Med Beds News: How does healing with Med Beds work? A step-by-step guide to the entire Med Beds procedure!
Discover the revolutionary world of Med Beds with our comprehensive guide. Explore how these cutting-edge devices promise to heal at a cellular level, restore health and extend life. Stay up to date with the latest news and videos about this transformative quantum technology.
How does Med Bed Healing work? A step-by-step guide to the entire Med Bed procedure
The concept of Med Beds is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Quantum technology is at the center of these stories, suggesting a leap beyond traditional medical science. The main lesson here is to approach this topic with an open mind and conduct your own research to form an informed opinion.
Nikola Tesla had a great influence on the creation of these beds. Experiments were conducted with German scientists, then in the 1970s the reconstruction and redesign began again by a scientific team that included physicists and doctors.
Med Beds have a rich history. Nikola Tesla, a pioneer in electrical and mechanical engineering, played a crucial role in their early development. The technology has gone through several phases of experimentation and redesign, involving prominent scientists and physicians over the decades.
There are many behind the creation of these healing devices and yet the technology remains suppressed (deep state). There are about a hundred different variations of the med bed currently, where all three types (holographic, regeneration and regression) can work in one device.
The healing process: While you sleep, the medical bed does its work…
The healing process with Med Beds is supposedly passive, occurring while the patient is asleep. This non-invasive approach highlights the advanced nature of this technology, promising a pain-free experience.
The Science Behind Medical Beds. From conception, through childhood, through our teenage years, to the present day, there have been holographic images made of our bodies – everyone’s bodies. Although it’s much more scientific, think of it as a holographic camera taking pictures of the body. A hologram is a three-dimensional image that uses light and sound.
Med Beds use holographic technology to capture three-dimensional images of the body. These images are similar to a detailed, lifelong medical record, providing comprehensive data for diagnosis and treatment.
Diagnostic tests and examinations. During a diagnostic session on the medical bed, the body is examined from head to toe. Anything that is out of balance will be seen immediately.
Imbalances can be diseases, illnesses, missing limbs or organs, or foreign substances that should not be in the body. Foreign substances include toxins, bacteria, inflammation, fat, and addictive factors. Blood and DNA tests can help detect any hereditary markers.
A diagnostic session with a Med Bed involves a full-body scan that identifies any imbalances or anomalies. This includes detecting diseases, illnesses, foreign substances and hereditary markers through blood and DNA analysis.
Healing through holographic projection. For example, if the patient has heart disease, the diagnostic scan will pick it up. With a library of holographic images from throughout the patient’s life, the medical bed can “pull up” the slide where the patient’s heart was strongest.
Based on this slide, he will project the image of the healthy heart to the patient, restoring the heart to when it was healthier, cellular and DNA reconstructions. During the repair session immediately afterward, there is minimally invasive surgery and there is little, if any, discomfort afterward.
Med Beds use holographic projections to heal. For example, if a patient has heart disease, the Med Bed retrieves an image of the heart in its healthiest state and uses it to restore heart health. This process involves cellular and DNA reconstruction, with minimal invasiveness and discomfort.
Returning to original DNA. These ‘smart beds’ take us back to our original DNA before we started being poisoned by our food, air, soil and water. Our body will be healed at a molecular or cellular level. Obesity will also go away.
Med Beds aim to revert our bodies to their original, pristine DNA, healing at a molecular level. This includes addressing issues like obesity by restoring cellular health.
Post-treatment recovery. What happens after a diagnostic and repair session? Depending on each individual’s session, it can take anywhere from one to six hours to recover.
There will be an increased number of bathroom visits after use as everything is flushed out of the body. The original height of the body is also restored. Since the body has a memory for this, the cells become great and continue to communicate with other cells, rejuvenating the body for a few more months.
Post-treatment recovery varies, but typically lasts one to six hours. Patients may experience increased bathroom visits as their bodies eliminate toxins. The body’s original height is restored, and optimal cellular communication continues to rejuvenate the body for several months.
Cellular Frequency and Healing. How does it work? Each cell has a frequency and wavelength pattern. The weak pattern cell will merge with the strong pattern cells, resulting in an integral balance.
Healing occurs through the fusion of cellular frequencies. Weak cells align with stronger ones, resulting in a balanced, healthier body.
Pre-Treatment Orientation. Before you try the medical bed, expect to have a very detailed orientation, where you will be given a full questionnaire about your health. Any previous operations, organ removal, dental fillings or caps, mental health problems, addictions… everything will be discussed.
A detailed pre-treatment orientation ensures that all aspects of health are considered. This includes discussing past operations, organ removal, dental work, mental health issues and addictions.
Psychological preparation. Most pre-treatment care will be psychological in nature. This is to help prepare people to understand the dramatic healing process they will undergo.
Psychological preparation is crucial, helping patients understand and cope with the dramatic healing process they will go through.
Dealing with addictions. Addictions: Depending on the addiction and the severity of the habit, it may be necessary to seek spiritual counseling. This counseling will also help in changing to a healthy diet. Medical centers may not schedule treatment until the patient makes an effort to change. To understand the importance of this, read on. Enabling will not work in our quantum future.
Dealing with addictions requires spiritual counseling and lifestyle changes. Patients may need to demonstrate a commitment to change before receiving treatment, emphasizing the importance of holistic health.
Accessibility and availability. They will be in all major cities to start. The military is involved in getting everything started, so the goal is to have 2 beds in each county. The medical bed will be free to use.
Transportation costs will be the patient’s responsibility.
Med Beds will initially be available in major cities, with the military facilitating the rollout. The goal is to have at least two beds in each county, free of charge, although transportation costs will be the responsibility of the patient.
Current distribution and future availability. They are currently scattered around the world. Individuals can only book appointments for themselves, not for anyone else. If someone does not want to have a doctor’s appointment, that is their choice. AI (artificial intelligence) will know this.
Med Beds are currently sparsely distributed globally. They are expected to become more widely available by mid-2025. Appointments are strictly personal, and AI will ensure that individual choices are respected.

Ripple Ambassador
The Event Will Not be Delayed
NESARA + GESARA — No poverty, no hunger, no debt, just global prosperity and peace for ALL!
GESARA (Global Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) was voted to be implemented by all 209 sovereign nations of the world, in accordance with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change signed in 2015, starting with the restored Republic of the United States, known as NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act).
NESARA cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debts due to illegal banking and government activity. Many refer to this as a “jubilee” or total debt forgiveness. Abolishes the federal income tax in the US. Creates a flat 17% rate on new non-essential items, only sales tax revenue for the government.
