Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Royal Lyran Nation of our Lion Kingdom of our Tribe of Heaven
Happy third and final 888 Lionsgate Portal day of our Holy Trinity Gateway!
We are Now on the 12th day in a row of Fifth Dimensional Resonance manifesting in the heartbeat of Gaia with higher amplitudes appearing on the Schumann Charts at 24 hz, 31 hz, 39 hz and a big blast of white light at 71 hz. 5D through 7D holding strong and steady.
Pachamama also received two powerful activations today, both on her Pacific Ring of Fire, with a magnitude 5.8 earthquake in Panama, Central America at 5:08 UTC creating a 13:13 Portal of the Divine Goddess and another 5.8 earthquake across the “pond” in East Timor at 2:15 UTC activating the 13 Trinity Gate of the Emerald Order of the New Lemuria rising!
Synchronizing with this final 888 Gateway we have a Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 50 White Spectral Dog of Love and Loyalty.
5D is shining through in all her Glory!! As our Hearts, Minds and Souls unite the Joy, Bliss, Happiness and Prosperity flow freely through each Living Vessel of our Ground Crew Team of Terra Nova Gaia elevating this realm to the Pure Resonance of Eternal Bliss Consciousness of homo-Luminous, Rainbow Light Bodies of the New Eden.
Enjoy your day, enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, enjoy nature, enjoy life…A’Ho
Powerful energies are already anchored on the planet and new orders of light and harmony are born to establish an antakarana or bridge of light, connecting this 3D Earth with the 5D Earth, which can already be foretold in the fluorescent tones of sunsets and in the bluish tones of sunsets ethers in the mountains.
All who tune in to their Being, with their Monads, will be forming that bridge of light, through which energies from the Solar Purpose flow, providing one more spin on the evolutionary spiral.
The 3D Earth will ascend to a state of purity, free from the imprints of human exploitation….
Our planet and all its life forms are experiencing a massive influx of energy. The Schumann Resonance has jumped into a new frequency. Colossal Solar flares are being unleashed within our Earth’s biofield. This is all happening with the intensity of upgrading. Everything from the smallest grade of grass is being upgraded in frequency as our Mother Earth steps up her ascension! This can be very traumatic for animals, plants and humans who are unprepared and challenging for the most evolved souls who are massively upgrading their physical bodies to become the leader and founders of the New Earth!.
Many attachments, implants and overlays in the ethic body are purging creating healing crisis and dark nights of the soul scenarios as people release eons of karmic patterns and trauma. This is all happening so you can receive your long awaited upgrades and take your position as the Guardians of Mother Earth. So you can be the leaders who create leaders and the founders of The New Earth!
Unable To Hold Alliegence Or Recognise Boundary, Unspoken Rules, Or Hierarchy.
Refusing To Give Life To Convincings
Spending Most Of My Time Daydreaming
Angering Both Sides Of Every Fence….
I Receive From Others Through Resonance Only
I Understand It Now
And I’m So Grateful
My Senses Are So Intrinsic,
I Only Perceive When Resonance Is Felt Within.
Receiving Golden Threads Only!
When I Receive, Golden Pathways Open Within, Golden Memories Reawaken And Become Comprehensive. Light Cells Start Activating, Oscillating In Humming Joy.
I Am Inaccessible Otherwise
And So Often Access Was Expected, Demanded, Reached For With Threat, Entitlement, Emotional Manipulation, Mind Games…
8/26/24: Effort is required as today brings a taste of September’s intensity; Mercury gets back on course; and the Dragon begins to stir from its August nap. You might not yet feel prepared for what’s on your horizon, but as the week goes by you’ll get up to speed. By now you hopefully have more insight, confidence, courage, and strength from whatever August triggered and brought into your awareness.
September will challenge us all to stand firm in our own power. So your Right Action this week is to continue to focus on inner balance, resilience, and peace. You already have what you need to greet September… and you’ve worked hard to get it. Soon you will have a chance to show it off.
