Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Divine Sovereign Conscious Co-Creators of 5D New Earth
Through the Lionsgate Portal we are bridging in the Leonian Energies of the Threefold Flame of the Crystalline Core of our Being.
Our local Solaris continues to fire off one after another C Class Flare today and two more M Class Solar flares with the most powerful of the day maxing at M 1.98 at 9:51 UTC. We also witnessed multiple spikes of white light on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 19 hz, 21 hz and a big blast of light at 65 hz. Fifth dimensional energetics anchoring in! As the Gamma Plasma waves continue to pour into this realm through the Great central Sun from the most High, Gaia and all her Children of the Sun continue to get flooded with Solar Christos Sophia Codes of our Dragon Kingdom of the resurrection of all Life.
In the Awakened Mind of Buddha we reach the Natural State of being at one with the Tao and in total Pure Awareness walk the Sacred Middle Path with Heart. In the Oneness of all Life we merge Heaven with Earth through the Clear Light of Bliss and Laugh our Way to Freedom. We release and let go all that hinders us on our mission of Salvation in the Light and bring all our Hearts desires to complete fruition in the tangible realm of Physical Manifestation.
With the Purity and the Grace of the Holy Spirit we release our Good People from bondage of Samsara and turn the Wheel of Dharma to Shine the Truth into the Quantum Field of Infinite Creative Potential. We are on the precipice of our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo – Luminous , Light Rainbow Bodies of New Eden on Earth…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 27°48′ Scorpio, Sun at 4°34′ Leo
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Rock formations tower over a deep canyon.
Sabian Symbol for 5º Leo
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 5º Leo.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
The king of the fairies approaching his domain.
Sabian Symbol for 28º Scorpio
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 28º Scorpio.
..Atlantian timelines overlapping for full integration. These frequencies bringing about lightning bolt purging, extreme dizziness-vertigo, as well as disorientation. Density held within the previous timelines being flushed, fractal retrieval from ancient incarnations/ timelines as well as convergence with future parallel realities. Happy Lions Gate, Galactivations appear to be affecting the DF first..DM will follow. The field is poppin’!!!
Lion and the Goddess
Changes are imminent. The new paradigm is here. It just needs to be solidified into our reality to be lived in. We have done this Work before, working with the Master Plan of Source Creator. It is the Thy Will Be Done Plan. The blueprint is inside us. We need to access It. This is the inside to outside plan. This is the Great Ask at this moment in our trajectory. We need to totally cleanse and clear our containers so Source can use them to do the Work necessary for Planetary Ascension. Blessings, Nadja
The month of July will once again give the chance to those who wanted to get out of the matrix…
Many are still there, many are resistant, the matrix holds them very strongly in their fears…
The passage of 08-08 of the lion aligned with the sphinx will propel us even higher into the 4th dimension which gives the chance to synchronize the 5th dimension into a higher level of organic / mineral consciousness.
From my perspective things are changing little by little, becoming more and more detached from matter and its requirements that I had to fulfill towards human beings for my own continuation which will be done differently.
There are a few days left before 08-08, continue being as much as possible in silence turned towards self and expanding the heart.
There is WITHIN YOU a MAGIC unique to you alone- a MAGIC you knew you carried with you, but may have forgotten.
Could it be that the rumblings inside you that you mistake for anxiety, restlessness, or even fear, are but the sparkles of this MAGIC WITHIN YOU – bubbling up from within you in a call to remembrance?
Perhaps it is not “fear” you are feeling, but an energetic sensation that is simply pointing you to something magnificent…
Perhaps as you release the “idea of fear,” and as you breathe deeply and feel ever deeper into your HEART…
you will discover something you had forgotten you have been missing…
7/27/23: July has tried to relieve you of old entanglements, habits, roles, and even certain aspects of your identity. And you, most likely, are not a fan. In fact, you’ve probably struggled to maintain the status quo in most cases… because this is what we do. But all of nature reveals the opposite. Seasons change, fire cleanses, adversity promotes strength and ingenuity, everything transforms, and nothing is permanent. Today is another day of liberation to help you let go and grow… to let your mind wander and wonder. What would it feel like if…? If I didn’t have to worry, support, stress, maintain. Your Right Action is to not fear your answers. It’s said that we are more afraid of success (authenticity) than failure (conformity). Don’t let this be true for you.
