Lord Melchizedek ~ Silver Gate Portal ~ Inner Earth Planes * When Freedom Meets Love ~ ACTIVATED HEART SYNTHESIS ~ Transfiguration Mantra
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Krystos Conscious Star Nation of our Universal Alliance of Light
Our local Solaris has released a barrage of constant C Class Solar Flares through the day. We are currently in the past 24 hours at 26 C Class Solar Flares and 1 M Class Flare maxing at M 1.3 at 1:06 UTC. All this energy is building to our next Solar Burst of Light to help carry us over the line into our New Earth timeline.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation again on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Indonesia at 11:52 UTC.
All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being inundated with Gamma Plasma Waves of Cosmic Mother Liquid Light as our Luminescent Quantum Field of multidimensionality is raised to our 5D Resonance as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-Luminous, Light beings of Eternal Life.
We are in the final phases of our Ascension Journey and Process and are on the threshold of our full compression breakthrough as SuperNova Celestial Wayshowers of Terra Nova Gaia…A’Ho!
We are heading for the first week of June (1-6) when the hatching completes and the Holy Grail returns! These are unprecedented developments!
Though the current energies and developments can be challenging or overwhelming, please know that there is great joy and success ahead. Do not allow the false ego to play games with you or stop you! Keep on moving through those thick walls! Tear the illusion apart!
Anchor your pillar of light and harmonize! I mentioned the magnetic fields increasing on electric fields and the matrix sure did glitch! As photons increase when magnetic and electric fields interact. We are electromagnetic and so are the grids of consciousness.
We came to magnetize light and woohoo we are doing it. The heart of creation aligning to the portal of your heart! Bask in the light of creation and free your mind from worry, burdens and stress. That’s not what changes energy and your reality.
Your diamond light body needs light to shift from density and the process of dark (carbon) to light (krystalline) 💎
Stay hydrated, fruit for energy to the body, center in the now as light moves fast, breathe as it calms your nervous system. Eyes are attuning to photonic light, vivid and lucid dreaming and your spiritual gifts are attuning. Harmonize and magnetize
Diamond sun light body activations! Magnetic fields are increasing with light and this will glitch electronics. The magnetic field of your heart is increasing and magnetic energy on the ley lines are increasing.
Ley lines are already magnetic and they are interdimensional roads so to speak. UFOs travel those lines. Dracos have done lots of rituals on those sites and lines and it’s clearing at the speed of light. Density within you is clearing at the speed of light! Breathe in light to your cells. Give your body calmness and give your heart joy!
Everything you need is within you 💎🪽
source: https://x.com/krystallineaura
Anchor your pillar of light
Pars Kutay
We Are NO Longer in the Frequencies We were in Only a Week Ago!
Our Vibration has RISEN Much HIGHER in the Recent Days. . .
and We are Continuing our Ascent as We Open our Heart More and Feel the LIGHT Envelope us. . . and We Allow the Waves of LOVE Carry us Home!
We Are in Humanity’s Last Days in the Game of Duality and the Matrix of Limitation!
We Tune in to the LIGHT within our Heart and Listen to the Whispers of Spirit!
We Are BE-ing Called to Return to the Realms of the DIVINE!
We Have Made it to the Final Wave of the Awakening!
Where We Are Reaching NEW Realizations of the True Self. . . as We Remember that LOVE is Human Nature. . . and Rising into the HIGHER Frequencies of LIGHT!
With this Awakening also Comes the Disassembling of ALL the Old Structures which were used for Deceit. . . Manipulation. . . Energy Siphoning. . . and Enslavement of the Human!
The Letting Go of Outdated and False Beliefs which have kept us in the vibrations of fear is very important at this time. . . for fear holds us in the lower energies of the artificial matrix!
Turbulence is Expected as the Cleansing intensifies!
NO One will Remain Untouched by the HIGHER LIGHT Entering Earth at this Time!