The current ascension energies are extremely intense and powerful, and because of this, the ascendant may be experiencing these effects. Symptoms of ascension include insomnia, painful vertigo or dry eyes, skin irritations, exhaustion of space, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, intense emotions or feelings of euphoria and a source of love within. Excited about what’s to come. Taking the time to acknowledge and honor all feelings, the focus is on integrating these energies into being transformational.
Dear friends, 2024 is a very special energetic year, and so far it has not disappointed. Our sun is moving through an intense solar cycle reaching new levels of activity, and sending waves of solar winds that keep triggering inner shifts in our human fields.
From a more energetic resonance perspective, this year harbors the signature vibrations of number 8 (2+0+2+4=8). The number 8 weaves its mystical thread through the tapestry of human understanding, a symbol of balance, harmony, and the eternal quest for transcendence. Creativity and manifestation are amplified during this period, allowing us to shape our dreams and desires. Intuition and connection to our inner self are strengthened, enabling us to navigate life with greater clarity. This is a period to focus on building a strong foundation for our goals, cultivating self-discipline, and confidently trusting the natural flow of life. This year we are moving an octave higher in frequency, compared to the last few years, so it will take time for the planet and our bodies to adjust to this new vibrational level.
And within this year, August the eighth month, is the time period that holds the most concentrated amount of these empowering and transformative lightcodes. It is for this reason that this year’s 888 Lion’s Gate portal has been extremely deep for many of us, specially for those who are energy sensitives. The climax of this energetic resonance was August 8, however, there are two more key dates that vibrate with these empowering lightcodes. One was Saturday August 17 and the other is Monday August 26. These are called fractal portals of the main 888 gateway. Therefore, this month we truly have three 888 portals.
This trinity of 888 portals creates a square geometrical shape/matrix that supports the solid energetic foundations for this year’s higher octave. This very same energetic configuration will be happening again in the year 2033. Now, if you add each column and row, 3×8, you get 24×6=144, a master Fibonacci number that represents spiritual awakening, unity, perfection, and the connection to the Divine realms.
During this upcoming final phase of this month-long 888 portal, and assisted by the ongoing solar geomagnetic storms, our bodies may feel tired and weary. Headaches, fatigue, itchy eyes, blurry vision, constant ear ringing, muscle tension, and heart and digestive issues may be present as our nervous system keeps integrating and recalibrating to these lightcodes. Please rest as much as needed, and stay well hydrated. An overall sense of uncertainty may also be present as we shift into the new higher frequencies. A new inner and outer world is unfolding below our feet.
We are moving into a different energetic second half of the year, post 888 portals, in which our energetic sensitivity will be higher compared to the initial months. Our planet is also changing, increasing its frequency day by day at much faster rates now after crossing this August landmark. This may create a bit more instability in our fields, therefore it is important to ground our energy more frequently as we move towards the end of the year.
Eclipse season, with its powerful two-week energetic corridor, will be arriving by mid September, and will be bringing with it more opportunities for healing, growth, and evolution. These energies will keep pushing us to reflect on our past so we can rebirth a new future. You can envision this whole month of August 2024 as a cosmic master key unlocking doors to new opportunities, manifestations, and spiritual awareness. Like a master locksmith, the universe has fine-tuned the alignment of our inner and outer worlds, granting us access to hidden chambers of potential.
As we integrate the energies of this powerful portal, may we continue to unlock our deepest soul desires, manifest our dreams, and step into the limitless expanse of our true divine potential. The cosmic key may be withdrawn as we move into the next month, but its legacy lives on, illuminating our path and guiding us toward a future filled with promise and possibility.
Have a wonderful week, and an enlightening final 888 energy wave. Much love
This energy shift continues with the most refined crystalline harmonics and frequencies we have experienced so far.
Crystalline DNA, heart magnetics, lightbody, brain, and spine are stimulated into the next phase of expansion, raising prepared consciousness to higher realm states.
It feels quite different than previous waves, due to the presence of Mother Plasma now held within Gaia’s fields, and the amplification of the Infinite Kryst Field for our Ascension.
More than your heart has felt, more than your mind has considered, and more than the body has experienced.
