not a slight against Mark as I respect him and the work he has done over the years but I can categorically say that what Mark said this morning was BS. He is probably being cautious or being told to keep quiet.

Qui. 8 ago. 2024 American Media Group, Wolverine:

  • Liquidity release  and notifications have started!
  • At exactly 3:00 PM PDT (Wednesday, August 7, 2024)  , our trusted military intelligence contact confirmed that the long-awaited release of liquidity and notifications for tiers and lower categories, including 4B, has officially begun. This monumental event will unfold over the next 72 hours, bringing significant financial change and opportunities for those involved. Stay tuned as we delve into the details and implications of this groundbreaking release.
  • Liquidity Release, An Overview:  At the heart of today’s explosive news is the start of the liquidity release. This process is crucial to distributing funds across multiple tiers and financial categories, including the long-awaited Tier 4B. For months, anticipation and speculation have surrounded this event, and now it is finally happening.
  • Our military intelligence contact  , who has been a reliable source of information, indicated that everything was set in motion at  3:00 PM PDT (on Wednesday, August 7).  Shotgun issuance is expected to distribute funds and notifications within the next 72 hours. This swift and decisive action is designed to ensure a smooth and efficient distribution of financial resources to those who have been patiently waiting.
  • Restrictions and Happiness What to Expect:  While our contact was not at liberty to discuss specific limits and limitations, he assured us that the outcome will be extremely positive. Details will be revealed during consultations, but preliminary information suggests that everyone will be very happy with the rates.
  • One of the highlights is the 90-day ZIM advance.  Those holding ZIM bonds will receive an advance of $500 million until structured payments begin. This significant advance provides immediate liquidity and demonstrates the financial system’s commitment to ensuring participants have access to substantial funds quickly.
  • Immediate access to non-ZIM FX proceeds  : In addition to the ZIM advance, all non-ZIM FX proceeds will be immediately accessible. This means participants can start using their funds without delay. For those who choose to place their funds in a structured payment program (SPP), there will be an advance of up to $250 million until the first SPP payment is made. This structured approach ensures that funds are managed effectively while providing immediate liquidity to recipients.
  • The launch is here – a week late, but finally here. Today, August 7th  , marks an important milestone. While the launch is a week later than initially promised, it’s crucial to focus on the fact that it actually happened. The reasons for the delay are still unclear, but what matters now is that distributions have begun.
  • These distributions are scheduled to begin next week, after August 10,  setting the stage for significant financial activity and opportunities.
  • Preparing for change.  With the launch now underway, it’s time to prepare for the upcoming changes. The next few days will be crucial as we understand the change and begin to set up preliminary structures to create corporate bonds. This preparation phase is vital to ensure we can smoothly transition into the full funding cycle.
  • Mid-September is expected  to be a period of substantial activity and significant financial movements are expected. Those who are aware and prepared will not be caught off guard by the large booms expected in the coming weeks.
  • Stay safe and focused.  In these transformative times, it is essential to stay safe, focused and vigilant. The changes taking place will have far-reaching implications and being prepared is essential. Watching and praying, as our contact advises, will help you stay focused and prepared.
  • The Road Ahead:  Big News in the Days and Weeks Ahead The news of the shotgun launch is just the beginning. The coming days and weeks promise to be filled with important developments and opportunities. Those involved at the financial and business levels will need to stay informed and prepared to act as the situation evolves.
  • Understanding Shotgun Liquidity Release:  What is Shotgun Release? The term “instant release” refers to a rapid and simultaneous distribution of funds across multiple financial levels and tiers. This method ensures that all participants receive their allocations promptly, minimizing delays and maximizing efficiency. This strategy is particularly important in scenarios where large sums of money need to be distributed quickly to a broad group of recipients.
  • Why now? The timing of this release is critical.  The global financial landscape is undergoing significant changes and the release of these funds is a key part of a broader strategy to stabilize and stimulate economic activity. By injecting liquidity into the market, the aim is to encourage growth, provide immediate financial relief and lay the foundation for sustained economic development.
  • Mid-September is expected  to be a period of substantial activity and significant financial movements are expected. Those who are aware and prepared will not be caught off guard by the large booms expected in the coming weeks.
  • Stay safe and focused.  In these transformative times, it is essential to stay safe, focused and vigilant. The changes taking place will have far-reaching implications and being prepared is essential. Watching and praying, as our contact advises, will help you stay focused and prepared.
  • The Road Ahead:  Big news in the coming days and weeks. The news of the shotgun launch is just the beginning. The coming days and weeks promise to be filled with important developments and opportunities. Those involved at the financial and business levels will need to stay informed and prepared to act as the situation evolves.

Qua. 7 ago. 2024 Wolverine:

The greatest transfer of wealth has begun.  I have received 1000% confirmation that this is true from multiple sources. I want you to get ready as Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) is set to begin tomorrow (Thursday, August 8th) in my opinion, and I expect those notifications to come today or tomorrow.

