We are Returning to our fully Activated LIGHT BODIES Now! “The Gathering” Divine Kundalini Paths ~ The Age of Miracles is Unfolding
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Celestial Earth Angelics of the New Eden Rising
The intense energetics of this Powerful Gateway of the Libra Pink Full Moon are flooding this realm with the Cosmic God Codes of the Resurrection and Ascension of the Christos Sophia Consciousness within the Body, Mind and Spirit of all on task of this Divine Covenant with Humanity. We are on the precipice of the Great Shift of the Ages into the New Golden Age of Eternal Enlightenment for all Sentient beings of the Way.
With the Rays of the Holy Reflections of this Full Moon Activation we had a spike of Light on the Schumann charts at 21hz.
The Diamond White Flames of Source Resurrection are blazing within every living Heart of our Earth Angelic Ground Crew of the 144,000.
In these Prophetic Times of Revelation all is being Revealed and all humanity is being freed from the false programs of separation and suffering as we step into our Sacred Roles as Wayshowers of the Eternal Bliss Consciousness.
The Original Dragon Nation are Awakening and Returning to assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in this Great Ascension Process. They are providing the extra energy of the Universal Life Force for the Transformations of the Solar Light Bodies of all Starseeds on mission for the Co-Creation of the New Lemuria.
On the Wings of Freedom we Fly in the New Heavens above the New Earth…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 14°30′ Libra, Sun at 16°00′ Aries
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Two prim spinsters sitting together in silence.
Sabian Symbol for 17º Aries
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 17º Aries.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Circular paths.
Sabian Symbol for 15º Libra
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 15º Libra.
The Divine Masculine Rod Architecture has changed from the equal sided Cross to a Unified Rod with the 4:4 Portal yesterday. This has Unified the 4 into the 1… the opposing and squaring Masculine energies and archetypes into a singular Whole…
You are not required to like everyone with whom you stand. The calling of others is not yours to understand or judge.
The gathering of awakened individuals is not a cult, nor a religion.
It is not a collective of like minded agendas or ideology.
There will be no meet up, hook up or event of time and place, no directive and no leaders.
The Gathering is a sacred and personal connection to self, a sense of realness which is growing through to the body from the soul, an acknowledgement of personal values and alignment.
This blessed Gathering is participated through the silence, through the solitude of being an individual.
It is felt through the unexplainable, the invisible and the most humble understated majesty of a life in progress.
It may not be seen, heard or touched by those who seek proof. It is not an entertainment nor a distraction, nor a personal affirmation from any god.
The Gathering is you as you are, accepting your wholeness.
It is a subtle unveiling of the most exquisite discovery of another day of being, meeting you at where you are at.
There is no drum roll, no thrill of the chase and no climactic reveal. There will be no rise to glory , no awards or pinnacle of success. Expect no round of applause or gushing praise, no pats on the back or excited announcements.
You may hear no plans nor action a statement.
The Gathering is nothing of man made and holds nothing of its expectations, standards, structures and requirements.
You do not need to sit in reverence, prepare yourself or action any symbolism of faith.
Those who are gathered will recognise how simply, and beautifully a surrender to a most glorious state of acceptance that all is and ever will be “I am” becomes a harmonic echo in the awareness that “We are”.
«Ένα νέο κβαντικό αυρικό πεδίο γεννιέται τώρα ΣΤΗ ΦΥΣΙΚΗ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ
που μεταμορφώνει κάθε μέρος του ανθρώπου.
Από την περιορισμένη και εξασθενημένη ανθρώπινη εμπειρία
στο άπειρο Ζωντανό Ον γεμάτο θεϊκές δυνατότητες!
Η στιγμή της πλήρους αναδιάταξης είναι κοντά.
Απελευθέρωση ψυχής από τα πρωταρχικά συμβόλαια περιορισμού.
Φυσική αποκατάσταση των θεϊκών μονοπατιών Κουνταλίνι.
Οι πραγματικές καταλήξεις και οι αρχές και οι τελευταίες προσαρμογές.
Εσωτερική ολοκλήρωση και ένωση του αρσενικού και θηλυκού!
Αυτή είναι η αληθινή ελευθερία!