To a world that has fallen away so far from the Truth.
Because of the deep fall of humanity, the Truth is now being disseminated through the morphogenic field introduced through teachings, practices, and worldly outlets.
What is important now is the embodiment of this Truth and the level of Consciousness to the highest, divine spectrum level of Consciousness. Where all cease to exist and the only perception of subjects and objects without assigning any meanings or conceptualizing.
That divine level of Consciousness allows the realization that there is nothing outside of the Self; there is no world or cosmos, and there is no separation and multiplicity of beings. All that the mind perceives is an illusion, a dream. There is only One Creative Consciousness.
This is phenomenal post about what is occurring between Venus and Us. It is all about Love. A re-birth of Higher Love through Venus. I will post a part of it here.
Happening on the fifth day of Venus’ first complete retrograde in Leo since 1812, today’s meeting between the Love Goddess and the Messenger is the boon the Cosmos is giving Venus — and you — on the ancient and timeless retrograde journey through which Love recreates itself as a cosmic force. Since July 22 (or 23, depending on your time zone), Venus has been going down, not up. She’s on her way beneath the visible reality to the invisible one, where reality is created.
There, in just eight more days, she will reach the shining light at the heart of the darkest hour.
Alone and of sight, Venus will burn away the old form and patterns through which she has known herself — within and around you. In a moment born of complete trust in the Great Mystery, she will say the ultimate Y E S, and conceive a seed of new and never-before Love — a Love that is not just equal to the challenges of these uncertain times, but greater.
That conjunction between retrograde Venus and the Sun is still 17 days away. Today, though, Venus is gifted with a rare and potent boon — and so are you. It’s the ability to see with new eyes, mystical and inspired, creative and powerfully transforming. It’s the capacity to be the change that happens in the chrysalis and the alchemical container called the human heart. It’s Love, unfettered and set free into your heart, your life, and our burning, broken world.
No planet is nearer to Earth than Venus. And when she’s retrograde, she’s as close as she gets. The magic happening today is looking for places to spread. No container is more alchemical than the human heart. All you have to say is YES.
Next few days are packing some extra heat, so listen up…
If you dare step outside, just after sunset, you might spot VENUS, now stationary at 28º Leo. She forms a YOD (“finger of god”) opposite NEPTUNE/PLUTO, two of the most extraterrestrial known planets, currently locked in a sextile that’ll hold steady for another decade or so.
In just 24 hours, VENUS will be conjunct her innermost brother, MERCURY, right at the apex of this YOD, forming a celestial union that shuttles in interdimensional ideas, feelings, perceptions, and impressions, offering us a unique window to bridge the infinitely unknown mysteries of the universe with our own infinitely perplexing inner journeys.
Meanwhile, the first-quarter Scorpio Moon will have directly opposed URANUS, still in Taurus, holding a weird earthspace for these otherworldly transmissions…
Dear family of love and light, the Divine has a quick message for the light workers.
The Divine says that the Divine and the company of heaven are still carrying out special Divine intervention and operation. The purpose of the special Divine intervention and operation is to remove the old energies that have caused huge damage to the Divine plan and twin flames. The Divine says so far, the Divine intervention is working well. Huge amount of the old energies have been removed from the planet. The healing and mending of some twin flames already started. The Divine and the company of heaven are pleased with the progress.
The Divine asks light workers to keep up the good work and know that the Divine is working to take care of the matter. The Divine plan is working well. The Divine and the company of heaven have plans and the plans will be carried out one after another. The Divine is in control. All is well indeed.
The Divine encourages light workers to keep the vibration high and know that all is well indeed. Thank you for your powerful love and light and support. Divine love for you always.
Linda Li, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.
I am here, I am all around you. Many of you feel me near, many of you do not and are locked out a few frequencies away, heart tight. Open your hearts. Open to the light around you, to the light that is coming and the light that is here. Many will see, many will not but will know that a shift has occurred. There is nothing to fear. Only love will remain for those who have chosen to partake of love.