RV has started  for bondholders, and Tier4B will be on the way very soon.

I got the confirmation from Admiral Call Group, and they confirmed it. I’ll read it to you:  “The Sovereign Committee and the US federal government have just approved the T4A and B payments – this has kicked off Reno, Miami and other East Coast states.”

Today at noon (Wed. Aug. 7)  on the East Coast, payments were made to groups of small homeowners. Reno is working on T4 payments also starting at noon. They are releasing funds from the 1% to balance the bond trade balance.

Funds were released around the world  for the global monetary reset, marking the beginning of a new financial era.

  • Wed. 7 Aug 2024:  Latest Financial News: 4B Financial Release Confirmed by Military Intelligence – ZIM Moves Forward and Shotgun Liquidity Begins – Julian Assange
  • Wed. 7 Aug 2024:  UPDATE: New list of 209 countries that are connected to the QFS system or are being connected – QFS + RTGS Trust The Plan BOOM! A new list of banks that are connected to the QFS system or are being connected – QFS + RTGS Trust the Plan!






Alert! White Hats Prepare for Final Stand: True Patriots Turning the Tables on the Deep State’s Global Internet Kill Switch!

The sinister machinations of the deep state are unraveling before our eyes, and it’s far worse than you can imagine. Inside jobs. Mirror operations.

Double-crossing operations. This is the brutal reality orchestrated by shadowy figures pulling the strings behind the scenes. And the  white  hats  , the true patriots, are fighting back with a vengeance.

The deep state is a venomous serpent, weaving a web of deception to manipulate every aspect of our lives. They create events with precision, leading the public like sheep. But the  white  hats  within our military are not sitting idly by. They are mirroring these events, flipping the script and using the deep state’s own tactics against them. This is psychological warfare on an unprecedented scale, and we are all caught in the crossfire.

Military game theory operations are the backbone of these maneuvers. Game theory, a sophisticated mathematical framework, models and predicts the actions of hostile actors. It is the art of deceiving the enemy, and it is being deployed with devastating effect in command and control warfare.

Resources, information, arms control – nothing is off limits. These operations are highly classified, employing everything from non-cooperative to cooperative, simultaneous to sequential, and non-zero-sum to zero-sum games. The goal? To annihilate the enemy, expose all their weaknesses, and exploit them.

Let’s get straight to the point: the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. This was a meticulously staged operation by the  white  hats  . Trump was never in any real danger because this was never about taking him down. It was about exposing the traitors within his own ranks.

The Secret Service, military intelligence – all infiltrated by deep state agents. This was a trap, and the rats walked right into it.

Consider the timing: Just a day before the attempt, more than 12 million documents were filed to sever ties with Trump companies.

This was not a coincidence; it was a desperate move by the globalists, the CIA, and the deep state-controlled government to protect their interests. The  white  hats  realized this and used the event to their advantage.

Trump, his legal team and trusted military generals are in a secure location reviewing documents exposing deep state infiltration.

The evidence is overwhelming—financial transactions, secret communications, and covert operations point to a coordinated effort to undermine Trump’s presidency. The  white  hats  aren’t just sitting idly by. They’re mobilizing, preparing for the next phase of the operation.

Trump, his legal team, and trusted military generals are now demanding military protection. They have lost all faith in the compromised Secret Service. Trump wants the Special Operations Command and Special Forces on his side, not the traitors who have already betrayed him.

White   hats  are mobilizing U.S. citizens to invoke Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution. This gives state legislators and representatives the power to vote directly for the President.

The Republican Party has a majority of 274 electoral votes, enough to confirm Trump without question. This movement ignores Dominion’s rigged machines, illegal immigrant voting, digital fraud, and foreign interference.

Imagine this: a live, nationally televised voting process, broadcast across every social media platform. This is what the deep state fears most. They’re already testing internet kill switches globally with Microsoft, trying to shut down systems, banks, flights — anything to stop it. But the US Space Force, SpaceX and Starlink have countermeasures in place, ready to thwart these desperate attempts.

Game theory operations are critical to exposing a military coup. The fake assassination attempt was a masterstroke, revealing the hand of the deep state. Now, investigations are coming from the Senate, Congress, and multiple agencies, unraveling the deep state’s intricate web of deceit and corruption.

This includes social media platforms and government authorities who orchestrated the pandemic, created the virus, distributed deadly vaccines and enforced global censorship to cover up their corruption, including human trafficking.

This is a battle for the very soul of our nation. The deep state’s grip is slipping, and the  white  hats  , true patriots, are ready to strike. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and watch the truth unfold.

This is not a drill. This is a call to arms. The deep state is crumbling, and Trump, backed by true patriots, will rise again. The time to act is now.

The deep state’s reign of terror is ending, and Trump will emerge victorious. The final reckoning is upon us.



