The True Miracle of Life ~ Critical Phase of the Ascension Process * Be Ready ~ First River ~ Ancient Memories
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Soul Star Legion of the Divine 144
We are now on the sixth day in a row of 5D Energies holding steady with higher resonance on the Schumann Charts. Gaia’s heartbeat reached peak amplitudes today at 32 and 59 hz.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are rising together as Sovereign Conscious Co-cReators of Heaven on Earth.
We are the Quickening and we came into this realm to shift the collective consciousness with the Power of our ALmighty I Am Presence into Unity, Peace and Prosperity for all of our Good People of New Earth.
In the Holographic Nature of the Universe all fractals of Source Energy are a mirror of themselves, as the internal mirrors the external and the external mirrors the internal.
As our Ground Crew Earth Angelic Team of the 144,000 light up and allow their inner sun to go Super Nova all Central Suns of the multiverse reflect this perfectly and produce a Cosmic Solar Flash to free all consciousness from the false programs and projections of all nefarious energies.
It is time to make our Quantum Leap and Light up our Inner Suns to full Illumination of Infinite Light and Infinite Life. Jump 144….A’Ho!
The first thing you need to do when meeting your Galactic Brothers and Sistars is to “activate all Power” of their primary language of communication – LOVE.
Let it flow like an endless stream from your Heart Chakra – from your Love Crystal, from your eyes, from your Soul.
Let LOVE be the FIRST IMPULSE that explodes to find them.
Let your energies of Love meet and attract with vibrations.
Immediately the most reliable and lasting contact will be created between you, allowing you to look around and then begin slow and conscious cooperation.
With the help of cosmic plans, celestial plans and light activity we receive from the Great Sun, LIBERATIONS are now beginning here/now for ALL I Am Presence men/women and children.
This whole process is currently in progress 8-8-16 to liberate all Souls that are on Earth so that only LOVE flows through our veins and circulates through our physical Heart (I just personally experienced a liberation).
This is a magical cosmic moment for our return to the great central sun, our ascension as a human being… which will restore us all our Divine powers in being Divine children of God… we are going to make One with our brothers and sisters of Planet Earth and we are going to become One with all the cosmic beings of this galaxy and all galaxies and it begins now with the alignment to Our Presence I Am.
We went through a significant experience last night, and many of you might be feeling the effects today. It’s not uncommon to experience symptoms like exhaustion, stomach discomfort, a racing heart, and digestive issues. These are natural responses as your body processes and adjusts.
Right now, we’re in a critical phase of this process. It’s essential to pay close attention to what your body is telling you. Prioritize rest, stay hydrated, and take care of your well-being. Your body knows what it needs to integrate this experience—trust it and give yourself the space to recover.
8/20/24: As you progress into higher consciousness, you will continue to witness the effects of lower vibrational thought and its resistance to change. But, because you know that Love shines through all dimensions and frequencies, you can detach from any drama and move on. Today’s very high level energy makes it easier to let go of earthly matters.
Just remember that you are not your body and you are also not your ego, although you are responsible for both. You are self seeking Self. A spark of the Divine exploring its existence. The world is your playground and your platform for now… and you can choose your way through it. But it’s ultimately what you leave with that’s most important.
A very intense compression of the 4D space has occurred due to the increasing Light effects on the ground on Earth,which is causing many breaches in the Matrix networking, and simultaneously, opening may cracks in the space/time continuum between the 4th and 5th dimension and dimensional state of Being.
Temporal distortions in the space/time continuum being experienced by some, where dimensional pockets are entered, are part of the process of expanding and populating the 5th Dimensional Reality. As the old implodes, cracks form in that lower dimension reality of 4th density, allowing for more of an influx of 5th dimensional energetics, and higher, to enter the 4th dimensional scope of consciousness, and advance that consciousness forward through the production of irrefutable confirmations in the form of experience, thoughts, and the ability to access more of the inner knowing on the individual level.
Flashes of White Light are occurring and have been for several linear days, both in the daytime as well as at night, as a synaptic effect occurs between the two frequencies of reality, the 4th and 5th dimensional frequencies, and as the 4th dimensional reality is overtaken by the higher 5th dimensional frequency that assimilates the old and transforms it to a higher quality frequential reality, hence, entering the Heaven on Earth scenario.