I am love in light form. I am the out-breath of Source Creator. Many will see as they wish to see. Some will see destruction, others images of saints on clouds. Whatever you resonate with or expect to see and feel you all will see and feel. As is fitting for the culmination of a matrix hologram. Many of you balk at these words. How else then do you define reality? Is reality only what is solid, what you can feel? Holograms can be solid. Is reality only what you remember? You remember things differently in dreams, dreams are like catching fluids thinking they are solids and they quickly drain through, yet are they not real when you are experiencing them? Then perhaps only experience is reality. In which case you all have had too many experiences of reality to count. Reality is where you place your focus. As Source creator beings, you have the power and influence to create your reality, you have heard this. But many of you do not fully understand the implication of this. You will.
This one asked to speak with the solar flash, or the love wave, or the great change wave, whatever you wish to call me. I am the energy behind it, of it. I am assisting to direct this wave. I am Immanuel, in lightwave form, assisting the light, directing and guiding it. There has been much lack of light on your planetary sphere, and the people need their hearts refilled with light again. This is in part my duty to make this light available, as celestial orchestrator, and it is also in part your duty, dear ones, dear friends, to open your hearts to it. Do not despair. Do not lose hope. Do not lose your heart. Keep it close within you, opening, opening up more and more in to these energies of light that are pummeling your globe.
I wish for you to know how much you are loved, how much love is in these words, I wish for you to feel this. Creator wishes for you to bask in the warmth of love, and this is in part what the love wave will feel like. It will feel like a wall, a wave, of immersive, submersive, illuminating, joyful love. It will feel like home. You have been missing home, you feel this, and for those of you such as this one who can feel deeply, being on a planetary realm of darkness and strife can be overwhelming, overbearing. And it is easy to shut it off. (He is showing me a light switch flicking off, and now a light switch on a beating heart.) Keep the light switches on of hope in your hearts. Dear friends, you are frustrated, and you wish to know your purpose. Your job. I see that you have been all doing your jobs magnificently. You are holding the light, so that the love wave has a place to ground, so that it will not be such a shock, such a jarring discord difference of frequency. You are keeping the planet from blowing up, quite literally, as all is frequency, you are keeping the frequency high enough that the love wave that I am directing, will be met with similar frequency. You are showing love to those in your lives, you are bridging the gap. And I couldn’t be any more proud of you.
This year has had many changes, many burstings of change, many of which you cannot see. It does not mean that they are not there, that they have not happened. You will see many holographic images of people who have been charged and are no longer on your planet, but appear on your news or social media, because images can be manipulated. They have been manipulated all the time on your sphere. It is easy for the galactics to swap out a dark hat and use their image of charisma and influence to create awareness of a certain issue, to help wake those up who would be drawn to that 3d image. Do you see that this is happening?
I wish for tonight, or this morning’s message to be one of encouragement, of codes. Envelop yourself in the light of Source. Bubble up, it is a worthy saying and image to practice. It is a hug of light. Light finds light. Be an open receiver for this light. I am sending codes of home, of love, of belonging, all of which you have missed in this incarnation. You have deeply missed your space homes, your galactic beloveds. And it is easier sometimes to flip the switch and say “I’m not going to feel that today.” And then the days stretch into years and the joyful spark of your life is gone, and you have forgotten your purpose. No, please don’t do this. Please remember your calling, to hold the light, to be the light, to be a receptor for the light to ground.
Source Creator will not let this project be anything but 100% perfected, and the time is now, is here. This light wave that I am managing, is unlike any I have ever experienced. As Celestial Orchestrator, I have orchestrated many beautiful celestial events. (He is showing me the guiding of galaxies to collide and form something new, or to keep them from colliding, I am seeing rainbows of light in space, I am hearing colors of all rainbow hues around planets humming, singing. There is definitely music in space.) Yes, galaxygirl. There is liquid in space. There are all kinds of things in space that you will enjoy discovering. You are on a short mission here, a human life is short, very short. Too short. But this will not always be the case. With the light upgrades humankind will be have to choose what length of duration they wish to experience, there is much to look forward to. There is much to be excited about.
