888 Triple Infinity Lions Gate Portal ~ SIRIUS STARLIGHT * The Golden Gift ~ Dragon Ley Lines are FULLY Activated ~ Keepers of the Sacred Time Templates
Cosmic Father
888 Triple Infinity Lions Gate Portal ~ SIRIUS STARLIGHT * The Golden Gift ~ Dragon Ley Lines are FULLY Activated ~ Keepers of the Sacred Time Templates
888 Triple Infinity Lions Gate Portal ~ SIRIUS STARLIGHT * The Golden Gift ~ Dragon Ley Lines are FULLY Activated ~ Keepers of the Sacred Time Templates
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Royal Lyran Nation of our Lion Kingdom of New Lemuria
Happy Lions Gate 888 Portal Activation!
To usher in this most powerful and auspicious day, and peak of our Lions Gate Corridor, our local Soularis has released an intense X Class Soular Flare maxing at X 1.31 at 7:35 PM PST (19:35 UTC). Bridging in another layer of our 37 into the 73 Code of the New Eden.
Along with this powerful X class flare our Sun also sent massive packets of luminous codes through 8 C Class Soular Flares and another 5 M Class Flares.
Synchronizing with these Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light, Gaia had two spikes in her heartbeat today on the Schumann charts at amplitudes of 25 hz and 27 hz, 5D frequencies anchored and holding steady.
Pachamama also received a powerful activation on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake in Japan at 7:42 UTC. as the Energies of New Lemuria continue to rise and shine.
Many of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are experiencing major Timeline Shifts, merges or complete leaps in their Ascension Journey. As real Hue-man beings we walk our Sacred Path with Heart being connected to all things as Awakened Buddha Consciousness of Terra Nova Gaia.
We are at the Precipice of the Unknown as we prepare for our Quantum Leap of Faith into our New Golden Age of Eternal Life. We have released and cleared all Karmic Contracts and turn the Wheel of Dharma to free all Sentient Beings from all Cycles of Samsara of Suffering and step over the threshold into the Pure Land of Amida Buddha.
It is time to let go Earth Angels spread your Etheric Wings and Jump into the Abyss of the Void and take your Maiden Flight as Eagle and Condors of the New Earth…A’Ho!
Have you ever seen a big cat, or any Feline, jumping up? They gather their energy and launch upwards in a graceful arc.
This is what is happening right now.
We are arcing upwards through the portal both as individuals and as a collective.
And we are accompanied by legions of angels and the Lady herself with her Star Lion Companion.
Mary Magdalene, the Feminine Christ.
And the Royal Star Lions, Keepers of the Sacred Time Templates. We can expect that after this Quantum Leap we will be in a very different space. It may not be evident at first, but we will start to feel the clarity and new directions that are coming in for us today.
For several months I have been shown 888 in dreamtime. Today’s powerful cosmic alignments are profoundly impacting the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Collective. These energies hold special significance for those who walk the path of Divine Union and Sacred Partnerships.
I am resharing a message from June, where I was shown the importance of the Golden Rose being anchored in our physical reality through these powerful Sacred Unions. A heartfelt thank you to these beings for their courage and commitment.
May Infinite Love and Blessings be with everyone during this transformative time!
The Sacred Heart Rose energies of the Divine Couples hearing the call, aligning and reuniting in the physical, holding the key codes for Sacred Union, Transcendental Love and Divine Wisdom, are rippling out into the Collective as more are now open to receive, understand and embody the Golden Gift, the Legacy of Mary Magdalene & Yeshua.
Cosmic Father Ruby Templar is currently being anchored into the Hill of Tara, a convergence of the Emerald Order on the grid happening now, 888. A SolFamily gathering of epic proportions.
I couldn’t innerstand everything that was happening, fragments of knowing in my field but an elusive full picture, my eyes focused instead on clearing the shadow tentacles, and recoding the Krystal channel. I had my eyes opened further this morning by my beautiful Rose Queen sisters currently positioned there. There is much reason to feel full of excitement as it’s dawned on me just how incredible this event is.
The Red Kings are knocking on the Gates. The White Queens eagerly awaiting on the other side, holding the sword of Excalibur. The ancient songs reverberating within the crystal caverns, singing the emerald harmonics of eternal love & perpetual joy. Unified through the memory of devotion. Hearts full of excitement and anticipation, as the children play.
I’m/we are tuned in from our little humble fairy shire grid point and Krystal node here, stewards of the rose, conveniently located on the dragon lines, conduits and portals for recalibration. Feeling the Amoraea accelerate through the song line. We dance as we feel the rhythm and hum.
The intention clear, neutralizing the warring timelines, and dastardly plans of the confused and convolutedly coded ones, and lock in the path and shield of Amoraea, the Emerald Flame of eternal love to ignite within the angelic hearts of humanity.
This is the first time we’ve been able to do this since the fall of Atlantis, 256,000 years ago. (I might have to check the date, I’m terrible with time). Time slide. But it’s a long time… and the divine right time, happening simultaneously. Yay.
So you could say it’s all on. And we’re all a bit tired of the nonsense here, so definitely time for a shift of the grandest proportions.
So grateful to the SolTribe holding the Kristos rose frequency pillar of purity in the Emerald Crystal Isle. So honoured to be a part of this.
The Magi Grail Returns to run the Roundtables. The tribes reclaiming Guardianship.
8/8/24: The Lion’s Gate is open. Once a year, on this date, a cosmic connection beckons us, grace is given, and potent energy is available for our benefit. Benevolent forces work on our behalf to light and ease our way, bring us insight and inspiration, and empower us to expand in all areas. But we must know and be confident in what we bring to this day. We will receive what we’ve made space for, dug deep for, matured into, and sacrificed for. We will each enter the portal and we will come out with what we can carry… not with our hands but within our hearts. Some will understand how powerful and precious that is. Some are bound to be disappointed.
