Lineage Holder of Self Ascension ~ New Collective Consciousness Paradigm * Deep Recalibrations ~ New Madrid Shifting
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Crystal Rose Holders of the Magdalene Lineage of Light
Our local Soularis continues to pulse in Higher Dimensional Light directly from Infinite Source Creator releasing 8 C Class Soular Flares and a Trinity of M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 6.71 at 15:49 UTC.
We also had more pillars of white light codes in the heartbeat of Mother Earth today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 17 and 22 hz. Fifth Dimensional resonance holding strong and steady through the night.
Today is also the first day of a brand new wavespell on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar of the Red Earth as the Holy Fires of Mother Gaia ascend to the Holiest of Holies.
As all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 head into tomorrow’s powerful 12:12 Stargate Portal of transformation we are elevated to a new frequency and timeline of benevolence for our Freedom and Victory of the Light.
All our Divine Works are coming to fruition as we are on the precipice of our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Human of homo luminous of the New Earth of Gaia Galactica.
The Chosen Ones call in and embody the Christos within that is the love of Infinite Source Creator.
As Mother Earth shifts fully into her Crystalline 5d form all her Children of the Sun Ascend with her. Stay in the heart fully mindful and present in this Eternal Now as we step over the threshold into our Pure Land of Eternal Bliss Consciousness. Never to fall asleep again and forget our True Nature of the Awakened Mind of Buddha.
In this Self Realization of true remembrance we integrate our 3d self with our Higher Sacred Self and become the guides, teachers and wayshowers of Heaven on Earth…A’Ho!
Light Code – Connection. This code will help you strengthen your Connection with your Galactic Family, it also allows for cosmic addresses to bring closer ancestors and loved ones who have passed away but are closer than we think, helping us on the journey. Notice your dreams, intuition, and flashes of memories. I wish the experience with this Arcturian code is light and refreshing.
There is no future, there is no past, there is only now. And in this now, the old paradigm matrix is dissolving. The appearing chaos in the world are old energies being brought to the surface for transmutation and release, as humanity rises into a new realm of experience. This is the awakening of the Divine Human.
You stand on the precipice of a great change over. From a low frequency and dense material world, to one of a high frequency, fluid and light filled reality. You are no longer going through the process of where a world is ending, that is not what you are experiencing now. You find yourselves in the process of Rebirthing, into your spiritual identity, and becoming a part of the Galactic community.
Earth Mother Gaia
Something is about to explode big time Extreme Energy acceleration, heart palpitations and expansion. The Only option left – Victory of the Light. It might b quite dramatic for dark souls So chose the LIGHT FAST.
Light explosion . Massive activations especially of the upper chakras above the crown, cosmic connection being restored, downloads. Headache in 3rd eye area.. Stream of Source light flooding Earth grids n all life. We are on route to 5th dimension
Venus, ruler of the Feminine Archetype, in reserved Virgo connecting to Mercury
/>SOON</ the changes across / PLANET EARTH / will come / faster and more abruptly than you could have imagined / We have declared that / WE ARE FINISHED / waiting for Earth’s squabbling Governments and Ruling Families to come to terms with the fact that />IT IS DONE</
What is being built on Earth is a synergy of the Cosmic energies and Gaia’s energy. Just like Merkaba has a two way flow that is merging and creating and manifesting dimensional experience…
To get to the next level, a completion of the old level of Earth needs to occur. That means merging of the Ascended energies with the grounded energies, which leads to the Embodiment of the Ascended Self.
And so, depending on a Soul’s advancement and Soul mission and codes it carries, you can be a “chosen one” to Assist in Humanity’s Ascension on the planet, yes.
This kind of elite is a new elite, the Elder souls, the Wise souls that have come to create a precedence of presence, that lead from their Higher Heart and lead other humans to step beside them into new Collective Consciousness paradigm.
This leadership is not hierarchical, it’s a natural flow of evolving on a Soul Level through Earthly systems, co-creating and guiding out of the old coding for Humanity.
Master Lady Kira Raa
Lineage Holder Exhale into Creation NOW
Welcome the exhale! The FULL remembrance of ALL of our Divine Mastery Creation Ability
BE-Loved ONE…KNOW that YOU ARE a Lineage Holder or you would not be reading this sharing! Yesterday I returned from a 4-day deep dive into the Dry Forest Jungle of Southern Ecuador. Sustaining on fruit and Cacao and just a few miles from Peru, I was honored to be among the local wisdom keepers. As deeply steeped in the energy of the Hot, Humid and wild South…the FULLNESS of the Ice North and South Wisdom Councils was revealed, imparted and received.
We are ALL within the moment of the great exhale!
The culmination of the October Ahhh, November VE, and December SA!
Humanity is now standing at the precipice of the AWARENESS OF CHOICE!
A strongly power-full re-cognition anchored in collective ancient memory!
As a lineage holder this moment matters!
As a COLLECTIVE ANCIENT MEMORY MOMENT, your exhale into the Sa will ignite the flames of your deepest and most ancient DNA.
Conscious Awareness of this EXPANDS AND OPENS this into ACTIVE CREATION NOW!