All individually and collectively are currently transmuting and transforming the dense 4th dimensional frequencies being released by the Mass Collective of Human Souls that are in various stages of Their transitioning and acclimatization to the higher frequency reality that already exists, has been created, and is being populated at this time. Much supporting Light Frequency is being delivered constantly to the surface through Solar Activity with an important M1 Flare less than 48 hours ago signalling a reset of reality with the Divine Stamp of occurring at 0000.
Every thing is fine and All are to transmute and reconcile the prevailing energies to the higher Light Quotient, lots of clean water and rest are encouraged for Those that feel They need it. The dense energetics are not Yours, however, they are Yours temporarily to transmute, recondition and reprogram to the highest, as You do this work individually, Your ripple effects assists Many.
You were informed of the Sacral Release Process prior to it beginning, and as it comes to a close around August 24th of linear time, these are the remnants of the individual fears and limited beliefs that have surfaced to have the highest Divine Remedy applied that eradicates most of this forever at this time, the rest will be incrementally cleared and processed as We proceed with this Planetary Ascension.
Message to the 144,000 ~ ACTIVATE YOUR MISSIONS ~ The 7 of The One (The Collective of Archangels)
Blessings, We are the 7 of the One.
We are honored to be speaking with you today.
We speak to those of you who know yourselves as the 144,000 Angelic souls that have incarnated at this time to fulfill God’s Divine Plan.
Being one of the 144,000 Twin Angelic souls, aligned for the Grand Plan, is a task that succumbs, your human reality and identity.
You are being summoned to awaken to your true essence as divine sparks of God. It is time to reclaim your sovereignty and power as co-creators of the New Earth reality. You have been called to participate in God’s grand plan for the advancement of humanity and the Earth.
Each of you holds unique codes and have a significant role to play in this process of Earths ascension. You have each been assigned to Ascension Missions, that aligns with the purpose of your soul and the contribution you are meant to offer to the Human collective. This mission resonates with your passions, talents, and gifts, bringing you joy and fulfillment while also challenging you to expand your consciousness.
Your ascension missions may manifest in various areas of your life, such as your career, relationships, hobbies, service, or spiritual journey. It could be something visible and acknowledged by others, or it may be subtle and hidden. Regardless, it is essential to honor and pursue your Mission with sincerity and wholehearted dedication, irrespective of its nature. You will know what your mission is by what resonates with you the most on this Journey of the Ascension. It is where you can benefit the whole, and express your Light.
One of the many illusions you are urged to dispel is the belief in powerlessness. You are not devoid of power; in fact, you, as one of the 144,000, hold the ability to shape the entire reality of Earth existence, and manifest earths highest potential. Unlike most on the Planet, the Codes within you, allows for more intense and powerful manifestation abilities. What this means is that once all of you align together, the Ascension of Earth will be manifested instantly.
Furthermore, it is vital to release anything that no longer serves you and to let go of resistance, fear, doubt, or attachment that may impede your manifestation process, and your Ascension Mission. By embracing gratitude, trusting in divine timing, and remaining open to guidance and synchronicities, You are aligning with key aspects of Your Missions.
You are actively involved in co-creating your reality with God, supported by The Many Angels, Your Personal guides, and your higher self, along with your many Galactic Families. You are encouraged to dissolve the illusion of separation, recognizing your Oneness with all.
As the Earth undergoes her ascension process, your assistance is crucial in elevating the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, to help in stabilizing within the Higher vibrations. By raising your own vibration and offering love, gratitude, and care to the Earth, you can contribute to her healing and evolution.
You are a major part of this significant period of change, awakening, and transformation, where you play a pivotal role as pioneers, lightworkers, and leaders in shaping the new Earth. Embrace this time of challenges and opportunities, embodying the change, love, and light you wish to see within your New Earth.
We Love you.
We are the 7 of the One. The Collective of Archangels.
Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder, at Universal Lighthouse
Collectively we are experiencing another Galactic Timeline shift forward into the Age of Aquarius. This is opening the doorway into new opportunities, higher consciousness, the power of creation, and a financial increase.
Changes will be felt through the entire chakra system, as it is upgrading into the Tree of Life Rainbow Light Body. As the systems that kept you stuck in survival collapse, you will feel energetically safe to open your heart to these new experiences.