RUMORS: 08/09/2024

Zim Notes, Titles and Benefits:

Currency wars…

✅ Ariel with references to Gold Telegraph: As I have told you all before. Hold on to your Zim-Notes. The return value will be insurmountable. Because what is the basis for nations wanting to join BRICS? They must all have a national currency. “Gold Telegraph: BREAKING NEWS ZIMBABWE’S CABINET HAS APPROVED A ROADMAP TO REPLACE THE US DOLLAR WITH ITS GOLD-BACKED CURRENCY FOR TRANSACTIONS! Interesting! Many thought this was impossible.”


BRICS GESARA Alliance of Nations:

BRICS Bridge’ to replace SWIFT and end dependence on the US dollar.

The new payment mechanism is called the ‘BRICS Bridge’ and aims to replace the US SWIFT system and cut ties with the dollar.



The BRICS Bridge is Russia’s idea and the Putin administration will discuss its prospects and development with the other member countries. The concept is likely to be discussed at the upcoming summit in October this year, which will be held in Russia’s Kazan region.


Note from Judy: 

There have been rumors that on Monday, August 12, 2024, a blackout will be needed for the nuclear-powered lights to go out and the Starlink Space X quantum energy system to turn on.

Despite the impending war and global financial collapse, the White Hats remained in control with Trump as Commander-in-Chief.


You are watching a movie, the alliance is in control, all the fear tactics, and all the negative things you are hearing and seeing planned for human beings will not happen.

The beings of light are protecting humanity, the air, plants, animals, food supply, water and land are being cleansed. At the time of humanity’s doom, the beings of light and the alliance will flip the switch. Do not be afraid!

Please relax, everything will be fine, all of this is happening to awaken humanity. This evil that is being shown to you is what would have happened if the beings of light and the alliance had not intervened.

This is being allowed to happen so that in the future, if this evil begins to resurface, humanity will be awake and will not allow it to happen. >>>>>>>>>> there will be no nuclear war or World War III. All nuclear weapons have been disarmed >>>>>>>>>> peace and much love.

-Val Thor


🚨 Trump posts today that Trump will be interviewing Elon Musk on Monday, 8/12/24.

👉🏼 Q 1426 leads to “We Are Q”

👉🏼 On August 8, 2018 (8/8), Trump posted a tweet that read “5 for 5.”

👉🏼 Post Q 88 was posted on November 5, 2018 (election day) – it says: “10 days. Darkness”



👉🏼 Post 55 on Q-Drop (5 for 5) – “See on Twitter: Exactly this: “My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…” God bless you.

Will we have the storm report on August 12th?? 🤔🔥

~T-Edit: And what is 12/08 in Julian?


Q-Faktor Germany News says:

Today, bankers are busy saving their funds, emptying their offices and preparing to flee. That is why today is a bit calmer after yesterday’s shock.

In German, they will fuck off and make as much money as possible from the trade. At least they will try. But the Earth is a circular point from which no one can escape.

Where do they want to go with their money, which will soon be worthless? A hopeless venture. They are trapped if we look at it realistically. No one can escape.


The Meaning of the 888 Portal (Triple 888)

Vital Frosi says:

So, let’s now vibrate high in this 888 portal, because any portal that opens, that is open, that frequency that you keep inside you, it will increase a lot, a lot. Imagine the infinity portal. 888. The first portal really within the golden age. It is very important to maintain this balance and this frequency, because then you will prolong the same frequency that you keep now, that you create now. This is important. Okay?


Today, 8.8.8, Lions Gate

Timeline Correction Day

What could Donald Trump announce today?

The Lions Gateway is an annual celestial event where the sun aligns with the star Sirius in the constellation Leo. The magical portal is open from July 28 to August 12.

The 8th – 8th Gate – August 8th – is considered the culmination of the Lion’s Gate, where we celebrate the rebirth of spiritual energy within our being and explore higher dimensional and galactic frequencies on Earth. This year 2024 is a universal “8 year”, on the eighth day of the eighth month; triple codes of 8 – 8 – 8. This auspicious day can be a windfall for receiving new insights and cosmic gifts.

By Shekina Rose.


There are so many things that could potentially happen today. I’m just going to think about what they are now.


Central banks are closing, bankrupt. 

The old financial systems have broken down. Congress, the White House, the IRS, the Feds, and the Reserve Bank are closed—American business is bankrupt.

Gold-Backed Currency, Digital Assets, QFS, Nesara Gesara is booming! ✨

QFS NESARA Gesara is manifesting. The Global/Galactic Alliance is still working to remove the DS cabal’s hold over humanity, currently removing the satanic spell over the global mass. The journey of the Great Awakening will be more intense and turbulent.

Earth and humanity are under construction while businesses are still open. DS is in total panic, desperate and injured and launching savage attacks.

Satanic energies can no longer hide as they are prevalent for all to see throughout the matrix society.

The true colors are being revealed. Much more unpleasant truths will be revealed to the public.

David Wilcock


The launch has happened – a week late, but finally here. Today, August 7th, marks a major milestone. While the launch came a week later than initially promised, it’s crucial to focus on the fact that it actually happened.


