The Grand SHIFT is Close! Crystalline Consciousness * Mary of Lemuria – Guardian of the Sacred Codes for the New Earth
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Cosmic Wayshowers of the Edenic Timeline Manifestation
We are in the Still Center between yesterday’s 111 Ascension gateway and tomorrow’s full moon in Cancer as we navigate in between worlds to make our Quantum Leap of Faith into the New Earth through the Eye of the Needle into our Exodus of our Promised Land of Eternal Life.
All our Starseeds Earth Angelics of the 144 are breaking free from all physical, emotional, energetic and mental constraints and false slavery systems to heal themselves and Gaia from all limiting programs of separation and duality and step fully into Cosmic Christos Unity Consciousness of the Universal One True Source Creator.
Pachamama received a powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Southern Mexico at 8:32 UTC bringing in the Codes of the New Lemuria Rising.
We also have a powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 189 Red Resonant Moon as Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun begin to vibrate with the Holy Fire of the Divine Masculine as we burn from the Fires from Within and clear and cleanse all that hinders our Great Awakening Paradise.
Keep shining your Illustrious Light Bright into the Shadow of the valley of death as we seek the Kingdom of Heaven within and become Christos Sophia Buddha Conscious Ones of the New Eden…A’Ho!
The Grand SHIFT is Close Enough that Most Humans Alive NOW Won’t Experience Physical Death!
Meditation Sacred Geometry
If you are reading this message, you are the activators of the higher timelines. This is your time of awakening. You hold the power within you not only to heal and uplift yourself, the light of your Soul can and is healing and uplifting the whole world. Rise beloved, for you are divine essence, divine light love in physical embodiment. This is your calling. You are the leaders of the new world. You are bringing the Crystalline Consciousness on Earth.
1/12/25: For 9 more days we continue to reconcile last year’s and this year’s energies and you will continue to swing back and forth between what you think you should be doing and what you might want to do while not being sure of either because you can’t really define a new direction but this year isn’t yet giving you specific guidance and details aren’t clear and that leaves you feeling kind of stuck and confused. You can’t go back but you can’t yet move fully forward. Right. So where does that leave you? With you. This time in limbo is meant to be spent on inner alignment and continuing to familiarize yourself with your own self-mastery. Don’t focus on externals. Find peace within yourself and the way will open naturally.
Matthew Creative
Mary of Lemuria – Guardian of the Sacred Codes for the New Earth
Mary of Lemuria, known as the Guardian of the Sacred Codes, carried the energetic blueprints for a world rooted in love, harmony and unity . Through her connection to the Earth’s crystal networks and cosmic forces , she transmitted these ancient codes, ensuring that they would one day awaken within humanity as we enter the New Earth age .
Your codes are keys to higher consciousness, activating the heart and realigning us with our true purpose. Mary’s presence helps unlock this wisdom within us, inviting us to co-create a world where peace and balance prevail .
For those who feel called out, your guidance awakens latent energies, opening the way to a new reality built on love, light, and limitless potential .
We are receiving the sweetest blessing of illumination and healing. Witness and welcome what will unfold during the next two weeks as the Sun moves forward. We are being blessed and rejuvenated by our Divine Parents
Upon this full moon the matter/anti-matter axis will be blessed with the energy of Christ.
We have been waiting for this and this sacred moment is here.
This is an unprecedented illumination of the portals and paths of the Kundalini by the Light of Christ!
This is why the children can now escape their personal hells.
The blessing is coming from the inner worlds, from underneath our realm, same as the solar plasma.
The Holy Mountain has emerged and now the Christ Love is emerging too and spreading through the Kundalini.
There has never been more joyful news!
Innocence, inner light and beauty of the soul and mind are returning.
There is a blissful energy spreading in the fields.
Love is here to restore everything!
Everyone will receive this blessing upon this full moon, whether they know it or not!
A reassurance of the Truth, all is well, all is healing!
Everything that is taking place now in the world is to help the masculine within all leave the dark mother and return and align to the Divine Mother.
Via his return, he will wake up and change the physical.
He is in deep transformation and realisation.
We are very close to the day of his return.
He is the Son of the Sun and he will wake up as this.
Nothing less, nothing more.
“And now I will show you the best Way of all.
If I speak all tongues of men and of angels, but speak
without love, I am no more than a noisy gong or clanging cymbal.
