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Violet drifted into sleep

Within your HEART is a LIGHTHOUSE ~ Feminine Principle Of Divine Union * THE DOOR TO THE CREATOR ~ Stargate and Eclipse Corridor

Within your HEART is a LIGHTHOUSE ~ Feminine Principle Of Divine Union * THE DOOR TO THE CREATOR ~ Stargate and Eclipse Corridor



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Galactic Earth Angelics of our Rainbow Tribe of New Eden

As we continue our journey through the Zero Point Field we are experiencing many timeline shifts and glitches in the matrix. The veils are thinning as all things are being revealed for our Great Shift of the Ages into our New 5D Golden Age of Enlightenment.

To assist our Ground Crew Team of the 144 through this intense eclipse corridor our local Soularis released 4 C Class Soular Flares today and a more powerful M class flare maxing at M 1.33 at 23:12 UTC encoded with our 33 of Divine Mastery.

We are also on our third day in a row of major spikes of light in the heartbeat of Gaia on the Schumann Charts today at amplitudes of 33 hz, 40 hz, 48 hz and a big blast of white light at 65 hz, Fifth through Seventh dimensions continuing to anchor in and rising.

As the Eagle flies with the Condor, Shakti dances with Shiva in the Divine Union and merging of the yin with the yang, we raise together, in perfect balance and harmony the New Lemuria and the New Atlantis to usher in our Highest Ascension Timeline and prepare fully for our full Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New hue-man of homo-Luminous.

All StarSeeds, Lightworkers and Wayshowers are resolving all things perfectly in the Unborn Eternal Mind of Buddha as we join together in Unity Consciousness and transform this realm into the Paradise Pachamama was always destined to be…A’Ho!










Pacific Rhododendron by Paul White Gold Eagle
Pacific Rhododendron by Paul White Gold Eagle






Eclipse wisdom, a new detachment from the unseen players of the matrix is at play. Karmic scales ⚖️Those wronged, can initiate their restoration and empowerment! Nike 🌿


WE ARE FORGING THE KEY THAT WILL OPEN THE DOOR TO THE CREATOR and to the heavens of the inner planes so that the manifestation of LOVE and PEACE is reflected on Earth!!!
Within your HEART is a LIGHTHOUSE capable of guiding you through all storms and moments of darkness.
Do not be led astray.
Remain in PEACE and allow the illumination.
Love Is. Love Is. Love Is. ✨🤍✨
God Is. God Is. God Is. ✨🙏✨
I so love you!
Feminine Principle Of Divine Union
Feminine Principle Of Divine Union





The Feminine Principle Of Divine Union Is Sound Our First Vibration

Within The Heart
The First Split Of Divine Union Was Done
In The Destruction/Denial Of Our Organic Sound
When We Deny Or Dismiss The Heart’s Voice
We Perpetuate The First Wound Of Seperation
There Can Be No More Dishonour
Everyone Is Being Called Home Now
Grounded By The First Sound
To Remember The Divine Feminine On Earth
In Truth, In The Body.
To Remember Her Position As Core Sound
And Therefore, Containment Of All There Is
We Will Do The Will Of Mother’s Word On Earth

Divine Energy Works


As we leaped through the September Equinox Stargate 2024 – marking the Equal Point of Light and Dark, we begin our descent into winter months (in the Northern Hemisphere), embracing the cycle of death and renewal. Libra Season highlights Sacred Balance and Relationships – within the Self and with others, the World, Health, Money, Nutrition, & more.
A blast of Plasma Light through the Stargate and Eclipse Corridor is transmitting high frequencies, reprogramming our cells, and elevating our Awareness. As we integrate the powerful releases, activations, and upgrades from the Equinox, we’re immersing into deep layers of 3D to realign energetically to a new time-space continuum, collapsing the old holographic template into the Zero Point Field.
Expect heightened Ascension Symptoms—emotionally (triggers) and physically (exhaustion, head pressure, sore throat, etc), as we walk through this Eclipse Corridor, and the intense integration continues.
📸 stuz0r
Stargate and Eclipse Corridor
Stargate and Eclipse Corridor




