Lightworkers and Starseeds Unite Anchor in 5D Earth into Gaia Grids

Lightworkers and Starseeds Unite Anchor in 5D Earth into Gaia Grids

The Magdelene Divine Threefold Feminine Flame is Awakening in the Hearts of all men. This is it. Calling on all 144 Starseeds to Light the threefold flame in our hearts to Awaken all Beings to out Divine Heritage. We are now in control of the construct of the Matrix. We will manifest from our higher self in the Heavenly realms into this Earth Realm Ascending all Life into the higher dimension of Love and Light.
the Divine Rose Flame of Virgin Mary is penetrating deep into the Heart Center of ALL. The Golden White Light of Christ is Manifesting through all Lightworkers and starseeds.

The Magdalen Manuscript: The Alchemies of Horus & the Sex Magic of Isis by Tom Kenyon –

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