The RV is basically a nothing burger again… All we have are rumors that HCL is in the Kurdish regions where they made some changes and sent it back to parliament… so now it’s with them.


The US Treasury will send a computer algorithm to each bank to eliminate all debts from mortgages, credit cards, debit cards, car debts, etc. Citizens do not need to contact their debtors to request Debt Jubilee.


Today 8/8/8 Lions Gate

Timeline Correction Day

What could Donald Trump announce today?

The Lions Gateway is an annual celestial event in which the sun aligns with the star Sirius in the constellation Leo. The magical gateway portal is open from July 28 to August 12.

The 8 – 8 – August 8th portal is considered the apex of the Lion’s Gate, during which we celebrate a rebirth of spiritual energy within our beings and delve into higher dimensional and galactic frequencies on Earth. This year 2024 is a Universal “Year 8” on the eighth day of the eighth month; triple codes of 8 – 8 – 8. This auspicious day can be fortunate to receive new insights and cosmic gifts.

By Shekina Rose.



My contacts in Iraq say… they expect to see a sudden move and HCL… I am hearing that they expect to announce the completion and ratification of the HCL this week… I hope they are correct.

…silence on the RV front… All we have are rumors that HCL is in the Kurdish regions, where they made some changes and sent it back to parliament… so now it’s with them. We heard that parliament agreed to it and now we’re waiting for them to say Boom – it’s done.

So in Iraq, they seem excited about the end of Alaq and the pending public approval of the HCL. I’m still hearing that there’s an opportunity for the HCL to be approved before the end of the week.



BREAKING NEWS! Financial elites sent to Guantanamo after stopping GESARA

In the labyrinthine corridors of global power, a thrilling saga is unfolding, one that promises to redefine our world in unprecedented ways.

At the center of this narrative is the monumental  GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act)  . This is the dawn of a new era, one that rises to dismantle the entrenched financial oligarchy and restore economic justice to the masses.

A summit of 1,200 financial giants gathered in what was supposed to be a landmark event for humanity.

The goal was clear:  to initiate GESARA,  a radical overhaul of the global economic system designed to redistribute wealth and usher in a new era of prosperity and justice.

However, as this historic moment approached, a nefarious conspiracy emerged, one that threatened to derail our collective future.

As the summit began, anticipation and tension filled the air. Delegates from every corner of the globe gathered in a sprawling conference hall, their discussions and debates underpinned by the collective hope of billions. GESARA was not merely a financial reform; it was a beacon of hope for those long oppressed by economic disparity. Yet in the shadows, powerful elites conspired to undermine this historic change.

GESARA, the beacon of hope for justice and transparency,  was on the verge of implementation. But financial elites, terrified of losing their iron grip on power, conspired to sabotage this crucial reform. Their machinations, however, have been exposed, revealing a web of deceit so deep that it challenges the very core of our understanding.



~The 17th Letter~Black Swan Black Swan Event 2024/8/5-8

~ The 17th Letter ~

[D] Deep [U] Underground [M] Military [B] Bases

[D] Deep Sea [U] Underground [M] Military Base [B]

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[2024/08/05 1:02]

~The 17th Letter~,



🚨#Breaking NewsMichael
Jackson’s War Speech #Share



[2024/08/05 7:44]

~The 17th Letter~,
🚨#Breaking News
NESARA is not a name, it is an acronym that no one looks up.

N – Nation

E – Economy

S – Security

A – E

R – Reform

A – Law

Think about what countries around the world are doing to join the BRICS countries. What are you doing to meet the necessary requirements? We are transforming our nation’s economy, reforming our banking and economic systems through laws passed by Congress for our national security and stability. Do

you understand?


[2024/08/05 10:48]

~The 17th Charter~,
History of the US NESARA Act:

NESARA was signed into law by President William Jefferson Clinton in 2000 and became law at gunpoint when the military forced him to sign it. I did. The President did not intend to sign it and it was scheduled to be announced by Alan Greenspan at 10am on September 11, 2001.

This was interrupted by the destruction of the World Trade Center by then President George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and others involved in this grand deception. They murdered 7,000 innocent Americans that day and stole billions of dollars in gold and silver from Bill 7.

In early 1993, the US Supreme Court ruled against claims by farm unions that US banks were fraudulently foreclosing on farm mortgages and that the US government was in collusion with these banks. Testimony and evidence presented to the court by a retired CIA agent further substantiated the farm unions’ claims. There was also evidence that the 16th Amendment, the income tax amendment, was never properly ratified by the required number of states, and therefore the income tax was declared illegal.

The justices of the U.S. Supreme Court ruled nearly unanimously in favor of the farm unions. The justices acknowledged that there is overwhelming evidence that the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve Banking system are committing fraud against the American people in many ways. The justices acknowledged that major reforms were needed to improve the situation. After the U.S. Supreme Court issues a decision, one or more justices are appointed to oversee the process of implementing the decision.

