13th Chakra ~ ENTERING THE PORTAL OF FREEDOM ~ TOGETHER WE ARE RISING FAST! * Lord Kuthumi ~ The Flash Main Event is Nearing!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Phoenix and Dragons of White Celestial Mountain
Just in time for the coming Eclipse Equinox corridor, To assist our Ground Crew Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 in our Ascension Missions, our local Soularis released a major X Class Soular Flare today maxing at X 4.54 at 8:29 PST (15:29 UTC) This Soular Flash was directly earth facing and is sending Higher Light reinforcements and energies for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Hue-man Light Bodies of Homo-Luminous.
Synchronizing with these Holy Rays flooding Mother Earth we had a Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 69 Red Self Existing Moon as the Red Fires of the Yang of Divine Masculine merge with the Blue Waters of the Divine Feminine the Sun and the Moon dance through the Heavens as the Eagle Flies with the Condor to free Humanity from all slavery systems of nefarious intent. In the Pure Awareness of Buddha Mind we resolve all things perfectly.
Keep anchoring in the Light, Shine Bright and Rise as New Earth Phoenixes to take our Maiden Flights over the Pure Land as we usher in the 5D New Golden Age of Aquarius of the Satya Yuga, in this Great Awakening; never to fall asleep again.
These Events are sent from Great Spirit to help us step over the threshold of the Gates of Heaven and into our Pristine New Earth as we bid adieu to the Age of Pisces and welcome the New Age of Aquarius.
Goddess speed Angels of the New Eden of God’s Heavenly Kingdom on Earth…A’Ho!
TODAY’S ORACLE. As we enter soon the Eclipse portal, it is no longer possible to “not see”what wants transformation. A comfort zone, a settling place has expired. The sacred alchemical transformation of you continues. You are cleansing so much of what no longer serves. You have done the work, committed to the vision. The landing of your shifts & blessings will become unstoppable. The next few weeks may totally be the game-changers you’ve been waiting for.
Earth is shaking! This is the effect of the Eclipses. So must our bodies too be churning and tremoring. Coupled with the pressure from the X Class Solar Flare. Let’s see what this Corridor brings forth. Fear not! All in Divine Order.
Annexe: Its not just about one X Class but a couple of CMEs’ too have blown our way. Its like a huge waterfall of Flares cascading and jetsetting into us. And it could increase progressively as we huddle into the mighty powerful riveting Corridor.
Ok, a new development and not an upgrade: the X CLASS solar flare that struck earth on the 12/13th Sept was a 1.3 and today another X Class of 4.5 strength has been released, which is very very powerful.
The X Class that hit earth on Dec31st 2023/ Jan 1st 2024 that caused the massive earthquake in Japan with Iceland volcano erupting ferociously was a 5.0. So the latest one is nearly as strong – having caused the tectonic plates to shake and rattle in many parts of the globe, that consequently experienced earthquakes. And, massive Snow Storms across Europe in autumn season with flooding due to excessive rains in other parts. The plates on ground are rattling, our bodies are quaking, the skies are causing weather calamities and, resultantly, the seasons are skipping and cascading onto the next.
Annexed: For the very first time in some 400 years and plus, ever since the Taj Mahal was constructed, its Dome has developed a leak owing to the freak rains, and water is filling the area where the bodies of Shah Jahan (Lord Kuthumi) and his wife are buried. In this year of number 8, with the Taj being an Octagon and a harbour of God’s Light (Cobra too specified that the Universe and M87 Galaxy is now focusing its Light upon the Taj Mahal…. it may not be a good omen. There is a supernatural meaning attached to it since I travelled there in Jan, on a 88 date, to Exorcise it. Feels like a Psychic Attack on the Taj Mahal, just when we are in the periphery of the Corridor….
Indeed, we are now very very close to the Triple event Corridor. Expect more X Class Solar Flares. And – earthquakes, volcanic eruptions.
