Divine MotherArkShip ~ Taurus Gate Portal of Venus – The Spiral of Evolution (Big MULTIDIMENSIONAL LEAP)
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Awakened Star Families of our New Earth Transformation
With the 5:5 Eclipse Portal fully open and activated our Sensitive Earth Angelic Starseeds of the 144 are really feeling these intense energies flowing in from the Great Central Sun directly from the Most High.
After our local Solaris released 5 M class flares yesterday he released several more C Class flares today and another M Class maxing at 3.92 at 8:44 UTC, a mirror of our 8:8 Lions Gate of our Lyran Nation of New Lemuria. We also have a Trinity of Higher Resonance on the Schumann charts today appearing as amplitude spikes of 24 hz, 37 hz and a big blast at 39 hz. Fifth Dimensional Energetics pulsing into the Quantum Fields of Elysium.
With tomorrow’s Full Scorpio Moon energy beginning to flow in we are feeling the Watery Energies of Divine Mother Feminine Goddess rising into the Light of the dawning of our New Golden Age of Eternal Life. Keep anchoring the Crystalline Codes of the Christos Sophia Consciousness as the Heavenly Glow of the Vesak Full Moon of Shakyamuni Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and nirvana brings us the full illumination of our True Nature of Pure Awareness.
We are in the Final Preparations to make our collective Quantum Leap into the Freedom of the Fifth Dimension. It will be the first time in Eternity we will accomplish this as a collective human species. Our whole Human Race will Shift with this Event, as a new Species on Earth we call – Homo-Luminous, Golden Light Beings of Infinite Life…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 7°32′ Scorpio, Sun at 14°26′ Taurus
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A man with rakish silk hat, muffled against the cold, braves a storm.
Sabian Symbol for 15º Taurus
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 15º Taurus.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
The moon shining across a lake.
Sabian Symbol for 8º Scorpio
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 8º Scorpio.
Strong incoming energies. Feels like a pressure cooker inside, buzzing, exhaustion, heightened sensitivity, itching & so on. Stay hydrated and get plenty of rest 🩵
The Divine Feminine not only exudes the most loving, compassionate and nurturing aspects, as well as All Seeing, All Hearing, All Knowing, but also power, strenght and command.
More than this such sublime, exquisite love, joy, tenderness and warmth.
She is revealing herself within you in very powerful loving ways.
Feel a deep homecoming of your soul.
Divine loving Presence beyond Presence.
She is pouring blessings upon blessings upon you.
Open your heart and soul to receive graciously and gratefully.
The passage to the Full Moon/Wesak Moon with Lunar Eclipse and the 5/5 Taurus Gate Portal on May 5th
Yes, it is a momentous week and we are in the final stages of the passage way to a New and more Magical Reality on Earth.
As we pass out of old worn out Dualistic modes of thinking, we open out and discover more possibilities. We discover a Magical world that exists within our world, a world of Elemental energies and Fairies and Elves and Dragons and Unicorns. And they are real! Because we allow them to be and we recognise them in our new way of thinking and being beyond Duality. We allow for a third option beyond Physical and Spiritual, and that is Magical. So be prepared for some special and sparkly Magic along the way!
The Scorpio Full Moon also has a special meaning in Asia and to Buddhists around the world as it celebrates the awakening of the Buddha! We can expect that with this focus, there will be lots of Light and Joy around too.
The Eclipse will help us to finally complete the grounding of the Emerald Codes and their connection to the Emerald Star Garden as we celebrate New Earth/New Lemuria.
And of course the Taurus Gate, where together with the Sirians, the Pleiadians, the Royal Star Lions and the Divine Feminine Christos energies, we will raise our consciousness and our frequencies as we transit the portal on Friday!
It all sounds so delicious and something to be celebrated for those of us who love the Earth and are on this journey with her.
So… lets dance and sing and meditate and gather in Circles of Light……whatever we do to celebrate the return of the Sacred and Magical energies to Earth.
Dear family of love and light, the Divine has been carrying out the Divine intervention, and will continue to do so. The Divine says that in doing so, the Divine and the company of heaven will be able to quickly clear the planet and humanity so that Gaia’s remapping can go forward and smoothly.
Right now, the Divine intervention is focusing on the areas where the clearing is needed the most. The Divine has planned out the areas where the Divine intervention will cover and one area at a time.
