You are currently viewing Midsummer Eve ~ Solstice Atlantean update ~ LIGHT TRIBES UNITING (GREEN LIGHT)
Butterfly Goddess

Midsummer Eve ~ Solstice Atlantean update ~ LIGHT TRIBES UNITING (GREEN LIGHT)

Midsummer Eve ~ Solstice Atlantean update ~ LIGHT TRIBES UNITING (GREEN LIGHT)



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Celestial Star Nation of the Avatars of Infinite Light

As the Higher Source Energetics continue to flow in through the Solstice Gateway all Starseed Ground Crew Earth Angelics of the 144 are receiving activations and upgrades through their Still Inner Sun at the Center of their being.

The Violet Ray is resonating within every living cell of all Sentient beings of the Way. We are all connected through the etheric field of the Quantum Hologram and together we raise the frequency into the Cymatics of Heaven on Earth.

We are entering the New Golden Age of Enlightenment and nothing can stop the Quickening for we have fully crossed over the threshold of the Event Horizon and the Waves of Unconditional Love Flow freely from the Fountain of Truth. Mother Father God are making themselves known through this Great Shift of the Ages into 5D Age of Aquarius.

All is in perfect alignment for the culmination of our Divine Will and Pure Intent for Peace, Prosperity and Eternal Bliss Consciousness for all our Good People of the New Earth. Keep anchoring in the Angel Fire Diamond Codes deep into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth as she completes her Transformation into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.

This is the Physics of Immortality made manifest through our Divine Birthrights as Conscious Co-Creators of the New Lemuria…A’Ho!





Right now: Moon at 23°40′ Leo, Sun at 1°14′ Cancer

sabian symbols

Current Sabian Symbols

Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun

A man on a magic carpet observes vast vistas below him.
Sabian Symbol for 2º Cancer

The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 2º Cancer.


Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon

Totally concentrated upon inner spiritual attainment, a man is sitting in a state of complete neglect of his body.
Sabian Symbol for 24º Leo

The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 24º Leo.



Just think..EVERY pure intention, thought and action since about to crystalize into material form.. Ready to jump!?😜❤️🎉
Butterfly Goddess
Butterfly Goddess
She is being given a ‘green light’ to move forward in some aspect of her life. This is the ultimate ‘victory’ card to open your way.
Those who go against you…. they wont even stand a chance.
Dragon King
Dragon King

6.22.23 post Solstice Atlantean update: ✨🔱✨

We are in a bit of a Solstice hang over today as the integration of the newest energies and Light Codes settle into our cells. Many of you may actually be feeling elated and filled up by the Solar Rays and Galactic Heart expansions, I know I do.
Compressions and heat create diamonds, over the next months the warriors of God will be rising into our highest Earth missions. I, for one, am very excited to Raise Atlantis
7 = “MO-MEN-TUM”: 🏇🏻
“Strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events.”
Over the next 3 months and beyond the trajectory of your life will be played out via the chariot of your Soul assuming command.
As we move into to July ( 7 month of a 7 year) and the 7.7.7. portal there will be an acceleration into the timelines that have been carefully cultivated and called forward into a reality.
You called in the miracles.
These are your power words: “I TRUST and ALLOW all to flow easily and freely into my reality.”
Be in the magic of Co creation laying your dreams at your feet, because MOTION is happening now.
Giddy up!
And here by the grace of God, we go.
All Hail the New Earth Atlantis 🔱
Ameera Atlantis 🔱~ Star of the Sea 💦✨~ Keeper of the Atlantean Flame 🔥✨
For personal sessions please visit
Solstice Atlantean
Solstice Atlantean
I woke up this moring with a feeling of deep sacredness. We are stepping into holy grounds and entering the promised land of our visions and dreams. I can feel the new earth rising up ever stronger within us. It feels more solid, more than ever now. This is a time where the butterfly finally emerges from the primordial goo of our cocoon and we learn to fly. We have entered new territory.
We have completed a major energetic detox, a mighty initiation. We feel released and set free. Pure heart intensions will be supported here. Yet we cannot appreciate the magnitude of this time as we emerge as innocent newborn babes. What we have gone through is beyond our intellectual knowing. This time is too big for the mind to conceive. Only the heart can carry this new world forward.
The Star Elders share…
The outdated and contaminated past world is fracturing apart just as planned. It is clearing space for a new world that you have envisioned. During this process bits of a new reality will appear, disappear and reappear as the time, space, dimension, and parallel realities wobble and readjust. Reality as you have known it, it’s no longer the same. Your anchor point is within your heart, not in the outer world. Learn to Surf your Center Point.
The old world shrinks way in the rearview mirror, and the windshield in front of us is vast. Step by step we make our ascension. We will look back on our past and it will feel like a dream. The only thing we will leave behind is an echo, a tale of lives lived and lessons learned. All truth lived in the past is destined to become a myth, as it has in ages past. We are our ancestors return once again to birth yet another age.
Blessings to you ALL
Image… The Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park in Sedona.
The Amitabha Stupa
The Amitabha Stupa

