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Introducing Med Beds 5D: A Preview of the Future of Healthcare

Introducing Med Beds 5D: A Preview of the Future of Healthcare


Nada Kutlesić

Introducing Med Beds 5D: A Preview of the Future of Healthcare

The procedures associated with Med Bds 5D are nothing short of a miracle, taking only minutes to solve a wide range of health issues. Whether it is at 3pm or any other time of the day, this family is ready to enter a new era of medical care. Let’s take a closer look at what Med Beds 5D is making a difference in the world of healthcare.
Accessing the healing abilities of the 5D Medbed:
HEALTH BENEFITS: The 5D Medical Family provides the path to optimal health by correcting the patient’s medical problems, restoring his body to its best condition.
GROWING NEW MEMBERS: This extraordinary family can facilitate the growth of new members, offering hope to those in need of a transplant.
New bones and healing: For people who use dental units, the Med 5D family works to dissolve dental units and stimulate gum processes
Surgery: Med Bds 5D performs surgeries with amazing efficiency, ensuring a speedy recovery. Imagine a baseball player having surgery and getting back on the field in record time.
VAX Harms: This family can repair the damage from vaccination, prioritizing those with natural injuries.
Heart patients: FiveD medical family solves a variety of heart problems, provides hope to heart patients
Addiction: Yes, addiction can be cured with innovative therapeutic methods offered by Med Beds 5D, although the root causes remain unclear.
Surgical residue removal: Any surgical residue can be dissolved and surgically repaired, restoring the body to its former state of the problem.
Chemotherapy: The 5D medical family not only treats the harms of chemotherapy, but also restores overall health and eliminates abnormal growth cases.
Allergies: Say goodbye to allergies as the Med 5D family works its magic to eliminate them.
Dentistry: Dental problems are no match for Med 5D family that can restore teeth and make necessary adjustments.
Weight Control: You can reach your ideal weight with Med Bds 5D.
Vision and hearing: Restore your sight and hearing with these innovative medical wonders, and even correct lens blindness.
Scar Healing: Say goodbye to scars as Med Beds 5D promote healing and fading.
Glaucoma: Mental health issues, including glaucoma, can be effectively treated through the therapeutic capabilities of Med Bds 5D.
Autism: Children with autism can find treatment and support with this revolutionary technology.
Orthopedic Solutions: 5D medical families solve orthopedic problems, providing modifications and corrections as needed.
Depression: Although not an immediate cure, the Med 5D family can help people with depression by providing a positive path to recovery.
Personal Development: FiveD medical families can improve empathy, intelligence, and more. Other languages can also be learned, though it’s necessary to have a purpose for such updates.
Optimal Health: The ultimate goal of Med Beds 5D is to restore the body to optimal health, ensuring individuals can live their best lives.
Healing the mind: As the saying goes, “When the mind heals, the body heals.” “Med Beds 5D wholeheartedly embraces this philosophy.
Reverse Aging: While a Med 5D bed isn’t guaranteed for everyone, it can reverse the aging process, allowing individuals to experience the best health possible for their age.
Birth related problems: Problems that occurred during childbirth can be corrected using Med Bds 5D.
DNA Conversion: Med Beds 5D have incredible ability to reverse interrupted gene expression and address issues like MTHFR, estrogen dominance, and more by detoxing and disinfecting
A glimpse of the future. Med Bds 5D rollout represents a giant leap in healthcare. It provides a lifeline to those who aspire to find solutions to their health issues, and redefining what’s possible with medical treatment.
Med Beds 5
Med Beds 5

SCAM alert about people saying they will set up your QFS account. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

  • The QFS is a system created by the Earth Confederation  and our Star Brothers, so no one really knows what it means when they say THEY WILL SET UP YOUR QFS ACCOUNT!!!
  • Everyone already has their QFS account set up  ; it contains all their personal data and their DNA. THERE IS NOTHING TO SET UP!!!
  • The money from your birth certificate is already deposited into this account  , as are payments on loans you have taken out, student loans, mortgages, etc.
  • WE ALL HAVE MONEY THAT IS OURS IN THESE ACCOUNTS; YOU DON’T NEED ZIM BONDS OR DINARS  . It’s money that you have earned throughout your life, and it’s in this account.
  • Once everyone has collected their bonuses  , the general public will be called, summoned to the redemption center, given a QFS card, and allowed to use their money.
  • Keep this in mind because at some point  we will have to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and we will not be able to say anything about this matter.

Quantum Financial System QFS  , Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram  Thu.  Aug. 22, 2024