9/25/24: The claiming of your personal power, which is 2024’s mission for you, is not an easy task nor is it one to take lightly. The “personal” aspect carries within it accountability, responsibility, and ownership. It represents and reflects your current truth, values, motives, and even your core nature. The “power” part is an active but neutral force that is, like air and love, available to all. It is energy that is easily manipulated but often abused.
Today is about how you see yourself using your power. This requires attention and presence. And it’s about the deep question… why. It always comes back to why. Because that “why” is what you’re really projecting right now and what your reality is reflecting back to you.
The greatest blessing of the Equinox is in its creation of space and stillness for contemplation and reflection.
The forces which come from the movement of the Earth, Moon and Sun are ever present and at large in our physical experience as earth walkers.
Being simultaneously of unimaginable seismic proportion and of the most subtle of awarenesses, from their involvement in the agenda across all time and space – to the brush of the faintest breeze across a cheek, they are life.
Standing on a beach at the recess of a tide allows for us to find new perspectives, connecting to that which is rarely uncovered. Here we can access a new view point, in a place which is highly charged by the ebb and flow of the matter of the oceans. This is an opportunity for great cleansing.
The stillness sent by the elements across these days brings a clearing point and a chance to refresh our physical, mental and emotional perspectives.
This is a much needed retreat at a time of an energetic exchange.
The new tide is preparing to flood back across the shore, swelling with gifts of far reached treasures.
Take this current time to re-address the inner you, to re-evaluate your aims and goals and to reaffirm your whys, because your footprints at this highly opportunistic and advantageous point cannot be washed away. You are here to make your mark.
Be clear to set your heart and mind to recognise your interconnectedness to all that you behold and to show your deepest respect to all universal forces as you set off to walk a well known track within your new mindspace.
Key words:
✨ realignment,
✨ perspective
✨endings and beginnings
Kirsty Elizabeth
Equinox gate
Equinox gate


Dear friends, we are now fully immersed in the Eclipse corridor energies, which started flowing in on September 17 with the Supermoon eclipse and will last until around October 2-4 when the solar eclipse will take place during the next new moon.
Since ancient times, eclipses have been seen as celestial events that bring dramatic changes at the individual and the collective levels. They remind us that nothing is static in the universe and that we, as humanity, find ourselves in a constant evolutionary flow.
As we navigate this particular eclipse corridor, it is important to remember that it’s never too late to grow and learn new things that will eventually change our future. Eclipse energies generally trigger inner changes that connect us with our planetary mission. In short, we are being called to be visionaries for a new Earth, to shake off what we have been taught about the world, and to hold a new vision for humanity. It is most likely that new ideas, or simply new ways and perspectives of approaching old situations, will come into your awareness these days. Please pay attention to the insights and revelations that will be presenting themselves during this energetic passageway and act upon them confidently. They hold key pieces of information that will be guiding your future steps during the rest of the year.
If you take some time to meditate daily, or pray, or simply to look within, the eclipse corridor lightcodes can assist us in generating new ideas for the future. One by one, we are here to create and dream a new more loving and compassionate world into being. The future is being woven by aware and conscious dream-makers like you. The high frequency 5D energies will be integrated and anchored into this physical plane by those individuals who have the courage to question the way things have been and envision new higher possibilities for the planet.
The world needs more artists, dreamers, inventors, and visionary thinkers. Perhaps you’ve had an idea recently that you are being called to usher in. If so, go ahead and trust the process. We are right now witnessing a very important stage for Earth development, so please hold your mind open and try not to worry about what others think. For it takes great courage to pave a new path, to trust a vision before it becomes a reality.
“If you want to build a ship, don’t herd people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” ―Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Take it easy these days if your body asks for some rest. The integration of these lightcodes can take days/weeks depending on your own personal journey. Those of you who are energy sensitives can definitely feel the physical and emotional inner changes. Our bodies are leaving behind old energetic structures from the deep layers of our being. Remember to stay hydrated to assist the flow of information (old and new) within your body.
We are also currently experiencing a moderate G1 geomagnetic storm. These solar winds are intensifying all the energetic alchemical work being triggered by the eclipses. Deep work is taking place within our pineal gland and hypothalamus, which are both important brain regions involved in the reception and processing of high frequency information. This may trigger mild headaches, visual disturbances, lack of focus, and a sense of disconnection from the physical world.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s update as we navigate these amazing eclipse corridor energies. May each of us reawaken to the infinite and radiant Love that resides at the core of our Divine essence.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ




I am being brought since yesterday to the greater vision which has been given to me, in renewed fashion, in the last 24 hours, and it has truly spoken into my heart and soul. It fills me with love and joy!
This is the time when the true heart, the higher heart opens, even more, and when kindness, compassion, caring, and the knowing of Oneness and unity, in a much deeper and profound way, brings in the knowing, that we always have been ONE.
It is a deep healing of all our relationships, the relationship with ourselves, and then others, and more than this our relationship with all life and life forms, on earth and beyond.
When we truly “see” ourselves, as we in truth are, as SOULS, then we cannot shrink ourselves to fit the norms of others, nor those we often have imposed upon ourselves, to fit into a society which had values which we never our own. Rules and restrictions, so often breaking us down, instead of lifting us up and showing us the greatness that is there within all of us.
When consciousness rises within, it expands into the cosmic whole. Now you start the process of familiarizing yourself with the immortal aspects of your true soul, and this becomes a Parcival’s journey, quest for the Holy Grail. For the Holy Grail, has never been an object, nor a treasure, it has always been that deep inner soul self, showing itself, and fully finding the Kingdom of Heaven within, where it always has been.
Love expands now, to embrace the whole Universe and all which is beyond our ken, yet which our souls remember.
It is the illumined Suns now igniting in our heart and soul, and with it the highest state of consciousness, which is so deeply experienced, felt and known, that words fail. Every soul will have its own experiences of such moments, yet this always expands into the greater Whole, the Eternal One.
In German, the cosmos is known as DAS ALL. The All. One.
Ein Soph. Ein Soph Or. EIN. ALL.
We are now transcending duality, separation, and in the process of reuniting with the EIN the ALL. The ONE.
And through it all, love shines through.
Love and inner Joy.
For love and joy are soul companions.
One cannot experience the greatest Oneness, the ALL, without experiencing ecstasy, as one expands into the vastness of fields of consciousness which again, defies description.
All the great Mystics who ever resided here for an eyewink in eternity knew this.
And it is this consciousness state which indeed opens the cosmic doors to all the different spirals and tiers of Creation: visible and invisible. Known and unknown.
We are returning to our true soul state, and to the All Seeing, All Hearing. All Knowing.
And we can only do so through our hearts and souls, and the Holy Grail of Higher States of Consciousness, where all is ONE.
Judith Kusel
Photo: Daniel Holeman
Holy Grail of Higher States of Consciousness
Holy Grail of Higher States of Consciousness
Beloved Ones,
We are under a crucial passage to heal our relationships, as Libra essence is a great ally in our journey to become whole and empowered sovereign beings. When we talk about sovereignty, we often think it is about personal power. However, it is about retrieving our energy first, which the majority of the time remains attached to other non-benevolent sources, or people, dimming our light and vital force.
It is now a propitious time for us to retrieve our energy, reconnect to authentic Sources, and heal our soul and energetic connections, as the more we are connected to false sources, the less empowered and the less connected to our soul we are.
Many of you are now moving into the manifestation of more balanced divine reunions. Others, for we all have our time to heal, are clearing old attachments that keep you connected to astral influences, ex-partners, or other people who have already fulfilled a purpose in your life.
Detecting, accepting, and taking responsibility for what we truly feel is one of the most difficult things in our relationships, as many will know their purpose together has ended, but rather than embracing it and continue expanding, keep being attached to each other, creating excuses to foment old connections, just to remain in the familiar space and feel more secure.
Fear to be alone, to experience new horizons on our own, and to let go, hides disempowerment and behind it soul disconnection, for when we are fully connected, we understand that is Law to learn and move forward, not to remain always in the same place with the same people, unless we both grow in the same direction.
Deep within you know when it is time to be grateful, surrender to the Truth, and move forward.
Clearing the collective mind and wounds is also one of the most important things to work within our relationships, as the collective beliefs that are created and often inserted upon us, are one of the main causes of energetic attachments, being connected to mind control, and many other false premises about how we have to live our relationships.
We all were inserted into this plane with many beliefs and programs on how to love, but often these rules make us love from the ego, not from the soul. When we start ascending and moving forward from the old paradigm, we understand the most important connection is the one we maintain with our Divine Self, to be able to receive direct guidance, and to know, love, accept, and embrace ourselves completely, before we can accept others.
During this time clearing ancestral beliefs, and epigenetic programs about relationships is pivotal to disengaging from old roles, as many times we step into our relationships expecting the other to fulfill certain roles, simply because we have been taught that way.
Fear of being alone is another initiator of many toxic relationships, when in truth aloneness is about finding oneself, communing with our feelings, being soul-filled and soul-full and thence whole, so we can give ourselves to others.
Clearing our shadows, embracing all of who we are, and bringing unity into our fragmented soul is essential to have balanced and equal relationships, for many of you are now moving into a totally different timeline, where harmonic relationships are key for conscious co-creation.
No matter where you are in your ascension journey, you are always whole, for aloneness only means ” All-oneness”, for All is in you and you are in All, as we are never alone or hopeless.
May you allow yourself to experience the love that you are and deserve, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art: Kesara art
empowered sovereign beings
empowered sovereign beings