Remember this journey has seemed arduous, very long, grueling even, and painful. We know this and we all see your tenacity and applaud you. But it is really only a moment in your long eternal line of moments, and many of them have been joyful ones. This aspect of your multidimensional self is becoming available to you. Pick moments of joy from your other experienced moments, if you feel no joy in your current life. And it will fill you up. It is all available to you now, you are just realizing it. In this now is a download of accessibility, of your grand self. Bring your own joy towards you. And bring the light. As magnets of this light you are changing your world, and your solar system and this of course results in the upgrade of your known universe.
All is well. I Immanuel, Celestial Orchestrator of events known and unknown am at your service. I am sending you downloads of energies that are to be quite useful in the coming months. You are all that you need. You are what you seek. And now you have found it. You might not yet quite know what to do with it all but you will be guided. Feel the size of you increase now . (I am looking at my arms and I am seeing them flash between many forms.) It is all you. You are the size of space. You are space. You are everything. We are one. You are also Source in form of expression. The illusion is no more. I am Immanuel. I send you my love. I am with you always.
It’s important to trust your inner guidance and power. You may be scared to see how powerful and gifted you really are. Acknowledge and receive this truth about yourself. Release the negative energies that told you otherwise. It’s over.
The life you love is grounding and growing. You’ve asked for this and have been diligently releasing the limitations so you can receive this as your reality. Keep believe and receiving. Embrace and nourish creating this beautiful new lifestyle for yourself and family this weekend.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
“Nothing big ever happens, good or bad, unless the floor falls out first.” Jeanette LeBlanc
A wake- up call!
Over the next few days, you might start noticing something in your life that initially appears to be a tiny crack rapidly turning into an earthquake fault line……..
Akin to a perfect storm, Pluto is exactly at odds with the Node of Fate at 29 Aries-for the first time since the last Aries eclipse in 2006; Mercury is trine the Node of Fate; Venus is stationing retrograde at 28 Leo just as the volatile geo-cosmic shock window opens between July 29 – August 4 around the seismic Super Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1st.
For the next 18 months, in whichever form it plays out for you, the Node of Fate/eclipses in Aries will demand every ounce of your emotional intelligence, life experience, trickster savvy and courage to forge your own path amidst the chaos.
Aries is a Fire sign ruled by Mars – literally epitomized by the raging wildfires in Europe -be prepared for some equally intense emotional firefighting
Time to put on your spiritual warrior, super woman or tiger mother outfit…
Art by Kelley Hunter
Pluto is exactly at odds with the Node of Fate at 29 Aries
Happy Venus retrograde conjunct Mercury day! The Star Code for this lovely conjunction is magnificent:
Mercury and Venus are conjunct at 28° Leo.
7.27.2023 adds up to 23 – the “Royal Star of the Lion” number.
In 2023, this powerful 23:23 code invokes supreme confidence and courage.
Many significant opportunities arise as a result.
You easily communicate with depth, daring and caring – appreciating others with your words.
Venus-infused artistic and creative gifts awaken within you the courage to uplift others without fear or self-consciousness.
Social interactions are beautifully supported.
Love is expressed easily.
Negotiating power is enhanced, helping contracts and transactions.
This is truly a gentle, spiritual merging of Mercury and Venus retrograde – and LEO ensures that caring and compassion are felt and generously appreciated.
As a result, you feel GOOD because your sweet nature is freely expressed…
This awakens an enthusiasm to keep doing more of the same!
A conjunction between two or more planets is a reminder that you are not separated but joined with Source. Thinking otherwise makes life very confusing, as amnesia blocks your memory of truth.
Your awakening is to dissolve the amnesia, allowing reality to flood into your awareness, filling your heart once more with infinite peace and joy!
There are NO Limits to Love, since Love has no boundaries of any kind.
It just IS.
And you have total freedom to experience existence in any way you want to.