Ra James

We are integrating the Solstice Energies. Expect to continue to receive a huge influx of Galactic Energies over the next few weeks. This is a space for the major upgrades that are happening. Friday is Midsummer Eve, and Saturday is Midsummer Day! This is a major Fairy Gateway! The otherworlds are open. Expect the weekend to bring an extra magical energy. We have also kicked off Cancer Season. Cancer is the only sign that is ruled by the Moon. The Moon is ruler of emotions and the unconscious. This Cancer Season will help us to shift into a deeper alignment with the Lunar Cycles.
It’s time to get creative and to focus on your spiritual gifts. We are already half way through the year. Time to make things happen with your manifesting. June 30th Neptune in Pisces shifts Retrograde until Dec 6th. It will be highlighting themes around dreams, illusion, and spirituality. Expect more clarity on your situation during this time. It’s so important that you’re listening to your intuition right now! It’s necessary for your energy to have good boundaries! The theme this Cancer Season is self care and how you are taking care of yourself.
It’s all about connecting with your own intuitive energies and following your heart. It may be bringing up past issues. If you skipped steps, or tried to ignore any healing issues, expect these things to come up in a major way right now within these energies. Time to really focus on your healing, energy, and deeper feelings. This Cancer Season is all about healing your ancestral line, or your ancestral roots. This is also an amazing time for Summer Love!
art: @artpvb
Solstice Energies
Solstice Energies



Dear family of love and light, the Divine has been busy carrying out the Divine intervention and operations to clear the planet and humanity. The Divine says that the result is quite satisfying. The planet is much lighter right now. Gaia and the Divine are very pleased with the result.
The Divine says that right now, there are still some souls and light workers who need clearing. The Divine and the company of heaven are standing by and ready to help if there is a need of clearing.
The Divine encourages light workers to call for Divine intervention if they need to clear themselves, their family and friends. The Divine and the company of heaven will help and do whatever is needed to clear these callers.
Also, right now, the Divine says that there are some advanced light workers who have worked so hard and went deep into the clearing process. The Divine says that these ones may need Divine’s helping hand so that their clearing process can come to an end. The Divine wants to let these light workers know that they have the Divine on their side, and all they need to do is to call for the Divine intervention so that their clearing process can be finished and they can move onto their next mission.
Again, thank you for your hard work and great contribution to Gaia’s ascension process. The Divine and Gaia are very grateful for your dedication and great work. You are indeed light warriors.
Divine love for you always.
Linda Li, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.
Dragon support
Dragon support