  • This is the Great Financial Shift  that leads to a new Quantum Financial System that can only contain a true asset-backed currency. An asset-backed digital currency qualifies as a “currency.”
  • All currencies will be “Asset Backed” in each country  . This could be gold, silver, platinum, oil, precious metals or any other important asset that the country has.
  • Only two cryptocurrencies  will be backed by gold – XRP and XLM!
  • All others, not asset-backed,  will disappear by the end of  2024.
  • Quantum software and computers  make the system the most secure on the planet and impossible to hack.
  • All banking transactions  will eventually take place in the QFS.
  • Banking  as we know it will change dramatically.
  • The QFS will hold all money  in “Digital Form” although it will still be asset-backed.
  • All money transfers (movements) will contain at least 50  movement records  , which will be stored in milliseconds simultaneously on six main sets of Surface servers.
  • All money movements are kept on permanent records  . So there is NO fraud or criminal activity that cannot be traced.
  • Everyone will have a  “digital wallet” account with the QFS instead of a bank.
  • This digital wallet  is 100% secure.
  • You can use your “Debit Card”  directly from this account.
  • You can transfer money  100% securely to any bank account, country, citizen anywhere in the world.
  • We will receive “Q” phones (Quantum Phones) and “Q” computers  to ensure 100% security worldwide.
QFS account
QFS account
Reflection: The gradual transition to QFS in Antarctica. Protected QFS monetary system The Antarctic continent contains a portal that can transport certain global elites to distant worlds, to other galaxies in the universe, where they will be cared for but banned forever from planet Earth. These few chosen global elites are Claus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Christine Lagarde, chairman of the ECB, who attended a secret meeting in Antarctica last July. Two other participants were Brad Garlinghouse and David Schwartz, respectively, president and technical director of Ripple Labs, a computer software company specializing in online payment systems. Based on the principle of eye for eye, tooth for tooth, they…
“The Ground Command, the invisible architect of this global upheaval, states that every nation is now under the iron grip of international martial law. Governments are no longer recognized as sovereign entities, but as bankrupt relics of a bygone era, scrambling to claim their own authority. ”This is the first-hand piece of news that came to us this morning. However, one might wonder how everything seems to be working as usual, as if nothing happened. This is the most important part of the Plan. Leaving things on the outside intact while on the inside everything is empty. Only appearances are present. Here’s why look-alikes and clones, masked actors – said to be 200K around the world, an army – to make change happen in the shortest and easiest way possible. While the state and municipal administrations, the local authorities continue as usual, behind them there is nothing, in fact there are the White Hats – each nation has its own – leading all phases of change. With the EBS/EAS masked actors, look-alikes and clones are withdrawn after finishing their work. In their place, the military takes over the nation at all levels and ensures a transition from old structures to new ones. The new Republics under Gesara begin to come to life and manifest a new course of life. Among the first services to come into force is the QFS with the opening of the public-oriented redemption centers and the new Med Bed service to restore public health. Martial law continues until the new elections of Gesara with an estimated waiting time of two to four months after the announcement of Gesara which takes place more or less in conjunction with EBS. So the old governments are removed, they start to give a new course to the new governments that boast of an authority given to them by Gesara after the elections. We can only observe carefully what is being manifested publicly. Amongst all the news, some debris of an important event sounds like an alarm bell. The movie is going to end. The Rider of the Storm







BREAKING: Ripple CEO Discusses XRP Chance to Totally Take Over SWIFT!

Ripple partner DBS Bank, the largest banking institution and financial services company in Singapore, launched a new blockchain-based treasury and liquidity management solution. “SWIFT is stuck in the past. New Quantum System – XRP is the future!” Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse breaks down how XRP’s cutting-edge tech is set to revolutionize global banking with real-time settlements, minimal fees, and near-zero error rates — Indian and the UAE are no longer using US dollars to pay for oil. They used XRP instead!🛢


Ripple CEO Discusses XRP Chance to Totally Take Over SWIFT
Ripple CEO Discusses XRP Chance to Totally Take Over SWIFT



🥳Starlink is poised to revolutionize global emergency communication, awaiting final approval to transmit Emergency Systems (EBS) signals directly to mobile phones worldwide, providing instant critical alerts everywhere.
Starlink’s EBS Signal: Countdown to Global Connectivity Begins, DEFCON One Alert, Q’s Operation Sting, Trump’s Prediction and Global Communications Revolution
In the quiet before the storm, the world awaits. Global transformation is on the brink, driven by an unprecedented blend of technology, political intrigue and enigmatic symbolism. Starlink, Elon Musk’s vision, is poised to start a revolution that could redefine global communication and security forever. This isn’t just another technological innovation; it’s a seismic shift that could alter the course of history, intertwining with the enigmatic threads of Q’s alleged sting operation and the ominous DEFCON One alert. The countdown has begun, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.
Starlink, originally conceived as a satellite internet provider that brings fast connectivity even to the farthest parts of the Earth, is on the verge of radical expanding its mission. The company’s latest venture involves the implementation of the Global Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) signals, a development that has provoked the world with speculation and anticipation. If successful, this signal will transform every mobile phone on the planet into a potential real-time receiver of critical alerts, capable of currently distributing vital information to billions.
The implications of such a system are staggering. Imagine a world where no one is out of reach, where every person, regardless of location, can receive life-saving alerts within seconds. It’s a vision of global connectivity and unmatched security, and it’s closer to reality than ever before.
The White Hats’ Plan 3
The White Hats’ Plan 3

The White Hats’ Plan 3: The Beam Activation! Where We Go One, We Go All: The Patriots’ Rallying Cry – Trust the Plan!


As you delve deeper into this enigma, prepare for a journey that reveals the shadows of power, pays tribute to a fallen leader, and exposes a battle between light and darkness. This is no ordinary tale; it is a testament to the enduring spirit of those who fight for truth, justice, and the preservation of our way of life.

JFK’s Legacy: A Beacon for Patriots

John F. Kennedy,   the 35th president of the United States, left an indelible mark on history. His vision of a better world, commitment to freedom, and efforts to expose secret societies set the stage for a battle that would outlive him. White Hats invoke his memory daily, recognizing his sacrifice as we confront the forces that threaten our children, our way of life, and our world.

