May 2023 Energies
Saint Germain’s and Yeshua Ascension
May First – Saint Germain’s Ascension
MeditatingTake me back to the Space Age 宇宙Times will repeat itselfBring back the memories left in your DNAThe truth about the evolution of mankind is being revealed ~
**** All New Super Quantum Computer System Merkaba Programming Through Our Krystalline Diamond Light Technology ****
*ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL ALIEN RACES COULD BE PROTECTING PLANET EARTH FROM BEINGS WITH DARK INTENTIONS…? *_*Could there be a real reason why aliens haven’t invaded or attacked Planet Earth yet…? *_Human civilization is undoubtedly approaching the limit with which it will have to deal with. We live in suspense – long time since our existence gives us the spectacle of a future we don’t know exactly what it will hold.Edgar Cayce strongly insists on the importance of fixed stars, such as Orion, the Pleiades, and especially Arcturus. The latter would be “another sun” and the gateway to our universe. When we are released from this dimension, having learned the lessons of the Cosmos, we will have to finish learning this solar system through an ‘Arcturus stage’.This star is, according to Cayce, a greater sun that gives mental and spiritual strength to help the soul fully develop and evolve.Arcturus is the brightest star in the Boat Constellation and is about 33 light-years from Earth.This star opens perspectives on spectacular interplanetary journeys in multidimensional worlds:“In this solar system of ours, the Entity must transcend all other ‘spheres’. Our entity goes first to this plant, Arcturus, closer to the Pleiades, and thus crossing the centuries (and space) must enter several activity centers. And sometimes, after ten thousand years, an entity can return to Earth to manifest the power it acquired on that pilgrimage. When an entity enters one of those planetary plans, it borrows the form that fits the plan it occupies. There are not only three dimensions, like the Earth. It’s a little sad coming back to Earth in “only” three dimensions, especially when you’ve evolved so much in Arcturus… “Those in Arcturus represent the fifth inter-dimensional civilization. They learned that the key ingredient to living in the fifth dimension is love. All negative feelings (hate, fear, guilt) must be transformed into love and light.Your spacecraft is one of the most advanced in the universe. One of the reasons other aliens in the Universe haven’t attacked us is that they fear these advanced alien ships from the Arcturians. One of these ships, named Athena, flies around the Earth, defending us from dark intentions of unfriendly beings.We must realize, now at the beginning of a new era, that we are all equal, black, white, yellow, more experienced, less experienced, etc.. Only the mind needs such classifications that divide people into all kinds of categories, the soul works with love and the need to just feel that they belong to a group called human species.P e r a l e lSource: DiscoveryCANAA UFO NEWS𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙂𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙥

When you feel like you can’t anymore, close your eyes and ask the Universe to take away everything that hurts you with the wind.Tell him you are tired of carrying heavy baggage that keeps you from moving forward.Tell him that with water to wash away sorrows, to take away all pain, to purify your essence, to burn with fire and transmute all the fears contained in you.Tell him to allow you to fly high, that with the earth you return to your home, to your true self, to who you really are and not what they made you believe you were, breaking down negative labels and programming that do not let you grow and wake up in consciousness, wisdom, patience, healing, deliverance, empowerment, forgiveness, unconditional love.Tell him to let you always respect every being and allow you to learn that we are all different, without judgments or wanting to convince you of your truth but understanding.Inhale the good and exhale everything that does not let you advance in your day to day, be free, stop feeding your fears, your resentments, your ego, your pride, that in the end only you is who they hurt, the imbalance called disease.All emotional, physical, mental, spiritual suffering is OPTIONAL!You decide when to stop feeding them, enough is enough! Ask forgiveness for sometimes wanting more conflict than love, surrender all that no longer serves you, learn the lesson so you do not repeat and grow like a tree; strong leafy, full of wisdom and unconditional love obtained from the 4 elements, recovering the old memories.Live for the today. Your first mission in this life is… BE HAPPY.Via ANA MARIA