Pay Attention, Flow, Ground, Accellerate
For We Are Called To Uprise And Flow In Light
The Quantum Presence Of Your Higher Awareness Is Calling You 🙏
Feel Assured With Your Direction At Present ❤
Reaching This Stage Of Light Awareness Is A Wonderful Recognition Of Light 💫
The Duality At Present
Light Initiation – Physical Unfoldement Of Light
Receiving, Perceiving, Graduating In The Light Of Now
Rest, Reflect, Share, Inspire
Together We Are The Catalyst Of Light
Step By Step, Moment By Moment
We Uprise In Light 🙏
With Love ❤
We Have A Powerful Few Months Ahead💫
Cosmic Light Alliance
Karen Lithika
Together In Light
Thank You Artist 🙏🌿

You’re expanding out of the limitations of your ancestors, into birthing a new cycle for your Family Tree, and Mother Earth, through Eclipse Season. The Light Body is energetically expanding past the purification process. Now is the perfect time to focus on creating the future you desire for yourself and the generations to come. Take hold of this celestial gateway that delivers the freedom to move forward into the new.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Violet drifted into sleep
Violet drifted into sleep
On Wednesday, September 25th, Mercury spends his last day in his home sign of analytical Virgo. And, as he does so, he may not be in his normal mode of earthly logic. Today he will oppose Neptune, ruler of spirituality and transcendence, and trine Pluto, ruler of death and rebirth. Mercury’s thought processes are rising higher, and at the same time going deeper.
With the influence of Neptune, he will become more in tune with Spirit and his psychic senses will increase. With the influence of Pluto, he will be more in tune with subconscious and his insights will be penetrating. Tap into both sides of this mental energy, as you can benefit from both!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Mercury spends his last day in his home sign of analytical Virgo
Mercury spends his last day in his home sign of analytical Virgo
Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune retrograde in Pisces – A tidal wave of impressions from the collective unconscious floods the mind. We’re bewitched, bothered and bewildered, can’t keep our mind on the job. Thoughts wander, following tangled threads that confound and inspire in equal measure. Limitless, the mind roams into cosmic territory, asking questions that have no answer. What came before? What comes after? How big is space? What did I do yesterday? What should I have for tea later? Back and forth, lost and found, swimming, sinking, dancing between the mundane and the mystical.
At worst, this aspect can manifest as deceiving ourselves or being deceived. Fingers lose hold of precious objects. We forget important appointments. Communications are muddled and vague. Information is spurious. And yet, working at its best, this aspect can help us transcend daily worries and peer into the mind of the Gods. Be receptive to whispers from spiritual helpers.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 28°Vi23′, Neptune 28°Pi23′ R – 12:06 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Sailing in the Mist by John Henry Twachtman
Sailing in the Mist
Sailing in the Mist