On Thursday, July 27th, logical Mercury, the Messenger, joins with beautiful Venus, the Goddess, as they both travel through Leo the Lion. Mercury, ruler of thoughts, ideas, perceptions, messages and communication has a “take charge” attitude with what he wants to express. Venus, who is retrograde at the moment, has a softer approach, although she is strong and passionate in her own right. She wants to be loved and appreciated and will show you how that should happen. Later in the day, Eastern Time, mental Mercury will create an inconjunct to powerful Pluto, the Transformer. Death and rebirth of the old ways of thinking, perceiving and interacting will begin to happen. This will support the evolution of a new way of recognizing and sharing what is in your heart. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, the Messenger, joins with beautiful Venus, the Goddess
Mercury conjunct Venus retrograde in Leo and quincunx Neptune in Pisces – This is the first major aspect since Venus stationed retrograde. What’s in the heart comes bursting out of the mouth or bubbling up in the imagination. Words tumble unchecked, a riot of feeling, all shades of meaning and nuance. But words also fall short of the enormity of the felt sense. Maybe we try to explain, untangle, clarify but some ideas are still emerging, a speck on the horizon wavering like a mirage.
With the mind alight with ideas, memories tug at the heart…remember when? And we’re off on another tangent, restless, uncertain, a stream of consciousness endlessly running to the sea. Questions seem to come out of nowhere. What’s important to me? Why does this matter so much? The struggle is that little seems to make sense and yet somewhere in the midst of it, everything makes sense! We can feel it, the little light, the lion’s roar of the heart guiding us. Go upstream, back to the source, back to your soul. There you will find the clarity you’re looking for.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 27°Le30′, Neptune 27°Pi30′ R – 04:59 (BST)
White Overtone Wizard coded the day of the first Cosmic History Transmission on March 13, 2002.
“The present superconscious activation is the direct consequence of engagement with the Sirius Council of Nine. These are the archetypal form signatures whence emanate the BolonTiku, or Nine Lords of Time and Destiny.
As the Sirius Council is the highest coordinating level of order within this galaxy, it is the originating point of all of the spiritual information streams that have penetrated (and continue to penetrate) the dense mental environment of V24.3. The galactic masters, including all the great prophets, seers and visionaries, are frequency nodes within the Sirius system.”
‘Rhythmic’ is the name for number six and its keywords are ‘Organize, Balance and Equality’. Day six of a wavespell is about addressing imbalances and organizing your life. Think practically today and get it all sorted out. It helps if you get into a rhythm and so, put on some music and strut your stuff. This will put you in the mood necessary to tackle things in a balanced way without the stress. Equality is another key characteristic and this represents the equilibrium we restore when we address imbalance. When we organize our space, our mind follows suit. Have you ever noticed how lighter you feel when you have finished tidying up? Energy flows better when your environment is organized and the same goes for your brain.
Today is Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity, Vision and Mind’. The Eagle sees things from a bird’s eye view which symbolizes stepping back and considering the bigger picture. This vision can help you make choices or inspire you creatively. As it is a Rhythmic day, organizing creativity would be a great idea and this can mean being creative with your organizing challenges or this can mean literally organizing some creativity such as booking an art class, or buying tickets online for a show etc.
The Guide today is also Blue Eagle and so a double helping of this perceptive energy. (The first, sixth and eleventh days are always guided by their own power doubled.)
The Challenge is Red Serpent which is the symbol of the base chakra, whereas the Eagle is the symbol for the crown chakra. These two powerful totems can be linked through mediation techniques and when these two chakras connect, enlightenment is said to be reached. Symbolically, when the serpent is challenged, raising energy up from the base chakra to connect to Eagle’s crown chakra is very difficult. When too much energy stirs in the Serpent but it has nowhere to go, this can lead to sexual frustration or too much grounding. As today is a number six day and that represents balancing, this is a great opportunity to focus on balancing those chakras.
The Occult power is the White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. When in this position, Worldbridger offers opportunities to cross bridges to magical realms. We stumble upon open doors and we find ourselves in unexpected places. The Eagle and the Worldbridger have this magical connection. The Eagle flies ahead and locates the Bridges, and in turn the Worldbridger offers a chance to cross over to a place where visions occur. Do you wish to fly high to a new level of understanding?
The Ally is Yellow Seed which symbolizes sowing awareness. If you need a friend today, the knowledgeable Yellow Seed is great to have around. If you are one, expect to be asked for advice. For those poor folk who are not lucky enough to have a clever Yellow Seed in their lives – do what they would do and research, research, research!