JFK’s legacy is a beacon for patriots. His assassination left a void, but his spirit lives on, inspiring generations to challenge the status quo and fight for freedom. His speeches resound with calls for transparency and resistance to tyranny. In a world shrouded in secrecy, JFK’s words are a rallying cry for those who refuse to be silenced.


The White Hats’ Plan 3: Unraveling the Riddle

The White Hats have been working tirelessly to execute a plan known only as   “PLAN 3.”   This secret strategy, shrouded in mystery, is a response to the hidden machinations of secret societies seeking to manipulate the course of human history. As we delve deeper into the layers of this plan, we begin to see a meticulously crafted design aimed at preserving the principles that JFK held dear.

PLAN 3 is not just a response;  it is a counteroffensive against the dark forces lurking in the background. The White Hats have spent years gathering intelligence, infiltrating these clandestine groups, and formulating a strategy that strikes at the heart of their operations. This plan is the culmination of decades of effort, driven by a relentless pursuit of justice.

The Activation of the Light Beam: A Divine Intervention

By the grace of God,   the White Hats claim to have activated   “THE BEAM OF LIGHT,”   a metaphorical representation of their collective efforts to illuminate the truth and dispel the darkness that looms over society. This spiritual invocation is a testament to the faith and determination of those who oppose the forces that threaten our very existence.

The Beam of Light is more than a metaphor; it symbolizes the awakening of the masses. Through the strategic dissemination of information and the exposure of hidden truths, White Hats aim to enlighten society, enabling individuals to see through the deceptions that have long clouded their judgment. This divine intervention is a call to action, urging everyone to embrace the light of truth.


“Don’t pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.” [Quoting the Reverend Phillips Brooks, during Remarks at the Presidential Prayer Breakfast, February 7, 1963] ― John F. Kennedy



Where We Go One, We Go All: The Rallying Cry of Patriots

As the White Hats advance, their rallying cry echoes through the annals of history:   “WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL.”   This mantra embodies the unity and collective strength of patriots who refuse to be silenced. In a world filled with hidden agendas, this rallying cry serves as a call to arms for those who dare to challenge the status quo.

The unity encapsulated in this phrase is the backbone of the White Hat movement. It means that their struggle is not an isolated one, but a collective effort. Each individual’s fight for freedom is interconnected with the efforts of others, creating a powerful force that cannot be easily dismantled. This solidarity is crucial in a battle where division is the enemy’s greatest weapon.

Daily Prayer in the Halls of Power

Within the hallowed halls of the Oval Office, a daily prayer resounds among those who are aware of the White Hats’ mission. It is a solemn oath to continue the fight for freedom and justice, a promise to honor JFK’s sacrifice, and a declaration that the people, united, will overcome any threat to their way of life.


This daily prayer is a reminder of the greater purpose that guides White Hats. It reinforces their commitment to a cause greater than themselves, grounding their actions in principles of justice and freedom. Prayer is both a source of strength and a call to remain vigilant, ensuring that every decision they make is in service of the greater good.

The Language of Revolution

In the face of adversity, there is no room for subtlety. The battle for truth demands language that resonates with urgency and conviction.   The White Hats’ mission is not for the faint of heart;   it is a relentless pursuit of justice fueled by the fire of determination. As we peel back the layers of their plan, we cannot ignore the aggressive tone that underscores the gravity of their mission.

The language of revolution is unequivocal and forceful. It leaves no room for doubt about the risks involved. White Hats use this language to galvanize supporters, communicate the gravity of the situation, and inspire action. Their rhetoric is a weapon, aimed at cutting through complacency and igniting a passion for change.




 Personalizing the Battle for Freedom

Behind the clandestine operations and secret plans, the White Hats are real people with real stories. Their dedication to the cause, fueled by a deep love of freedom, transforms this narrative from a faceless conspiracy into a tale of human resilience. Each member of the White Hats brings a unique perspective, a personal touch that makes this story not just about a battle, but about individuals fighting for a better world.

The human element of The White Hats’ mission is crucial. It reminds us that this fight is not just a theoretical exercise, but a real, tangible fight involving people with families, hopes, and dreams. Their stories add depth to the narrative, making it relatable and inspiring others to join the cause. This personal connection is what turns a movement into a revolution.

The Strategic Symphony: Orchestrating the Battle

The White Hats’ Plan 3 is not a haphazard effort; it is a symphony of strategy. Every move is carefully orchestrated, with precision and foresight. The plan involves multiple layers of action, from information dissemination to tactical operations, each designed to dismantle the secret societies’ power structures and restore balance.


This strategic approach is what sets White Hats apart. They understand that the battle for freedom cannot be won by brute force alone. It requires intelligence, cunning, and a deep understanding of the enemy’s tactics. White Hat strategy is a masterclass in asymmetric warfare, leveraging their strengths to exploit their adversaries’ weaknesses.

Trust the Plan: Faith in the Process

“Trust the Plan” is a phrase often associated with the White Hat mission. It’s a call for patience and faith in the process. In a world where immediate results are often demanded, this mantra reminds supporters that real change takes time. The White Hat plan is comprehensive and far-reaching, requiring careful execution and unwavering commitment.

Trusting the plan means believing in the vision and strategy of The White Hats. It involves understanding that each setback is a step towards ultimate victory. This faith is what sustains the movement, providing the resilience needed to overcome obstacles and continue the fight for justice. Trusting the plan is a testament to the belief in a better future.

The role of information warfare

Information is the battlefield of the 21st century, and White Hats are masters of this domain. By controlling the narrative and exposing the truth, they aim to disrupt secret societies’ disinformation campaigns. This information warfare is a crucial aspect of Plan 3, targeting the minds of the masses and awakening them to the reality of their situation.