JUNE 22 2023
‘She said that she was ready and gave permission for the Sword of Light to return.
The Sword of Light was kept by the Lords of the underworld all this time.
The Sword of Light is the whole and complete presence of the Masculine in his healthy and True and Living Essence and Power.
It also represents all of his Divine Rights to be back here and everywhere else he chooses
and also have access to the creative power through the ways of True Creation
and the Divine Law.
It is his connection to his True Origin and Source.
The Sword was removed from him upon his capture and falling.
Without it he could not be who he truly was nor do all the things he could.
This was when he started losing his organic codes of wholeness and purity
and becoming fractalised in deep oblivion.
Now the Sword of Light has been returned back on Earth and it is accessible again to all of those pure at heart and strong enough to get
in alignment with the True and Pure Masculine’s Essence, embody it and create through it.
The Sword has been nailed to the ground in different points/portals of the world,
pollinating the flower and its
the 12 waves/petals of the Heart that the Ruby Living Diamond brought back in March.
The pollination caused the unfoldment
of infinite trinity formations in the grids which will eventually spread all throughout the whole system.
This is not for the faint-hearted.
Those who have settled their contracts with all 3 realms
or are clear that they want to do it, can claim the Sword.
This is the new position for the masculine within all,
a position that has been forgotten long long ago.
‘Separating the chaff from the wheat’ is the closest phrase to describe
what are the consequences and blessings that the return of the Sword of Light is bringing back!
The Sword of Light is for the Heroes and Heroines
and those worthy of its Protection and Grace!’’
I will soon share all the places/points/portals that the Sword returned to
and whether it allowed pollination or not
and the messages that the Sword gave for them
so that the people who work with these points/portals can use them accordingly if they choose to.
One place though I can mention with great joy because it stood out from all the rest, this is Uluru!
The heroes and heroines in Uluru were waiting
for the return of the Sword of Light with great joy and anticipation, they were happy because they knew what the pollination meant
and they were aware of its significant meaning!
They are absolutely ready for action and excepted it with great celebrations!
So much gratitude for them!
Thank you all for this amazing group work!
Blessings to all!
Huna Ma Anata Kumara

A Venus-Mars Saga in Royal Leo

☀️It has been an energetically supercharged few days with a Powerful Solstice Portal combined with a new moon and Venus Coronation following 12 hours post solstice followed by a Moon Mars conjunction at the heels of the Venus Moon conjunction.
✨If the lead up to the Solstice was physically exhausting for the body, it was because of high frequency cosmic light codes bombarding us and the Earth Altars as the veils thinned during this Sacred Pause in the Sun’s Trajectory . These high vibrational light codes – Aquamarine /Andromedean +Blue Ray Sirius+ Pleiadian+Diamond /Platinum Gold …are activating the Lion/Feline ,Dragon and Mer Dna for the Light Warriors who will now take on the task of translating the Pleiadian Blue Print of New Earth into Physical manifestation via Solar Plexus Powered Action grounded in Courage and Heart Centered Compassion , Service , Love and Devotion.
👑On 22 June @8:30 am ,Venus /Inanna Conjunct the New Moon in Leo at Crown Chakra as She was Coronated Queen of Heaven and Earth in the very Royal Zodiac of Leo-The King/ Queen of the Zodiac ,ruled by the Sun and is all about Heart Centered Love and Courage – it doesn’t get more Queenly or Royal than this!!!
💞Venus / Inanna will remain at Crown Chakra for the next One month as she completes her second synodic cycle as the Capricorn Metagoddess- ie The Wise Matriarch and Record keeper who ensures the Foundational Integrity of the Timeline is maintained so that Ancient Wisdom may survive and thrive while allowing for adjustments that are more in alignment with the needs and requirements of the New Earth/age. Ie The Blueprint of the New Earth Spiral has been activated….Now for the execution.
🔥And the execution of the Blueprint brought in via the Capricorn Metagoddess will be carried out in the 3rd Synodic cycle of Venus /Inanna as the Leo Metagoddess. This is the Energy of Sekhmet- The Spiritual Warrior – She who fights ,not from Ego, But as the Protector of Ra and Maat ensuring Justice , Truth, Balance and Divine Law and Order are maintained at all times. She is Compassion and Courage that is born from a Heart that is immersed in Service and Devotion. This is the energy we are required to embody in the next venus cycle as we take on the mantle of Alchemists- manifesting the Blueprint of New Earth into tangible reality…ie laying the Building Blocks of New Earth…a task supported by the Lion/ Feline/ Dragon /Mer DNA activations brought in this Solstice.
⚔️And barely 9 hours post the Venus Coronation as Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Moon Conjuncts her Divine Masculine Mars also in Leo!!!A very significant energy of this Solstice Gateway is the resurrection of the Divine Masculine energy from the ashes of the egoistic /Patriarchal/toxic energy of the past rebirthing as the True Divine Counterpart of the Divine Feminine who operates not from Ego but a more vulnerable place of Love , Service and Devotion, who walks beside his divine counterpart -The Logic to her Intuition, the pathway to her creativity, the order to her creative chaos,the protector to her creations….
🌀And thus we begin a whole New Trajectory, new Beginnings amid mega endings, new insights as the old disintegrates and new ancient wisdom resurfaces as The Spiritual Warriors are now tasked with CoCreating and manifesting The New in this reality.
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Venus-Mars Saga in Royal Leo
Venus-Mars Saga in Royal Leo