NEW Revelations Are to Take Place. . . which will Trigger the Further Awakening of the Masses!
This is the FINAL PHASE of our Current and Last Incarnation in the Third Dimensional Earth. . .
just prior to our Transcendence and Return to the Realms of the DIVINE. . . and our Realized Multi-Dimensional SELF!
We Continue to Remain Focused on the Heart. . . the place of our DIVINE SPARK!
The Opening of our Heart Center Allows more LIGHT and LOVE to Flow from Within and Around us. . . with the Expansion in Consciousness. . .
as We BEgin a NEW Journey of Self-Discovery in the HIGHER Planes of Existence!
5/28/24: May is done with you now. What you’ve accomplished this month, what you’ve learned, how you’ve grown, and who you are make up your foundation. Now it’s time to build on it. Today is a sample of what June brings to the party… change, expansion, uncertainty, and even an amount of calculated risk.
You can look to the future now even though much is ahead of you that is unexplored and unpredictable. The grand adventure that is 2024 is about to get interesting. Keep your eyes open, your head in the game, and your heart protected but willing. Pace yourself. You have many exciting miles yet to go.
The world around us acts as a mirror to show us what we need to work on for our own personal soul growth and healing . You have been putting in the work and spiritually ascending, you are working with the divine and healing past wounds and betrayals .
The Ascending are stepping into higher timelines, rediscovering their inner strength The ascension guides are always close by Very soon the Ascending will be stepping into a higher and more complete clarity that will act as a catalyst to the true purpose here . Many are coming into abundance a new generational wealth in new Earth that is soul earned . The many Soul rewards await .
This higher timeline is bringing in stronger stability in all areas of life, and in connections of all kinds , Spirit is blessing this ascending Earth , the ascending are breaking and healing generational curses healing ancestral lineage karma and past wounds based in trauma based experiences. This new energy on our ascending planet is bringing in many blessings with generational wealth .
To Ascend means there will always be Awakening to more truth, eradicating all False based beliefs about the self and the world at large, the Unveiling of illusions is Continuous , Questioning all limitations, Courageously facing deeper buried sun conscious fears , seeing and feeling from the heart space to live by the authentic self
The Soul knows a divine Plan is at work despite the outer chaos. Starseeds . The healing traditions of our Ancestors are written in our DNA structures . To activate the deeper spiritual aspects , the purpose of the highest good.
Starseed / Light workers are the souls who have agreed to shift the earth to a higher level of consciousness by consciously activating the light of love, freedom, knowledge, understanding and healing for this planet .
They are the torch bearers who are often not aware of how powerful they truly are, they go through all the processes of spiritual awakening to reach the self discovery and actualisation This enables them to fulfill their soul purpose as a light worker.
Lightworkers / Starseeds are like spiritual stars whose light illuminates the darkness here on ascending earth . Ascending individuals are here on Earth to bring in higher conscious awareness, light, love and peace to a world consumed in darkness. The collective purpose has so far been successful . Our beautiful planet has taken a historical turn and Ascending individuals are preparing for a 5D Concious civilisation.
Materialism , Deep-rooted Hierarchy
Mis Use of Power , Money-craving ,Service to Self , Ego-based mentality , greed , deceit , illusions , Shallowness , dysfunction , chaos , self suffering , self dislike , control , idealise money and fame , Empahsis on material and physical , Instigating Fear , worshipping a God that is non-existent and outside of Self.
Spirituality , Respect , Freedom. Mindfulness , Authenticity Seeing all as one , Love-based , Service to others , Creativity , Organic reality versus Artificial , Unity consciousness , unconditional Love connection to Source energy : the Universe, Our love for our Gaia and each other, Life on ascending earth involves co-creation, as opposed to the need to control reality .
The Ascending collective are the New Earth Energy , a multi-dimensional faceted being that chose to incarnate at an unprecedented and unique time on planet Earth. The ascending are awakening from the illusions of separation and fear. Honouring the way forward , living by conscious experience, the New Earth reality is a Concious and deliberate choice .