White Hats use a variety of platforms to disseminate their message, from social media to alternative news outlets. Their goal is to bypass mainstream media, which they believe is compromised, and reach audiences directly. This approach allows them to shape the narrative and counter their enemies’ propaganda, turning the tide of public opinion in their favor.


The Psychological Battle: Winning Hearts and Minds

In addition to the physical and informational warfare, there is a psychological battle being waged. White Hats understand that winning hearts and minds is essential to their mission. They employ psychological tactics to inspire hope, build resilience, and foster a sense of community among their supporters.

This psychological aspect of the battle is perhaps the most challenging. It requires a deep understanding of human nature and the ability to connect with people on an emotional level. White Hats use stories, symbols, and rhetoric to create a powerful narrative that resonates with individuals and motivates them to take action. This psychological warfare is a testament to their sophisticated and multifaceted approach.

Global Reach: Uniting Patriots Around the World

The White Hats’ mission is not limited to one nation; it has a global reach. Patriots from around the world have joined their cause, united by a common desire for freedom and justice. This international support amplifies their efforts, creating a network of resistance that spans continents.

The global nature of their mission is a testament to the universal appeal of their message. It highlights the interconnectedness of the struggle for freedom and the shared values ​​that unite humanity. White Hats leverage this global network to share information, coordinate action, and provide support, making their movement more resilient and effective.

The Moral Imperative: A Higher Calling

At the heart of the White Hats’ mission is a moral imperative. They believe their actions are guided by a higher calling, a divine mission to protect humanity and uphold justice. This sense of purpose infuses their efforts with a sense of righteousness and unwavering determination.

This moral dimension is what gives the White Hats’ mission its profound meaning. It transcends political agendas and personal ambitions, grounding their actions in a commitment to universal principles of justice and freedom. This higher calling is what underpins their efforts, providing the moral clarity needed to navigate the complexities of their mission.


In a world clouded by secrecy and manipulation, the White Hats’ Plan 3 stands as a beacon of hope. JFK’s legacy lives on through his unwavering commitment to truth, justice, and the preservation of freedom.

As we navigate the shadows cast by secret societies, we are reminded that the battle for our way of life is not fought in the open, but in the hearts and minds of those who refuse to be silenced. Where we go one, we go all – united in the quest for a brighter, freer future.

The White Hats’ Plan 3   is more than a strategy; it is a symphony of resistance, a testament to the enduring spirit of those who fight for a better world. By honoring JFK’s legacy, they continue the fight he began, defying the forces that seek to control our destiny.

Their mission is a reminder that the search for truth and justice is a relentless journey, requiring courage, unity, and unwavering faith in the power of light to dispel darkness.






Elon Musk ( Parody )



The clock is ticking toward a monumental shift that will reshape the world as we know it. What appears to be the brewing of World War III is merely a facade for a deeper, more sinister agenda—a global purge to dismantle the Luciferian strongholds that have ensnared humanity for centuries.

This is not merely another war; it’s a divine intervention designed to obliterate the satanic infrastructure ruling over us. This global cleansing will utilize key military targets not as foreign armies or states but as symbols of Illuminati power—the Vatican, Buckingham Palace, the White House, and even CERN with its dark experiments.

The Event marks the beginning of this massive upheaval, with GESARA funds paving the way for rebuilding a cleansed world. This is about resetting the financial system, moving away from Rothschild-controlled banks to rainbow Treasury notes backed by actual precious metals.

The destruction of 34 key sites linked to the global cabal’s power will be executed using Rods of God and Directed Energy Weapons. This isn’t just conspiracy theory; it’s strategic dismantling, as seen in recent strikes on Tesla Bitcoin servers and data centers.

The coming chaos will extend beyond a simple currency reset. The impending stock market crash and the implementation of global martial law are not mere economic downturns but a deliberate takedown. This will usher in a new world under emergency measures, radically different from what we’ve known.

As the market crashes, so too will the old financial systems tied to the elites. The portrayed third World War, with its nuclear sirens and mass panic, is merely a distraction from the true agenda: the establishment of a new system aligned with divine justice.

Military tribunals and secret courts are already in action, executing a global purge of betrayal against humanity. These are not rumors; they are realities, with executions and confessions unfolding far from the public eye, unreported by mainstream media.

Project Odin, part of the Quantum Starlink system, will neutralize Mossad’s media control, erasing their influence and ending their ability to manipulate the truth. This will coincide with a global blackout essential for transitioning to Tesla Energy—an energy system free from the control of the cabal, signaling the end of their reign.

This blackout is strategic, aimed at severing the cabal’s last lines of communication and disinformation. It’s a necessary step to reveal the full extent of what has been hidden from public view.

But the transition won’t be smooth. The elites will stage a fake World War III, complete with nuclear threats, to cling to their fading power. They will claim it’s for our safety, but it’s their final act of desperation.

This is not just military training; it’s preparation for the largest military operation in history—the final battle between good and evil. Castles will fall, royal families will be dethroned, and corrupt institutions will crumble.

The event we’ve been warned about is unfolding. The signs are clear, marking the shift to a new era under GESARA, revealing hidden truths and empowering the people, not the elites. The storm is here, and there’s no turning back.

Prepare for the most tumultuous period in human history. The war for our freedom—and the soul of humanity—is now.