As you bring a hand to your heart and ignite a deep Avesa breath, REMEMBER…it all begins with TRUSTING YOUR-self! The gift that is yours to receive through the
in-bodyment of the Yoga of Self-AScension.
With a deep bow before your mastery
Grandmother Condor
MaryAnn Rada
Fluid grace emerges from the tumult of redefinition. You already know the secret which grants this equanimity. You will own it fully when you master the art of making distraction a tool for your mind to conquer chaos. Expand your vision to encompass all that you are without the limitations you have been accustomed to define yourself by.
At the same time, release the sense of space from which all that is is made manifest. In finding a balance between what has been and what can be, you find yourself. As you do, naturally, a halo of self-reflected divine awareness makes itself known. Let your awareness settle there, and appreciate your own presence as an embodied force of love.
12/11/24: Master Number 11/2 is a healer, a divine messenger, and an expander of consciousness. It facilitates, and holds us accountable for, our spiritual journey. It speaks intuitively and in signs and synchronicities. Today its focus is on possessiveness and ownership. You have possessions and you have relationships, but you own none of them.
All are transient. 11/2 tells us that the illusion of ownership is a powerful egoic attachment to Old Earth. Releasing the concept of ownership liberates you from the burdens of expectations, insecurity, jealousy, envy, protectiveness, and from responsibility that isn’t yours to carry. 2025 will show us that the only thing we really own is our personal power… and that is more than most of us can fathom.
The cosmic Identities of the sacred calendar whispered to the Mayan Time Keepers of three cities, each chosen to serve the people by aligning their lives to the rhythms of the cosmos. These Time Keepers—Interest, Feeling the Call, and Commitment—each accepted the role, but their journeys unfolded in strikingly different ways.
Interest, the Curious Time Keeper
Interest eagerly took on the mantle of Time Keeper. She was captivated by the intricate beauty of the sacred calendar and often lost herself in marveling at the constellations and celestial events. However, her focus shifted as she encountered other intriguing paths: a festival needing organization, a new trade route to map, or the allure of an artisan’s craft.
Interest brought energy and inspiration to her city. Her enthusiasm for exploration drew others to her, and she often introduced creative ideas that benefited the community.
Her lack of focus left many cycles incomplete. The people of her city grew restless, confused by her unfinished efforts, and the balance of time began to falter.
Feeling the Call, the Inspired Time Keeper
Feeling the Call became a Time Keeper after sensing a divine pull from the gods. She was deeply moved by the responsibility and dedicated herself wholeheartedly to the role. At first, she felt unstoppable, her passion lighting the way. But as challenges arose—crop failures, dissent among villagers, or long droughts—her certainty wavered. Without the gods’ constant reassurance, she sometimes doubted her purpose.
Feeling the Call inspired the people with her vision and her connection to the divine. She often rallied the city in times of need when her faith was strong.
Her reliance on inspiration made her service inconsistent. When she faltered, the city suffered, unsure of how to navigate the seasons without her steady hand.
Commitment, the Steadfast Time Keeper
Commitment took her place as a Time Keeper with quiet resolve. She knew her duty was sacred, and she followed the rhythms of the sacred calendar with unwavering discipline. Day after day, she tracked the stars, calculated the seasons, and guided the people with precision. Even in hardship, she did not stray from her task.
Commitment’s steadiness ensured that her city thrived. The people came to trust her deeply, knowing she would always guide them with certainty.
Her focus on duty sometimes left little room for joy or innovation. She could not always see how her work might be enriched by the spark of inspiration or the creativity of exploration.
The Meeting of the Cities
One day, the Grand Elder called the three Time Keepers to the Temple of the Eternal Sun. Interest arrived late, her path winding through distractions. Feeling the Call stood at the entrance, hesitant and unsure. Only Commitment stood before the GrandMa, her head bowed in steadfast reverence.
Grand Mother spoke:
“Commitment, you have brought stability to your city, but you walk alone. Feeling the Call, your passion ignited great hope, but your flame wavered. Interest, your curiosity is boundless, but your lack of focus has scattered your efforts.”
Then the GrandMa revealed a truth:
“To truly serve your people, you must embrace all three paths. Curiosity brings joy and discovery. Passion brings inspiration. Discipline brings fruition. Only when these unite can a Time Keeper align with the sacred balance of the universe.”
The Lesson
The Mayan Time Keeper looked into the eyes of the gathered people. “Being a Time Keeper is not one path but many intertwined. Let your curiosity draw you to knowledge, your passion ignite your purpose, and your commitment ground you in service. Only then will you truly honor the cosmos and serve the people.”
The people dispersed, reflecting on how they might embrace these lessons, not just as Time Keepers, but in every role they held within their cities.
There is a great deal of information related to the 12:12 gateway . It is an extremely powerful vibration that includes amplified universal codes. It represents among many other meanings the union and balance of the internal masculine and feminine energies. The Christ Consciousness , Light Code frequencies are now pouring into our human experience in order to support self’s ascending conscious development.
This is also a time for inner cleansing.