Ανοίγει ο δρόμος για τη Μονάδα.
Τα 12 ηχητικά κύματα και ο Χριστικός Εαυτός είναι εδώ.
Η αγάπη κέρδισε!
Απρίλιος και Μάιος 2023, αποκάλυψη των εξερχόμενων και των εισερχόμενων!
Οι πιο υπέροχες ιστορίες είναι τώρα εδώ για να ξεκινήσουν!
Πιστεύετε στα θαύματα;
Αληθινές επανενώσεις, αγάπη, ανάμνηση, δημιουργική έκρηξη και ανώτερη καθοδήγηση για τους Ζώντες
που ήδη βιώνουν μεγάλες αποκαλύψεις για το ποιοι πραγματικά είναι
και ποιος είναι ο ρόλος τους σε ό,τι πρόκειται να έρθει στη Γη.
Το σώμα της Γης πρόκειται να περάσει από μια μεγάλη μεταμόρφωση.
Η φυσική πραγματικότητα θα αλλάξει εντελώς και αυτό θα πάρει δεκαετίες για να ολοκληρωθεί.
Εν τω μεταξύ,
οι Ζώντες θα βιώσουν μια εντελώς διαφορετική πραγματικότητα,
απολύτως προστατευμένοι από τα αποκαλυπτικά γεγονότα και τις μεταμορφωτικές διαδικασίες.
Θα βρίσκονται σε ασφαλές έδαφος και περιβάλλον.
Μόλις γίνουν όλες οι αλλαγές
ένας νέος κόσμος θα είναι πλήρως εδώ και μια νέα πραγματικότητα θα έχει αναδυθεί.
Οι Ζώντες όπως είναι σε αυτή τη διαδικασία κβαντικής επανασύνδεσης,
μπορεί να βρουν τον εαυτό τους να πηγαίνει μπρος και πίσω στο χρόνο/συνυπάρχουσες σφαίρες,
περισσότερο από ποτέ αλλά και με πιο εύκολο και προσιτό τρόπο.
Αυτό θα τους βοηθήσει να αναγνωρίσουν όλες τις πτυχές της ζωής τους,
κάτι που είναι ουσιαστικό όταν αναφέρεται κανείς στην αληθινή ανάμνηση,
και να επανέλθουν πλήρως στην εσωτερική σύνδεση του Εαυτού/Σώματος.
Ένας νέος τρόπος κατανόησης του Πνεύματος και του Χριστικού Εαυτού θα αναδυθεί.
Ο γραμμικός χρόνος καταρρέει στη φυσική αντίληψη και στο σώμα
καθώς τα 12 κύματα προορίζονται να βιώνονται σε κάθε στιγμή.
Τα παλιά πνευματικά προγράμματα θα διαλυθούν μαζί με όλες τις ψεύτικες ελπίδες και προβολές
που ήταν ένα υποπροϊόν του εγώ μέσα από το έκπτωτο πρόγραμμα.
Οι Δίδυμες Φλόγες είναι οι Σπόροι που έρχονται μαζί
καθώς γίνονται πλήρως αφυπνισμένοι και κυρίαρχοι.
Είναι αυτοί που θα φέρουν επίσης τους νέους Σπόρους της Αλήθειας για τον νέο κόσμο.
Μόλις θα συνδεθούν πλήρως με όλες τις πτυχές τους
τότε η δύναμη και οι ικανότητες τους θα ανυψωθούν αβίαστα και σε μεγάλο βαθμό στο κβαντικό επίπεδο,
με χαρά και αποτελεσματικότητα.
Οι Δίδυμες Φλόγες είναι πολύ αποτελεσματικές. Να το θυμάστε αυτό!
Τέλος, σε αυτή τη διαδικασία της υπέρβασης,
οι παλιοί αστρολογικοί χάρτες των Ζώντων
βασικά καταρρέουν γιατί οι Ζώντες δεν θα είναι πλέον περιορισμένοι
στη γραμμική ή μόνο μια πτυχή/πραγματικότητα του εαυτού τους.
Γίνονται κβαντικοί!
