WE Are on our HIGHEST TIMELINE Right NOW! Avalon Rising – Archangel Gabriel ~ Gene Key 11: LIGHT
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Dragon Maji Grail Kings and Queens of the New Avalon Rising!
As we continue our journey through the Solstice Ascension Gateway our local Solaris released two more powerful M class flares with the more intense being a M 5.74 Solar Flare at 22:40 UTC. Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are being inundated with higher dimensional frequencies and Gamma Plasma Waves directly from the Great Central Sun from Mother/ Father God/ Prime Creator.
Synchronizing with these massive energies flowing in we had another Galactic Activation Portal day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 211 Blue Electric Monkey. This is connected with the power of healing through Laughter and Play. KIN 211 is one of the 13 clear Prophecy signs inscribed on the tomb lid of Mayan king Pacal Votan. We are empowered in this Holy Hour of Redemption.
Merlin is with all our Earth Angelic Dragon Nations of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth to assist us in the Alchemical transformation of the cymatics of this realm to upgrade and come into Divine Resonance with 5D and beyond.
We are rising into the frequency of our Diamond Rainbow Bodies of indestructible light. Feel into the Bliss filling your Sacred Heart with Supreme Love of Prime Creator Source we call Wakan Tanka, the Great Mystery.
Our beloved Priests and Priestesses of the New Lemuria are receiving full Crown openings and activations for the Coronation as Solar Christos Sophia Wayshowers of our Lineage of Light. In our Divine Union as Shakti dances with Shiva and the Eagle flies with the Condor all comes to the Unity both within and without for the merging and Great Emergence in the Light.
We are in the Quickening of our transfiguration and transmutation of our Crystalline DNA to encode our electromagnetic field with the resonance of our Divine Birthright as Cosmic Conscious beings of Eternal Bliss. In the Unborn Mind of Buddha we have reached a New Horizon for our full compression breakthrough as we walk each other home to the Other Shore of Enlightenment…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 19°44′ Virgo, Sun at 24°00′ Sagittarius
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A caravan of cars headed for promised lands.
Sabian Symbol for 20º Virgo
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 20º Virgo.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A chubby boy on a hobbyhorse.
Sabian Symbol for 25º Sagittarius
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 25º Sagittarius.
I have been down the Rabbit Hole since the weekend, and what a journey it has been. I remember last week I told you I had several days without water. Well this week was double whammy. No power and no water! That means no energy to power internet and computers and phones! And I had a big 12/12 webinar planned. Fortunately a friend stepped in and invited me to do the webinar at their house.
It was a very weird experience, like being in a disaster but with no “real” disaster visible. It was deeply stressful. I am a very organized person, and seeing my life disintegrate into chaos was a real lesson. I had to step very firmly into my Mastery and focus and trust. And indeed, everything got done that needed to get done!
So, here I am back!
And the 12/12 was so powerful and filled with Golden Radiance and the Divine blessings of Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary.
And now we are on track for the Galactic alignment on the 19th and the Solstice on the 21st.
The Ascending energy is intense and is lifting us in an ascending spiral! Let’s continue to create in the ascending spiral of consciousness as we release the old to fall away and welcome the new that is emerging through Love, Gratitude and Simple Joy.
Gratitude opens the heart, like nothing else, for gratitude is a state of perfect balance and harmony, oneness and love.
It opens the cosmic portals to abundance and the infinite flow of the life giving forces of Creation.
It is in the highest state of pure gratitude that we feel and see the perfection of life, for now the heart center is fully open, the left and right brain in equilibrium and we attract more into our lives to be grateful for.
More than this, the inner joy ignites.
You become lighter and brighter.
It brings profound insight and knowing, that no-thing is missing in your life and that all is perfect, whole and complete, in the here and now, as it is!
Dear friends, our sun’s activity has increased in the last 24 hours. More than 10 M class solar flares have been observed, and those who are sensitive to the solar activity may be feeling its effects on their bodies. Some of the symptoms related to these solar flares could be: mild headaches, inner heat sensations around the body, dry mouth, sleepiness, and a general feeling of mild anxiety. I mention this because we are now experiencing the energetic effects of the 12:12 lightcodes plus this new added layer of energetic solar activity.