The Divine encourages light workers to keep up the good work and know that the Divine plan is working well. The Divine is working tirelessly to clear the planet. Please know that the Divine intervention and clearing process has made huge progress. And the speed of the clearing is unprecedented. For that, Gaia is very grateful. Thank you for your light work. Divine blessings to you always.
Linda Li, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.
Clearly we are in one of the most progressive ‘eclipse corridors’ we have experienced. Each day now is a lifetime of change. Each day a rarified opportunity to advance in Consciousness as consciousness itself is moved hour by hour from one reality to another depending upon our engagement with it.
Discernment is essential now. Alignment is essential now. Frequency is essential now, and is our greatest currency. Beloveds, at a time such as this do not underestimate your Power nor your Potential. And do not underestimate your Value and Worth as the most important change-makers in this entire Galaxy. There is no Galactic history for what is occurring now on this Planet. All above are learning from Us as we unfold evolution in a way that has not been experienced.
This is the ‘time’ to Remember Who You Are. Go vertical with Heart wide-open and feet on the ground. Your Consciousness can reach as far as you let it. You are a Vast Being of Light. Reach for you. All of you.
You are no longer attempting to be in alignment with the Old Earth, quite the opposite. You are being called to Uplevel, to move into your Higher Internal Workings of your new Chrystalline/Multi-Dimensional/Universal operating system to match the energetic profile of New Earth.
This Now is ripe for ascending up the Spiral of Evolution.
These hours will be crucial for the entry of a great wave of energy that will reverberate throughout the planet, let’s unite all our intentions, lift your hearts to our beloved MAMA GAIA.
This energy will bring darkness into light, lies will be revealed, masks will fall off, structures will crumble, veils will disappear.
They are dark collective structures that need to be illuminated, sustained by old programs that require renewal.
This update invites us to rid ourselves of all those implants and collective programs.
When the old paradigm is broken, something powerful will be reborn. What affects one affects all and thus reverberates all over the network.
We should support each other to bring in the new creation
The frequency of the planet is moving into a new spiritual tool and the blood of mankind will be cleansed.
A great release of karmas is about to begin, let’s get ready to take the big MULTIDIMENSIONAL LEAP.
Humanity is Moving through the Biggest Awakening Process
Resolution comes with raising your consciousness. Get ready! Life as you have always known it is about to change. It is sudden and it is radical. It may be an epiphany or a flash of insight that totally revises the way you look at the world. It may be an emotional breakthrough. Or it may be an upheaval in your life or in the life of the world around you. It is up to you how you will respond to the crisis. Will you let it crush you, or will you allow it to transform you?
The energy that is released in the aftermath of crises has the potential for enormous creativity and transformation. The whole humanity and species is undergoing a collective death-rebirth process. Remember true awakening is achieved with inner work and not just with the accumulation of information.
As you continue to open your Self up to the life of the Spirit, your heart is filled with compassion and you begin to let go of the judgments and criticisms you have made in the past. To live in alignment with your deepest, most authentic Self is not possible without the help of spiritual allies.
It’s this knowledge that keeps us humble. You know that your life has purpose and meaning, and this gives you deep joy and peace. Service to others may not have been part of your life in the past, but it is now. When each person gives their own unique gift to the world, the entire fabric of Terra is strengthened and enriched.
Deeaia Guardian of the New Tara and Divine MotherArkShip
As WE Are Approaching to very STRONG 5:5 PORTAL. . .
EXTREMELY INTENSE DIVINE ENERGIES Have Been BOMBARDING our CHAKRA Centers and our DNA for the past few days NOW!
A SACRED FIELD of LIGHT will BE Descending on Earth during the TIMEFRAME of May.
WE Are BE-ing Called to ALIGN through our Heart and Open Consciously to BE Received. . . to BE Realigned through this FIELD of LIGHT.
This SACRED LIGHT will Encompass the Planet.
The Network of LIGHT that has Surrounded the planet will BEgin to ANCHOR its Roots Physically within the Earth plane and will OPEN this Platform of LIGHT Consciousness.
This is our TIME to LET GO on Another Level within our Heart Center by Choosing to SURRENDER through our Heart and Allow our Heart to MERGE within this Platform of LIGHT.
This Process is an Actual RETURNING for us.