Collective consciousness must vibrationally align with earths new energy, this is the reason many are now conciously choosing their Ascension .
In this transformative time, we are experiencing significant shifts and upgrades in life .The energy remains elevated, and Starseeds are rapidly transitioning across timelines. The collective ascension urges the ascending to heed the call of the soul and align with Higher Self, embodying the divine aspects.
While intense shifts and overwhelming energies can still arise, it’s wise to take deliberate time for mindful self reflection , connecting with what internally resonates . Integrating higher perspectives while clarity and alignment take place , consciously experiencing the continuum of ascension and self / earth evolution .
Love, the Power of Love is the Central Universal Key, not only to raise the consciousness levels of every single Soul, but indeed to access the Highest Knowledge at Universal and Omni-Versal levels.
The purity of the Soul, the purity of the intention of the soul, should it gain access to such knowledge, is Universally understood as the central unlocking of all Wisdom and Knowledge, as well.
“What will you do with such knowledge? How will you use this knowledge? Will you use it for highest good of all Universally? Or for self-service (ego purposes)?”
When the heart and soul are filled with Divine Love, Divine Light, and Divine Power, it becomes AS ONE WITH DIVINE WILL AND PURPOSE, and moves/dissolves into Unity and Oneness.
In this much higher, altered state of awareness, it operates from the Higher Heart, as ONE with the Higher Soul Self, and from the state and consciousness of Pure Unconditional Love.
This state TRANCENDS all ego!
It is when one is in the purest state of consciousness, where one can access whatever is needed and allow this knowledge to be transmitted through the Soul energy, and then manifest into form and being in loving, co-creative ways.
The Seer, the Seeing and the Seen is one and the same.
The Creator, the Creative and the Creator is one and the Same.
The Lover, the Loving and the Loved is one and the Same.
In the state of Higher Love, the Soul merges fully with the Monad and the Monad merges fully with the Divine Source. All is ONE!
Thus, all which is subsequently created is ONE with ALL THAT IS, and its very essence, is Love!
The Divine being conscious of itself!
Therefore, all Divinely created reflects Divinity!
All the Highly Evolved Masters know this, incorporate it and LIVE this!
It becomes a soul-filled existence.
Embodied Love!
I have spoken.
(Lord Melchizedek is one of the three Ascended Masters who over-light me, and to whose High Order my soul belongs to.)
The Star Being that you are is expanding in human form. It’s time to integrate all these versions of yourself to assist in raising up your light body.
Lunar Codes are increasing your Rainbow Light Body. The Rainbow Light Body is healing physical and mental health conditions passed down from your genetic ancestors. It also protects from attacks and harm against you and your Family.
Choosing love and forgiveness will help heal and clear the way for expansion during this growth cycle into the Star that you are. You are fully supported to have it all including abundance, security, and your legacy.
Mother Earth and the Tree Spirits are with you, helping your grow the seeds of success you’ve planted. Your roots are strong. Don’t settle for less. Keep pursing your dreams that are coming true.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
Rainbow Light Body
The Silver Gate Portal: The Sun Conjunct Aldebaran
Ancient astrologers considered Aldebaran to be one of the most important and sacred stars in our night sky. The Persians considered it one of the four Royal Stars. Its place in our heavenly skies has long been considered sacred by many ancient cultures around the world. Aldebaran is said to bring fortune, bravery, success, and stamina. Its energy is likened to a guardian angel, watching out and protecting those who bathe in its energy. Aldebaran is also said to awaken and sharpen the mind. It activates our third eye chakra, allowing us to grow in intelligence and raise our consciousness to new heights.
Aldebaran is considered the star of enlightenment and allows us to download new and inspired ideas from the Universe straight into our minds. According to some astrologers, Aldebaran is also believed to be the home of the Silver Gate Portal, which is the entrance point for souls traveling to or reincarnating back to Earth.