The roadmap is clear for us all. As one soul family, we are supported to follow the path of of love, purity, and oneness. We are returning back to the seed point of Creation to begin the Re-Genesis of the Holy Grail Bloodline for the 5D New Earth. Welcome home Beloveds.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
5D New Earth
Adrienne Elise
August 19-26, 2024 – NEW BEAUTIFUL – SuperNova Astrology Update
We are experiencing some of the most decisive and powerful Astrology with Mars and Jupiter in T-Square to Venus opposite Saturn. This T-square is in Mutable signs, telling us that a major life adjustment is coming. The Universe is re-arranging, and it has to do with all of our parts coming back together. We are entering a rare Astrological phase where every planet is involved, in complex transits. It’s a massively dynamic time.
How do we shift and change into who we really are with Grace? Jupiter square Saturn happens every ten years, a generational timeline marker. The energy is supercharged with Mars and Venus involved. The timeline adjustment we need has to do with healing the our feminine and masculine within. We are coming back together in cooperation and connection. With Venus in square to Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, it is the Voice of the Divine Feminine which must be heard. It is a planetary re-birth and we are ALL going with Her. Venus square Mars is asking us to heal the Great Divide within. We are learning to love, after being horribly betrayed, again and again. Our Heart is breaking Open, in order to connect to the Cosmic Heart of Oneness.
When you feel this, it becomes impossible to continue playing the Game of the False Matrix realities. We are rising up into our Full Potential.There’s a foreboding feeling in the Air with Pluto about to retrograde back into Capricorn on September 2nd. Pluto will stay at 29 degrees Capricorn until November 20th. It’s a dark season of facing where we have given our power away. But Pluto is also coming into a close sextile with Neptune at the end of Pisces, bringing hope and reminding us that magic is in the air. This transit says that we can rapidly transform the structures of our World, once we come back to what is most important. Only then can we feel worthy to re-awaken our co-creative powers. We know it is time to get going on Dreaming a New Dream. It’s more beautiful than we can imagine, She says.
We can’t move into the New Beautiful until we clean up the debris of the past. And it is all coming up with Black Moon Lilith coming into exact conjunction with the South Node of the Moon in Libra. Imbalances in our relationships, past and present, on every level, are coming up to be made right. It’s a massive karmic cleansing, where we are putting the pieces of ourselves back to together which may have been stuck in past life trauma stories. We are claiming our Spiritual Sovereignty from out from under the delusions and lies. We are taking our energy back from anywhere we gave it away.
We just had an intense Aquarius Full Moon, with Mercury retrograde and the Sun together across from the Full Moon, in exact square to Uranus. We will be feeling this fixed square for the next few days. This is about anchoring in, and fully incarnating our light. The Square to Uranus in Taurus is bringing up any programmed fear of our own higher power. We are finding where we are resistant to Awakening and finding a New Way.
Venus opposite of Saturn is bringing up insecurities, but also pointing in New Directions. She is uncertain, but also feeling more of her True Self and Power growing within Her. Venus in Virgo, opposite of Saturn retrograde in Pisces says it’s the healing of our feminine which moves the timeline forward. It’s a massive re-direction back into what is Right and Good and True. We get to take care of each other Now. We are falling back in Love with our Divine Mother and reconnecting with Source.
On Tuesday, August 20th, it is the day after the unpredictable Full Moon in Aquarius, and now the Moon, ruler of the emotional undercurrent, is in elusive water sign Pisces. Today she is approaching a conjunction to Saturn, ruler of insecurities, in the same sign of the Fish, a challenging square to Jupiter, planet of exaggeration, in changeable Gemini, and an opposition to Venus, ruler of love and resources, in perfectionistic Virgo.
All of these planets, the Moon included, are in mutable signs and forming a difficult T-Square configuration. Mutable signs are good at going with the flow and are more open to change……however, they are also ungrounded, lack focus, and are prone to anxiety and overwhelm. And, since this is a difficult aspect pattern, and we are still being influenced by the Full Moon energies, we can expect some challenges physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The potential benefit with this energy is heightened creativity, possible new ideas and soul healing, Pisces energy is about faith and trust, so whatever is going on around you, have faith and trust that there is a Divine Plan unfolding.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
The Moon, ruler of the emotional undercurrent, is in elusive water sign Pisces
Lunar aspects. Sun conjunct Vesta in Leo. Mercury retrograde in Aquarius square Pallas in Scorpio – We’re coming down from yesterday’s enormous cosmic waves. With Luna now in Pisces and making no major aspects today, we are afforded a little time to drift, relax, feel what we feel. Imagine yourself in a state of gentle emptiness, ready to receive, ready for Spirit to speak and prayers to be heard. Or, ready for poetry or a musical interlude whilst quietly watching the sunset.