Καθώς η Μονάδα επανασυνδέεται
θα πραγματοποιηθεί μια αναδιάταξη που συνδέεται τόσο με το εσωτερικό όσο και με το εξωτερικό ρολόι ολόκληρου του συστήματος
και ένας νέος κβαντικός αστρολογικός γενέθλιος χάρτης θα ενσωματωθεί και θα αρχίσει να βιώνεται!».
Βρισκόμαστε στη μέση της πιο θεϊκής αναβάθμισης και μεταμόρφωσης,
είναι αυτές που περιμέναμε!
Μακάριοι είναι όσοι ταπεινώνονται στην Αλήθεια με αγνότητα
και εμπιστεύονται την καθοδήγηση της Αληθινής Καρδιάς τους!
Ελάτε μαζί μας
Εκείνοι που θα νιώσουν το κάλεσμα για αυτό την κβαντική εσωτερική εργασία,
μπορούν να μου στείλουν μήνυμα για τις λεπτομέρειες της συμμετοχής.
Είμαι πολύ χαρούμενη για αυτήν την επερχόμενη συνεδρία
λόγω των μεγάλων αποκαλύψεων, της μεταμόρφωσης και της ενδυνάμωσης που φέρνει μπροστά!
Όλα αρχίζουν να βγάζουν νόημα περισσότερο από ποτέ
και τα κομμάτια του κβαντικού παζλ ενώνονται με τους πιο γλυκούς και υπέροχους τρόπους!
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Divine Kundalini Paths
Aurora Ray
Galactic Federation Transmission
Dear beloved ones,
To all who read these words, greetings from the Galactic Federation. In this message from the Galactic Federation, we are going to discuss the most important steps you can take now to be ready for ascension and what will happen in order for your planet to accomplish ascension.
Having heard of the Ascension Process, do you know its full extent? It is an energy shift that will affect every single aspect of life on planet Earth, all at once.
We are very happy to announce that the long-awaited Great Shift or Ascension of your planet is taking place. You have completed the 3rd dimension, and the collective consciousness of this planet has reached such a critical level, especially in the last few years, that there is no other way than to ascend.
We want you to know that you are doing great! You are doing more than great. It has been an incredible journey so far, and the best is yet to come.
Let go of everything that was once familiar to you, everything you thought you knew or understood.
Your eyes are open today, and the curtain has been lifted. Today you understand what is at stake for humanity, but you also realize how beautiful the plan is that you have been working on for all these years on Earth!
We, the Galactic Federation, come to you today to inform you that we are sending massive amounts of photon gamma light waves through your central sun that pierce through you into the cells of your being.
Some of you are well aware of the massive energy shifts that are currently coming in and you may experience enhanced ascension symptoms such as insomnia, or the need to sleep much more than usual.
Even physical discomfort is a possible ascension symptom as your bodies are changing and adjusting to the higher frequencies.
Many of you are newly awakened and others have just begun to awaken. Your numbers will grow drastically.
If you are reading this message, it means you are one of the chosen ones.
But we did not choose you. You did.
You volunteered for this grand mission knowing the rewards you would reap from this lifetime’s experience was a massive milestone in your own personal evolution.
You will now proceed to achieve your divine purpose.
We need you to step forward and do your part in this ascension process and we want you to know that we are here with you, assisting and guiding you every step of the way.
There are so many of you that are eagerly awaiting the changes that are to come. You are looking forward to the truth of your existence on this planet being released for all people of all cultures to see.
It’s been a long journey, but the process is nearing completion, and there are only a few steps left for us to complete.
We cannot give you a date right now, there are too many factors and beings involved but the process is “very, very close.”
You are all requested to maintain your high vibrational energies, no matter what is taking place on Earth at this time.
Do not judge, do not react emotionally, but instead draw upon your inner peace and joy no matter what is happening.
Continually be aware that the ascension process is occurring now, but it will take a short while to manifest fully.
The final breakthrough will come with a bang once all preliminary conditions have been met. In this sense, the great climax is upon you, but always remember that what manifests are not mere events but profoundly meaningful revelations that are far more important for the awakening to take place within all of you.
Everyone will still go through their own individual ascension process and go through different scenarios than what another person may experience. The changes we see in this world are the people waking up and seeing the illusion for what it truly is.