That is, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items such as old houses. Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with IRS employees being transferred to the National Sales Tax Division of the U.S. Treasury. Restores Constitutional Law in all courts and legal matters of the Republic of the United States of America.
Retrain all judges and lawyers in Constitutional Law. Remove all agents of the dark cabal, administrative officials and all members of the U.S. Congress from their positions due to their continued unconstitutional actions.
GESARA will now affect the Republic along with the rest of the world, totaling all sovereign nations. The new financial system is part of the GESARA law. The IMF will announce the “global gold standard monetary system” once GESARA is announced. All remaining fiat currencies will be exchanged for the gold standard currency.
Paper money will eventually be phased out and all currencies will be digital under the new financial system – with the elimination of the national debt of every nation on Earth, taxes will be adjusted to be lower for citizens and businesses.
The new financial system has been online for months and is hosted on a quantum-protected server that cannot be hacked or accessed without permission.
Energy costs will fall dramatically as a result of free energy and new technologies. The future will be incredible, complete; our lives will evolve immensely. The suppressed technologies that are being released date back 70 years or more.
This technology will easily clean up our planet. A new medical system will be the real health system – with the ability to regenerate limbs or organs, or to reduce our age by 30 years.
When there is free energy, transportation and replicators distributed to everyone, we will be equal. No one will be enslaved, people will just do what they want, they will have free time, time to reflect and be creative. There is no need to wait for anything.
People will live in the moment – growing their own food and feeding others. Many people will actually enjoy their work as they realize that it gives them meaning and purpose, another way to serve. Those who do not have jobs will find alternative ways to experience happiness and contribute to the common good.
As the moment of great change in our society approaches, it is time to transform the pain and suffering of past experiences into joy, peace and prosperity! A new day is dawning that will bring an era of caring and respect for humanity!
Planet Earth and humanity are experiencing the Great Shift of Consciousness, also known as Ascension or The Great Awakening to Unity Consciousness. Mother Earth is becoming a sacred planet again, and she is taking the entire human population (whoever wants to go) with her. It is a Golden Age that is beyond our imagination.

UPDATE!! QFS Debit Card is replacing VISA and Mastercard with gold-backed digital money
In the ever-evolving world of finance, a seismic shift is underway. The very foundation of our global economic system is being shaken, and the tremors are being felt by every individual, institution, and nation. But what’s really going on behind the scenes? Let’s dive deep into the murky waters of this financial transition.
First and foremost, the age-old question: will our beloved VISA or Mastercard still be relevant? Alliance, that shadowy group of power players, is hard at work. They are restructuring the entire VISA or Mastercard structure to align with the QFS debit card. And guess what? They will succeed. Why? Because the merchant fees associated with VISA, Mastercard and other cards will soon be a thing of the past. That’s right, no more exorbitant fees!
But there’s more. The scourge of credit card companies and the constant threat of stolen cards and fraud will be eradicated. QFS will eliminate all fraudulent activity, including the ever-looming specter of identity theft. With QFS, our financial security is assured. As we transition to Q phones and Quantum computers, Paymasters will be our guides, illuminating the way forward.
Now, let’s talk about the 2024 bombs:
The Banking Revolution: The banks are gone . Bankers? They’re facing the ultimate punishment. GITMO is their destination, and for many, the firing squad awaits. And if you think you’re seeing familiar faces from the Gates Foundation, think again. These are mere stand-ins, actors under the control of the White Hats. The real ones? Only time will tell.
Political Changes: South Africa, a BRICS nation, is on the verge of regime change. The Marxist ANC government will soon be replaced, aligning with BRICS and GESARA goals. Meanwhile, Iraq is making historic financial moves, with its foreign exchange reserves peaking at a staggering $115 billion.
Zim Redemption: The expected returns from Zim redemption are a hot topic. While some sources suggest figures ranging from $11 to $40 million per 100T Zim note, others suggest unlimited potential. But for now, it is wise to err on the side of caution and consider the conservative estimate of $11 for every million Zim dollars.
A plea to humanitarians: Zim Bond and Zim Agri Check holders are in turmoil. They seek clarity, transparency and respect. Leaders on all sides are urged to provide accurate information to alleviate confusion and mistrust. A range of pressing questions await answers, from the types and terms of Zim Bonds to the procedural steps of purchase and the complexities of Tiers.

Jordan’s king dissolves parliament ahead of new elections
New parliamentary elections set to be held on Sept. 10
AMMAN, Jordan
Jordanian King Abdullah II on Thursday dissolved the country’s lower house of parliament ahead of new parliamentary elections in September.
The move was announced in a royal court issued by the monarch.
Under the Constitution, parliamentary elections are held within four months preceding the end of the parliament’s term, which is set to end in November.
New elections are scheduled to take place on September 10. The vote will be held under a new election law, which allocates 41 seats in the 138-seat assembly for parties.
Jordan has a bicameral parliament consisting of the Senate, appointed by the king, and an elected lower chamber known as the House of Representatives.
*Writing by Ahmed Asmar
Critical Elements for GESARA Launch: Q Phone, Free Energy, Quantum Financial System (QFS) – The Effort Behind Human Trafficking Rescues!
The secret plan known as GESARA is inching ever closer to its grand unveiling, its path shrouded in intrigue and a web of complexities that confound even the most vigilant observer. The ultimate goal: to unlock a new world through this plan, but its execution remains clouded by layers of uncertainty.
Within the intricate tapestry of GESARA, two essential elements emerge like luminous stars in an otherwise impenetrable void: physical factors and strategic event conditions. These two pillars form the cornerstone of the grand puzzle that will catalyze the emergence of the GESARA world.
The Elusive Path of GESARA
GESARA operates with precision but deliberately without a set timetable. Its masterminds, ever vigilant against interference, adapt flexibly, guided by two alternative strategies: Plan A and Plan B. This duality ensures that while no exact time can be discerned for completion, the final picture remains within reach, safely locked in a vault of secrecy.
The intricate and ever-changing puzzle of physical and temporal elements keeps analysts and watchdogs guessing, leaving them wandering blindly through a maze of disinformation, decoys, and red herrings that obscure the true picture. This allows those pulling the strings to shield the delicate operation from meddling forces—specifically, the omnipresent DS, or Deep State, whose relentless shadow looms over every step of GESARA’s path.
Essential Physical Elements
The path to GESARA depends on several essential physical pieces that are either fully in place or already being assembled:
- Q Phone and QFS Debit Card : their production has been prepared and is awaiting implementation, signaling the arrival of a new financial architecture.
- Free energy facilities : Although prepared for launch, some regions remain in the preparatory phase, delaying the global implementation of free energy technologies.