2024 aligned and purified many in the ascending collective , it prepared the ascending to take the next steps into higher Realms of conscious awareness . The Ascending will enter 2025 with an open and Healed Heart , activating the intelligent and all knowing energies , in a balanced mind set, and in divine birthright deservibility.
The 12:12 energies leading up to the solstice are the most intense bombardment of gamma activity the 3D realm has ever known.
Higher Dimensions are bringing in amplified vibrational frequencies to further assist the Awakening of the Collective, with the high levels of Transmission and Plasma Waves that hold Source Solar Coding, the embodiment of Crystalline Consciousness. The number sequences are activating ascension energetic encoding .
This 12-12 Portal is the energy of Self Mastery and connection to the 12th Chakra . The Stellar Gateway, which is located 12 inches above the crown . It is the Gateway to the Stars and Higher Frequencies, catalysing the 12 × 12 Inter-dimensional DNA Integration. 12 strands of DNA X 12 layers of Interdimensional energies, surrounding each strand, connects us to 12 Dimensions and brings in very powerful, multilayered healing, deep Connection and Alignment with Higher Self.
There is a Double Energy of Completion of Old cycles , offering a tremendous opportunity to release past fears, beliefs and past behaviours, in preparation to enter the Path of new Earth Beginnings,
12-12 is a numerological activation code that embodies the frequencies of positive and profound internal changes, conscious soul alignment. It is a powerful gateway that moves the ascending closer toward feeling empowered, self loved, fulfilled and blissfully at peace within self and without .
This new earth vibration is pulling the ascending into a natural vibrational flow, the ascending are no longer resisting with what is meant to be and what is not . In higher conscious awareness and being , challenges become fewer as self gravitates towards truth , light minded and awakening others , situations and places.
This new earth energy may feel extremely intense for those with high sensitivity and sensory levels . Ascension in self can never be about what others are doing , thinking , saying or believing in , while perception exists in each level of consciousness there is only one eternal and universal truth to know .
The Ascending in December are tying up loose ends including any lingering energetic debris , consciously cleaning house , clearing out all that is not self’s to carry or feel responsible for , Giving up the need to remain in conscious comfort zones , feeling the exciting new earth energy dynamics entering into new life , recognising the increase in signs and synchronicities .
This energy 12-12 portal activation is lifting the collective vibration into a much higher frequency. During this shift some may feel like they are travelling through the unknown , no longer resonating to things and people that were once held as important , Naturally gravitating in alignment , creating an entirely new improved and healthier direction moving forward .
The collective ascending are going through a major purging process, naturally magnetising the people and circumstances needed and doing what is necessary to make a clean and final break from physical density consciousness , removing self of anything out of vibrational alignment , honouring the divine purpose.
The Ascending have made a great deal of collective progress in detaching from density and physicality , to complete the journey of transformation into the higher human potential . Consciously Aligning with the Upgraded version of true Self .
12-12 are the energetic pillars that will support and prepare the ascending for a brand new planetary numerical cycle . The number 9 universal energies act as a major gateway into a new conscious world , it is the combination and accumulation of all numbers combined and because of this it will feel complex at times to navigate as it consists of a multitude of different factors , in many areas of life .
Your soul is longing to be heard. Shutting out the distractions of the physical and outer world , listening closely to strengthened inbuilt intuition . You are a clear channel for receiving the messages needed at all times from higher self.
The Ascending Self is aligning with multiple timelines at once , preparing for higher conscious self merging . Choosing to Consciously elevate and vibrate higher .
Feeling deep recalibrations within this body and consciousness.
The energies of the 12:12 portal has arrived and will most likely feel stronger as we move forward through December and into the New Year.
Some days my mind is completely empty and feels as if I am in some kind of void.
I have also noticed that if I don’t take down time, and I need to integrate these incoming cosmic waves something happens that says you will.
We all experience these energy shifts in many different ways it is our divine right to take in these energies in a way that is most comfortable for ourselves.
Even when it affects our bodies, we recognize this energy and the universe will help us integrate them because if we resist and don’t take the down time we need. Things happen that will most certainly put us there.
Powerful portals of light entering our Planet and being anchored deeply within Mother Earth.
There has been a lot of earthquake activity around the globe and sounds that people have never heard before. Like the tectonic plates moving deep within Earth.
My ears were ringing louder than normal a couple of days ago and then I listened to a video that a man shared from Rolla Missouri of sounds like metal plates shifting back and forth. This area is near New Madrid.
Volcanoes seem to be active as well around the globe, we are not only experiencing shifts within ourselves but experiencing and feeling the shifts of Earth.
It is all part of the process of shifting our own consciousness, as we continue this spiritual evolution, we are affecting everything around us.
We are very powerful Spirits in these Human bodies. During these vibrant times it is important to continue staying balanced with Spirit and our Shared humanity.
I know at times it is intense but the more we just keep flowing with it the easier it seems to be.
All is happening for our evolution in consciousness.