As the souls travel through the Silver Gate Portal, they are bathed in the protective light of Aldebaran before making their way into their new reincarnation. From May 28-31 each year, the Sun crosses Aldebaran, activating its energy and making it more easily accessible to each and every one of us. We can use the energy of Aldebaran to sharpen our minds, accelerate our path to enlightenment, boost our stamina, protect ourselves, and perhaps remind ourselves of why we have chosen to reincarnate into this lifetime. If you have ever wanted to do a past life regression or an Akashic records reading or meditation, this timeframe will offer extra support.
You may also just naturally find yourself having dreams or intuitive downloads about your past life and soul contract. As Aldebaran is linked with fortune and success, we can also use this day to take action towards our goals and dreams and for manifestation work. As the portal of Aldebaran’s energy is heightened, visualize all that you desire for yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you. Allow your mind to be transported to new heights as you create this visual for yourself.
The week starts with a sextile between Mercury in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces on Monday followed by a conjunction between Mars and Chiron in Aries on Wednesday and then by a conjunction between Mercury and Uranus in Taurus on Thursday as a trine between Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius builds throughout the week and into the weekend.
Our minds provide a fertile ground for expansion now and we have an opportunity to enter the week with mental discipline and focus so that we don’t get overwhelmed with all of the options and possibilities that may arise.
And this will challenge our level of self-trust as we may be inspired to take actions that can ‘bring up’ some doubts within us as we question whether making such ‘moves’ is in alignment with our best interests or we could be faced with judging ourselves as ‘selfish’ simply for being honest about what we truly intend…
In order for change and transformation to occur, fresh ideas and inspiration are required which will always present themselves as ‘foreign’ and, therefore, potentially ‘scary’ but it is this courageous welcoming of the unknown that propels us forward both individually and collectively!
What IS possible? Well, we may be about to find out…
5/28 Sparkles Astro/Channeling I’ve been in a deep dive of the soul all weekend and still am.
This is some of the channeling from The 12 collective:
“Earth code ignition’s escalating to climax. Energy enhancements manifest as ascension symptoms. Water fall of codes streaming in—recieve without attachment. Harness one’s highest mastery by balancing the shadow and light polarities. Embrace silence.”
Astro Current:
Mars conjoined to Chiron in Aries —exact 5/29
Mercury conjoined to Uranus in Taurus—exact 5/31
These conjunction’s are reigniting the Aries Solar Eclipse and the Uranus Jupiter grand conjunction codes. This is A LOT of energy!
You may feel some of that heavy wounding coming to surface. Be patient with yourself. There’s no race to ascension. Each moment means more than our human minds can conceptually fully grasp.
This week moons: Aquarius moon currently in a supportive trine to Venus and the Sun (5/28)
(5/29) moon in challenging square aspect over to Mercury Uranus, Jupiter, Venus and The Sun. *Wednesday/Thursday is going to be the most strenuous of the week.
Thursday (5/30) is the fourth-quarter moon in Pisces, which will conjoin to Saturn and Neptune on the last day of the month (5/31).
Future Highlights: Mercury will enter Gemini in a harmonious trine to Pluto in Aquarius Monday, June 3. The Grand Venus Sun Cazimi in Gemini happens on June 4! The Cazimi ignition happens while Mercury is conjoined to Jupiter, the moon is sextile Saturn in Pisces and conjoined to Uranus in Taurus. Electromagnetic blasts while metamorphosis happens! A new Venus is born.
A rebirth of Venus as the evening star yes, but currently she is in the underworld, becoming purified by fire. She is in the darkest of moments now. Venus is taking all of those shadow aspects, all of the war stances and wounds that she’s been gathering and burning them away to become a much softer and loving Venus.
Venus as the evening star is much different energy than the morning star. The Venus Morning Star is the Warrior Venus. This is the energy we have been experiencing. She has now laid down her sword and armor.