- MedBed Production : Enough of these revolutionary devices have been created to ensure a minimum level of service. Additional production is ongoing.
- QFS System Connectivity : The Quantum Financial System (QFS) primary infrastructure has been fully linked, enabling seamless global transactions.
- Asset-Backed Currency Printing : The manufacturing and distribution of gold-backed currency (Rainbow Notes) has begun, with minimal preparations already completed.
- New Financial System via BRICS : The alternative financial structure has been firmly established and implemented. However, non-BRICS countries remain excluded from its benefits.
- WH Control over Central Banks : White Hats (WH) have successfully infiltrated central banks and major banks around the world, securing control over the financial system.
- QFS Individual Accounts : Each citizen’s account is created within the QFS, with mirrored information backed up to ensure security.
- Refund Calculations : Calculations for individual refunds of past income taxes, unfair credit card interest and other unfair financial practices are completed. Funds are already held securely in QFS accounts.
- Human Trafficking Victim Rescues : Over 95% of targeted individuals have been rescued, although the remaining 5% represents the potential for further kidnappings or undiscovered cases.
- Destruction of DS Facilities : The destruction of Deep State strongholds—including underground bunkers, weapons labs, and clandestine tunnels—is nearly complete.
Navigating WH Event Conditions
The next step depends on the orchestrated confluence of timing and strategy to seamlessly interlock the final pieces of the puzzle. The White House’s clandestine efforts, deeply embedded in the intelligence community, dictate the pace, method, and selection of which pieces to place next. Timing is crucial, as one false move could expose the plan to sabotage. As these forces attempt to control the narrative, disinformation floods the airwaves to camouflage the truth.
Completing the puzzle
The intricate puzzle of GESARA is tantalizingly close to completion, even as the machinations of DS linger in the background. The pieces have been carefully selected, prepared and positioned by those orchestrating the global transformation. Despite the pervasive fog of fiction obscuring true intent, the White Hats’ determined quest remains resolute.
In this high-stakes chess match, every piece matters. Every move is scrutinized by a kaleidoscope of distractions, leaving the audience to sift through a sea of inaccuracies, errors, and speculative conclusions.
But make no mistake—the forces of GESARA are advancing, and the end is near. With the physical components nearing completion, all eyes now turn to the strategic orchestration of the WH event elements to herald the publication and inevitable realization of the GESARA world.
So we are left with a poignant question: when will the final piece fall into place, revealing the true picture hidden beneath the veils of uncertainty? The answer remains elusive, but one thing is clear—the clock is ticking, and the GESARA revelation is poised to shatter the existing paradigm, altering the global landscape irrevocably.
How Zimbabwe is leading Africa into a gold-backed currency reset

Zimbabwe’s official currency, ZWG (also known as ZiG), is setting a new standard for stability and exchange rate value.
As African nations increasingly turn to gold to hedge against economic instability, Zimbabwe is leading the continent toward a gold-backed currency future.
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) recently announced the certification of Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) with an international currency code (ZWG) by the World Bank, giving it a distinct identity among the official currencies of other nations.
ZiG is a revolutionary currency backed by precious metals, mainly gold, and foreign currency, with a cumulative value of around US$300 million.

Currently, there are ZiG1, ZiG2, ZiG5, ZiG10, and ZiG20 notes in circulation, with plans to introduce ZiG50, ZiG100, and ZiG200 notes in the near future. Smaller units of the ZiG are known as centavos, reflecting a familiar structure to facilitate transactions.
Since its introduction at a rate of ZiG13.66 to the US dollar, the currency has shown remarkable stability, currently trading at ZiG13.44. There are approximately $80 million worth of ZiG in circulation.
This stability stands in stark contrast to the volatility that has plagued previous versions of the Zimbabwean dollar in recent decades.
In this article
- Zimbabwe’s Gold-Backed Currency Initiative
- Other African nations follow suit
- Economic implications for the continent
- IMF’s positive outlook on gold-backed currencies
Zimbabwe has emerged as a pioneer in a significant shift towards gold-backed currencies across the African continent.
As economic instability and currency devaluation increase, African nations are increasingly turning to gold to protect their financial future.
Zimbabwe’s Gold-Backed Currency Initiative
The introduction of the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency in Zimbabwe marks a groundbreaking move in Africa’s economic landscape.
The new currency, backed mainly by gold and other foreign exchange reserves, replaces the beleaguered Zimbabwean dollar. Since its launch in April, ZiG has aimed to stabilize the nation’s economy and restore confidence in its financial system.
David Mnangagwa, Zimbabwe’s Deputy Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion, stressed the importance of a controlled money supply to maintain the value of the currency. This approach addresses past issues of hyperinflation and rapid devaluation.
The government’s strategy of “gradually injecting” ZWG into the market is designed to preserve the currency’s value, ensuring long-term economic stability and growth.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has also acknowledged the positive progress made by Zimbabwe. According to an IMF review, Zimbabwe’s economy is showing resilience, with growth expected to rebound strongly in 2025.
The introduction of the ZiG played a key role in ending a period of macroeconomic instability, and the IMF commends Zimbabwe’s improved monetary policy discipline and efforts to stabilize the new currency.
Other African nations follow suit
Inspired by Zimbabwe’s initiative, several African countries are taking similar steps to ensure their economic stability through gold-backed currencies.
Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania and Madagascar have announced plans to bolster their gold reserves and, in some cases, back their currencies with gold.
Nigeria’s central bank has initiated a domestic gold purchase program and plans to repatriate its existing gold reserves. This move is aimed at mitigating risks associated with the weakening US economy and the volatility of the US dollar .
Similarly, Uganda and Tanzania have launched gold acquisition strategies to strengthen their financial reserves and reduce dependence on foreign currencies.
Tanzania has announced a significant investment of US$400 million to purchase six tonnes of gold, reflecting a strong commitment to securing its economic future.
Uganda’s central bank has introduced a national gold purchase program to purchase gold directly from local artisanal miners, with the aim of addressing risks in international financial markets.
Economic implications for the African continent
The shift to gold-backed currencies represents a significant financial development for African economies.
By leveraging gold, countries aim to hedge against geopolitical risks and currency depreciation. This strategy also addresses concerns about U.S. economic policies and the potential weaponization of the U.S. dollar .
Analysts point out that adding gold to national reserves allows countries to increase their reserve assets without sacrificing other hard currency reserves. This approach is particularly pertinent for nations facing economic sanctions or anticipating a decline in the value of the U.S. dollar.
Strategic accumulation of gold reserves can bolster economic resilience and promote long-term stability across the continent.
