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Med Beds Unlocked

UPDATE! Med Beds Unlocked: Brainwave Synchronization and Quantum Healing with DNA Replicators



UPDATE! Med Beds Unlocked: Brainwave Synchronization and Quantum Healing with DNA Replicators — Age Reversal Secrets Revealed, Turn 80 into 30!

Let’s get straight to the point. For too long, the truth about aging, disease, and human potential has been suppressed, shrouded in layers of deception by those who want to keep us in the dark. But now, the curtains are finally being pulled back.

We are on the brink of a revolution that the elites have desperately tried to keep from us—a revolution that is poised to shatter the boundaries of what it means to be human. Forget everything you’ve been told about the inevitability of aging. With the advent of Reatomization and the  DNA Replicator  , we are no longer prisoners of time.

Here’s the hidden truth the mainstream won’t tell you: the power to reverse aging and unlock the full potential of Med Beds is directly tied to  your brainwave frequency  . On September 14, 2024, new insider information came to light revealing that brainwave training isn’t just a side skill;  it’s the missing link to accessing the advanced capabilities of these life-altering technologies.

It’s all about synchronization. Elites have been using this for decades,  aligning their brain frequencies with the Med Beds to maximize their effects.  By training your brainwaves, specifically targeting alpha, theta, and even the elusive gamma waves, you can unlock a connection with the Med Beds that goes beyond basic healing.

It’s not just about physical rejuvenation; it’s about transcending your current state of being. Start with alpha wave training — spend 20 minutes a day in a quiet, meditative state to calm your mind and stabilize these frequencies. Once you’ve mastered alpha waves, move on to theta waves, which are crucial for deep subconscious healing and regeneration.

The real game-changer, however, is gamma wave training,  which catapults your brain into heightened states of awareness and consciousness,  allowing you to direct the Med Bed’s healing processes with surgical precision. This is the kind of knowledge that has been buried under a mountain of misinformation, reserved for the select few who pull the strings behind the curtain.

The DNA Replicator: A Hidden Weapon in the Age of Reatomization

But let’s get to the heart of this technology — the  DNA Replicator.  This is the tool of the new age, the forbidden technology that the powers that be don’t want you to know about. This device goes beyond genetic engineering. It operates on a level that borders on the mystical, blending cutting-edge science with ancient knowledge that has been suppressed for centuries.

Using a proprietary form of quantum entanglement, the  DNA Replicator interacts directly with your body’s energy field  . It identifies the exact moment in your genetic history when your DNA was in its optimal state and reverts every cell in your body to that point.

The DNA Replicator process begins with the implantation of nanobots into your bloodstream, which act as scouts,  mapping every strand of your DNA  . They detect weaknesses, mutations, and signs of aging. Once the map is complete, the Replicator uses a directed burst of scalar energy—a form of energy that can manipulate matter at the quantum level—  to rebuild your DNA.

This burst not only repairs, but also restructures, ensuring that your DNA is not only restored, but  strengthened against future degradation  . This is why an 80-year-old person doesn’t just look 30; they are 30, right down to the genetic markers that define their biological age.

What’s truly revolutionary is that DNA Replicator doesn’t just stop at reversing aging. It improves your immune system, supercharges your metabolism, and even rewires your neural pathways to improve cognitive function.

Imagine possessing the wisdom of a lifetime, but with the mental agility of your best years. This is the future that has been hidden from us, the future that the elites are already living, hidden behind closed doors and layers of misinformation.

Mastering Brainwaves  : The Hidden Skill of Using the Medical Bed

To fully take advantage of Med Beds,  you need to understand the power of your own brainwaves  . The training is simple, but it requires discipline—a word that has been systematically eradicated from our social lexicon by those who profit from our ignorance.

Start with alpha wave training. Spend 20 minutes a day in a quiet place, focusing on your breathing, allowing your mind to calm down into the alpha state. Once you’ve mastered it, move on to the deeper theta state, where the real magic happens. Theta waves are the key to unlocking the healing frequencies of the Med Bed.

When your brain operates at these deeper frequencies,  it emits signals that the Med Bed can interpret, allowing it to tailor its healing protocols specifically to your body.  This synchronization between your brainwaves and the Med Bed technology  is what enables the full spectrum of rejuvenation.

