MA’AT – Diamond Crystalline Blueprints ~ Atlantis Towers * The Book of the Lions ~ Golden Flow of Sacred Time
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Celestial Transformers of our New Way Dreaming
We are Now on the third day in a row with a whiteout occurring on the Schumann Charts as Gaia’s “heartbeat” is resonating at a sustained 5D and beyond frequency. We witnessed higher pulses of Light at amplitudes of 34 hz, 41 hz, 43 hz, and a big blast of white light at 48 hz. Pachamama’s Crystalline Heart is blazing her Glorious Light into the Quantum Field of Multidimensionality for all Sentient Beings of the Way.
Our locals Soularis also continues to send his Keys and Codes of Source releasing another 7 C ClAss Soular Flares today and a Trinity of M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 3.21 at 8:23 UTC. This is the final countdown to our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
All of our Higher Dimensional Team of Buddhas, Angels, Bodhisattvas, Star Nations and Ascended Masters are with us now to assist in the final phases of our Ascension Journey. All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144, our Ground Crew Team, are also assisting by staying positive, keeping the Faith and Hope alive for a better and brighter future and blazing this realm and all her inhabitants with the Violet Ray and the Unconditional Love and Compassion of Infinite Source Creator.
Stay in the Love and the Light and be in Peace as we collectively in Unity Consciousness transform Mother Earth into the Paradise she has always evolved to be…A’Ho!
July 19th : The Book of the Lions and Being and Becoming
Last night, at about 3AM I was awakened by the Royal Star Lions. They wanted to start giving me wisdom from their Sacred Text “The Book of the Lions”.
I wanted to sleep.
We came to a deal in which I received the text and went back to sleep with the promise toi write it down next morning. Which I did. But I could not remember all of it, so tonight I will have a pad and pen next to my bed if they wake me again, as I am sure they will.
The message from the “Book of the Lions” was on the topic of BEING and BECOMING. They said to me that in the past we have seen these two aspects of life as separate and even opposite or complementary. But here is what they say:
“Being and Becoming are One. You move between them on the Golden Flow of Sacred Time. You must first Be in order to Become, and you need to Become in order to fully appreciate who you are and what you can do and create and Be. And this dance of Being and Becoming moves upwards on the spirals of Light into ever more expanded fields of Joy. For that is how it was created at the beginning so that you might keep expanding in joy into infinity and beyond. We are the Royal Star Lions of the Elohim.”
Yes, the Joy Principle is the principle of evolution into Higher Consciousness. As we approach the 2024 Lions Gate 888 we will learn more and feel more of these waves and spirals of deep Soul Joy.
You guessed it. Another BIG upgrade coming this weekend. I know the highs are higher and the lowers are lower and on some level some of you don’t know whether you are coming or going each day, but as energy becomes more and more fluid that stuck piece of cold metal is superheating into molten liquid metal and all those atoms inside of you are moving at a rate never felt before as things become more liquid.
Just stay in the now. That is the best experience you can have. It is the best place to operate multi dimensionally out of this current vibrational set up as earth is right now. I find magnesium glycinate at night time really helps with the sleep patterns which are up and down. Keep going light workers. We are at the peak now. secretly you love it. Hugs.
Ascension Upgrade
Melissa Lyran
Here we go again -Whiteout Blast on the Schumann! It’s looking like a Whiteout and a blackout void creation time line shift is coming. More adjustments going higher and higher! This will be a Rollercoaster weekend. Stay flexible and alert. Let go of regrets, forgive, surrender, and allow the highest love to move you ONLY! WE can’t take the heaviness with us. LET IT GO. This is a final call to release it now. Woke up at 6 am on the DOT from the beautiful intense light. It’s going to be a HOT ONE. Stay cool and fly higher. Much love everyone
Pineal and crown cleanse. More downloads are coming. Fully connected! Divine union on track. All is revealing in the highest timeline. Nothing stops this divine union now. Rediscover gifts and purpose. Divine feminine and divine masculine codes fully ignited. Meeting in new earth realm to establish deeper link. Infinite possibilities by Infinite loving spirit.
More energy is incoming. It just keeps getting more intense! Nothing can stop the LIGHT! Today will reveal many things. We locked in the highest timeline and now receiving the upgrades. Flow with it. Be grateful and allow divine justice. A holy hand guides us always. TRUST. Faith is first.