The Arcturians
We Greet you in this Ever-Expanding Light Construct. For we see Crystalline Light moving around your World, as many choose
The Light Path 💥
We See you Joining
The Formation of Light Tribes
Aligned with Galactic Ancient Missions.
Light Congregates uniting Energetic Signatures.
We wish to speak to the Ancient Healers radiating the light purity.
The quiet souls, who hold the ancient signature. For the calling to amplify this light field requires a dedication to the Higher Light Mission.
To Hold a High Vibrational Light Field, above the chaos of your world. To keep your vibrational thoughts in a High Vibrational Light Field.
To Be interested in holding this Light Field to assist many, for this is the Future Light Code of Your World, required Now to expand and evolve.
See the awakening of who you are, the reading of this message is confirmation of your Light Path.
An ever-expanding, forever unfolding Symphony of Light.
As the Universe showers your world with Galactic Light Gifts.
Trust in the Light Mission that is unfolding…as your Higher Light Gifts awaken.
Sending waves of Cosmic Love ❤
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Crystal Vibrational Healer
Light Alchemist
Thank You Artist🙏
Ancient Ruin
Ancient Ruin
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Plasmic rainbow light rays are entering your body and life. We are oscillating at a new frequency that is changing the physical self, sound, colours, touch, hearing, truth, love, and more. Trust and adapt to the massive change of our harmonic vibration that is occurring.

Synchronistic messages are guiding us through the doorway to higher Spiritual realms. Soul Flame connections with Divine Counterparts reunite here in this dimension. This is all unfolding through this lunar cycle of emanation.

We are learning all the aspects of these higher spiritual connections and New Earth Love as we travel to new heights. Everything is on the increase. This is all beginning through our higher consciousness and the Emerald Heart Gateway that has called us in. Receive, ground, and integrate all these upgrades over the next coming weeks ahead Beloveds.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn




Colleen Lemma

Make sure to give regular attention to your inner child. She or he needs to be seen, heard, recognized and loved. Listen to this little one……play, laugh, create and take them on fun adventures! She or he is an aspect of you who needs to have expression in your life!

On Thursday, June 22nd, Mars, ruler of assertiveness and willpower, in Leo the Lion is in a positive trine aspect to Chiron, ruler of soul wounds and integration, in dominant Aries! The Moon, ruler of subconscious patterns, is also in authoritative Leo and connecting by trine to Chiron as well. Mars is about bravery and courage and today we are confident that we will heal our inner child through strength, passion and action!
We will come up with creative solutions to clear any psychic debris and fragmentation our innocent little one within is holding on to……at least, what we are ready to let go of! So for today, let your innocent inner self roar like the lion and take charge of your healing journey! Blessings of Love and Light to All! ♥️
Mars in Leo the Lion
Mars in Leo the Lion
Mercury in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries. Juno enters Cancer. Vesta enters Gemini – The Goddesses bring a change of energy. Juno’s entry into Cancer brings our attention to domestic agreements. For some this may be a real estate sale finalised or a contract made that unites the household. In relationships, the mood is soft and sensitive with potential for withdrawal if feelings are hurt. Tread carefully but don’t walk on eggshells. Guard against co-dependency. Work towards creating safety and support to facilitate bonding. Commit to creating a foundation centred around belonging.
Vesta’s ingress into Gemini tells us that communication is sacred. Focus on clarity and peace of mind. Fan the eternal flame by reading books and listening to other’s stories. Prize your curiosity. With Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, engaging with Chiron, our words and thoughts have the power to heal ancient scars and find the victory in tales of woe. Turn your ‘once upon a time’ into a ‘happily ever after’.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 19°Ge32′, Chiron 19°Ar32′ – 02:42 (BST)
Juno 00°Cn00′ – 12:40 (BST)
Vesta 00°Ge00′ – 20:13 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Painting – The End Of The Story by Marcus Stone
The End Of The Story
The End Of The Story