It’s like tuning a radio to the exact frequency needed to hear a clear broadcast. If your mind is cluttered with distractions, the Med Bed can’t fully connect. But with trained focus, your body and the Med Bed become one system, operating in perfect harmony.

The training doesn’t stop there. By advancing to gamma waves, which are associated with higher states of consciousness and intense mental focus, you can even increase the effectiveness of the Med Bed, accelerating healing and regeneration to unprecedented levels.

This is the kind of knowledge that has been hidden, guarded by the elite, and for good reason: because if the masses knew how to truly harness their own power, the whole house of cards would come tumbling down.

The Forbidden Technology of the Elite: A Call to Action

This is the crux of a seismic shift in what it means to be human.  The DNA Replicator  , the Med Beds,  the brainwave training  —these are the here and now, kept from us by those who benefit from our ignorance.

Elites have used these technologies to extend their own lives, to gain unfair advantages while the rest of us age, work hard, and succumb to the diseases they claim are inevitable.

But no more. It is time to tear away the veil and claim what is rightfully ours. The technology is real, the benefits are undeniable, and the time for secrecy is over. It is time to enter the next phase of human evolution, armed with the knowledge that has been deliberately withheld.

Reatomization and the DNA Replicator  are the tools of a new age, an age in which we regain control over our own biology, our own destinies.

So what are you waiting for?  Start your brainwave training today.  Get ready for the Med Bed revolution.

Don’t be a pawn in their game — be the master of your own destiny. The future is here, and it’s time to reclaim it.



Med Beds Unlocked
Med Beds Unlocked







The Path to the New World After GESARA Activation ~Collapse and Construction~


GESARA Activation
GESARA Activation


☆What will happen to the world after GESARA is activated?
☆And what do you think will happen along the way?
 It is very important to keep these two things in mind.
 Kokorononet’s thoughts on the ultimate goal of the new world and the two steps expected to occur in the process.

  The ultimate goal of the new world after the activation of GESARA



What kind of place is the new world that will transition into with the activation of GESARA?


The New World is a world that has ascended from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension.


Earth was originally a 5-dimensional world, but we were trapped in a 3-dimensional world.


In the background, there was control by aliens from the dark side, and the three-dimensional world was always forced to work under a system of slave exploitation and a monetary economy.


Our human consciousness has also been dominated by servile thoughts, such as “those who do not work should not eat.”


However, we are essentially beings who live listening to the “voice of the soul”.


If every person listened to the voice of their soul and lived their life, there would be a peaceful and conflict-free world.



We believe that the voice of the soul is   a  world where we are guided to a realm connected to the universe and nature.


In order for us to return to our original state of life, listening to the voice of our souls, we must first dismantle the dominant structures we have had until now.


The most important of these is “money,” and eventually there will come a world where there will be no need for money.


Money is a tool that converts things that actually have value into numerical values, so the world will change to a world where every value in itself is exchanged.


In other words, there will be a world of exchange and mutual aid.


If we continue to  do what we can for each other  , we will achieve true peace through  a cycle of gratitude.


This cycle of gratitude must also resonate with the vibrations of the earth, which was originally in the fifth dimension, so it  can be said that  the world will become more coexistent with nature than it is now.


And to make the transition into this 5th dimensional world, the people called  Alliance  are working, but  our own change = awakening  is also an important element.


The world should be full of people who have reached a state where  they listen to the voice of their souls and decide their own path.


To transition into the 5th dimensional world requires changes in the structure and system of the world, as well as the consciousness and awakening of those of us who live in that world.


  Two steps planned for the new world after GESARA activation



The new world after the activation of GESARA is a 5th dimensional world, a world composed of people living in 5th dimensional vibrations.


I believe that to get to the New World there are two stages that can be roughly divided.


They are the  “breakdown” stage  and the  “buildup” stage  .


In this article, we will consider how our own lives, values ​​and ways of life will change in two stages, bearing in mind the collapse and construction of money and economic systems.


Step 1: “Collapse” Collapse of the monetary economy



To build a new world, several collapse events will occur to dismantle the previous control system.


Many collapse-related events have already occurred in banks and large corporations, and we believe we have already entered this phase in 2023.


I believe that   this phase of collapse  will eventually lead to the collapse of the monetary economy.


However, if you suddenly say, “I will eliminate money itself,” it will only cause chaos.


First, I think we need to take a step towards eliminating money inequality and reducing the value of money itself.