If I can prophesy and fathom all mysteries and knowledge and if
I have so much faith that I can move mountains, but have not
love, I am nothing. If I give all my possessions to the poor,
or even give my body to be burnt, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is never
boastful, nor conceited, nor rude. It does not insist on its own way.
It does not take offense, nor does it keep a record of wrongs.
Love does not enjoy evil doing but enjoys the truth. There is
nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope,
and its endurance.
Love never ends. Prophecy will cease. Tongues will be stilled.
Knowledge will fail. For we know in part and we prophesy in part,
but when the Fulfillment comes, the partial will be done away with.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I saw as a child, I thought
and reasoned as a child. When I became a man, I put away the things of a child.
Now all we can see of God is like a cloudy picture in a mirror, but then we shall see him face to face.
I do not know everything now, but then I will, just as God completely understands me.
In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope, and love:
but the greatest of them all is love.”
Blessings of bliss!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Dear friends, the energetic magnetic ripples of the first Full Moon of the year, occurring on Monday January 13th in the nurturing and emotional sign of Cancer are already being felt in the air. This particular moon brings a profound emphasis on family, roots, and our inner world. This lunar event illuminates our emotional landscapes, highlighting our deepest desires, needs, and vulnerabilities. As we navigate this Full Moon, we are invited to embark on a journey of emotional discovery and nurturing.
This is a time to honor our emotional bodies and nurture our inner worlds, allowing ourselves to feel, process, and release any emotions that arise. We’re also encouraged to connect with our family dynamics, cultural heritage, and ancestral lineage, acknowledging the ways in which these influences have shaped us. As we explore these connections, we may uncover emotional blockages and patterns that no longer serve us, and we’re invited to release these, making space for new, nourishing energies to emerge.
Through this process, we’re cultivating self-care, self-love, and self-compassion, essential qualities for navigating the transformative journey that lies ahead. As we integrate the energies of this Full Moon, we’re preparing ourselves for the upcoming New Moon, which marks the beginning of the Year of the Snake in the ancient Chinese energy calendar.
In this revered calendar, each year is represented by one of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, as well as one of the five elements. The Year of the Snake is a potent symbol of transformation, renewal, and spiritual growth, inviting us to shed our old skin, release what no longer serves us, and emerge anew.
The next two weeks, between the Full Moon and the New Moon on January 29, offer a potent window for introspection, release, and renewal. This period is akin to a sacred womb, where we are gestating new life, new possibilities, and new versions of ourselves. As we navigate this liminal space, we are invited to confront our deepest fears, insecurities, and limitations, and to transmute these energies into fuel for our growth and transformation.
During this time, we may experience a sense of disorientation, as if we’re suspended between two worlds. This is a natural part of the process, as we’re releasing old patterns, habits, and identities, and embracing new, unfamiliar energies. We’re encouraged to be patient, kind, and compassionate with ourselves, as we navigate this uncertain terrain.
As we process this week’s full moon lightcodes and later approach the New Moon on January 29, we’re building momentum for a powerful rebirth. By embracing the energies of this lunar cycle, we’ll be able to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the Year of the Snake with greater ease, emerging stronger, wiser, and more radiant than ever before.
This first Full Moon in Cancer is a beacon of hope and renewal, illuminating the path forward for the rest of 2025. As this lunar event bathes us in its nurturing light, we can expect a profound shift in our emotional landscapes, allowing us to release old wounds and embrace a deeper sense of self-love and compassion. This Full Moon sets the tone for a year of heartfelt connections, renewed family bonds, and a stronger sense of community and belonging. As we move forward into 2025, we can anticipate a growing sense of emotional intelligence, intuitive wisdom, and inner guidance, empowering us to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease, resilience, and joy. Have a wonderful week, and stay tuned for more updates as we walk together into the full 2025 energies.
For The Light Of Now Is Truly A Testament Of The Parallel Worlds In Alliance With Your New Light World.
For Time And The Evolutionary Clock Of Your Physical Dimension Is An Intrinsic Part Of Your Cellular Expression Now Awakening Within You.
An Evolutionary Pattern Encoded Within The Cellular Expression Of All Living Biologics, Within The Timeline Of Now.
As Each Hu-man Awakens To The Fabrication Of Now, It Truly Is A Domino Effect Of Vibrational Resonance Now Moving Through Your Light System Interconnected To All Beings.
For The Hu-man System Is In An Evolutionary Momentum Of Multidimensional Change
For The Disconnected Hu-man, This Is Difficult To See.