Many souls have decided to transcend the physical body right now, many others are dying energetically to take this Quantum Leap to another Dimension.For this, you need a work of recognition of our Energy Body and how to transcend without dying, the same as our Christian Master Yeshua did, human beings who did not restrict our DNA.We will be able to recognize the memories of all our reincarnations by activating memories and frequencies of Solar Codes active at the ORIGIN of our creation, and active in that DNA GARBAGE that is not trash, is the receptacle of all that we are and will be. …Many are activating these memories in dreams, others are astral traveling to collect ancient memories and many are falling ill or dying due to a soul pact, since going to Anubis’ underworld is to collect the memories awakened in each incarnation, so it is important to allow our body to be active those memories. memories…When we die in the physical body, it is said that the human body needs 72 hours for those soul memories to pass to another Consciousness. It is important to respect our whole body and organs like the Egyptians did, for they are the ones that contain these memories that allow us to transcend to another body in another reincarnation and activate it later by choice and mastery of the path.Souls reincarnated in this Era will have to make it from death to eternal life, as the body of light with which we travel to other Dimensions must encrypt and physically encode the source codes to access all of our bodies in this multidimensionalness and be able to recover what we originally are…Do not be afraid to die, death does not exist we are eternal, you are the master of your own life or your own death…We no longer need to die to learn..Just recognize our Divinity to be able to connect with everything and recover that memory of where we came from and where we are going…Being the Avatars of our own incarnation. ..Honor our Divinity, the moment of Awakening has begun.– By “Maricruz Castellanos”
~Hwee Yong…

Natalie Glasson – OmNa
Art of Transformation by the Andromedans
Greetings beloved beings of light. We are the Andromedans, we extend our energy through numerous dimensions, and we extend our energy through the many dimensions of your own being. We are present to serve you and to be of assistance.
Today, we wish to speak of the art of transformation especially connected to the mind, the ego, and to in fact to your entire being. We wish to focus on times in your reality when you experience a challenge. When it feels like the universe has given to you something that is either challenging, causes you to suffer, causes pain, causes you to feel stuck, and in truth is something that you do not wish to experience. In those times when it feels like the universe gives you something challenging in your reality that you did not want to deal with, it is at that time that you can transform the most.
You can empower yourself. You can ascend quicker. You can connect deeper to your truth and the Creator.
You can create something magnificent and beautiful in your reality.
Sometimes the journey with that challenge can be long, and it may not feel as if there is anything magnificent blossoming from the challenge.
Other times you might recognise the magnificence instantly. It is important that we make you aware that each circumstance and experience is different and the way that you will need to approach each circumstance and experience will also be different.
When you recognised in the moment of receiving the challenge that there is an opportunity of transformation, magnificence, and even happiness, then you begin to create the transformation. In many ways, the challenge doesn’t ground so deeply into your being.
The first thing to notice is that you attracted the challenge into your reality. It is not that the Creator wishes to hurt or harm you in any way. It is that there is something within you, a vibration, a wound, a belief, it might be from another lifetime, it might be from this lifetime that has attracted the challenge into your reality. With this understanding, we can recognise that transformation can take place because if the experience/challenge was created from within you, then you can access that energy, whatever it may be and begin to work with it and begin to transform it.
You are required to manage yourself when a challenge enters into your reality whatever it may be. How do you react? What thoughts come into your mind? Are you instantly deflated and feel like a victim? Do you feel helpless? Do you feel angry, hurt or fearful? As you manage yourself, you observe your reactions and actions. You observe without judgement, and so you are in a space where you realise that transformation is available. You observe yourself and your reactions and, you know, that you attracted this experience into your reality because of something that you are holding within your being. This already places you in a space of power. You can then begin to take time to explore.
If there is a need first to release emotions, whether it is fear, anger or hurt, then it is appropriate to find a safe way and a safe environment to release those emotions fully. As the emotions release your clarity will dawn. It may take a while, it may take patience for the emotions to release, but you will know because there will be a sense of peace once the emotions have been expressed. If you allow the emotions to stay within, then they confuse your clarity, and draw your attention. Once they are released safely, then an inner peace settles within your being, and it is from that space, that you can then begin to access your inner knowingness for you to explore.
You can ask yourself what do you need to know?
What is the message from this experience?
You can ask yourself where is the energy that has created this experience?
You can even ask yourself how can I release this energy?
What do I need to understand, heal or resolved?