We are still in the 10 day period between the 12:12 portal and the 12:21 Summer/Winter solstice, depending on where you are on the planet. This period of 10 days will have its ups and downs. We are still processing and integrating the information from the intense 12:12 lightcodes and all the inner shifts from the previous eclipse corridor. This is a tremendous amount of energy and information that our bodies have been processing non-stop. The energies overall have been intensifying since the beginning of the year, and our energetic and physical bodies are feeling this on-going process big time.
It takes a minimum of three days to integrate new energetic information into our energy fields, which means today may be the last day of intense symptoms for many of you. But the process is complex and extremely personal, and depends on many factors, such as your personal history, lifestyle, diet, etc. As we get closer to the solstice, we should be finding ourselves more balanced internally, and with new insights about our future timeline. It’s a period in which many of our hidden potentials may come “on line” to give us further insights about our next steps. The Solstice energy will further assist us in achieving this new energetic equilibrium.
The December Trinity codes will continue flowing throughout the month. Christmas time, with its official date of December 25, will bring its own collective light codes as well. And while this may or may not be the actual date of the birth of Jesus Christ, the collective Christ consciousness energy grid will be intensified, which is also an aspect of the crystalline December Trinity codes.
We are slowly reaching the midway of this 10 day transformation period, and you will notice a clear shift once we cross that energetic threshold. Keep taking care of yourself: rest, stay hydrated, and engage in some journaling to clarify and organize your thoughts and insights. New bright beginnings are just around the corner.
Those who’ve been working with the goddess, consciously or unconsciously, since around 2012 are about to be rewarded this Solstice. Or if you’ve recently taken a leap into a deep feminine soul healing process, you could find you make incredibly rapid progress once the Solstice gateway has opened.
This Solstice is about giving back to you. It’s about recognizing how courageous you’ve been and how much energy you’ve devoted to your inner healing and soul growth.
The rewards may come in many different ways, and they could be different to the package your mind may expect.
But this Solstice, the pendulum is swinging back to you. The cosmic energies from the womb of the Great Mother and all her emissaries seem to be whispering: “We’ve seen the mountains you’ve climbed. We see the caves you’ve emerged from. We see the underworld you’ve meditated within. We see the deep, deep patterns of ancestral pain you’ve shifted. We see what you’re still working on and we see what you’ve birthed and created.
The tide is turning back to you. The energy is quickening for your manifestations. We want to reward you for your diligence and all the work that goes on beneath the surface, in the feminine planes of the unseen and the unknown.
It is vast, the inner work you’ve done. It is vast, the impact your healing is having on the collective.
It is vast, what continues to flow from your activated feminine soul.”
What you’ve put into the universe will come back to you. It is coming back to you. Your diligence and patience is seen. This Solstice brings a million and one things to fruition and accelerates all and any healing work you’re doing on yourself and for the world.
This Solstice is special because it honours all those who’ve given so much already to their inner healing journey – and to the re-emergence of the Goddess on this planet.
source: https://www.sophiebashford.com
quickening for your manifestations
Shelley Young
DAILY MESSAGE from Archangel Gabriel
You are in a period of acceleration that is preparing you to step up into the energies of 2023. Moving through the alignment of the 12/12 has set this process in motion. You might think of it as a tunnel of one activation after another, all designed to take you into the new.
We understand that intense energies can feel daunting to you. What we wish for you to understand is that every wave serves you and moves you forward. The key here is to prioritize your balance, stay present, and breathe.
You are in a profound flow that is leading you up to the solstice. The solstice leads into the influx of Christed energies that always occurs over Christmas, regardless of what your belief systems may be. The integration of those energies lead you up and onto the platform of a brand new year.
You aren’t the only one going through these energetic adjustments. Your beloved planet is also working with these energies, and will continue to adjust to match the energies of the new year. If necessary, the planet will find ways to release energy in order to make that possible.