WE Once Again BEcome a Beacon of LIGHT. . . a Natural Extension of the FIELD of GOD LIGHT Consciousness. . . in Truth WE have Always been Part of this GOD Consciousness LIGHT.
Our HEART Plays the Role of an ANCHOR for the Planet. WE Return HOME. . . Taking our Place within the Pure FIELD of GOD LIGHT Consciousness.
The words. . . our Unique FREQUENCY of these words. . . “I AM”. . . Actively Claim our Sacred BIRTHRIGHT within the LIGHT and WE BEgin the Realignment Process within the Platform of GOD LIGHT Consciousness.
This is the TIME for SELF-Resurrection. . . this Process Accelerates with our Active Conscious Choice through the REALIGNMENT of our Place within this SACRED PLATFORM through our Heart.
Remember our Pre-Agreement was Always to Take Place at this Juncture. . .
the Pre-Agreement BE-ing that while existing in our Physical Human form WE Create the Powerful Action of CONSCIOUS REALIGNMENT and ALLOW another SHIFT through the Consciousness of HUmanity.
The CALL is going outwards to ALL Galactic Forces in the Universe to Hold a VIBRATIONAL LIGHT around the Planet While WE Engage and Unfold in this Next Step of our TRANSMUTATION Process.
KNOW that this is Unlike any other ENGAGEMENT Process that Has Gone Before.
The FREQUENCY of the LIGHT that is Anchoring at this Juncture Carries a Unique VIBRATION of LIGHT Designed for a Rapid AWAKENING for US.
Photo: An Explosion of Colours. . . captured over Norway by Vincent Beudez (northern-lights-photographer-of-the-year)
An Explosion of Colours
Ra James
Eclipse Gateway! Eclipses can take a lot out of you! This one is in Scorpio so intense energies propelling you towards a new version of yourself! Heightened energies. You may need extra rest and self care right now. Really taking care of yourself. Healing, meditation, detoxing, vitamins, making more time to connect to Source, really putting yourself and your needs first. Listening to your guidance and working with your Angels to make your path and lessons easier. Clearing negativity. Many of you, because it’s Mercury Retrograde, may be needing to release attachments to the past, or people from your past.
Major energies are clearing in your life! Such a healing is happening! Eclipse energies can be a little bit of a wild card. The energies can be unstable, not to mention accelerating our timelines, desires, and what we are manifesting! Stay positive right now! Things are accelerating fast within these 5D energies. Try to just flow with things as they are shifting right now.
This week alone we have lots of solar flares kicking off, the last Eclipse of the first Eclipse Season of the year, the 5:5 Portal, which is also Cinco De Mayo, and we are hitting the peak of the ETA Aquarids Meteor Shower. Right now we are passing through dust left behind from Halley’s Comet, making the ETA Aquarids one of the best Meteor Showers of the year. During the 5:5 Portal we have out Flower Moon Eclipse.
Expect a lot of Pleiadian Energies with it. This may be the last evening to see the Pleiades until this star system aligns with, and passes behind the Sun on May 21st. It will reappear in the Morning sky during Mid-June…
The recent developments taking place all across the planet are proof that the Great Shift has started!
It is a shift from mere consciousness to consciousness with purpose—a greater understanding of our connection with all others and all creation.
The Shift is manifested in a higher frequency in which the energies of love and light, heaven and Earth, and spirit all work together to awaken human consciousness through the purification of human hearts.
You are members of the Light Family. You are much more than a human being. You are extraordinary achievers in the multidimensional realm!
The task at hand is to consciously lead, command, and will the evolution of your DNA. You will also assist others during this great Shift.
This new paradigm shift is about awakening to your full potential as an angelic being on Earth.
You can make a difference in your life by being aware of your own inner divine nature. This awareness will help you see yourself as an angelic being on Earth who has come here to help others evolve as well.
You have come here to help others awaken their awareness and consciousness through a series of personal and collective actions that support this evolutionary process.
As an angelic being on Earth, you have a specific mission to help raise humanity’s consciousness so that they can realize that they are already connected with Source Energy (God) through the heart center—their soul or higher self.
This realization will help one to live in alignment with Divine Will through conscious participation in this evolutionary movement called ascension.
You are a member of an alliance that is working together for a common goal: to activate your authentic light body and return to Source in order for you to co-create with Source on a higher level of consciousness within your physical body.