Since the Summer Solstice, my guides have been talking about this CORRIDOR that we have been moving through over the last couple months. This corridor has brought each of us to many different doors. Some opening up to past events that were needing healing/closure, especially in regards to ancestral trauma and karmic wounds and others that were opening with promises of opportunity, abundance, deeper purpose, new beginnings and soul connections
Over the last few years, it has felt as though we have been straddling two realities. Because we have! But now we are being offered the gift of Deliverance and being asked to take the leap of faith towards our Destiny Timeline with sure footing and courage
My guides are also reminding us that we do not need these specific dates to access these portals. As we have moved Collectively through this shift and into higher streams of consciousness, our ability to reach these dimensions through our own Higher Heart that connects us to our Divine Will has amplified immensely and they are always available to us as we are not bound by time/space
When do choose to come together as a collective with loving intent, celebration and joy in our hearts, our manifestations increase exponentially and we have the ability to move mountains and create infinite possibilities of grandeur in all ways and on all days
Have courage and move forward with your new insights, ambitions and goals and channel the ferociousness and confidence of your inner Lioness. She knows the way and will never lead you astray
At the cosmic gateway in the constellation of Leo the Spirit guardianship of the majestic lion watches over all of us from a higher place. He is mindful of our own free will and holds us personally responsible for our actions. Quietly he observes those on a spiritual path pass through the portal, where they are being offered the opportunity for deep transformation and a new learning of old secrets.
The Sirius Portal holds high intensity, with the power to accelerate spiritual growth. This will be experienced through emotional experiences and through physical sensations. The Lion reminds us of our untamed humanity and teaches us of humility. This is our true source of strength.
The message at 8.8 is to have no doubt that everything that we think we know is transforming as we live and breath it. This is a time for bravery and courage, of walking our talk and living our faith. It is also a time of guardianship from spirit and the Higher Realms, of believing in the unbelievable and starting to see the invisible.
It is a time for patience, love and compassion towards the grand scheme of everything. We are being encouraged to accept that we cannot possibly understand, from our limited perspective, the workings of the Divine. We must simply go through one doorway one at a time, moment to moment, as we are graciously given.
In the early predawn hour,In the Ancient Land of Khem , in an ancient Isis Temple there is an element of expectancy amongst the Priestesses and Priests assembled in the inner Birth sanctum . The Temple is oriented towards the East and at the designated time, as Sirius , Star of Isis , makes its Heliacal Rising , a Ruby/ Scarlet light streams into the inner Sanctum of the Temple, illuminating The Diamond in Ruby/ Scarlet Light held within the Third Eye of The Goddess Statue -The Goddess of Creation / Isis + Justice/ Maat. The entire sanctum is flooded in Ruby/ Scarlet Light for a fraction of time – Zero Point – Time outside the confines of space and time ( before the Sun rises) .This is the Sanctum of Birth/ Rebirth , this is the Colour of Life Force Energy, this is the Genesis of Spiritual Transformation and Ascension.
This Light is received by the Third eye , Heart/ High Heart and is directed to the Root chakra filling it with this Scarlet Ruby light .The Light of Heavens ( masculine) meets the vitality of Earth (feminine) via our Root Chakra and this Union creates / births an Alchemical Transformational Lifeforce Energy along our Kundalini circuit – A Kundalini/ DNA Reset/( both mimicking the infinity symbol) .Our Kundalini Energy is the Pathway for our Union with our Divinity/ Divine Source Energy , our Spiritual Transformation and ascension into higher spirals of our Ancient Spiritual Gifts, Legacy and Potential, higher levels of Conscious Awareness, CoCreation / Manifestation and Abundance and This is exactly what is ‘RESET/ REBIRTH’ during the Heliacal Rising of Sirius, Our Spiritual Sun.
We, as human incarnation, are the Vessels for the Union of Heaven and Earth, As Above, So Below, As Within , So Without- ie The Infinity Symbol- that which not only traces the path of the Heavenly bodies but also traces the flow of our own energy circuit. We are the ‘ instruments ‘ of Transformation and Ascension for Gaia -individually and collectively. And at the Zero Point of the Infinity Pathway, where Polarities Unite ( Masculine/ Feminine, Free Will/Gods Will ) – That is The Point of Alchemy/ Transformation/ Creation/ Manifestation. And this time we are in a Triple Infinity Gateway 888 .
The Lionsgate Portal is supposed to be guarded by the Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow….the Point of Alchemy/ Magic thus directed in The NOW moment- The ZERO POINT of Creation/Manifestation/ Abundance. It requires us to Be INBody, Spirit/ Soul EMbodied -fully anchored, grounded and integrated in our human body/ root chakra so that WE may serve as the portal of Union of Divine Light and Earth Wisdom- Union which Births The ‘Third Aspect’- our Spiritual Transformation which further ripples out into the collective by the interconnectedness of All That Is and Births/ Manifestations the New Reality- Golden Age of Maat on Gaia. Our Physical Body is our Vehicle of Enlightenment/ Ascension/ Manifestation, that which Births -The “Third Aspect” which is born from the Union of our Sovereign Free Will And God’s Will.
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Triple Infinity Lionsgate Portal
Chellea (Channel & Mystic)
OUR CELESTIAL DANCE (Lionsgate Portal Activation Codes) ~ The High Council of Sirius
Welcome to the LionsGate portal, We have arrived. For those who may not already know,
Today is the Peak of The Lion’s Gate Portal, which manifests when our Sun in Leo aligns with the Star Sirius, the Orion’s belt, and the Earth, and is widely regarded as the most potent day of the Year. I have called upon the High Council of Sirius to surround us with their Wisdom and Light on this Glorious Day.