The shift will be felt
As we we are in this Venus transmutation phase everything around money, self-worth, self-value, values we see in others, valuables, beauty and how we magnetize all things to ourselves is being challenged to be purified.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, May 28th and 29th, we have Mars, the Warrior, forming a connection to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, as they both travel through fiery Aries! This may activate some old wounds regarding our independence, self-confidence, courage and leadership. Are you angry, frustrated, or attacking yourself for things that you wished you would have taken action on long ago? Mars may be activating these inner challenges, but he is also the one who can take a stand and push through the difficulties!
Chiron may be bringing up karmic patterns from this and other lifetimes, but he is also the one that can assist with the healing of these patterns so that a reintegration takes place. Then, we will have the confidence and courage once again to “fight the good fight” and conquer our goals!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Mars, the Warrior, forming a connection to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, as they both travel through fiery Aries
Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces. Mars in Aries square Ceres retrograde in Capricorn – A calm, practical state of mind brings mental stability. Whilst the mood may be quite serious now, it’s easier to express ourselves with authority and integrity. Devote some time to important projects that require concentration. Foster self-discipline. Work on long-term plans and apply your perceptive mind to problems. Appreciate the process instead of trying to rush. Life will blossom when the time is right.
Ensure that your internal voice is supportive. Let your wise inner parent guide your heart instead of pushing for faster results. If you feel stuck, imagine what your future self might say to the present day you. Talk in positive terms and remind yourself that you are capable. Constructive inner dialogue brings a sense of certainty and gentle reassurance. Choose your words carefully.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number twelve and its keywords are ‘Cooperate, Dedicate and Universalize’. The number twelve is associated with groupings. Eg; A dozen eggs, or a juror of 12 peers, Jesus had 12 disciples and King Arthur had 12 Knights of the ‘Round Table’. Today is about getting together with other folks and so if you like, find your own people and see what you can achieve by cooperating.
Today is the Yellow Sun which symbolizes ‘Enlightenment, Life and Universal Fire’. Clearly working with others today will lead to enlightenment and so, it’s a good day to participate in a study group or a think tank. Twelve minds are better than one! As always on Yellow Sun days, expect spontaneous revelations and good ideas to just suddenly pop into your head. Put your minds together if you want to maximize today’s potential.
The Guide today is the Yellow Human which represents ‘Influence, Free Will and Wisdom’. Always when Yellow Human guides, he is urging us to follow our intuition. Go with your gut feelings today and this will lead you in the right direction. Expect to download information from the Universe. This combined with so much sunny energy means we are going to learn a great deal today.
The Challenge today is the White Dog which is the symbol of ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. People are thinking logically today, with their heads and not their hearts. Make sure any decisions you make today are not too heartless. If you are a White Dog, you may not feel like playing today. Matters of the heart may require attention as the Dog in this aspect is weakened.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing, Being and Birth’. If you’ve been feeling burnt out lately – maybe you need to take better care of yourself. Dragon offers magical opportunities for rebirth, so bonus points are available for being good to yourself. This also makes starting new projects ideal as the Dragon represents new beginnings. As it is a number 12 day which symbolizes cooperating in groups – then anything new that you launch today, should involve other people and then success is more likely.
The Ally is the Blue Storm, the instigator of changes. If you are going to do anything in a group setting today make sure you have at least one Blue Storm. As an Ally, they are in a great supportive position. If you don’t know one you can still harness this energy and make good use of it. The Storm when occupying this position, is friendlier and much less disruptive and so, expect any changes that occur to be gentler. The chances of storms in teacups are less likely too.
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 220 = 4- Building a PEACE filled foundation.
AFTER THE STORM passes, the SUN rises and brings out the RAINBOWS!
A very beautiful code on Planet Earth after our momentous double STORM DAY...
Today we are UNITING together to MANIFEST beautiful New RAINBOW connections, as we build a PEACE full and solid foundation for Terra Nova.