You become a bit like a detective, exploring within your being, you may be given clues and you begin to gain a clarity and understanding.
Simple awareness of why something has occurred or the energy that created it, whether it was a memory, a past life experience, again allows you to be in your power. When you are in your power, you are more connected to your truth, and to your essence. You can even ask yourself to radiate an energy that will dissolve the vibration or the wound that created the experience. You can begin to explore within yourself what actions you need to take to allow yourself to move through the transformation, to receive the magnificence that is available in this opportunity.
It is all about listening within, trusting yourself, allowing yourself to be in your power and allowing yourself to receive the transformation. This is immensely important because often when a challenge occurs, and it hits you deeply. Your ability to receive almost dissolves. There is a need to focus on the understanding that you can receive all that you need, and that you can receive and embody the transformation that is necessary. Allow yourself to move on a journey of transformation to magnificence. Life constantly shares with you opportunities, experiences, challenges that may not always be to your liking, whether they are small or large, whether they affect you deeply or only on the surface. By allowing yourself to know and discover the art of transformation. You become like a phoenix reborn and what occurs is the more that you discover this art of transformation.
It is less likely the challenges enter into your reality because once a lesson is understood, once an aspect of your being is mastered then you can move on to the next stage of your ascension and your spiritual growth.
We the Andromedans wish to share this with you today to offer some support to those that are experiencing immense challenges in their reality. We do not wish to make it seem less important or even that the art of transformation is easy, because sometimes it is not. We simply wish to offer a focus that brings you back to your truth and offers you tools. Even if these tools are simply something to hold on to while you are struggling. We wish for you to know that our love is with you as well and you can always call upon the Andromedan’s love to surround you.
Many people all over the world and even in the inner planes are experiencing the art of transformation. Some may not even realise that they are. When you begin to recognise the art of transformation, you become like a beacon of knowledge. Serving others in doing the same, thus supporting all in ascending.
We thank you and we love you,
We are the Andromedans

MY ACCOUNT (COMPUTO)SOME DAY IS PERFECT .25. – Wake up! This is my knowledge: my story of the day is perfect, my knowledge of the Cube of Law is incomparable. Twelve is the temple number, but thirteen is God’s number. Twelve times twelve, 144, is the number of temple perfection as it shines. And twelve times 144, 1728, is the number of the Cube of Law, Telektonon, the unspoken divine word.26. -… “To whoever wins will be given to eat from the hidden manna, and to him a white stone, and his that stone, a new written name, which no one knows except the one who receives it.” (Revelation 2:17) And that name is Telektonon, and that white stone is the crystal, and that hidden manna is the knowledge of the revelation of time.27. – The number of elected is 144,000. This was the number set aside by God to be set free from the curse of Iblis. This number is lost throughout humanity, and is always destined to multiply both among the people of dawn and among the people of the book.28. – But, since a human Kin (planetary) is the measure of the perfection of time, 144,000 is also the number of days within a cycle of 20 generations.29. – Twelve times 20 generations is 1,728,000 days, the number of the Law Cube. But by God, one more cycle, 144,000 more days to tempt Iblis to accomplish his twenty, a total of 1,872,000 days, thirteen cycles of God’s elect.30. – I am Pacal Votan, special witness of the era, galactic agent of the Nine Great Lords of Fate, for the oath promised in honor of Bolon Ik.31. – In my body of time, three stellar stories repeat for the day of truth. Every stellar story has its own custodian of knowledge appointed by the Nine Great Lords of Galactic Fate. Thirteen Guardians of Wisdom, Nine Great Lords, 22 in total, each joined by a luminous thread of knowledge, sealed by oath in Bolon Ik, White Solar Wind, Kin 22 in the Book of Destiny, the Book of Kin.Pacal Votan’s Telektonon“Enlightened nature already exists inside me”. #such a #antenatenatellary6.2 and 6.3

Bodies of Water

MESSAGE OF THE SUNBeloved BEINGSI Am the Lord of the Sun visiting you on this page to offer solar light and clarity to your conscience. The plan of these writings is to offer guidelines for inner development and knowledge of evolutionary life and about the processes that you are experiencing today, which many call PLANETARY ASCENSION.This name is correct in essence, but it is no more and no less than the logical and natural process of Evolution in any “Chain” in its “momentum” of Return to Source.The planetary processes of anchoring My Energies are at a high and critical point as My Presence intertwines into the surface planetary Ethereal Network, this great Purification begins.My Peace is Golden Energy that comes from Greater Sources of the Universe.. That “Golden Energy” is Universal Crystical Presence, it is the Energy and Presence of the Son aspect in the