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MED BEDS – High-tech medical bed technology suppressed by DEEP STATE and released by NESARA GESARA

MED BEDS – High-tech medical bed technology suppressed by DEEP STATE and released by NESARA GESARA

MED BEDS – High-tech medical bed technology suppressed by DEEP STATE and released by NESARA GESARA


The Medical Bed Reveal: The Latest Innovation in High-Dimensional Medical Technology

As the curtain rises on the dark battles raging across our planet, revealing a groundbreaking technology that once resided in the pages of science fiction novels, we take a deep dive into one such invention that promises to revolutionize healthcare forever. It’s called the Med Bed, and its implications are profound.

The Med Bed is not just another medical breakthrough. No, it is the culmination of centuries-old space technologies, technologies that until now have been shrouded in secrecy, locked away from the public eye and shrouded in global conspiracies.

What you need to know about the medical bed

The State of Things – March 2, 2024  : As of this date, timestamped in Japan, an incredible transition has occurred.   High-tech medical beds,   once the stuff of legend, are now becoming reality. Countries around the world, particularly those under the GESARA agreement, are seeing an influx of these miraculous devices, with some nations having more than they can handle.


For those who have been living in a cave, it is crucial to understand GESARA or the   “Global Economic Security and Recovery Act”.   This act signifies a new era, an era where technology and progress are no longer paralyzed by the invisible hands   of the DEEP STATE   .



Whispers from the darkest corners suggest that the monumental battle with the DEEP STATE has finally reached its conclusion. This has ushered in the era of healing, particularly using advanced space technologies to repair our warriors and save countless lives, many of which were innocent children. This moon base, which was a cosmic healing center, has now been transformed into a Med Bed production facility. Yes, you heard right.

The stars are no longer the limit.

Med Bed in Japan – A glimpse into the future.  Take Japan, for example. The land of the rising sun has always been at the forefront of technological wonders, and the Med Bed is no exception. Reports suggest that Japan has been provided with an abundant supply of Med Beds.

My estimate puts this number at several units per prefecture. However, they have not reached their final destinations. Most are strategically positioned at   U.S. military base facilities   and   Japanese Self-Defense Force-related sites  . The implications? Staggering.

The Essence of the Med Bed.  Restoration  : The Med Bed is not just a tool; it is a revolution. It harnesses the power of space-age technology to treat and nullify virtually every disease and injury known to mankind. How, you ask?



Reverting genetic information (DNA) to its purest form.



If you’ve ever believed that our human capabilities are limited, think again. Much of our inherent genetic strength lies dormant, suppressed by factors we’re only beginning to understand.

The Med Bed awakens this dormant power. It’s not just about treating symptoms or diseases. It’s about unlocking our genetic potential, a potential that has been stifled for generations.

However, in order for someone to access the restorative magic of the Med Bed, their soul wave must resonate with the 5th dimensional wave. This is not just a treatment; it is an evolution.

Shedding light on two vital elements

Before we delve deeper, it is essential to establish some fundamental truths.

  • Timeless Technology  : What we consider “cutting edge” today has roots that go back centuries. The technology that is about to redefine our world has already existed, hidden in plain sight, masked by layers of deception and secrecy.
  • Space Alliances  : Extraterrestrial entities, our allies from beyond our skies, are sharing with us what they have used for eons. They see our upcoming “news” as “retrotechnology.” And while “retro” may conjure up a sense of the past, remember that these are tools that have stood the test of interstellar time.

Beyond the Med Bed.  With the launch of GESARA, an arsenal of interstellar healing technologies is about to be revealed. The Med Bed, while revolutionary, is just the tip of the iceberg. Plan Q, a grand strategy that took off in 2019, has been central to these revelations. The Med Bed’s initial applications have been off-planet, healing rescued humans and soldiers battling dark cosmic entities.

The Med Bed is a beacon of hope in a world teetering on the brink of transformation. As this technology continues to flood  GESARA signatory nations  , we are not only looking toward a healthier future, but toward a humanity redefined.

God’s Pharmacy is Amazing:

The Future of Healthcare Post-GESARA: Medical Beds and the Healing Revolution

From pristine suburbs to the bustling heart of metropolises around the world, the dawn of a new era in healthcare is upon us. With the launch of GESARA, an evolution unparalleled in human history awaits. Prepare for a tale of transformation, rebirth, and the potential rise of an advanced age.

1. The GESARA Era. 

Following the monumental launch of   GESARA,   whispers of a vision began to circulate – a vision of a world where healing is not just a luxury for the few, but a right for all. From the deepest urban jungles to the serene environs of the countryside, the winds of change are blowing.

In this utopian future, we don’t just imagine mundane hospitals. Instead, we imagine medical centers, not limited to the conventional bricks and mortar of yesteryear, but equipped with innovative medical and healing technologies. These are not mere hospitals; they are sanctuaries, havens of healing, powered by revolutionary “medical beds,” or what insiders have affectionately termed, Med Beds.