08/23: Will Saturday, August 24, 2024 Be the Craziest Day in History

Friday Morning, August 23, 2024What will happen with the “financial meltdown”? ?We will continue to check the “financial markets” related to the “world currency reset”!Well thenFrom Judy Notes on August 22I will extract the parts that interest you!
today’s message
“Global Call for Prayer to Save Tortured Children; Blessings for Trump and the Q Movement
to Empower Patriots of the Global Military Alliance” To ”
Caroline Bessette Kennedy Wednesday, August 21, 2024.-EBS coming soon
… John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram Wednesday, August 21, 2024The last stand
can now no longer be delayed. The
clock strikes midnight.An 8-hour documentary will be broadcast 24/7
after a 10-day communication blackout as the global EBS approachesThe preparation for turning off the lights
at midnight will be strictly remembered!Experience the pain that every person on earth must experience as the darkness
approachesMidnight has come, Mr. President
… Q Storm 1776 on Telegram Wednesday, August 21, 2024It is advisable to have at least a month’s worth of food, water, money, medicine, and supplies.
For yourself and your family, and to share with others in case of emergency.
Note from Judy
Forgive me for getting a little irritated with people complaining about the change in the global currency reset date. This is not a story about people trying to get rich quick with small investments. This is about saving millions of children from the clutches of a child sex trafficking ring run by the CIA and the Vatican.It is an elite global human trafficking organization that has been funded since its inception by US taxpayers.
These are just some of the things children have gone through while society ignored their cries for help.On May 17, 1958, the Royal Canadian Air Force massacred 13 children.
One survivor of the MKULTRA mind control program that ran at the base from 1956 to 1958.
The Brussels Court of Customary International Law heard the following testimony and that of 18 others.

It heard testimony from 18 other witnesses about the illegal activities of the Vatican-run Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult.
MKULTRA survivors have said that children between the ages of 2 and 10 were killed due to the severity of injuries sustained during humane medical treatment. The
MKULTRA mind control program originated with the American CIA.

Another victim, Kristin Nicola, testified at a Congressional hearing in Washington, DC, in 1995. Nicola said:
From the age of four, Nicola was terrorized by CIA agents under the direction of Dr. Green.

They used radiation, drugs, radiation, drugs, electric shocks, sexual abuse, mind control experiments, etc. to turn her into a spy and assassin. Claudia Mullen also appeared at the same Congressional hearing and said she discovered documents showing that the US government had Dr. Green perform mind control experiments.

The CIA’s scientific division said it discovered documents showing that the US government gave Greene $50 million to run a CIA program. According to Mullen, from the age of 7 she was subjected to electric shocks, radiation, drugs, isolation in a bathtub of water, sexual abuse, sleep deprivation, burns, and all manner of mental and physical injuries. abuse. Such atrocities, she claimed, were also perpetrated against countless other children.

According to Jenny Hill’s biography, 22 Faces, Jenny Hill was being abused by a group of demons under the direction of Dr. Joseph Greene.
In the video, Hill talks about witnessing the murder of another 6-year-old child. The severe abuse caused her personality to collapse.

MKULTRA began with the creation of the CIA in 1954. This program was funded by American taxpayers for the purpose of developing “super spies” and assassins. The New York Times of November 13, 2010 reported that after World War II, Dr. Josef Mengele (also known as Dr. Greene) was a Nazi, through the CIA-sponsored Project Paperclip. He was given safe haven in the United States.

Despite claims that MKULTRA was shut down a decade later in 1964, survivors of the program say this was not the case.
One woman in California said, “I am a survivor of tax-funded mind control, including slavery, human trafficking and sexual abuse, as are two of my immediate family members, one of whom is still alive.” She wrote,

“I am a survivor of CIA mind control who was abused in Australia and Southeast Asia.” Another survivor from Nebraska wrote, “I was a participant in government military electronics experiments from an early age.” CIA, US, Canadians Torture, Murder, Children to Create Super Spies? | Crime All Stars |

 -The final stand is now. I can no longer afford to be late. The clock is ticking midnight. The war is not just here, it is everywhere. The enemy knows time is up. What about you? The enemy thought he would be safe if he could hide. No one can escape. We have the code.
We have the power. The truth cannot be suppressed.” …Q Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 A human trafficking operation is currently underway. The people must remain calm. Israel is last for a reason. …Secret files exposed on Telegram Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 Global call to prayer to save tortured children. God bless Trump and the Q movement. To restore our God-given freedom. No one can stop what is coming. EBS is coming! What about notifications? Turn them on. Incoming call BQMBS. Is this the end… or a new beginning? … Caroline Bessette Kennedy on Telegram Wed, Aug 21, 2024

 Chemtrails spreading monkeypox

 Wooden fence around US Capitol

 Wednesday, Aug 21, 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: -President Donald Trump has launched a campaign against the Global Coalition to take over major fake news outlets and commit mass arrests. … – – American Media Group

 Wednesday, Aug 21, 2024 Situation Update (Video): Unplayed Judy Byington: President
Trump has given permission for the Global Coalition to take over major fake news outlets. Make mass arrests. Special Intel Report 8/21/24 (Video) |

possible time

 Saturday, August 24, 2024, could be the craziest day in history.
Be careful! Panic mode! Now is the time for change, the final countdown, the arrival of the state of emergency, Red Folder…
Secrets revealed on NSA Telegram Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 Thursday, August 30, 2024, the announcement of NESARA/Gesara is scheduled.