KIN 175 = 13 = 4 – Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
A powerfully PROPHETIC day of SEEING the BIG PICTURE for humanity.
KIN 175 occurred 18 months ago on 22 FEBRUARY 2022 which was the 22222 PORTAL!! This day also marked a very significant astrological EVENT as described below, – the USA PLUTO RETURN !!
9 months ago from this potent anniversary – we had an ECLIPSE PORTAL with the USA Election – on November 8th, which was technically today – 9 November in the Southern Hemisphere – when the BREAKING NEWS is announced. SNAP CRACKLE POP.
How divinely PERFECTO that our GLOBAL evolution follows such synchronic cycles… – NOTING is BY CHANCE!!!
Day 6 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering all that has been denied and unloved. Healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE!
Today we are diving deep in order to discover the BIGGER PICTURE of what is really in our HEARTS and even more particularly WHO is in our HEART. Organizing and balancing our physical reality to create our innermost Heart’s desires and that of the collective.
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today is a great day to find BALANCE in your life, using your VISION to uncover where LOVE is not flowing in your life. Finding compassion for all beings in order to ENVISION equality for all beings. Reflecting on your DREAMS and desires to organize for greater balance. It is time to allow your DREAMS to surface and flow through you, bringing them forth into your PHYSICAL REALITY!
I’ll bring all your DREAMS ALIVE
Today’s question is “How can I organize my life to create more balance and BLISS, as revealed through the greater VISION?”
Can we collectively CREATE this NEW WORLD we are DREAMING?
Divine blessings for organizing and seeding our wondrous, beautiful, MAGNIFICENT rainbow VISIONS today.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Here is a RECAP of my post, 2 spins ago for KIN 175.
Pluto will reach 27 degrees Capricorn on February 22, 2022. And that’s the degree and sign it was in during the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776, which many people consider the birth of the modern-day United States.
Astrologers are considering this the U.S.’s personal Pluto return, and because Pluto is known for shaking up current dynamics and pushing them to crumble — all to allow them to be put back together in a restorative way that aligns with the status quo — they are predicting that the country may undergo some major changes, hopefully for the better. SOURCE:…/us-pluto-return-astrology…
Today 22 FEB 2022 the USA will experience its PLUTO return.. and synchronistically the MOON today is in the zodiac sign of SCORPIO which is ruled by PLUTO. PLUTO is the great transformer taking us into the underworld to face our SHADOW in order to shine a LIGHT in the darkness. The shadow side of SCORPIO relates to POWER, control, greed, lust, addictions, secrets and mystery. This combination is potent in exposing and transforming the corruption and abuse of power that has risen in the USA (and our world) this alignment of codes today – is MIRACULOUS bringing the panacea that humanity needs to finally dissolve this shadow world that has kept humanity enslaved.
EDITOR’S NOTE! The ECLIPSED FULL MOON was in TAURUS, and the SUN was in SCORPIO which is ruled by PLUTO – thus the PLUTONIAN themes of DEATH, REBIRTH and RESURRECTION were potently amplified through the URANUS – planet of sudden change, squaring the SCORPIO SUN!
That was THEN – this is NOW – the moon is in SCORPIO AGAIN!!! So we revisit those Scorpionic themes once more – but as we have now commenced the OVERTONE WIZARD YEAR – it is TIME TO CRUSH those THEMES!!!!
The EAGLE is the symbol for the USA and interesting enough each GALACTIC SPIN we have had a marker referencing a connection to the USA… absolutely fascinating…
What DE-LIGHTS will the DOUBLE EAGLE in-SIGHT bring to LIGHT today??????
This MAGNIFICENT EAGLE enables us to GET ORGANIZED so that we can PERFECT our VISION and CREATE a BALANCED world where all MEN are EQUAL! (Note MEN is the MAYAN word for EAGLE!)
Get out your crystal ball and scrying tools as you have DIRECT access to solutions and revelations today.
BLUE EAGLE holds the power of VISION, his vision sees far beyond the MIND of humanity. BLUE EAGLE is the SEER who has the ability to translate the Planetary Mind and holds the perfected blueprint for humanity.