This process requires patience from all involved as we make our way through this time when many of us have returned to Source for our next journey.
Your body is already returning to its natural state of being as it begins to align with its original blueprint or design. It may feel as if you have been asleep for many years, but you are awakening into a new reality where everything is possible!
As you become more aware of your true self, you naturally begin to attract more abundance into your life through synchronicity and other natural means, such as creating more business opportunities or attracting spiritual mentors into your life who can assist you in this process of self-discovery and ascension.
As a lightworker, it is important for you to remember that what works for one person may not work for another, so be open-minded when exploring different ways that could assist your journey towards awakening who you truly are on Earth at this time in history.
You have been called to make a conscious choice for your higher self, for your true purpose in life, for your soul mission on Earth, for your higher expression, for your true nature, and for your greater good!
The Shift isn’t just a change in our consciousness; it’s a quantum leap in our evolution as human beings, as souls, and as creators of our own reality!
It’s a tremendous opportunity to begin anew with who we really are and move into a new dimension where we can live in harmony with ourselves and with each other through love and compassion rather than separation and fear!
You have never existed prior to this point in time! Your soul has never known joy or freedom before now! And yet here you are right now, at this very moment, making choices that determine whether or not you will continue to evolve into higher dimensions.
The Shift is happening, and we are all feeling it. Whether you’re aware of the synchronicity in your life or not, all signs point to growth in the collective consciousness.
In a nutshell, each of us is on a journey to awakening. Each day brings us closer to our dreams. It may seem like there is more distance left to travel, but it’s not as bad as it seems when you realize how much you’ve already traveled in the past few years.
When you’re ready to spread your wings and embark on a spiritual journey of self-discovery, something really cool happens. When you start to see life in 5D, you feel at peace and calm, but excited and alive too!
You can only feel it when you really make the decision to see things the way they really are.
So the Great Shift I’ve been talking about is starting to take effect, and once it does, it will bring about a complete shift in our mass consciousness, and propel us towards ascension.
This is the Shift that has been foretold for so long and that we have all been waiting for, and it is about to become a reality!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Tomorrow’s Full Moon Eclipse is awakening the awareness of all your gifts and abilities that you have within. Your ability to persevere through the Spiritual war has already revealed how powerful, unique, and gifted you are. All those skills, time, and energy can now be redirected towards the changes that are underway.
Remember that you can do whatever you desire. The mind is now altering so you can create from this higher perspective. It is important to choose what you want, rather than focusing on previous outcomes.
Utilize the Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius to reinvent your life! When Pluto moves into Capricorn in June it will be easy to implement the blueprints that are aligning and creating right now. Continue moving with the energies of completion, healing, and evolution, remembering that this is a journey, one step and one day at a time.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
“The Gift of Orientation is so profound that it creates a torus around us. That is what our trust does – we trust the suffering of another. We open our hearts to them without Agenda, and they receive our trust at a cellular level.” – Richard Rudd, The 64 Ways
Today we have Venus, ruler of partnerships, in Gemini the Twins in a challenging square aspect to Neptune, planet of illusion, in Pisces the Fish. This could have us wearing rose-colored glasses in our relationships. We may lack good boundaries or put someone on a pedestal. However, this is also about merging with the idea or concept of unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness. We can take Love to a Higher Spiritual Level now, through sharing our vulnerabilities. Venus will also be making a positive sextile to Jupiter, planet of luck and blessings.
A beautiful opportunity may present itself to us……this could be in our connections with others, communications and messages, money and finances, or expanding our efforts in a project that could bring us success. Whatever it is, we must take some sort of action to benefit from this energy, And, lastly, the Moon, ruler of our emotional responses, will be shifting into transformative Scorpio, the sign of the upcoming eclipse on Friday, at 10:32am EDT. She will connect with powerful Pluto, ruler of transmutation, and Saturn, planet of responsibility, throwing a little more depth and seriousness into the mix! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Moon enters Scorpio. Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces – As we move towards the eclipse, we start to descend into deeper waters. Emotionally, there’s a profound need for soul connection. If we’re partnered or have other meaningful intimate bonds with others, these influences can bring an even greater sense of closeness. It’s wordless communication, a look across the room, quiet company.