I’m seeing sparks of light everywhere! Dark to LIGHT. We are lighting this place up! This is usually when the spirit molecule is creating quantum creation nodes in the now field. Intelligent LIGHT. 144 is CRAFTING a NEW EARTH as the false matrix disintegrates. THE CATALYST WILL CONTINUE TO REVEAL MORE. Also read between the lines, you’ll see the big plan. It’s LOVE AND we are wining big 🙂
7/19/24: Today, in the midpoint of 2024, we enter the heart of this year’s number 8 energy. Your path widens before you… and you are called to claim it. You have traversed darkness this year… and thereby become a clearer channel for the Light. Now you must accept that you are the alchemist. The one who can transform experience into wisdom.
The one who isn’t afraid of their own power. Who knows that the stronger and more confident you are in your abilities, the more you can effect the change you want to see. But… the caveat… what you express into the world is never forgotten. It stays with you and around you, always teaching, and ever seeking divine balance.
**The Frequency Shift ~ I am feeling Odd, Different and intense LOVE
*Dear beautiful souls and Light beings,Earth Sensitives, Blue Rays, Starseeds, Healers, Angelics, Light Bearers, Planetary Gridworkers, Awakened Ones.
Many of the you are the Light Bearers Frequency Key Holders. You are experiencing an upgrade body shift of purification and are responding to New Codes of light.
Your shifting in Frequency
Your body template is shifting in vibration frequency with changes to your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels. This will increase your claircognizance expanding your energy aura sensitivities and New God given abilities. 333
Some of you are experiencing the God experience in ways you have not encountered. the energies, In life, the energies and who you were before. During this period, you may experience a significant increase in stress. Stress is not caused by outer life problems; instead, a surge of light that transforms and enhances your body, necessitating every ounce of your energy to sustain your daily existence. There may be phases when you are not as productive at your work and creations due to heightened light body shifting and upgrading. There are new ways and frequency vibrations that seek to attune an expansion of the way you used to do your service, creations, and work that has not yet been formulated.
Your body and spirit may need different kinds of activities, connections and experiences of life.
You may also need to provide care for your body, which requires greater attention, affection, and sensitivity.
The emotional body is expanding and releasing, allowing the heart to be more receptive to new experiences.
A new flow may be arising for you; one day you may need to simply be, accept, and/or rest, take naps, go to nature, and enjoy more of the enhanced spectrum of Creation and Spirit.
**{It is suggested to consult a healthcare professional for symptoms as not every symptom is from ascension. And though it may be an ascension symptom, you still may need assistance with the process}. editor note: I suggest a Naturopathic doctor if you do
I Heard in Brazil, which rarely happens, has affected geological faults in various regions.
The Grid of Light surrounding the Earth is being reconstructed by activating sacred Ley Lines that undermine the Original Earth, the planet’s network of vortices, portals, and chakras connected to the 12 Solar Disks in activity since 2012: everything is interconnected in this massive realignment for higher frequencies.
There are two Solar Disks at the same latitude, one in Lake Titicaca and the other in the Roncador Mountains.
Ground Centers also fulfill their missions.
There is an Intraterrestrial Center near the province of La Rioja (Argentina) that houses the Talampaya Retreat, which keeps records of the evolution of all the consciousness that have passed through this planet.
And assumes an exchange mission with the Licancabur volcano, in the Atacama desert, Chile, for cosmic communication.
Atacama is a vortex that channels the Feminine Energy of the Universe and the energy of the Earth;
and Licancabur the Male and Solar Energy.
Talampaya is connected to the Ibera Planetary Center for the manifestation of the laws on the Elemental Kingdoms, and it has superphysical bases serving specific functions at each Cardinal point, on a hexagonal belt, for internal protection.
Position North: the first base, is operated by the Pleiadian people and has a mission to build the interior of Mitakunah.
South Position: directed by Orion and Venus.
Western Position: you are in charge of indigenous civilization.
East Position: that of the dominant consciousness, according to energy of the movement of the rays that carry information to the cosmos.
Within the Retreat there are two subtle points:
The Green Base, of the Solar Logos, acts as a Consciousness in communication with the most evolved civilizations in our Resident Universe.
Within the Green Base Crystals are activated as tools of assistance to humanity in three different aspects: the material physical, the mental and the soul; and act to dissolve records of the mind, soul and spirit that block evolution, either of this incarnation or of the past for reprogramming and upper level realization.
In the area there is a Valley of Crystals, an extension to the power that the Erks Planetarium Center acts with.