As Part Of This Great Light Alliance Now Interconnected To The Cosmic Frontier, The Cosmic Presence Now Reaching Your World
For Each Day Brings New Openings Of Multidimensional Light Now Intercepting The Physical Domain Of Your World.
We Ask You To Feel Into This
See The Great Legions Of Light Now Awakening
The Path Before You Is Multidimensional As We Collectively Weave The New Pathway For Others.
For The Cellular Crystalline Resonance Of Your Light Form Is Encoded In Light, Imprinted In The Physical Matrix Of Your World.
The Grand Metamorphosis Of Light Is Upgrading.
Your Crystalline Imprint Of Light Is Greatly Assisting The Crystalline Memory Encoded Within The Crystalline Memory Of Now.
Orchestrated by the Most High, Divine Unions are fulfilling their duty and missions for the 5D New Earth.
The Cancer Full Moon is burning away the dead wood out of the Family Tree of both the Divine Masculine and Feminine Christ’s Royal Bloodlines, that perpetrated Masculine Feminine separation.
It is the perfect astrological alignment to bring crystal clarity to both counterparts. For them to see where they have been deceived and stuck in betrayal, manipulation, guilt, shame, and fears.
These lower frequencies are being transmuted by the light. The Light is shining upon the mission that being in Union benefits us all within this Firmament.
Union fulfills God’s plans. This codex is here.
Hierogamic Divine Union Blueprints
Ra James
Today Mars in Cancer is Trine Saturn in Pisces. Saturn, is a wise old teacher. It represents responsibility, discipline, and karma. It represents the cycles of life. Everything that happens to us comes back as a lesson. Saturn puts us through challenges to see how we can overcome them. When Saturn is in Pisces it signifies a karmic focus on lessons related to setting boundaries and spiritual understanding. In the intuitive realm of Pisces we tap into the world of heightened intuition and deeper spiritual connections.
In the past you may have overly indulged into escapism, lacked clarity on your spiritual path, and struggled to set healthy boundaries with others. That means you’re now having to work at setting healthier boundaries, and really working on yourself spiritually, and taking better care of yourself emotionally. You should be now seeking a more spiritual path that guides you towards more clarity moving forward. Since Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac, it represents the end of a long journey.
It’s important that you’re letting go of any toxicity that is still holding you back. It’s important that you’re more focused on your spirituality and healing. Because in the past you struggled at setting healthy boundaries with others you accepted, or allowed more toxic behavior, and even people into your life. This led to codependent behaviors, which Saturn in Pisces is now encouraging you to take a deeper look at, and to address. Saturn in Pisces represents the end of a karmic cycle. You’re being guided to face past lessons that you need to wrap up karmically.
The karmic tests come from how you can navigate the waters of emotional depth, usually around your insecurities, and fears. Especially any lessons that you’re still repeating. It’s all about clearing out old karmic patterns. It’s time to dissolve what isn’t serving you and to integrate the lessons into your life. Saturn in Pisces is all about doing the inner work. When you heal and do that work you will tap into your higher purpose. Healing yourself helps you to shift into a better version of yourself. When we throw in Mars in Cancer we are being guided to slow down.
It’s meant to make you more aware of your own energy and how you’re feeling. It’s also meant to help you to be more mindful of other people’s boundaries they are trying to set with you. It’s important that you’re also respecting other people and their boundaries. Mars in Cancer brings a major focus to your relationships. It should be helping you to be more mindful of how you’re handling your own emotional energy and interacting in your relationships.
Mars is still Retrograde so it’s bringing a major healing in these areas…
On Sunday, January 12th, we have Mars, ruler of energy and forward movement, currently retrograde in water sign Cancer, in a positive trine aspect to Neptune, ruler of imagination and fantasy, in water sign Pisces. This can be a beautiful, flowing energy provided you do not try to force things. Just allow things to happen naturally and trust in what is unfolding.
As Mars moves back into the sign of Cancer, we are all revisiting situations, circumstances, feelings and emotions that have to do with home, family, nurturing, caretaking, connection, community, empathy and intuition. The magical energies of Neptune can gently dissolve what is not aligned for our highest good, and also produce miracles if you have faith and believe.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mars, ruler of energy and forward movement, currently retrograde in water sign Cancer
Mars retrograde in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces – Old, hot anger stirred up by Mars retrograde in long-remembering Cancer begins to cool and dissipate under Neptune’s influence. Forgiveness or acceptance rolls in, bringing waves of peace. The past is gone. What matters is what you do now. Relax. Let down your guard a little. Let life’s tides carry you awhile.