In the old world, money was concentrated in the hands of certain rich people, which led to poverty, and people dedicated their lives to work in exchange for money.


Therefore, we have the illusion that money itself has value.


When money is distributed equally to everyone, and more money is distributed than enough, the value of money itself must fall.


I believe that  the collapse of the monetary economy begins with the distribution of money.



This often refers  to the redistribution of money through debt forgiveness and basic income  .


Expect them to be returned to you rather than provided.


As they were unfairly exploited, they should be returned.


The collapse of the monetary economy also means a reset, and the state of inequality will be reset.


All kinds of fields, including money and related work, laws and education, have been used as tools to commit injustices, so they too will be gradually dismantled.


It can be quite shocking to see existing systems collapse one after another.


Therefore, as you look to the next stage, you should avoid feeling unnecessary anxiety.


If we turn our attention to awakening people, I think the path will largely diverge in two as the system collapses and values ​​change.


There are two types of people   :  those who find fulfillment and brilliance, and those who cannot find purpose in life.


At this stage, you will not be completely broke, but your money will be redistributed and you will no longer have to live the old way of working for money.



Therefore  , the question of the heart, “What do we live for?”  should come to the fore.


I believe that depending on how much this issue is faced, the path will diverge largely into two.


Those who do not face their own lives will continue to fall.


Unfortunately, we can also see an increase in gambling, drug addiction, mental illness and even suicide.


On the other hand, people who have thought seriously about what they want to do are now able to do things to the fullest that they were previously unable to do due to time or money constraints.


On the other hand, more and more people will be able to live better lives than ever before because they will be able to complete their work with a sense of purpose.


We believe these are the people who can make the transition to the New World.



As we live in a world that can be described as polarized,  there is a possibility that  the system of maintaining order will be strengthened.


Personal identification systems, such as biometric authentication, which have been strengthened in recent years,  will play an even more active role.


Firstly, money will be distributed and the motivation to commit fraud will be diminished, but there is also the risk of riots occurring among those who cannot take advantage of the transition to the new world.


Order keeping systems will play an important role during the transition period.


STEP 2: “Build” a cashless world



As the old world collapses and polarization advances as people awaken, I believe the next step will be the building of a new world.


Of course there is no clear limit, but it seems to occur continuously.


In the construction phase, the introduction of new mechanisms and new technologies will be a main focus.


First, a system will be built in the new world based on GESARA.


At some point, some kind of system or organization will be created.


However, as the group becomes larger, it becomes a system that binds them with uniform rules.


Therefore, I think it would be better to form an autonomous organization with a smaller group than what we have now.


The value of money continues to decline and we are finally entering a world where money is no longer needed.


This is the arrival of a world where goods and services are exchanged without money.


It is often said that we are returning to the Jomon period, but this does not necessarily mean that we are returning to the Jomon period.


First, the very fact that the history of the creation of a monetary economy was considered progress justified exploitation.



It is often said that there was no evidence of war during the Jomon period, and this will be a world in  which true peace  will be achieved without conflict.


Although money is no longer necessary, several  new technologies  will be released to support the basic aspects of basic life.


People who previously worked in industries such as infrastructure and healthcare will be freed from work to deal with mobility issues, health issues and ensuring daily needs, and these technologies will support their lives.


However, if new technologies are released too quickly, they may be exploited by those who are unable to make the transition to the new world.


Therefore, it seems that the collapse phase has not yet fully reached the collapse phase.


As for people’s awakening, as money finally disappears, the value of labor will become separate from money.


What used to be considered work will now become “doing something for someone without asking for anything in return.”


Unlike traditional volunteering, all activities are pure acts without expecting anything in return.


In the truest sense of the word, when you act “for someone else,” feelings of gratitude come back to you.


The world will become a cycle where gratitude is passed on to someone and then passed on to others.



It can be said that this  cycle of gratitude  is the essence of the fifth dimension.


This will help us achieve true peace and become more connected with the earth and nature.


As the natural world revolves around this cycle of gratitude, humans will be able to coexist with each other in their original form as a species of living beings.


To enter a cycle of gratitude, it is important for individuals to listen to their own “soul voice.”


The voice of the soul is heard from within, but it is a message from a realm connected to the natural world and the universe.


That is why the necessary messages are always sent, so that we can create a world where people do not conflict with each other, where peace is maintained and where everyone can live happily.