REST as much as possible. If active, the highest codings embedded in the Flares and Cosmic Rays bounce off without impacting the body and so, a consequent Opportunity Loss for ascension.
The Flash/Main Event is nearing and energies will only continue to increase in intensity to prepare us for a blast of LoveLight so powerful it will forever change life as we have known it
There is no going back to normal…
up up up we glow
Our new norm is divine love peace joy bliss harmony balance unity abundance of all forms
The Flash will be felt by all
I’m getting that a green hue will be seen and the sound of trumpets heard
Many may panic as they don’t know what is happening
Providing support where you can will be helpful
Once the energy settles all will experience a very peaceful feeling and rapid collective evolvement will unfold
Many initiatives to rebuild aNew on a solid foundation of pure unconditional love in service to the highest good of all will pop up all over the globe
“Every human being is emotionally vulnerable until we drop our protective defences. The defences form around our heart, and as long as our hearts remain defended and closed, they can’t heal.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
9/14/24: One of September’s major messages is that you can’t fly if you ground yourself too much. This makes sense; and yet it’s human nature to cling to the familiar and comfortable. But even as September offers abundance, expansion, progress, and manifestation, we tend to cling to the tried and tested. There’s nothing wrong with that… except. Except when it comes to your spirit, your essence, your purpose. Divine Light, which shines in each of us, expands naturally, automatically, happily. But staying stuck in old ways of being will keep that Light from sharing itself in full glory. You are meant to fly with the Dragon this year and it’s up to full power. Right Action says it’s also launch time for you.
Celebrate and rejoice in the huge alignment of the 13th Chakra on Friday September 13, 2024. Your higher chakras will start showing themselves and showing their work to the people who think they only have 7 or 12 chakras. All your conceptual systems of who you are will now be shining in their full tones with all the higher chakras as far as your vibrational levels can handle it.
The initiations of this 13th chakra are the beginning of this process when you go into your higher bodies and bring this higher body energy into the material world. As you know, you are not only living in 3D, but in all multidimensions simultaneously in which you are able to be present. This presence of your higher chakras will not only guide you through this process but will open up a new Light Body Presence.
You are still so limited in thinking about yourselves, regarding who you are. Adopt a higher perception of who you are and release the way you were taught who you are. Step into the reality of “I Am Who I Am.” This was the original plan of Creator/Source. This is an opportunity to take a big step that will occur on Friday September 13, 2024.
Your physical backbone while located in your 3D body has an energetic projection going much higher in space. This is another change of your understanding of who you are through this essential core. Your backbone is projecting itself into the higher part of you giving the energetic space, the energetic foundation for your higher chakras. This is the beginning of your conceptual understanding of who you are. This is the beginning of a step by step raising of your consciousness to the higher level of your chakras and to the higher level of your Light Body.
Your tailbone is working as an anchor or as a grounding wire for your body when speaking of your electrical circuits. The tailbone is also expanding into Gaia as a grounding energy. It is connecting your energetic core to the energetic core of Gaia.
How you work and communicate with Gaia is through your tailbone that anchors into Gaia. Then all of you are connected, grounded and working together with Gaia. The power of this connection and grounding has not been known for a long time. This is a visualization of your work together. Now you are able to discharge whatever energy you don’t need or are transmuting while at the same time receiving this core grounding energy from Gaia when you need this material world presence for some physical manifestation. The rays or beams from Gaia are helping you to manifest from this higher energy into the grounding, material presence.
Dear friends, a major long-duration X4.5 solar flare was just generated in our Sun, making it the second X flare in the last couple of days. This X4.5 solar flare produced by area AR 3825 earlier today was associated with a fast moving halo coronal mass ejection (CME). Although the eruption is directed mostly to the east, the western flank of the plasma cloud does appear Earth directed. A passage past Earth will be possible within 48 hours.
Those of you who are energy sensitives may be already experiencing these solar events within your physical body and fields. Sleep disturbances, mild headache, dizziness, a sense of disorientation as if walking between dimensions, dry mouth, and some joint pains, may be present at this time. Please stay hydrated and rest as needed.