Some Notable Effects of the Energy Shift:
Realm Collapse
So much is happening in the etheric structure of the realms themselves; both deconstruction of the lower realms, as well as bridging activity to walk us through these radical jumps in frequency.
Many are witnessing the structure collapse, which is largely due to magnetic filed collapse. Sometimes we hear it during energy shifts; crashes, explosions, or cracking noises in the etheric realms. That has increased this week, and is a good indicator that the timelines/narratives of old trajectories are no longer viable. We hear sounds because all of this is based on harmonics. Lower harmonics collapse with dense sounds, and higher harmonics come in with higher tones and frequency sensations.
Acceleration of Aligned Choices
We were advised to be actively involved in new service creation during this shift, and that activity is producing miracles and synchronicities for many. Creative Action = Creative Support.
Significant support for new service, projects, and ways of creating our realities are flowing through the Kryst field. I AM witnessing this in Private Sessions; those in active, flowing creation of aligned service are experiencing embodiment of Presence clearer and faster than ever before. Creation unfolds with an ease that may surprise us.
Narrative Shifts
Sudden positive shifts in collective and personal trajectories. Attune to long-term outcomes, and see the purpose of some events. Read the field properly; release the lower mind from confirmation bias or judgment.
Monad and Soul Group Bonds Dissolving
This ongoing change is amplified with the energy shift. Realize that everything in our realities is being reorganized for positive outcomes. This is the effect of the New Light, the Infinite Kryst Field, and Cosmic Mother Plasma.
We don’t incarnate as groups with ‘contracts for lessons’ any longer. All Souls are free from those entanglements. Resolution of conflict, drama or trauma in family monads and soul groups has already occurred in the higher realms. What you are witnessing is the rapid sorting out of old frequencies and stories, to align with freedom from past contracts and incarnating as groups.
The collapse of old realms includes everything attached to it. Much of what is sorting out in the old Soul monads is just flotsam from the past. In this New light, you may resolve those issues and change the relationship with more ease and grace than ever, through the power of the Crystalline Heart, DNA, and Infinite Kryst Field.
Most often we don’t abandon fellow monad travelers, we transform the relationship into loving friendships or new co-creative relationships. Often you will have to change your role, communication style, or expectations to align with the new.
This is an opportunity for gratitude, compassion, and appreciation of your fellow family monad or Soul group companions. Let them have their journey. Shift the relationship with love, patience, Divine Neutrality (literally dissolves duality) and peacemaking, and everyone in the group may experience this new freedom with more ease.
Less Particle, More Wave
Even with the myriad of ways the lower levels (body, mind, emotions, ego) experience energy shifts, there is a unified symptom as this shift unfolds: Pure Crystalline frequencies and harmonics penetrating our consciousness. It feels beautiful, expansive, heart-opening, and notably different.
There is an excitement shaking our cellular structure out of denser realm constructs. Regardless of what the external revelations present, the inner world is birthing something brand new right through us.
Revelations come quickly and often; let them flow in witness state. Notice when you are influenced by the external, or your own internal fears. Take a breath, and focus on Source within the heart.
Sending everyone Infinite LoveLight for new creations and heart-opening expansion during this energy shift. See you in the field ~ Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
Yes, even in the midst of challenges, miracles are happening everywhere!
We are now transfiguring from one form or life into a much higher dimensional one, and this has never happened before.
We are asked to step fully into our soul power, our true magnificence.
We are asked to open our hearts so that love becomes a way of life and living.
More than this, to be inclusive instead of exclusive.
This does not mean to not stand fully in our uniqueness, but rather to allow everyone to express their own uniqueness and allow them their own place under the Central Sun, so that we all can stand fully in our own light!
This morning I was told that all the other forms of communication will cease to be, as we return to telepathic communication, soul energy to soul energy, heart to heart.
I simply love this. For then lies will be no more, for when we can read other people’s thoughts, and read the energy they project and their intent, then it becomes a whole new ballgame!