But for some, there may be an overriding sense that something is missing. Wishing for what we don’t have can drain the colour out of life. If you’re disillusioned, consider whether unconscious material may have played a part in creating impossible dreams. You deserve more.
Sometimes too, people or situations fade from our lives like rainbows. They become beautiful moments, cherished memories. Their impermanence is what makes them so precious. Don’t try to hold on to them. Instead let them be a bridge from your heart to the heavens. Pour love into this day and light will once again emerge. Love is unlimited.
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its keywords are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence’. The 13th and last day of a wavespell completes the journey and therefore so much must be considered today concerning the lessons learnt. We began on Blue Storm and it’s been quite a ride. Endure to Transcend is the number 13’s message – meaning that we have to strive for progress in our life, it is never simply handed to you on a silver platter. The whole Tzolkin is based on the number 13. There are 13 days in a wavespell and 13 moons in a year. There are 13 columns in the Tzolkin that we travel down, passing each day or glyph on the way. This number is not unlucky, just powerful.
Today is the Blue Monkey which represents ‘Play, Illusion and Magic’. And so, after 13 days of riding the Storm, our final destination is the Cosmic Monkey. This suggests that through change we find magic. Monkey days can be fun and magical but also, there is a wise aspect to Monkey. Magic must not be confused with illusion and Monkey takes teaching this important lesson very seriously. Today, he will call you out if you have fallen under any kind of illusion. As it is a Cosmic day this process can be quite enduring. It will be all worth it in the end for sure, as magic is definitely something we all need in our lives.
The Guide today is the Blue Eagle which sees things from a higher perspective and when in the guiding position this enables us to have visions. Step back and see the bigger picture today this will help immensely with discerning between magic and illusion. The Blue Eagle is one of the most helpful guides because he can help us see which way to go.
The Challenge is the Red Dragon which represents Nurturing. It will be hard for everyone today to find nurturing and to take care of themselves because the Cosmic Monkey process is quite unforgiving. You’ve got to feel sorry for poor Dragons on days like this. If you know one, give them a hug.
The Occult power is the White Dog which brings some comic relief to this tricky day. Chase your tail, have some fun and see the world through the eyes of a puppy. Explore, go for a walk, play ball or just have a cuddle! But seriously don’t be too serious today.
The Ally today is the Yellow Star who loves all things sparkly and shiny. If you find today a bit tough find a Yellow Star to cheer you up with glitter and pretty things. If you don’t know a Yellow Star, do what they do and indulge in art and appreciate the beautiful world around you.
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 91=10 Manifestation/New Beginnings/Leadership
13 COSMIC TONE = Cosmic Consciousness/Goddess/Natural Lore/13 moons/EXPANSION
Today is the LAST day of the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL – as we reach a COSMIC crescendo! We are transcending the old illusions to bring on the NEW WHITE MAJIK!!
A VERY POTENT PORTAL for Divine Alchemy with the Spiritual Magician taking charge! Today is BLUE COSMIC MONKEY day, who is the MASTER MAGICIAN casting the DREAM-SPELL, and the COSMIC tone is the highest frequency of the MONKEY tribe! What a BLAST!
Day 13 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. Today on day 13 we get to experience GREAT MAJIK witnessing the completion of this transformative, great evolutionary wavespell. We are becoming the PURE DIVINE CHILD of our origin. When we look at the world through the EYES of a child – our whole reality becomes MAJIKAL!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence Today we have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at our disposal to transcend all those old patterns and transform them through pure presence.
We have PURIFIED our body, mind and soul and now through total transcendance can simply just BE as pure presence. We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
Today we take the MAJIK FLIGHT releasing our MAJIK, through our Divine innocence into the COSMOS!
This NEW ENERGY becomes today’s GIFT, renewing our vitality and passion, allowing us to birth our new creations, and make our GREAT DREAMS come true.
ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible within the COSMIC womb of CREATION.
New STARS are birthed from the Cosmic EXPLOSION of the old stars! From DEATH comes new LIFE and after every ENDING comes a New Beginning! And so the cycle continues!
Absolutely BRILLIANT as we head into the 5/5 WESAK FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in SCORPIO tomorrow!!!
P.S. Today is a brilliant day for AKASHIC RECORDS work too! Renegotiate your contracts and write your new life chapter!
Blessings be, these are exciting times, planetary kin!!!