 Thursday, August 30, 2024 Prophesied Judgment Day… The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram
Black Swan Events, The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram:

December 17, 2023 Black Swan 1 “Biden Down” completed
August 20, 2024 (Tuesday) Black Swan 2 “Biden Down” started
September 9, 2024 (Monday) Black Swan 3 “Deep”・September” “Dark Government Files 2020-2024” starts
October 10, 2024 (Thursday) Black Swan 4 “Red October Red Folder” starts

That’s all


EBS: The Army is training for the implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System,  Benjamin Fulford


  • This will ensure that everyone is safe in their homes  and can witness the historic moment that reveals all truths, cover-ups etc. through EBS which is imminent.
  • There must be a test and then a review  of all occurrences and activities. The possible implications at the national and global level can be quite complicated, so things must be aligned with protocols. Yes, there are many consequences if things are not done with precision and perfection. This is the practice before the real thing, personal, to see the answers and the accuracy of what is to come, what changes humanity.
  • We have heard that the schedule is finally set  , but again, I am just the messenger. Be ready to adjust if necessary regarding possible schedule changes. Only a select few know the exact and precise timing of events. For security and other obvious reasons, it must be kept appropriately confidential.
  • EBS will go live showing an 8-hour video  . It will be played 3 times a day for 10 days of Communication Darkness. During these 10 days of Communication Darkness, the following things will happen.
  • We will receive 7 “Trumpets,” also known as EBS text messages,  on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV at this time.
  • Our phones will only work for 911  and we’ve been told the Signal app, which is military-grade encrypted, will be available.
  • Our internet will not work during this time.  Our ATMs will not work. After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new quantum internet.
  • People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water  . Be prepared with food, water, toilet paper, generators, etc. for this great awakening revelation.
  • We are promised the new Star-link Internet System  by the end of the month.
  • As we speak, the teams coordinating this important historic event  are revamping the EBS to ensure maximum safety for everyone involved, so please be patient while things are finalized. They want to make sure there is no interference of any kind. Those making the plan do not want anyone to panic, because this is simply getting the truth out there.
  • After the EBS and we went through the 10 day mainstream media blackout  and watched all the 24/7, (8 hour long movies), will we go back to normal as usual? The answer is: After the EBS and the 8 24 hour long movies, everything will change. The life support, tied to the old and evil systems, will be withdrawn. Humanity and planet Earth move simultaneously into the quantum reality consciousness system (Peace and Prosperity). End of the slavery of financial and human consciousness. The old systems of government, education, finance, health, trade and commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.
  • We will have a new currency called USN  US NOTE and backed by gold.
  • Now is the time to warn  as many people as will listen. Don’t be too proud. Go warn those you love, even if they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is really to help them absorb the shock of what’s coming.

Thu. 22 Aug. 2024 EBS has already happened, Patrick Kennedy on Telegram

  • IT REALLY HAPPENED.  THIS IS JUST THE REPLAY [LIVE EVENT] The Storm Unleashed: EBS Televised Executions, World’s Largest Military Operation, Downfall of the Satanic Cabal in Real-Time Military Courts!
  • Brace yourselves. The largest military intelligence operation of all time  is unfolding before your eyes. Every scenario carefully planned, every detail taken into account. The storm is upon us. We are in the final stages of the plan. It is happening now, and you have a front-row seat.
  • THE BATTLE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL.  The attempted coup against President Trump will not go unpunished. The treason is just the tip of the iceberg, and no one gets a free pass. President Trump and Team Q are draining the swamp, revealing the filth that lurks beneath the surface. Witness a scripted movie with Trump as the hero.
  • Corrupt players and their propaganda media partners  are heading towards the exit of the grand finals. Soon they will disappear without a trace. This is the largest intelligence operation involving all major countries on Earth.


Gold of the Elders
Gold of the Elders


Fun Facts: Delving into the Gold of the Elders

✅ The attacks… were intended to cover up the clearing of $240 billion in bonds secretly created in September 1991 to finance a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which “unknown” Western investors bought up much of Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas.

✅ The September 11 attacks also served to derail several federal investigations into crimes associated with the 1991 undercover operation.

✅ The Cabal had to destroy hundreds of billions of dollars in government bonds so they wouldn’t be discovered.

✅ Therefore, a critical mass of traders from the major government bond brokerages in the Twin Towers had to be eliminated, exterminated, to create chaos in the government bond market.

✅ A situation was needed where $240 billion in covered bonds could be “cleared” electronically with no questions asked – which happened when the Cabal’s Federal Reserve declared an emergency and invoked its “emergency powers” that very afternoon.

✅ There were three major securities firms in the World Trade Center:

1) Cantor Fitzgerald,

2) Eurobrokers and

3) Garbon Inter Capital.

✅ Cantor Fitzgerald was the largest securities trader in the US and undoubtedly the prime target.

✅ 41% of the deaths in the Twin Towers came from Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers.

✅ 24% of the 125 fatalities at the Pentagon came from the Naval Command Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence.

✅ 29 of the 30 employees of the Office of Naval Intelligence died.

✅ The Naval Command Center had been moved to that newly opened section of the Pentagon just a month earlier.

✅ In the vaults beneath the World Trade Center Towers, all bond certificates were destroyed.

✅ As stated, on that fateful day, the Cabal Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) declared a national emergency, and for the first time in U.S. history, invoked its emergency powers under Section 12(k) of the Securities Act, easing regulatory restrictions on clearing and settlement of securities trades for the next 15 days.