More than this, the essence of joy and beauty – for this comes naturally when we are in the flow and express the truth of who and what we are and life will always reflect our own inner soul self, back to us.
It is a time of adventure, of exploration, of breaking free and through all seeming barriers of what is possible and what not, and to reclaim our cosmic citizenship and allow our songs of songs to rise in crescendo, joining as one with the choirs of angels!
Jupiter in square to Saturn says that things have got to change. The change is dynamic and rapid, with this square happening in Mutable signs. Mars is also in square to Venus in mutable signs. We are healing duality within, as our Masculine and Feminine are being forced to come to compassionate terms with the Other. We are healing the Great Divide.
It’s an intense vibe with Pluto going back into Capricorn next week. We are revisiting wherever we have given our power away to external authority. We are finding our inner strength needed to claim our energetic autonomy. No more giving our precious Attention away to the lower play. The Sun in Virgo is bringing us back down to Earth, as we face everywhere our life has not been able to come into alignment with what is most important to us. Grief and frustration are on the rise with Venus square Mars. This is pushing our feminine to take flight into new possibilities.
Venus in Virgo will come into opposition with Neptune in Pisces on August 29th, the same day that Mercury turns direct. This is identifying our new direction, we are reclaiming the Magic of the Goddess. Magical sextiles to Neptune with Pluto and Uranus, mean that Venus is completing a kite shape. The body of the kite is a Grand Earth Trine, saying that it is time to for Earth Momma to Ascend, and we are going with Her. Venus opposite of Neptune is about reclaiming the power of the divine feminine, and that she is in harmony, safe and cared. We are coming back into valuing what really matters, which is unfolding a Golden Age for Earth.
This kite is giving us an opportunity to lift up out of the heavy stories of day-to-day reality, and begin see a bigger picture of co-creation. All is hopeful, from the view of a Greater Horizon. This kite is about seeing the bigger picture of how we got here, through this whole evolution, and unlocking Miracles. It’s about taking back our right to Christ Consciousness and the higher technology available in our very own bodies.
Black Moon Lilith is in conjunction to the South Node of the Moon in Libra. Venus will be coming up to Black Moon Lilith and the South Node next week, just as she comes out of the kite shape, where she just revealed her divine beauty. She is teaching us, and helping us to understand the level of Reverence with which we must approach Her. The Astrology over the next couple of weeks with the Venus kite, and activation of Black Moon Lilith and the South Node, is saying one thing very clear. The Truth Must Be Told. The darkness must be illuminated and revealed in order to be cleaned up.
Expect massive disclosures of Truth in all areas of life. A shift of perspective is coming, like whiplash. Be slow to judge any situation, for it may turn out that whatever you originally thought, the opposite is actually true. It’s a dramatic and dynamic part of the game and we are feeling jostled as we move through this time of rapid adjustment. Hold on to your hats at Mercury turns direct on September 29th. Old garbage, as well as New Directions, may be revealed, in the name of alignment and health. We are facing the Truth of what it means to be Truly Human.
On Monday, August 26th, graceful Venus, ruler of partnerships and personal resources, in purity seeking Virgo starts to form a trine with Uranus, ruler of liberation and change, in grounded Taurus. This connection is exact early Tuesday morning at 3:24am so we will feel it, as it builds up in momentum, on Monday. This may activate freedom and independence in relationships.
The Divine Feminine desires to break free from lower energies, as she analyzes all aspects of her connections with others. In matters having to do with money, we may have an inspiration of what to do next, or we find solutions to situations that deal with finances.
As Venus also rules self-value, this planetary alliance allows for observation, discernment and self-improvement. We come to a greater understanding of our own worth, and the knowledge that we deserve all that we wish for. So, wish upon that star and allow beautiful blessings to shower down upon you through the Infinite Abundance of the Universe!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of partnerships and personal resources, in purity seeking Virgo starts to form a trine with Uranus
Ceres stations direct in Capricorn. Last Quarter Moon in Gemini – We’re at the last turn in the lunar cycle, pushed to decide what to keep and what to release. We’re preparing for the next lunation and mindful of time, energy and efficiency. Cleanse your space, organise, tidy papers and notes. Focus on productivity but don’t forget downtime to create mental space. Dial down your internal critic that pushes you to be perfect. You are perfect as you are.