Greetings, We are the High Council of Sirius.
Thank you so much for communing with us today, so Much is happening in these Moments.
Currently, a multitude of intricate and purposeful activities are unfolding behind the scenes, orchestrated by numerous Star Families and Forces of Light who are deeply committed to the elevation and amplification of frequencies surrounding Mother Earth. In response to the recent attempts by dark forces to distort the timeline and fabric of reality on Earth, a unified front has emerged to uphold the principles of Divine Order, steadfastly countering the influence of dark energies.
As Humans stand at this pivotal juncture, the Earth is at this very moment traversing the transformative threshold known as the Lions Gate portal. This cosmic event is not merely a celestial occurrence but, a profound opportunity for your Personal and collective evolution. This will help propel both humanity and the Earth towards a heightened existence bathed in radiant Light.
During these significant moments at the peak of the Lionsgate portal, Earth and Humanity are immersed in a profound cosmic alignment that transcends the boundaries of time and space. The convergence of energies during this celestial event reminds us, your Sirian Family, of our deep and ancient interconnectedness with Earth and Humanity.
As Earth aligns perfectly with our Sirius Star, a powerful portal opens, allowing for a direct and potent connection between our Stars. But it doesn’t just connect our Stars, it creates an energetic Cord between Humanity, and us, your Sirian Family. The connection between our Stars at this Time serves as a bridge of communication, making it much easier to connect with us, your Sirian Family.
In these precious moments, and in every Earth year, we send Humanity our Earth Family, waves of light that wash over Earth, carrying with them ancient codes and frequencies that trigger deep transformations on both personal and planetary levels. This is something we have done for many thousands of Years, in your Early history, we conversed with many on your Planet who built Pyramidal Structures to represent and Honor this Day. These Structures are placed throughout your world.
Every Earth year the Energies that are created through the Dance of our stars, emit healing, growth, and spiritual evolution, inviting humanity to embrace its true essence and step into a new paradigm of existence. As Earth and Sirius engage in a harmonious dance of unity, a symphony of cosmic energies reverberates through the universe, connecting Sirius with Earth, creating a ripple effect of positive change and transformation.
It is during these sacred moments that the veils between dimensions thin, allowing for a greater influx of divine light and guidance to permeate the Earth plane. This influx of high-frequency energies supports the expansion of consciousness, the awakening of dormant potentials, and the anchoring of higher vibrational frequencies on your planet.
As we witness this celestial dance between Earth and Sirius, we are reminded of the interconnectedness of all beings and the inherent unity that binds us together in this vast tapestry of existence.
Embrace these moments of cosmic alignment with an open heart and a receptive mind, for they hold the keys to unlocking your true potential and embodying your highest self. Allow the waves of light to wash over you, illuminating the path of transformation and guiding you towards a deeper connection with the divine. In this dance of unity and harmony, may you find peace, Oneness, and a renewed sense of purpose as you navigate the ever-unfolding journey of existence.
We, Your Sirian Family, surround you with our Love, We are Energetically Connected with you Now. Feel our Presence, as we Dance to this Celestial symphony, and as we share the Infinite Light and Love of our Creator.
We Love you, and Honor you, we are the High Council of Sirius.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse
Our Heart Flame is being activated after months of soul and monadic reconnection. We are now reaching the peak of what we have been receiving and working with, during this eight universal year. The energies from the triple 888 portal, guarded by the White Elohim, are now anchored on our earth plane, expanding into all the locations where this integration can take place, and expanding into all who have chosen to hold and surrender to this Illumined Frequency.
Our White Elohim Guardians have never let go of our hand, they have been waiting for the moment, when we were ready to recognize our divinity, choosing to do the arduous work that this path involves. A path that is too filled with joy, and many abundant blessings, when we finally let go of the initial stages, in which healing is a constant.
As we heal and clear ourselves with the emerald, and aquamarine frequencies received, and choose from our free will to surrender to ascension, the process of soul and monadic reconnection starts, and with the inner work required, the liquid Gold emanating from our monad stars flowing through us, anchoring it in our thymus, heart, and activating the Blue Falme in our soul portal, reconnecting our human self to our Divine one.
You have been reconnecting yourselves, healing, and clearing your galactic monads. It is now time as the White Elohim shared, for those who are prepared, for this is not a race and there is no rush in our ascension process, to activate your Heart Christic Seed and decree the activation of your Ankh solar bodies, an exercise I recently shared as well.
The solar transmissions received at this time, together with the Gold eight dimensional ones from the triple 888 portal, will help us achieve the next step towards self-synthesis. However, the energies will not do the work for us, and it is through our Will, devotion, and inner work that we can accomplish our personal mission of becoming more unified.
I have been sharing for more than a month all I received about this portal. Today, I wanted to simply wish you a healing and loving integration. Some of you are starting on this conscious path. Others are already in more stabilizing phases of your ascension journey.
There is no end to our evolution, as there is no end to the love we are here to embody, for Love has a beginning but never an end.
Today, and always may you remain in your Higher Hearts, open to the love of God in the ways it comes to you, for when we hold expectations, we restrict the infinite Divine Flow of Love, and hence wisdom and power, within us.
As an abundant sovereign free being, you are always in complete alignment with God’s Source, on a never-ending path of manifestation, for all is always in a constant flow of giving and receiving.
Our mission is to align to this God Stream to seed this Love for All, in our unique and precious way.
Today and always, for we are always surrounded by magnificent Light Forces, we just have to know where to look, I wish that you recognize the limitless God Sovereign being that you are, beloveds.