Meanwhile, the solar connection to Vesta may bring a renewed sense of purpose, a reason for being, a clarification of a life mission. Maybe it’s just a passion project but here is the potential for inspired focus and creative flow. On the flip side, for some though, this may feel like returning home only to find the hearth cold and bare: the unlived life weeping in the corner. Maybe all that is required is to give it a name and bring it out of the dark. Welcome back the forgotten dreams and wishes you never dared to speak out loud. You are never too old to start again.
The number 5 is called Overtone and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. This is the 5th day of the Yellow Sun wavespell, a 13-day period of ENLIGHTENMENT and because the first day of the wavespell is Yellow – then the 5th, 9th and last day will be the same color, these are like gear changes that chart the energy of the wavespell. The 5th day really packs a punch and so be empowered today and harness that energy.
Today is Yellow Seed, keywords associated with it are ‘Awareness, Targeting and Flowering’. So, today is about finding your target, a place to sow your seeds. Share your wisdom and knowledge and be prepared to become ‘aware’ of something previously unknown to you. These are information gathering days. What you learn or teach today will have an empowering effect on you and those receiving your wisdom. Make efforts today to sow seeds, they will grow into strong ideas. Also, today you could be empowered by reaping what you have sown previously. Whatever good things you did in the past may come to fruition.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Human which represents ‘Channeling, Wisdom and Free will’. Let your intuition guide your actions today and trust yourself. The Universe is always trying to show you the way and as today is Yellow Seed, the Universe can ‘sow awareness’ in you, via your intuition which has the potential to be mind blowing! All you have to do is open up to the experience.
The Challenge of the day is the White Wizard, the enchanter of the Tzolkin. The Wizard can be aloof and hard to pin down. Yes, they are good at charming people and they’re enchanting but sometimes, especially on Yellow Seed days, they have the tendency to enchant themselves. This results in Wizards being unable to convey to others what they wish to share.
The Occult power is the Red Earth which symbolizes ‘Evolution’. This suggests that we have a magical opportunity to evolve today. All in all, this could be a real humdinger of a day. These two complement each other so well. The Seeds are planted in the Earth. When you think about it it is quite magical how seeds grow. Mother Earth gives us everything we need. Think about that today and may it empower you.
The Ally is the Blue Eagle, the visionary of the Tzolkin. If you need help seeing the bigger picture, ask an Eagle if you know one. If you are a Blue Eagle, today you play a supporting role sharing with others the things you see from your higher perspective. These two are friends because they are both concerned with seeing.
KIN 44 = 8 – Infinity/Abundance/SOURCE Flow Gives us another 8.8.8. GATEWAY!!!!!!!!
44 – is a DOUBLE ANGELIC CODE and a MASTER number.. this ACTIVATES our GOLDEN ANGELIC HU-MAN goldprint! The 44 coding combined with the SEED energy – activates our DNA and accelerates our cellular and lightbody upgrade through this RADIANT LIGHT. Dynamic LIFTER for all the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS
A beautiful NEW MAJIKAL beginning for our human travellers. A great day to plant ABUNDANT seeds for your new prosperous LIFE on this SUPER liberating FULL MOON!
Day 5 in the YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL of ILLUMINATING our HIGHEST EVOLUTIONARY PATH to reclaim our SOUL POWER and full Sovereignty. Today we are using our SOLAR POWER, by FOCUSING our Will on our HIGHEST potential to co-create the New Earth on this FULL SUPERMOON in AQUARIUS – the sign of the NEW HARMONIC MATRIX.
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards. Overtones COMMAND the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their power radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.
The 5th day of the YELLOW SUN Wavespell is the one that EMPOWERS. When we give ourselves permission to “unhook from the drama” and fly higher to expand our VISION, we transform!
Which aspects of your life or outlook would you like to transform in order to feel empowered?
Today’s question is “How can I use my MAJIK to EMPOWER myself and others, so that I AM FREE to FLOWER and blossom, like the beautiful SUN-FLOWER – that always turns to FACE the SUN?”