You continue to assist the earth through your balance and your own shifting. As above so below is a phrase that you often think of in terms of what is energetically being made manifest on the earth. But it also refers to you and the energy you hold affecting the planet itself.
You, as beautiful and intrepid anchors of peace, light, and empowered change, are banding together to assist in the creation of the new earth. These are the times you couldn’t wait to experience! You are doing a magnificent job. You are going through a series of profound shifts as a reflection of your readiness and the solid foundation of preparation work you have done.
This is a time of celebration, Dear Ones, that you have reached this point in your journey, just as a mother celebrates the time for birthing a child has finally arrived. You are ready. The new is ready to be birthed. Keep your focus, trust the process, and simply take it one now moment at a time and you will navigate it all beautifully.
Completion of healing your Family Tree is reconciling the past. Karmic relationships connected to your ancestry are falling away, which is clearing contracts and cords with certain people. Let them go and grow. Remain strong and by focusing on your relationship goals during this transition.
Continue forward with your Covenant with the Most High as he is leading you away from temptation, and delivering you from evil. Accept the logical perspective that has revealed the truth. New opportunities and relationships are ahead that are free of trauma bonds and karma. Heal the past hurts and choose change now, for your future to come.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
The light has never been outside us but resides deep within matter itself. It is a little known paradoxical law that the densest regions conceal the highest vibrations, and that true ascension moves downwards and inwards.
The great challenge in today’s world is to bring clarity to the cosmic issue of good and evil. The mass consciousness, operating out of the left side of the brain, favours the light above all else. The feminine principle of darkness, coming through the right brain, has been set against the light. This is why an upsurge in darkness always precedes the breaking through of the true light, as opposed to our projected image of the light. The pure light of the 11th Siddhi has nothing to do with good or evil. It represents the transcendence of duality.
The Gene Keys Book
“If we have the 11th Gift, or are contemplating it, we can use the beautiful richness of the right brain visions and archetypes in our life to launch it onto a higher level. That is our greatest Gift – to catch others on fire with the Light that burns in our heart. Our Gift is our heart, our love, our devotion.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron retrograde in Aries and trine the North Node in Taurus – There is extra sensitivity around communication matters. It’s easy to feel dismissed, unheard. For some, it may seem like a wall has gone up, no one wants to listen, no one is available to talk. For others, maybe it’s just hard to find the words, hard to speak up. Maybe information is missing or incorrect, or we’re afraid to say the wrong thing. Fears around not knowing enough tangle with our thoughts. Chiron in Aries brings up vulnerabilities around confidence, strength and autonomy. Maybe it seems safer to keep our mouths shut but, on the inside, the wounded heart roars.
Pay attention to where old conditioning corrupts the internal monologue. Don’t let your inner voice harangue you. Faulty thinking may make things seem more serious than they are. Pessimism may block the potential for healing. In all instances, a practical approach will help to dispel doubt. Ask for advice from healers and teachers who can open hidden doors. Think before speaking.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 11°Cp57′, Chiron 11°Ar57′ R – 05:21 (UT)
Mercury 12°Cp29′, North Node 12°Ta29′ R – 14:33 (UT)
‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its key words are ‘Activate, Service and Bond’. This is the third day of the Red Moon wavespell and a Portal day. ‘Electric’ days are always full of energy and they have a tendency towards liveliness but when they fall on a Portal day, that’s a powerful combination! Today is perfect for activating something magical in your life.
Today is Blue Monkey and it represents ‘Magic, Illusion and Play’. A Monkey day with added electricity on a Portal day…. that’s a recipe for crazy. Just remember that this is the Red Moon wavespell and we are meant to be ‘going with the flow’. If you can still relax in the face of this mayhem, well done. Another way to look at this – is that today has the potential to be super awesome too. Magic Monkey with all that power can make very magical things happen. (Paul McCartney is a Blue Electric Monkey). Poor Monkey does get bad press sometimes but really, he just wants to show you magic. We are such fools though that he has to trick us, to show us the error of our ways.