Dear friends, today August 8 2024, 888, marks the official climax of the Lion’s Gate portal. These empowering and enlightening codes of light have been active since July 26 and will be with us intensely for a few more days until August 12.
This energetic period is characterized not only by the numeric resonance of the triple 8, but also by the synergistic effect of the brightest star in our sky: Sirius. This radiant beacon is named after the ancient Greek word “Σείριος” (Seirios), meaning “glowing” or “scorching”. This resplendent star has been a harbinger of significance across cultures, its luminescence weaving a tale of myth and mystique. In ancient Egypt, Sirius was revered as Sothis, an embodiment of the goddess Isis, while its heliacal rising heralded the flood season’s commencement and the dawn of a new year.
As the brightest star in the nocturnal sky, Sirius reigns supreme in the constellation Canis Major, its proximity to Earth – a mere 8.6 light-years – making it a celestial neighbor. This binary star system, comprising Sirius A and Sirius B, is a dance of light and shadow, their union a testament to the cosmos’ harmony.
Beyond its astronomical significance, Sirius has been a cultural touchstone, its essence infused in the myth of Orion and his faithful canine companion. Ancient civilizations – Egypt, Greece, and Rome – have venerated Sirius, acknowledging its power to transcend the mundane. Energetically speaking, Sirius is a spiritual sun, its energy a catalyst for human growth, transformation, and higher consciousness. It is thought to be a portal to realms beyond, a gateway to the mysteries of the universe and a connection to our human past galactic journey. Its luminescence and starlight is said to awaken intuition, psychic abilities, and the connection to our higher self.
As if orchestrated by the cosmos itself, Sirius converges with Earth on this precise date, 888, its essence entwining with the portal’s energy. Ancient sages, attuned to this celestial ballet, recognized the symbiotic bond between Sirius and the 88 Portal, acknowledging the star’s influence in unlocking the gateway’s full potential. The Sirius starlight amplifies the portal’s vibrational frequency, facilitating transformation and spiritual evolution, and deepening our connection to the divine and higher vibrational planes. Today’s 888 Portal, supercharged by Sirius’s light, presents a rare opportunity for expanding our consciousness into more empowering and multidimensional aspects of our divine essence.
let us dive into the majestic realm of the current Lion’s Gate energies, a celestial portal that unleashes a maelstrom of emotional and physical sensations within our being. Here’s a brief description of some of the possible manifestations that the 888 light codes may be generating within ourselves. Please remember each soul’s journey is different, and our energetic sensitivities are quite varied as well.
Also, our Sun has just generated a powerful X1.3 solar flare, exactly in sync with the 888 lightcodes, turning our energy fields and DNA more susceptible to these codes. These are some common emotional and physical themes observed under these special energetic waves:
Emotional Effects:
1. As the Lion’s Gate energy envelops you, your emotions may become a raging fire, burning brighter and hotter with each passing moment. You feel everything more intensely, and your heart beats with a deeper sense of empathy and compassion.
2. The dam breaks, and a torrent of emotions bursts forth, carrying with it the weight of years of suppressed feelings. You cry, you scream, you laugh, and you let go, finally releasing the burdens that have held you back for so long.
3. Your intuition becomes a guiding light, illuminating the path ahead and whispering secrets in your ear. You trust your instincts, and they lead you to hidden truths and unexpected wisdom.
4. Creativity explodes within you, a riot of color and sound that cannot be contained. You paint, you write, you dance and move your body, and you sing, letting the muse guide your hands and heart.
5. In this moment, you awaken to your true purpose, your higher self calling to you like a siren’s song. You listen, and you know, deep in your bones, what you must do to fulfill your destiny.
6. Your heart expands, embracing all of humanity in its warmth. You feel the pain and the joy of others, and you know that you are not alone.
7. But with great power comes great turmoil. Your emotions may rage like a stormy sea, threatening to engulf you at every turn. You must learn to navigate these intense waters, to find the calm at the center of the tempest.
Physical Effects:
1. Your energy surges like a wild mustang, bucking and twisting, leaving you breathless and bewildered. You ride the waves, holding on tight, as your body adjusts to the new frequencies. Fatigue is mixed with excitement as your energy finds a new point of balance.
2. Sleep becomes a distant memory, a fleeting dream that vanishes at dawn’s light. You lie awake, your mind racing, as your subconscious mind processes the cosmic downloads.
3. Your body purges itself, releasing toxins and poisons, like a snake shedding its skin. You feel the discomfort, the pain, and the disorientation, but you know it’s part of the growth. You may feel your body shivering, burning the old energies and transmuting them into the ether.
4. Your senses come alive, like a blind person suddenly granted sight. You see, you hear, you taste, and you touch with newfound wonder, as the world reveals its hidden magic.
5. Your heartbeat quickens, a drumbeat in your chest, calling you to action. You listen, and you respond, letting your heart guide you toward your highest truth.
6. Your body transforms, like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. You feel the changes, the shifts, and the upgrades, as your cells, digestive system, muscles, and bones purge limiting beliefs in the form of toxins.
Remember, these effects can vary in intensity and duration. Prioritize self-care, meditation, and connection with nature to navigate the Lion’s Gate energy with grace and ease. The Lion’s Gate energy is a potent catalyst for growth. Embrace its power, and let it propel you toward your highest potential.
As we are transformed by these 888 lightcodes, our inner energetic structures begin to shift and heal, creating new foundations that support a higher way of being. This process takes time and patience. Be kind to yourself as you allow this transmutation to take place within you. The ego personality might find these changes a bit overwhelming and challenging, so try to rest as much as needed if your body asks for it. All is happening in divine timing.