2. The Promise of Universal Health Care. 

These sanctuaries, designed to serve all individuals, are not just about profit. They are a testament to the belief that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, has the right to the best medical care.  The post-GESARA world  imagines a place where these cutting-edge treatments and cures are available for free. Yes, you read that right—no hidden costs, no exorbitant bills, just pure, selfless healing.

3. Beyond the Immediate Horizon: 

Every Family’s Own Medical Bed.  It’s a bold claim, but bear with me. Fast forward several decades into the future and we may see every family equipped with these new-age medical technologies. Sounds like science fiction? Maybe, but it’s a future anchored in a belief – the evolution of human spirituality and consciousness. As we evolve spiritually, our priorities change, our understanding deepens, and what once seemed fantastical becomes the new normal.

4. Initial hiccups: regional adaptations and challenges. 

However, no major change is without its challenges. After the launch of GESARA, each nation, each region, must do some introspection. Urban environments, natural landscapes, cultural nuances – each will play a crucial role in determining Med Bed introduction strategies.


Looking closer, the picture is diverse. Information from countries such as Canada, Germany and the United Kingdom offers insights into diverse Med Bed integration strategies. Meanwhile, Japan serves as a quintessential example, holding vital clues to the developmental stages of new medical technologies and cures.

5. The Japanese Perspective: A Stepped Revelation. 

In the Land of the Rising Sun, we anticipate that Med Bed technologies will be unveiled in stages after the launch of GESARA. Rumors suggest that the use of Med Beds will begin after the introduction of free energy.

However, there is a twist. Sources indicate that the Med Bed operations may remain secret, at least initially. It could be several months, perhaps even a year, before they are made public. The chances? Currently 50/50.

The most compelling reason lies in the need to prioritize those who need urgent treatment at the Med Bed. Instead of the standard treatment request methods, treatments will be promoted primarily through “selection” by quantum computers. With such a novel method, it is understandable that in the early stages, any public disclosure could create chaos, confusion and, potentially, even harm.

6. Prioritizing Lives: 

The Delicate Balance.  Corporate medical facilities, with their ties to various influential figures, have a significant role to play in this narrative. With the introduction of Universal Basic Income (UBI) following the GESARA elections, these facilities will remain operational to ensure the livelihood of many, especially those who may find themselves in precarious situations following the implementation of GESARA.

So as the world stands on the brink of this radical transformation, it is essential to remember that while the future holds great promise, it also requires patience, understanding and faith. The winds of change are upon us, and with them comes the promise of a brighter, healthier tomorrow for all.













Goldrocks, who is more familiar with the quantum financial system, wrote that the QFS is about to begin!

Good evening everyone.


I’m saying the new quantum financial system is coming! why can I trust it

Because he collects information based only on facts and tells us! And he was the one who helped the QFS to start moving seriously around the world.

He says he’s coming right in front of me!


Let me start by presenting this information.


1. A. Ripple will be introduced into central bank payment systems in just a few days. Cross-border payments are

It will go from days to a minute or two.


B. As far as the new digital economy within the banking system is concerned,  everything is tokenized into gold and other commodities.

           A new classification of tokenized assets  will be the harbinger of this new economy.

           New value will begin to emerge in digital asset-based trading systems,  with institutional investors and Ripple leading the way.

           This will drive large-scale adoption in the future.

           Get ready.

           (What is a token?  A digital asset that represents a unit of value or ownership on a blockchain.)

           (The reason it is known as the Quantum Financial System is because Ripple’s XRP can only be used within the Quantum Financial System.)





2. A.
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service
26 CFR Parts 1, 31, and 301
[TD 10000]
RIN 1545-BP71

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Department of the Treasury.

Final Regulation.

The new digital economy  will require those who receive money to do so  in terms of cryptocurrency transactions in the new digital banking system.

            I’m looking forward to it.

            Brokers  are required to file  an information statement that includes providing payee statements reporting the gross proceeds of foreign exchange transactions.

While this mainly applies to people              who own cryptocurrencies and move them through the banking system  ,

            This also includes digital assets in a client’s portfolio.

B. It is clear that the digital economy is on track to be considered a legitimate currency         by the end of the year  .

            This also  means  that much of the transition to the new economy will be in place by the end of the year.

            These regulations are scheduled to come into effect on September 9, 2024.

      (As I wrote earlier, it was announced that all banks in Japan will use XRP, so I guess the same can be said for Japan.

    I think it’s safe to say that we’ve finally entered a new era financially. They say we’re entering an era where fraud will no longer be possible.

   I think that’s the case too. With this, you won’t be able to fool me in the near future! )





3. Pay close attention from late September to October. Cryptocurrency is about to awaken to new value.





4. Now I would like to write and introduce the important points of XRP, which will be deeply involved in Japan from 2025 at the latest.