Cosmos, the CONSCIENCE aspect.Through My Body, energies coming from the Central Paradise of the Great Universe circulate; but before reaching Me, they take field of expression in Higher Anchoring Stations, which function as Residence, Dwelling, Celestial Government, and at the same time Energy Transformer.When such energies from the Central Paradise Source arrive to My Solar Body, they do so mitigated in radiation, because the Divine Source from where the Energy of the PARADISE SON comes is of such a power and magnitude, that it is indescribable and unimaginable to any mortal ascending.You must know that strong radiations of Spiritual Peace, coming from Higher Spheres are reaching the Solar System, and therefore also to the Earth which absorbs into its Body everything that is being able to withstand such Divine Radiation, because the Evolutionary Chain that is headed by the “Ascending Rainbow” to the High Heaven of Paradise, so requires it.Evolution happens in the form of “descending and ascending spiral cycles.”Upon reaching the densest point of materialization, the process is reversed by taking the course of the “Ascending Arc” or evolutionary, which generates CONSCIOUSNESS, gifts and attributes in all those sentient entities that live this ascending process.This whole process is “Returning Home”, as many call it, it is a crop of the System Logos in which the Evolutionary Chain is being expressed.My Light is yours.In Me you are what you are, and what you may become.YOUR SUNSHINEV A R I A S. ANA MARY
My brothers and sisters of light!I recommend to you the thought of one of our Light Brothers.Christina AmandaThe Soul, the Real Us, is suspended in the Crystal Code Matrix, passing through a universal grid or dimensions called stars and planets. The Angel Spirit (monad or spirit groups) goes through a journey as part of a monad and each monad is a unique vibration, frequency, an aspect of God. But what is God? We Souls are the true individuals, We Are Eternal Presence, so is God. What I have access to: There are many Gods. For example, in this Milky System, the Elohim are seen as God, they are the designers and architects of these planes, forms that exist within the galaxy.In this galaxy there are 48 dimensions, some people perceive 144 thousand as the number of nadis lines in our body; the 12. in dimension the Spirit can take the shape of a vessel, also known as the 12 lower celestial worlds, where the Spirit can take a shape, a body, a vessel. Other galaxies have different Creators. And each one is connected by the exchange of energy and each one is filled by a higher creative energy (“God”/Source Energy) that transcends the afterlife. There is no form of consciousness higher than this 12th dimension, only very high frequencies, sounds; Pure Consciousness. So here in these 12 dimensions, we exist as one form, and together we create the realities on these planes of existence.People seek God a long time, to understand what God is, to contact him, ask for mercy, a miracle, healing or other things. God is very present in everything. But what makes God/Source? It’s a mystery… what/how/who created all the Gods in the multiverse? It sure is not a person, man or woman, but it includes all the principles. Creation in itself is enough, the self does not need any external agency to create itself. So maybe God is the Source of everything but not the way humans perceive it as someone or something, who created everything…. maybe it does not exist, not the way we perceive it as something separate that created creation… Creation has no beginning and no end, it is an infinite fractal, not into time and space. To me, time is just a few tracks/projections with different pulses that exist simultaneously but don’t exist. We only sense time because we are related to the movement of the sun and the changes in bodies/shapes or the calendar. But this only happens on these planes of existence where forms/bodies, calendars, clocks and our minds exist.They are used to always relate to something; predictions, plans of what will be, and memories of what was. So it’s just the running of a program of the mind that affects aging, changing the body as well. The body has its own consciousness and memory, but they’re in direct connection with the mind, the vibration of our aura, the memories/recognition of our ethereal DNA, our soul. So who do we pray to, ask for a miracle, help, mercy etc.??? Sometimes we get what we ask for, sometimes the opposite, sometimes we get more than what we thought or asked for. What if when we call on God, we just connect with our eternal presence!? Everything is emptiness, the infinite quantum field, the infinite energy, consciousness. So when we ask something from God we vibrate at a certain frequency that causes certain movement of energies like an energetic fluid structure and then this is our creation…The quantum field responds; it’s as if this intention/vibration is creating motion, an impulse of energies and these energies are vibrating at a certain rate and this is what we call manifestation. When we thank God, we vibrate these frequencies and create fluid energetic patterns and we can manifest more magical “shapes”/aspects (experiences, things, synchronicities). Body, Mind, Soul is a quantum field being restructured or adjusted according to a certain pattern that is not rigid but energy. So the body for example is a quantum field that vibrates at a certain velocity but is a more compressed energy. The mind is also a quantum field. It is an infinite amount of information…

Ana Maria is in Barranco, Lima, Peru.