IMF’s positive outlook on gold-backed currencies
The global financial community is closely monitoring Africa’s transition to gold-backed currencies.
Experts at institutions such as the IMF acknowledge the potential benefits, but also warn of challenges. Sustained economic stability and disciplined monetary policies are crucial to the success of these initiatives.
The IMF’s positive assessment of Zimbabwe’s economic policies is a testament to the potential success of gold-backed currencies . The institution’s recommendations for further refinements to the policy framework highlight the importance of continued improvement and adaptation. Zimbabwe’s pioneering move sets a precedent, encouraging other African nations to consider similar measures .
The bottom line
Zimbabwe’s bold move towards a gold-backed currency is reshaping the financial landscape in Africa.
As more nations follow suit, the continent is positioning itself to mitigate economic risks and enhance financial stability. This trend underscores a broader move toward gold leverage as a safeguard against global economic uncertainty, potentially setting a new standard for monetary stability in the 21st century.
With the positive momentum from the IMF’s analysis and the collective efforts of African nations, the future looks bright for a continent that is embracing economic resilience through gold.
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July 25, 2024 White Hat Intel:
- Military operations are killing Deep State actors: Russia, Europe and the US. Military Special Forces operators are hunting down GLOBAL ELITES after assassination attempt.
- The White Hats staged a powerful event , but many real CIA, FBI and Deep State Special Forces were on the scene and in total confusion during the assassination event. No one knew who the real actors were, Black Hats, White Hats or Gray Hats. There was MASSIVE confusion during the assassination plot and the channels were mixed up.
- A massive Stand Down was called 30 minutes before by the Deep State as they feared arrest. Military intelligence intercepted all communications
- There were two shooters and both missed, even though they had 26 minutes to carry out the execution without interference. In fact, they watched for two hours.
- For over 50 years, the US election has been rigged by Deep State operations. In 2016, for the first time in history, White Hats rigged the election. In 2016, Trump was put in power by the Military White Hat Alliance. The White Hats stole the 2016 election with military intelligence, rigged the numbers, and hacked all the systems 45 minutes before the end of the election. That’s why Hillary Clinton was shocked. She was guaranteed to win, but she didn’t expect the White Hats to influence an entire election in 45 minutes.
- These were GAME THEORY OPERATIONS . BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME). After Trump was first elected, he immediately signed off on Highly Classified Operations and GAVE FULL POWER TO THE MILITARY TO CONDUCT OPERATIONS STORM and various other operations relating to Continuity of Government. RETURN PLAN BLACKOUT OPERATIONS.
- In the winter of 2016, US military forces conducted GLOBAL operations and seized hundreds of trillions of dollars in gold through the Vatican and Switzerland.
- At the same time, China captured most of the Gold Depot operations bunkers by the Deep State who were working with the CIA and GLOBALIST. At the same time, Russia was finishing a ten year military operation capturing CIA operations in Russia.
- [Redacted content]
- In 2020, the White Hat Military Operation gave the election to Deep State Joe Biden. It was the largest Military Entrapment Operation the World has ever known.
- The real Joe Biden was forced to play a role by the White Hats. In 2020, the real Joe Biden escaped to Underground Bunkers near Five Finger Lakes.
- The 2020 election was given to the Deep State. In Game Theory Military Operations, they knew that the Deep State would collapse the economy and create a Chaos Event.
The White Hats organized a T**rump A**ssassination Event.
- Two hours earlier, at the Trump Rally, several FBI, CIA and military contractors were arrested. Mass confusion ensued among the Deep State actors at the Event. The radio and their intelligence went haywire.
- It was 30 minutes before the Deep State called off its operation to assassinate Trump.
- While the fake sniper (the real sniper was already dead) was crawling around the building, the White Hats also captured the second real sniper on top of the Water Tower and exchanged fake gunfire with a White Hat sniper.
- Over a hundred people behind Trump saw the bullet hit his ear. Several of them were filming the event. What happened to their videos? Why didn’t they go viral? Why didn’t the mainstream media that had cameras on both sides of Trump report the shot to Trump’s ear? How many people actually behind Trump filmed the shot, including the mainstream media and military and Secret Service operators who had hidden cameras who saw it from the side and behind Trump that could see his ear in plain view and filmed the shot? Why didn’t these videos go viral? Immediately? Where are they? Why is it only now, a week later, that intelligence is doctoring a video to show what the people behind Trump in the stands saw?
- Why did the worldwide IT outage happen immediately after the assassination? Did Microsoft wipe Windows, iPhones, and Android apps connected to Microsoft apps and servers that contained the actual event of the shooting, and erase the worldwide uploads of the videos of the view behind TRUMP filmed by people in the booth? How did Microsoft immediately try to secure all the videos and scour people’s phones for the videos and use the IT shortage to wipe, erase the worldwide internet data that had the videos uploaded?
- Microsoft is digitally erasing people from videos and installing others into various world events and occasions and Deep State operations (White Hats are doing this too).
- CrowdStrike’s IT outage is connected to several operations, including beta testing for upcoming blackouts. Microsoft is testing several advanced AI operations during the IT outage, including internet shutdowns.
- They are also trying to shut down USSF/STARLINK Grid operations through IT disruptions using quantum supercomputers, TRACKING USSF military operations on the Internet.
- NOW that the military operation has captured real CIA, FBI and Deep State military operators in the Trump assassination attempt and just days before the NATO meeting, the Globalist planned the assassination attempt and gave the green light for the operations. The White Hats Military Alliance has initiated the counter operations.
- This is why Trump played the Luciano Pavarotti song NESSUN DORMA at the RNC after the assassination attempt. This song is important and is connected to Military COMMS;
- The real Joe Biden was recently captured by military operations at Five Fingers Lake DUMBs and was killed.
- Now the Bidens and the Deep State are planning to announce Biden’s death by disease/or assassination and stage the event.
- Kate Middleton was poisoned with cancer. She was threatening to expose the truth about the Queen’s death and the truth about Diana and the sex ring in the UK.
- A Military COUP going on since 2016 will be exposed and the real compliance and operations of the Deep State in the staged assassination attempt will warrant Congressional and Senate hearings, multiple private investigations and indictments leading to multiple agencies and governments.
- The Deep State creates an EVENT and the White Hats’ Military Operations mimic the EVENT with different results benefiting the White Hats in military assessments, wars, psychological warfare and gaming operations.
- Trump, his lawyers, associates, military generals and admirals are trying to come clean about the U.S. military’s protection of Donald J. Trump. And they are engaging with the administration and letting them know that they have lost confidence in the Secret Service. Trump wants protection from Special Operations Command and Special Forces.