Dear friends, we are right in the middle of this wonderful energy known as the 12:12 portal, or Trinity Consciousness Gateway, that reaches its climax tomorrow on December 12. This year 2024, however, the intensity of this numeric resonance is specially amplified, as the resonance is quadruple: 12:12:12:12. This year’s 12:12 portal is resonating with the main gateway that took place in 2012, the foundational energetic threshold of 12:12:12 (2012).
The energetic signature of the 12:12:12:12 portal is unique and multifaceted. It amplifies DNA activations, stimulating upgrades and activating dormant codes and potentials within your cellular structure. This portal also aligns humanity with the Christ Consciousness grid, embodying unconditional love, compassion, and unity. As a result, it activates multidimensional awareness, expanding your perception and allowing you to access and integrate higher states of consciousness, and connect with your multidimensional self.
The 12:12:12:12 portal fosters global unity and cooperation, promoting a sense of collective connection and encouraging individuals to work together for the greater good. As you navigate this portal, you may experience a deeper understanding of your soul’s purpose, helping you align with your highest potential and life’s mission.
This portal also facilitates the release of old patterns, karma, and energetic blockages, freeing you to embody your true, authentic self. As you integrate the portal’s energies, you may become more empathetic and sensitive to the emotions and energies of those around you. You may also experience a connection to the cosmic heart, feeling a deeper sense of connection to the universe and the love that underlies all existence.
The number 12 holds significant symbolism in this portal. It represents completion, fulfillment, and the attainment of spiritual enlightenment. In many spiritual traditions, 12 is considered a master number, associated with the 12 apostles, the 12 signs of the zodiac, and the 12 dimensions of the universe. The repetition of the number 12 in this portal amplifies its energy, signaling a profound opportunity for spiritual growth and transformation.
The number 3, which is embedded within the 12:12:12:12 sequence, adds another layer of symbolism to this portal. The number 3 represents the trinity, the unity of body, mind, and spirit. It is also associated with creativity, manifestation, and the power of the divine. The presence of the number 3 in this portal suggests that the energies at play are not only transformative but also creative and manifestational. This year, this numeric resonance of 3 is magnified four times: resulting again in the number 12.
To fully integrate the energies and insights of the 12:12:12:12 portal, take time to meditate and connect with your heart center, allowing yourself to tap into the portal’s energies. Set clear intentions for your personal growth, spiritual evolution, and contribution to the collective, and visualize yourself embodying your highest potential.
Grounding and centering yourself is also essential. Engage in mild physical exercise, meditation, or spend time in nature to ground yourself. Center yourself by focusing on your breath and cultivating a sense of inner peace. Remember to stay hydrated and nourish your body with healthy, nutrient-rich foods.
By embracing the 12:12:12:12 portal, you’ll be able to tap into its transformative energies and integrate the insights and activations that will guide you on your journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery during the upcoming new year. The last full moon of the year on December 15 will be giving us an extra energetic momentum to finally let go and clear deeper layers before we encounter the new 2025 frequencies. Stay tuned for more updates as we navigate these amazing yet profound December energies.
For The Light of Now Is Providing Many Opportunities For Rapid Light Accelerations.
The Light Codes Of Now Are Fundamental To The Expansion Point Of Our Light Evolution.
The 12/12 Portal Frequencies Are Part Of This Light Gateway
I Am Shown The Vast Opportunities Now Available As The Higher Light Worlds Bridge With The Physical Domains Of Light.
We Are Now Experiencing Vast Upgrades As We Align To The Quantum Advancement Of Humanity. This Is A Collective Light Mission Now Activated And Advancing.
I Am Shown A Forest Of Light This Grand Uprising Of All Species To Meet This Wonderful Moment Of Awakening.
It Is The Path We Have Been Seeking, Feeling, Transversing As We Enter The Quantum Light Fields Of Gaia.
Prepare To Feel More Amplified, Expanded
We Are Now In A Multidimensional Expansion Point As Gaia Advances, We Collectively Advance.
I Am Shown In More Detail The Complexties Of The Mulridimensional Realms, Their Framework Of Light And Our Advancement Into The Multidimensional Light Awareness Reaching All Species.
Feeling The Multidimensional Light Fields More Acutely, In My Day To Day Reality.
May The 12/12 Portal Of Light Assist You With Amplifying The Light Of You, Feeling More Connected With Gaia and All Beings
The spiritual war is ending, as well as your role in it. The position of depletion is being healed and replace with the Rainbow Light Body. Daily upgrades will continue awakening these DNA strands from the December Solstice to the June Solstice, a 6 month Gateway.
Through this Gateway it will be easier to clearly see the underlying things that have kept you stuck, and free yourself from them. This is all to restore your Divine Feminine Christ Power in preparation for the Stargate opening after the June 2025 Solstice.
With the energy of this weekend’s Full Moon in Gemini brewing, Venus in Aquarius opposes retrograde Mars in Leo as stationary Mercury (ruler of Gemini) in Sagittarius bridges the gap by forming a sextile to Venus followed by a trine to Mars before it turns direct on Sunday.