All of the awakened will assist and support individuals who are going through the process of releasing their karmic conditioning, dissecting their false self, and dealing with the atrocities of suffering.
You will witness the end of the transition, and you will be heading into a new era that will bring to light what has been hidden for such a long time.
Many revelations will take place.
The revelation is the final phase of the ascension process and will be a great shock for everyone. It will come as a huge surprise and a moment of realization.
This will mark the end of the old world and the birth of a new one; there will be no more darkness or deception in human consciousness from this point forward!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
I woke up this morning with a deep sense of awe and wonder at the unfolding of a totally new life and new beginning as the Age of Miracles is unfolding within us and without, in the New Earth.
The awe and wonder of not only experiencing this, but also witnessing it, and with the completion of our soul journeys on earth, as so many of us pioneering souls now are in our last incarnation on earth. We have specifically incarnated to see this work into completion and to then move on to ever higher evolutionary cosmic highest loving service in whatever tiers of the 352 spirals of creation we as soul groups are called to serve.
It is time to affirm life and live more abundantly.
To live the love, light, power and wisdom of your highest soul self and to move forward into the unknown new, with a sense of inspiration, wonder, awe, ever aware of the miracles unfolding every single step of the way!
With this the inner joy, the expanded heart, radiating forth the power of love, as you become aware of beauty, harmony, oneness, unity, as inner peace reigns.
I was given this affirmation this morning:
I AM moving forward with inspiration, ease, joy, wonder and awe.
I AM fully embracing all that I AM in truth and lovingly living it.
The necessary pathway to assist the gateway of Light
Seldom Used for Centuries, Now Awakening
Like a Sleeping Giant, Now Emerging
It will be foreign, magnificient – a slow evolving process. As you turn the pages of your internal light book to reach the next chapter of Light.
Understand, each page will have its unique value, as you wish to turn each page quickly. For some, it will require the focussing of one or two unique pages until you reach the true meaning.
For the pace of reading a book is led alone by the Reader. For the path of personal observation is a unique multifaceted path.
As we Now Lead into 2023 – as the Light Scribes continue to awaken
God’s New Earth Kingdom is quickly entering our reality. He is bringing with Him protection from troubles, removal of separation, stability, and our rewards. From dark to light, this marks the beginning of our new cycle. This will continue into Eclipse Season, when Most High is breaking all chains.
Psalm 107:14 He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.
Breath, release, stabilize, and focus on yourself and your family. Detox, rejuvenate, and relax in your sacred space. Trust and believe that the karma and karmic connections with be transformed and changed by the Most High. He is here to end all suffering so we can become One with the Beloveds, and enter into this new time space Continuum with Him.
Mercury in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces. Sun conjunct Chiron in Aries – Closer to the Full Moon, light grows, illuminating tiny marks. Spots on the windowpane, dust on the table, scars on the soul. Life can be painful sometimes and yet, through pain and suffering, we learn what it is to be strong. We learn what it is to be human. Take the lead. Fill your life with projects and experiences you are passionate about. Bring your special skills to the table at every opportunity. Know that your scars are warrior tattoos – a life well lived, a tale to tell, a lesson learned. If you are struggling, now is the time to be proactive. Seek out healers and teachers to ignite your motivation to restore wholeness.
A slow, considered, practical approach. bolstered by a well-defined dream, can manifest the security you yearn for, the stability you hope for, the sense of connection to all that is. Sketch out your plans. Talk with a mentor. Ask for advice. Speak about your dreams. Poetry made flesh. Energy made symphony. Extraordinary support is available when you open a dialogue with the Universe.
“Awakening is really a series of softenings. Our awareness becomes more one-pointed, but our heart and mind become softer and more open. Whenever we’re confronted with harshness, the unexpected, noise, turbulence, the thunder of life, instead of tensing up, we can relax and open, soften and become milder. Mildness is an essential quality needed to allow spiritual initiation.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
The number 10 is called ‘Planetary’ and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Produce and Manifest’. The 10th day is associated with the word ‘perfect’ and so expect a perfect day with a score of 10 out of 10! How did the number ten become associated with perfection? In all cultures, not just Mayan – the number ten is the number we measure everything by. Simply because we have ten fingers to keep count on. Can you count up to ten ways in which you can enjoy today? Make a list and see what you can manifest.