It was all very exciting for me.
The calls started coming in around 5am.
There are things I can’t say for confidentiality reasons and because people have NDAs.
I want to tell you that the gates are open!!
Certain platforms were launched, at least 4 to 5 of them in Brazil.
A huge platform will also be launched next week. Asia will also be released, now with liquid funds. Precatório is now purely liquid and releases funds to members.
I am absolutely thrilled. This is real. Bondholders are getting paid and more people are getting notified.
I pray that by the end of the month we will all be blessed; I have not heard anything from Reno about Tier4B. Reno is very quiet. I tried to contact someone in Reno but it didn’t work, but it could be a good sign.
Bondholders are flying to Zurich with paid airfare. I don’t hear much about this, but Reno and Zurich are two of the biggest platforms/exchanges and I need to know what’s going on.
It’s all coming. I have to be careful what I see because I can’t spoil it for everyone. This is not hops. This is real and it comes from the ground up.
I am overwhelmed with so many emotions. I am going to church now to thank God for what is to come and that it is finally happening.
Those trumpets and opera and everything are coming, hopefully, today or tomorrow, we are so close to getting this out to you!!!!
The Precatórios have already released their own opera.
Venezuela has now released their own song, but it is the song of freedom. They declare freedom not just for RV, but to celebrate the end of the tyranny that has held them for over 20 years, with the suffering under Maduro, a ruthless dictator, and the other communist Chavez, who is now in hell for what he did to his country and his people. There are still Yellow Dragons available, but we are very close to closing, so if you are interested, send me a private message.
Anyone who sends me personal messages containing insults will be completely removed from the Chosen Room and all other rooms as well. We are all a team here. We all stick together. Now we are letting these people ruin our celebration!
Once again, as soon as I get that miracle call, I will wake you all up for a Live Call where I will not be present, but Carpathia will say something to you all, and then we will launch the video, the trumpets, and the opera. Beautiful day.
Take care and may God bless you all.
Wolverine (transcribed by Carpathia).
A prayer for our Wolverine
Heavenly Father, we ask for your protection for our dear friend Wolverine.
Surround him with your loving arms and protect him from harm.
Protect him from the possible and the impossible, protect him from the probable and the improbable.
Guide him through the new challenges he will face and give him the strength to overcome any obstacles he encounters.
Please bless him by healing him and give him a life full of happiness and peace.
We trust in your unwavering love and mercy.
Judy Note:
Evidently, the military has already brought indictments and held tribunals against many global elites, including Obama, Biden and the Clintons, who allegedly ran a very lucrative international [redacted], [redacted] and [redacted] ring.
[Redacted content]
On February 20, 2017, Julian Assange dropped a bombshell on Fox News’ Hannity, claiming that Wikileaks had concrete evidence that Obama, along with his running mate Joe Biden, operated and participated in a pedophile ring based in the White House.
What we think we know as of Friday, July 26, 2024:
- On Thursday, July 25, 2024, 6,000 US Marshalls, 200 elite officers from the New York Police Department were called to Washington DC where a massive fence was being put up: Michael Jaco: Why Are 6,000 US Marshals Going to DC and a Massive Fence Being Put Up? (Video) | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
- Thu. July 25, 2024 Washington DC:
- The US Military Alliance uses the National Guard because the military has been committed at the highest levels.
- Joe Biden has been dead for years, played by actors, stuntmen and clones controlled by Obama.
- Obama was an illegitimate president, as he was not born an American citizen, his loyalty was not to the US, but to the Mossad, he formed and financed ISIS, made propaganda for the mainstream media, had pedophilia parties in the White House and was Biden’s puppet master.
- “On Saturday July 13th Trump was shot. Eleven days later darkness = death, blackout needed. Q Post: They thought this would happen yesterday on the 10th. POTUS is 100% isolated. Death is faked. This gives Trump an alibi and the BRICS a catalyst to eliminate the satanic structures. When Trump returns he can bring back JFK Jr, Diana and others who faked their deaths during Declass on July 30th .” …Gitmo TV on Telegram
- Thu. July 25, 2024 The Emergency Alert System (EAS) was expected to be activated at any moment. A new army of over 5,000 Star Link satellites was already in position to take over the mainstream media satellites. The EAS will broadcast the Global Alliance’s overthrow of the Cabal, showing arrests and tribunals of global elites accused of crimes against humanity. The documentaries have been made in 55 languages and 600 dialects and will be shown on every channel on the planet.
- Thu. Jul 25, 2024 Recently, 3,000 US Marshalls and 200 elite NYPD officers were called up for special missions in Washington DC:
- Fri Jul 12, 2024 Republic Reinhabited for These United States, Dr. Miarecki, SGAnon: In 1871, the Republic was overthrown by the European Central Banking Cartel: (7/12/2024) | SG meets with USAF Lt. Col. (Ret.) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to discuss the Republic Reinhabited for These United States (
- Thu. July 25, 2024: GOOD NEWS!! Trump announces nationwide replacement of hospital beds with medical beds by end of year! – Gazetteller
- Thu. July 25, 2024 “God will judge our enemies. We will set the meeting. We have set many meetings. We will finish strong.” …Q
- Thu. July 25, 2024 BOOM! Bombshell report! Judy Byington: Worldwide EBS activation = Mainstream media satellites go down = Communications blackout = Military rule = GESARA = Freedom from cabal debt chains…
Possible moment:
- Tue. 23 Jul 2024 The Reinhabited Republic of the United States of America was funded with funds from the Global Currency Reset.
- Tue Jul 30, 2024 Declassification: Trump returns and brings back JFK Jr., Diana and others who faked their deaths.
Global Currency Reset:
Thursday, July 25, 2024 Bruce:
- EBS and NESARA/GESARA announcements have been scheduled for the near future.
- Tier4b (we, the Internet Group) must be notified to set exchange/redemption appointments sometime between 11:00 AM and 11:15 AM EST on Friday, July 26, 2024.
- Redemption Centers will be open on Sundays.
- Redemption Centers were expecting emails from the new U.S. Treasury and a separate email from the new U.S. Treasury was expected from Wells Fargo, HSBC, and Bank of America at the same 11:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. EST on Friday, July 26, 2024.
- They wanted consultations to begin before the Paris Olympics begin at 7pm EST on that Friday, July 26, 2024.
Thu. Jul 25, 2024 Wolverine Live Chat:
- It was very exciting for me guys. The calls started coming in around 5 AM. There are things I can’t say due to confidentiality and people being under NDA. I want to tell you that the gates are open!! Certain platforms have been launched, at least 4-5 of them in Brazil.