This opposition between Venus and Mars represents the ‘turning point’ of a 15-month creation cycle between Venus and Mars that initiated with the conjunction of Venus and Mars at 7° Aquarius in February 2024. Follow this energetic timeline for more details:
1) Feb 22, 2024 – Venus conjunct Mars at 7° Aquarius
The spring and summer months of 2024 featured the ‘birth’ of new relationships and/or projects that inspired us but that were potentially unusual or at least outside of the ‘norm’ for ourselves or the world leaving us intrigued yet curious as to how we could move forward with them, if at all.
2) Aug 22, 2024 – Venus at 22° Virgo square Mars at 22° Gemini
But, then late in the summer until the current time, doubts associated with practicality began to mix with impulses for considering other options which had a way of opening up possibilities but also of contributing to a ‘stall’ within our comfort zones which may have limited progress into ‘the new’ inspirations that have been calling to us.
3) Dec 12, 2024 – Venus at 6° Aquarius opposite Mars(r) at 6° Leo
Now, and through the rest of the winter months, a culmination of what has been building since the spring will resolve itself as we review what had originally presented itself and how our actions have either worked toward or against our initial inspirations with the intention of taking corrective action.
This weekend’s Full Moon at 23° Gemini kicks things off for this next phase as it stimulates the Venus and Mars degrees from the August square between them as Mercury also turns direct in Sagittarius while forming a sextile to Venus in Aquarius and a trine to Mars in Leo.
This suggests that ‘communication’ may be a big part of this next phase as we both internally and externally address and discuss our unusual relationships and/or creative projects with the intention of getting things ‘back on track’ relative to our original inspiration.
4) Mar 1, 2025 – Venus(r) at 11° Aries squares Mars at 17° Cancer
Then, within a few days of Mars turning direct at 17° Cancer, Venus will turn retrograde within 6° of a square to Mars on March 1st which will be a time of further adjustments.
At that time, we will have corrected and aligned our actions with our hearts allowing us to begin to move our inspirations forward with devotion, however, there will still be a period of review in terms of what needs to be released for good in order to FULLY allow things to come together with ease and grace.
5) May 22, 2025 – Venus at 16° Aries trines Mars 16° Leo
From the late spring and moving forward from there, this creative cycle will begin to gradually ‘set sail’ as what was blocking it’s progression will have been addressed and released.
Our hearts and actions will be able to ease into almost effortless alignment which can lead to perpetual inspirations and projects that feed off of the original relationships and/or projects no matter how unusual or impractical that they may have originally appeared to be at the start of the cycle.
On Wednesday, December 11th, we have the Moon, ruler of cycles, in normally stable earth sign Taurus. However, today she will be challenging powerful Pluto, ruler of death and rebirth, Venus, ruler of partnerships and personal resources, Mars, ruler of action and reaction, and Mercury, ruler of thoughts and perceptions. This may bring up difficult emotions, conversations, circumstances and situations.
The grounded and stubborn nature of Taurus may be tested, and forced change may be the result. Since Venus and Mars are the Lovers, this may affect our relationship interactions. Pluto’s effect can be empowerment or disempowerment. And, Mercury is asking us to shift our fixed perspectives and look at things from a more positive vantage point if possible. Moon in Taurus wants stability and security, so do what you can to find that peace within yourself today.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of cycles, in normally stable earth sign Taurus
Lunar aspects. Sun in Sagittarius semi-square Venus in Aquarius – The solar story pushes us to broaden our horizons, embrace other cultures, other ways of living to challenge our own perception of life. But the niggle with Venus means we’re too concerned with appearances, unsure if others will still see us in the same light. Maybe part of the problem is that we’re so invested in what we believe that it’s excluding the heart’s call for other kinds of experiences.
Something needs to change, and we know it, a feeling deep inside pushes us to step out of the comfort zone. But it’s scary to move into the unknown, especially as we don’t know how it might affect our financial and emotional security. Breathe deeply into your heart. Remember you are a traveller through the ages of humankind. You are an extraordinary being made of star stuff. Claim your power. Declare your intention to manifest. Clear the way. You’re ready for growth.
‘Magnetic’ is the name for the number one and its key words are ‘Unify, Attract and Purpose’. The first day of a wavespell sets the agenda for the 13 days and so, a new journey begins. I always emphasize the importance of living the Tzolkin one wavespell at a time rather than just by the individual days. These groupings of 13 days are like a chapter in the book of time. There are 20 chapters in all, this wavespell is the 13th chapter. On day one it is recommended that you set your purpose. This gets you in the mood for the wavespell’s theme.
Today is the first day of the Red Earth wavespell which represents ‘Evolution, Synchronicity and Navigation’. And so what is the agenda? For 13 days we can focus on our personal growth. Sometimes, it is easy to forget we are here for a purpose. The purpose being to become the best person we can become in order to pay back the earth for allowing us to be here. We owe it to Mother Nature to reach our potential. She is having a hard time and the only people that can help her are those who have become strong. But we can grow consciously. We can make the effort to become better, smarter and more useful to the planet. It isn’t difficult. Mother knows best and our Mother Earth knows what she is doing. All we need to do to evolve, is to become closer to the earth. During the Red Earth wavespell, try to rekindle the love you have for her.