The Guide today is Blue Eagle which symbolizes ‘Creativity, Vision and Mind’. The Eagle is a very handy guide as he sees things from a higher vantage point and that vision can help you see which way to go. The Monkey magic can make you feel extra creative today too, so make good use of all that inspiration.
The Challenge today is the Red Dragon which represents Nurturing. No one gets any rest today while all that monkey business is going on. Watch out for burn out. You can try and hide in a cave, especially if you are a Dragon but Monkey may still find a way to get in and cause you a headache. If you are a Dragon, try to relax. Remember, we are in the Red Moon wavespell and we are meant to relinquish control. Monkey is only running amok for one day, how much trouble can he cause?
The Occult power is the White Dog which is the symbol that represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. This is definitely the best part of the day. Love is magical! Open your heart today and see what magic comes your way. If you are a White Dog, you’ll enjoy occupying this magical space.
The Ally is the Yellow Star which is all about ‘Beauty and Art’. If you need assistance today, consult a Yellow Star. If you don’t know one, do what they would do today and appreciate the beauty in the world. If you are a Yellow Star you’ll be feeling super friendly today and smiling at everyone you meet.
KIN 211 is one of the 13 clear signs inscribed on the tomb lid of Mayan king – Pacal Votan. These PV days are very potent and significant in our planetary evolution. Today is also a GAP day and ELECTRIC tone so it is indeed a VERY INTENSELY POWERFUL DAY! Lots of energy to direct into your Divine Service!
The 15.15 and 6.6. and 3.6.9 codings are giving humanity a DIVINE HOLY BLESSING through the MAJIK and MIRACLES that are present today.. MAKE A WISH and hold out your HANDS… dear Planetary kin.
Day 3 in the RED MOON WAVESPELL of the GODDESS, who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity as we purify our vessels in order to find our natural FLOW.
Today we are ACTIVATING our greatest VISION , and optimum TIMELINE, through the power of MAJIK and PLAY. We are finding our FLOW through the path of DIVINE HOLY BLISS!
Today’s tone is ELECTRIC!!! This is pure creative GENIUS energy – TESLA POWER. The ELECTRIC TONE coupled with the BLUE MONKEY – Magician/Genius codes on a majikal GAP day adds up to another electrically charged ROCKET FUELED DAY!! ZZZZZZZZAP!!! KAPOW!!!!
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Its focus is being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE.
The ELECTRIC TONE – is the TONE of CREATION which IGNITES our circuits to move ahead, bonding with our KIN!
Today we have a JUMP START to get moving down the “right” track. Get READY – and attune to the BONDING and SERVICE aspects rather than the EMOTIONAL fuses and melt-downs!
Are you EMOTIONALLY balanced and responsible, to be of greater SERVICE to HUMANITY?
ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
Today we bond together through the power of SPIRITUAL MAJIK and ALCHEMY, to ignite our greatest VISION of beauty, joy and BLISS lifting the frequency of our planet. Make sure you channel this energy wisely and productively into your BRILLIANT projects, inventions and inspirational new ideas!
BLUE MONKEY is catalyzing this tremendous REV-o-lution through breaking out of all the barriers, to experience blissful joy and spontaneity.
The Divine carefree child who feels SAFE to play in his adventure playground, knowing the EYES of his protective Mother Guardian are lovingly supporting and watching over him! Yes DIVINE MOTHER has your back!
Cocreate with the GODDESS today and invite MONKEY to come out and play.
Gift him some bananas mango and watermelon to get the creative MAJIKal forces flowing
Our creations need to flow effortlessly and joyfully into form. No struggle, force or birthing pains are required. Allow the Divine feminine to guide you in the “fun-nest” way possible!
Allow the beauty and harmony to flow freely, transforming struggle into BEAUTIFUL (HE)ART!
So cheeky monkeys it is time to spontaneously dance, sing, play and be joyful .
Today’s question is “How can I ACTIVATE more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS through bonding with my kin, and TRUSTING in the greatest VISION for my life and MAN-KIND?