Brazil acts as a great receiver and transmitter of the new Bio-Crystaline coding of Earth and Humanity.
We are receiving apexes of high frequency codes to accelerate the transformation of the auric field and the 33 Chakras system of the Divine Human Crystal Light Body.
The major Earth Chakras, like the thousands of auxiliary chakras, form Earth consciousness – interconnected with all human consciences in the Ascension movement.
** The Earth Alliance – Space Weather Intel Briefing – 7192024 **
Exotic energies bombard Earth!
Great one,
As the star seeds of Earth prepare for another super galactic weekend, Earth and humanity are being bombarded by intense light from multiple cosmic sources!
Over the past 72 hours, several incredible high-vibrational cosmic light waves, ranging from 40 to 100 Hertz, have impacted the surface and left their imprint on the Schumann resonance graph. This fifth-dimensional light resonates at a much higher frequency than normal solar light and carries intelligent information from the galactic core to Earth. This light has the power to activate dormant DNA, completely reprogramming the human genome to function at a much higher level! When higher strands of DNA are activated, universal information flows through the human body system, becoming accessible to consciousness.
The Earth Alliance also reports that the planet is experiencing heightened levels of solar activity, with intense X and M flares blasting Earth over the past week.
Light forces are closely monitoring sunspot AR3751 today. This sunspot has a complex ‘beta-gamma-delta’ magnetic field, capable of producing powerful X-class solar flares as we head into the weekend. This volatile sunspot, now turning to face Earth directly, is like a cosmic ticking bomb, ready to unleash incredible energy towards our planet.
You may be aware of the intense shifts taking place on the planet right now.
Many star seeds are reporting instant transformations in their personal lives, shifting into completely different realities.
Here is why this is happening: the guardian races, responsible for hosting humanity’s ascension, have escalated a plan to shift the entire 3rd dimension and below up to the next harmonic universe, which includes dimensions 4, 5, and 6. The Pleiadians say that by 2027 this shift will be complete!
In the meantime, you will witness incredible amounts of transformation and even what seems like chaos as the old 3D matrix is transformed into a much better world.
If you’ve experienced a major shift like this recently, it may seem intense and unsettling, but know that this is the last and most important shift of your life. It is required to move you out of the lower realms and prepare you for entrance into the 5th dimension. It is all part of a divine plan to make you stronger and better! Be aware that as things settle and as you move higher, everything in your life will soon be transformed into the most beautiful way of being!
The powerful barrage of inbound cosmic energies coming in now is accelerating this shift, and this intense light is impacting the light bodies of the 4.5 billion starseeds stationed on Earth in profound ways. Global ascension symptom reports are off the charts as starseeds integrate this massive influx of light into their cellular structure!
The Pleiadians teach that during strong light influxes like this, it is crucial to:
– Consume natural energy foods
– Take a sea salt bath
– Keep crystals around your auric field for energy stabilization
– Practice meditation
– Engage in breathwork
– Connect with nature for grounding
– Get plenty of rest and sleep
Great one, it is evident that the entire cosmos, including planet Earth, has entered a heightened phase of energetic activity and rapid planetary change is underway! We all sense deep inside that a rapid evolution to higher realms is taking place.
Now is a good time to slow down and focus on what truly matters – the evolution of your being. Take excellent care of yourself and your body, and everything will align for your highest good.
Powerful light has arrived and great shifts are occurring, igniting the great awakening on planet Earth as we ascend to the fifth dimension. Prepare for more light and be ready for your next significant DNA activation!
Feel free to share any ascension symptoms you may be experiencing!
Quantum Timeline jumping/shift is something else right now.
Timeline collapse – you will be all feeling and experiencing it as the things you used to be able to do in a day – you are no longer able to do them. Or if you are – it’s like there is not enough time to do things!
Resistance isn’t an option it’s all happening.
Now is the time to let go and change the way your higher-self is guiding you to be, by Letting go
Are you feeling it?
I know when they are happening very clearly and boy oh boy it’s magnificent to experience your reality form in the order you are witnessing and experiencing it.
This week has been massive for timeline jumping, that I know for sure!
How do you know when you are timeline jumping?
You feel dizzy and a little unstable on your feet. Like you feel off balance and the room is moving yet you are standing still
A massive headache, completely off, very emotional – feeling not like yourself – you have probably timeline jumped and your body is feeling it.