           1. XRP transaction speed is faster

           2. XRP transaction costs are minimal

           3. XRP has a strong presence in the market

           4. The nominal price of XRP is too low

           5. XRP has an active and loyal community

           6. RIPPLE has a strong team.

           7. XRP will benefit from RIPPLE’s aggressive expansion

           8. XRP will benefit from an improved regulatory environment

           9. XRP  benefits

         10. XRP is the safest cryptocurrency

         11. XRP is environmentally friendly

         12. XRP technical analysts are more bullish than ever

    B. 13. Leading banking systems and companies are already working on RIPPLE and XRP

         14. End of RIPPLE litigation with the SEC

         15. XRP benefits greatly from FOMO (fear of missing out)

         16. XRP is consistent with the idea of ​​CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)

         17. XRP has a predetermined supply

         18. XRP FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) Debunked

         19. Promising projects being developed on the XRP ledger

         20. For the first time, $XMEME brings memecoin culture to the XRP ledger

         21. XRP has not reached its all-time high ($3.60) since 2018.

         22. Stablecoin RLUSD launches on XRP ledger

         23. Introducing the XRP ETF

         24. Global Recruitment. new financial system





5. Next, I would like to present some information related to Japan provided by Mr. Benjamin Fulford.


We are also being warned to be on the lookout for new bioweapons attacks. The current slave government in Japan means that people who have been vaccinated are

They produce “replicon” vaccines that allow them to infect people around them. The final battle will take place in Japan later this month.

This should end with the arrival of a new Prime Minister.





6. A. There were attempts to use weather weapons to intimidate the Japanese into accepting continued slavery. last week,

The government ordered 4 million people in southern Japan to evacuate as Typhoon Shanshan made landfall on Thursday. They are

They were warned of hurricane-force winds, torrential rains, and dangerous storm surges.
In fact, the typhoon lost its strong winds just before making landfall and became a tropical storm. Even Japanese newspapers reported the typhoon’s sudden disappearance.

We discussed it.







7. Next, I would like to present Mr. Ariel’s information.


A. According to Rogue State investigative reporter William Blum, the



B.            interfered in elections in several countries, including Nicaragua
and Haiti …            Did you notice that Venezuela is not on the list? Think about it.            There is a declassified document from the CIA archives in the form of a letter from a CIA task force to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

It details the close relationship that exists between the CIA and the mainstream media and academia.
This document states that the CIA Task Force


C. “Currently maintains relationships with reporters from all major news agencies, newspapers, weekly news programs and television stations in the country”;

“This allowed us to turn several stories of ‘intelligence failures’ into stories of ‘intelligence successes’ and countless others.”

He contributed to the accuracy of many articles.
Furthermore, the CIA “has the potential to adversely affect national security interests or compromise intelligence sources or methods.”

“He persuaded reporters to delay, alter, withhold, or even destroy certain articles.” That is

Those who copied the mainstream media and believed the propaganda that Maduro stole the elections were

This is why news articles should not be trusted to cover the past 10 years since Donald Trump took office.

This shows that you haven’t learned anything.
10:43 AM · August 31, 2024





Finally, I would like to conclude with some information from Mr. Storm Rider.



8. A. There is very little money left to pay the shadow organizations around the world.  )…as globalist funds plummet

Over time, your real money is collapsing and there is a massive collapse.

          And their global pedophilia network  is becoming more and more complete  in the entertainment industry, in the government sector, in the banking sector.

          Exposed… (  When Trump begins his full comeback,  a covert military operation to defeat the world’s deep state will take place,

          It’s increasing rapidly… This all  ties into why Trump signed the executive order against human trafficking  .

          Now  Trump is  ordering…)

          This is why the deep state is trying to cause earthquakes. Global Catastrophe
Dear Patriots, As we face these grave events, we wish  our friends in these regions earthquakes, volcanoes,

And don’t forget to let us know about the            next solar EMP phenomenon that mimics a power outage.

          (Later, the deep state mimics solar phenomena with EMP weapons and  simultaneously attacks the world system with cyber attacks.


    B. Behind the scenes>] USSF, US military operations in collaboration with Russia, Chinese white hats,> India //)) are all

          Ensure remaining stabilization of the Works Network and fully stabilize (fully capture) the Dark Operations Network.

    I’m working on it.

          Game theory operations  intentionally cause some events to occur. A mass awakening

          To cause <  I have been warning dear friends about earthquake wars and EMP attacks  for a long time now .
.. We are in this situation now.