*It is important that we prepare ourselves mentally to face the new world.


Destroying the old world and building a new world is not just about the outside world, but what is important is to destroy the old world within us and create a new world.





My beloved chosen ones:

Once again, we gather our hearts as one, hoping to have the answer to a question that has been gripping our souls for what seems like an eternity. The question about the timing of our blessing.

All over the world, for countless centuries, men have waited and dreamed of a moment in history when something like this would be possible.

We have remained strong and steadfast in our faith and in our belief that soon the news we have received will bring us that which we have been seeking for what seems like endless ages.

We remain firm, strong, courageous and faithful despite adversity, because the evil that prevents us from achieving our goal does not die easily.

But deep down we knew that the winds of change, the winds of hope and the winds of freedom were carrying us forward, despite our own apprehension and doubts, pushing us towards our golden door that, once opened, would reveal our bright blessing at the end of a glorious rainbow.

We have learned to protect ourselves against the attacks of those who wish to do us harm by preparing ourselves daily to combat the intelligence of the enemy, preparing ourselves for every possible scenario that may be presented against us, and in doing so we have allowed ourselves to be assured that the incredible joy we have always sought

It was there, in front of us, just intentionally hidden from our view by those who wanted to strip us of the hope and faith we embody.

Despite all the adversities, we have maintained the confidence of a victor at the end of a hard-fought battle, because we have never, ever given in to the idea of ​​defeat. We have proven ourselves capable of defending our hearts, of defending our minds from the external influences that seek to destroy our dreams. And we have shown that we can fearlessly resist the storm of external tyranny that threatens to steal our future.

Each of you here has decided to survive this wait, to survive the adversities that pile up against us day after day, month after month and year after year.

We, the Chosen, have joined our seeking minds and hearts to survive against the odds of the tyranny imposed upon us and to defend the hopes and dreams of others.

We will remain brave and strong until the end of our fight.

And now, today, we received the most encouraging news about our Wolverine.

We will never give up on the idea of ​​not reaching the arena of Victory. And in God’s time, very soon He will take us to the New World, where we will rescue the weak by being strong, where we will liberate humanity by showing them the light of freedom and shining the compassionate light of the Chosen in every corner of the world. And all this will happen, it will be recorded as a fact, because… You never, never gave up, never, never gave up, against all odds. Love you all,






It seems to have already started. I said two days ago that Zurich had started. It is a process. If you have not received your blessing yet, it is because your turn has not yet come. I received information two days ago from various sources, and one important source came from Mauritius, and he is delighted that things have started.

We also have information from Sao Paulo that there are sovereign payments, and from several other places, including Miami. There’s not much out of Reno at the moment, but all of this will come to fruition in the month of September, and it will be a glorious month. Everyone will be paid this month, even the people in Tier 4B, all within a few days.

The owner of the Pentecostal group has all the codes and PINs of the participants of that event. It will be a fantastic day for these people. Everything is secret regarding the location. One leader was threatened and almost killed, so we will not announce the meeting locations online or openly, but privately, for example by email.

We are at a critical stage now. There are bad people in these channels, and I wouldn’t be surprised if even in the Chosen channel they also try to get as much information as possible to harm any of us.

I’m not going to Colombia for safety reasons. My closest friends have asked me not to go. It’s a beautiful country, but in every country there are bad people.

I’m told the Treasury has been ordered to release the funds.

Hold on to your boots, it’s coming.

I’m not making this up, listen Wolvie. I don’t believe in Hopium, I’m here to give you as much information as possible. I hope this is one of my last calls. Carpathia will soon give his final speech, probably the speech of the century!

When we get the green light, we’ll do a video made by a friend that’s a YouTube video, then the Carpathia speech, then the Trumpets of Freedom, then the opera, and I’ll turn on the house stereo to celebrate!

The Yellow Dragon bonuses will be ending soon. Make sure to PM me if you are interested so you can acquire these valuable funds.

I get sporadic information at all hours of the day. I should have a surprise for you, if everything I’ve been told comes true, then we’ll have an IMPROVISED CALL later today. A lot of people may be asleep. But we know Carpathia is awake 24/7, and so is Shelby!

Have a beautiful day. 

Take care, 

Wolverine (transcribed by Carpathia)

Is electronic payment required in Iraq for RV? 