These strong X flares are truly stirring our energy fields and diving deeply into our old ancient memories stored within the energetic layers of our DNA and soul memories/akashic records. This period pre-eclipse season is warming up these multi lifetime issues so we can finally process them and reach a new level of awareness and closure. Please keep your mind and heart open to any feelings and memories that may come into your awareness during these days. You may want to start a journal for this eclipse season to write down all the insights that will be arriving soon. We are releasing traumas, fears, limiting beliefs, and ancient galactic engrams from our whole being.
X solar flares can profoundly impact consciousness, causing electromagnetic sensitivity, energetic downloads, and emotional amplification. They can disrupt routines, triggering adaptability and new perspectives, and potentially activate the pineal gland, leading to increased energetic sending and intuition. Solar flares may also influence the collective unconscious, sparking global shifts in awareness and cultural trends. Additionally, they can warp time-space, allowing glimpses into other dimensions and timelines.
Ultimately, solar flares may serve as an evolutionary catalyst, pushing humanity toward greater awareness, unity, and spiritual evolution. As these powerful energy transmissions from the sun interact with human consciousness, they can bring about profound transformations and awakenings. It’s time to ride, once again, these amazing waves of change.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue surfing these pre-eclipse season energies.
We are closing in on our final transformation. You may have been finding the last couple of days somewhat heady. KNOW and FEEL deep within, that ALL IS WELL. EVERYTHING IS ON TRACK.
I am being prompted to urge you to continue and to extend your time spent within. Sit quietly (in nature if you can) with your HOLY PRESENCE, SOURCE, YOUR AT-ONE-NESS IS ESSENTIAL not only for your own soul’s growth but for the salvation of ALL LIFE and our awesome planet. This is why you are here now. It is no accident that you incarnated at this time in Earth’s momentous history. You are the final link, the very star of Love and Light this planet is waiting for.
Much work is being done too on inner planes and be assured that the planet’s frequency is much higher than it was, BUT are being reminded that WE NEED TO HOLD THE FREQUENCY STEADY BY REMAINING COMPLETELY AT ONE WITH SOURCE, and working 100% by allowing SOURCE TO WORK THROUGH YOU NOW.
EVERY soul has a special task. Judge no one, we know not what sacrifices that soul may be enduring. LOVE ALL, WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
The more you sit within your deep peaceful silence, the stronger you become spiritually, and the more able you will become to resist the external distractions of the illusion. Every thought counts, make them ALL LOVING THOUGHTS, and use mindfulness to assist you with every single daily task.
Stand guard over every thought and BE ONLY DIVINE LOVE IN ACTION as together WE WORK AS ONE LIGHT, ONE LOVE, for we are all interconnected. What one thinks, does, says, affects All. This is a responsibility we must take seriously.
BE love, peace, grace, compassion and Loving kindness every moment.
The activation for us to embody higher frequencies has begun. Many of you, in a perpetual state of omnibenevolence and love, have started to receive the Divine Transmissions required for the next initiation into higher levels of wisdom. The eclipse in Pisces is facilitating this descension, another great source of wisdom, that is already being formed in our Heavens, even though from our limited view we can only see the final result on the 17th.
All is being perfectly orchestrated to create a cosmic door for us to receive a new embodiment, for we are ready to start the process of ascension, which is in truth the descension of our Illumined Self, inner work that Piscean energies support, as it is with Pisces that we learn the final lesson of becoming all love, wisdom and power, removing previous wounds, merging all opposites and BEing only the Love that we are, and always were.
Many of you are already feeling the impact of the Piscean energies in our main upper channels – crown, skull, and the totality of our head. The activation can be felt, even though we are all unique, as a tingling/vibration feeling in the crown, a soft pressure that initiates the descension of all the transmissions that our God Self, soul, and Monad, are sending us at this time when many are the portals that conglomerate for us to receive a new activation.