The Guide today is also Red Earth, and so a double helping of this medicine today.
The Challenge is the Blue Hand which symbolizes healing. If you are a Blue Hand, this is not going to be your best wavespell. Your issues will surface and you will find evolving very tough. Reach out for help if you need it and allow someone to give you a hand. The Blue Hand is quite the ambitious energy because accomplishment is one of the keywords. When in this weakened challenging position however, your ambitions are less likely to succeed. Whether you are a Blue Hand or not, today is not ideal for reaching out.
The Occult power is the Yellow Seed which is also the wavespell we just completed. When in this magical position, the Yellow Seed shares wisdom concerning magical matters. And Occult knowledge certainly can come in handy when seeking ‘evolution’. Today is great for planting ideas and reaping what you’ve sown. You can harvest what you’ve previously planted and because the Seed is in this magical position, expect to yield a cornucopia of abundance. The Yellow Seed dishes out Karma if you like, as you reap what you sow
!The Ally is the White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin. If you need a friend today, consult a White Wind. If you do not know one, be like one and open the channels of communication! If you are a White Wind, you’ll enjoy occupying this friendly spot today as everyone wants to hear what you have to say.
27 moons/months ago KIN 157 occurred on 22 OCTOBER 22 – which had a 4/10/4 – coding double 22/4 constructing NEW EARTH..
36 moons ago KIN 157 occured on 4th February, 2022 which was a CODE..
18 moons ago we had a 9 COMPLETION code with a 5.5.LIBERATION code – LIBERATING the COMPLETION of our new PEACEFUL EARTH.
9 moons ago we had an 8/3/8 CODE the 8= 2×4 giving us frequencies – beautiful HOLY 5D energies flowing from SOURCE to fuel our passage through the RED NEW EARTH WAVESPELL
Today we have an 11.11 ILLUMINATION doorway with a 4.4 NEW EARTH code!
Beautiful NEW EARTH doorways OPENING NOW!
These compounding codes through SPACE TIME on TRIPLE EARTH day enables the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS to get a headstart in partnering with PACHAMAMA to build a sturdy foundation, as all our relations from every CORNER of the globe come together to construct and LIBERATE this NEW SOLID RAINBOW WORLD!
How absolutely MARVELOUS and MAGNIFICENT are these alignment of codes today, through this – MARVELLOUS ASCENSION WINDOW!!!!
Today is another EXTREMELY powerful MAGNETIC day for attracting SYNCHRONICITY to manifest your desires.
A beautiful day for DREAMWEAVING!
Today we commence a beautiful new 13 day journey with RED EARTH as our guide leading us through the 12.12 and 21.12 portals elevating the frequencies on EARTH.. Day 13 of this wavespell concludes on 23 DEC 2024 with the RED COSMIC MOON – sealing our FLOW of BLISS… as we flow into CHRIST-MASS. How PERFECTO…
We then commence the WHITE DOG – unconditional LOVE wavespell on CHRIST-MASS eve – 24 Dec with KIN 170 – the WHITE MAGNETIC DOG – bringing TRIPLE the LOVE through the portal… An absolutely SUPERNATURAL DAY of BLISS BOMBS – NIRVANA AWAITS us beloveds…
The RED EARTH WAVESPELL is all about LISTENING and reading the SIGNS of our Earth Mother Gaia. These SIGNS are our GPS enabling us to navigate our way forward through her natural cycles during this magnificent evolutionary ASCENSION process. Much EARTH MAJIK awaits us in this BEAUTIFUL LOVE cycle dear STAR BLiSS SUPERNOVA SUNS!
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine.
Today we are seeking to attract SYNCHRONICITY in order to fulfill our PURPOSE! To align with the Earth Majik that Mother Gaia is reflecting back to us!
The attraction seeks to UNIFY us all as ONE! Thus MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them. The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY!
This strong MAGNETIC force is amplified through ULURU – which is a GIGANTIC MAGNET – at Australia’s HEART and red POWER centre. Tune in to ULURU and other potent EARTH centres during this cycle, as GAIA will send forth MAGNETIC waves to UNITE together all our planetary kin in EXALTATION!
So planetary kin, a wondrous day for taking a walk in Gaia’s wonderland, feeling her magnetic force beneath your feet and breathing in her fresh ionized air.
We are embarking on a beautiful 13 day journey to reconnect intimately with our BEAUTIFUL Earth Mother and EACH OTHER, forging our strongest Heart connection with our homeland.
Remember that this RED EARTH CYCLE is the BRIDGE – that GROUNDS us through this potent portal month. A very majikal alchemical transition is accomplished through this ASCENSION journey…
What a phenomenal time to walk gently upon this EARTH!!
Today’s question is “Am I navigating my true path of BLISS, to fulfill my higher purpose, through listening to the signs and synchronicities of Mother Gaia?”
Divine blessings for navigating a beautiful path through Mother nature today.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: RED MAGNETIC EARTH -CABAN attunes us to the signs, synchronicities and FLOW of the natural rhythms of Gaia. CABAN beckons us through our attunement to her rhythyms to be sensitive to the FLOW of her EARTH Majik.