Sunday, September 15, 2024


Is electronic payment necessary in Iraq for RV?

NO, it is not at all, but it will help prevent money laundering. Remember, Dr. Shabibi was ready to re-establish it in 2012-2013 and electronic banking was just in its infancy stages in Iraq. A lot of work needed to be done.

So I don’t forget the past. It’s good that they’re digitizing these monetary transactions, but at the same time we have to ask – when is enough enough? How long before they pull the trigger and take the next step?

How could they have done the RV in 2012-2013 and now give us this crap about needing to grow their economy more first. See, it is not a change in policy in Iraq, but a change in policy in Washington DC towards Iraq, so reflected in their policies, but not by choice. It is by necessity, because the US controls the dollar and this is always their excuse to restrict Iraq.

Please pay special attention to US policy in the coming months. Everything is interconnected with Iraq and how Iraq will progress in the near future.
What can we as investors do now? Pray and pray that nothing will ruin this…
Be very patient…
Don’t sell your dinar…
Enough of this intelligence guru talk…
Enough of this crazy talk about NESARA/GESARA…
Stop listening to all these idiots, because they are only confusing you more and more (especially the idiots on TNT and “The Big Call”).
Don’t speculate too much and create unjustified expectations…

I know the path to this reintegration, and I don’t need to speculate or guess. If you are a loyal follower of my blog, you can also clearly see that I have NEVER misled you about the information. How can I say this?

It’s because I show FACTUAL evidence and information, not some fairy tale bank stories, memos or lies that the four letter agencies are talking to me, because they’re not, and I don’t care what the hell they’re saying anyway.

Let me tell you something. Remember when this guy Tony from TNT was telling you that he had contacts in meetings with the US Treasury and as a result of those meetings they would call him and tell him they were planning to do the RV by a certain time frame?

Oh yeah, he did it for almost 10 years. So if all this is true, why hasn’t the RV happened yet? Oh… but something has always been stopping it. Of course it has, and we know what that is, don’t we? It’s called corruption and money laundering.

I’ll tell you why it didn’t work out for Tony, it’s because it was all made up bullshit and he has no real contact at any US Treasury meeting. You see? If he did it and what he said in the past was true, why the hell is the US Treasury now in Iraq working on banking reforms?

Why did they decide to move in and occupy an entire floor in the Central Bank of a sovereign nation, if they already decided that Iraq was clean of corruption and ok for RV for the last 10 years? Why then didn’t the RV happen according to TNT idiot Tony?

Why did Iraq allow them to enter the Central Bank building and occupy it if Iraq also didn’t want the corruption to end and to get its currency back online? Do you see my point here? Yes, there is still work to be done and the RV is not all done. Got it? If you would just use your head and common sense, you can see through many of these idiotic so-called intelligence gurus and their lies.

These rumors are like a disease that has spread throughout our dinar investment community. It’s easy to lie and make up stories, but it’s much, much harder to spend time translating articles and applying them to what is really going on.

Yes, we need to stay strong, as this RV is coming to an end and there is not much more to look forward to.
Is electronic payment required in Iraq for RV
Is electronic payment required in Iraq for RV







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESSS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of September 15th – September 21st 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 15th – September 21st. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Guided Meditation for the Harvest Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste







💥💥Scorching Sunday 💥💥

💥September 15, 2024💥

💥WELCOME TO ALL, and to all administrators, moderators and researchers

💥We are in front of a live audience today

💥 SUMMARY Exciting Thursday

💥15 to 9, Founding Fathers Week/ Constitutional Week

💥10 to 9, formerly, the original signing of Gesara took place on October 10th……

💥15 to 9, payment to Russia due outstanding loan of 630 million dollars today

💥Or will it be forgiven, erased, since we are in GESARA NOW?

💥Keep an eye on the RED CARPET at the US Emmys… what fake nonsense can we expect?

💥9-16, Russia finalizes Bitcoin, XRP, XLM conversion to Stellar for QFS ACTIVATION…..Russia is part of BRICS

💥Chez has 2 major police unions on strike for a 20% pay rise


💥9-16, DJT will launch a new Liberty Financial token, includes governance, may be part of Gesara……

💥9-16, international market, the DINAR ITAQ, which depends on the US dollar and depends on all traders and brokers on the platform…..