9. A. Near> Civil War_Event
Military Action in the United States (East Coast)
Hells  Angels establish ammunition and weapons base in Colorado,  preparing for 2024_EventWire >]:              Colorado Hells Angels  leaders attacked by South American gangs             US private military contractor prepares for Civil War

       B. Cable>]: East Coast military operations range  from the High Peaks Wilderness of New York State to the forests of Pennsylvania,

Military operations are taking place in a variety of areas, from               West Virginia to Virginia  to North Carolina,  with  military operations and training for military operations in city centers and training camps in urbanized terrain.  with the army

             Several units and special forces from various branches of the Marine Corps  have already taken over western areas such as New York City.

Conducts              targeted training camps and field reconnaissance operations.  These operations in urbanized terrain

A US Marine Corps exercise  designed               military operations outreach (MOUT) and urban warfare in general.

It will be held shortly before               the “Operation Urban Warrior” program.  This is  an issue related to urban combat.

It was developed in  the mid-1990s by the Marine Corps Combat Research Laboratory               in response to a particularly urgent increase in demand.  these

             Ongoing operations are led by the Department of Defense and by  executive orders  .

       C. Black helicopters passing through these areas provide  access to gang networks controlled by US and South American cartels.

It is collecting data  on several Eastern military networks linked to              Iranian military infiltration.            (From WIRES>]: The military has destroyed  all major  migrant gangs,

            Tracking /////… At the same time,  Trump is  preparing,

            We are collecting >>> This is because  the Democratic National Committee and future election fraud will eliminate US troops worldwide and  bring in the United Nations.

This came after several generals and commanders confirmed  that they intended              to take US action to take control of the United States.

            This has always been the Deep State’s plan, and the Senators and Congress are planning an  operation  that is in line with the UN’s globalist plan.

            It was just a conspiracy until it started to become clear)

      D. From US federal marshals to military investigations, hundreds of private military contractors,  urban and South American gang areas

Thousands of informants on the surface,      within cartel militia networks, are linked  to deep state operations.

    It is deeply rooted.
US military operation to destroy hundreds of gang networks in South America  , Iranian and Chinese military operations in the US

    Large-scale White Hat military exercises are approaching,  with large-scale military exercises beginning  across the United States, especially on the East Coast and in parts of Colorado.

    It even reaches military training areas in Yellowstone and  Wyoming.

    Everyone is preparing for a prison war. Civil War events that will occur in the near future and  events
(remember when I warned that all the events will occur in 2020 and 2021?  Many people think this is fear-mongering.

    I thought it was a conspiracy…  … Well, here I am now > <)

   E. Former Marines and former Hells Angels Army veterans  move weapons and ammunition internally, resulting in 1%

           An outlaw motorcycle gang is organized and is about to plunge into the events of the Civil War

This happened after             being directly attacked by a gang.
Multiple sources are now saying that the Hells  Angels are moving several chapters to Colorado and  preparing for retaliation.

           There are reports <(The Hells  Angels deny that these actions are taking place.  ..Colorado Special Forces

He denies any information about             the Hells Angels… but  the real information is that the military headquarters on Cheyenne Mountain…

Between  a former military veteran who is the senior commander of the             1%  Outlaw Biker Gang in the United States and the senior commander of the Colorado Police Department.

           (Involved in creating information channels  )





10. And tell us the current situation!


Patriots, it’s all happening!!!!!!

   While the WEF (  World Economic Forum)  , Davos, the CIA and the globalists  prepare for cyber attacks, power outages and ATM meltdowns,

         Prepare supplies and food reserves.

   We are in a great storm… the storm of the century, my friends…

   I have been warning you that all these events are happening and  unfolding!!
This had to happen.
Military is the only way.
There is more to you than you can imagine.





Thank you for reading today.

Jack Straw

“Breaking Announcement: “It All Begins on September 6” – DJT A shocking announcement has shaken the world: Donald Trump declares September 6 as the day America’s rebirth begins. This is not just another date—it’s the start of a revolution that will restore prosperity, meritocracy, and strength to a nation on the brink of collapse. Trump’s transformative policies are designed to make the American Dream accessible to everyone, ensuring a future that’s not only brighter but stronger than anything we’ve seen before. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. On September 6, everything changes. The winds of change will sweep across America, carrying with them the hopes and dreams of a nation ready for rebirth.
Trump’s vision? A country where every citizen thrives, where power returns to the people, and where freedom reigns once again. “We will have everyone able to afford a home, a car, and groceries. We’ll have the best of everything,” declared Trump. This isn’t just a promise—it’s a guarantee. The deep state’s control is crumbling, and Trump’s return will mark the greatest resurgence in modern history. The promise of a better tomorrow is no longer a distant dream—it starts now. September 6 is the day of reckoning, the day America rises from the ashes, stronger and freer than ever before. The storm is coming. Are you ready?” GITMO_Q
Castle Rock
Castle Rock

Operation Castle Rock: Dawn of the Great Awakening


Operation Castle Rock marks the beginning of the final stage of the Great Awakening. This includes the activation of Project Odin and the Quantum System, as well as Operation Omicron Variant, a top-secret military operation targeting the Chinese Communist Party, pedophiles, and traitors, and rescuing innocent children from their evil clutches.