Kin 140 ~ Yellow Planetary Sun

‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Manifest and Produce’. By the time we get to the tenth day of a wavespell, we have already climbed up a big hill, and now we have finally reached a plateau. Yesterday was the peak, tomorrow we release, but today we can sit back and just enjoy this perfect day. It really is a great day for manifesting what you need, can you produce the desired results? Remember that we are still in the Blue Monkey wavespell and the agenda is all about magic. Today is perfect for that.
Today is Yellow Sun and it represents ‘Enlightenment, Universal Fire and Life’. Today is the kind of day when you can expect light bulb moments to occur frequently. You’ll be full of good ideas and many insights will be glimpsed. As it is a Planetary day, it’s a perfect day to manifest the enlightenment you need. If you need some light to shine on a problem, the timing is perfect. The solutions you need will become apparent.
The Guide today is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty and Art’. As always when the Shining Star guides us, we are encouraged to follow it. There’s so much light today and the Star adds to the brilliance. Wearing sunglasses is recommended! This means that we shall learn today what we really need to know. Our path is brightly lit and so there’s no confusion about which direction to go in. The Yellow Star is also best buddies with the Blue Monkey and since we are in the Blue Monkey wavespell, this has to be a good thing.
The Challenge is the White Dog who symbolizes ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. Dogs should stay indoors today or they will get sunburnt. There is so much sunshine that it’s blinding. Everyone is so concerned with all this illumination and all the revelations they are having that matters of the heart get ignored. The Dog wants to play today but he can’t because he is tied up. If you know a Dog, throw the poor thing a bone. His tail will be tucked in between his legs and he could do with some kindness today.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon, the nurturer of the Tzolkin. When in this position, we all have an opportunity to be nurtured in a very magical way. This process can lead to rebirth and renewal. The Dragon always wants to take care of us, and when in this powerful Occult position the Dragon has tremendous healing abilities. The Dragon invites us to crawl into a comfy cave and be taken care of. This cave however, is full of treasure and magical things.
The Ally is the Blue Storm which represents changes. If you need help finding enlightenment today, ask a Blue Storm to help you. They are the appointed Ally of the day and it’s their turn to be everyone’s friend and adviser. The Storm is friendlier and less disruptive when in this position and so, expect any changes today to come to you in a friendly, helpful way.
Kin 140
Kin 140