Divine blessings for the most DE-LIGHT-filled day of ecstatic PLAY and MAJIK !!!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE ELECTRIC MONKEY CHUEN Aaahhh! Today we get to LIGHTEN up and PLAY in the most MAJIKAL way possible! Hooray!!! Spontaneous and EXPLOSIVE play!!.
A very happy, sunny, playful and extra SPECIAL majikal day in which we allow our emotional aspects to come out to play, in order to PURIFY and soothe them in the Universal waters of the GODDESS.
How have your emotions kept you separated from your exuberant and pure Divine child?.
Are you working too hard? It is time to make your WORK your JOY and PLAY TIME… – LOVE what you DO and FOLLOW YOUR BLISS
Where in your life, have you denied yourself from experiencing joy, happiness and spontaneous BLISS?
Cast it all into the RIVER, washing away all your old worries and cares!
BLUE MONKEY – is also the mysterious TIME LORD and MAGICIAN having tremendous powers and mastery over many realms and dimensions. The 15/6 Spiritual Alchemy code, further ELEVATES this MONKEY’S majikal powers to that of a truly DIVINE MAGICIAN.
BLUE MONKEY is tribe number 11 – which denotes a doorway for the Magician to dis-APPEAR and travel through…as a Master illusionist..THIS gives you DIVINE 3.6.9. TESLA POWER today to manifest your BLISS timeline… travel through the portal of your HEART to unlock your BLISS.
The BLUE MONKEY kin are indeed the most gifted and GENIUS of the 20 tribes. Jose’ Arguelles the FATHER of the DREAMSPELL was a BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY, and indeed he demonstrated his incredible GENIUS, through gifting EARTH with this DREAMSPELL GALACTIC CODEX.
The BLUE MONKEYS are Master Manifestors and inventors. Coupling a Magician with ELECTRIC POWER gives your manifestations a TURBO SUPER BOOST. The ELECTRIC MONKEY – focuses on inventions that benefit humanity, through his desire to serve and unite with others to manifest a better world.
Today is a great day for SPONTANEOUS manifestation, so go forth and flex your MAJIK WAND! Get out your WISH LIST and start spellcasting!! Seriously EXPECT MIRACLES and SEE what manifests!
CHUEN reminds you to keep your high manifesting vibe happening, through lots of play and merriment. Keep it LIGHT and know you will easily FLOW into your greatest Destiny! Electricity is a strong current and SUPERCONDUCTOR, so point your conduit in the direction of your desires.
Note: The shadow side of BLUE MONKEY is deceit, betrayal, illusion, trickery and black magic, so make sure you brush all seriousness aside and entrain your “monkey mind” to relax, let go and GO WITH THE FLOW of this majikal day!
Keep it LIGHT innocent and PURE of HEART!
HIGHER SELF: BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE– MEN is an absolutely superlative higher guide today. MEN LIFTS the BLUE MONKEY from ground level to inspect the higher echelons of the grand VISION. Once we unfurl our WINGS to FLY high above, we can access a more revealing perspective bringing forth more options, solutions and better alternative paths to take.
The MONKEY gifts the EAGLE with inter-dimensionality, and the ability to travel throughout the whole spectrum of SPACE and TIME.. We have the POWER to access the AKASHIC library and all information throughout CREATION! Yahoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The ELECTRIC EAGLE was the daily kin for the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima so DO NOT underestimate the POWER of this code to change the trajectory of our Planetary his-tory today.
It comes with PROFOUND LESSONS gleaned through the VISION revealed!
Through the synergy of the TIMELORD and the ELECTRIC EAGLE … the EAGLE is steering the TIME LORD to the highest potential outcome for HUMANKIND… This is a HUGE CODE and tremendous partnership of these two transformational BLUE BOYS!
BLUE EAGLE invites you to focus on the GREATEST PICTURE that you can imagine for your LIFE, and OUR PLANET today = ultimate BLISSFUL UTOPIA
On what bigger stage would you like to PLAY and perform?
Expand your VISION and change your scenery, make it more colourful and vibrant.