In this case, five justices were appointed to a commission that would develop measures to implement the necessary government and banking reforms. In developing their reforms, the justices enlisted the help of experts in economics, financial systems, banking, constitutional law, and other areas. They built a coalition of support and assistance with thousands of people around the world who worked with us to make NESARA and GESARA a reality. These people were called “white knights.” The term “white knight” was borrowed from the world of large corporations who “rescue” vulnerable companies from hostile takeovers.

Because of the far-reaching reforms required by the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, extremely strict gag orders were issued against everyone involved. The judges also sealed all court records related to the case until all reforms were completed.

To maintain confidentiality, the details of the case registration number assigned to the Farmers Union case have been changed. Therefore, searches on this incident will not reflect the correct information until the reforms are published. At each stage of the process, anyone directly involved will be required to sign an NDA to keep the process of implementing the necessary reforms “secret” and failure to do so will be charged with treason, punishable by death.

To implement the reforms, the five justices must decide how the reforms will be implemented in an agreement called a “Settlement” with the US government, the owners of the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the World Bank and several countries, including the UK and the European Union. There have been years of negotiations over what would happen.

The reform called for the absorption of the Federal Reserve system into the US Treasury, an end to all fraudulent banking activities and relief to Americans for past harm caused by fraud.

US banking reforms have global implications, and so do the IMF, World Bank, and other relevant countries, including the UK and Vatican City.

Members of Congress were ordered by the US Supreme Court to choose between “denying” the existence of NESARA/GESARA or facing treason charges punishable by death. Some members were charged with “obstruction” and threatened with treason. Therefore, each member of Congress had to pretend that NESARA had not been passed in order to comply with the Attorney General’s gag order.
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[2024/08/05 21:24 ]

~The 17th Letter~,

Remember why we started.
If we fail, so does our freedom.
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[2024/08/05 22:45 ]

~ The 17th Letter ~,



Join in, time is running out  👇


[2024/08/06 2:39]

~The 17th Letter~,


A wave of financial collapse is sweeping across markets around the world.

Black Swan or Black Monday?

Stocks and cryptocurrencies are plummeting as investors panic and the global sell-off deepens.

Following last Friday’s sharp drop, Japan is in crisis as stocks head for their steepest decline in over eight years.

This is an even bigger drop than the Black Monday crash of 1987.

South Korea has suspended all sell orders after the market plunged more than 5%.

In the US, seven Magnificent stocks wiped out nearly $500 billion overnight.

Rumors of World War III and civil war are circulating across Europe, and markets are predicting an even more serious crisis tomorrow.
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[2024/08/06 11:01 ]

~ The 17th Letter ~,


AUGUST 12, 2024

Join in, the clock is ticking (7 days)👇
[2024/08/06 12:20]

~The 17th Letter~,


And we will win!

Fear nothing but God.

God always wins.
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[2024/08/06 21:47]



~The 17th Letter~,


Why doesn’t Pope Francis condemn the sacrilege at the Paris Olympics?

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[2024/08/08 0:33 ]

~ The 17th Letter ~,


Trump’s return.

you name it.

you get it.

It’s time to make America great again.

The real winner – Trump, you get it – NCSWICN

>>>>>>Dear Americans>>>>>>

>>>>>> The storm is coming>>>>> Q17 !

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[2024/08/08 3:24 ]

~ The 17th Letter ~,
Please prepare yourself.

Black Swan 1
Black Swan 2

—— 12 (2024.12.08)

Join in, time is running out (4 days)👇



[2024/08/08 12:34]



Mr. Pool,

Starlink satellites are ready to send emergency alerts to every cell phone in the world.

Just waiting for the green light.

Global martial law began with mass arrests of over 500,000 people. Indictments against the world’s political elite in a simultaneous scenario.

”#qfs #ebs
Join in, it’s not too late 👇 






[2024/08/08 0:27]


An 18 year old would have at least $3,109,086 in a QFS account.

A 30 year old would have at least $5,181,810.

A 50 year old would have at least $8,636,350.

A 65 year old would have at least $11,227,255.

Note: The older you are, the more interest/income/tax refunds will be credited to your QFS account.

The above UBI levels are for the United States and will be equivalent in other countries.

This is the first UBI created by selling birth certificates, and the interest plus interest on loans and all types of taxes paid in the past will be returned to the people.

What about the $430 billion in gold confiscated from the Vatican coffers and returned to many other places? I often say $pi, but only pi follows the progress of Gesara and 90. It was planned for distribution since the 1990s, but 9/11 attacked Gesara’s servers. Since then, the alliance has distributed pi by distributing subservers to billions of machines, 8 billion people, 8 computers and millions of Pi node machines, and gesara + stellar + We plan to support the Qfs system (as you know from many news stories, this new financial system is transparent, fast, secure… it will never be broken again). Where does this commitment come from? 8 billion phones are mining Pi, but only one phone is still active and the QFS Gesara system is maintained.

No other currency has achieved the security, speed, transparency and legality of pi –>ISO 20022, reaching 1.7 million transactions per second in May 2023.