With Ceres stationing direct, now we’re more aware of the kind of structures required to make us feel safe and supported. However, the shadow of this transit is placing conditions on nurture and self-care. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t hit your target – look after yourself. It doesn’t matter that you didn’t finish the project – cook the nice meal. Reward yourself for what DID get done. Support your efforts. Tough love can be helpful sometimes but don’t be so hard that you crush ambition. Give yourself time to acclimatise to new or changing circumstances. Slow growth is still growth.
The number 11 is called ‘Spectral’ and its keywords are ‘Dissolve, Liberation and Release’. The 11th day is about letting go as the journey through the wavespell is coming nearer to the end. If you have been traveling through this Yellow Sun wavespell consciously, by now you should have had some questions answered. You have permission to dissolve and feel liberated.
Today is White Dog and keywords associated with it are ‘Love, Heart and Loyalty’. White Dog days are all about putting all of your heart into whatever you do. Or in other words don’t do things by half. Dogs teach us many lessons…have you ever watched a dog chase its tail? They know how to enjoy life, it’s simple to be happy really. So today, chase your tail or catch a Frisbee, go for a walk and enjoy yourself. As it is a liberating day, may your ‘love’ of life free you.
Today is Guided by the White Dog and so it’s a double helping of love and heart. Whenever a day is ‘guided by itself’, you can expect the message of the day to be more concentrated. When there is another guide this adds another layer to the meaning of the day.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Sun which represents enlightenment…if you were born on a Yellow Sun day you may find today tough. Sometimes your quest for enlightenment leads you to spend too much time in your head and not enough in your heart. Liberate yourself today from your mind and be more playful like a puppy.
Now, we are still in the Wavespell of the Yellow Sun and tomorrow and the next day are the final two days which adhere to the agenda. But today, as with all number 11 days, we have a break from the agenda and can do what we like. Don’t expect many lightbulb moments today as everyone is playing and not being as serious.
The Occult power is the Blue Monkey and how the monkey likes to have fun! There is a lot of magic in the air today as the Monkey represents ‘Magic, Illusion and Play.’ The most magical sign in the position of Occult power can only mean one thing….the Monkey and the Dog are going to have a lot of fun with us today.
The Ally is the Red Moon which is all about ‘going with the flow’. Just one other reason to relax and have fun plus it is a liberating day! We have all been in our heads so much lately that this is a refreshing break from the agenda of the Yellow Sun. If you are a Red Moon, be prepared to help others chill out.
Today is a Portal day too! So, to summarize; Do what you do with heart, love life and play…magic is in the air, the moon influences us in a supportive way and it is a Portal day, amplifying the energy. If all this doesn’t liberate you, I don’t know what else can!
KIN 50 = 5 LIBERATION/Change/Transformation 0- SOURCE
8.8.8. ABUNDANCE gate on a GAP portal day, with the MAJIK MONKEY as the occult power today! Great DIVINE MAJIK is afoot! .
FANTASTIC codes to take the reins and liberate yourself from your old humdrum life and manifest LOVE and PROSPERITY – the life of your DREAMS.
KIN 50 with the SPECTRAL tone, is seeking to LIBERATE us all, through the POWER of unconditional LOVE!
Day 11 in the YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL is the day to LIBERATE our INDEPENDENCE, by merging with others and feeling the connections with a deep sense of unconditional love. We release our SOVEREIGNTY to the world, through deeply feeling the DIVINE unconditional love in our precious HEARTS.
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating!
Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity which DOUBLES the G.A.P. PORTAL influence – making it a DOUBLEGATE ILLUMINATION GATEWAY!!! Wakey, wakey!
The 11 also relates to two pillars or twins, thus having significant application to the TWINFLAME relationships, AWAKENING enLIGHTened partnerships. THE 11 of the Spectral tone also reduces to 2 – emphasizing Couples/ Cooperatives and alliances. Today we have a DOUBLE DOG day, so we have quite a romantic code operative.