Intuition now is powerful, nudging you to respond. Be brave and follow your instincts. Selfless action is energising. Help those who cannot help themselves. Creative ideas bubble up from the unconscious, an invitation to set goals more aligned to your soul’s growth. Here is the classic signature of the spiritual warrior, the artist in retreat, the priest sheltering the needy. The oceanic tug of the universe reminds us of our interconnection. ‘You are family’ comes a whisper from across space and time. ‘Sit here by the fire and rest awhile.’
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number seven and its keywords are ‘Channel, Inspire and Attune’. We are right in the middle of the Blue Night wavespell and this is a Portal day. Today has the potential to be powerful but not as intense as some Portal days as the Moon’s energy is laid back. (unless you don’t surrender). The number seven is very intuitive and so trusting your gut feelings is highly recommended today. We are right in the middle now, of the wavespell of dreams. Time to consider how your plans are coming along and what you should do for the remainder of this 13 day journey. Because the middle day falls on the number seven, it’s handy that we take stock using our intuition – as the outcome is likely to be more successful.
Today is the Red Moon and it represents ‘Purify, Universal Water and Flow’. This is a really psychic day and if you use your natural intuitive abilities, you’ll flow in the right direction. Relax and simply go with it and you will find yourself pulled along with the tide…where that takes you who knows! Try to go against the flow and you will end up exhausted today. The combination of day and number is excellent as they both promote channeling and flowing.
The Guide today is Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing and Rebirth’. When the Dragon leads the way, we are encouraged to take care of each other. To withdraw if necessary, into a cave. As it is a Red Moon day and the Moon encourages us to relax, then this goes perfectly with the caring Dragon energy. The Dragon also represents new beginnings but as we are channeling today, and not forcing anything – any new beginnings are only possible if we just wait and see what the tide washes up.
The Challenge is the Blue Storm which likes to generate energy and influence big changes but this Stormy energy is weakened when in the challenge position meaning it will be hard to make big changes today. Resistance is futile, you must surrender to the Moon. If you are a Blue Storm you probably won’t like Red Moon days but they are good for you. Surrendering is something you need to practice anyway and so treat it like an opportunity to change your behavior.
The Occult power is the Yellow Human and this makes the whole day even more psychic! Human in the magical position means we become vessels for magical channeling. Expect something amazing to happen today.
The Ally is the White Dog who loves the Moon’s easy-going energy. If you want to hang out with someone who is great at chilling out, find a White Dog.
MANTRA I CHANNEL in order to PURIFY Inspiring FLOW I seal the process of Universal water With the Resonant tone of attunement I AM guided by the power of birth I AM a GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL ENTER ME!!
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority 2-Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 189 = 18= 9 – Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity/Grace
Day 7 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE. Where we are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality!
Today we are inspired to channel the intuitive and sensitive Goddess energies, becoming more fluid in order to b-Earth our Dreaming time in her Universal Waters. The WATERS of Nova Gaia have broken! B-Earth is imminent!!
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. A definition of attunement ‘is a kinesthetic and emotional sensing of others, knowing their rhythm, affect and experience by metaphorically being in their skin. Going beyond empathy, to create a two-person experience of unbroken feeling connectedness by providing a reciprocal affect and/or resonating response’. Wikipedia
Today we are supersensitive as we are attuned through our senses – the emotional “feeling” body. So we are super connected to our kin and FEELING the resonance of togetherness as one GLOBAL FAMILY, attuned to unconditional love and our collective Dream of Abundance..
Deeply TUNE IN today and FEEL what your body is sensing.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment. Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician giving you the MAJIK to channel LOVE and God’s GRACE in this pure DIVINE energy today.
What CHANNEL are you ATTUNED to today?
Today’s DREAMSPELL code is deeply Feminine, loving and POWERFULLY fluid in its FLOW – balancing the masculine and ACTIVE energies of the SUN through the past SOLSTICE portal.
We have both ACTIVE and RECEPTIVE energies at our disposal… an absolutely perfect opportunity to ATTUNE to these forces and CHANNEL them into any areas of our Planet that need gentle purification and harmonization through Divine Feminine nurturance and SOLAR illumination. Particularly in LA and California USA – may the universal waters of the Goddess cleanse the land, hearts and minds of all those affected by these horrific fires!