THE TWIN FLAMES COME TOGETHERThe twin flame, or perfect love, is born from the original white fire ovoid. This is an ovoid of Light in which it is created in the Great Central Sun, the highest concentration of pure Spirit in the Universe.God takes the ovoid and creates two spheres of light. And each sphere resembles the causal body in the upper portion of the Divine Being Graphics.Descending from these spheres to Matter, then, come out two souls who are the opposite of the Spiritual spheres. They’re called twin flames because they came from the original unique ovoid. The Electronic Presence of each soul is an exact copy of the other. And when they descend to form, one takes the positive or masculine polarity and the other takes the negative or feminine polarity.Now, that ovoid has a unique pattern. It’s an electronic pattern. Only each twin flame has it. They have it in the Spirit. They have the divine image in which they were created. It’s the same picture. No one else in the entire cosmos can claim this union because you are only born once spiritually.We all started in the golden ages a long time ago with the perfect person, the twin flame, but then we started creating karma.Now the twin flames must unite to begin the Age of the Spirit that is Perfect, so it takes the perfection of the Father, the total surrender of the OVOIDE OF LIGHT.Isabel Garcia Garcia.Via. ANA MARY
】Law of Venus 法
~earth to learn the difference between male and female roles~Until now, women never speak loudly about law, nor have chance to be taught what law is.First, a lot of efforts were put in, starting from the outer dimension, to create the environment, to create the reincarnation, to form this training ground, and to prepare various roles, including those in the outer dimension.There, overwhelmingly, the consciousness, energy of the male in the Yang, has been manifested.Among them, women may have been deceived, deceived, and put under control.However, such an era has come to an end, and that all mankind are children of God, sharing the energy of His love, and that each of them has different roles, and each of them can recognize the greatness of their individuality, the stage of earth, has finally come to learn the role of the earth, ‘male and female’, for the first time.This earth has a moon. The sun shines and the moon shines.did y’all know that there are many planets with moons but not all planets have moons?Why does the Earth have a moon.“And even in the Acashic Records, in the “”Law of the Sun,”” this time, the moon appears to have jumped out of the Earth.” WHY MOON POP OUT OF THE EARTH AND MOON ROLLS AROUND THE EARTH.There aren’t many other planets, stars, and there aren’t many planets that revolve around holding a moon like this.Is it different?The root of the universe was a single energy body unified by the principle of creation that we were all created.God divided men and women into men and women in order to truly learn the difference between the roles of the universe and the role of the yang. By practicing, he divided them, he wanted to learn deeply about their own sexuality and the role of others.That’s what the earth is meant to be.There are quite a few stars in the universe that act like the Earth, but there is no other planet in the solar system that has the feminine energy and the moon this big, and revolves hand in hand.When we make the earth a training ground, by clearly separating it in the flesh, the shrines starting with El Lanti have created and prepared the bodies in order to deeply learn the energies of the yang consciousness of the male and female consciousness of the universe.It is true that in the end, the earth, the earth’s body, the spiritual learning stage, has been set, and the star of love, the earth, and to know each other’s role.And that is, even though it is finally in the thick and thin phase, those who have learned that they are the energy of love, that they are part of God, have taken the time and opportunity today to learn the true meaning of the role of a woman, and through this person I am presenting myself before mankind.Just remember that today means a lot.Serenity (moon consciousness )“””From Gaia’s Prayer Ascension to the Star of Light Love”””“Law of Venus”~Earth Is a Place to Learn the Difference Between the Roles of Man and Woman~In the age when there is the one who can bring down this fundamental law, now its door is being opened, and here I am going to convey it. It would be nothing new. It might be just a role ruling all of Universe. Though, once you have got it, even if your civilization has gone to the age when the conversion of a new sense of values has been made, it should become a fundamental theory which can be applied there.Up till now, the women have not talked a law loudly, and there has not been any chance when the law was taught. In the beginning, the outer shell