OR you woke up and you felt like a completely different person, with an entirely different confidence.
A confidence like nothing is fazing or triggering you like it did before. Nothing is bothering you. You feel safe, secure and stable.
You are more than ok to step right back and let go!
You feel good, but you feel different and perhaps a bit numb or empty, like you are a ghost in your own body and other people around you, because all the things that used to be there have been removed or just don’t feel the same.
You are valuing yourself more and more. You no longer need to explain or justify yourself to others.
You have quantum jumped!
Now within timeline jumping, I am witnessing events within our Matrix within our simulation that always take place.
They can be small ones it can be like relative to your own person reality, that normally happens a few days ahead of time or sometimes longer and then there is a massive breakthrough.
You witness the manifestation how you experienced it way ahead of time… Then a few days later, boom it all unravels!
It’s personal to each individual and everyone experiences it differently.
Sometimes you may be sharing and weaving your insights with other people way ahead of time, then witness events unfold within the collective!
You are Quantum timeline weavers and this is your role to timeline and shape realities, for yourself and others.
But you know what’s happening – it’s an internal knowing and trusting how you are ahead of time – yet seeing how things magnificently piece together for you and within the collective around you.
It’s truly happening now at speed we have never experienced.
It’s happening to me and it’s happening to you too.
We are not working from old scripted books anymore, we are literally re-writing everything within us.
Be mindful where your focus, beliefs and energy is focused on.
Zero point is the way to flow, grow to create the New.
It’s nothing we’ve ever experienced before and it’s certainly not working in the ways we have used our energy in the past!
It’s an entire new way of you being and trusting yourself.
Whether you believe me or not… We have arrived to this way of living our life.
Your Heaven on Earth is not up in the sky, it’s within you.
Dear friends, energies are intensifying as we approach the climax of the full moon energy on Sunday July 21.
This particular full moon in Capricorn is being influenced by the synergistic effects of a few planetary combinations. The Mars-Uranus conjunction has been bringing a deeper sense of disorientation and a little chaos to say the least in the collective consciousness.
On top of this, we are entering into the two weeks pre-shadow period of planet Mercury going retrograde. This period is also energetically charged with delays, communication problems, technological/electrical disturbances, and inner confusion.
This cosmic energetic cocktail is affecting us individually and collectively. The recent worldwide technological problems affecting communications, airports, and other old structures is one example of the effect of these type of energies. We are being shown the fragility of some aspects of our current social 3D reality, and the need to develop systems more aligned with the upcoming higher frequencies/timelines.
Inner and outer structures are being shaken up, modified, and transmuted deeply this year. This process will continue as we move into higher octaves of energy in the coming years. Those of you who are energy sensitives may be feeling this sense of inner confusion, mild anxiety, chest pressure, lack of focus and concentration, and a need to get more rest away from big crowds.
As the full moon arrives on Sunday, there will be a big release of this energetic tension. Deep emotions may come to surface during these days, so it’s important to stay centered and grounded. Try to take it easy these days and weekend.
Even though things may feel a bit chaotic during these days, please remember that this is part of a bigger process. Old stagnant energies are being revealed and released by these big energetic movements. The full moon will bring more healing and empowerment lightcodes so we can keep moving forwards and upwards in our ascending spiral of consciousness evolution. Stay tuned as the full moon energies arrive. Have a peaceful day. Much love
“Things are going to start happening now at Lightning speed, and at times it will feel as if your physical body cannot keep up with the degree of the vibrational changes streaming in.
This is not only coming from within, but with the release of so many Sun Flares, keys and codes are being activated with souls, which contain a lot of information containing the primordial keys and codes of Creation. This is because the Sun Flare energy, plus that of Helios, the Central Suns and the Suns beyond the Suns, are now pouring in as well.
It is opening the higher heart and mind of humanity and especially in those souls who wish to ascend and who are constantly doing the inner work, the clearing and clearing and the letting go of all which has ever been before: this includes all the suffering and pain on all levels. The old programming and old false belief systems, and all systems in other forms which once held humanity in blindness of the soul.
This is unprecedented and has never happened before. It is happening on solar and galactic and Universal levels. It is creating a brand-new creation!
One cannot apply the outdated and outmoded to the new creation.
You’ve done an amazing job and deserve the recognition and rewards you are receiving. This includes the ascension upgrade of your physical body that will bring about many new opportunities.