By taking responsibility for Gaia’s body as our own, we can powerfully affect great healing and balance through our heart resonance and loving intention….
So beloveds a divinely POWERFUL G.A.P. day to attune, channel and go with the nurturing and Abundant flow of life as we walk through these GOLDEN DOORWAYS together. .
Today’s question is “How can I allow these new energies to FLOW through my being, as we B-Earth a better life/world filled with prosperity and BLISS?
Divine blessings for attuning to the greatest FLOW of Universal Joy and Abundance.
In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Five GALACTIC SPINS ago (45 moons/months), KIN 189 aligned with the SOLSTICE portal on 21 JUNE 2021 – which brings forth the energies of that EVENT through the loop in TIME.. Extra potency adding to the G.A.P. today. We have the POWER of the GODDESS aligning and balancing the POWER of the SUN which is a masculine energy… a divine dance harmonizing the FLOW and BALANCE between the masculine and feminine forces.
It is very fitting that the RESONANT GODDESS is the first to greet us at the DOOR. HALLELUJAH BROTHORS and SISTARS we have arrived in the NEW TIME. Today is a VERY potent day for attuning to the feminine POWER of the Goddess to discover a NEW FLOW.
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED RESONANT MOON – MULUC Represents the GODDESS energies. MULUC heightens our intuition and sensitivity today enabling us to create the connections needed to bring in more FLOW.. The RESONANT tone super AMPLIFIES the sensitivities and psychic gifts of the our channel is cleared and fully conductive.
MULUC focuses on purification and gently releasing old energies. As it is an Emotional plane day, MULUC assists in purifying our emotional body, by clearing away any density. Purifying our thoughts, beliefs and programs and those of our Collective, in order to align with the Harmonic matrix and synchronic flow.
We can synchronize with the GAP portal – opening the VEIL through the corridors of TIME through the PAST SOLSTICE energies, releasing the DARKNESS and welcoming the LIGHT, as we invite the SUN to SHINE and the GODDESS to bring more FLOW into our lives.
Tune into the resonance of the undercurrents, what is happening in the unconscious realms. Open to the FLOW of Universal Waters to access pure consciousness allowing more Abundance to flow in.
The energies are pushing us to “GO WITH THE NEW FLOW” becoming softer and more fluid, allowing these Cosmic currents to FLOW through our vessels. Purify and release, allowing the GODDESS to attune your being and connect you to your feminine gifts once again.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED RESONANT DRAGON – IMIX represents Mother Goddess who births all of Creation as the feminine aspect of CREATOR. The wise Sophia Dragon tribe holds the codes to manifest in the Dreamtime.
IMIX is a deeply feminine energy, coupled with RED MOON we have the two sisters powerfully leading the energies today, which is very fitting on this GAP PORTAL NEW TIME GATEWAY..the old PATRIARCHAL system has fallen and the GODDESS rises on her THRONE.
It is a beautiful day for the Divine Feminine to ARISE in our Collective Minds.
IMIX is the nurturer, Nurturing the New Consciousness that is based on more PURE realities. As the SUN RISES today we can birth a NEW REALITY! A brighter future for all, as a new day dawns and a new Golden Era is born.
Today we CHANNEL all that is revealed on the path to realizing our collective DREAM. Birthing greater response-ability within ourselves, and choosing to co-create in a new and caring manner, nurturing our fluid and pure common union with ourselves and others. Going with the flow of the most pure intelligence, agenda-free community, birthing more sensitive and compassionate tribes so that we can collectively B-EARTH a better world. HALLELUJAH!
SUPPORT: WHITE RESONANT DOG – OC What is the GODDESS without LOVE? These two go together like two peas in a pod. OC is a loyal companion to the Goddess, embodying the divine feminine qualities of pure, unadulterated, unconditional love. Holding the qualities of forgiveness, compassion and devotion to Spirit through Service to others. Inspiring others to do the same with open loving hearts.
As we merge into ONENESS through the DREAMTIME, anchoring the collective Dreaming in the pure perfection of Divine Love throughout our timeless receptivity. OC reminds us to see and feel everything through our hearts and the eyes of LOVE, purifying our thoughts and emotions, to only hold loving thoughts for the good of all as we EXPAND, endlessly floating on these fluid channels of BLISS.