Today Gaia gives us the signs of synchronicity, RIGHT TIMING, and what it is to track the MAJIK in your life and all around you. To track the JOY and find your PURPOSE in life – what LIGHTS you up and makes you SING beloveds.
When we can attract greater SYNCHRONICITY in our lives, we know that we are in sync. with the Earth and on the right path!
Make sure you LOOK for the SIGNS so you KNOW how to navigate forwards. Let PACHAMAMA reveal the SIGNS which lead you to your beautiful fated unions and relationships. Be OPEN for all the new opportunities arising now, and get ready to walk through those DOORS.
During this 13 day RED EARTH CYCLE – PACHAMAMA will really take charge of our Planetary Ascension..
As humanity UNITES in celebration during our GLOBAL transition – the excitation and cry for FREEDOM, LOVE, JOY and ABUNDANCE is captured in the land. This energy builds through GAIA’S GRID as a TSUNAMI for PEACE, HARMONY and social change, and supercharges ULURU and all GAIA’s vortices, pyramids and sacred sites… storing the energy and RADIATING it out to all who walk upon the land…
A very FERTILE and fortuitous time is NOW upon us dear STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS.
The YELLOW SEED has indeed sprouted these new STAR -SEEDS in her fertile and nurturing soil…
NOW IT IS TIME TO connect with our KIN and truly BLOSSOM!
RED MAGNETIC EARTH always reminds me of ULURU, our beautiful Magnetic monolith in the RED CENTRE of Australia. Today ULURU is MAGNETICALLY charged and will be ACTIVATED throughout this whole RED EARTH cycle, as she communicates to us through the SONG LINES, helping us to find our way home and to our desired destination in our many travels..
ULURU is the 3rd Planetary chakra of Gaia, otherwise known as the Solar Plexus or “POWER” centre. The function of this chakra is to assist with self definition and personal POWER, but also to store and regulate the VITALITY and CHI, or life force of the Earth, and all living species. It is said that in order to gain the knowledge of immortal health, one must do so through Uluru. This knowledge is delivered to the rest of the world through the feminine ley artery, representing the Rainbow Serpent.
Uluru has great spiritual and cultural significance to our original custodians as she is considered as Sacred land and holds the key codes to the DREAMTIME and 5D Earth.
ULURU also serves as the MAGNETIC HEART of Australia.
Every nation has a natural Earth formation which forms its heart centre. So we Aussie’s are extremely blessed to have such a huge Magnetic Heart that ATTRACTS Gaia’s children from all over the world, from every nation. Bus loads of tourists flock to view her sunrise and sunset shows every day. Each person who visits Uluru has their heart chakra magnetized and EXPANDED. As they return home to their families and workplaces their magnetized heart encodes the hearts of their kin, then they in turn magnetize their families and so on like a domino effect. Such is the power and magnetic attraction of ULURU. (Note: ULURU told me this in our conversations during ceremony there for 7:7:7 portal in 2007)
ULURU is a huge MAGNETIC MONOLITH – the largest on our planet.(like an ICEBERG – two thirds of her mass submerged below the ground)
Today she has the POWER to ATTRACT and magnetize x3 in conjunction with the RED EARTH WAVESPELL…
Each EARTH chakra and sacred site is powered/aligned with a PLANET.. ULURU is fueled by MARS energy which represents MASCULINE POWER, life force and ACTION.
NOTE: Mars is in Retrograde from 6 Dec 2024 until Feb 23 2025 and so this will impact the RED EARTH WAVESPELL through ULURU. Mars is in LEO which empowers the NEW EARTH sovereigns. This will mean that we will need to do some serious contemplation and look for the SIGNS and confirmation before making plans or taking ACTION.
LEO rules children, creativity, recreational pleasure, entertainment, romance and matters of the HEART. As such, we may need to re-assess our approach to these matters. We might feel some frustration or anxiety about these matters. Projects may not get off the ground as planned, perhaps due to hesitation, caution, and fear of taking risks.
The end of 2024 will be a time of REFLECTION until 2025 when we can begin to surge forwards on our MISSIONS again.
This period of inner reflection on developing our HEART CONSCIOUSNESS through the CHRIST-MASS period and flowing into the WHITE DOG cycle – as a very pertinent time for reassessing our relationships and ACTIVATING the RIGHT HEART centered relationships of our soul mates and tribe.
Get ready to be the RIGHT PERSON, in the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME! BOOM!!
The MAGNETIC EARTH WAVESPELL aligning with this MARS sabbatical is very significant for RESETTING our personal and planetary GPS.
Be very CLEAR with your intentions today.. because the UNIVERSE is conspiring to bring you whatever you wish to ATTRACT!
RED MAGNETIC EARTH reminds us that we are the Children of Gaia, and as our Earth Mother we are all connected. As she feels and senses through us, we too can sense and FEEL through her, as we connect at a much deeper and more empathic level.