10 AHAU – KIN 140
22 JUNE 2023
The PLANETARY STAR 🌟 BLOSSOMS 🌹have RISEN in their ASCENSION journey as the RADIANT *STAR 🌟 BLISS 🐬 SUNS 🌞 through this SOLSTICE PORTAL, blazing forth the BLISS codes throughout GAIA.
WE are the CHILDREN of the SUN🌞 – holding the PLANETARY BLISS codes! 🌏❤🌍❤🌎
I perfect in order to enlighten💡
Producing life
I seal the matrix of universal fire🔥
With the Planetary tone of manifestation
I AM guided by the power of elegance🌹
22/6/2023=4/6/7 = 4/13=4/4 = 8
22- Architect of PEACE/Master builder
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Angelic/Earth
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow/Inbreath and outbreath
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
6- Heaven/Christ/Family/Harmony/Fertility
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Angelic/Earth
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the Lion/Strength/Protection
KIN 140 = 5 – LIBERATION into THE LIGHT!! 🌞🎆
✨Today we conclude our journey down the Mystical 7th CORE column – the SPINE of the Tzolkin Calendar..where we have been discovering our very TRUE diamond essence💎 for the past 20 days.
Tomorrow we arrive at the top of the 8th column, and in 5 days time on Monday 26th June 2023 we commence the Yellow Seed 🌱 Wavespell. Here we will embark upon another successive 10 G.A.P. 💥– Galactic Activation Portal – days… so take a deep breath in, and absorb the radiant Solar Rays☀ today to prepare for the next chapter!
27 months ago KIN 140 happened on Monday 3rd May, 2021 which was EASTER MONDAY on the ORTHODOX calendar….. The previous day was EASTER SUNDAY which – celebrated the ✨RESURRECTION of CHRIST✨ – the SON/SUN of GOD..
Today a STARGATE is opened linking these two points in TIME on the TZOLKIN evolutionary spin cycle….
……..and indeed the CHRISTOS🌞 energy is rising fast upon our Planet. This was a very befitting code on the day of the BLUE SOLAR STORM – that brings forth THE SUN – to herald a tremendous GOLDEN ASCENSION INITIATION and TRANSFORMATION for HUMANITY. ✨☀✨☀✨
Jesus is the SUN☀ of GOD, and we are all CHILDREN👫👭👬 OF THE SUN🌞, so AHAU’s codes are very potent in activating💥 and illuminating💡 the Planetary Christ Consciousness Grid today!
Day 10 in the BLUE MONKEY🐒 WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence.
Today is the day of MANIFESTATION on the physical plane. The accumulation of energies over the last 10 days of this Wavespell allows us to harvest this energy through manifestation.
Today we are manifesting great illumination, ☀MAJIK, JOY and BLISS through our Soul-ar En-LIGHT💡 ON-ment! 💫💕🐬
As we are now reaching the boundary of the ZERO point field, on the rainbow bridge🌈 this is potent MANIFESTATION power to end our visit in the CORE of the TZOLKIN.
PLANETARY 🌏🌎🌍– Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation.
The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendor. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit today. We have the power to PERFECT and accomplish great HEALING in our physical bodies through our MANIFESTATION process today. Perfecting transformation in all aspects of our being, on a personal and PLANETARY level through our en-LIGHT💡ON-ing Ascension journey. .
✨✨✨NOTE: The PLANETARY 🌏 manifestation tone coupled with the SUN🌞 and MONKEY🐒 MAJIK 💫today is very powerful YANG energy to utilize for your creative expression. The moon is also in fiery LEO so we have a BOOST in fire manifesting energy! So take note and use this POWER wisely today!
Today we can harvest this FUEL to boost our PERSONAL and PLANETARY ASCENSION 🚀🚀🚀
Blessed be, pure hearts! Make sure you catch some GOLDEN SUN☀ rays today! Enjoy this BEAUTIFUL SUN ☀SHINY day, absorbing all that nurturance and Universal Fire. 🔥☀🔥
KEEP SHINING your LIGHT✨ and PLAYING🐬 as we MANIFEST Majik💫 together, co creating our BLISS-ful New World! 🌏🌍🌎🌈🌈🌈
✨✨✨ A fantastic MANIFESTING🎨 DAY, and brilliant day for PLANETARY work/healing/manifesting on a grand scale!
Paint🎨 the PERFECT PICTURE🖼 for your life and our Planet. 🌎💕🎆
Today’s question is “How can I independently PERFECT my CREATIONS, in order to Manifest great MAJIK, 💫JOY 🐬and BLISS ❤ in my physical reality?”
AM I READY to truly SHINE✨ in my role as a PLANETARY BLISS🐬 SUN?☀
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for a giant PLANETARY leap,🌏🏃 in the transformation of our physical reality, BEAUTIFULLY made MANIFEST today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW PLANETARY SUN🌍 ☀– AHAU prompts us to STEP UP today and become independent 👑 Sovereign beings, who are complete and WHOLE.
This enables us to perfect the ILLUMINATION of our own PURE essence, away from the influence or reflective distortions of others. Accessing the Universal fires🔥 that AHAU☀ provides, and using this energy to nurture and restore our cells, our organs and our bodies. Storing this chi energy deep within our core.