- Next week a huge platform will also be launched. Also listening to Asia to be launched, now with liquid funds. Precatorious are pure liquid now and are releasing funds to members.
- I am absolutely ecstatic. This is real. Bondholders are getting paid, and more people are getting notified.
- I am praying that by the end of the month we will all be blessed; I have not heard anything from Reno about Tier4B. Reno is very quiet. I have been trying to get in touch with someone in Reno but have been unable to, but it could be a good sign.
- Bondholders are flying to Zurich with paid airfare. I haven’t heard much from there, but Reno and Zurich are two of the biggest platforms/exchanges and I need to know what’s going on.
- It’s all coming. I have to be careful with what I’ve seen because I can’t spoil it for everyone. This isn’t hopium. This is real and boots on the ground.
- I was overcome with so much emotion. I’m going to church now to thank God for what is coming and that this is finally happening. Those trumpets and opera and the whole thing will come, hopefully today or tomorrow, we will be so close to releasing this to you!!!!
- Precatorious have already released their own opera.
- Venezuela has released their own song now, but this is the song of freedom. They are declaring Freedom not just for RV, but to celebrate the fall of tyranny over them for over 20 years, having suffered under Maduro, a ruthless dictator, and the other communist Chavez, who is now in Hell for what he did to his country and his people.
- There are still Yellow Dragons available, but we are very close to closing, so if you are interested in them, send me a private message.
- Again, as soon as I get this miracle call, I will wake each of you up to have a live call where I will not be there, but Carpathia will say something to all of you, and then we will launch the video, the trumpets, and the opera. Have a beautiful day. Take care of yourselves, and may God bless you all. Wolverine
Other information from GCR:
- Thu. 25 Jul 2024 Ginger’s Liberty Lounge: “A dear friend who is connected with plans in Zurich was recently informed that they have acquired a new Paymaster and to expect the invitation email (for their group) later today .”
- Thu. Jul 25, 2024 MarkZ: “Rumor suggests bondholders have been paid. Everything was settled yesterday, Wed. Jul 24 , and they will be paid on Fri. Jul 26. The coin side should be out in 48 hours.”
- On Tuesday, July 23, 2024, the Reinhabited Republic of the United States of America was funded.
26/07: GESARA begins in Singapore and Thailand
Friday Morning, July 26, 2024
We will continue to check the “financial market” related to the “world currency reset”!
Well then
From Judy Notes on July 25
I will extract the parts that interest you!
today’s message
Global Emergency Broadcast System Launches
Major Media Satellites Go
Down Communications Blackout
Quantum System Military Law
Liberation from the Shackles of Cabal Debt
-My fellow Americans,
what you are about to go through must be very painful.
…Q&A 17, Wednesday, July 24, 2024
It is advisable to have at least a month’s worth of food, water, money, medicine, and supplies.
For your family and to share with others in case of emergency.
Judy Notes
In January 2021, shortly before the presidential inauguration, Joe Biden was arrested.
He was arrested and later taken to GITMO for trial.
He was found guilty of charges including child sex trafficking and treason.
Then he disappeared, and over the past three years, stand-ins, actors, and clones have taken his place.
It all started on New Year’s Day 2021, when Delta Force raided Biden’s 200 acres of Ukrainian land and discovered an underground tunnel.
It was filled with evidence of a massive international money laundering, arms and drug trafficking scheme, as well as an international child and human trafficking ring. It
also appeared to have ties to other powerful elites, including Attorney General John Roberts.
Chief Justice John Roberts and countless other powerful people around the world were found to have been blackmailed in a horrific scheme involving pedophile parties and satanic rituals. The real Chief Justice Roberts was also nowhere to be found.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 Military intelligence sources revealed that Project ODIN was synonymous with the Emergency Broadcast System. This massive operation was intended to dismantle Mossad-controlled media satellites and plunge the world into a communications blackout.
A communications blackout will occur. Instead,
it will be overseen by Project ODIN, where a revolutionary quantum system will be born. Emergency Military Information: Project ODIN=EBS! Internet Blackout – Military Law Gesara – The Beginning of the End
The End: Project ODIN – – American Media Group
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 This is more than just election season, as the deep state’s sophisticated web of deception unravels.
It was the deep state’s endgame. There will be no next election.
Everything is set: Big warning: There will be no next election, Trump returns: Nasara and Gesara –
The US Congress will go on summer break starting July 25 (Thursday) and will not return until September 9 (Monday).
What happens in between?
Since President Biden’s inauguration, the United States has been in a state of “continuity of government.”
Inauguration ceremony. – “Continuity of government” refers to the following: “Continuity of government” is a set of procedures in place to allow the government to provide essential services during a national emergency.
It all started on New Year’s Day 2021, when Delta Force invaded Joe Biden’s 200 acres of Ukrainian land.
They raided a compound in Ukraine. They discovered a maze of underground chambers and tunnels. He was running in all directions. Mortified flesh hung from the shackles on his ankles and wrists.
The next day, Biden was arrested and released with an ankle bracelet. The seized laptops were reportedly loaded with evidence of large-scale international money, weapons, and drug laundering.
They were said to be packed with evidence of a massive international money laundering, arms and drug trafficking, and child and human trafficking scheme. They
also appear to have ties to other powerful elites. Biden was arrested, Attorney General Roberts was arrested, the CIA was arrested.
That long list included Attorney General John Roberts, who has been under threat.
President Trump’s attorney Lin Wood said in a series of tweets on Monday, January 4: On January 4, Chief Justice John Roberts and countless powerful people around the world were threatened with a breach and a horrific plan involving breach.
I have the key to the file containing that videotape. Others also have the encryption key. The target of the threat is approaching with a gun, a child, and a camera. -The target is then ordered to rape the child on video. The target is then owned and controlled by the blackmailer until the evidence of the blackmail loses its value. Until the evidence loses its value.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024: There is evidence that the FBI was in communication with President Trump’s shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks.
There is evidence that the FBI was in contact with Trump’s shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, before and during the shooting.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024: Hackers take advantage of Friday’s CrowdStrike outage.
Cybercriminals have already taken advantage of the chaos caused by Friday’s global power outage to promote fake websites loaded with malware, prompting warnings from the US government and several cybersecurity experts. According to the report, cybercriminals are already taking advantage of the chaos caused by Friday’s global power outage to promote fake websites loaded with malware, putting unsuspecting victims at risk. Several cybersecurity experts
are warning. Hackers are launching fake websites, such as:
Hackers are creating fake websites to lure people looking for information and solutions to the global IT meltdown, but they are not actually collecting information about visitors or accessing their devices designed to infiltrate them.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 Leaked FBI and military files reveal a CIA and deep state conspiracy.