August 8-8-8 : Lion’s Gateway Activation . New set of light codes , heightened waves of 8 Frequencies of Abundance, Peace and higher self activations . Letting go of what is collapsing , opening to the Most High energies . Ascending , the tables are finally turning , this is what the ascending have been training for many lifetimes,
The “Lion’s Gate Alignment” is fully activating , This representation of alignment is a significant energy shift on our planet due to the absorption of highly charged light particle frequencies from our Sun and Sirius. This incredible influx of higher energies will lead to heightened intuition, prophetic dreaming , deeper knowing , stronger knowing , sudden clarity in perspectives.
Ascending individuals will experience continuous downloads of cosmic ancient world wisdom and knowledge, an acceleration in evolution of the existing spiritual state of being , activations and expansions in the solar plexus, heart, and third-eye chakras. During this time many ascending may experience healings with a sense of completion, while shedding what no longer serves their conscious growth.
Starseeds this is a time to accept these changes without resistance, remaining heart centred , continuing to serve humanity by becoming the example of the true authentic version . Previous efforts are now being rewarded, allowing , letting go, receiving .
During this 8-8-8 Lion’s Gate Portal, Earth aligns with the Cosmic Center, Sun in Leo, Sirius, and Orion’s Belt, creating huge waves of Energetic solar light that activates the multidimensional DNA this raises existing consciousness in the divine human template.
The energies of this portal will greatly assist with timeline resets and new conscious timelines are anchoring on personal and planetary levels, bringing unexpected shifts and breakthroughs. Synchronistic energetic codes like 88, 888, 808, and 818 Serve to activate new templates within the blueprint systems resulting in major light body activations, cellular upgrades, DNA upgrades, central nervous system upgrades, and multiple shifts into higher states of consciousness.
The Lion’s Gate Portal is an energetic gateway that combines Solar Weather Energies, Cosmic Alignment Energies, and Ascension Energies. These energies will intensify greatly , leading to various physical and emotional sensations.
Symptoms may include head pressure, ringing ears, electrical buzzing, vibrating sensations , vertigo, vision issues, throat and jaw pain, euphoria, fatigue, crown pressure , dental issues , neck and back , restless legs , diarrhoea, nausea , extreme fatigue . Kundalini activations , experiences such as floating through reality, complete body release, giddiness, total euphoria, seeing cosmic energy, interacting with guides, galactics, spirit team visitations may also occur. This heightened phase is a time of accelerated evolution and transformation through challenging yet ultimately beneficial experiences.
This Lionsgate portal experience may bring both profound spiritual experiences and physical challenges, ultimately guiding ascending individuals through personal conscious evolution .
During the Lion’s Gate Portal be prepared for surges of highly charged energies that will continue on for the next 4-5 days bringing in long-awaited blessings and potential twists of the unexpected. Some may experience shifts in the physical body while others may be focusing on the mental and emotional healing state .
Some may experience heightened pain syndrome during this highly charged energy portal , followed by waves of bliss and sensations like jitteriness or vibrations as the body adjusts to higher energies. Past traumas may resurface remembering the self is not limited to the mind or body , self has the full capacity to heal at a soul level.
This amplified Lionsgate energy is a heightened opportunity in energy to release more of what no longer serves in life , Utilising this time and planetary energy to deeper reflect on emotions, letting go of all that is based in false beliefs or taken in or influences by others . Recognising and understanding feelings and the differences between emotions , recognising internal triggers. Dissecting and dissolving any thing That is out of conscious alignment. Avoiding over analysis , dropping into the heart space for intuitive knowing and answers connecting and healing the inner child aspects .
The Ascending are all accelerating in ascension levels , this is re directing them on the right path here on earth . Paying close attention to the inner voice , no longer allowing the ego voice to hinder the ascension progress , as Leo rules the Ego this will now be amplified highlighting duality inself and on this planet , trusting higher guidance , intuition and inner wisdom at this time . This Chosen path on ascending earth is leading the ascending towards self fulfilment, purpose in self , peace within and over all wellbeing .
This is a time to Eliminate anything that is not aligned with self’s higher purpose and aspirations , Visualising the self in desired outcomes, while remaining grounded in earths new realities . A time to consciously re examine internal fears and limiting beliefs. consciously breaking free from preconceived limitations of the self . Expanding in new earth changes with a clearer understanding, a deeper courage and stronger bravery .
The Sun is radiating heightened waves of light and awakened consciousness codes. This intense infusion helps the self to recall the soul’s initiations, activate dormant DNA, energise the human auric fields and transmit elevated frequencies in awakening codes.
This is an incredible opportunity to expand in the ascension journey. Although this gateway opens annually and accelerates the ascension process, this year, the impact is far greater. Making this particular Lionsgate more challenging for some and stronger in energy than most .
Taking time during this portal activation to be with higher self / light team , meditating , practising mindfulness , Preparing for increases in higher vibrations of Divine love , expansions in consciousness. Activations in heart, mind and body, receiving cosmic light codes of dna awakenings , expansions in ascension.
In Loving and Dedicated Ascension Service by Ascension LightWorkers .
The White winged lions have returned with the Golden Ones and fully activating the huge Golden Sun temples again, and igniting the New Golden Age, and full anchoring in of the highest Christ Consciousness.
There is so much more but this I will only share after the Lion’s Gate, for it goes beyond the beyond, the Suns behind Suns.
The Divine is blocking the energies that have been causing grief and suffering so you can complete healing and move on. The focus of this healing is in the mind today, clearing and connecting the left and right sides of the brain back into one.
Today’s 888 LIONSGATE is inviting you to intuitively connect to Christ Consciousness and ground in the higher wisdom direct from Source. This awakening is your reward as it is revealing the truth of who you really are and why there has been so many people that have created the grief you are now healing from. You can see that your devotion is not to man, but to unifying with God in the Trinity Field.