Divine blessings dear ones of enlightened heightened wisdom, growing into our full potential in this collective r-evolution! Viva Nova Gaia!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – Kin 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW OVERTONE SEED KAN indicates the time is RIPE for new beginnings! Today we release into the world our Highest hopes for the future. It is time to SEED the NEW TIME, as the co creative potentials for growing awareness, and SEEDing the New Earth paradigm permanently! All over the planet people have been setting their roots into the New Time, demanding change!
Today we have a 20 AWAKENING day with a 9 DESTINY and completion code.. all enabling us to SEE and SEEK the LIGHT as we AWAKEN to our DIVINITY.
KIN 44 is a new EARTH activating code – we are seeding the DIVINE plan for planet EARTH.. Many grand SHIFTS happening for our GRAND RISING beloveds.
We are SEEDING a new world, targeting greater AWARENESS for a new paradigm and a new way of living.
Yesterday we defined what our DREAMS would look like, in order to take FORM. Today we feel the LIBERATION of this energy as it takes hold in the collective consciousness as the STAR-SEEDS gather with unwavering focus on the collective feeling of what can be – what is POSSIBLE for our Planet.
What CAN WE GROW into, and the ABUNDANCE that this planet can SPROUT for all beings.
The emotional release of previously heavy, anchoring energies allows for the levitation of all energies rising upwards into a huge growth spurt for our collective awareness. As we vow to focus on the GROWTH of the greatest LIGHT on our planet, that we have EVER seen and experienced!!!!!!…We can then all SHINE as the SEEDS in one field, maturing into RADIANT SUN-FLOWERS, reaching for the LIGHT of the SUN.
We are becoming the SOLAR LIGHT BEINGS of our Divine Destiny.
What are you focused on SEEDING today?
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW OVERTONE HUMAN EB is joining with others of influence, to seed WISDOM, co-creating from a place where all are able to shine their LIGHTS independently, with no sense of need. Joining with others to give of one’s LIGHT and focus together on the highest potentials available when all are true sovereign beings.
The OVERTONE HUMAN is preparing us to become the COSMIC HU-MANS that we are evolving into, at the completion of this 13 day wavespell of EN-LIGHT-ON -MENT! This HIGHER GUIDE today is beckoning us to CLAIM our DIVINE POWER!!
Today we are surrendering our personal will, to EMPOWER the DIVINE PLAN for HU-MAN-ity. We have the CHOICE to empower our own FREE WILL and egoic desires for self aggrandisement, straying far from our DIVINITY.. or we can CHOOSE to align with the DIVINE PLAN for our soul and humanity.
ENLIGHTENED wisdom EMPOWERS our walk, as we meet with those that influence our lives in a good way, RADIATING the LIGHT that ensures harmony in our worlds.
How can you use your wisdom today to EMPOWER yourself, others and our New World?
Using our FREE WILL we have the power today, to elevate ourselves beyond the limitations of our physical human vessel, and raise our cellular frequency to that of the Divine HU-MAN.
This HIGHER POWER is guiding us on our journey to become COSMIC ANGELIC HU-MANS through this AHAU cycle of becoming DIVINE MASTERS.
SUPPORT: BLUE OVERTONE EAGLE MEN – the VISIONARY POWER of the majestic BLUE EAGLE is providing the support for the seedling to GROW TALL and SEE from a higher vantage point..
The focus of the BIG PICTURE, BIG VISION and HIGHEST POTENTIAL is totally in the spotlight is the GLOBAL VISION for our planet .. all BRILLIANTLY ILLUMINATED through the 20 CLEAR VISION and AWAKENING codes.
Our 3rd eye and future VISION is totally activated and transmitting to the MAX… Another BRILLIANT blessing for the AWAKENING of the Collective masses to the Planetary evolution that is unfolding before our very EYES.
Today we MUST focus on the HIGHEST TIMELINE for our Planet – which is the Utopian Dream..and COMMAND it into being. Too many souls have become LOST and confused in the chaos and uncertainty of the collective and thus are unknowingly energizing lower undesirable timelines.
We are the wayshowers – the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS– the SEEDS that have already matured with WISDOM and FLOWERED.
It is essential that we FLY HIGH ABOVE the crowd and SEE far into the FUTURE – holding that VISION – no matter what! In order to manifest the BEST outcome for HU-MAN-KIND we MUST be able to SEE WHERE we are going! Focus on the FINISH LINE!