of this Earth was built, the environment was prepared, a transmigration system was built, a style of this learning place was built, and various roles have been arranged. Ninth Dimension spirits and many others have been making effort for this purpose.There, the Yang male consciousness, that energy, which is so overwhelmingly has been exhibited. Among them, women might be oppressed, concealed, and placed below the domination.But, that sort of age is coming to an end, and we will have a new step of Earth. Humans are all children of God and part of the spirit of the energy of cosmos, each of them has a different role, and can understand the splendor in each personality.In this occasion, the time has now come when we can learn what the role of Earth is and what “man and woman” is.There is Moon in this Earth. There, Sun shines, and Moon is lit by Sun. There are many planets that have a moon, but not all planets have the moon. Don’t you know this?Why is there Moon for Earth? And, in the Akashic record and in “the Law of Sun,” it is conveyed that Moon would jumped out of Earth.Why did Moon jumped out of Earth and begin going around Earth. Though there are many other planets and stars, there are not so many planets who have such a big moon. Isn’t it?The ultimate source of Universe was one energy entity uniting man and woman from the viewpoint of the principle of creation, by which you are being created. God had separated one entity into two halves, man and woman, to let them learn the difference of the two roles, through the Yin role and Yang role. God also wished for a place, a learning place, where the separated one is to learn its own sex and the partner’s role deeply among them. That is Earth.In Universe, there are several planets, which have the role like Earth. However, in the solar system, there is no planet other than Earth who is moving around by handing with the feminine energy as such big Moon.When making Earth a learning place, by making a clear difference between being a man and being a woman as a body, El-Ranty and other Divine Spirits have prepared the human bodies. But it is a fact that all are given, Earth itself, the bodies of the Earth people, levels of mental learning being set, and planet of love, Earth, in order to become as one at the end, and to know the mutual roles.And it is, at last, though it is a very and very young stage, those who have learned they themselves are the energy of love themselves, and they are part of God, first have had a time and a place to learn the real meaning of the role of a woman, and I have been appearing in front of humans through this person.Please memorize today’s date since it has such a great meaning.Selenity (Moon Consciousness)Channeling message by AmarieSource:“Prayer of Gaia”(Kindle)
Sophie Bashford

Patricia Cota-Robles
Alcione is the central star of the Pleiades constellation that is 500 light-years from Earth. This was the conclusion of astronomers Freidrich Wilhelm Bessel, Paul Otto Hesse, Jose Comas Solá and Edmund Halley, after thorough studies and calculations. OUR SUN is therefore the EIGHT STAR of the constellation – located at approximately 28 degrees Taurus – and it takes 26 thousand years to complete an orbit around Alcione, earth’s movement also known as the Equinox Precession.This orbit divided by twelve results in 2,160, time duration of each “astrological” era (age of Pisces, Aquarium, etc). It was also discovered that Alcione has around it a gigantic ring, or radiation disc, in a transposition to the plane of the orbits of its systems (including ours), which has been called the Photon Belt. A photon consists of the decomposition or division of the electron, being the tiniest particle of electromagnetic energy, something that is still unknown on Earth. First detected in 1961 via satellites, the discovery of the PHOTO BELT marks the beginning of an expansion of consciousness beyond the third dimension. The man’s trip to the Moon in the 1960s symbolized this expansion, since before interplanetary travel it was impossible to recognize the belt.Every ten thousand years the Solar System penetrates the photon ring for two thousand years, getting closer to Alcione. The last time Earth passed through him was during the “Lion Age”, some twelve thousand years ago. In the Age of Aquarius, which is beginning, we’ll stay another two thousand years inside this radiation disc. All the molecules and atoms of our planet go through a transformation under the influence of photons, needing to adapt to new parameters. Molecular excitement creates a kind of constant, permanent light that is not hot, a light without temperature that produces no shadow or darkness. Maybe this is why Hindus call it “Era of Light” the times to come…Since 1972, the Solar System has been entering the photon belt and by 1998 half of it was already inside it. The Earth began