Kin 80 ~ Yellow Lunar Sun

‘Lunar’ is the name for the number 2 and its keywords are ‘Challenge, Polarize and Stabilize.’ It is interesting that this Lunar day falls on a Yellow Sun day because the moon and sun are opposites. So, energy wise today it is a bit like an eclipse. Some folk dread Lunar days when they come round because they can be a bit serious. It’s no fun and all of your energy is spent on problem solving. Remember though, if you didn’t follow this discipline of fixing problems every 13 days, you wouldn’t be very good at it. If you aren’t good at it yet, then follow this practice and you’ll soon be much better.  The second day of a wavespell is always challenging – one must identify the obstacles in the way so one may proceed. Which day the number two falls on however, affects how challenging it can be.
Today is ‘Yellow Sun’ which represents ‘Enlightenment, Universal Fire and Life.’ When combined with the Lunar energy this can result in difficulties in seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Illumination can be elusive and answers lurk in the shadows. If you need to shine bright today, it can be done but expect to meet with resistance. Clouds may get in the way of the sunshine. Another way of looking at it is that the Yellow Sun provides the solutions to problems and we see the light and then learn how to fix them. Or the enlightenment we receive, is regarding a problem that you were not aware of. Perhaps it’s been hiding in the dark but now you are shown it. Now it’s up to you to do something about the issues that have been pointed out to you.
The Guide today is the Yellow Human, the psychic of the Tzolkin suggesting that allowing our intuition to guide us today is the best course of action. If you can’t see the solutions to your challenges today…feel your way. Don’t let your ego talk you out of a hunch that you have because you may be on to something.
The Challenge is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart.’ Issues of the heart will surface for everyone today and spats between lovers are more likely. If you are a White Dog, beware that your inner Doberman may come out, so try to keep it on a leash. When the sun shines this brightly we all can be stuck in our heads so much that we don’t think with our hearts.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon, the nurturer which gives this difficult day some hope. Take care of yourself and others, the challenges will seem easier. It’s a perfect day to crawl into a magical cave for some rest.
The Ally is the Blue Storm and so if you need help today consult one as they can offer support and guidance and a shoulder to cry on. And as it is the Blue Storm wavespell, then this means the wavespell energy is friendly to us today which is awesome. This also means any changes that come our way will be gentle.
Kin 80
Kin 80