Today is White Wind which represents ‘Communication, Breathe and Spirit.’ Naturally by combining the number and day the result is ‘a perfect day to communicate’. Why not send a message, sing a song, engage in public debate, voice your concerns or have that talk that you have been putting off. Remember, we are journeying through the wavespell of the Red Skywalker that invites us to be more adventurous! Can you muster the courage to say what you really want to? White Wind days are also great for communicating with spirit, so expect unexpected messages from coincidences, dreams or random encounters.
Today’s Guide is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. To be guided by the White Dog on a White Wind day suggests that all communications should be guided by the heart. Be loving with your words even if those words might not be what the listener wants to hear. Also because the dog is so tenacious we shouldn’t give up easily on any conversations we wish to have.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Human and so if you were born on Yellow Human, you may find your issues surface today. As a person with great intuitive skills, you often lack the ability to express yourself and share the wisdom you have. Try harder to communicate today and you may be surprised at the outcome.
The Occult power is the Blue Storm. There is powerful magic today with the disruptive Storm in the Occult position. This suggests that communication today has the power to make big changes in your life. It really is a perfect day as the Stormy energy has a magical ability to manifest.
The Ally is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’. Find someone born on a Red Earth day and they will provide great conversation. If you are a Red Earth, expect to play the role of messenger today, you will be of great help to others. The White Wind and the Red Earth are best buddies because communication helps us evolve and in return, the Earth navigates the conversation!
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 62 = 8 Infinity/Abundance/Source Flow
The WINDS of SPIRIT are LIBERATING our planet today, through the power of LOVE
KIN 62 last occurred 18 months ago on November 1st, 2021 – ALL SAINT’S DAY, and 27 months ago on February 14, 2021 – which of course happened to be VALENTINE’S DAY!
KIN 62 OPENS a planetary PORTAL of PASSION today – as we OPEN our HEART’S to experience more DIVINE unconditional LOVE.
Today the PLANETARY WIND is carrying this blanket of LOVE and LIGHT, and enfolding our beautiful PLANET with the pure adoration from our DIVINE CREATOR.
An exquisite day for Manifesting beautiful LOVING partnerships and our true HEART’s desires.
Today we MANIFEST AWAKENING to more LOVE & BLISS We channel the breath of SPIRIT from our HEART, into the heart of GAIA, then up into our Sun, then into the GREAT CENTRAL SUN (Galactic Sun) and then back into SOURCE! Brilliantly aligning with the INFINITE ABUNDANT SOURCE FLOW!
Layer upon layer of connection to SPIRIT through our HEART PORTAL. Raising our collective frequency and anchoring the GOLDEN SOUL-AR CHRISTOS/SOPHIA frequency – that was BIRTHED yesterday on the planet.
PLANETARY Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the RED SKYWALKER Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the GREAT DREAMS that we desire.
WHAT GREAT ROMANTIC DREAMS are you harbouring?
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit and Mother Gaia today as well as our beloveds. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the PLANETARY HEART of NOVA GAIA. As we are all ONE HEART.
An absolutely beautiful DIVINE GIFT from SPIRIT today. These waves of DIVINE LOVE enfold our Planetary body, teaching us to cherish the expression of LOVE on our planet, and our CONNECTION to all that is, through our beautiful pure HEARTS. At our core all souls are pure LOVE, multifaceted DIAMOND gems.
Use this LOVING POWER wisely for the Highest Good of our Planet and our Earth family
Today’s question is “How can I EXPAND my HEART, through LISTENING to Spirit, in order to manifest PLANETARY transformation through the power of LOVE?”
Divine blessings for following your heart whisperings, on the path to MANIFESTING personal and PLANETARY LIBERATION & ABUNDANCE
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE PLANETARY WIND IK is the breath of SPIRIT providing the WIND beneath our wings. Follow the signs and really LISTEN to the voice of SPIRIT! Be still and present in the timelessness of the eternal NOW MOMENT as you access Messages from throughout the Galaxy.
What are you hearing, feeling, sensing and knowing?
Messages from Spirit are always based on a foundation of LOVE, making you feel SAFE, secure and confident. You feel as though a beautiful warm blanket enfolds and comforts you. If these feelings of PEACE and clarity are not felt, then your connection may not be with TRUE SOURCE.