We can then draw upon this reserve as fuel 🔥for our passion💋 and drive,🏃 to manifest our own independent and unique creativity, as the PLANETARY LIGHTHOUSES that we are. RADIATING our LIGHT throughout the globe. 🌟🌟🌟🌟
The PLANETARY SUN ☀🌍 provides the SPARK🎇 of ignition, through the flame🔥 of the Universal Fires🔥☀🔥 to AWAKEN and ILLUMINATE our being. This affords a great opportunity for PLANETARY AWAKENING 🎆 today through our perfected Divine self.
Spirit provides the flame,🔥 but we need to CHOOSE to keep it alight, within our Hearts and Minds, in order to manifest great PLANETARY AWAKENING, and the creation of our Planetary Paradise. 🌴🌴🌴
AHAU gives you great power to bring your dreams to LIFE in the physical plane. Much Majik can be alchemized into manifest form,⚛ by great EN-LIGHT💡ON-ed Masters.
Follow in the footsteps of Yeshua/Jesus and turn water💧 into wine,🍷 producing food to feed the masses from 3 fish🐟 and 3 loaves of bread! 🍞 Such is the SUPER power that EN-LIGHT💡ON-ed MASTERS yield. The power to walk on water💧🏃 and solve the problems of our PLANET with one wave of their MAJIK wand.💫
It is time for us to claim our MASTERY, but in so doing we must WALK OUR TALK, and truly LIVE our DAILY LIVES through the lens of Spirit and the Enlightened Masters, that we are becoming! 🌞🌞🌞
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW PLANETARY STAR🌏 🌟– LAMAT Today is the shiny manifestation of creative Majik💫 and PLAY. LAMAT ✨illuminates and activates our solar☀ plexus chakra, spinning harmonically⚛ so that this energy takes form, and manifests through into the physical realm, as happiness🔅, JOY and BLISS🐬. Our Divine child’s exuberance. 👶
As you independently SHINE your LIGHT by perfecting the creation of your Art .🎨 Reflecting the JOY, beauty and elegance that surrounds you, into your creations made manifest. We are all Artisans crafting and shaping our beautiful new world, we just need the eyes to see and appreciate this beauty🌹 that exists all around us.
The more we LIGHTEN💡 up and BE like a child, the faster our BEAUTIFUL 🌹 manifestations take form. 🎁
Today, be the extension of this joy and beauty made manifest in the physical form, as the beautiful and grace filled STAR🌟 BLISS❤ SUNS 🌞 shine happily with new found creative confidence.✴
The PLANETARY STAR ✨🌍 as the higher guiding energy today is activating the ✨New Harmonic Time✨ template within our Planetary kin today. Especially with the 22/4 and 4.4. constructing NEW 5D EARTH codes!!
The PLANETARY STAR is creating a PORTAL for our whole PLANET to ascend through into a higher timeline for NEW EARTH… Yippee!!! ✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨
The higher timeline of PEACE, HARMONY, BEAUTY and ABUNDANCE for ALL, where our lives become a living work of Art.🎨🖼
Hold this perfected vision until it is made manifest in our reality.
GODSPEED our journey into the higher 5D LIGHT! ✨✨✨✨
SUPPORT: BLUE PLANETARY STORM 🌏 🌀– CAUAC continues to catalyze tremendous change today, as we allow the transformation of our physical bodies back to a state of complete wholeness, releasing and purging any remaining density or dis-EASE..
The PLANETARY STORM🌎🌪🌫 has a vast global reach, catalyzing great transformation today. Manifesting great Planetary change that perfects and heals all who dwell on her lands, catalyzing our capacity to be connected to all, in Universal Love. through the perfected state of Unified presence.
We are becoming the beacons in the STORM 🌀🌊 as our LIGHTS are switched ON💡 and the STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUNS🌞 are collectively illuminating the Planetary grid of Nova Gaia. ✨🌐🌎✨
🚫Be alert for PHYSICAL STORMS today – particular from our SUN as CME’S and coronal flares continually to PULSE OUT! 🌪🌞
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SELF-EXISTING DRAGON🎁 🐉– IMIX connects us to the POWER 💥 of BIRTH🐣 and all CREATION. Upscaling our ability to make MANIFEST our wondrous majikal creations through Divine creative expression.
The Self-Existing tone enables us to bring into form,🎁 from the VOID 🍥 of CREATION, all that we hold in our imaginings. The perfection of our dreams, made manifest into the physical realm.
B-EARTH-ing the beautiful NEW EARTH together, through accepting responsibility for her care and nurturance, through our daily existence and actions.
B-Earth-ing a caring and compassionate mind, sensitive to the needs of our communities, and our Planetary body. Ensuring we leave positive footprints 🐾 in the sands of our Earth Mother.🌍 Ensuring our manifestations are in HARMONY with Mother Gaia and for the good of all her children. 👭👬👫
The DRAGON tribe are very active in bringing us through this momentous EVOLUTIONARY day to b-Earth our BRIGHTER BLISS 🐬SUN 🌞 selves and our NEW EARTH in the NEW TIME.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE PLANETARY DOG 🌎🐕 – OC… what an exceptional GIFT🎁 and BLESSING we have today on this BRILLIANT SOLSTICE ASCENSION DAY… ✨☀✨☀✨☀✨☀✨☀
The PLANETARY DOG is blessing us all with a GLOBAL KISS💋💋💋 from our CREATOR, before we exit the cradle of the SOURCE FIELD.