The process of light descension starts as you know in our 12th dimensional God Self, for it is from our Illumined Self that we receive all the initiations, healing, and wisdom transferences required to evolve. Once the Light penetrates into our Crown, it inundates our thalamus complex, pineal, pituitary gland, mammillary body, and medulla oblongata, and starts descending into our nervous system through the upper cervical spine.
This is part of the reason why many of you are experiencing many different sensations in your nervous system, and pain in your bone structure, especially feet which Pisces rules too, as this is the one that is most impacted when physical ascension starts, resurrecting our authentic Divine Template.
The current frequencies received at this time are meant to help us transfigure our main fourth dimension chakras, finally stepping into the soul timelines, completely removing an old cycle and all we experienced in it, essential not to bring the same past results into our present reality.
The descension of the light and removal of the lower chakra membranes is what creates the many physical sensations many are now having. This is an organic process in our transformation as a species. Releasing polarization, trauma, soul disconnection, and many other wounds we have created and received, is a challenging process, and it is through compassionate witnessing and soul retrieval that we can soften the many memories it brings and the many sensations it may cause, as this process is not the same for everyone.
As we continue integrating this New Light, our polarities will be balanced, for many of you have been merging both, clearing the traumas hidden within them, waiting for this final activation, when we are finally going to start the long-term process of becoming non-polarized beings.
Non-polarized beings mean to be All Love and Benevolence as my Guides shared today. Omnibenevolence and OmmiLove means to be unlimited Love. The kind of Love that cannot be diminished, manipulated, or tamed in any way.
The kind of Love that allows the Divine influx and that surrenders to it and its Will.
This is what we are becoming, who we are in Essence, who we were created to be, for we have been experiencing who we are not for so long that now remembering feels unpleasant for the body, accustomed to being exposed to all the unlove we have created and fomented, often unconsciously.
It is time to be only Love, for us, for All, and for the whole, Beloveds.
The time of empires, of dominance and all this entails are over.
As our hearts open and our soul eyes open, we will finally learn to stand in our power, and fully in our own light, and not allow ourselves to be overshadowed.
More than this, as we fully embrace our uniqueness, and live our truth with love, we allow others to do and be the same. Unity consciousness grows, as in truth we are all one.
LOVE IS the new currency, frequency and vibration and it is all embracing.
The Current Contrast Is The Perfect Opportunity We Are Seeking To See The Vast Light Of The Collective Tribe
Remember, We Are Beyond The Matrix
We Are Present Now
Standing Strong In The Collective Light Of US
We Are Present In Higher Light
A Synthesis Of Light Presented Now In This Reality
Stand Strong In Your Light
We Are Light
With Love Everyone
Karen Lithika
Global Blessings
Together In Light
source: KarenLithika.com
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
Landing in a New Dimensional Reality
The ending of the karma during the Piscean Age is arriving to the zero point. From here we can begin life in the 5th Dimensional Age of Aquarius. As the energies complete clearing through the chakras, we can successfully return back into the Merkabah, our ascension vehicle through the Light Body. September 16-22 is a huge week of gathering God’s Chosen for this Collective expansion and upgrade.
On Saturday, September 14th, we start out with the Sun, ruler of self identity, in alchemical Virgo, in an inconjunct connection to Chiron, ruler of past wounds, in initiating Aries. This may be an uncomfortable energy as we make adjustments within ourselves to allow a mending of the ego and the mind. Old thoughts, belief systems and patterns are under the microscope now as we approach the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday.