It is very fitting that WHITE DOG is supporting THE GODDESS today, walking side by side bringing forth the LOVE CODES and birthing a New Era of LOVE.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RESONANT HUMAN – EB represents learning through past experience, and making WISER choices, using our intelligence to choose a better world. And what a BRILLIANT day to have this energy as our SUPERPOWER – the whole AGENDA and purpose behind this day aligning with DIVINE WILL and the DIVINE PLAN for HUMANITY. Making THE BEST CHOICES for ALL HUMANITY!
We can CHOOSE to FEEL, react and behave differently, uniquely and progressively, with a new focus on anchoring the DREAM through re-union and Service to GOD, Humanity and our Planet.
The RESONANT Human is very strongly connected to GOD/GODDESS/SPIRIT through FULL alignment with Divine Will – channeling the messages and being a divine conduit. TRUST the DIVINE PLAN.
Through purifying the archaic patriarchal system and its control mechanisms, we can reclaim our Collective POWER by listening to our Earth Mother and her waters and going with the FLOW of our own PURE instinct. Elevating our Collective MIND so that we can manifest the Collective dream of Abundance in the New time. Choosing to share our Abundance with others, in the cycle of giving and receiving – inflow and outflow, continuous flow. Unifying our free will with the Will of spirit and the GODDESS!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE RESONANT STORM – CAUAC is today’s GIFT, working synergistically with MULUC to cleanse, PURIFY and transform your LIGHT-BODY elevating you to pure SOPHIA/CHRISTOS consciousness.
The RESONANT STORM is very strongly attuned to transformation and catalyzing these revolutionary energies for self generation. CAUAC is the catalyst to transform the old and co-create the expansion of the ever-expanding Harmonic of the Divine and elegant design of PURE consciousness. Transforming our world into a loving and nurturing planet.
Allow the Universal waters of the GODDESS and MULUC to harmonize with BLUE STORM and powerfully transport you to a new Divine and Abundant reality of PURE HEAVENLY BLISS.
Today’s DREAMSPELL code is deeply Feminine, loving and POWERFULLY fluid in its FLOW – balancing the masculine and ACTIVE energies of the SUN through the past SOLSTICE portal.
We have both ACTIVE and RECEPTIVE energies at our disposal… an absolutely perfect opportunity to ATTUNE to these forces and CHANNEL them into any areas of our Planet that need gentle purification and harmonization through Divine Feminine nurturance and SOLAR illumination. Particularly in LA and California USA – may the universal waters of the Goddess cleanse the land, hearts and minds of all those affected by these horrific fires!
By taking responsibility for Gaia’s body as our own, we can powerfully affect great healing and balance through our heart resonance and loving intention….
So beloveds a divinely POWERFUL G.A.P. day to attune, channel and go with the nurturing and Abundant flow of life as we walk through these GOLDEN DOORWAYS together. .
Today’s question is “How can I allow these new energies to FLOW through my being, as we B-Earth a better life/world filled with prosperity and BLISS?
Divine blessings for attuning to the greatest FLOW of Universal Joy and Abundance.
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
“Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Moon”
Join us under the nurturing light of the Full Moon for a transformative healing ceremony and guided meditation. This sacred practice is designed to help you release old energies, connect with your inner self, and align with the powerful lunar vibrations. Embrace this moment to cleanse, recharge, and awaken your spirit. 🌕✨
Perfect for those seeking peace, clarity, and renewal during the Full Moon’s illuminating energy. Don’t forget to bring your favorite crystals, journal, or simply your open heart.
In the name of the Divine Creator, the Infinite Source of All That Is, I call forth the radiant frequencies of Crystalline Light Consciousness to awaken and illuminate every aspect of my being.
By the authority of my Higher Self and the eternal spark of divinity within me, I decree:
I AM a vessel of pure crystalline light, aligned with the highest frequencies of love, unity, and truth.
I AM embodying the clarity and perfection of divine crystalline consciousness in every cell, thought, and action.
I release all illusions, distortions, and lower vibrations, allowing them to dissolve into the infinite light of creation.
I anchor the energies of the New Earth within my heart, radiating balance, harmony, and peace to all beings.
I awaken my crystalline DNA, activating my divine potential and stepping fully into my soul’s mission.
I call forth the guidance of the Ascended Masters, Angels, and Galactic Beings of Light to support me on this journey.
I AM a beacon of light, shining brightly in service to the upliftment of humanity and the Earth.
Beloved Crystalline Light, I now embody your brilliance, allowing it to transform and elevate my reality. As I align with this frequency, I co-create a world of infinite love, unity, and divine harmony.
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