Note that all Pi wallet addresses begin with the letter “G” (Gesara). Pi is distributed according to Gesara law, with pioneers replacing the old wealthy elite. Are you going to say that all Pi miners will be millionaires, is that ridiculous? No, only 1% of Pi miners have big batteries?

All tech, finance, banking, trading, investment, retail companies… are waiting for an open mainnet to connect to Pi and agree on products.

When Rv is at its lowest and the total gold exceeds 3 trillion, Pi becomes very large. If you need to mine, check out the pinned post. It’s completely free.

Join in, it’s not too late  👇 


[2024/08/08 5:25]

Black Swan Event <
Black Swan 1
Black Swan 2
Black Swan 3
Black Swan 4
> Election Cancellation <
Black Swan 5 (On the Brink of Civil War)
Black Swan 6 Martial Law
Black Swan. Black Swan
>>>> Black Swan Event<<<<

Patriots, stock up ⚠️

Get involved, it’s not too late 👇!



[2024/08/08 9:56]





🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



The Committee of 300 Treasury Certificate can show how the global monetary system works and controls wars.


By   Rhoda Wilson  ,

Dr. Daniel Nagase yesterday shared a document purporting to be a Committee of 300 Treasury Certificate issued in 2007, listing all bank accounts and balances held by King Santiago S. Martin of the Philippines.

“What this Treasury Bill shows is that the amount of its deposits in some 300 countries dwarfs the economies of all the G7 countries combined,” Dr. Nagase said. “It explains, to the best of his ability at this point, how the global money system works.”

“From this document, the reader can decipher how the world really works, and the sizes of the players involved,” he writes. “When every nation has massive deposits in the banks of every other nation, then war is impossible unless… war gets permission from the banks first.”

Committee of 300 through the United Nations Treasury Certificate

after Marcos deposed sometime in the year 1986, the Committee of 300 under Queen Elizabeth II was appointed as Trustee over the said Deposits and the Committee used those assets and Properties under the Global Settlement maintained by C3—AM—01, which we hereby assert the same.

And several [illegible] and [illegible] were presented to these Authorities to transfer this wealth to them but there is a Spiritual Warning on this wealth that this wealth will never be set for personal or selfish interest and therefore Denied all the said Pleaders or Interested Parties for this wealth and this was solely prevailed upon by C3 – AM – 01 with Identity reconfirmed as Sole Authorized Signatory for this wealth and Sole Authorized Representative for Certified Documents of the President.

Marcos and by virtue of the International Decisions in these cases, that these Due Funds have been fully cleared of any [illegible] Criminal Offenses and subject to claim by the People of the Philippine Islands solely through the ASBLP Group of Companies and the ASBLP Bank with International Registration reconfirmed in the Committee of 300, represented by C3 – AM – 01 or HM, King Anthony Santiago Martin residing [illegible] given below and the People of the Philippine Islands solely through the ASBLP Group of Companies and the ASBLP Bank represented by C3 – AM – 01 or HM, King Anthony Santiago Martin have been claimed exclusively, as Reconfirmed, the following provinces given hereunder.

The foreword repeatedly refers to a code C3–AM–01 rather than a name. The ‘General Information’ section of the document details who this code represents:

A copy of the Treasury Certificate has been uploaded to the Internet Archive HERE. A copy can also be found on The Truth is the LIGHT website HERE. The website has more documents and information related to the Committee of 300 and the Philippines, which you can find HERE.

One of the articles on The Truth is the LIGHT may help explain what this is about. It is an undated and unsigned message. At the beginning of the message, there is an image of King Tiburcio Villamor Marcos Tallano Tagean IV, presumably indicating that the message is from him. Steemit notes that he is the Asset Heir of the King of the Recognized Asset Nations (“KORAN”) and the last surviving Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, and Ming Dynasty.

There is no indication of when these words were spoken or their source, so it is impossible to know if they are authentic. The message reads:

As the manager of The Crown’s Corporation, of which POTUS Trump is my CEO, you have the mandate to honor me as your Supreme Superior.

I am the one and only king of the Recognized Asset Nations.

I am the Chairman of the Committee of 300 which governs the world through the City of London, Vatican City and Washington DC.

I am the sole owner of the infinite global US$ accounts with continuous maturity gains. The combined wealth of the world’s richest men and women is a drop in the ocean.

I am also the last surviving emperor who holds the key to the twenty-six monarchies around the world.

Truth is the LIGHT, July 1, 2018
According to Alcuin and Flutterby, King Anthony Santiago Martin died in 1985. “There have been at least four other Anthony Santiago Martin puppets circulating since then…they are just fake agencies, trolling around trying to get the precious metals. The gold still exists. It is held in the Asian-controlled Global Collateral Accounts,” Alcuin and Flutterby noted.

Adding: “On July 8, 2015, Neil Keenan’s team (Group K) mentioned several names of exposed agents in a post HERE.”