Today’s question is “How can I birth the DIVINE MAJIK of my Cosmic Child, to MANIFEST my greatest VISIONS and my true heart’s desires?”
We bid adieu for now to CAUAC, our transformative BLUE STORM which has cleared the way for the beautiful STAR BLISS SUNS to shed the old paradigm, and step UP into their new Divine Galactic Mission.
The STORM energy has swept through our PLANET, bringing the revolutionary changes that future generations will marvel at through the GREAT AWAKENING.
The crumbling of the old world as we knew it and the anchoring of Nova Gaia through the pillars of magnificent LIGHT through this LEGENDARY WESAK/LUNAR ECLIPSE GATEWAY blasting OPEN the passage to the HIGHER realms. The legions of beautiful STAR BLISS SUNS who have claimed their sovereignty, are holding steadfast in the EYE of the STORM.
HOLD THE LIGHT BELOVED wayshowers you are doing a STELLAR job!
BRAVO GROUNDCREW We have TRANSCENDED our old lives, and old ways and are now purified, cleansed and transformed, READY to set forth on our new journey.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell, with EB – our divine yellow HU-MAN as our learned guide – ABSOLUTELY PERFECTO aligning with the WESAK FESTIVAL of ENLIGHTENMENT, and LUNAR ECLIPSE when the HOLY SPIRIT RISES and takes FLIGHT.
We are aligning with Divine Willand our higher Galactic Missions as the next cycle of our journey through the DREAMSPELL begins….
Divine blessings for Majikally Alchemizing your greatest VISIONS!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE COSMIC MONKEY – CHUEN– the COSMIC MAGICIAN holds the HIGHEST LEVEL of MAJIK in the DREAMSPELL. As we reclaim our lost innocence and become the beautiful sovereign Divine child again, we can unleash all the Majik of Creation – bringing forth our Manifestations into reality.
Retrieve your MAJIK wands and bring out all your majikal and sacred tools, for today is a day to energize your CREATION VORTEX!
You can partake in MAJIKAL rituals, ceremonies, prayers and Earth ceremony. Casting a majikal circle or sitting in a medicine wheel, is also favoured today. Singing or chanting mantras, doing a VISION board, or making a WISH upon a STAR are also options.
The COSMOS is our playground today, and the HEAVENS are showering us with GOLDEN ENERGY and COSMIC blessings. Open your ARMS to receive the abundant COSMIC COOKIES offered today!
BLUE MONKEY is tribe number 11 which represents a DOORWAY into all realms and DIMENSIONS. CHUEN is the time traveller, illusionist and trickster – YOU decide which side of the coin to experience. BLUE MONKEY can access all realms and dimensions and EXPAND your consciousness on all levels – especially on a 13 tone COSMIC day!
Be AWARE and STAY in the LIGHT today as you OPEN your HEART through LOVE and spontaneity. Let your beautiful inner majikal child run FREE. Grab some buddies and PLAY, PLAY, PLAY in BLISSFUL exuberance – enjoy your majikal day!
Release the old dull illusory world. It is now time to PLAY, your sparkly New Reality into existence!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE COSMIC EAGLE– MEN is our HIGHER guide today allowing us to see the bigger picture of how the patterns of change happen in our lives. The COSMIC EAGLE has a huge field of VISION – past, present, future – holding a lens into all dimensions and realities in the entire Omniverse.
The COSMIC EAGLE can bring forth SOLUTIONS to all problems. Whatever you desire the COSMIC EAGLE can provide the answer, helping you to SEE from a place of great clarity and understanding.
Now that the STORM has passed, you can see for “miles and miles” in any direction. COSMIC EAGLE – is a SEER, a prophet and a very wise ally, enabling you to make future plans and broaden your perspective of what is possible for you.
BLUE EAGLE can also help you ENVISION the HIGHEST POTENTIAL for your future path today. The BLUE BOYS – MEN and CHUEN will beautifully harmonize, to help you MANIFEST your HIGHEST VISION.
DREAM BIG – beautiful STAR BLISS SUNS You have EARNED your COSMIC reward a million fold! You must HOLD THE VISION in order to create it.
“Give me THIS, or something even better Universe, with harm to none. And so it is, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!”
Seriously BELOVEDS – this blue boys combo – is pure majikal Alchemy – Time Travel – MIRACLES and alchemizing your BEST timeline.. choose your track and set sail..