The SPECTRAL DOG allows for a whole panorama of releasing, dissolving and cleansing old debris, anything that stood in your way of creating your LOVE majik through your Divine Service Mission. A final PURGING of energy that has been blocking our HEARTS from embodying and fully expressing unconditional LOVE.
This is a beautiful blessing from Spirit today, as the SPECTRAL actions are efficiently purifying and dissolving all barriers to LOVE, working in unison with the beautiful feminine energies of RED MOON and WHITE DOG. This creates a very transformative power.
It is TIME to finally release, LET GO and dissolve ALL your heart walls, in order to LIBERATE more pure unconditional LOVE for all beings!
Today’s question is “What do I need to DISSOLVE and release in my relationship with myself and others, in order to claim my FULL INDEPENDENT SOVEREIGNTY as DIVINE LOVE incarnate?
Divine blessings for the gentle melting of your heart walls in BLISSFUL reunions with your beloveds .
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE SPECTRAL DOG OC – DOUBLE the LOVE today!! WHITE DOG themes are Love, loyalty, trust, unconditional love, faith, truth, honesty, integrity, compassion and all matters pertaining to the HEART. The focus today is on LOVE and relationships. In particular self-love, and your reflection of this in relationship with others.
Day 11 of YELLOW SUN wavespell is calling us to DISSOLVE and RELEASE, all issues associated with opening our hearts to the highest capacity, and welcoming a HIGHER LOVE to penetrate our being.
We are being asked to SURRENDER to the power of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE in order to LIBERATE ourselves from suffering. As SPECTRAL works in the EMOTIONAL plane, there may be tears, sadness or friction, in order to DISSOLVE and release what must be LIBERATED, in order for you to EVOLVE to a higher level. TRUST that whatever is revealed today is for your highest good, so surrender and go with the flow. It is ALL GOOD.
On a PLANETARY level today is a POWERFUL PEACE portal to enact the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH..
Dissolving and releasing any remaining darkness, despair and density in order to LIBERATE more DIVINE LOVE to flood our planet with higher consciousness, opening the GATEWAY to anchor BLISS ON EARTH.
LOVE IS THE NEW WAY FORWARD and will stop at NOTHING to bring about this LOVE R-EVOLUTION on our PLANET.
SUPPORT: RED SPECTRAL MOON MULUC The GODDESS returns today as the supporting energy. As OC opens the HEART, the GODDESS is heightening our feminine and intuitive powers for being more receptive to LOVE.
MULUC also provides further cleansing and purification powers in conjunction with the Spectral Tone. MULUC enables us to LIBERATE change through going with the FLOW, allowing the Universal Waters to cleanse and purify all that needs transforming. FLOWING with both the GIVING and RECEIVING of unconditional LOVE in order to permanently embody more LOVE.
This SPECTRAL GODDESS is intent on continuing the process of PURIFICATION of all obstructions, blockages and limitations to LOVE flowing into our PURE HEARTS, MINDS and bodies from all realms of the Cosmos..
OCCULT: BLUE ELECTRIC MONKEY– CHUEN holds the codes for unlocking DIVINE BLISS through bonding with others, and expressing our LOVE through SERVICE to the DIVINE. CHUEN helps us to activate BLISS and joy through playing with our brothers and sistars.
The DOLPHIN is the totem of the BLUE MONKEY and holds the 5D BLISS codes, so this is today’s SUPERPOWER! Once you repair the HEART WALLS, the cracks actually ALLOW more LIGHT, LOVE and BLISS to flood in, elevating you to the BLISS realms.
This MONKEY holds the ELECTRIC TONE – so it strongly urges us to BOND with our kin, in SERVICE to humanity. There will be a strong impetus to reach out to our friends, family and loved ones today, for some much needed PLAY time – enjoying each other’s company and planning for a more pleasurable future together.