This breakthrough is rising you into Divine Feminine Christ Leadership. So much support and activations are awakening your Feminine Power, overriding the pain that was holding you down. It’s your time to complete the rose path and blossom with all of your life force energy and power back in your hands, heart, mind, and Spirit.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
The Lions Gate Portal
Ra James
Happy 8:8 Portal! It’s the peak of the Lions Gate Portal.
The Earth is in a powerful direct alignment with the Galactic Center, Central Sun, Sun, Sirius, and Orion. Orions Belt Is perfectly aligned with the Pyramids of Giza right now. You’re probably feeling the super charged energies that are flooding the Planet right now. These high frequency energies are amazing for doing activation or healing work. The Light Codes of the Lions Gate Portal can help us so much with the ascension work that we are doing right now. These are energies for our spiritual awakening.
We are receiving some powerful soul upgrades. This is a powerful portal for instant manifestation. It’s amazing for bringing your dreams into reality. It’s all about creating your 5D dream life. This year the Lions Gate Portal is being amplified by Pluto’s final return to Capricorn before it moves on. Pluto in Capricorn is all about deep self reflection. The focus will be where you might be giving away your power, or holding onto limiting beliefs that prevent you from manifesting your true desires.
These energies are helping you to remove these types of blocks. The Lions Gate Portal is a powerful time for setting intentions that will manifest over the next month. Make sure you’re utilizing these high frequency energies. Leo Season always brings supercharged solar energies. As Sirius is moving closer to Earth we are receiving huge influxes of light. When Sirius aligns with the Sun it’s an extremely lucky time to make your dreams come true.
We also have the energies of the Planets Mars and Jupiter adding to the mix which represent action and good fortune. It’s time to tap into all of these energies to make things happen…
On Thursday, August 8th, we start out the Lions Gate Portal with the Moon, ruler of our emotions, in balanced Libra the Scales and in a positive connection with potent Pluto, the Great Transformer, in future oriented Aquarius. This is supporting us in our empowerment on an emotional body level, and perhaps in our relationships as well. We may be owning, or taking back our power in situations and circumstances on this Lions Gate Day! As for the Portal Energies……
they have been active since July 26th and will remain active until August 12th, with today being the pinnacle point. As we have mentioned before, the influence of the star Sirius and the numerology significance of the triple 8 energy, makes this an auspicious day for higher light code activations, DNA awakening, psychic expansion, and powerful manifestations unfolding. Move into the confidence, courage, leadership and heart of the Lion! Create! Meditate! Activate! And, take charge of your Destiny Path!
The number 6 is called ‘Rhythmic’ and its keywords are ‘Organize, Equality and Balance’. Get into a rhythm today and organize yourself. Sometimes you have to take care of business. We need to address balance in our lives to make sure we are grounded and not always in our busy minds so much. If you want to think straight, sort out your personal space and your workspace and you’ll find energy will flow better in those environments. It’s easier to balance our minds when our lives are organized. The number 6 also represents Equality and when we rebalance ourselves every 13 days, this process equalizes our energy. Imagine your brain has knobs, levers and buttons. We need to recalibrate ourselves regularly to keep ourselves in check.
Today is Yellow Human which represents ‘Wisdom, Influence and Free Will’. Obviously today is about organizing the Human! These days are always full of intuitive flashes, when insights seem to pop into your head out of nowhere. Humans are ‘channels’ – vessels designed to receive communication from spirit – and this wisdom is given freely to us but we can use our ‘free will’ to decide what to do with the insights we receive. Since organization is the rhythm for the day, this suggests that any information you channel may be in regards to practical matters you have on your mind. If you need answers, strive to calm your mind so you may hear that inner voice. Sometimes we are too distracted to hear the messages. If we are to recalibrate ourselves today certainly this must mean we need to check our intuition. Channeling is great and gives us answers but too much downloading and our cup runneth over – which is very draining and confusing. Alternatively, ignoring our gut instincts always leads to making bad choices. Strive today to listen to your inner voice but don’t over do.
The Guide for today is Yellow Human as well, a double helping of psychic activity.
The Challenge of the day is White Wind which represents ‘Communication and Spirit’. If you are a White Wind, try to sharpen your intuitive skills as it is good practice for you. Don’t get frustrated by today, see it as a timely reminder to do something that is good for you.
The Occult power is Red Moon, the laid back ‘go with the flow’ energy, is in a supportive and magical position today which suggests that if you relax and chill out…magic can facilitate psychic activity. Purify yourself with a nice bath, light some incense and see that when you are in a relaxed state, answers are more likely to come to you. It’s so simple and we all know this but most of us forget the importance of stillness.
The Ally is the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin. If you know one, consult them today as they can offer friendship, support and hugs. If you are a Blue Hand, lend a hand to others on this practical day, your kindness will be very appreciated. Of course we are in the Blue Hand wavespell and so this means the wavespell energy is friendly and helpful to us all today.
Another UBER POWERFUL milestone portal day on PLANET EARTH.. This LION’S GATE portal is a TRIPLE GATE – fortifying the flow of ABUNDANCE, SUPPORT and PROTECTION from SOURCE through the power of UNIVERSAL LAW.. 3 is a holy number and a truly DIVINE frequency.. 3 x 8 = 24 = 6 bringing forth much HEALING, JOY and a higher vibration through the codes today.
The moon is in LEO (TRUE SKY ASTROLOGY) and as such we will be feeling VERY STRONG, CONFIDENT and COURAGEOUS to step up and claim our GOD GIVEN DIVINE POWER through this gateway. This year the LION’S GATE feels SERIOUSLY POWERFUL as it is BACKED by the RHYTHMIC HUMAN – bringing forth the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH and humanity in all its GLORY!! HALLELUJAH..