SUPPORT: YELLOW COSMIC STAR – LAMAT is your passport to COSMIC BRILLIANCE today, opening the YELLOW DOOR to your beautiful, harmonious and ABUNDANT NEW WORLD flooding through LAMAT’S stargate. COSMIC LAMAT gives you total access to the entire ABUNDANT COSMOS through your expansive presence.
COSMIC LAMAT opens a portal to the NEW HARMONIX TIME as you marvel at the infinite beauty of DIVINE COSMIC CREATION.. A perfect world filled with beauty, HARMONY and ART-istry.
Our Galactic kin, applaud you today and your remarkable achievements and SUCCESS. So take a bow, Planetary kin and SHINE YOUR LIGHT as BRIGHT as ever, becoming the TORCH bearers for all those that are following. Marvel in the beauty and grace that surrounds you and take time to express your UNIQUE Artistry!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE MAGNETIC DOG-OC guides us to EXPAND and OPEN our HEARTS today so that we can manifest the highest form of MAJIK. The Magnetic Dog is masterful at connecting with kin and attracting all that is needed to express his reality as a part of SOURCE – unified with his kinfolk and all of CREATION.
The MAGNETIC DOG reminds us that our highest purpose is to ATTRACT and BE LOVE! Expansive, INFINITE and endless unconditional DIVINE LOVE.
As we become receptive to the COSMIC unlimited and unconditional LOVE from SOURCE, we can magnetize to ourselves all that our pure heart’s desire. Feeling the ONENESS of ALL THAT IS, and the UNITY of our Planetary kin.
We are UNITED in our quest for Universal LOVE and collective ABUNDANCE in a peace filled world. AMEN to that!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED COSMIC DRAGON– IMIX challenges us today to take responsibility for allowing new energy to birth in us continually, by allowing ourselves to simply be present. The COSMIC Dragon is the Mother Creatrix of the Cosmos holding the keys to all Creation – able to manifest all possibilities springing forth from the Divine Child’s imagination.
Mumma Dragon LOVES to make her children HAPPY!
This NEW ENERGY becomes today’s GIFT, renewing our vitality and passion, allowing us to birth our new creations, and make our GREAT DREAMS come true.
ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible within the COSMIC womb of CREATION.
New STARS are birthed from the Cosmic EXPLOSION of the old stars! From DEATH comes new LIFE and after every ENDING comes a New Beginning! And so the cycle continues!
Absolutely BRILLIANT as we head into the 5/5 WESAK FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in SCORPIO tomorrow!!!
P.S. Today is a brilliant day for AKASHIC RECORDS work too! Renegotiate your contracts and write your new life chapter!
Blessings be, these are exciting times, planetary kin!!!
Today’s question is “How can I birth the DIVINE MAJIK of my Cosmic Child, to MANIFEST my greatest VISIONS and my true heart’s desires?”
We bid adieu for now to CAUAC, our transformative BLUE STORM which has cleared the way for the beautiful STAR BLISS SUNS to shed the old paradigm, and step UP into their new Divine Galactic Mission.
The STORM energy has swept through our PLANET, bringing the revolutionary changes that future generations will marvel at through the GREAT AWAKENING.
The crumbling of the old world as we knew it and the anchoring of Nova Gaia through the pillars of magnificent LIGHT through this LEGENDARY WESAK/LUNAR ECLIPSE GATEWAY blasting OPEN the passage to the HIGHER realms. The legions of beautiful STAR BLISS SUNS who have claimed their sovereignty, are holding steadfast in the EYE of the STORM.
HOLD THE LIGHT BELOVED wayshowers you are doing a STELLAR job!
BRAVO GROUNDCREW We have TRANSCENDED our old lives, and old ways and are now purified, cleansed and transformed, READY to set forth on our new journey.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell, with EB – our divine yellow HU-MAN as our learned guide – ABSOLUTELY PERFECTO aligning with the WESAK FESTIVAL of ENLIGHTENMENT, and LUNAR ECLIPSE when the HOLY SPIRIT RISES and takes FLIGHT.
We are aligning with Divine Will and our higher Galactic Missions as the next cycle of our journey through the DREAMSPELL begins….
Divine blessings for Majikally Alchemizing your greatest VISIONS!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
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