💥RESTRUCTURING of many equity markets, while the QFS will be implemented, HAPPENS on September 16th…

💥While in the background, Russia will be delisted from the US Stock Exchange, big ACTION in the digital world

💥9-16, the currency exchange rate will be

high, as the US Stock Exchange releases it, the currency can be used worldwide…

💥Walstreet is not operational/EMPTY BUILDINGS. Watch this

💥The EU has lost control, criticizing the IMF in Russia, could it be because the BRICS are NOW IN CONTROL of the World Bank and the World Trade Commission?

💥9-17, Q DAY, magic number 17,

💥 September 17-23, Constitutional Week in the US… This is the final ACT, the pain is 23, this is the end of the Old System… 💥

💥September 18-22, Realignment of KINGDOMS… India is voting and will take all neighboring countries, Founding Fathers Week…

💥Part of Gesara💥

💥 9-18, Human Trafficking Awareness Day, please take a moment to…

💥GIVE THANKS for all the hard work that has gone into this effort and is ongoing

💥9-19-Advisory board meeting to mediate between SEC and XRP… ANOTHER major controller losing its control here…

💥9-19, 25th anniversary of the Matrix movie, a screening from 19 to 22, is this part of the DISCLOSURE?

💥9-20, What is Congress in the US DOING to fix the 3.5 Vets Case drop? Watching

💥9-20 Australia Services to increase

💥9-21, Another HUMM DINGER BIG BANG… Biden? wearing TRUMP CAP swapped, with q/ leaders… Is he changing ships, or is he really there??

💥USA and Japan are no longer part of India, France, Greece and Romania, new alliance…

💥Ocean Trade Agreement System…


Hope to see you on crazy Wednesday, stay happy, stay grounded, GM, GE, GN, from me, see you on the other side… bye for NOW, love to ALL…


October 20 (Sunday) Martial Law/Power Outage/Emergency Broadcast System


storm! Trump’s imminent return triggers a global military operation, martial law and a global blackout, mobilizing troops to the front lines of the ultimate global operation.


We are on the cusp of unprecedented change.


Trump’s return is not just a political event.


It will trigger a complete collapse of the Cabal’s world control.


This has been a century-old system of operation and the global military alliance has been waiting for this moment.


Sunday, October 20, 2024, a night the world will never forget.




Martial law is imposed across the world, and along with it comes unprecedented power outages.


The power is out, there is no communication or news.


The Cabal’s stronghold of power falls, and in its darkness its armies move like clockwork, cleansing cities and arresting the elites who have bled the world dry.


The military is not here to control crowds.


Preparations had been underway for several weeks, awaiting the mass arrest of the traitors.


Politicians, CEOs and tech titans who thought they were untouchable.


Pelosi Schiff Soros, they’re all on the list.


This is the storm we’ve been waiting for!



When the power goes out, the emergency broadcast system turns on and broadcasts the truth that has been hidden for decades.


For three to ten days, the world will be forced to confront real horrors, human trafficking, clandestine trade and the forces of evil that control each crisis.


The Alliance will operate on a global scale, sweeping through all major cities and destroying the Cabal networks.


This is a global effort, from Europe, Asia and the United States, and no place is safe from these tyrants.


Billionaires and politicians will be dragged into the light.


Their wealth is frozen, their private jets grounded and their bunkers destroyed.


Trump’s return is not symbolic.



He will oversee the creation of a new system backed by real assets like gold and silver – the Quantum Financial System (QFS).


No more monetary manipulation or debt slavery.


All transactions will be traceable and the elite will lose the ability to control the economy.


Quantum voting systems will make elections secure forever.


No more cheating.


Votes are counted instantly and transparently.


Fraudulent elections will end and true governance will begin.


The government will be simplified, leaner and accountable to the people.




Medical beds are finally being freed up.


These are more than just treatment machines.


Reverse aging, heal injuries, and cure the diseases the elite have been killing us with.


The military will protect these centers to ensure that no one can stop this medical revolution.


A new era of transparency begins as Trump dismantles the CIA/Mossad and other corrupt agencies.




Under Starlink, the reborn internet will be a platform for truth-telling, free from censorship.


This is truly the beginning of the final battle between good and evil.


Victory is within our reach.


Brace yourself for power outages, arrests and a storm that will change everything.


The age of conspiracies is over.


You can’t stop what’s going to happen.

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