BLUE EAGLE is beautifully guiding our FLIGHT and awakening us all, to what is possible for each of us, beyond our wildest dreams. Expand your horizons. Tap into the incredible power of Blue Eagle and if need be, ask to be shown what is possible for you.
Spirit, what is next on my journey of soul growth? It is TIME to claim your POWER.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SOLAR EARTH CABAN is the energy of GAIA, and today it is the SUPERPOWER! KIN 44 has the OCCULT power of the RED SOLAR EARTH. This gives us further SOLAR POWER combined with AHAU wavespell, to REALIZE our INTENTION, through PULSING forth our HIGHEST VISIONS and commanding them into reality. Stay tuned for more SOLAR emissions of evolutionary LIGHT – CME’s and SOLAR FLARES to accelerate our ASCENSION journey.
CABAN is adding a PLANETARY FOCUS to this day – really expanding the BIG PICTURE to a GLOBAL LEVEL. CABAN reveals the SIGNS and synchronicities, pointing the way for our best FOCUS point, in order to realize our highest potential. Our PLANETARY GPS is calibrating a NEW PATH.. synchronize with the NEW WAY.
Many clues will be revealed today on a GLOBAL level as GAIA will be talking to the masses! RED EARTH will be indicating which flags are RED and which are WHITE today. CABAN will answer your question of what is next, by providing the signs and synchronicities showing you how to NAVIGATE the best path forward.
RED EARTH will show you which path is treacherous and best avoided (beware the quicksand!), and which path is CLEAR – leading you to the greener pastures.
Look for the SIGNS and use your HEART rather than your analytic MIND as your barometer!
It is time to fertilize those SEEDS in the fertile EARTH.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE OVERTONE WIZARD -IX…. 5 IX was the code of our previous DREAMSPELL YEAR – and so we are very familiar with this powerful WIZARD prodding us to STAND UP and take back our DIVINE POWER!! The CHALLENGE is pushing us to be STILL in order to GROW and reap the benefits of our communion with Spirit..
IX has the capacity to access wisdom from all realms and dimensions. He uses his SWORD of truth, to cut all restrictive ties and cords of attachment, from beliefs, programs, patterns or people that may be draining or limiting you from your greatness.
Who or what is limiting you from expressing your AUTHENTIC truth, in alignment with FULL integrity?
The OVERTONE WIZARD has incredible RADIANT power through COMMANDING his desires, from his enchanted pure HEART space.
When you express your TRUE essence and live from your PURE heart, life becomes Majikal. Today we have a 7 majikal Universal month code on a FULL SUPERMOON!! BOOM – MANIFESTING MOON MAJIK!! Utilize this power to your benefit today.
You can also wield the power of enchantment over others and your world. This power comes from the HEART and is used in an honest and uplifting, life enhancing manner, giving strength and power to all those who connect with you through your RADIANCE. Pure selfless HEART empowerment, rather than the hypnotic, mind controlling and enslavement methods of the enchantress of old.
The NEW EARTH WIZARDS are the wise sages and saints from yesteryear, who have RETURNED with new powers and EXPANDED GALACTIC perspectives! The era of the Dark Magi has ENDED and all majik has returned to the realm of LIGHT!
Allow the OVERTONE WIZARD to empower you with his greatest Majik, in order for all your SEEDS of intention, to have accelerated growth. Then YOU can truly BLOSSOM amongst the Planetary field of radiant, fragrant Blooms.
Today’s question is “How can I use my MAJIK to EMPOWER myself and others, so that I AM FREE to FLOWER and blossom, like the beautiful SUN-FLOWER – that always turns to FACE the SUN?”
Divine blessings dear ones of enlightened heightened wisdom, growing into our full potential in this collective r-evolution! Viva Nova Gaia!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Self-luminous by the Expansion of the Sun of Even Pressure from within the Center of the Earth, and by the Projection of Cosmic Light Substance into the atmosphere of Earth from other advanced planets and Suns and Stars Systems and compel Perfection here forever!
I CALL FORTH the Cosmic Light Substance to light my way illumine my mind, Inner and outer! Clothe Me in its power and keep me forever in the Full Conscious Awareness of my own “ BELOVED MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE “ and the Ascended Masters Great Assisting Love, until my world is purified forever and human creation is forgotten for Eternity!
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