The time is right for healing to take place. Later in the day, when we move beyond this energy, Venus, ruler of love and self-worth, is in peaceful Libra and in a positive trine connection to Jupiter, ruler of expansion and growth, in adaptable Gemini. We are able to perceive ourselves and our relationships in a more beneficial way. We can see and understand the larger picture of our connections with others as a learning process, and communicate our perspectives in a clear and objective way.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Sun, ruler of self identity, in alchemical Virgo, in an inconjunct connection to Chiron
Sun in Virgo quincunx Chiron retrograde in Aries. Mercury in Virgo sesquiquadrate Chiron and trine Ceres in Capricorn – We’re back on the perfectionism wagon, determined to improve, setting the mind to the job, forcing, pushing. Thoughts are harsh and we bite back the bitter taste of disappointment, refuse to fail, continue to beat the mind and body into submission. It’s all too much and curiously not enough. Not enough of a kind hand. Not enough compassion. Not enough recognition that every tiny step forwards needs to be owned and celebrated.
But Ceres knows. She’s watching from a tall wintry tree, her skin wizened with age, eyes twinkling. Her glorious silver hair streams down the trunk of the oak – a robin and a squirrel make their bed here for a while, warmed by wisdom. Sometimes you just need to remember that you are sovereign here. Severe discipline that cuts off creativity isn’t the way. Nurture yourself with simple life structures, careful planning, dedication and commitment. Allow for errors, organic changes of direction, unexpected happenings. Fill your mind and belly with good food to sustain you on the path. Your time to bloom will come.
The number 4 is called ‘Self-Existing’ and its keywords are ‘Definition, Form and Measure.’ The fourth day of any wavespell is about looking at things in finer detail. ‘Well informed is well armed’ they say. Check your facts, gather information and make sure you have a plan to proceed that is based on facts, not guess work. Don’t throw yourself blindly into a situation or sign any documents until you are sure that you know exactly where you stand.
Today is the Red Moon which represents ‘going with the flow’. These laid-back days are all about surrendering to the Universe and relinquishing control. The Moon has such a powerful effect on us, it is pointless to attempt to turn the tide. Going against the flow will only lead to a Tsunami! As it is a number four day, this suggests that looking at the details and taking measures will help you relax. Gathering everything you need to know will put you in a place where you can have peace of mind, you can relinquish control once you understand better what is going on.
Today’s Guide is Red Serpent which represents among other things, ‘self-renewal’. A snake can shed its skin which symbolizes the old, and outgrown. When the Red Serpent guides us, it is showing us that we have the ability to renew ourselves too. Also when Serpent guides, we can feel oversensitive, so be aware of that today.
The Challenge of the day is Blue Storm, which represents big, sweeping changes. On these relaxing days, Stormy people get annoyed because they can’t change things. Surrendering to the Universe is tough for them. But just as it is good for everyone else, surrendering is good for those Blue Stormy folk as well. Take a chill pill today and you’ll be fine.
The Occult power is the Yellow Human, the psychic of the Tzolkin. They provide the magic today and when Yellow Human is in this Occult position, their channeling becomes more powerful. For everyone else, expect your intuition to deliver unexpected messages. ‘Wisdom’ is a key word for the Yellow Human and when we access our intuition… we are accessing true wisdom and not illusions created by our ego.
The Ally is the White Dog and so if you need help today find a puppy to play with. Dogs know how to relax and can show you how it’s done. If you are a White Dog, be aware that not everyone finds it so easy to relax and may need your help.
It’s a Portal Day! This amplifies all the energy of the day and this gives us an opportunity to go through a gateway or portal. Enjoy!
KIN 69 = 15 = 6 HEAVEN/CHRIST energies merging with the GODDESS!
KIN 69 the RED SELF-EXISTING MOON – is the signature of the GALACTIC DREAMSPELL year – in 2022/2023 after a very challenging couple of years this GODDESS was intent on defining our new existence in a new more compassionate world.. Showing us that we DESERVE SOMETHING BETTER than the world we were experiencing.
As she exited on July 24th, 2023 she passed the WAND over to the OVERTONE WIZARD who enabled us to find our MAJIK POWER to manifest this readiant new world. The RHYTHMIC STORM is now bringing up the residual debris through a RADICAL transformation before we can begin rebuilding… perfecto with our 13/4 NEW EARTH code today.