A very potent HEAVENLY day to align your free will to that of DIVINE WILL, to bring forth healing, balance and LIBERATION in your life.
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today we have a DOUBLE DOSE of RHYTHMIC energies as the yearly tone is also RHYTHMIC!! This gives us a 6.6. coding plus the 6 day code – a 6.6.6. TRIPLE HEAVEN’s GATE code with an 8.8.8. source code – The SOURCE energies are flooding through HEAVEN’S GATE now to saturate our EARTH with the rewards, honour, resources and support we need.
The DOUBLE RHYTHMIC tone is akin to a DOUBLE STREET SWEEPER – an extra check to ensure that DIVINE WILL is paramountly APPLIED today to bring forth greater BALANCE in our world from this day forward.
SPIRIT/GOD/GODDESS is DONE watching us making a MESS of our world – and NOW we are witnessing SPIRIT take the reins through DIVINE INTERVENTION!!
Are we willing to take our place as SOLDIERS of CHRIST – in GOD’S ARMY??????
Today’s question is “What WISER choices can you make, through Divine guidance, to bring about greater HEALING to your body (and others), to restore BALANCE in your life and our world? “
Divine blessings for miraculous DIVINE healing accomplishments today !
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Day 6 in the BLUE HAND WAVESPELL of accomplishing HEALING on all levels, through accessing greater knowledge and skills. The 6th day is filled with ORGANIZING our physical reality, to bring forth EQUALITY and BALANCE. The codes are emphasizing BALANCE and becoming whole again especially relating to our physical bodies.
RHYTHMIC is also the FENG SHUI tone – which encourages you to CLEAR your SPACE, in order to effect greater HEALING in your personal SANCTUARY. Bring in more PLANTS, aromas – candles, essential oils, incense and beautiful objects and pictures. Use more Motivational pictures and affirmations, natural materials, vibrant COLOURS, flowers, and the elements and sounds of NATURE, to bring more CALM and HARMONY to your MIND, BODY and SOUL for complete REJUVENATION.
A beautiful day to sit in NATURE and RESTORE your BALANCE!
The BLUE HAND seals the store of ACCOMPLISHMENT bringing forth completion! We can seek guidance today that will resolve any lingering issues that have burdened us, in relation to our HEALING and coming back to wholeness through our DIVINE SELF.
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW RHYTHMIC HUMAN EB’s traits include Wisdom, intelligence, choices, free will, questioning, rewiring in order to receive higher frequencies, abundance, holy grail, and aligning to Divine Will.
The YELLOW HUMAN energies are DOUBLED today as EB is both the CONSCIOUS SELF, and the Higher Self. This means the channel connecting to DIVINE WILL, is super strengthened today allowing for greater WISDOM to flow through your MIND and body’s intelligence. How divinely PERFECTO!!
Today is THE day to take control of your human vessel. Our free will allows CHOICE, and today we can use our intelligence, to research suitable healing methods, to discover remedies to what ails us?
Upgrading from old 3D habits, patterns and beliefs about your body, commanding your mind to shift to a higher frequency, tuned in to higher dimensions. Thus allowing and bringing forth new information and new technologies and healing methods, as well as forgotten or overlooked powerful and sacred ancient remedies. Our planet provides a cornucopia of solutions for every problem that exists or ails us.
Gaia is very adept at naturally bringing BALANCE to our planet through her natural cycles. The rhythm of life always flows and returns to a harmonic balance over time.
Explore Mother Gaia’s natural apothecary of herbs, spices, oils, sounds, aromas, frequencies, abundant sunlight, natural elements and open your mind to possibilities for miraculous healing.. By making wiser choices you can then step into a more influential position and share your new found healing wisdom, as a role-model for others to follow, allowing them to become whole again too.
How can you use your knowledge today to HEAL yourself and make wiser choices?
It is high time you traded in your little human to that of a better and more spectacular high tech Divine HU-MAN. And TODAY is the PERFECT day to do just that! We have the power today to elevate ourselves beyond the limitations of our physical HU-MAN vessel, and raise our cellular frequency to that of the Divine HU-MAN.
A huge DNA Ascension upgrade for humanity today!
The more hu-mans that ELEVATE their thinking and frequency through greater ILLUMINATION, the quicker we HEAL our PLANETARY BODY.
As greater numbers of souls AWAKEN and accept responsibility for their LIGHT and VIBRATION each day, the sooner we reach critical mass for our Planetary Ascension.. GAIA has raised her frequency and requires a planetary body of EN-LIGHT-ON-ed HU-MAN beings – GOD-MAN – to cocreate BEAUTY and HARMONY with her in this next chapter.
SUPPORT: BLUE RHYTHMIC HAND – MANIK’s key words are Healing, Accomplishment, Completion, assistance, service to others, portal, spiritual tools and gifts, healer.
We have a DOUBLE layer of BLUE HAND HEALING energies today as MANIK is both the supporting energy and the Wavespell energy on Day 6. There is a very strong emphasis on accomplishing HEALING and returning to BALANCE and WHOLENESS through the WISDOM gained today, both on a personal and collective level. Yahoooooo! 888 KA-BOOM!
Very strong SUPPORT today, for volunteering to help others and influencing them, through your acquired wisdom. Even just holding someone’s HAND or giving them a sincere HUG is very potent and needed today. The HEALING power of TOUCH is indeed one of the greatest gifts we can give another being.
Aligning with the GOD FORCE/Spirit/SOURCE through our DOUBLE DIVINE HUMAN enables us to easily access the knowledge, wisdom, skills and clues needed to effect this change. Sit still, put your HAND on your HEART and allow the answers to flow through you..
You have great DIVINE assistance to accomplish HEALING MIRACLES today..