✅ These changes allowed about $240 billion in covered government bonds to be cleared at maturity without the standard regulatory controls around identification of ownership.

✅ All evidence and witnesses were eliminated with explosives, not plans, and GESARA, which was supposed to be implemented, was delayed for more than two decades.

✅ Military Intelligence had to start all over again and that is why the preparation of the GCR took the last 15 years.

✅ Military Intelligence knows that the Cabal will again go to extreme action, that is, they do not want to allow the GCR to happen!

✅ If the Cabal allows the GCR to happen, they will lose total control forever!

✅ This is why Military Intelligence will NOT take any risks this time by launching a “single” covert attack on the Cabal like last time, but rather multiple fronts to ensure victory – which will culminate together!

✅ It is for THIS SOLE REASON that RV/GCR is NOT TIME DRIVEN, but rather EVENT DRIVEN, as these events together will cause the precipice, and we are at the door!!



September: Retirement of Western DS leaders worldwide accelerates!

Then, in September, news emerged that Japanese Prime Minister Kishida would not run in the presidential election as a Liberal Democratic Party candidate.

According to new information, Emmanuel, the US ambassador to Japan, said he will move from the DS side to the White Hat side.

Furthermore, DS politicians in Western countries will continue to retire in September.

I will present this along with the information about the DS side breakdown so far.

I would like to present one more piece of information about Japan.
Information from Benjamin Fulford.

It is now common knowledge that  Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced on Wednesday that he will step down next month  . According to the Japanese right, this was the same day that the
fake US ambassador Rahm Emanuel told Japanese officials that he intended to ride the White Hat wave  . I have heard that
many more Western leaders will also resign in September.



Now I’d like to present what Charlie Ward said in the members-only video.

He said it was just my opinion, but I think he was able to say it because he was listening.

Before any funds or revaluation funds can be released, four things must happen:
1) Biden and Harris must be removed.
2) Stock market and bank collapse.
3) Housing market collapse.
4) US dollar (fiat currency) collapse

Next, Mr. Ariel wrote about why the deep state has already lost, so I’d like to introduce him.

A. 40 Reasons Why the Deep State Was Defeated

Inspector General (IG) Report

BRICS Alliance

Saudi Arabia abolished the US dollar on June 9.

The Federal Reserve System is absorbed into the U.S. Treasury.

Repeal of the Corporations Act 1871.

Overturning the Chevron Doctrine.

XRP is no longer considered a security.

Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Reform.

Elon Musk acquires Twitter/X.

Whistleblower protection in international organizations.

Anti-Zionist/Israeli Iraqi Law.

Mueller investigation.

Executive Order No. 13,818.

44 states have made precious metals legal tender.

Second Declaration of Independence in 2020.

Manual of Laws of War.

FISA document.

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Death of Henry Kissinger.

Executive Order 13912.

SOFR replaces LIBOR.

Implementation of Basel 3/4.

The Chinese royal family no longer funds conspiracies.

Jeffrey Epstein Files.

The Balfour Declaration expires.

Operation Sandman.

Removal of the Georgia Guidestone.

death of the queen

Donald Trump sets foot in North Korea.

The death of Jeffrey Epstein.

Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act.

 The arrest of Harvey Weinstein.

 Decentralization of the media.

Exposing Global Financial Networks (Panama Papers 2016).

Brexit (2016).

The rise of nationalism in Europe.

OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).






*Comment: It seems that people on the DS side will be retiring in September, not just in Japan.

The conditions for the start of a currency reset   include the removal of Biden,  the collapse of the stock market and banks,  the collapse of the housing market, and the collapse of the US dollar (fiat currency).

Know that the information published in the media is manipulated by DS and that false information is being spread by white hats to promote DS’s arrest.




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Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


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NESARA’s $5,000 Monthly Gold-Backed Payments: The Largest Financial Settlement in History Ready to Expose Corruption and Restore the Great American Economy!

In a masterstroke of economic liberation that has been meticulously hidden from the public eye by the powers that be, the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) is a revolutionary rallying cry against centuries of financial slavery perpetrated by our so-called government protectors.

This act is a defiant revolt aimed squarely at the heart of the corrupt institutions that have been leeching off the American people for far too long: the IRS and the Federal Reserve, shadowy entities that, according to internal rumors, are on the verge of a long-overdue dismantling.

Think about the sinister nature of the Social Security Act of 1935. It enslaved Americans by turning their identities into government property through SSN/ID numbers. Now, pull back the curtain and you see the bigger picture: If the law that created this control mechanism is illegal, then the entire system is a fraud!

This is a calculated revelation of a scandal so deep and so entrenched in our society that to expose it is to unravel the very structure of government deception.

But NESARA goes much, much further. Imagine a future where Social Security is not just a safety net, but a legitimate return of wealth. Where benefits are not just distributed, but multiplied, reflecting the true prosperity that has accrued to us.

Sources close to the heart of this movement whisper of increases that could see every eligible American receive as much as $5,000 a month, backed not by empty promises of paper money but by solid federal gold reserves.

And let’s blow up the Great American Tax Lie. Since 1913, Americans have been lied to, coerced into paying income taxes based on a fraudulent ratification of the 16th Amendment by just four states. NESARA promises to uproot that lie by abolishing the IRS and eliminating federal income taxes in a sweeping gesture of economic justice.

Imagine: No more IRS breathing down your neck, no more unfair taxes sucking your hard-earned money. This is about breaking chains, about a seismic shift from oppression to absolute financial freedom.