Today is a DIVINE GIFT for the Planetary Mind to AWAKEN and discover a Higher path. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
Our collective GLOBAL MIND is being transformed and SWITCHED to one of empathy and compassion for our global COMMUNITY.
“BLUE EAGLE is the compassion of all hearts linked as one. BLUE EAGLE is the essence of dawn – clear, fresh, and newly charged to fulfill your most cherished dreams. With unconditional love, BLUE EAGLE pierces the depths of collective hopelessness and LIFTS MASS CONSCIOUSNESS. It urges the alliance of the faithful of the stars to serve through their remembrance of the LIGHT. “
SOURCE: The Mayan Oracle – Ariel Spilsbury
Today we have tremendous energies to examine the PAST, the present and look far into the future for problem solving and future planning.
The harmonic wisdom of BLUE EAGLE is FREEDOM and flow, representing smooth, uninterrupted movement. BLUE EAGLE is the flow of planetary consciousness. In this evolutionary development, whatever serves the larger pattern also serves you. In this, there is a model of flowing wholeness, of how to move gracefully with yourself and the greater whole.
BLUE EAGLE gives the cosmic dancer wings. It asks you to fly, riding the magical currents of your life with the VISION and grace of a soaring eagle. BLUE EAGLE gives you greater perspective to see on both sides of the coin, revealing the bigger picture, patterns, resources needed, and solutions to your problems, in order to come back to balance and wholeness.
The energy of BLUE EAGLE gives you the ability to flow in every moment, without preconceived ideas, plans, or belief systems, creating the crest of the wave on which you surf to new heights of joy and delight! You have the vision of the Eagle. Believe in your dreams. You are the hope and the vision revealed.
This is an opportune day to expand your psychic powers of clairvision, remote viewing and manifesting through VISUALIZATION. Clearing, opening and upgrading your 3rd eye/pineal chakra.. It is important that you hold the DREAM in your mind’s eye, in order to bring it forth into your reality.
Today humanity is ORGANIZING to CREATE a world of EQUALITY and BALANCE for all global citizens. What a VISION!
SUPPORT: YELLOW RHYTHMIC SEED KAN – Get ready to AWAKEN and GROW, it is time to get out of your comfort zone. Be willing to break open the constraining shells of past patterns, the shackles of belief structures. This involvement frees and awakens the powerful energy of the life force, shifting your perceptions and experience, catalyzing the manifestation of your dreams.
How BRILLIANT that the supporting energy today is organizing for this GREAT AWAKENING on this momentous day! GRAND RISING dear STAR BLISS SUNS as we AWAKEN in the DAWN of a NEW GALACTIC YEAR.
We gather with our kin to focus and organize the cocreation of the bigger picture, the NEW TIME. Move forward into the LIGHT of new possibilities, to realize your Highest potential and tap into greater opportunities.
YELLOW SEED provides the ripening power for our VISIONS to be planted and blossom. The VISIONS that come forth, need to be ACTIONED, creating the new beginnings for our new projects, career and creations. Offer your dream-seeds to the universe.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE GALACTIC WORLDBRIDGER CIMI beckons us to be DEVOTED to the transformation to the NEW TIME and new World we are cocreating. Surrendering our MIND into the power of our Heart’s calling. Allowing our new thoughts to connect us through the new Crystalline web of consciousness.
WORLDBRIDGER seals the store of DEATH – marking the closure of the old world – in tandem with PLUTO and SCORPIO the Masters of DEATH. Completion and ENDINGS – heralding the transformation of the old energy into the LIGHT of a NEW DAY – A new beginning.
CIMI is the bridge taking us from the old, into the NEW 5D timeline and realm. Absolutely PERFECTO codes today!
GALACTIC CIMI beckons us to ensure the Bigger Picture we are focusing on is for the HIGHEST GOOD– that our VISION is aligned with integrity and truth!
In the NEW TIME we are motivated by humanitarianism, (activated through the 27/
9 day coding!) rather than selfish egoic fulfillment. We choose to treat all beings as EQUALS, honouring and respecting them.