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED GALACTIC MOON – MULUC’s themes are Universal waters, feminine flow, communication, emotions, softness, intuition, receptivity, purification and self remembrance.
The GODDESS energies in the occult position are a great BALANCE to that of the masculine EB energies aligned to GOD/DIVINE WILL..
TODAY we have a 6.6.6. code bringing forth Heavenly codes and much DIVINE support.. This is highlighting issues to do with HARMONY within families, relations and our world as we elevate our collective mind to CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.
In the new Harmonic Matrix we can all EXIST in HARMONY with each other.. There is no need for competition, conflict or friction.. Instead we need to VALUE the contributions, qualities, skills and gifts of ALL beings as unique individuals – all honoured, respected and treated as EQUALS..
This Goddess is a GALACTIC RED MOON so authenticity, integrity, honour and reputation are very important to her wellbeing. Her SUPERPOWER communication qualities, and purification powers through her Universal Waters, provide very valuable HEALING tools to cleanse and purify any discordance.
The path to true healing lies in becoming our authentic self.
As we align with true soul authenticity, transparency and sovereignty we can create a better world, with more HARMONY and PEACE, leaving behind the battles of the PAST! The GODDESS qualities of LOVE, nurturance and compassion are the new current-sea of New Earth.
Here is a mantra from ISIS our Mother Goddess and Alchemist
to bring forth HEALING MIRACLES today;
Put your HAND on your HEART and say this aloud 3x.
Life flows through me unobscured
From past hurts I AM now cured.
I meet my life, blossoming anew
My inner LIGHT shines bright and true
Through your Grace, I have RESURRECTION
SOURCE: Alana Fairchild – ISIS Oracle Cards.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE RHYTHMIC WIND IK key words include: Breathe of life, voice of Spirit, communication, channeling, attunement, wind, change, inspiration, truth, going with the flow, listening to advice, becoming a pure vessel.
What a beautiful synchronic gift having the RHYTHMIC WIND as today’s blessing with a 6.6.6 HEAVENLY code on an 8.8.8 SOURCE FLOW portal! Tremendous levels of DIVINE ENERGIES abundantly flowing to EARTH through this GOLDEN gateway!
WHITE WIND relates to the breath or voice of Spirit. So it is VERY APPROPRIATE that this is today/s GIFT and challenge. For without this challenge today you may reside in the depths of your egoic desires and small human FREE WILL.
IK reminds us that you need to be switched on and tuned in to Higher Guidance and not your lower egoic desires, habits and toxic addictions. or purely repeating what you have always done.
As Einstein says “Insanity is repeating the SAME behaviour and expecting a different result”
In order to effect a different (and better) outcome you must DO things differently..
From what LEVEL (or SOURCE) are you making your choices?
Are those choices based on higher wisdom, innovation and unique solutions? Or are they coming from a place of fear, complacency and hopelessness?
Be OPEN to MIRACLES and new possibilities. New choices and new solutions.
A greater connection to SPIRIT protects us from our lower destructive selves. Spirit can guide you towards wholeness and balance resulting in complete healing of your physical vessel.
Are you listening to the wisdom of your body?. Give your body the rest, herbs, nutrients and sustenance it needs in order to restore balance.
Follow your hunches, if you have visions of trees then head to the forest for some tree hugging. If you hear the roar of the waves, take a trip to the beach. Perhaps your feet require some squelching mud to remineralize your cells. You may also feel inclined to SING, CHANT, play an instrument, do some toning, listen to frequencies or speak the LANGUAGE of LIGHT.
Allow the breath of Spirit to FLOW through your hollow vessel and re-energize your body, mind and spirit. Whatever that may be, TUNE IN today, and let the WHITE WIND carry you home to wholeness.
It is said that the Solar Seal in the CHALLENGE position provides the RESISTANCE or friction needed to STRENGTHEN you. In so doing it then becomes your GIFT or BLESSING, which in turn becomes the MEDICINE you can offer to others.
With WHITE WIND in this position it is CHALLENGING us to accept the GIFT of DIVINE WILL.. Through partnering with SPIRIT you can then activate the DIVINE LAW of GRACE to create MIRACLES in your LIFE..
Step up and volunteer to become a DIVINE MESSENGER and PARTNER with Spirit today.
GOD’S ARMY is ALWAYS in need of more HU-MAN ANGELS to do his work on EARTH.
Today’s question is “What WISER choices can you make, through Divine guidance, to bring about greater HEALING to your body (and others), to restore BALANCE in your life and our world? “
Divine blessings for miraculous DIVINE healing accomplishments today !
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Divine Light, Source of all creation,
On this sacred day of the 888 Lion’s Gate Portal,
We open our hearts to the infinite energies of the Universe.
As the celestial gates align, we stand ready to receive your blessings of healing and transformation.
Through the power of 888, a symbol of abundance, balance, and divine order,
We ask for the healing of our hearts, minds, and spirits.
May the energy of the Lion infuse us with courage, strength, and the fire of transformation,
Purifying our souls and illuminating our paths.
We release all that no longer serves our highest good,
Letting go of old wounds, fears, and limiting beliefs.
With your guidance, we step into our true power,
Embracing the fullness of our divine essence.
May this portal bring clarity to our visions,
Empowering us to manifest our deepest desires in alignment with our soul’s purpose.
Let the light of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky,
Shine upon us, awakening our higher consciousness and divine potential.
As we walk through this gateway,
We call upon your healing energies to restore our inner peace,
Harmonize our emotions, and renew our faith in the infinite possibilities before us.
Thank you, Divine Spirit, for your unwavering support and love.
We trust in the unfolding of our journey, knowing that we are guided and protected.
May the energies of this portal continue to bless us with wisdom, love, and infinite light.
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