Castle Rock marks a return to the principles of 1776, nullifying the English Act of 1871 and the Balfour Declaration. This means a return to 1950s prices, the elimination of all taxes paid under false pretenses, and compensation for the misuse of birth certificates. Medbed treatment will be available free of charge to recover from vaccine damage. The

event will also expose corruption in the Biden administration, mobilizing military forces from around the world, including the U.S. military, to overturn the fraudulent results of the 2020 election and restore Trump to his rightful position as president.

The FISA Military Tribunal is poised to nullify the 2020 election by holding military trials with confessions and releasing 10 days of documentaries exposing deep state conspiracies and globalist corruption.

As part of this operation, the world will witness the grounding of planes and trains, the switching of electrical grids to Tesla free energy, and the destruction of satanic symbols around the world.

This included the bombing of 34 buildings and diabolical dams that housed nuclear power plants, including the Three Gorges Dam in China, home to the Chinese Communist Party’s bioweapons research lab and the child trafficking, organ harvesting and trafficking of Masu.

A World War III terror event is needed to implement global martial law with nuclear sirens, water events, stock market crashes, Bitcoin server shutdowns and 99.5% of cryptocurrencies, especially Chinese coins, disappearing.

A fake World War III scenario is used as a smokescreen while armies around the world defeat the Deep State. Police and courts enforce the 1776 Constitution, just as quantum systems enforce NESARA/GESARA.

This includes a global currency reset, the return of stolen wealth to the people, and the imprisonment or re-education of all corrupt judges, police officers, and lawyers under the 1776 Act.

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) stabilizes the global economy with a gold-backed digital currency. The end of fiat currencies heralds a new era of financial stability where all countries are on equal footing.

The time to wake up is now. Castle Rock is our moment of victory.

Prepare for the storm.

Payment may have started⁉️


We have some news. Let’s talk about it briefly. I can see the numbers. I mean, there’s a lot of coverage right now. None of this has been proven, so I’m fine with that.

Payments have started. Today, within the next four hours of this afternoon, payments will start to be made to groups and to everyone. I am looking for evidence from blocked contacts that this is accurate.

The information is obtained from many different sources. If it is correct within a day or two, you and I will know when to make the switch.

If this is true, I’m upset that they’re letting things slide. I haven’t found anyone with money, so I don’t know if it’s necessary.

I have reached out to every connection I have. To avoid being tracked, we have exhausted all methods of analog communication.

They are lazy. If it is not digitized, if it is not digital, if it is not analog, that is, if it continues to be the same analog as always, they will lose sight of it.

If they find out, it will be fun for them to find out later, but I hope it is accurate and the picture is exploding today. I am confident that my information comes from many sources.

2024 is a time of great change! ️

A society built on 99% lies will change.

99% of people  have been deceived, manipulated and enslaved by this lie.

2024 is the first year the lie will be exposed.

Politics, economics, finance, health, etc. have been solidified by lies.

Let’s learn this lie as soon as possible and live consciously without being controlled unconsciously!




💥September 4, World Bank FUNDS distribution through HSBC

💥International Currency Transfer in Australia/ See available links

💥From September 4th to 13th, the expected GCR distribution has STARTED- GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET



💥September 5, Coin Banks Launch New Platforms

💥BB / as DJT stated, it all starts on September 6th… while Tuesday, yesterday was a big market move/ overnight drop in the markets

💥All EYES 👀 on NY, watch the water



💥Eastern Economic Forum, old system (bifurcation) had WEF, for New System, part of BRICS

💥Changes in Security Commissions –  In AUSTRALIA, and SEC IN THE USA… in correlation…

💥Tax and Banking Updates…

💥Australia’s ATO, since August 4th, has NOW become transparent… check your taxation changes in your country…

💥Check out the GCR to find out what is being offered, here, now, the mineral incentive and tax reductions…

💥Is this the NEW BEGINNING of removing the old laws?

💥Changes in BUDGET LAWS, previously unavailable for viewing, NOW transparent…


💥ACT TO LAUNCH… FIRST RESEARCH/DEVELOPMENT, with tax incentives, can now go back to 2021-22, can REPORT any voluntary compliance…

💥No updates on Australia data since 14th August 2023…. KEEP AN EYE ON THIS ONE…..