It is EXACTLY 27 moons ago – 3 Galactic spins since the Goddess – 5 MULUC – arrived and today SHE HAS RETURNED in all her GLORY, to announce that our NEW COMPASSIONATE WORLD has been B-EARTHed and is being terra formed.. HIP HIP HOO-RAY!!!!!!!!!
Today we have a very powerful G.A.P, 13/4 NEW EARTH portal to do just that. – we have ARRIVED… The GAP day is really BLASTING OPEN the GALACTIC PORTAL for our Planetary kin to walk through to NEW EARTH through this WORLDBRIDGER cycle.
A beautiful HOMECOMING as we focus on building our new LOVING and COMPASSIONATE world..
Yaaaay… burning the bridges to the PAST now and riding the waves of SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS into our destined FUTURE.
Today is a G.A.P day – A Galactic Activation Portal day, when the dimensional doorways are flung WIDE OPEN, adding more power and intensity to the energies today, as we FLOW into a new future together. .
Day 4 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges.
Today we must SURRENDER to the FLOW of new and pure consciousness, letting go of all that was, in order to embrace and BUILD the NEW!
SELF-EXISTING – Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.
As tone 4 focuses on the MENTAL realm, it is now time to construct our new HIGHER PURER MIND, using these newly developed capacities to assist us in the MENTAL construction of our wonderful new reality. As thoughts are the building blocks of FORM.. what we THINK is what we CREATE! Let’s build a better box for our NEW REALITY!
Today’s question is “How can I PURIFY my instinctual responses, trusting the flow of the NEW and PURE Consciousness to evolve my HU-MAN MIND IN SHAPING a NEW COMPASSIONATE REALITY?..”
Divine blessings for the release of the PAST F.E.A.R. programming, in order to construct your new Telepathic Mind and wondrous NEW WORLD. IT IS DONE Aho!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
TONE 4 is the energy signature of NIKOLA TESLA – the ELECTRIC GENIUS..Nikola was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist who is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.
NIKOLA is/was a BLUE SELF-EXISTING NIGHT. 4 AKBAL who was able to harness the ELECTRICAL current of tone 3 in order to FLOW into a new FORM.
Tone 4 seeks to measure, define and create FORM, from the energy supplied, through the ELECTRICtone – 3, generated through the preceding 3 tones. Tesla had an ABUNDANCE of ELECTRICAL energy to tap into and utilize in his experiments and inventions to manifest his ideas into form.
Tesla was able to access these unique ideas and mental thoughtforms through his intuition, his sixth sense and his Dreamstate. Every day he spent much of his time day-dreaming and cat napping.
Whenever he hit a roadblock he would take a nap to gain clarity. BLUE NIGHT’s are very psychic and have prophetic dreams, they can access all realms – past, present and future. Tesla was able to bring forth futurist inventions that were needed by humanity and construct them into form.. using Divine alchemy and the majik of 3.6.9. to bring the unseen subtle energies into matter.
Tesla claimed that he would not construct a physical model of his inventions until he had it 90% perfected in his imagination! And so, over and over he would visualize, define and measure these forms and calculations until he was satisfied they would be successful.
Today we have a potent GAP portal day during this WORLDBRIDGER multi-dimensional cycle heightening our intuitive and psychic senses.. Tune in and harness this brilliant energy today to MANIFEST your desires into FORM.
It is time to SHAPE our DREAMS, desires and heart longings into FORM!
If you can IMAGINE it you CAN CREATE IT.
Remember to always say “THIS OR SOMETHING BETTER with harm to NONE! ” Thankyou Universe
Do not underestimate the POWER of tone 4 to bend and shape our REALITY..
NOW is the TIME to COMMAND this BETTER LIFE, and BETTER WORLD we have all been IMAGINING!!
Be very MINDFUL of how you CHOOSE your thoughts and energize your CREATIONS.. Be a CONSCIOUS CREATOR for the benefit of us all..