“Oh fierce SUN, I turn to you knowing that a power which is like your LIGHT will give me all that I require this day”
This is a very powerful prayer that you may wish to use to start each day, particularly if you are a SUNGAZER. Muchos gratitude to beloved siSTAR Arlene King who channeled this whilst meditating in the Yucatan.
Day 11 in the HEALING RED MOON WAVESPELL of the GODDESS, who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity, as we PURIFY our vessels in order to find our natural FLOW.
Today is a day of ENLIGHTENED CRYSTALLINE connections with our planetary kin.
On a YELLOW SUN day, the Crystal tone creates the BUDDHIC MIND, an uninterrupted and powerful conduit for the Universal/GOD MIND!
Today we are finding the pure flow of UNIFIED planetary christ consciousness. DIVINE PERFECTION once more!
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) The other two MENTAL tones are tone 4 Self-existing and tone 8 Galactic.
Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing any blocks/old patterns, in order to LIBERATE new FLOW and opportunities.
At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to co-operate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. Today we are joining and merging with other UNIVERSAL MINDS through the power of illumination, as we UNITE as a GLOBAL family – celebrating THE VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!
NOTE: Crystal days are brilliant for offering crystal clear clarity, which like a diamond further illuminates that which is being examined. We are connecting to and ACTIVATING DIAMOND CONSCIOUSNESS – through the Planetary Grid…
The CLEAR multi facets of the DIAMOND ensure we have multi-dimensional access to CLARITY and UNIVERSAL WISDOM!
CRYSTAL actions encompass Cooperation and Dedication. These days are great for networking, communicating and seeking answers, either through your own inner wisdom or by seeking out wise counsel.
CRYSTAL days are the days you schedule meetings, negotiations, contractual agreements, brainstorming, writing, channeling, meditating and communicating. CRYSTAL tone people are fantastic advisors, thinkers, counsellors, tarot/card readers, writers, speakers, inventors etc as they have a very clear and direct access to information.
CRYSTAL tone people have a natural affinity with the CRYSTAL mineral realm, and can easily connect and communicate with the crystal deva. Therefore making them fantastic Crystal Healers, Gridworkers and the like. Interestingly many are also very adept at working with computers and IT that have a Crystal chip. Today is a BRILLIANT day to CONNECT in any way, shape or form and honour your crystal allies.
A wonderful reprieve for our Planetary family bringing cohesiveness and UNITY consciousness through CLARITY, healing the division, separateness and factional rifts between HU-MAN-KIND!
Today ALL the Pyramids of the Sun throughout the globe are fully ACTIVATED and communicating together, recalibrating to the higher UNIFIED 5D codes of LOVE and UNITY consciousness.
We are reprogramming NovaTerra’s crystalline grid to a much higher octave of PURE consciousness – particularly with this MASSIVE influx of Solar activity and C.M.E’s entering GAIA’s magnetosphere!
This time our PLANETARY GRID is fully programmed for PEACE, vitality and prosperity, and so the giant super planetary computer, will be broadcasting these codes to all who have their “receivers” tuned in to that station/frequency. .
Focus on the CRYSTAL CLARITY of our HIGHER MIND today, through the power of cooperation with others to transmit and receive these potent codes. A day of greater CONNECT-I -ON to each other through our precious HEARTS and highest Collective MINDS and to Mother Gaia!
Today’s question is “How can I unite with UNIVERSAL MIND, opening to the FLOW of pure ENLIGHTENED consciousness, and elevating my life to become a divine HU-MAN, ?”
Divine blessings for crystal clear and LOVING HEART/MIND connections today.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW CRYSTAL SUN AHAU brings much needed PLANETARY AWAKENING and ILLUMINATION today through the LIGHT of Universal Fire.The SOLAR CODES that have been the SPARK, activating our DNA on our Ascension journey.
It is highly likely that the stream of CME’S, Solar Winds from Solar Flares will MAX out today, as the CRYSTAL SUN is a potent ASCENSION CODE.