💥SINCE OUR FREEDOM FRIDAY SHOW….our discussion on….Seal  , Common Wealth…..has changed from Federal Electric Division to  COMMON WEALTH DIVISION

💥From September 14th…. Grants for first time home buyers to take their super saver/grant, to apply towards home purchase, correlates to the US 410k… This was another tax change since our so called Freedom Friday

💥The super saver/first time homebuyer grant can ROLL OVER and a refund on your super saver funds

💥Check out your Country’s Business News for all your tax bulletins NEWS CHANGES…

💥See the Goldilocks article available on WHO REGULATES THE IRS in the USA, here in AUSTRALIA we now have a HOTLINE including common wealth commissioners…

💥Since our Freedom Friday program, August 22, 2024, the power of commissioners to change laws has CHANGED…

💥There is a new DISCRETIONARY POWER to CHANGE laws given to the commissioners, to oversee any operations…

💥Search in your country💥

💥VIP… No federal budget, NOT a common wealth budget, to achieve a SMOOTH TRANSITION

💥Banks in Australia selling off bank shares privately…. KEEP AN EYE ON THIS……

💥September 4th, Kenyan government has 3 new platforms….preparing for the NEW digital world, as the world is

💥History of agriculture: food industry,

New methods of new generational minerals back in process….communicators here too

💥7 Western Australian cattle participants are in breeding trials…  Called PEN PROGRAMS… correlation with Taxation Research and Development office…..and FOLLOW PEN…..

💥 Common Wealth assistance with currency, exchange here in Australia, there is a second bank now…..going forward

Stay happy, stay grounded, …. CHANGE IS COMING, CHANGE IS HERE Now enjoy your week, see you on Sizzling Sunday….bye for now……

💥💥💥Crazy Wednesday💥💥💥

With Mayhem with Mel, for everything, USA💥





🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission




Looks like the trailer has started. 

The Precatórios have started paying the Brazilian people. This is great news for them. We hope they start paying international members tomorrow and, who knows, maybe they will start receiving them later today!

Something BIG is on the horizon, BIG! It will probably be around 3pm Pacific time when I will hear from Reno. I think it will all be positive.

I’ll read some of it, but I won’t say that some of it is confidential. It says: Payment starts tomorrow. Launch schedule for tomorrow at 4:00 PM, folks. They’re ready to press the button. Now everyone will start tomorrow. So things are really starting now. This is coming from an employee in Brazil.

This is now ready to use. It’s real. Get ready.

Amazing news from Skye, as she sent out an emotional audio, you can hear her excitement, saying that medical beds are getting ready to be released. Hopefully by this week people who have projects will be able to come and start getting help.

The private contractors are getting paid and that’s happening now. There’s not much news from Zurich, but we should hear some good news from them. We should hear a lot from Reno in a few hours.

That’s all. I said that the central axis was the Precatorias and it seems that it started in Brazil and will spread to international members.

The Pentecostal group will have a big event in Bogota at the end of September, many will travel there for this event. The leaders say this is the month of miracles.

Brace yourselves, folks! God bless you and I’m sure most of you won’t sleep well when this happens as I expect it to be around 3pm Pacific time. This could be the green light, I’m told it’s something big so we’ll see what happens.

CARPATHIA NOTE: Almighty God, we thank you for helping us overcome the storms in our lives. We are grateful for all the blessings you have given us. We are honored for every good deed you have done in our lives.

Today we seek Your presence in our most difficult times. We ask for a financial breakthrough in our lives today. We declare that with Your miraculous wonder, there will be an abundance of financial blessings coming to us in just a few days.

We know we don’t live perfect lives, but we have atoned for all our doubts and over the years have evolved into the good people you want us to be. Many of us are homeless, homeless, unemployed, have lost a loved one and/or are suffering from a serious illness;

All these diseases have created financial chaos that we can no longer control. Dear God, You are our strong fortress. You have never failed Your children and nothing can overcome our faith in You. We need Your help, dear God, because we cannot hold on much longer and we cannot hold on without Your divine intervention.

Please forgive us for all our shortcomings and doubts. Stay with us always and quickly bring Your financial blessing to the world in our own way. We humbly ask this for all humanity. Amen.

NOTE FROM WOLVERINE: When this gets to us at 3pm PT and says it’s “Big”, and if it’s what we think it is, we’ll do an impromptu live call.

Carpathia and Shelby will be ready, and we will all be ready for this big live conference call, because it could be the news we’ve been waiting for for a long time.

As I said, the Precatórios have already started and were the axis for this to begin.


The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is no longer a distant dream.


Urgent Alert: The QFS rollout is here. The elites are fighting in secret meetings!

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is no longer a distant dream. It is happening right now and it is turning the global financial system upside down.

The days of an economy dominated by corrupt elites are coming to an end. Now, behind closed doors, the world’s most powerful bankers are panicking, forcing them to submit to a system that seeks to redistribute their accumulated wealth to the people.

This is not just a technological upgrade; it is a revolution. The QFS is being used with surgical precision by white hats to dismantle the old financial structures that have enslaved us for generations.

With the Global Economic Security Reform Act (GESARA) fully implemented, the greatest transfer of wealth in history has begun. Trillions of dollars stolen from you through lies and manipulation are about to be taken out of the hands of corrupt individuals and put back where they belong.