The Rainbow Light Body is expanding your container this weekend more into the Tree of Life Chakra System. Take time to meditate and breath in the Rainbow Codes. Pull these frequencies into Mother Earth in communion with Her and God Source. Together you are One.
Creation energy is expanding from this Trinity, showing you how to create, plant, and achieve your goals. Be excited! You are loved, cherished, and ready to begin this new life path.
The Capricorn full moon energies are rolling in and although there is some heaviness being stirred, and perhaps some endings afoot, we can turn to the earthy quality of the Sea Goat for guidance.
The sea goat is grounded in who it is. Half goat, half fish, the Sea Goat doesn’t really belong but once it masters all that it is, it can swim to the depths of the seas and climb to the tallest summit, gaining views and perspectives unlike any other animal. The sea goat teaches us to embrace all that we are.
On Friday, July 19th, Mars, ruler of our physical energy in earth sign Taurus the Bull is starting to form a positive sextile aspect to Neptune, ruler of our spiritual energy, in water sign Pisces the Fish. And, the Moon, ruler of our emotional energy, has now moved into goal-oriented Capricorn the Sea Goat, the sign of the Full Moon on Sunday morning Eastern Time. Energies are starting to build and magnify even more now!
As for Mars and Neptune, we are putting our energy towards paying attention to our physical and spiritual senses. There is an opportunity to become more spiritually aware of slowing down and enjoying the moment, embodying a more healthy sense of self-value and self-worth, and having patience in the Divine Plan that is unfolding.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mars, ruler of our physical energy in earth sign Taurus the Bull
Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries. Venus in Leo trine North Node in Aries – Today’s helpful connections in fire signs sets the scene for dramatic dialogues, engaging communications and warm expressions of affection. Here is an impetus to find ways to unite rather than divide. Speak from the heart. Express yourself. Let your inner child too have a say in your plans.
Focus on mental health and healing conversations. Use creativity and play to jumpstart your thinking. Try out affirmations, mantras or visualisation. Pay attention to how you mentally respond to the colours you wear and in your environment. Talk through problems with a loved one or journal to get it out on paper. Let your words be those that speak of confidence, loyalty, strength and courage. Praise yourself for dealing with what hurts. Your mind holds the key to powerful medicine. Your heart is the door to your destiny. Be bold.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 23°Le30′, Chiron 23°Ar30′ – 00:56 (BST)
Venus 09°Le33′, North Node 09°Ar33′ R – 11:56 (BST)
Painting – Little Girl Carrying Flowers in Her Apron by Edgar Degas
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number 12 and its keywords are ‘Dedication, Cooperation and Universalize’. The 12th day is so near the end of the wavespell that there is not much you can do now to aid your mission along. The best thing to do now is to talk to others and share your experiences. ‘Cooperation’ is a key factor to understanding the 12th day. Instead of trying to make sense of all this by yourself, learn from others as this is the best way to gain a deeper understanding of the calendar.
Today is Yellow Human and the key elements for the sign are ‘Influence, Wisdom and Free Will’. The Yellow Human is a sensitive soul who doesn’t easily communicate but who is on the receiving end of much wisdom intuitively. They must be aware that their ‘cup can runneth over’ sometimes, so it’s good to share this wisdom and offload some of it. However, they have free will and no one can tell a Yellow Human what to do. If you are a Human, today you will be in your element, for the rest of us we can tune in and receive wisdom too and also, we have free will to do with this wisdom what we like.
Today’s Guide is the Yellow Seed which when in the guiding position, is motivating us to gather information and exchange knowledge. So, there’s a lot of information to take in today whether you are channeling or Googling. Also, because it is a number 12 day, it’s best to be sharing information in a group setting.
The Challenge of the day is the White Wind which represents ‘Communication and Spirit’. Look out for crossed wires and misinformation today for when White Wind is in the challenge position, communications can go awry. Be very careful with what you say and don’t believe everything you hear. People who are born on Yellow Human days do struggle to communicate which is a shame since they have a lot of interesting, downloaded information that they could be sharing. Their cup runneth over with all the downloading going on, it is quite overwhelming and it’s not surprising they struggle to express themselves.
The Occult power is the Red Moon which represents ‘going with the flow’. This suggests that magic comes easy today if you just let go and release control. I believe it’s this aspect of the day that boosts our intuitive abilities, for when we let go and relax, our inner voice can be heard more clearly.