on our graduation, from our journey to the very CORE of our being, and CORE of existence – rediscovering our SOURCE… that ALL IS endless LOVE and we are the strands that weave that GRID OF LOVE. ❤🌐❤

OC is the trusted loyal servant of the Divine, who operates from a PURE and loving HEART.❤ Allow all the SHADOW energies to be felt and lovingly released in order to feel the endless order of the Harmonic Matrix of Creation. Becoming receptive to feeling the unconditional love that pervades all of Creation, through nature and life itself.
We are MANIFESTING our true SOUL family👫👭👫👬 in the physical plane, by our capacity to feel as ONE with our physical realities. Perfecting our capacity to nurture our spiritual reality, by being clear mirrors from our hearts, in order to truly LOVE and adore one another, and our PLANET too! 💞
Our challenge today is to ✨TRUST.✨
The WHITE DOG always TRUSTS, that ALL is well. ALL is in Divine Order, and perfectly ordained, as life unfolds PERFECTLY according to the Divine Plan.
TRUST in your Destiny,✨ trust in your BEAUTY,🌹 trust in your LIGHT💡 and TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN🗒 for our planet and HU-MAN-ITY! 🌏🌎🌍🌐
Blessed be, pure hearts! Make sure you catch some GOLDEN SUN☀ rays today! Enjoy this BEAUTIFUL SUN ☀SHINY day, absorbing all that nurturance and Universal Fire. 🔥☀🔥
KEEP SHINING your LIGHT✨ and PLAYING🐬 as we MANIFEST Majik💫 together, co creating our BLISS-ful New World! 🌏🌍🌎🌈🌈🌈
✨✨✨ A fantastic MANIFESTING🎨 DAY, and brilliant day for PLANETARY work/healing/manifesting on a grand scale!
Paint🎨 the PERFECT PICTURE🖼 for your life and our Planet. 🌎💕🎆
Today’s question is “How can I independently PERFECT my CREATIONS, in order to Manifest great MAJIK, 💫JOY 🐬and BLISS ❤ in my physical reality?”
AM I READY to truly SHINE✨ in my role as a PLANETARY BLISS🐬 SUN?☀
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for a giant PLANETARY leap,🌏🏃 in the transformation of our physical reality, BEAUTIFULLY made MANIFEST today!
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈




🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥


Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities

 CLICK HERE to sign up for ceremony





Prayer for Illumination and Peace

Beloved I AM Presence, blaze forth now from my heart of beloved Alpha and Omega, from the heart of beloved Helios and Vesta, into our individual minds, glorious waves of golden Flame Illumination and Peace, Flood us with precious oils of universal Knowledge and Wisdom.
Come now and direct Thy precious Light Rays of Divine Illumination and Peace into every aspect of our lives. Flood the Earth and humanity with the golden Flame of Christ Illumination, Understanding Peace from the Heart of God Source in the Great Central Sun.
Divine Flame of Illumination,
Bless our World today.
Golden Waves of Peace,
Bless our World in Source Perfection
Gold & Rainbow Flames of Light so wonderous to behold
I AM, I AM, I AM Illumination blazing through my heart, mind and soul!
🙏I Love You All 💚
Prayer for Illumination and Peace
Prayer for Illumination and Peace

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