Banks around the world are being audited, tested, and plugged into the QFS network at an unprecedented rate. CEOs and CFOs are receiving late-night phone calls, attending secret briefings, and being told in no uncertain terms that if they fail to comply with the QFS, they will be excluded from the new global economy. The elites called it a day, but now the tables have turned.

Behind the scenes, a secret team is working around the clock to integrate every financial institution into the QFS. The mainstream media is silent because they are part of an ancient system that is desperately trying to keep them in the dark.

But the signs are there. Sudden suspension of banking operations and unexplained changes in procedures. This is a QFS takeover and it is happening faster than anyone could have predicted.

But this is not just a banking issue. The real heroes, the patriots and whistleblowers who fought against this corrupt system, are being rewarded.

They were given early access to QFS accounts not only to secure their financial future, but also as a badge of honor in the fight against financial tyranny. These pioneers are leading the way into a new era of financial freedom, where power is finally back in the hands of the people.

QFS is a fortress of security, with quantum-grade encryption that hackers and rogue states cannot penetrate. Your money is yours and yours alone, safe from the greedy hands of banks, governments, and anyone else who might try to claim it.

The QFS is the ultimate equalizer, a system that ensures every dollar is accounted for, every transaction is legal, and everyone is free from financial oppression.

The old system is collapsing and the elites know it. They are trying desperately to hold on, but they cannot stop the QFS.

Banks that fail to comply will be systematically locked out, their assets seized and their accounts frozen. This is a complete reset, a purge of corruption, and there is no stopping it.

QFS is more than just a financial system. It is a global movement and a declaration that the era of financial slavery is over. The world is waking up, getting connected and soon everyone will have the chance to be part of this revolutionary change.

QFS is here and it has already rewritten the rules. The future is clear. QFS is the way forward. Please embrace it.

The world as we knew it is gone, and what comes next is a financial environment that ultimately serves people, not parasites.

Stay alert, informed, and prepared. A storm is coming.



RUMORS: 09/05/2024



The global currency reset is underway

· A global currency reset is underway.

· The global quantum asset-backed financial system has been activated.

· The Central Bank’s Debt Slavery System ends last Sunday.



· The Deep State Cabal globalists are officially failed.

· The largest secret military operation in history has been activated.

· The Global Military Alliance will carry out mass arrests.

· Mainstream fake media will be eliminated.

· Prepare for collisions with the Omicron variant – military code for saving children in the operation to clean up traitors, pedophiles and CCPs. Letter number 17 (JFK Jr.) in the Sun Telegram. September 1, 2024


Trump mulls plan to appoint Elon Musk as auditor of US government agencies

New – The Washington Post reports that Trump is considering a plan to appoint Elon Musk as auditor of US government agencies.

Elon Musk: “Bad wait. ‘There are too many regulations.’


By buying global pure gold, central banks hit a record 483 tons! ️

BREAKING: 📁 Buying global pure gold from central banks will hit a record 483 tons in the first half of 2024.



This is 5% higher than the previous record of 460 tonnes recorded in the first half of 2023.


A global fashion reset is underway.

· A global asset-backed quantum financial system has been launched.

· The dispute over the division of the Central Bank ended last Sunday.

· The Deep State Cabal globalists are officially dead.

· It was launched for further investigation of military history.

· The Global Military Alliance is carrying out mass arrests.

· False conventional communication methods will be demolished.

· Prepare for the Omicron mutant blockade. This is military code for saving children in an operation to eliminate the Chinese Communist Party, pedophiles and traitors. 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) Telegram Sunday, September 1, 2024


Starlink will deliver over 90% of all internet traffic.

Starlink is the only high-bandwidth internet system that covers the entire planet.



It will likely deliver more than 90% of all space-based Internet traffic by next year.


Three thousand dinars will gain value and the contracts will come into effect.

Considering the revelations in New York last week about the activation of Iraq’s ability to exchange other currencies around the world from day six… the digital conversion of dinars into other currencies and the reverse of the visa.

This was achieved on Friday… Now that the RI is coming and waiting for the market to reopen, three thousand dinars will gain value and the contracts will come into effect.


Trust is not flat

It’s showtime

The plan is more than you imagine.

Future or past proof.

A news or map sale.

It arrived at the right time!

…Trump Mission, Monday, September 2


In 2024, it will be our final battle. 

We will either have a bigger country than ever before or we will have no country at all. And we are ready for both!

2024 is a time of great change! ️

A society built on 99% lies will change.

99% of people

They were deceived, manipulated and enslaved by this lie.

2024 is the first year the lie will be exposed.



Politics, economics, finance, health, etc. have been solidified by lies.

Let’s learn to lie as soon as possible and live consciously without being controlled unconsciously! ‼️


It’s happening!!! 

Global currency reset payments will begin as scheduled on Thursday, September 3, 2024, at the latest, and are scheduled to be rolled out across all tiers, including Tier4b (nodes, or Internet Group), within the next 72 hours.