The Ally is the Blue Hand and if you know one, they could come in very handy today. Take their hand and let them assist you. The Ally power is like someone holding your hand and the Challenge power is like someone yanking your arm in the wrong direction. The Guide is an energy that pulls you in the right direction and the Occult power supports you. These energies jostle us around all day.
KIN 12 =3 Holy Trinity/Spirit code for building our new foundation of PEACE and Harmony.
KIN 12, crystal TONE 12 and Yellow human is tribe #12 giving us a 12.12.12 code!
A beautiful DIVINE and Heavenly day aligning with DIVINE LOVE and WILL.
Day 12 ALREADY of our journey with our RED MOTHER DRAGON Wavespell where we are incubating in the Womb of Creation… We are being guided to focus on nurturance and compassion, for ourselves and others, and our Planet.. Realizing the importance of self-love, in the giving and receiving of unconditional love, in order to grow and flourish and be born anew!
Today we are Universalizing our DIVINE WISDOM and connecting with our kin, to influence the way we communicate and cooperate in a more LOVING and compassionate manner.. Pure crystalline connections through our world wide web!
Day 12 is a day to take stock of your intentions, motivations and influence. Filled with an abundance of yellow (golden energy) from the combined energies of Yellow Human and Yellow Seed. It is a day of gentle empowerment and loving cooperation.
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation.
The veil of illusion and false deception of the old matrix has finally been dissolved. Through the space and freedom engendered by yesterday’s Spectral phase (of dissolution and release), new partnerships emerge. Energy comes together and CRYSTAL beings form. Stories must be shared of the wondrous and brave adventures we have been on!
The Crystal energy is brilliant for gaining crystal, clear, clarity and guidance for your next step forward. Communication and networking flows. Information from Spirit and all realms flows, freely accessible by all of the new CRYSTAL beings connected to GAIA’s crystalline communication grid! Day by day, we are getting closer to permanently linking telepathically to this Universal Grid and each other.
The Crystal Deva’s are very excited and anxiously awaiting to be of service. Ditch your “smart” phones and 5G and tune in to the new kid on the global block – 5D! The channels have commenced broadcasting, transmission is ON! This is the NEW Aether-Net! – GGG – Galactic Global Grid! FREE subscription, includes unlimited Akashic Records downloads! No freezing, crashing or dropouts! Galactic LIGHT speed assured!
GET READY for Galactic Google! Life will never be the same again!
Today’s questions are “”How can I share DIVINE LOVE and Divine wisdom, through compassion and acts of loving kindness?
Am I positively influencing others to follow my lead, and co-create a better and more caring world for future generations?
DIVINE BLESSINGS for connecting to the UNIVERSAL SOPHIA/CHRISTOS GRID of loving kindness and spreading this GLOBAL WAVE of LOVE..
Make LOVE the highlight of your day.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
9 moons ago – Last Galactic spin – KIN 12 occurred on ALL SAINTS DAY – 1st November 2023 – a very HOLY day.
18 moons ago, – KIN 12 occured on VALENTINE’S DAY – 14 FEB 2023 – a beautiful code of LOVING CONNECTIONS with our kin – a day of SELF-LOVE and nurturance, where we are lovingly demonstrating our LOVE for others. MOTHER DRAGON would be proud of us!
Today KIN 12 is bringing forth an infusion of this LOVE energy through the portals in space/time.
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW CRYSTAL HUMAN EB is preparing our circuits for transformation. Become empty, that your thirst may be quenched by the bounteous gifts poured from the GOLDEN chalice of the spiralling galaxies. Open and receive all that YELLOW HUMAN offers in the chalice of your own body.
YELLOW HUMAN represents free will and wisdom. The wisdom that evolves from aligning with Divine Will. Surrender to the Universal Mind and your cup will runneth over with Universal Wisdom. Once filled with wisdom it is the turn of the Divine Mother to fill your golden chalice with the love of SOURCE and creation energies. The well from which to drink, then manifest your desires.
Today is THE day to take control of your human vessel and FILL IT WITH LOVE until it is overflowing into the COSMOS. It is high time you traded in your little human to that of a better and more spectacular high tech Divine HU-MAN. Upgrading the egoic lower desires and commanding your mind to shift to a higher frequency, tuned in to higher dimensions.
These current ASCENSION ENERGIES – through the SOLAR FLARES and elevated magnetic shifts, are boosting and upgrading our DNA, and bringing forth our ancient gifts and psychic abilities.. we are truly embodying our DIVINE expanded selves now.