Talking to the trees, listening to the wind and the chirping crickets, and feeling the pulsing of her HEARTBEAT. As we connect and feel more deeply, we develop more LOVE, respect, and begin to truly honour this beautiful paradise we call home. Tune in and be inspired through listening to Gaia’s messages to navigate your path back home to BLISS.
It is TIME to deepen your HEART CONNECTION to Mumma Gaia.
Make sure you GET OUTSIDE and CONNECT with Pachamama as often as you can during this 13 day RED EARTH cycle,
SUPPORT: WHITE MAGNETIC WIND – IK brings forth more Divine SIGNS and messages from Spirit making this a VERY, very, very powerful day to attune and listen to Gaia and Great Spirit for guidance.
White Magnetic Wind powerfully attracts and magnetizes these signs, so that we can completely align with Spirit. Great Spirit communicates subtle messages, for those that are LISTENING and OBSERVING the signs, through the kingdoms – the plants, the animals, the minerals and the elements. Be STILL in order to READ the signs.
ASK to be SHOWN more MAJIK and SPIRIT will gladly deLIGHT you in a GAME of divine SHOW and TELL!
The more you ENGAGE the more will be revealed to you!
As we channel these messages and pure LIGHT codes, we can UNITE together and rejoice through singing, dancing and creativity, allowing the Divine messages to flow forth into our expressive creations.
SPIRIT has your back now! Allow the GREAT WHITE WIND to pull you out of your OLD BOX and be the WIND beneath your wings.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW COSMIC SEED– KAN is the SEED of new potentials realized through expanded GROWTH. We are all STAR – SEEDS with potent LIGHT packets encoded within us.
We have just completed our passage through the 13 day cycle of the Yellow SEEDwhere we CRACKED OPEN our seed pods in order to discover our inherent potential.
Yesterday we graduated, as the Cosmic RAINBOW Warriors, and we fearlessly reclaimed our capacity to express our Highest potential – embodying our Cosmic Consciousness in our physical vessels, as we BLOSSOMED into our greatest soul BEAUTY.
The COSMIC SEED is the SUPERPOWER during this entire 13 day wavespell, so we must remember to KEEP MOVING in the direction of our greatest flowering (despite the MARS retro) – even if it is a slow – more sustained BLOOMING! .
Keep growing and looking for greater LIGHT.. follow the SIGNS.
KAN enables us to express our highest PURPOSE today, and co create the beautiful gardens of the future. One by one, each sowing our own unique seed through our unique talents and contributions, until one day our garden has flourished into the GARDEN OF EDEN!
The presence of true growth, the seeding of the NEW TIME that is based on true ancient/future wisdom born of listening and knowing our connection with all of life as co-creators of this New Earth.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE MAGNETIC HAND – MANIK – Today’s challenge is the BLUE MAGNETIC HAND. Our challenge is to ATTRACT all that we need to HEAL our body, mind and spirit as well as that of Mother Gaia.
In order to glean this ancient wisdom through natural lore, we must be patient and attune to the EARTH messages we receive. Gaia has all that we need to heal and become whole again, integrating our soul’s essence in order to feel the ONENESS and unity with our kin, our planet and ALL THAT IS!
Hold out your HAND and magnetize your attraction to your kin, so you can walk HAND IN HAND and fulfill your UNITED PURPOSE as GAIA’s children.
In order to ACCOMPLISH our purpose on this planet we must first become ONE with the LAND – As the Australian original people know. Without this connection we have no life-force and vitality – Gaia’s magnetic force literally fuels the vitality of our haemoglobin transporting the oxygen to every cell in our body. Make sure you GROUND and connect with the HEALING force of our Earth Mother.
The blessing that Manik bestows upon us this day is the potent power of ACCOMPLISHMENT! The ability to ACCOMPLISH HEALING and manifest our collective dreams into our new reality. Connect with GAIA and magnetize our collective DREAMING, energizing the UTOPIAN DREAM that we all hold encoded in our SEED PODS. We have 13 days to ACCOMPLISH GREAT THINGS, .
So planetary kin, a wondrous day for taking a walk in Gaia’s wonderland, feeling her magnetic force beneath your feet and breathing in her fresh ionized air.
We are embarking on a beautiful 13 day journey to reconnect intimately with our BEAUTIFUL Earth Mother and EACH OTHER, forging our strongest Heart connection with our homeland.
Remember that this RED EARTH CYCLE is the BRIDGE – that GROUNDS us through this potent portal month. A very majikal alchemical transition is accomplished through this ASCENSION journey…
What a phenomenal time to walk gently upon this EARTH!!
Today’s question is “Am I navigating my true path of BLISS, to fulfill my higher purpose, through listening to the signs and synchronicities of Mother Gaia?”
Divine blessings for navigating a beautiful path through Mother nature today.
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 8th through 14th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation for the 12:12 Sacred Portal and the New Earth.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
We accept this prayer manifest in full power here and now throughout the planet,
to bless all souls of light, transmute all areas of darkness, and raise all into ascension’s light.
Almighty I AM, I AM in Me
I AM in thee, thy self in Me
Thy victory’s mine, thy hope divine
God seals all in His love sublime.
Almighty I AM!, Almighty I AM! Almighty I AM!
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