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED SELF-EXISTING MOON MULUC the GODDESS is super ACTIVATED today through this DIVINE GAP portal. Lots of fluid and watery energies to help us FLOW into a wonderful future.
The GAP day energies are BLASTING OPEN this celestial PUSH for NEW FLOW – in full SURRENDERING of the old crumbling paradigm and power regime.
THE GODDESS HAS RISEN – as the DIVINE FEMININE is coming to the fore – blasting through the old paradigm of the patriarchal control matrix.
THE LADY OF THE LAKE – has RISEN to the surface of her watery abode and wields the SWORD OF POWER!
Only the TRUE SOVEREIGNS – the rightful KINGS and QUEENS of NEW EARTH who operate from a PURE HEART, will be entitled to access this CREATION POWER!!
MULUC activates the GODDESS energies, assisting us in connecting with our intuition and GOING WITH THE FLOW of Universal waters, soft, yielding, receptive and fluid. As it is a MENTAL plane day, we are guided to DETOX and purify our thoughts which we can more easily define, through our feeling body which the red MOON/Goddess is activating.. So we have a union of the emotional body and mental body, simultaneously being purged together. .
The GODDESS is ensuring that we can PURIFY our past, as the shadow side of RED MOON reveals what is lurking deep below in the watery depths of our subconscious. The LIGHT of ILLUMINATION reveals where the SHADOW has been.. clearing the old hard drive and reformatting our memory bank in order to create new SPACE for new Majik to enter our MINDS.
Today we are more sensitive to the collective FLOW of conscious thoughts, deliberately releasing old world beliefs, and the old mental construct which defined us and our society. In so doing, we can define our new cell-ves and our new world, building a bridge to our New Reality, through our new more compassionate and wiser thoughts..
Our purified MINDS can now focus on beautiful and positive IMAGININGS, to manifest beautiful loving creations from our inspired thoughts. The basis for all new CREATIONS is based on loving kindness and respect for all the KINGDOMS harmoniously living together on EARTH.
The GODDESS emphasizes the feminine senses – intuition, sensitivity, psychic abilities and being in the flow of universal consciousness. The GODDESS exemplifies the caring and nurturing energies of the MOTHER – the MATRIARCH who is coming home in all her GLORY to raise her family in a better environment. HOME and FAMILY are of supreme importance. We must continue to focus on creating a COMPASSIONATE and SAFE, nurturing world for all.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED SELF-EXISTING SERPENT CHICCHAN activates our survival instinctual responses. In order to go with the FLOW of what this GODDESS is promising, we must TRUST and SURRENDER our FEAR based responses.
This GAP Moon day will forcibly UNCOVER what has been lurking in your Scare-city programming, revealing the false MIND control and Hypnotic delusions that have shaped our false collective precepts. We will have a desire to FEEL SAFE and to PROTECT and nurture our families and our home.
CHICCHAN as the HIGHER guide today will highlight our SURVIVAL issues – of individuals and collectively as families, communities and as a human species. The last couple of years has seen false propaganda pushing the agenda through FEAR, and yet ironically that which they are FEARFUL of, is what they will attract.. Knowing you are SAFE and protected as you claim your sovereignty, is what shelters you from the storm.
In the past we have been too dependent on “governing authorities” who control our very survival through their power and suppression of resources. As vital services – electricity/gas/water and food are all withdrawn the FIGHT for survival is escalated…. This very process caused the masses to AWAKEN to the reality that these authorities do not have our best interest in mind as it becomes a game of survival for “the richest/elite”.
We cannot continue to define and shape our existence and our reality on the erroneous systems we have been forced to adopt and believe in!
We live in a beautiful ABUNDANT world where the majority of people are PEACE LOVING citizens, so this is what we must energize and promote.