2 AHAU – KIN 80
Stabilizing life
I seal the matrix of Universal fire
With the Lunar tone of challenge
I AM guided by the power of free will
25/9/2024 = 7/9/8 = 7/17 = 7/8 =15=6
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from the past
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Solitude
15-Spiritual Alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
KIN 80 = 8 Abundance 0- SOURCE – Abundance from SOURCE
Day 2 in the BLUE STORM🌪 WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. NOTE: Planetary Storms are PHYSICALLY and energetically brewing during this cycle, so be prepared for lots of purging of density through visible and not so visible signs.
HOLD onto your HATS we have 13 days of STORM energy to endure! It is only DAY 2 and many locations on EARTH may experience FLASH STORMS 🌩🌩🌪 and weather anomalies, as GAIA is purifying and transforming her Planetary body.
LUNAR🌓 Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing.
The energy today highlights POLARITY conflicts – which is amplified through the eclipse connections – the energy of the SUN☀ illuminating the SHADOW that has been cast – both sides are revealed for the TRUTH to be seen.
Yesterday we MAGNETIZED and attracted spiritual energy, and today we anchor that energy in our PHYSICAL bodies.
The SUN☀ helps us anchor the LIGHT codes✨ in our cells. The LUNAR 🌙 tone may also reveal challenges, through the storm catalyst in order to recognize and release anything stopping us from SHINING BRIGHTLY as the SOLAR CHRISTED SOPHIA beings.☀
Today’s question is “How can I anchor my LIGHT despite the challenges and chaos that surrounds me, becoming an ILLUMINATING BEACON for others?”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
36 MOONS ago – 4 Galactic spins – KIN 80 occured on the FULL MOON🌚 LUNAR🌛 ECLIPSE 🦂🐂 in power hungry Scorpio 🦂facing off with the moon🌛 in the sign of Taurus 🐂 the charging bull! And we are currently in an ECLIPSE cauldron – having experienced a FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in Pisces.. and now we are approaching the next SOLAR ECLIPSE in LIBRA on 2-3 October 2024. All of this ECLIPSE intensity during this BLUE MOON transformational cycle will really KNOCK OUR SOCKS OFF!!!!!!!!
All this intensity will be channelled into FREEDOM gained from the release of the shackles of the past through all previous lunations!
An ECLIPSE involves the dance between the SUN🌞 and MOON🌛 – and the opposition of the LIGHT✨ and the DARK🌚 as the moon blocks out some of the SUN-LIGHT.
The LUNAR SUN🌛🌞 paradoxically involves these two celestial bodies – the SUN 🌞and the LUNAR🌛 tone… LIGHT and DARK .. We have a great amplification of these potent eclipse energies today – through the DREAMSPELL code of KIN 80 today.
This extremely potent and revolutionary energy is pushing us to keep EVOLVING, through REVEALING the SHADOWS. We are reminded that amidst the turbulence, it is time to look up and seek out the SUN! ☀☀☀
Today is a day of facing the challenges that arise, that have been impeding your soul’s evolution and journey to EN-LIGHT-enment. ✨☀✨
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW LUNAR SUN🌗 🌞 AHAU is bringing THE LIGHT✨☀ within the darkness. BLUE STORM is generating much power and energy today. Instead of being pulled into the midst of chaos, through the challenges that arise, it is time to stand our ground.
✨✨✨We are being INITIATED in our capacity to ANCHOR THE LIGHT 💡🎆 no matter what turbulence surrounds us!!!.🌀
Remember the BRIGHTEST SUNLIGHT☀️ casts the darkest SHADOWS.. This LUNAR SUN is ILLUMINATING the DARKNESS in order for it to be DISSOLVED.
The LIGHTHOUSE💡 is built upon a rocky tor, and is thrashed by the wild seas 🌊🌊🌊 but it continues to stand SOLID, and SHINE THE LIGHT, as a beacon for all to SEE and find their way to safety.
✨✨✨Today be THE LIGHT 💡 for all those around you, who are lost in the fog! Believe in your LIGHT and claim your sovereignty as a GOLDEN SOUL-AR being.🌞💡✨
The SUN🌞 is our SOURCE of LIFE, our direct energy that nourishes and sustains us. The solar flares, CME’S and Solar codes transmitted by our SUN bring constant change, IGNITING🔥 our DNA and increasing our frequency. As we rise, so too does the frequency of GAIA on our collective journey to EN-LIGHT-enment.
Today the LUNAR SUN ☀ is IGNITING ANOTHER huge upgrade and planetary LEAP for humanity. BRING IT ON 🌞🌞🌞
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW LUNAR HUMAN🌗 ☺ EB enables us to face the challenges that polarise change, by honouring our FREE WILL and making choices that reflect our physical independence, as intelligent and AWAKENED HU-MANS.
WE have an important CHOICE to make today. The LUNAR HU-MAN energy as the higher guide, pushes us to choose which VOICE we will heed – the EGO, versus our Higher Self and Divine Guidance. Hopefully the SUN’s ILLUMINATION💡 will make it easier for souls to SEE the LIGHT and SEEK GOD/SOURCE – the higher path for their destiny.
As we evolve, we align our human will with that of the DIVINE. AWAKENED souls. We can SEE more clearly from a HIGHER DIVINE perspective, thus making WISER choices which benefit our lives and influence others.
AWAKENING is a precursor to becoming an EN-LIGHT💡ON-ed soul. The lunar tone of polarity, will reveal what is keeping souls in a deep slumber, and limiting their illumination. In order to truly AWAKEN we must be willinging to draw back the curtain and LOOK out the window with CLEAR, unobstructed vision. 👀
Aligning with DIVINE WILL accelerates our soul growth. 🚀🚀🚀
The DIVINE viewpoint gives us the intelligence to realize which path to follow for our highest evolution, not reacting to the TRIGGERS of the polarity game, which operate to keep us trapped in 3D consciousness.
We celebrate and honour 🙏 all those great souls that came before us, and faced challenges as catalysts for change. The CHANGE AGENTS that catalyzed great Planetary reformation, through their tireless diligence and PASSION for their cause. They dared to take a STAND independently, to make a difference based on their own wisdom.