The SUN shines its LIGHT in the darkest of places, bringing forth its wisdom through the ability to SEE what was previously hidden in the shadows. The BLUE STORM enabled you to access those blocks within the depths of your subconscious, and thus dissolve them with the Spectral tone. Now the SUN provides the impetus to progress to the next level of your soul’s journey on its ultimate path to ENLIGHTENMENT!
The Mayan name for the SUN is AHAU and indeed its energies provide many AHA moments!
YELLOW SUN people RADIATE their LIGHT and their wisdom to all who venture into their presence. They are natural born LEADERS, very regal and majestic souls like the sign of LEO, . This tribe, like our actual SUN, energizes every other tribe to be a stronger version of themselves, thus YELLOW SUN people are BRILLIANT to have in your team.
YELLOW SUN is tribe number 20, the final and ultimate destination of the Dreamspell journey through the tribes that commenced with the RED DRAGON. Tribe number 1 birthed the creation energies through the dark void, from Source/Mother Goddess.
AHAU is said to encompass ALL the codes of the preceding 19 tribes that came before the YELLOW SUN… The AHAU kin are VERY evolved souls – generally having mastered the other kin signatures, and now choosing to MAGNIFY and strengthen the energies of those lucky enough to be in their presence.
NOTE: Twin Soul partnerships frequently create the SUN tribe 20, through their union of individual energies, which is needed in their 5D MISSION. This reflects the significance of the AHAU codes for the evolution of humanity into 5D and higher Solar consciousness
This mantra of Yellow Sun is a meditation for accessing the “I AM” presence within you, that contains great power and universal truth.
It is interesting to note that the nation of AMERICA – was originally named to be the expression of the I AM consciousness. This explains the far reaching influence that the USA has on global relations.!
Yellow Sun is the mystery unveiled, the simplicity of unconditional love and infinite BLISS. Known by many names, Yellow Sun is the Solar Lord, the Mind of Light, the Center that is also your center. Yellow Sun is your solar home, the Great Central Sun.
Yellow Sun is a reminder that you are, at every moment, in the center of ALL THAT IS.
In your journey of remembrance, you are crafting a LIGHT body to return to a home in the STARS that you never really left. Return as a child of the sacred to the Great Central Sun!
You are the crown of creation, infused with the blueprint of the Solar mind. You are a God-SEED, the reflection of cosmic consciousness. You are love made visible! SOURCE: Ariel Spilsbury The Mayan Oracle
HIGHER SELF: YELLOW CRYSTAL HUMAN – EB is a very complementary energy here, as it brings forth wisdom and the higher divine mind. IF one wishes to elevate their consciousness ABOVE that of the lower egoic mind, or unawakened human condition, then use your FREE WILL to connect with your mighty I AM presence.
The CRYSTAL HU-MAN elevates our consciousness today to the DIVINE MIND – the GOD MIND of superconsciousness.. This guiding energy today will ensure that the masses have a BOOST of CRYSTAL CLARITY to align them with DIVINE WILL and the BIG PICTURE – the DIVINE PLAN for HU-MAN-ITY.
Connection and UNITY will be the focus of this energetic stimulus. A welcome aid to those souls AWAKENING from their slumber!
The CRYSTAL HUMAN once aligned with DIVINE MIND, also embodies the BUDDHIC MIND, enabling those wise sages to use their influence to direct others to make WISE CHOICES. WISE and compassionate men/women as our LEADERS is what we need to SHIFT our global consciousness to a higher level!
SUPPORT: BLUE CRYSTAL STORM CAUAC – Continues its purification and cleansing action today. The STORM is actively ensuring your total transformation is delivered by the Thunderbeings.
“BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the LIGHT body. Blue Storm comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to Ascension. This initiation by fire breaks any false containers of self that cannot withstand the flame of transmutation. Only your true identity will live through these fires, for you will be reborn in the heart of ALL THAT IS.” Ariel Spilsury
The CRYSTAL STORM PURIFIES the MIND to SEE and KNOW the DIVINE TRUTH of what IS. Another BRILLIANT tool to cleanse away confusion, stagnation and the illusion of the veil. Another refreshing WAKE-UP CALL for humanity, to all RISE up together in these transformative times.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED LUNAR DRAGON IMIX represents DIVINE MOTHER who births all of creation in her Holy temple. The RED DRAGON tribe are tribe number 1 who initiate the whole Creation journey. RED DRAGON offers the gifts of birth, new beginnings and the impetus to rise from the ashes to be rebirthed as an Enlightened Divine HU-MAN!
Mother DRAGON is also a WISDOM keeper – holding the Sophia codes – the feminine aspect of Christ Consciousness.. A perfect PAIRING for our elevation to GOD SOLAR CONSCIOUSNESS today!
Today the LUNAR DRAGON will reveal all the friction and opposition to UNITING and COOPERATING with your kinfolk. Any resistance to UNIFICATION and collaboration will be quashed through the LIGHT of LOVE.. Choosing compassion, forgiveness and ACCEPTANCE is the favoured path for greater harmony with our Planetary family.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE CRYSTAL DOG OC The power of the WHITE DOG is through the HEART! White Dog’s freely offer unconditional love to all their kin. Their love is forever, they are man’s faithful and forever loyal servants always willing to please.
All YELLOW SUN kin have the WHITE DOG as their life’s lesson, both their CHALLENGE and GIFT.. The CHALLENGE on the path to enlightenment is to forgive ALL and focus on ONENESS through your HEART CONNECTION.. Once you FULLY embody UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, you become ENLIGHT-ONed.. this becomes your MEDICINE and GIFT to humanity. Very appropriate that LOVE is the PATH to ONENESS and SOURCE!
Any heart walls that have been created due to LACK of TRUST, betrayal, unforgiveness and lack of self-love will surface today. ALL will be illuminated by the LIGHT of the SUN in order to be examined and totally dismantled. Break down the walls that separate you from your kin, let them tumble like the Walls of Jericho so that you can rejoice and celebrate with your beloved family.
The CRYSTAL DOG will forge strong links and connections through LOVE, DEVOTION and UNITING together for the purpose of DIVINE SERVICE, the PATH to higher consciousness.
We are collapsing all blocks to LOVE on a Planetary level, so that Nova Gaia can once again return to her natural state. Allow WHITE DOG to bless you today with Mother/Father GOD’S eternal love for you and our planet.
Open your HEART today as a flower to the Sun, and become the LOVE that holds universes together!
Today’s question is “How can I unite with UNIVERSAL MIND, opening to the FLOW of pure ENLIGHTENED consciousness, and elevating my life to become a divine HU-MAN, ?”
Divine blessings for crystal clear and LOVING HEART/MIND connections today.
Experience a transformative journey with our guided meditation: “Healing Ceremony with the Avian Star Nation from Pegasus Constellation.” Embark on a celestial adventure as you connect with the wisdom and healing energies of the Avian Star Nation, beings from the mystical Pegasus Constellation.
Allow yourself to be guided through a sacred ceremony, where you’ll encounter gentle, nurturing energies that facilitate healing on all levels—mind, body, and spirit. Surrender to the cosmic embrace of these benevolent beings as you immerse yourself in a profound experience of self-discovery, restoration, and inner peace.
Join us on this celestial voyage and awaken to the boundless possibilities of healing and transformation.
I AM light within, without;I AM light is all about.
Fill me, free me, glorify me!
Seal me, heal me, purify me!
Until transfigured they describe me:
I AM shining like the Son,
I AM shining like the sun!”
There is a tremendous joy in this mantra of the transfiguration because it represents an influx of light whereby the very cells of our bodies begin to be filled with light and to be flushed of physical as well as mental and emotional toxins.
The joy of giving these mantras is the joy of becoming God.
source: summitlighthouse.org
Transfiguration Mantra
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