NESARA’s promise extends to the realm of restitution—where every penny paid into the greedy mouth of the IRS will be returned. This is the largest financial compensation operation in history, aimed at righting decades of economic wrongs.

Every citizen, every business that has been bled dry by the government’s insatiable greed will be healed. This is the justice we were denied, the battle we didn’t even know we were fighting.

Under NESARA, whistleblowers will rise as the new vanguard, the champions of truth. Any employer who dares to defy the new economic order by continuing to withhold taxes will face severe repercussions. These whistleblowers are warriors guarding the gates to a new era of transparency and justice.

And the transformation won’t stop at tax liberalization. The reform will send shockwaves through the pricing system, dismantling the artificially inflated market to restore prices that reflect the 1950s — a time before elite manipulation got out of hand.

This adjustment will be methodical, precise and will reshape our economic landscape, returning power to where it belongs: the people.

Meet the Quantum Financial System (QFS), a fortress of financial integrity that, under NESARA, will become accessible to all law-abiding citizens.

This system is a fortified rebuke of the old guard, a transparent and secure network that will replace the shadowy and corrupt institutions that have long dictated our economic lives.

In this unveiling of the promise of NESARA, the message is clear: The days of economic subjugation are numbered. The revolution is here, and it is fueled by the righteous demand for financial liberation and justice.

This is an economic war for the soul of America. Brace for impact—rebirth is imminent, and it will be glorious.

NESARA's 5,000 Monthly Gold-Backed Payments
NESARA’s 5,000 Monthly Gold-Backed Payments

MILITARY INTELLIGENCE: Quantum Financial Systems, Project Odin, and the Emergency Broadcast Revolution


Discover the cutting-edge domain of Quantum Financial Systems, Project Odin, and the emergency broadcast revolution in military intelligence. Learn how these formidable technologies are revolutionizing global security and reshaping power dynamics.

In a world mired in deceit and chaos, the rise of Quantum Financial Systems and the secretive   Project Odin   stands as a beacon of hope. Unfolding before our eyes, Project Odin is not just a digital tool; it is the harbinger of a new era, an era in which darkness will be exposed and the shackles of oppression will be broken.

This exclusive exposé delves into the secret realms of   Quantum Starlink, Project Odin,   and how they are poised to revolutionize our world. Brace yourself, because what you’re about to read may change your perspective forever.

Quantum Financial Systems (QFS)   and the enigmatic Project Odin are poised to challenge the centuries-old tyranny of the clandestine controllers. As you embark on this journey, prepare yourself, for you are about to be thrust into a vortex of conspiracy, revelation, and rebellion.

In your wildest imaginations, have you ever imagined a world where the sinister chains of corruption, manipulation and secret control are broken? This is not just a figment of the imagination; it is the imminent reality heralded by Quantum Financial Systems (QFS).

The QFS   is no ordinary financial tool. It is a beacon of hope in an increasingly opaque world. When we speak of quantum mechanics, we invoke the immense power and unpredictability of atoms and subatomic particles. And when we marry this with our financial structures, we are talking about an unstoppable force against the   machinations of the dark cabal.

Every transaction, every financial move made within this system, breaks free from the old paradigms that have suppressed the masses. The old world banks, with their shady deals and hidden agendas, find themselves powerless against the transparent, secure and fair modus operandi of the QFS.

While the QFS is a shining suit of armor, Project Odin is its sharp, gleaming sword. To many, the name may be unfamiliar, but its resonance is eternal. Mentioned by the elusive Ron CodeMonkeyz, it is a strategy, a weapon forged in the crucible of time, designed to break the hold of hidden powers and their nefarious platforms.

Embedded within the Quantum Starlink system, Project Odin is protected by the Secret Space Programs. Think of it as an elite guard, ensuring that Odin remains untouched by the clutches of the cabal, thus remaining our beacon in the impending darkness.

What is the final move, you ask? Project Odin is programmed to target Mossad’s media satellites, triggering a worldwide media blackout. This is no glitch or unforeseen accident. This is an orchestrated maneuver, a grand gambit in a cosmic game of chess. Codenamed   PROJECT ODIN  , this initiative marks a crucial turning point in the history of our world.

The result of such a blackout is monumental. The global population, accustomed to a constant barrage of media, will experience a silent void. But, as the saying goes, it is always darkest before the dawn. This blackout serves as the prelude to the activation of Quantum Systems, forever altering the way we perceive the world.

And in this silence, the military finds the cue to initiate the   Emergency Broadcast System (EBS),   a contingency that was prepared for this exact moment.

The battle is not fought with swords and guns; it is a war of information, a fight for the very soul of humanity. And in this battle, Project Odin and Quantum Systems stand as our shield, our sword, our beacon of hope.

The nefarious forces that seek to control us have underestimated the strength of those who seek truth and justice. We are no longer mere spectators in a twisted game; we are warriors.

The dawn of Quantum Financial Systems and the rise of Project Odin are not mere conspiracy theories. They are real, tangible,   and happening now.

Those who dared to look beyond the veil saw the truth. The time has come to rise up, to awaken, and to take back what is rightfully ours.

The revolution is not coming; it is here.   The Odin Project and the QFS are leading us into a future where the shadows will be lifted, and a new era of freedom and enlightenment will dawn.

So arm yourself with knowledge, with conviction, and with the courage to stand against the tide. For we are on the brink of something extraordinary, and you have a role to play.



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