Prayer, devotion, mantras and meditation, as well as communing with Mother nature, are powerful means for strengthening your connection with Spirit.
Are you in FULL alignment with, and ready to cocreate with Spirit?
How does this information from Spirit align with your dreams, desires and intentions?
What are you seeking to PERFECT, through your manifestation of the messages from Spirit?
We need to OPEN our HEARTS and fully connect, in order to receive the messages that assist us with our creative vision and our creative ideas. We need to allow thoughts to FLOW through us and not identify with them. We are the vessels for this consciousness to flow through.
Are you a clear conduit for the flow of Spirit’s messages?
Use discernment to know which ideas are the best to implement, filtering them through your pure HEART. Channelling ideas and messages, writing, painting, drawing, speaking, singing. The solutions come forth through allowance.. Switch off and tune in today, to the whisperings of the Angelic Spirit messengers. Can you HEAR them?
The ANSWER my friend, is blowing in the WIND! The ANSWER is blowin’ in the WIND!
Yes, ‘n’ how many years can some people exist
Before they’re allowed to be FREE?
Yes, ‘n’ how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn’t SEE?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind
Yes, ‘n’ how many times must a man look up
Before he can SEE the sky?
Yes, ‘n’ how many ears must one man have
Before he can HEAR people cry?
Yes, ‘n’ how many DEATHS will it take ’til he knows
Very PROFOUND words for our current Global climate! Take heed Planetary kin – very stern advice from wise Spirit Messenger Bob Dylan.
These are the Questions that we need to be asking, to receive the Answers we are seeking, through the Planetary Wind!
If all the Planetary kin could HEAR and translate the messages of Spirit, our world would be a much better place for all citizens.
Those souls with the strongest connections to Spirit, live their lives with greater FLOW and spontaneity. They are TRUSTING in the messages and the guidance received, which creates pure MAJIK and MIRACLES in their life, and the lives of those they touch.
Today is a very HOLY day in which the WILL of SPIRIT over-rides the WILL of MAN… DIVINE INTENTION shall be REALIZED through the DIVINE COMMUNICATION that is FLOWING through us today!
Spirit is seeking to produce HEAVEN ON EARTH, so as divine conduits, this is what we are collectively desiring to PERFECT.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE PLANETARY DOG OC is the higher power today – meaning the focus is on LOVE!
and the HIGHER LOVE of AWAKENED and evolved souls who are the Messengers of Spirit – embodying this love in their physical vessels on this EARTH plane.
Today we have – a GLOBAL celebration of the expression of LOVE – romantic love and the LOVE and respect of SELF! Honouring all that is an EXPRESSION of LOVE. The PLANETARY tone – brings the focus to GLOBAL LOVE – love for all humanity and all existence through the PERFECTION of the EXPRESSION of LOVE.
OC guides the manifestation process today through our pure and loyal HEARTS. Connecting to Spirit through our Hearts we become pure channels for Divine Wisdom, and are well guided on our path of truth, integrity and service to humanity through unconditional love.
This energy is very conducive for close and intimate connection with others. We can freely communicate from our hearts with loved ones, that we want to be close to today. Sing, dance, pray to Great Spirit from the depths of your heart, channeling messages of love from the divine feminine.
All actions must NOW be founded on LOVE, which is the new current-sea!.
Through the POWER of LOVE all things are possible.
LOVE HEALS ALL AILMENTS and is the fabric holding the UNIVERSE together.
LOVE enables our manifestations to be perfected, for the greatest benefit of humanity and our entire planet.
SUPPORT: RED PLANETARY EARTH CABAN how PERFECT that our EARTH MOTHER is the supporting energy today. The LOVE from our MOTHER – human, planetary and DIVINE is the greatest bond that a child can have.
PACHAMAMA is sending us her sun kisses today – letting us know that we are DEEPLY LOVED and cherished by our planetary mumma.. Tune in and FEEL her deep love for you, through communing with Mother nature, and feeling the DEEP connectedness to ALL THAT IS..
Merge like the SHAMANS do and become the EARTH, feel her body as your body, and know that we are all on this journey together – as ONE unified PLANETARY consciousness.