For 16 years, Keenan has been involved in efforts to release the Global Collateral Accounts, allegedly containing vast amounts of gold and other assets, for the benefit of humanity.

According to the ASBLP Companies and Holdings Corporation website, His Majesty King Anthony Santiago Martin Jr. is listed as the largest shareholder and investor. He is also the chairman and CEO of ASBLP. A message from the chairman and CEO refers to King Anthony Santiago Martin Jr. as “Spiritual Wonder Boy,” which matches the code name in the above image of the 2007 Treasury Certificate.

However, we can assume that it is also a fake. According to Keenan, “the authentic accounts were returned to their true owners, the depositors who make up the genuine Asian Dragon Family.”

The Asian Dragon Family, according to Keenan, is “an organization that operates between ancient families in China and Taiwan, above the political divide of the two independent Chinese governments.”

“The Dragon Family,” he said, “abstains from any public view and knowledge, but acts for the good and best benefit of the world in constant coordination with the highest levels of global financial organizations, the Committee of 300 and, in particular, the Federal Reserve System,” he said.

When so much secrecy surrounds a topic, it is impossible to know what the truth is.


Committee of 300 Treasury Certificate
Committee of 300 Treasury Certificate


Unmasking the Traitors: The Big Leak


The delay in  implementing GESARA was no accident.  It was the result of calculated leaks—deliberate acts of betrayal by those trusted to protect critical information. These insiders, secretaries, and aides sold their integrity, funneling sensitive data to shadowy figures intent on maintaining the status quo.

Inside sources revealed that encrypted communications, which were supposed to be secure, were intercepted and decrypted by these rogue elements. Secret meetings were exposed and sensitive strategies were exposed. Panic set in among the financial elites as the network of treachery was unraveled. The depth of the infiltration was staggering, with senior officials implicated.

But hope is not lost. Enter the Galactic Federation and the Quantum Defense Initiative. These guardians, equipped with cutting-edge quantum technology, have been vigilantly monitoring every digital footprint. Their presence has ensured that every move of the financial elites is tracked, every device scrutinized.

The Galactic Federation’s intervention is a game-changer. In this new paradigm, the intent to disrupt is as reprehensible as the act itself. Justice has evolved—preventive, decisive, and absolute. Suspicion is sufficient for action, and potential threats are neutralized without hesitation. This radical shift ensures that sabotage and subversion will no longer be tolerated.

Justice Served: GITMO and the Cleansing of Corruption

As a result, GITMO now houses those who dared to obstruct the advancement of humanity. This is a necessary cleansing, excising the malignant tumors of greed and corruption from our society. With the saboteurs kidnapped,  the way is clear for GESARA to proceed.

The once untouchable financial elites now face justice in its most uncompromising form. Their detention at GITMO symbolizes a turning point—a shift away from the old world order toward a future where accountability and transparency reign supreme. The message is clear: the few will no longer control the many through deception and manipulation.



Project Odin = EBS,  Benjamin Fulford 

  • We know that something powerful will take down Mossad Media satellites.  This will cause a worldwide communications blackout, leading us into a Quantum System. This is called PROJECT ODIN. In essence, it provides a reason to activate the Military EBS.
  • Starlink is active and apparently ready  for the Military to activate the worldwide Emergency Broadcast System.
  • Project Odin  , as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is a powerful cross-platform Anti-Cheat Engine and part of Quantum Starlink. These new Quantum Systems are protected by secret space programs beyond the reach of the Cabal.
  • Q tells us that Mossad’s media assets  will be eliminated. Q has stated repeatedly that there will be a big biblical scenario where they will present it as World War 3, but in reality they will activate the military all over the world and then start bombing all the satanic places.
  • This will release the NESARA/GESARA funds  and then we the people will begin to rebuild. This event is truly biblical.
  • To convert to Gesara/Greatness  , they must play out this fake WWIII scenario to sound the sirens at every National Military Command Center. This is to justify to the entire planet many things that have happened.
  • The Military Gesara Law  was implemented, including Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions, executions, etc.
  • As usual, all the armies  will be there to help build new things.
  • We will have achieved freedom,  saved our children, and freed the world from corrupt and enslaving governments.

Many events will also occur, such as:

* God Rods/DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) used on Satan’s target locations worldwide
* Planes and trains will be grounded
* Lights/Power will be briefly turned off as they switch to Tesla Free Energy
* Bitcoin Server/Data Center will be hacked and shut down forever
* 99.5% of cryptocurrencies will disappear, including Chinese currencies
* ISO20022 coins backed by precious metals will be available
* WWIII scare event will occur
* Nuclear siren
* Water events
* Stock market crash
* Global Martial Law rules
* CASTLE ROCK – Julian Assange History
* Quantum System
* Project Odin enabled
* Nesara/Gesara/RV
* Election Revealed Through Military Tribunal – FISA
* Military Trial
* 10 Countries to Run EBS for Worldwide Coverage
* Tremendous Truths Revealed
* Trump and Kennedy Possessions
* ISRAELI MOSSAD Controlled World Media Outside of America.
* Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink
* The new quantum system will be protected by secret space programs beyond the reach of the Cabal
* Satanic media assets will be removed.
* Israeli intelligence has been forced to withdraw
* Media assets will be removed
* After communications are disabled, John F Kennedy Jr. will appear.