By making wiser choices you can then step into a more influential position, dedicating your LIGHT and wisdom, as a role-model for others to follow. Reclaiming your power and aligning your free will to that of Divine Will, and dedicating yourself to Divine Service, as you fully anchor and activate your Galactic soul GOLDprint. This enables you to download greater wisdom and guidance, directly from the Universal Grid, for your upcoming Galactic Mission, becoming the beautiful, compassionate and humble Ascended Master that you are.
YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST demonstrated the ideal way that humans need to conduct themselves on Planet Earth. Exhibiting elevated consciousness through CONNECTIONS – continually performing LOVING deeds for the Healing and betterment of others, in Service to the DIVINE. This is the ULTIMATE expression of DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – the giving of LOVE freely with no expectation, and no attachments.. simply RELEASING and initiating an infinite FLOW of LOVE through your being.
YESHUA spent his lifetime teaching others about his FATHER’S wishes through alignment with DIVINE WILL, so that we can experience HEAVEN on EARTH..
Today’s 8.8 code, ensures we can now access an INFINITE FLOW of Divine SOURCE codes activating our SOPHIA/CHRISTED body. Our birthing cycle is nearing completion as we celebrate the SPECTACULAR rebirth of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS on EARTH.
CHRIST/KRYSTIC CONNECTIONS are our priority from this day forth as DIVINE HU-MANS.
The energies are very conducive for surrendering your Free Will and fully aligning with your mighty I AM presence, becoming the Golden Angelic Christed HU-MAN GOD being, that is your birthright. Love, Compassion and Devotion to others, and our planet is the KEY.
We are GODS in training.
At some point we must make the decision to remove those training wheels and let our golden chariots fly!
This beautiful CRYSTALLINE code brings forth the opportunity to UNITE through DIVINE PROVIDENCE.. elevating our relationships and connections through HIGHER LOVE. A beautiful DIVINE BLESS-ING for the twin flame and soul re-unions on this wondrous day.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW CRYSTAL SEED KAN is the Higher guiding force today, which is absolutely BRILLIANT! KAN is the GREAT AWAKENER – calling for Humanity to WAKE-UP and start GROWING through the POWER of LOVE through these waves of LOVE CODES… the new way to GROW…
We are now looking for the LIGHT as nutrition for our SOUL, in order to expand and rise from the depths of the deep dark soil… We have been incubating long enough in this RED DRAGON void – in the belly of our Mother God.. it is time to RISE and AWAKEN!
KAN is providing the opportunity for us to align with our HIGHEST POTENTIAL today… We have a DIRECT super connection to our GOD SELF… the unlimited CREATOR energy to manifest splendour here on Earth.
KAN encourages you to put down strong roots, lean towards the LIGHT, fully OPEN your petals and BLOSSOM. When your golden chalice is filled with the LOVE of the DIVINE MOTHER, your soul blossoms as your 1,000 petal lotus opens and expands.
The gift of HIGHER consciousness is achieved through the SUPER expressway of Divine LOVE and Compassion.
What a GIFT to access on this GLOBAL DAY celebrating LOVE
SUPPORT: BLUE CRYSTAL HAND MANIK provides beautiful healing energies today and the power of accomplishment. We can take positive ACTION based on our wiser choices, to cocreate the beautiful compassionate world that Humanity craves.
12 MANIK is the KIN that OPENED the portal on 21 DEC 2012.. its ACTIONS are IMMENSE in catalyzing global AWAKENING through these activating ASCENSION energies.. And here we are today with this wonderful SUPPORT.
MANIK beckons you to LEND a HAND! Through volunteering to be of HELP to others, we forge STRONG connections, and bond with others through our loving kindness in our acts of SERVICE.. Supporting, helping and HEALING each other is the CONNECTION that builds and repairs our HEARTS, so that we all feel valued and LOVED.
MANIK brings forth the access to greater knowledge through the portal he opens. Humanity can now access greater healing wisdom and wonderful new inventions, creations and advancements through the flow of higher information in our Universal grid.
As our great MINDS link together in this Crystalline Consciousness Grid we can ACCOMPLISH whatever we put our collective MIND to! The UNIVERSE is our NEW LIBRARY. Go forth and dedicate your wisdom to HEAL our world.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED LUNAR MOON MULUC allows you to connect with your higher senses and intuitive guidance from Spirit, so that your ideas, creativity and impulses flow naturally and effortlessly.