Which actors and playmates will you invite TO PERFORM with you, in your new “PLAY”
Once you have ENVISIONED it, SURRENDER, and TRUST that this grand VISION WILL MANIFEST for the highest GOOD of ALL! (With HARM TO NONE!) THANK YOU UNIVERSE
SUPPORT: YELLOW ELECTRIC STAR LAMAT – the beautiful graceful and diplomatic STAR is our supporting energy, elevating our happiness quotient and encouraging us to REACH FOR THE STARS with our desires.
ELECTRIC LAMAT will blast open your HEART CHAKRA, and magnetize your romantic desires, to bond with your beloved kin, and harmonize your relationships. . LAMAT is the beautiful PEACE LOVING diplomat who wants the whole world to UNITE and celebrate in Harmonic resonance – celebrating LIFE AS ART and BEAUTY.
Are you playing and having FUN, whilst pushing the boundaries of your creative expression? .
BLUE MONKEY activates LAMAT with greater SPARKLE POWER!
Are you the STAR of your new show?
Remember to BOND together with your fellow STAR BLISS SUNS in SERVICE to all, with the purpose of bringing greater beauty and harmony to our existence.
LAMAT OPENS the DOORWAYS to the NEW TIME… assisting us in creating HARMONY in our world, and being in the beauty of nature, celebrating the ABUNDANCE and joy that surrounds us. Sing, dance, LAUGH and SHINE BRIGHTLY dear STAR BLISS SUNS
Today is the day to really SPARKLE, Miss Markle!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SPECTRAL DOG OC encourages us to love, nurture and play with those we TRUST – our family and our TRIBE. Our PLAY becomes our SERVICE, through devotion and loyalty to each other and our CREATOR.
The SPECTRAL DOG will reveal any impediments to LOVE today, continuing the work of yesterday’s kin the LUNAR DOG, dissolving any betrayal, deception or grand illusions..Once the pain and density are released and the HEART WALL cleared, your TRUE HEART can be LIBERATED, to LOVE freely through your DEVOTION to the DIVINE.
When unconditional love and loyalty are present, we can completely TRUST, let go and reveal our Divine child through play and lightheartedness.
Are you FREE to be your natural authentic self around your nearest and dearest?
Do you like the person that you are, reflecting within those relationships?
To be your true and authentic self, you must be free to reveal your inner nature without fear or ridicule. Everyone is an Artist and we must be free to create without judgement or criticism by others.
Surround yourself with people that allow you to feel young and free!
Financial and emotional FREEDOM manifests when you focus on joy, and dedicate your day to Divine service through compassion, acceptance and unconditional love.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED ELECTRIC DRAGON IMIX – is the Mother Dragon who enables us to BIRTH our creations into reality. IMIX also gives us the Dragon’s courage and determination to protect our unique visions from distortion and fully empower them into manifestation. To BELIEVE in our greater VISION, ourselves and our unique contributions in this New world we are birthing.
We become fully empowered to accept full responsibility, for our role and FLOW within the collective evolution of Earth and all beings.
BLUE MONKEY is catalyzing this tremendous REV-o-lution through breaking out of all the barriers, to experience blissful joy and spontaneity.
The Divine carefree child who feels SAFE to play in his adventure playground, knowing the EYES of his protective Mother Guardian are lovingly supporting and watching over him! Yes DIVINE MOTHER has your back!
Cocreate with the GODDESS today and invite MONKEY to come out and play.
Gift him some bananas mango and watermelon to get the creative MAJIKal forces flowing
Our creations need to flow effortlessly and joyfully into form. No struggle, force or birthing pains are required. Allow the Divine feminine to guide you in the “fun-nest” way possible!
Allow the beauty and harmony to flow freely, transforming struggle into BEAUTIFUL (HE)ART!
So cheeky monkeys it is time to spontaneously dance, sing, play and be joyful .
Today’s question is “How can I ACTIVATE more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS through bonding with my kin, and TRUSTING in the greatest VISION for my life and MAN-KIND?
Divine blessings for the most DE-LIGHT-filled day of ecstatic PLAY and MAJIK !!!
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