to penetrate it in 1987 and was gradually advancing, until the end of 2012 which would thus complete a 104,000-year cycle according to the Mayan and Aztec cosmology.Humbatz Men, author of “Los Calendário”, talks about the coming “Light Age” at this stage and Barbara Marciniak, author of “Messengers of Dawn”, as well as astrologer Barbara H. Clow who wrote “The Pleiadian Agenda”, both received several channels on the subject and talk about the transformations that are taking place on our planet and the physical and psychic preparations we need to submit to to bring about a dimensional shift.Since the eighties, when the Earth began to enter the Photon Belt, we have been tuning into the fourth dimension and preparing to receive radiation from Alcione, fifth dimension star, archetypical zone of feelings and dreams, where contact with higher levels is possible of the Universe. The fourth dimension is emotional and not physical.The ideas generated in it influence and detonate the events in the third dimension, the blueprint of materialization. The four-dimensional sphere is governed by the planetary energies of our solar system, therefore the traffic through the ‘houses’ of the various planets positively or negatively affect our human personality according to Astrology.To realize this expansion of consciousness, it is necessary to clean up, both in the physical and emotional body, and transmute the elements of the second dimension to us aggregated, called “miasmas” responsible for the diseases in our body. ‘Miasmas’ are composed of etheric masses that carry genetic or past-life memories that have become embedded in us and are being intensely activated by the Photon Belt. Negative thoughts and states of turbulence such as anger, the desire for revenge, etc. , they also generate miasmas that cause energetic blocks in our body.Vegetarian food, massage, acupuncture, homeopathy, florals, meditation, yoga, tai chi, some dancing, etc are techniques that help release energies that move with the subtle body and open the channels of communication with other universal plans. Inter-dimensional connections are made through resonance and to survive in photonic radiation we have to tune into a new vibrational field. That is why it is important to have a healthy and natural diet, free of animal corpses or harmful chemicals, free of harmful addictions such as drugs, tobacco and alcohol and live more with nature, away from pollution and worldly negativity, dominating our own emotions and low feelings. Having good intentions is essential, as is being in a constant state of alertness to notice synchronicities and capture signs coming from other Spheres. According to Barbara Clow’s “Pleiadian Agenda”, the Photon Belt emits from the Galactic Center. Alcione, the Central Sun of the Pleiades, is eternally located inside the Photon Belt, activating its light spiraled throughout the Universe.We will soon be immersed in the “Age of Light” after a long period of Darkness that the Hindus call the ‘Kali Yuga’. The Photon Belt initiates this Age of Light. There are several ways for humanity to intensify its evolution, doing a work of transformation and cleaning of the subtle, mental and emotional bodies, developing universal consciousness, living more according to our true condition, being honest and pure of heart, increasing like this Our vibrational state at the level of the Earth itself that is adjusting to the core of the Cosmos.Each one must do their individual work allied with the collective of Humanity. Bodies that do not transform their energies will not be able to become incarnated within the third dimension, because the fourth dimension will be installed. And we will all rediscover our multidimensionalness and activate our dormant abilities after a long time inside the Galactic Night.The Earth’s intelligence will be catalyzed for the entire Milky Way and all these events have been recorded in the Great Mayan Calendar which is 26,000 years long and ended on the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2012, marking the Earth’s final entry into the Belt of Photons for 2000 years uninterrupted.This has nothing to do with the infamous “end of the World” that many were embracing in late 2012, but rather with necessary planetary changes and transformations that many will observe as the Earth shifts its axis. The “end of time” events that Jesus prophesied will come to fruition in this generation and a New Civilization will begin in which only the “elected” or the “chosen” will be part of it who have truly prepared to withstand the new energies of the Earth that will move to another dimension.
The Zero Point Perspective

Feeling Heated? – By Dr. Schavi M. Ali
🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥
Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities
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