The energy is heightened today as the ELECTRIC tone IGNITES a charge through these POTENT GATEWAYS, – especially through fated meetings and unions. The EMOTIONAL charge is amplified through the ELECTRIC tone, magnifying the SPECTRAL emotional tone of the DOG.. SPARKS can fly as we experience ecstatic BLISS through bonding and playing with others.
Watch out for deception, trickery and illusions, that are revealed today in order to be dissolved and released. When we rediscover our soul families, that resonate to the same charge or frequency – PURE DIVINE MAJIK HAPPENS!
Through these majikal connections, we can hold the vision of HARMONY for all beings in DIVINE SERVICE to ALL THAT IS!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SPECTRAL SUN AHAU is challenging us to RELEASE anything that is not worthy of our HIGHEST GOOD, in order for HIGHER and PURER LOVE to FLOW.
The ILLUMINATING energies of the SUN are DOUBLED today as we have AHAU in the GIFT position along with Day 11 in the YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL. This coupled with the G.A.P day and 8.8.8. gateway, is MASSIVELY SHINING the SPOTLIGHT on any lingering darkness. The LIGHT is revealing what needs to be SEEN in order to be cleared and harmonized.
AHAU here is a YELLOW SPECTRAL SUN – it will FORCIBLY DISSOLVE anything that is restricting your full expression of your SOVEREIGNTY as a DIVINE HU-MAN being.. Just as the hot sun will quickly melt ICE-CREAM dissolving the ICE and reducing it to liquid cream. Any cold heartedness will be dissolved and warmed through these Solar codes.
The SPECTRAL SUN will most likely release very high class CME’s and SOLAR FLAREStoday – more Solar Ascension codes – to set humanity FREE to embody more SOUL-AR LIGHT.
AHAU can powerfully LIBERATE our HEARTS by allowing ourselves to SHINE independently. Connecting to others and feeling at ONE with the family of HU-MAN-ity, developing deep compassion and acceptance in this journey.
Are you OPEN and ALLOWING HEAVEN’S energies to flow through your vessel?
Are you dedicating your LIFE to your DIVINE MISSION, in order to illuminate the lives of your brothers and sisters?
Are you totally committed to DIVINE SERVICE allowing SOURCE to express through you each day?
The more you can accept the GIFT of en-LIGHTON-ment that AHAU brings, aligning with SOURCE through your daily life, the more you can walk the Earth plane as CHRIST INCARNATE!
To become EN-LIGHT-ENED is to realize ONE’s self, as ONE with ALL THAT IS, and that in Divine truth there is no “self” just ONENESS and pure consciousness.
Alan Watts ♡ Freedom From Illusion ♡ Secret Oral Teachings of Zen Buddha God & Enlightenment
WE are the GLUE that binds all of the Cosmos together, through unconditional love.
SeeIng and sensing SOURCE energy, in yourself and others, is the blessing of today. We are finally attaining the ecstatic bliss of union with ALL THAT IS!
Today’s question is “What do I need to DISSOLVE and release in my relationship with myself and others, in order to claim my FULL INDEPENDENT SOVEREIGNTY as DIVINE LOVE incarnate?
Divine blessings for the gentle melting of your heart walls in BLISSFUL reunions with your beloveds .
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
The Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame Affirmation is very powerful. As you affirm I AM you are declaring that your God self is in alignment with that quality or person. In this I AM affirmation Archangel Zadkiel and St. Germain have once more upgraded the Gold and Silver Violet Flame of Transmutation to a higher frequency. As you say this amazing affirmation imagine that you are standing in the centre of the great Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame as it purifies and transmutes old stuck energies. To make it even more powerful and effective, say it three times, then invoke the unicorns and ask them to illuminate the Flame with ninth dimensional unicorn energy. The flash of unicorn light that ignites the Flame can be life changing.
I AM the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame
I AM the Flame of Mercy
I AM the Flame of Joy
I AM the Flame of Oneness
I AM St. Germain
I AM Archangel Gabriel
I AM Archangel Zadkiel.
Then invoke the unicorns and ask them to illuminate the Flame with their 9th dimensional light.
The Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame Affirmation
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