Through claiming our sovereignty, we increase our capacity to SHINE our LIGHT for the benefit of all, easing the path for those who follow.
We salute and HONOUR 🙏🙏🙏 all those brave and courageous RAINBOW WARRIORS who are STANDING their ground and RISING UP for what is right and honourable. Respecting and valuing the natural and organic paradigm that our DIVINE MOTHER/FATHER GOD has created for us.
JUSTICE is happening and THY WILL BE DONE! ✨✨✨
It is TIME to align with the higher DIVINE PLAN.
SUPPORT: BLUE LUNAR STORM🌗 🌀🌪– CAUAC Is the supporting energy as well as the wavespell energy today, continuing the surge of catalytic power. DOUBLE STORM POWER 🌪🌪
❓❓❓ How much transformative energy do we NEED?⁉️
PLUTO the destroyer and transformer is in the last final degree -29th- of Capricorn during this STORM CYCLE, so we have PLUTONIUM bomb💣💥 energy ensuring this wavespell does the job!💥💥 NOTE: 9 MONTHS ago this was EXACTLY the case too… Gotta LOVE PLUTO’S destruction POWER!!💣
By 19TH NOVEMBER 2024 – we will truly be FREE from this destructive energy, ready to UNITE and build our new AQUARIAN communities. Aho beloveds!
Spirit is definitely OVERDOSING us at the moment to ENSURE we get the medicine needed to HEAL our world.
We are asked to TRUST that these transformative energies arising, are for our benefit and the betterment of our planet. After the STORM has passed and the debris has been cleared, the SUN can SHINE again, and the RAINBOWS appear! 🌦🌂🌈
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED CRYSTAL DRAGON💎🐉 – IMIX provides a beautiful sense of nurturing, compassion and co-operation, caring for each other in our communities which is the theme for this new AQUARIAN era. The YEAR of the YANG WOOD DRAGON is in its 7th majikal month and our trusty DRAGON allies are rising up and restoring our planet.
Today’s SUPERPOWER is CRYSTALLINE 💎– which is the CONNECTOR 🌐 of MINDS through the telepathic field – GAIA’S GRIDS. The CRYSTALLINE energy helps us to connect with other MINDS, to raise each other to a higher collective Consciousness of caring and compassion.
With the STORM creating chaos, the strong protective Mothers and nurturers step forward to provide the SAFE HAVEN and comfort, needed by those caught in the confusion and turbulence.
The CRYSTAL DRAGON 💎🐉 also heralds a NEW BEGINNING – shining a LIGHT on the way FORWARD out of the darkness that has cast a deep dark SHADOW on planet EARTH.
The CRYSTAL DRAGON💎🐉 shows us that progress will happen through CONNECTION to our kin, all joining hands and supporting each other as we walk through the new doorways opening now.
The NEW WORLD is created through the power of UNITY consciousness, this is THE WAY forward. CO-OPERATION is the KEY to our successful EVOLUTION.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE LUNAR DOG🌗 🐕💕 OC our trusty companion teaches us that these transformative STORMS are for our Highest Good, sweeping away all that is the opposite polarity to DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. 💕
What an exceptional GIFT and BLESSING we have today. The GIFT of DIVINE LOVE – the pure essence of SOURCE LOVE.. Forget the battle between LIGHT and DARK 🌗– playing in the SHADOWS, and focusing on the LIGHT..
The key🔑 is to dissolve POLARITY through the POWER of LOVE. 💓
It is TIME to seek a HIGHER LOVE.💞 That path blesses all who choose to honour it.
OC challenges us to communicate from a place of trust and honour. To show compassion and unconditional love to all beings who are following our LIGHT.
Open your HEART❤ and use the POWER of your LOVE 💗💗💗 to calm the stormy seas and placate the FEAR filled HEARTS.
Embrace your neighbours 👫👬👭 as Planetary kin, and FEEL the LOVE💞 that is true, that comes with catalysing great change. Through this LOVE people can feel safe through the chaos, knowing they have support and protection, which stabilizes the uncertainty, creating a safe foundation on which to rebuild our New SOUL-AR based communities.
Today’s question is “How can I anchor my LIGHT despite the challenges and chaos that surrounds me, becoming an ILLUMINATING BEACON for others?”
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈








🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESSS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of September 22nd through September 28th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 22nd through September 28th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Autumn Equinox Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation (Libra Season).

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste






In the name of Almighty God
I stand forth to challenge the night,
To raise up the Light,
To focus the consciousness of Gautama Buddha! And I AM the thousand­ petaled lotus flame! And I come to bear it in his name!
I stand in Life this hour
And I stand with the scepter of Christ Power
To challenge the darkness,
To bring forth the Light,
To ensoul from starry heights
The consciousness of angels,
Masters, Elohim, sun-centers
And of all of Life
That is the I AM Presence of each one!
I claim the Victory in God’s name.
I claim the Light of solar flame.
I claim the Light! I AM the Light!
I AM Victory! I AM Victory! I AM Victory!
For the Divine Mother and the Divine Manchild And for the raising-up of the crown of Life
And the twelve starry focal points
That rejoice to see the salvation of our God Right within my crown,
Right within the center of the Sun
Of Alpha—It is done!
💡Lord Lanto, an Ascended Master in whose presence the sublimity of the mind of God can be touched and known. A master of sages and philosophers, Lord Lanto teaches us the path of attainment through enlightenment, definition, and dominion in the crown chakra.

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