WE are GAIA – and she is US!
DIVINE SIGNS and synchronicities are flowing through the energy of CABAN today. Mother Earth is totally aligned with Divine intention, and is communicating through the breath of Spirit in every one of her kingdoms… through the land to the sea, encompassing all elements as Spirit whispers everywhere… We just need to be STILL and listen through our HEARTS to witness the EARTH MAJIK that surrounds us.
We need to open our minds, our ears and our EYES to recognize these signs flowing from spirit, and then produce them in our actions.
Observe nature, the birds, the flowers, the insects and all creation for your messages.
What beautiful spirit animal messengers will visit you today?
In which direction are these SIGNS taking you?
Set your course and allow CABAN and IK to provide the navigation tools.
As it is a PLANETARY tone day, CABAN’S influence is very GLOBAL, highlighting Collective messages.
CABAN enables us to Manifest a deep connection with the Earth, through allowing the Rainbow Serpent to come from deep within the HEART of Gaia and up through our chakras, from the base to the crown to the cosmos, all the way back to SOURCE!
We are perfecting our capacity to LISTEN to the wisdom of the EARTH, and be aware of the harmonic matrix connecting us into the web of all creation.
What message will GAIA send to her children today? TUNE in and LISTEN?
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SELF-EXISTING STORM CAUAC. Today’s STORM has a self-existing tone, enabling our Manifestations to easily take FORM. The SUPERPOWER of this spiritual wind, is that it helps us define what it is, that we wish to manifest.
CAUAC assists us in transforming old thought forms that have blocked our manifestation power, and our direct communication channels with Spirit. The STORM can unlock any blocked or stored energy, in order to catalyse these thoughts into more creative options in our Manifestation process. Through releasing FEAR and stagnant energies we can raise our vibration and EXPAND our connection to GREAT SPIRIT.
This occult STORM power today can catalyze great PLANETARY transformation through the power of LOVE.
LOVE is the most powerful EQUALIZER and has the ability to soothe the savage beast, bringing HARMONY to warring enemies. Remember to whisper sweet words of LOVE to melt the HEART walls of all concerned.
The BLUE STORM is supporting the WHITE WIND, in bringing through a breath of FRESH purified AIR for our PLANETARY BODY!! Ahhhhh no more Chemtrails or pollutants! No more TOXIC energies – let us all soar on the WINGS of LOVE!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW PLANETARY HUMAN EB presents the battle of the EGOIC mind, versus the BUDDHIC mind. Divine Mind versus human mind!
In order to have an open and accepting mind we need to let go of judgements, criticism and fear. We cannot hear the voice of Spirit if our mind is cluttered with FEAR and busyness, which clouds our thoughts and pollutes our actions. The death of egoic control of your thoughts through surrender, will accelerate your union with Divine Mind.
DIVINE MIND accepts ALL HUMANS as EQUAL, and can unconditionally LOVE and respect all LIFE FORMS. The small human can be SELFISH and self serving, instead of living a life in SERVICE to ALL.
The PLANETARY HU-MAN is uniting our collective MINDS through the PLANETARY DIVINE MIND.. the higher 5D consciousness of Ascended GAIA. A powerful GIFT of KIN 62.
EB challenges us to PERFECT our independent will, in order to MANIFEST the dreaming of ABUNDANCE for all beings. We use our wisdom to make better choices to manifest the brightest outcome for our PLANET.
Manifesting the COLLECTIVE dream for our planet, through listening to the wisdom and whispers of the indigenous ones, and our ancestors in order to expand our consciousness.
Our CHALLENGE today is to surrender our small human will, and align with the Higher Divine Will for the benefit of our Planet and all HU-MAN- KIND.
We must unite together through the POWER of higher LOVE and hold the highest intentions for producing our BEST UTOPIAN DREAMS, manifesting HEAVEN ON EARTH.
Today’s question is “How can I EXPAND my HEART, through LISTENING to Spirit, in order to manifest PLANETARY transformation through the power of LOVE?”
Divine blessings for following your heart whisperings, on the path to MANIFESTING personal and PLANETARY LIBERATION & ABUNDANCE
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
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