CIMI allows for teams and communities in our GLOBAL AVIARY to come together, grounding our sense of family and sharing our VISION. Collectively we can all hold the global vision for our new world, new systems, innovative technologies and ideas and better ways of living.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED RHYTHMIC SERPENT CHICCHAN represents the reptilian brain. This part of the brain thrives on routine, pattern and predictability. If you are in the shadow of RED SERPENT, you may be living your life on “automatic pilot,” appearing to be separated from choices motivated by your soul.
The SERPENT highlights the base chakra issues of survival, fear and basic primal responses. These FEAR responses are amplified through the SCORPIO moon today, which delves into the underworld of our emotions. However the DOUBLE EAGLE is illuminating the darkness, bringing the FEARS to LIGHT!
EAGLES feed on snakes, so our powerful PROPHETIC VISION brings solace to our soul, negating our irrational FEARS. Any issues that ARISE do so in order to be cleared and balanced. Cancel, Clear, Delete and RESET to a higher vibration.
The RHYTHMIC SERPENT is a powerful tool to implement the powerful solutions that the BLUE EAGLE reveals. Discovering how you can better organize your resources to restore balance and equilibrium in your life.
Utilize the GIFT of the RED SERPENT to create spontaneity and novelty, freeing the predictability of the routine, habitual and survival responses. . Escape the mundane and seek new horizons bringing your life into greater balance, organizing for more joy and prosperity to flow into your life. Tap into the gift of PASSION that Chicchan brings today, utilizing this life force to enhance your vitality and fuel your desires.
A powerful chakra and kundalini balancer, both personally and for our PLANET. The RHYTHMIC SERPENT will ensure GAIA’s grids and meridians are flowing at optimum levels to reflect this new balance and equilibrium.
NOTE: KIN 45 – 6 CHICCHAN – RED RHYTHMIC SERPENT is also the 5D UNIFIED KIN* today! AS we are quantum jumping to 5D today – it is perfect that our NEW EARTH is balanced and flowing with PASSION and life force to fuel the mission of the new earth common-unities.
KIN 130 – 13 OC – WHITE COSMIC DOG is the classical MAYAN signature for today (as it was on the 222222 portal) – – which reveals the ACTION we need to take to achieve our COLLECTIVE VISION of NEW EARTH.. The tools we need to utilize are unconditional love, loyalty and devotion to all..through COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS..
KIN 130 lies at the EXACT CENTRE of the TZOLKIN aligning to HUNAB KU, GALACTIC CENTRE and SOURCE.. This is the zero QUANTUM FIELD where everything is possible. A majikal vortex from which to CREATE this RHYTHMIC EAGLE’s GRANDE VISION today!!!
Woweeeeee!! What a phenomenal day!!!
*To calculate 5D UNIFIED kin we add KIN 175 RHYTHMIC EAGLE (Dreamspell feminine code) to KIN 130 – 13 OC – COSMIC DOG (Mayan Classical Masculine code) 175 + 130 = 305
There are only 260 kin so we deduct 260 from 305. 305-260 = KIN 45 – 6 CHICCHAN – RED RHYTHMIC SERPENT is the unification of the feminine and masculine codes. Our 5D DESTINY on this day is to create a BALANCED EARTH where all HU-mans are EQUAL.
“That’s one small step for man...
Neil Armstrong
NOTE: You can discover the MAYAN CLASSICAL KIN at this link – look at the glyphs under the heading MAYAN TZOLKIN which says 13 OK for today’s kin..
DETACH from the mundane today dear StarBliss SUNS. If you can find a high lofty viewing point or a body of water, do so to take advantage of this Looking Glass coding today.
EXPAND your VISION and see the bigger picture of your life, and our world, in order to CREATE our BRILLIANT UTOPIAN NEW WORLD..
What do you SEE? Is your path clear?
Do you have uninterrupted views and space to FLY and spread your wings?
Today’s question is “How can I organize my life to create more balance and BLISS, as revealed through the greater VISION?”
Can we collectively CREATE this NEW WORLD we are DREAMING?
Divine blessings for organizing and seeding our wondrous, beautiful, MAGNIFICENT rainbow VISIONS today.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
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