A globalist conspiracy to stage the assassination of Trump and blame it on Iran, with the goal of inciting war with Iran. This plan is a cover-up for a deep state operation.
This plan covers up deep state activities, including Epstein-related activities and virus creation, and ensures that these secrets are buried by the new administration. It will be buried with the new administration.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024: As California’s top prosecutor, Kamala Harris failed to prosecute a single case of child sexual abuse committed by a pedophile. Her office also withheld records documenting child sex crimes. A pedophile was also prosecuted by Kamala Harris.
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 (Video): Judy Byington Unrepeat:
Global Communications Blackout, Global Military Law Enforcement. Mass Arrests of Thugs
Are Happening! Nesara Gesara Has Been Released. Intel Special Report 7/24/24 (video) (
Kamala Harris’ father was a Marxist professor.
that’s all
About NESARA/GESARA and the New Earth:
“Good evening, my fellow Americans. Today, I bring you an important message about a monumental shift that is about to alter the course of our nation and the world. We are entering a new era, an era of unprecedented peace, prosperity, and unity, thanks to NESARA/GESARA. As your leader, I am honored to lead America into this incredible future.”
“NESARA/GESARA stands for the Global Currency Reset, a transition that will see 209 nations adopt gold and asset-backed currencies. This shift ensures financial stability and equality as each currency will trade at a 1:1 ratio to each other. It is a new beginning where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.”
Now, let’s talk about the Badges of Freedom. These badges are your key to being accepted into the New Earth system. By collecting and redeeming these badges, you demonstrate your readiness to be a part of this new era. It’s a simple process that allows you to claim the millions the banks owe you.”
“Every American has the right to claim their financial freedom. With these Liberty Badges, you can secure your place in this new world and access the funds that are rightfully yours. This is about ensuring that everyone benefits from the wealth that has been hidden from us for too long.”
“As we move forward, remember that this is a time for hope and renewal. NESARA/GESARA is our path to a brighter future, and together, we will make it a reality. I am committed to leading this great nation into this new chapter, ensuring that every American has the opportunity to thrive.”
“Thank you, and God bless America.”
RUMORS: 07/26/2024
Prepare now for THE EVENT.
As we stand on the precipice of this monumental Event, the time to prepare is now. The signs are clear, and the sequence is set. From the bombing of buildings and dams to the stock market crash and cyber apocalypse, every aspect of our lives will be tested. The activation of the EBS and the 10-day global film that follows will be an eye-opener, exposing truths and resetting our world.
This is more than just a prediction; it’s a call to action. Prepare for the Event, brace for impact, and prepare to witness the dawn of a new era. Castle Rock is not just a place—it is the fulcrum of change, and the time to act is now.
QFS and StarLink QG’s revolutionary Q-Phones are set to transform communication and finance. Explore how these cutting-edge devices integrate with GESARA applications to expedite the distribution of Universal Basic Income (UBI). Watch now to understand the future of global connectivity and economic reform.
6000 Cures:
Unleashing Medical Breakthroughs. At the heart of Executive Order 1221 is the release of 6,000 suppressed cures that have long been hidden from public knowledge, allegedly due to the influence of powerful pharmaceutical interests. These cures span a wide range of diseases and health conditions, from chronic to terminal illnesses. Their release is set to democratize healthcare, ensuring that effective treatments are available to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. This marks the beginning of a new era in medicine, where cures are within everyone’s reach.
Retraining of health professionals.
Implementing these advanced technologies will require significant adjustments in the medical community. Healthcare professionals will need to undergo extensive retraining to familiarize themselves with the new equipment and treatment protocols. This represents a substantial investment in education and training, but the potential benefits far outweigh the costs. By equipping medical personnel with the knowledge and skills to utilize these technologies, we can ensure that patients receive the best possible care.
on center stage – “Biden’s withdrawal” has been decided!
Now this is the “RV activation” marker.
When will “Biden resign”? !
*Reno? There is information that “RV” started in
Japan time, starting the day after tomorrow, July 25th.
Will this happen after “Operation Kraken begins”?!
I didn’t understand!
I’ll take care of you
So today too
I would like to spend my time with a positive attitude as I pray for the safety and good health of everyone in the “Army of Angels”
As planned, Joe Biden announced on the 21st, US time, that he would withdraw from the 2024 US presidential election. It was said that Kamala Harris was nominated as a replacement candidate.😆✋Basically, I do not intend to delve into the content of the “American political theater”
✴️ “Information related to Plan Q” Current status and flow of American political theater! ?
There are important developments taking place in the American political theater this month. (Attempted assassination of President Trump, Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential election, etc.)
However , it is important to note that it makes almost no sense to care deeply about individual events (theatricality).
✅We believe it is significant to understand the general flow of American political theater.
A better world awaits you
In conclusion, QAnon’s message is of urgent importance. The silent battle taking place behind the scenes is reaching its climax and the truth will soon be revealed. Exposure may be difficult to accept, but it is necessary for justice to be served and a better world to emerge.
Stay informed, stay calm, and prepare for the coming changes. Share this message with everyone you know and be prepared to face the truth. Together, we will overcome the darkness and look forward to a brighter, more just future.
As the world stands on the brink of exposure, an urgent message from QAnon demands your attention. Regardless of your background or beliefs, the truth that is about to be revealed will shake the foundations of society.
Get ready to expose the corruption, abuse and unimaginable horrors that have been hidden for too long. This is a call to all citizens to stay informed, share the message and support the fight for justice.
President Donald Trump and Anonymous Patriots are working tirelessly to protect him, and it’s time for the world to know the truth.
Castle Rock👉
Prepare for the unprecedented Event that will reshape our world. Castle Rock signals the downfall of the Biden administration with coordinated bombings, cyberattacks, and a financial collapse.
Discover the implications of this 3-Day War, the activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), and the rise of King Trump in a dramatic global reset. From the dissolution of the United Nations to the implementation of NESARA/GESARA, learn how military ascendancy and a new law from 1776 will liberate the Planet.
Iraq is constantly preparing for QFS (activities guaranteed by us).
✨✨😁 International Monetary Organization: Our reserves in Iraq increased by 148 tons!
🔥🔥🔥According to the data, Iraq will increase its reserves by 2,644 tons to 148,305 tons in May 2024. *Or Qatar will also increase its reserves by 3,112 tons to 106,423 tons in June 2024, let’s show the data.