Announcement of Completion of Japanese Yen RV and Realization of GESARA Method Before EBS



 This is an excerpt from Shinichiro Ishikawa’s YouTube livestream, which is distributing Intel information at the request of the Alliance.

  Earthquakes are the last stand of the forces of darkness

 At 7:57 p.m. on Friday, August 9, an earthquake with a seismic intensity of less than 5 occurred in western Kanagawa Prefecture.
 It looks like  the reformist US military will observe August 12 (Monday) as the second Black Monday.
 I believe that  the last move of the dark forces against this is manifesting itself in the form of an earthquake.
 Yesterday, August 8 (Thursday), an earthquake occurred in Miyazaki Prefecture with a seismic intensity of less than 6.
 Current science cannot predict earthquakes.
 However, after this earthquake in Miyazaki Prefecture, the government, the Japan Meteorological Agency, and the media made the following announcement with great speed, as if they were in collusion.
“The possibility of a large-scale earthquake occurring in the next week has increased from several to 10 times higher than normal.
 Therefore, we are issuing a warning for a massive earthquake associated with the Nankai Trough.”



The target area of ​​the Nankai Trough covers 707 municipalities in 29 prefectures, from Okinawa to Ibaraki.


And many people saw this ad on TV and ran to the supermarket to stock up.


Do you all think something is wrong?


A seismic intensity of 6 or lower usually destroys many buildings.


However, the city of Nichinan, the epicenter of the earthquake, says there is no damage.


Additionally, a city in Miyazaki Prefecture was listed as having a seismic intensity of 3, but no matter who you ask, they will tell you it wasn’t shaking at all.


The government, the Japan Meteorological Agency and the media worked together to incite fear of an earthquake across Japan  .


It’s  an old technique used when the government has something serious going on  .


Don’t you think this composition is the same as something else?


Yes, the composition  is  exactly the same as that injection.


I ask everyone to remain calm and not be fooled.


  The VR (revaluation) of the Japanese yen has ended.



Thirty-nine years ago, in 1985, there was a conference attended by the finance ministers and central bank governors of five countries: the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, France and Germany.


The agreement reached at this meeting is called the “Plaza Accord”.


The Plaza Accord was created primarily to reduce America’s trade deficit.


Exchange rates were used to eliminate the trade deficit.


In other words, to increase America’s export power, the Japanese yen was strengthened.


At that time, the price of the dollar was 250 yen, but three years later it was about 120 yen to the dollar, an appreciation of 130 yen.


As a result, America created an era of a weak dollar.


In Japan, the appreciation of the yen led to a decline in export competitiveness, and Japanese export-related industries suffered a severe blow, leading to a recession due to the appreciation of the yen.


However, Japan overcame the recession due to the strong yen and pushed the economy into a bubble economy.


The revaluation (RV) of Japan’s currency, the yen, was completed during the Paris Olympics  .


As a result,  Japan’s currency evidently became a gold standard system, making it a stable and secure currency  .


Then,  to set the value of the yen to its pre-1985 Plaza Accord value (perhaps in the era of 260 yen to the dollar), they moved the currency and completed the volume adjustment  .


  The new Treasury of the New Republic of America buys all the banks.



There is a New American Republic being prepared behind the scenes.


The president of this new American republic is Donald Trump, and the vice president is JFK Jr.


The new Treasury of the New American Republic has completed the acquisition of all the banks in the United States.


In other words, it appears that the policy is to take all US banks away from the dark forces and nationalize them in the New American Republic.


The dark forces are now losing money from all banks and losing power.


  Joined EBS through various events



Monday, August 5th, was the first Black Monday in history.


The next event is the second Black Monday, scheduled for Monday, August 12, Eastern Time  .


And  events like Black Monday or Black Friday  are also scheduled for August 19 (Monday).


Furthermore,  EU/Europe stock markets are expected to  collapse around August 26th (Monday).


As such, we are currently  running several events and  are finally planning to join EBS (World Emergency Broadcasting).


This EBS will prove that all dark forces have completely collapsed.


Until then, we hope everyone makes the most of the various events, especially throughout the month of August.


  Announcing the global implementation of the GESARA method before the production of the EBS



Furthermore  , we would like to inform everyone that  it has been confirmed that before the actual implementation of EBS, we will make an announcement that we will “Implement the GESARA method globally.”


So once EBS is finished, GESARA could come very quickly.


At that moment, your time will come.


  After EBS, the Internet will move to version 2.0



After 12 days of EBS, the Internet version 1.0 that we currently use (controlled and operated by the dark forces) will be replaced by a quantum communications system (Internet version 2.0) controlled and operated by the Space Force.

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