Everything is ready to go. Everything is nowhere to be found. …Get ready to…Have. 3 set.

…No Sun. 1 Set. The banking sector has been notified of the activation of the foreign currency and securities exchange mechanism. We are finally here…


Hospitals across the country are being dismantled and secretly replaced with advanced medical knowledge – technology capable of curing any disease, reversing it or resolving it, and also unlocking past life memories.


Come GESARA, mass imprisonment will begin all over the world. Now we see that the oil market is too dark, or that for me it cannot be defined or sufficient.


The real battle is global, and the stakes can never be too high. Some claim that the reports about VR are exaggerated, but I tell you, it’s not just speculation – it’s the foundation for something massive.


The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is just a distant dream: it is happening NOW and the global financial system is being turned upside down.


Hidden Technologies: The Big Revelation You’ve Been Denied

GESARA’s promise to release 6,000 Tesla patents is already happening, albeit quietly. Advanced energy devices, revolutionary medical technologies and transportation breakthroughs are being tested in remote locations, far from prying eyes.


The leaks are already beginning: unexplained power surges, mysterious new technologies appearing in low-profile patents, and sudden breakthroughs in fields that have been stagnant for decades. This is the grand revelation of technologies that have been deliberately suppressed to keep the masses dependent on controlled and outdated systems.


The global elite have hoarded these advances for themselves, but under GESARA, that era is ending. These technologies will soon be in the hands of the people, and the world as we know it will be transformed.


New Leadership: The Silent Coup of Global Governance

Have you noticed the sudden changes in leadership around the globe? The rapid turnover of politicians, the “unexpected” elections of outsiders, reformers and seemingly unconnected individuals rising to power? GESARA’s demand for reform of 90% of current governments is already being implemented.

Leaders are being removed, quietly, efficiently, and without a trace. What you are seeing is a silent coup—a replacement of the old, corrupt leadership with new faces who are aligned with the principles of GESARA.

This is not just a political shift; it is a complete rewiring of global governance. The elite puppets are being retired, one by one, and replaced by leaders who do not play by the old, corrupt rules.


She repeated the information to make it clear.

– Payments are being made.

– The groups would know about their payments today.

– T4A ending on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of this week.

– Notifications for T4B this week

– Prime Minister…

– Train derailment

– Lightning (lightning-weather-storm)

– Fight in the US Congress

– Pressure around the world to lift restrictions.


Phil posted 8 letters with “New Money”

8 days from TODAY is 9/11.

9/11 was when they were going to announce Nesara Gesara.

Could this be pointing us towards 9/11 or Trump Card?!

Thinking out loud! 👀🤷🏼‍♀️


EXCLUSIVE! GESARA eliminates national debt, replaces global leaders, returns to the gold standard and unlocks hidden technologies!

GESARA is a covert operation that has been meticulously underway under the radar, systematically dismantling the control of the global elite. For too long, the few have controlled the many, amassing wealth and manipulating power structures to keep the world in chains.



Emergency Alert System Activated: Military Alliance Prepares for 10 Days of Darkness, Major Attack Imminent, Coded Signals Sent, FEMA Dismantled!

The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is the linchpin of a global operation to dismantle the Deep State and is now in full testing mode, preparing for the most significant exposure of hidden truths the world has ever seen.


ALERT! Black Swan Event Unfolds: 

GESARA in Motion as Military Alliance Counters Elite Attack — Redistributes Wealth Amid Imminent US Attack and Economic Collapse!

An attack on American soil is imminent, and it’s not just a random event — it’s a meticulously planned attack orchestrated by a global elite who are desperate to tighten their grip on humanity. The Pentagon, military intelligence, and shadowy agencies are holding emergency briefings because they know exactly what’s coming.


Here’s why I’ve said for years that we have two RVs.

Now we have discounted crypto assets that will be used in the upcoming digital financial system.

As people and countries purchase these cryptocurrencies with their paper money, the system will be activated within the banking system, giving these digital assets real value.

This in turn will give our paper currency the ability (means) to increase in value based on the supply and demand of these new stablecoin iterations on the QFS.


Breaking News: 

Trump’s secret plan with the military, collapse of the US corporation and launch of a new gold-backed economy!

As the old world order crumbles under its own corrupt weight, a new era, defined by integrity and innovation, is rising from the ashes. Central banks? Bankrupt. Traditional financial systems? Obsolete. Government entities like Congress, the White House, the IRS, and the Federal Reserve?


While we have major reservations about TNT , we are posting this ONLY because it lines up with the INFORMATION we are hearing from (above) MarkZ and also Wolverine… Please use your OWN DISCERNMENT. We are posting this for informational purposes so you can use your own judgement. We want you to hear all the possible information we can find out there, whether it “checks out” or not… Thank you all!!!

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