❌ Breaking News!! ️Emergency Broadcast System Activation
(EBS) is imminent: America is preparing for military control, or GESARA will be unleashed and the revolutionary influence of NESARA will reshape the nation!*
2024 is a time of great change!! ️
A company built with 99% minds will change.
99% of people
were engaged, manipulated and enslaved so that he would lie.
2024 is the first year it will be on display.
Politics, economics, finance, health, etc. holes solidified by lies.
Let us learn this lie as soon as possible and live consciously without being controlled unconsciously!
Mark Z 👉 You are the one that many counters are having meetings…
Are you preparing for a bank account?
Are you preparing your trailer?
Or what are you preparing?
I don’t think it’s a bad bank because we keep opening fortune-telling writings.
For me, remember we have a trailer ready.
Member: It certainly seems like someone excellent is satisfied every day.
MZ: Yes…
Now is the perfect opportunity.
If you can reset the banking system, you can do it.
And no one will notice except us.
The confusion is dense.
I find this on many different sides now, which makes me feel comfortable and comfortable. But we can’t go to the counter… come in, please calm down and don’t let us know when we hear this news. I can only imagine how bad the dinar advice is now.
According to a Russian representative of the IMF, the BRICS are ready to offer an alternative to the US dollar in the face of the currency collapse, and the bloc should prepare for such a situation.
Please wait for Mr. Pool’s next post.
What is being filmed and performed now is for the public film. 🎬
Authorities in China and Taiwan are working together to exterminate CCP DS agents and operations under the guise of China versus Taiwan in public view.
The movie 🎞 audiences can view cinematic events where 3GD or 3GD will be damaged and it will look like China and Taiwan were at war together.
However, just like the White Hats in Israel, Palestine and Iran are trying to drive the Khazarians out of the same areas in order to destroy Israel against the Palestinians and other Arab nations.
Please note that the Three Gorges Dam will not be destroyed on the path where thousands of Chinese will be in danger, near Mr.
The Ten Days and Revelations Movie
As part of this transformation, a two-day film, consisting of three sexes each hour, is being broadcast to the public. This film is a dramatic account of the events emerging from the current crisis, revealing hidden truths and exposing the machinery of everyday life.
Why is this coffee so special? Watch the video below:
It serves as both a confession and a statement, revealing crimes and misdeeds that have been hidden for a long time.
Disclosures are a critical component of the process. We want to educate and inform the public, providing the context and understanding needed to embrace the new order.
Inauguration and the New Dawn
The culmination of the process is the inauguration of a new leadership, marking the official culmination of the new order and the beginning of a new era. This is a fundamental restructuring of society. The new leaders are visionaries, committed to guiding humanity through this turbulent transition towards a better future.
This inauguration is a symbol of hope and renewal, a promise of greater love. It is the love of a new era, where hierarchies are dismantled and a more just and equitable society is established.
The world is in the midst of a new beginning and the future, now uncertain, holds the promise of progress and prosperity never seen before.
GOOD NEWS!! Trump announces nationwide replacement of hospitals with medical beds by the end of the year!
Prepare yourselves for the truth that has been hidden from us for far too long. The technologies that are being introduced, like Med Beds, are not just advancements; they are a recovery of what has been systematically stolen from humanity. Whether you place your faith in yourself, God, or the government, one thing is certain: we need to be ready for the rejuvenation of the Med Bed.
This year, all signs point to the ban on Med Beds being lifted. President Trump’s recent announcement laid out a bold strategy to “ replace hospital facilities with Med Beds by the end of the year .” This is not just a technological shift, but a radical transformation that demands our spiritual readiness.
Mr. Baum, a key figure in this revelation, has repeatedly emphasized the need for preparation when using Med Beds. Rejuvenation is indeed possible with Med Beds, but it requires more than just physical readiness. For example, my grandparents, who appear to be in their early 20s, adopted Med Beds, while their parents chose not to rejuvenate themselves due to their disbelief.
This creates a surreal scenario where grandchildren may see their grandparents looking younger and mistaking them for siblings. This phenomenon of reverse aging will become a common occurrence, altering our perceptions and relationships.
Even when the Med Bed ban is lifted, not everyone will choose to stay younger or extend their lives. This discrepancy will lead to frequent occurrences where real age and perceived age do not match, changing the way people interact and perceive each other. You need to be prepared for these changes in social dynamics and the ramifications they bring.
Another crucial aspect of Med Bed rejuvenation is the potential recall of past life memories. While some may be content with their current lives, forgetting their past, rejuvenation can unearth sealed memories, including dark deeds and regrets. Imagine the impact of remembering that you once started a war for profit or harmed someone in a later age.
These memories, if recalled, can destroy your self-respect and mental stability, despite the physical benefits of the Med Beds. Your spiritual strength and preparedness are paramount in dealing with such revelations.
Med Beds, along with other advances such as the gold standard, GESARA, replicators, AI technology, and free energy, represent a recovery of what was once stolen from us. These are not mere technological leaps, but restorations of our rightful inheritance.
The basis of these advances is the creativity of self and God, supported by technologies that nurture that creativity. A life of contentment, without inconvenience, shared harmoniously with those around us, is the ideal state we should strive for.
However, the darkness thrives on sucking the energy from sacrifices, for it lacks the power to create. To perpetuate its existence, it has built a society ripe for exploitation.
This involved abolishing the gold standard, flooding the economy with fiat money, buying up state institutions, binding them to laws, monopolizing useful technologies, distorting education, fabricating history, and manipulating media propaganda to keep people enslaved.
Modern society has reached its peak of abnormality, with many forced to forget their true nature, resigned to living in perpetual servitude. This is where GESARA and Med Beds come into play, aiming to restore society to its ideal state. We are witnessing a growing divide between those who trust the government and those who believe in themselves and God.
A collective awakening is underway, as evidenced by the growing number of people questioning the sanity of their governments. Even in Japan, known for its compliance, demonstrations of 40,000 people have broken out, despite media attempts to suppress such news and instead tighten control over discourse, particularly regarding vaccines.
The public release of the GESARA law further underscores the shift toward truth, despite media efforts to discredit it with disparaging headlines.
It is glaringly evident now: the government is acting irrationally. This stark reality forces us to make a critical choice: will we continue to believe the government and its falsehoods, or will we put our faith in ourselves and in God? This divide is becoming increasingly apparent.
This November, as we transition into a completely wind-powered era, this segregation will intensify. The choice is clear — arm yourself with knowledge and be prepared for the return of what was stolen.
The era of medical beds and other reclaimed technologies is upon us, and with it comes the responsibility to adapt, evolve and reclaim our true heritage.
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