Today’s LUNAR MOON SUPERPOWER is challenging you to purify and cleanse your physical vessel, the container for your Spirit to flow through, so that you can hold greater Divine wisdom. When we fast and eat “LIGHT” foods containing more chi/life force we gain more CLARITY in our MINDS, thus becoming more receptive to the messages from Spirit.
As we purify our MIND, and our physical vessel -greater spontaneous impulses occur. This creates more LOVE and connection through empathy and deep compassion. Through compassion and acts of loving kindness, we forge stronger connections, and rapidly advance as a species into the higher realms.
The level of COMPASSION and empathy displayed by a species, is the prime indicator of their level of advancement. The more advanced they are, the KINDER they become.
MULUC the GODDESS is returning to our planet and standing alongside Father God, so that we have BOTH of our Divine parents present once more… no more patriarchal dominance! Our Mother God was backlined for too long!
The qualities of empathy, compassion and nurturance were not valued in our old Patriarchal controlled society.. The greatest caregivers and nurturers, were receiving the lowest “income”, as their contributions to the economy/society were not held in high regard. Notably these roles were traditionally “feminine” roles – undermining and devaluing the DIVINE FEMININE and GODDESS energies in our reality.
At the point of DEATH when your life is under review – you are not asked how much money you made on Earth, or how many assets you accumulated, but rather how many HEARTS you touched with your kindness.
Has your PRESENCE on EARTH made a POSITIVE difference to the lives of others?
The GODDESS has arrived and now the NEW WAY requires that EVERYTHING holds the frequency of LOVE, compassion, fairness and equality – with HARM TO NONE!
In order to receive DIVINE LOVE and Nurturance, we must EMBODY these energies and dedicate our lives to PEACE, as we all weave and create the beautiful harmonic Matrix together in our tribes.
Broadcast this loving INTENTION into the AETHER-NET today, to weave our beautiful new compassionate world.
Make EVERY DAY a day to CELEBRATE and share your LOVE.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE CRYSTAL WIND EK relates to the breath or voice of SPIRIT. Today’s challenge is that you are SWITCHED on and tuned in to SPIRIT, in order to receive and transmit HIGHER GUIDANCE , rather than your lower egoic desires.
What channel are you attuned to?
From what level are you making your choices?
Are those choices based on love, compassion and service to others? Or are they coming from a place of fear, survival, greed or service to self?
How HUNGRY are you for the power of SPIRIT to enter your life, your body, and guide your MISSION?
Focusing on the greater good and the whisperings of SPIRIT, will put you on the right path.
A greater connection to SPIRIT protects us from our lower destructive selves, and the forces of DARKNESS.
Let the GREAT WHITE WIND be the wind beneath your wings, and lift you towards the HEAVENS.
Spend some time in stillness today on this Holy-day of INFINITE LOVE , communing with God/Goddess/Spirit to forge a stronger and purer connection to your SOURCE of wisdom.
Allow the messages and images to download until the projector ceases, and then you have arrived at the zero point of nothingness and pure GOLDEN SILENCE
Tap into the infinite well of DIVINE LOVE and transmit this back through the GRID bathing our Planet in the beautiful blanket of the utmost comfort and nurturance, as we lovingly embrace in our United resolve to become better humans, better citizens and caretakers of our beautiful New World.
Become the hollow bamboo today and channel the inspiration of Spirit through your influential wisdom, music, dance, yoga, breath, singing, light language and whatever form of WIND that seeks to whistle through your being. Hold no FEAR and allow it to FLOW effortlessly…
RADIATE your INNER LIGHT as you telepathically connect with our Planetary kin through the Universal Crystalline Grid of Creation..
Send forth the SPARK of inspiration that will allow others to see in the Dark, guiding them back home to the loving embrace of infinite SOURCE.
Come fill your GOLDEN HOLY GRAIL with the GOLDEN LIGHT nectar from the Gods, until your cup runneth over!
And then share your NECTAR with others!
This is the holy sacrament. AMEN…
Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth –
Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts.
Today’s questions are “”How can I share DIVINE LOVE and Divine wisdom, through compassion and acts of loving kindness?
Am I positively influencing others to follow my lead, and co-create a better and more caring world for future generations?
DIVINE BLESSINGS for connecting to the UNIVERSAL SOPHIA/CHRISTOS GRID of loving kindness and spreading this GLOBAL WAVE of LOVE..
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
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