We must collectively LET GO of the shore and totally SURRENDER to the flowing current allowing the RIVER of LIFE to take us to our new destination. Guided by our instinct for survival where our most vital life force guides and energizes us, we must transform this energy into pure connectedness with the grand plan for our lives, and HU-MAN-ITY.
SUPPORT: WHITE SELF-EXISTING DOG OC represents TRUST, unconditional love, service, loyalty and compassion. DOG is GOD spelled backwards and the dog is a faithful servant of the Divine – being a role model of tolerance, acceptance and giving unconditional LOVE. All these qualities need to be embraced as our furry companions are teaching us.
We can quickly LEARN through our intuitive senses WHO WE CAN TRUST – and who is our family.. These are the souls who will band together through UNITY consciousness to enhance our chances of survival, raising this to the level of thriving.
Our MINDS become softer and more compassionate today, as we release attachment to outcomes and control. This allows us to accept the flow of life moving us in the right direction. We SURRENDER the MIND to align with our HEART and intuitively understand the connectedness of all things.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW PLANETARY HUMAN EB’s SUPERPOWER is Wisdom, Intelligence and Abundance. As this occult power has the PLANETARY TONE – the influence of his power can be felt on a GLOBAL LEVEL.
The PLANETARY HU-MAN is the OCCULT SUPERPOWER today which boosts our manifestation power on a PHYSICAL level… enabling your new thoughts to shape and define your New Reality into existence. Woot woot – DOUBLE the MANIFESTATION POWER on a GAP day!!!!!!!!!!! Woweee – use this power wisely beloveds!
What you focus on today can be MANIFESTED more readily with this SUPERPOWER boost – particularly if they align with DIVINE WILL – the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH and the greater good. . Aho!
EB enables us to upgrade our MIND today, to that of Divine Mind, choosing more compassionate thought patterns, that are clear of self servitude, and focused on the well-being of others, particularly through collective Abundance and prosperity.
Our CREATOR wants ALL of his children to be HAPPY and prosperous – NO EXCEPTIONS.. We are ALL EQUAL and cherished in the MIND of our FATHER/MOTHER GOD/GODDESS.
Allow the NEW ABUNDANCE to FLOW through your receptive MIND and manifest in your reality. FREEDOM, JOY, PROSPERITY and all your needs provided for, totally eliminating any FEAR of LACK.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SELF-EXISTING STORM CAUAC is providing more purification power further amplifying the effects of this powerful GAP day! DOUBLE STORM POWER – joining the YEARLY RHYTHMIC STORM energies. Better get used to it as THIS is the pattern for this entire DRAMSPELL YEAR!!
CAUAU guides us to more creative solutions with our NEW HIGHER MINDs. Catalyzing transformation, cleansing, purifying and upgrading our MENTAL processes, through the art of SURRENDERing to the energies of BLUE STORM.
We are evolving to higher and purer forms of consciousness each day on our Ascension journey. Through this purification we ignite and access greater capacity of MIND. We can naturally begin to exhibit telepathic thought, empathic connections and intuitive knowingness, gaining greater trust and confidence in our MINDs ability to translate DIVINE MIND. The GODDESS will take our intuitive and psychic abilities to new HEIGHTS!
Today our challenge is to purify the MIND and our belief systems, allowing for the FLOW of our first instinctive thoughts. This enables us to initiate our full SURRENDER to PURE DIVINE MIND!
We are evolving to DIVINE HU-MANS so we now need to THINK like the true Creator Gods that we are becoming! Aho!
What does GOD/GODDESS want to manifest on EARTH?
What would THAT LOOK like?
Today’s question is “How can I PURIFY my instinctual responses, trusting the flow of the NEW and PURE Consciousness to evolve my HU-MAN MIND IN SHAPING a NEW COMPASSIONATE REALITY?..”
Divine blessings for the release of the PAST F.E.A.R. programming, in order to construct your new Telepathic Mind and wondrous NEW WORLD. IT IS DONE Aho!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 15th – September 21st. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Guided Meditation for the Harvest Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
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